AGRICULTURE. " Fkkdikgin Cold WKATHEE.-Whether it is due to carelessness or to a want of knowledge of the requirements of the fowls we cannot say, but many who keen and breed fowls adhere to the old- time practice of feeding corn, corn and nothing else, winter and summer, and then expect their fowls to do well, to lay plenty of eggs and to keep in good health. They may, and no doubt will get fat on such food, when given in lib eral quantities, hut then that is not all that Is required. In summer fowls re quire food which will not cause a pro i duction of much fat, while in winter they require food of a more heating na ture to successfully resist the cold, al though' It should be given not too liber ally, or else they will become too fat; and the food should be changed at regu lar intervale to obtain the best results. During the winter months it will be found to be a good plan to warm the gram and other food before feeding it. and not leaving the fowls run out in the morn before the weather has become warm. This latter' is very necessary with Leghorns and other large combed birds. A supply of. meat scraps, or a mush made of corn meal with a fair proportion of finely chopped meat, should be given during the winter, to supply the absence of bugs, worms and' hoppers, which the summer affords. Frosted Roots and Plants. If a potato is frozen and again thawed, a , porlion or the starch will have been are ruined for culinary use. The freez ing of parsnips and salsify in the soil where they grow has the effect to con vert an additional portion of their sub stance into sugar, but those vegetables are rendered better for- cooking. So also a certain amount of frost increases the solid matter of some plants, cabbage for instance, and also increases their sacharlne. Again, beets and carrots, as the weather becomes com, or alter frosty nights set in, largely increase in nutri ment, and especially in suga-. If these facts are borne in mind it will help the farmer greatly in knowing the proper time to gather root crops. Potatoes must not be chilled at all. Beets are injured by actual freezing. Thus varie ties which grow partially out of the ground should be gathered before they are liable to be frozen ; those varieties, the bulbs of which grow under the sur lace, may be left longer ; carrots longer still. Cabbages, turnips and rutabagas continue to mature through freezing nights and warm days, and parsnips and salsify are not injured, but on the other hand are better for being frozen while in the soil. Manure for the Garden. A eood supply of manure for a garden may be made from the refuse of any household. A shallow pit may be made, and some chaff, short straw, the contents of a worn "Tmattr ess, grass, sods, weeds, woolen rags, burned bones, waste from the kitchen, , wooden-ashes, chimney ' sweepings, scrapings of roads, earth, chip-dust, saw-dust, manure from the poultry house, old , boots and shoes chopped into shreds, and all such mat ters may bejthrown Into this pit and the waste slops of the house, soap suds, &c, may be thrown upon them. (In the course of a year a large pile can be gath ered, and if a cow and a few chickens are kept the waste from these may add larsrelv to the heap. The heap should be keptbullt up squarely and hollow at the top. A bag of bone-dust aauea to iri1 sir feet smmro nA . garden, and help to produce sufficient vegetables to supply a large family. - - i To Relieve Choked Cows. My way Is to open the mouth of the choked am ,mal and insert a clevis wide enough to :keep the jaws distended, and give space for the passage of a boy's hand. I hold this clevis in place, while my boy passes his hand through and picks out the apple or other obstruction, Any boy whose hand is small enough without crowding, can easily remove the trouble with en tire safety. I have tried to do it myself but my hand is too large. There is no difficulty or danger if the clevi3 is firm ly held in position. Scrofula in tows. in the advanced state or tms disease, treatment ol any kind will be entirely useless. The dis ease, like consumption in man, is in variably ratal. , uut its most serious feature is the considerable period that often elapses before the result is reached, , and during which the animal becomes loss valuable. Milk from such a cow is aptto produce-phthisis or consumption in man; and I would be suicidal to con sume it, Knowing it to come rrom such an animal. " Potatoes can be kept from rotting by dusting them with, lima, using abont one bushel of lime to 40 bushels of po tatoes. DOMESTIC. Thb Valuk of , Sod p. There are hundreds of families in comfortable cir cumstances who never have soup at dinner (which without soup is always a failure,) unless it be in a sort of ragout, the product of what farmers call a boiled dinner. They are not aware how easy it is to procure ordinary soup, and now cheap it Is too. It can be made of almost anything, and a pot bf water placed on the stove may be the recipient of divers ' odds and ends of meat and vegetables to excellent advantage. After these have been boiled a few hour 8 there will be found in the pot a very good soup, wholesome, nourish ing, appetizing, and its cost will be nominal. If the experiment were tried, many families would be surprised and pleased at the result. They would have much better dinners for almost nothing than they have hitherto