AQKICULTURE. What Plaster Will Do. A farmer in Wisconsin who has used gypsum In his farming operation for a long time gives his experience; and we quote a portion of what he says : "I have lived uere twenty years and used plaster, about seventy five poinds to the acre. I make at least one-third more clover to the acre than can be pbrought without plaster. You can see the difference In the growth as far as you can see the clover. One application y 111 do for two years. Our land is Burr oak openings; was new when I came here and not con sidered good for grassy but splendid for wheatland. There it no sand, some call It clay. It looks like ashes when dry. I raise clover, keep three hundred sheep, four cows and eight horses and colts, all on a farm! of two hundred acres. I have about sixty acres under the plow, and twenty-five of timber; make all the manure 1 can, and think my land richer than when I bousrht it I can raise more grass than when it was new, and more corn fori a clover sod when I sowed plaster on the clover than when it was new. Perhaps It will ruin It in time, but as long as I can raise big crops 01 crops or cornf ana clover and feed to stocK and boga, I think I will risk it. Last year I raised 441 bushel of wheat on nineteen acres, and' 650 bushels of wheat and oats mixed, on twenty-three acres. I The lat'er will clean out about one-half wheat, which will Bellas rno. 2, as a few small oats will be left In it. On sixteen acres of clover sod I had 1,500 bushels of corn. of the yellow dent vaxleo; stalks left on the field. Tou will think that is poor iarmlng, but we think it will not pay to cut them, because there Is so much to handle for so little feed. ; I Watering Hoesks.J a work horse watered regularly three times a day can saieiy oe auowea to urinic as much as he wishes, if the water be good and of moderate temperature. If the horse seems very thirsty and disposed to drink rapidly and in large quantity, it is well to check him After drinking a little, al lowing mm to slack his thirst by sev eral separate draughts rather than by one. A horse much heated should not be allowed to drink st will. When it can be done conveniently, the comfort 'of the horses will ba Increased by hav ing water in the field and giving them drink once or twice i during each half day in hot weather.' Several farmers who have tried it speak highly of the plan of stirring a little oat of corn meal in the water desingned for work horses. It Is better to do this a few hours before the water is to be used. Thus in the morning, the meal may be stirred in water given the horse at noon. Care should be taken to keep the vessels used from becoming sour.- Mick and Bees. During the winter mice are sometimes troublesome guests in the apiary, especially if the hives are surrounded by straw in which they can harbor. , The best preventive is to have the hives so tight that they can gain no admittance, j For the sake of ventilation it is not well, however, to have the entrance closed air tight. Therefore, fasten a piece of wire gauze over the entrunce of the hives that may h in. J.h Allr. or that, mnv hA hnrl(rl in the ground J th i3 (will exclude mice and admit airt' and lover the entrance of hives that are covered with boxes, as -mentioned atave, fasten a piece of tin about a auarter of an inch above the bottom board so that the bees can just pass under the edge of It, while the , mice are excluded, i Cayenne per pjr, sprinkled around the shelves and other places where ants congregate, will drive them away. The lllkon or Candle FUh, of ' Alaska The ulikon has long been an icthyo-i oglcal curiosity, and has attracted the attention of every ! traveler who has visited the coast of j, British Columbia and Southern Alaska. It is a small sil-1 very fish, averaging about fourteen in-; ches long, and in general appearance; resembles a smelt. jThey are the fattest of all known fishes, and afford a supe rior oil when tried out. Dried, they serve as torches, and wheu a light is required, it is only necessary to touch the tail to the fire, when they will burn with a bright light for some time. No description can give an adequate idea of their numbers wlhen ascending the rivers from the sea.