had any idea of, and once accustomed to soup they could not be persuaded to relinquish it. A simple soup benefits at once health, appetite, and the purse. To Bottle Cider. Put your cider in a cool cellar ; add one pound of double refined sugar to each gallon of cider, Keep the bung out until the cider is done working say one month; then close the bung until the cider has ob tained the flavor to suit; the sooner you bottle it after it is done working the eweetet it will be. I generally bottle January ; it must not be bottled before it is done working, or it will break the bottles. Use champagne bottles only, (it will burst any other kind,) and straight velvet corks ; soak the corks in warm water, compress them, drive them in with a wood mallet ; set the barrel up 16 inches, so as noC to disturb it when you draw it In the bottles, as you will ruin It if disturbed after working; draw direct in the bottles ; add to each bottle one teaspoonful sugar; cork it up immediately after filling; double wire each bottle ; lay on the side in a cool cellar. It will keep for years. HUMOROUS. j Poking Fcn at Pepper, Mx. Pepper was, riding by the door of Mr. Hash meat when the latter who was conver sing with one or two of his neighbors, called to him, saying : . "Hoi, Mr. Pepper don't be in such haste; stop tell us a lie." "Haven't time," responded Pepper. "Bottle and Cork had a Quarrel ahnnt their wives this morning, and Bottle was killed, and I guess Cork will die he's shot through the breast, and I'm going after Dr. Probe." And he galloped off. "Bless my heart! How awful! Let us go down, friehds, and pick up par- And so they did. only to find Bottle and Cork living, gound in body, Berene in spirix, ana wun not an idea of a quarrel. As they rode homeward, Hashmeat reflectively said : "Sold, by George ! We asked for a lie, and we got it, and a. six mile ride to boot. 'Taint safe to poke fun at Pepper." the mia-olled remedies of the thannacorxeia. The atommch is strengthened, the liver regm- 1 - . - . . 1 . . . T. 1 . 1 V, . uwa, we DOweis put in prup ucr, wiB moon enncned and panned, ana ine nervous system rendered tranquil and'vigorons by this inesti mable family medicine and safeguard against disease,, which is, moreover, a most agreeable and effective appetizer, and a cordial peculiarly adapted to the wants of the aged and infirm, delicate females, and convalescing patients. It is, besides, immensely popular' as an anti dote to malaria. Thk Commos BncProMS o f Liver Complain are sallow skin, coated tongue, cosUveuess, offensive breath, drowsiness, headache. Per sons thus affected may be speedily cared by a few doses of Schenck's Mandrake Pills. They are applicable in all diseases where mercury is usually prescribed, while they possess this ad vantage over mercury; they are purely vegeta ble and perfectly harmless. All Druggists sell them. Ir Troubled with Constipation, take land's German Bitters. Game Birds. Fine game birds are always heavy for their size; the flesh of the breast is firm and plump, and tiie skin clear; and if a few feathers be plucked from the inside of the leg ajnd around the vent, the flesh of freshly killed birds will be fat and fresh-colored ; if it is, dark and discolored, the game has been hung a long time. The wings of good ducks, geese, pheasants and woodcock are tender to the touch ; the tips of the long wing-feathers of par trtdges are pointed in young birds and round in old ones. Quail, snipe, and small birds should have full, tender breasts. - r t A pretty pattern for a sofa pillow, for the benefit of Jadies who dislike to try their eyes by counting stitches, may be made by taking worsted of four colors, dividing the length of the cushion into four parts and making each the base of a pyramid. Work each row ia a different tint, and when the four pyramids are done, turn the canvas and till In the spaces either wun plain pvramids in the darkest tint or with dark garnet. , If the right colors be used, the effect will be something like that of a cashmere shawl. Fashionable Preaching. As he was ascending the pulpit steps, one of the elders button-holed him to whisper an additional caution. "The liquor dealer has lust come Into the church, and he gives us a lift some times. I wish you would be particular not to allude to ihe whisky business or the temperance question." the young minister, getting fairly frightened to see the moral ground thus steadily narrowine before him. inquired : "vv nom or whatshall I preach against then?" The elder's reply came like an air of iriumpn. "Preach against the Mormons; thev naven t got a mend in town !" The American Agriculturist, N. Y. says: " 'From Dark to Dawn,' Kev. Dr March's new book, published by J. C. aicuuray s vo., I'ouadelpnia. is an elegantly bound and printed work, illustrated with tine, full-page, steel engravings. These stories of notable incidents of sacred History are written in a very attractive style, and the work has the endorsement ot prominent divines for accuracy, purity of sent! meat, and high moral tone. It will nnd a welcome in many homes. The work makes a magnificent holiday resent. Agents wanted, everywhere, to sell it. BooJ- IF D FITS! FITS! FITS! CUKE OF EPILEPSY; OR, FALLING FITS, BV HANCE9 atPIXKPTIO PILL. F.reoae laboring ander thia 4iitTTiti naiad will find Hue Epileptic Pills to tw th alr ran lr v diOOTr4 for curing KpUepar or Jelling fit. The following eertiacata th.nld bo read by all Mm efllictel; they are In very imet true, and taoaM they be read by any oh who U not afflicted kimMlf, If a ha a friend who ia a infferar, ho wll do a ha aaaa act by catting this oat ad nading it to alia. A HOST ; ecu. Messrs. Cbaddock t Co., 1032 Race St Gentlemen Please send me another box of India Hemp. My. wife is decidedly better and thinks your medicine will core her; she has tried many consumptive remedies and all have failed to reach her case except yours. I have had some experience with your medicine before. over twenty years ago, wnen aii our oest pny sicians had decided that my mother had incur able Consumption and she 'must die. We sent to ine doctor for some uannaDis inaica, it cured her. She has lived 20 years since, is well, now and free from any lung trouble. Her faith is so strong in it, that she thinks u any one will go according to directions with the Syrup, Pills and Ointment, they will be cared; and if they fail, there is no use of trying anything else. Eeapect fully, - MARKLE, Terre Haute, Ind. Ir YorB Liver is Disordered HooflawVs Ger man Bitters will set it aright. Good Advice Better than Gold. If yon are within reach of Philadelphia, and suffer with Rheumatism, enquire of Captain Carrie, Police Headquarters; A. W. Frick. Esq., of the Evening Bulletin or of M. Hartman, Truck D, Phila. 1'ire Department, as to what they know of the wonderful curative powers of Dr. Herndon's Gypsey's Gift. Sold by all Druggists in Philadelphia. Send for circular o J. J. GrindaU. Box 520 P. 0. Baltimore. PaiLADILraii, JB S, IMf. Sxth HiJCt, Sir: Booing yonr advertisement, I iu ind need to try yonr fcaT leptioPiUt. 1 waa attacked with Epilepev tojnfy, 183. ImtmedUuly my ptivstcisa wa aammonod, bt bo eonld gin mo no roUot. I then oonanltod aaotbor physician, bot I eeemed to grow worse. 1 then tried the treatment of another, bat withoat any good (Sect. I again returned to my family physician: waa cupped and bled aeroral tltrea. I wae generally attacked without aay premonit tt symptoms. I bad had bom two tofiTe flu a day, at loterrala or two week. I waa often attacked in my sleep, and would fall wherever I would be, or w hate tot be occupied with, and was PTcrely Injured aeToral timet from the laua. I waa affected to much that 1 loot all oonndenoe in myoelf. I alao waa affected la my baaineaa, and 1 consider that tout KollODtio PiUs en red mo. In Febmarr. 1866, 1 commenced to in yonr PUU), and only had two attacks afterward. The last one was April a. 1869, and they were of a loss serious character. With the blwstug of Providence your medicine waa made the Instrument by which I was cured of that distressing affliction. Itaiak tnat the Puis and their good effects should be mad known everywhere, that persona who are similarly affected may have the benefit of them. Any person wishing further information eaa obtain it by calling at my reatdenoe. No. SMUoxU Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilxum XLama. MATTRESSES Of C-wrleet-Havlr. Hatak and rmtrn Wwweat-wtro) and all celebrated pwtec litfieMQl " ' .n ihAMerhlv ,legti and irtBLPU,( guaranteed never to ameu.J m nade na mJPiliatn. laaaaaeira and He sin. Blan kets, Comfortables and Bedding in graoral. STERNBERGER'S Old Reliable feather and Bedding Depot, IIS Maria Mcewad above Arch. riUlaelaw tftnUi amM MM hUh prices RAGING War on the monopolist renewed, snaanawei Sne Kemttv 1 latest sewsnaner raiirwy T" lefore buying PIANO or OBQAM read my Ut stelr alar; lowest prices ever given; moat nueeeeeful 1 ho- su America: commenced a few years ago without a 010 dollar- ealee now QR6.Ni DSAfffu' P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HIST0RYiW0RLD a--.I,.. .1. fn 11 i.He eeannta Of nation of ancient and modern, trnias, and Inrisrflng a Elatory of the rise and fall of the Ores earf Hoeaan Implres.the growth of the nations of nwfernjpe, the niiddlo agea, the emnades, thofemdal Jtjsn , Oji reformation, the dieoovery and setUseuent ettaoMee) woru,ecBqan. It contains e71 Cm km double column Hlatorr of the Wori sight. Send for specimen Acenta. and see why it sella faster than L nnyower AlllfflsVll TV BMlBlMtiv we IsWaikll, Pa. book. e, ana eee Address, THERE III A CUBE FOB EPIIEFIT, The subjoined wUl answer. Oaaiiana, Miss., Jmne M: Snrn S. Bun-Dear Bir : You will find inclosed five dollars, which I send you for two boxes of your fcpileplic Pills. Iwastnenrst person who tried your '. My sun was twdl . I wrote lor and re Pills id this part of the country SjBicted wUb at tee eMe. I vtww ,ur nun i. ceived two boxes 01 your rias. wmcn ne won Hen ing to directions. Hs has never had a fit since. It was by my persuasion that Mr. Lyon tried your Pills. His case was a very bad one; he had flu nearly all his life. Perrons have written to me from Alabama and Tennessee on the subject, lor the of ascer taining my opinion in regard to your Pills. I have always recommended them,, and in no instance where I have had a chance of bearing from their effect hart they failed to cure. Tours, etc., 0. H. Oct. Grenade, Talabusha Oo., at' -a. IT COSTS NOTHING! V - A m-m.A MM BA aBV A&Tm OB indivs'triaT and rund freighT if not' rchaaed. Solid walnut cans, 11 stops, !- loii Allecer. Bowl by & Co., Chept Ty Ijantern'to Best Bf reoptloon j L t a hrTBvnt WilfTtD Oraat Needham ( THEO. J. HAKBACtt Musical Marvel. I 809 Filbert St.PhilacU.. r-a. If Yoc are Dyspeptic Bitters will cure you. Iloojlands German Hon. A. II, Stevens, The great Etatesman of the South, sayB: "I used Durang's Bheumatic Bemedy for rheum atism with great benefit" It never fails to cure the worst case. Bend for circular to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washing ton, D. C Sold by all druggists. She Had Him Thkrk. One day lately, one of our fascinating store clerks who desires to be considered a "Beau-Hick-nian" in politeness, rushed out to a wagon that had just stopped before the store, and with one of his sweetest smiles addressed a rather pretty 'country gal" with "shall I help you to alight?" "Xo, thank you," she curtly said, "I don't smoke, but if yer' got ary chaw'er tobacker' 'bout yer close, young man, I'll sample it." He meekly handed her his plug, which, after biting a large chev? off, she complacently put in her pocket with a "thank ye, thls'll do me for a few days." "Phancy his pheelinks." "But sich is life." An experienced doctor in the west says his Dills are cue uown in lamuies in proportion as they eat fresh fruit. Strawberries, .currants and tomatoes are better than medicine, than calomel or jalap, and rather better to take, Apples etiveaten tne worK OI vermiiuge ?'SrtB; -jarcrr -Trtrtlror lwrfir has P yrolign'eous acid may be used with success In preserving leather from the attacks ot mold, and is serviceable in recovering it after it has received that speoles of damage, by passing it over the surface of the hide or skin, first take' due care to.rernove the moldy spots by. the application of a dry cloth. Marking Ink for Parcels. Dissolve asphaltum, grahamite, albertUe, or any mineral of this character, in naphtha or oil of turpentine, to a thin fluid, and you will obtain an ink to answer all your purposes, viz ; to dry quickly, not to spread, and 4he markings to te nearly indestructible. . The Egyptian papyrus plant affords a most lovely object for Irontyaru decora tion. We have, Seen it, and if others appreciated its beauties as we do, for this purpose, the demand on florists for young plants the coming season would be large. An old horseshoe painted in two bright colors makes a pretty wall orna raent. Red and blue is a very good combination, provided it accords with the other decorations of the room. Gild the nails and fasten close to the wall. . Music in Half an Hour. Not long ago a burly countryman standing six feet in his hobnails, called at the house of a teacher of music. In answer to his rather powerful knock the door was opened and his business inquired iuto. v" I see by this here brass thing that the-lady teaches music," he said, in tone which implied some doubt on the subject. : - He was told his surmises were beyond question.. "Then what I want is just to take a few leSsonS on the Tilano," he replied selutoa .commercial speculation, he added, cautiously : , " Is she dcar in her charges?" He was referred for 'information to the lady herself, and was requested to wait while his object was reported. ".Stop a bit," he said, with evident mistrust of his resources; "you see it is just this : I sings in the choir at our church, and 1 don't know no music like the rest of 'em; but-1 be come down for a training in the militia, and I thought as how I'd have half a hour 'with the lady at the piano, so as how to know as much as t'others when I get home." . "You don't expect to k-arn the piano Jn half an hour, do you?" ex- ciaimeu ine servant who haU answered- the door. " Why, the young ladies : who come here are playing from morn ing till night, and they come all the 'year around, and then can't play, all of them," f r. ,:-. The country cjiorister opened his eyes. "You don't mean that!" he gasped. . 41 All the year round! from morning . till nigliX J What a heap o' money it mast cost, to be sure ! I don't think I'll trouble the lady. Only to think, strumming on a piano from morning till .night, all the year round ! Well, well" and pulling himself together, the ifnusfcal militiaman went off in a fit of abstraction, , A pinch of brown sugar added to stove blackibz causes it to stick and polish easier. When making coffee, salt. add a pinch of Ventilation. We may. not believe it, but it is a fact nevertheless, that we take better care of our criminals than we do of our school children at least as far as pure air is concerned. The air in several school rooms in New York, on exanii nation, averaged twenty parts of car borne acul in 10.000, while the air in tha nrjan" nvprntrpil .nnlv 14.1 uarts. is 'said that misery loves company; it be true, we do not lack friends this cause, for the following facts, ta ken from an English newspaper, show ,1, . . 1. ! , . : mui at mis time, (.iiere are. even in England, places still in the dark, and people not far removed from barbarism as well as in this enlightened Amer ica : A young lady who had been en gaged as a teacher in the boar'ling school at North Devon, found that, be sides twenty girls, there were thirty boys in the school. All the boys slept in one room, the capacity of which was not enough for Ave. The young lady had to make the beds in the boys' dor mitory, whicli was the only place they had for washing; and, as there were only four basins, half of them often went down dirty. The sheets were only changed twice in oije half year, and, when measles and other illnesses occurred, no doctor was called in. The young teacher had to sleep in the same bed with four others, and when an in fectuous disease broke out they all got it. Several pupils carried the infec tion to their homes. Although the household consisted of seventy persons only one female servant was kept, and sometimes there was no servant at alj. The greatest benefactor of bis race will be th person who will invent a cheap, efficient, and perfect method of ventilation. Even if we are not smart, we" know what to do when troubled with a cough or cold. No doctor bills for us. We take twenty-five cents, go to the near est Drug Store and buy a bottle of Dr. liuii's Couen ISvrun. Une dose relieves us and one bottle cures us entirely, it ia pleasant to the taste. Nervous old gentleman to watch maker: "No, none of them will do. I to hear a watch lick, for nrftrjepr me awake, watchmaker: "Ah I I see, sir You want one of the 'silent watches of the night.' I don't keep 'em. Swartz.yikyer to his Wife:. "Now, sen here, mine lof, better as you had Johnny let a leetle op von dat candy eaten, obber der first thing you don't know, he haf some toothache in his teeth, und haf been skwallin' around all night mit der cholera morbus in his jaw don't it?" . If You Would Enjoy Good Uoojlaiids German Bitters. Health tfake Reliable Dry Goods House. If vou want Silks.Black Goods Dress Goods, Hosiery or Dry Goods of any kind below the market prices, and wisb to haye the advan tage of all the grea't trade sales, and of losses made by importers, send your orders or write for samples to B. F. Dewees,1124 (formerly of 7251Chestnut street They send out thousands of samples and fill orders daily from all parts of the country. ANOTH1B REMABKABL1 CUREOFEPILKPSY; OB, FALLING FITS, BI HANOI'S EPILEPTIC PILLS. MoHTSOKIlT. Texu, Jun, JM7. To S'th B. HaHcs: A perion in my employ had been afflicted with Kita, or Kpili-psr. fur ttiirfcwu vwi, bi had these att&cki at interval of two to foul weeks, and oft-ntimi aereral ia quick lucceseaou, omeiimee continuing foo two or three dat. On ievj eral occaaiona they lasted until hi mind appeared totally deranged, in which atate he would couuuna for a aay or two after the flta had ceaaed. I tried aev, eral remedies un-acnited by our resident physicians, but without aucoeai. Having seen your advertisement 1 concluded to try your remedy. I obtained two bozaa of yourPilla gave them according to directions and they effected a permanent cure. The person 11 now a atout and healthy man, about 90 yeara of age and ha aaM had a fit since hs commenced taking your medioioo, urn years since. He waa my pnucipal "Rgoner and haa, since that tune, been exposed to octevereat of weathi-r. 1 have great eonfidenca it vour remedy, and would like every one who haa Sitl to give it a trial. . DkFkm. Bead the testimonials. In an adjoining col- . . a i umn, of persons wno nave nsea nti ueeu benefitted by Hance's Epileptic fills as a rem edy for Epilepsy, or Falling, Fits, 'lhey are certainly convincing. For Pimples on the Face, use UieskelVs Tet er Ointment. It never fails tb remove them. Cut This Out It May Save Tour Life. There is no person Living but what Buffers more or less with Lung Disease, Couebs, Colds, or Consumption, yet some would die rather tliau pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. Boschee's German Syrup baa lately been introduced in this couutryfroni Germany, and its wondrous cures astorjisljen 9-J-ery ouetuat try it. If you. doubt what we ' in prjtt aoi nr. A tuba ir. tn t-',u r TI1.E, ASOTHEB CUBE. ' Road the following testimonial from a respectable eitise-.i of Granada, Miss. Beth 8. Hasce, Baltimore, Md. near Sir: I tak treat pleasure in relating a cano of Spasms, or Fita. cured by your invaluable Pilla, My brother, J.J. Ligon, hasloug been afflicted with this awful disease. He was first attacked while suite young. He would have one or two spasms at one attack at nrst, but at te grew older they seemed to increase. Up to tha time he commenced taking your Pilla lie had then very often ana QUe severe, prwuum ,'u," """ and mind. Hia mind had Buffered seriously, but now I am happy to aay , he ia cured of these lita. He bat enjoyed fine health for the iant hve moutha. H i imud has alao returned to ita original brightness All this 1 take great pleasure in communicating, bl. it may be the means of directing otuere to the rsuieuy that will cure them. , ,., Yours respectfully etc. W. P. Liooji. Sent to any part of the countrr, by .malt, free of postage, on receipt of a remittance. Address SKTe SIhaNCB, 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Price, one I.. X, S3, two, &; twelve, $27. , WPltaao mention waare vo saw this Wsrtif ment. WE HAYB IT AT LAST. Representative Business Houses Philadelphia: TO AAHKCtClMlETTEH.'! 3 BUTTON KID GLOVES. FBEXCH AS1 BilrUin lusuiani. AND ELEGAST SILK DRI3S FATTKkVSS XIV PREJ1IU5IS Tot Subacribers, at Cli) Kartee, to m TTnmn Vnrrnmnn tfiB lUll 1 aillilc il-OaitUiij iui lQia: Fo- so many yer a gu In the homrs andhearta of the peop e.wlth whose nouaenoiu car i ?iea, ansScial hfe .Inter. and P1'""" J Aa."N closely identified itaelf, the MuMk MAO A A IN ft. come again, aa the new year approachee.' and ajika for the ola piaw ubuhi uu H 'liTuTneW writers of talent will be added during lsS to our already large ,.t of, wbtlu auppllw of choice literary m .tttr wilt be drawn FF .1-1.1 . aiilHM . in -In fit, the HO Ml) M AUA1NK an interest aud valve roi tw do periodical lu Uiecouutry., TERMS: I Ceay, 1 rear. $US. : Crplejis I rr M.M. The Premium to Ciub-GettiT for eithwof the two Clubs will be l W worth of bnttertck's i'at.-rn ttt Ladies' and Children a Droaaee. , e Coptn. and 1 tol'ltib-OettergT-lvw. 19 ajeps,anu i iu viu-,iHw-rejav.w Premium on fl7J0 Club One piir Button Kid Gloves aud $1 U) worth ol Premiiuh on SXOO Club Two pair 1J Three Kuttou Kid Uloves,and worth ol '-Uutlt-rick Patterns. I ARUER CI.ri.-ror thes- we offer aa Pre mi urns lull lre PatK-rna of elegant b ack Silk or flue Knglish and French Casliiu. re. iT Full particulars in regard to these large a;"l valitftKin I'remllinui wall uniuuiiu iu um cular to flub Oett-rs. which will ltd mailed on catisx u h Juln ujuk o CIiiIki fur air SPECIMEN NUMBEti ! CEKTtt. T. tt. ABTI11B4 m South SIXTH, Street. Philadelphia 1 (0 Th of Sutler .ck bells at sight, both aeiuug iwo A PERI Shirt Bosom Stiietcher ' AND IRONING BOARD, Beat selling article in Market. in i u anrf mniitru Thm km AffAtlt Dozen daily. It is Superior In every respect, and more aaleable than anV other board. It waa Pat ented November a), 1877. Large percentage paid. Teiritort.. aud Betall Awcnta WntI, 8T ATK AND COUNT! RIGHlo lOK bALK. Send foi circulars aud terms to A.. W. SMITH, SleKecaport, AUevlsemw Costntw. Pas. ( Say in what paper you saw this advertisement!. A Profitable 'Businua for a man with small capital. PRICKS GKEATLY BKDUCKD. Those auuwenng n AdTeraeement will infT a favor anon the Advertiser and tb Publish r by tta tint; that tne saw the arlT ert- MHfimna In lata tonrnai inainio uie painsr LANDRETHS ARE THK BEST. D. LAXDRETH k HOS8, SI at SS 8. . PHILADELPHIA. SEEDS SIXTH 8W C3. GAIJTSCHI Ac OO., MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL BOXES, HieskeWs Tetter form of Tetter. Otritment Will core every Young man, keep away from Boston. The treasurer of the belting company had been there only a few years when he found himself $800,000 behind. Think of his working day and night, yet losing at that. "How quiet and lovely !" remarked the tourist. '.'Surely, this might be a spot the poet had in mind when he said : 'Silence reigns.' " Guide : "Ah ! and ye may say that same. And thunders, too, yer honor!" Commend us to the woman who cheer fully adapts herself to the reduced cir. cumstances of her husband, and whose affection fits closer than a French corset or a number six glove. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a purely vegetable compound innocent in nature and wonderful in effect. For children it is invaluable, curing Croup, Whoop ing Cough, etc., in a few hours. Price, 25 cents per bottle, or five bottles tor 81.00.. With Edison's new machine you can see a man a "hundred miles away, but you cannot see with it the man owing you a little bill who dodges around the corner when he notices you coming. New York citt has twelve aldermen who can't spell the word "achievement" as the rest of us do. Take courage, brother the dawn is ahead. Comets have heads and tails, and we bsm read somowhere about "coma toes," which leads us to presume" that they are provided with feet. A great big ripe tomato, if well aimed, will do more to make an orator forget his subject than all the cheers a mad crowd can utter. "Why are the men of genius so often bachelors?" asks Miss Kate Sanborn. Is it possible that it is because they are men of genius. A practical joke is poor fun, because the laugh doesn't reach all ihe way round. When a man goes on a tear it is but natural he should rip out an oath or two. Comment is unnecessary, and so is a boil on the back of a bridegroom's neck. It's a very bad eggs sample If six of them out of a half dozen are rotten. What is needed is a five cent that will consume its own smoke. cigar "Mcsic hath charms" gay st-ort's watch chain. -and so hath a Cartload, of Medicinal Rubbish Are swallowed by invalids, and their physical troubles thus, kept alive for years, when that peeriew tonic stimulant and corrective, Hoatet Usr a Stomach Bitters would speedily set the disordered and worn out mechanism of the system m actiTe and healthful opeaation again. It has been demonstrated over and over again , vlf r6?QJem,e.nt8 of 010 " answlred far better by the Bitters than by a majority of VEGETINE Will Cure Cancer. PE00F! PR00FZ PROOF 1 Mr. H. R. Stbvens: Dkak sir, About two yeara ago, a cancer made its appearance on my face, left side of my nose. When I nrst noticed It, 'twas about the Blze of a plnhead (very small). It Increased In size, and spread on my face until It became as large as a common cent. I tried all kinds of remedies aud advice from a physician. It was spreading and eating into my flesh very fast. I was very much alarmed. 1 went to see a physi cian Who cured Cancers; be did not give me much encouragement. It pained me very much; I mffered night and day. It would bleed at times very profusely. Everything was done that could be, to try to cure the cancer. My brothef had a Cancer on his Up; he submitted to an operation, being iwell discouraged. I was one day In Mr. Woodberry's apothecary store.of this town. He gave me your pamphlet containing many cures by the use ot Vegetlne. I found on page 18 wnere Vegetlne had cured a Concer on a lady's nose. I then bought a bottle ol your Veg etlne, and It proved a great blessing to me; 1 could see good effects from it right away. After taking three bottles it stopped the spreading of the cancer about the edges; It checked the eat ing Into my flesh. I could see it was gradually healing. I kept on taking Vegetlne, the cancer slowly disappearing, until I had taken sixteen bottles and it completely cured It. It has left a large scar on one side of my nose; and I feel it my duty to recommend Vegetlne to all like suf ferers, as It Is certainly a great "Blood Purifier." I am now sixty-three years of age, and Vegetlne has greatly improved my general health. Yours, most respectfully, WE P. CLEAVES. M Federal St., Beverly, Mass. We, whose names are annexed, can testify to the above, as Mr. Cleaves Is an old resident of till Wwri. C. WOODBERRY. Arothecarv, RICH ARD PBDRICK. HERBERTS. SMITH. ANDREW L. EATON, A. GL1DDEN, GEO. S. M1LLKTT. Votin, For eradicating all Impurities of the blood from the sys'em, It has no equal. It bas never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and strVbgth to the system debilitated by dis ease. ' VEGETINE Cured after 20 Years' Suffering. Rbadtillk, Hass., Feb. is, is;, Ma. H. B. Stevens : Dxaji 8re. it gives me great pleasure to give In my testimony to the good effect the Vege tlnd has had on me. I have been troubled tor twenty years with an eating Ulcer on my shlo bone. During-' mat time I bave tried many remedies, but have not had It cured till now. Some t hree months ago It was very bad, so that the flesh was eaten into the bone, from a place as large as the palm of your hand. 1 was r commended by Mr. TUton to try your Vegetlne, and I did so. In taking the first bottle, It com menced to heal:, and I have only taken flve bot- t es, and It Is all healed nicely, and I woul i : cheerfully recommend it to all alike afflicted. -Respectfully yours, WILSON sKARh. j Vegetlne thoroughly eradicates every kind of : humor, asd restores the entire system to a , healthy condition. ' VEGETINE A Valuable Medicine. ! ClNCIKKATT, 18TT. j Ma. H. R. 8ts: ! Dear sir I have used yonr Vegetlne In my ! family, aud know It to be, and can recommend j it as a good purifier and cleanser of the bto-d. j I have used several bottles; It ia a valaabl I medicine. Respectfully, D. B. 8TEBBrTT, Grocer, H. B. Cor, Main and Franklin Sta. j Thousands will bear testimony (and do it vol- j untamy), that Vegetlne is the beat medical , compound yet placed before tne public for j renovating and purifylngthe blood, eradicating : all humors, lmDuritles or poisonous accretions from the system, invigorating and strengthen , lag the system debUlt&ted by disease; In fact, ' It is, as many have called It, "The Great UealU Restorer." VEGETINE H. a COTTOS, Prescription Dm PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. CENTENNIAL OBOUNDS. ay- OPEN EVEBT PAT. jf ADMISSION 15 Cents. CHILDREN, 6 Crats. Splendid array of Exhibit In departments of Science, Art, Education, Agriculture, Mechanics, SPECIAL Ml'SICAL .ATTKACTIONS DAll.V. Also, Ihe Largest ROLLER SKATING RINK IN THE WOULD. Open each WeekJay from 9 A . M. to 12 M., nii 2to4JUP. M.. anl on W nlnestlay end Stuni fnm 7 to 10 JU o'clock. HE BUILDING IS HEATED. .ii:KD CONCERT EVERY SLND.4V ' ree- Aossra Minted ros Ph. MARCH'S NEW BOOK, From Dark to Dawn. In thla new volume, the pop'ilsr .author of Natht Sc nea in the Bibleportra)awlih vivid and th'iHin r ik. uvunt. ..f flupn.1 Truth. n.nd aritla freah i - limrnyto the beauty, pathna and ubllmity of tht Stories of th Bible. Agenla will lind thla Book, with Ita sparkling; thoughta. beautiful engravings nnd rich binding, the best In the market, lerrns lib eral. Ciicuia,.fie. J.C.McClKDV A CO , Philadelphia, I Tha new eon fat roiuMiu. UtadachM. iysra. .aod all Ohrrmls Pluaaai, by a rsnJoMata? (mean. wtacbaraamvMt. 8TR0N6LY ENDORSED Ln.T.8. ABTHrjaJHoa Momioomcki B lata, and others who hava naed this Treatment. . Brocbnra pp.) wita man teatlTjarjtilala to atojf rtmmrkahlt kuiin k Pau. UU (Urard 8U Phila REMARKABLE CURES aay IA witUM olMnM'oa. STRONGLY E m T. 8. ABTHtraJ othan who hava naw SENT FREE I ara, ira. UTAUXl Sea Geneva, .Switzerland The cits it snScess attending; our sale in tbia city last winter, induced na to make a . largaimaortatloaJ of the fluejt Miisica Boxes aoeciany tor rniainiarKm. We call a anlion to our following apeolaltlea. Musical Boxes," with elegantly inl 'id tables, playing from 24 to 120 aire. These tnitrnmeutt perlorm the most el borate and difficult pieces of munic with a brilliancy nnd accuracy truly Burprininff,"wlth an eftect so melodious and perfect ns to be absolutely wonderful. They are ffl with th HanH-ZlUier attachment, thereby producing at will the most charming imitati n of these prettT instruments. Thette in Ptruments are self-acting; they are by a patent le-er and kept in motion by powerful sprinni. The works are euclused in beitu'itul inlaid rosewood and French walnut Case. We give printed instruc tions with each instrument. They are Tery simply ma ag d. With our new mechanical construction, two and three sprii gfl, and double m chauism, th"y will 4ast as long as a ood waich. Only an occasional cleaning is needed. Dull times h tve prevented the employment of any other than the mo t skillful work men. By purchasine now, direct from the manufacturers, you will not only ft t a fine instrument, bnt you will also save fr "in m to 60 p t c-nt The entire ptock, over 7UU pit cos must ho cl sed out during the iloil daya. We offer each insmunent at th present low SWISS FACTORY PRICE, or coat of manufacturing with small advance of expens 'a and import duties leaa than half the price paid for infi-r or good in this country. We also hav a larg stock of Musical Box-a with Bella. Drama, Caataneta, OTertarea and Vclatial Voiea. Alao, a la ge stock of small Mnaical Boxea. VV's invite an examination of our stock, which will prove the facta above atated to be true. SALESROOM, 929 CHESTNUT STEEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted in ANY OR A IX of the Newspapers named in their Direc tory for OAK TIME, , or for ONE YEAR, in the best positions, which are carefully watched, at the LOWEST PRICES, on application to S. M. PETTENCILL & CO., at either of their offices in IVew York, JPhilradelpliia, or Boston. ESTIMATES MADE For Advertisers without charge, for insertion in a CHOICE SJXEC-a TION of Newspapers, or for the BEST Newspapers m ANY City, Town, County or Section. Advertise mtuis in (be Best Positions, at Very Reasonable Bales. APPLY To S. M. PETTENGILL & CO. lew Style Estey Organ. CANNABIS IND.CA POSITIVELY CUBES CONSUMPTION. Dr. H. JAMES preparation of E lodlx Hemp hai become as famoui l" till co'inlrr as Id India for the rare of Conauraplloii BrtBaiItfs and AatKinia. penae and trouble, made permanent a'rnnv meBts in. India for obtaining -Pure Hemp.'' garnering I' at. tha right Heiuton, and having It extracted upon lis own oil, we know tba' ire have the qknuini aktiulm In II It rnrllr and FerTectlun, nd are enfl'twl to credence when v- e aay th it annabis In Die a will do all that Is claimed rn It one bottle will aallsiy ihe .mutt nkpptlcui THERE IS BOT A SINGLE JYMPTOM OF COB SUMPTION .hat It doi not at ones' take hold or and pate. Night Bweuta, peevlghnewi. Irritation ol the nerveit, failure of memory, dlfllcult cipw toratlon. sharp palna In the lungH, wire thruai, chilly sensatlorig, nausea at'the stomach, lua lion of the bowel and wasting away of Ine inuscli s. Askr- H' rtrtipsrHfj for far. JAM KM' CAK HABIM IHIIII A, and If they tall you. aeuil to u direct. ' per bottle, or thr-e hottli-i Cor M. 60. Pilla and Ointment, VI. it5 each. Address. CRADDOCK & CO., lOSa Rue St., I'tilladelphla. N. B.-C1RCULAKS KKKK. QC TESTS FOR PRELIMINARY INTRU" Ltf tiun in Muaic CaclliaI edition of Burrows' Frimer an indispenaalile companiun fur Music stu dents; In bd. IS cu.; handsnnoly buond iu cloth (lit. SO rts. G"ins of Aiurriran Sons, In M.,, cloth, 92.25; cilt, J.5I). All (ho atamUrd anil i.nn lar intriictin t.ixiks ami miisir. 1, KK 4 WALKfcK, 1113 (JHkSTM'T Street, l'liiladelphia. 1 o a o a c 3 o (8 O 5 o c o C- o Ik. CO (0 c (8 to, nilnoK vxinr i the best-sellln? blood partner and gives the best aatssUtctioa ot any la Ut market. " VKGETINE, Prepared, by H. R. BTEYEX8, Boaton, Ham. Vegetlne Is Sold by all Druggist 3 a o D. o , - " ESi5 trTA 1 "0 a O o c ft o 3 m CD a o c 2. -3 ft (9 3 r 3" Th abovs cot lit fat-timiU of onr bw atyl. Easary Orgaa.fbr whlck tWa la alraadr aa Vairr analeaatoal do aiJ. ovist to th vary low prlea) at which, wa eaa fell thtou W. bat aa hnnmat stuck uf OrgaDS cm hand, whicli wt art selling lorn than aver btfon, at tk eld ataad, 18 Jfortli Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. E. M. BRUCE & CO.,0 General Managers. B f" call or writ is anaww to thia advertlMiaaat, flaaa gaeatloa tha fact of havig aaea kt la taia afar. Central Fire Breech-Loading Gun. ain?i Barrel, from lis up. Double Barret, from I'Zl.m. up. Oona, Hides and Pistols of most approved English and American make. Paper and Km Shells, Wads, Caps, etc. Prtcea on application Liberal discount to dealers. lUIM&tt 712 MABKBT ST.. PUhdebhia. Mflsic Boolcs for Presents ! Gf rKaarllaii ong. MeweolartHl xlitiob. Rtaaaaa'aic ot m. 1 ItnSrr at tirana. l'Iauriia'a Hrr Oraraai Hotodaca. Prle. of ach 1" ' J-in. (.ill. t i UQ buarus, Ih'-e ar aamplre of SO or mors Mb. colle-llons n bound music, each ootaininf 3J to Jilair ptn of tb trot sonts or Birwa. HisClml'r ismf.-d with rath-r difiicalt Piano Mn.ic, and 't;iark'a" with tb. beat arranged Ueed Organ tauaie txtaut. Elrcaait Boath r Mnalratl UicrMaro. OlltKlid. Int.rea'lnf , ar lh Llv-a of Mrdtsi a"kn. rVhainaiin and Moxartiitt 7S racbt. awl uth-r n-at Maaiera, B1TTKK HI-.TOK Or MtMf, (Ivuis. ach 1 and L'rbino's Mot'cat Hiogr.. (-btes.ftljfi). Alao Biany ntiractir ol'etNi f hristBiaa I'amla. tli pitli1 HT ' f((NU,(liln.irldl. Tbo Xl T ll Ml .: iilU4 tratrd . Ibat will (brow lb. I.lti. una tutu KaUuM aud maay uthera. atialaer's'blnacMaarr ot Haalral Teratta. 1 (fsmiip a maruinewnt Illustrated Musical Cucr clupdia,of greataud perstauut (altf. Ar book aiailfd poat free, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON k CO., Boston. 1. 1. DlYSOX CO.. KJ Cbndt St.". Phil. BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY m AT BEDltr.D rall Kd. CUILDRESitl BOOKS IJt GREAT VAklkTY AT McCADLEY'S, 13M (HEsTXCT llratl, Pkllaaleltbla. Orders 9-r nail aromet! atte&dtd to. OfSSiSCIOPTICOR rVUk IUw laiatwead ul CMsfctie n.ii.l MAGIC LAUT2B1I SLIDES. . J CHMN M.. rklMelekta, a (faw,a etvai m im J IChwalM ISdm iii rt U ma, mm4 ' am Iam Mimil Irk IU

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