- The water is liter ally alive with them and appears to be boiling. These fisheries have not bteen utilized except by the natives. The most important of the native fisheries Is on the Xasse rivert near the southern boundary of Alaska. The spot is named Klt-lak-a-laks," aiifl a Catholic mis sion was situated there. Many tribes come to these fisheries, which begin about the 20th of March. The first fish caught is addressed as a chief, and many apologies are made to him by the Indians for theneceaisity which compels them to destroy his intlred for the sup ply of 'their own wants. A feast is given, with appropriate songs, speeches and dances, In his honor, and after that the fishing proceeds. The fishes are caught In wicker baskets, and are dried or smoked as much as their oily nature will allow. The fishing lasts a fort night or three weeks', and supplies many hundred aborigines with fowl for a considerable pcridd; A New Feature la the Scholar' Quarterly. The Scholars' Quarterlyrpublhhei at the officer of The Sunday School Timet, has been so popular, during the past three years, that its quarterly circula tion has reached 140,000 copies.' A new feature is to be added to it for 1879, which will make it even more highly valued, as it furnishes an appropriate closing hymn (words and music) for each lesson. It is not proposed to fur nish new music; for .that must be prac ticed thoroughly before it can be sung well. But is arranged with the leading publishers of Sunday-school music to select from their books the choicest of the well-known copv lighted hymns. In this selection, the editors of The Quar terly have been aided by some ot the best judges of Sunday-school music iit the country. The Quarterly for 1879 will contain forty large pages (besides the maps), bound in a strong paper cover. In ad dition to the lesson notes and questions, it will contain colored naps, chrono logical tables, review exercises, opening and closing exercises, choice, familiar hvmns, Bible- dictionary pages, and other helpful matter. All for 6i cents a number. f The price of TJie Quarterly is 35 cents a year, or $35 for a hundred copies a year. Sent by mail without cost of postage to subscribers. Subscriptions are taken for three or six months at the yearly rate; under 10 copies three months, seven cents each. 'lo supply a class wonld cost :-For five scholars, one year, $1.25; three months, 35 cents; for ten scholars, one year, $2.50; three months, 63 cents. Send seven cents for a specimen copy to John D. Wat tles, Publisher, 610 Chestnut St.. Phil adelphia, Pa. Specimens of The eekiy Lmon Ledf are sent free. DOMESTIC. Sacbaqi Bolls. Ingredients : i Half a pound of mince-meat, half a pound of flour, half a pound of dripping, one teaspoonful of baking powder, salt and pepper, four sage-leaves, one egg. Time required, half an hour. Take a tin of canned mlnce-meat and ooen it care fully, take a half pound of the mince meat out of the tin. put it in a baMn and season it well with Denoer and salt: . 1. - . - . iour saze-ieaves. DUt tnem ; on a board, and chop them up as fine as possible with a knife; mix the chopped sago weu mw me mince-meat with a spoon; put one pound of flour into another basin : add to it one teasDoon- iui oi Daung powaer, a pinch or salt, and half a pound of clarified dripping; ruo me aripping wen into the flour with your hands; mix it thorouzhlv. and be careful not to leave any lumps; add enough water to the flour to make it into a stta paste; flour the paste board, and turn the paste upon it; divide the paste in two, so as not to nandle It too much. Take a rollinz-nln. flour it, and roll out each portion into a tnin sheet, about one-eighth of an inch In thickness. Cut the paste into pieces aoout six inches square. Collect all the scraps of paste, so that none will be wasted, fold them together, and roll them out, and cut them into squares, .there should be about two dozen 'squares of paste. Put about a table spoon ful of mlnce-meat into the centre of each square of paste. Fold the paste around the meat, Joining it smoothly down the centre, and pressing the ends ofte paste together with your finger anuthumb. Take a baking tin grease n wen, and place the sausage rolls on It. Break one egg upon a plate, and beat it slightly with a knife. Take a paste-brush, dip it in the egg, and paint over the tops or the rolls. Place the tin in a hot oven to bake for 15 minutes. Look at them once or twice, and turn them, if necessary, so that they shall be equally baked. For serving take the rolls off the tin and place them on a not dish. Cobnstalk Sugar. Some excellent work has been done lately by the chemists Of the Department of Agricul ture at Washington, and if Dr. Collier's experiments turn out as successfully as they have begun, they will give the farmers an almost entirely new source of wealth. He has been experimenting upon the manufacture of a syrup capable of being worked Into crystalized sugar. The only mill at his disposal wa3 a very old one, fitted with rusty screws, but even with this miserable apparatus he succeeded in expressing 2,773 pounds of juice from ll,2d7 pounds of cornstalks and 4,963 pounds of juice from 13,953 pounds of sorghum. With Improved mills, Dr. Collier thinks that nearly fifty per cent, more might easily be added. Farmers will now be able to utilize a large portion of the produce of tneir neius, wnicn was previously worthless, and subsequent experiments will, nn doubt, augment the value of cornstalks and sorghum as much as the extraction upon an extensive scale of sugar from beet at the instance of the First Napoleon did the value of that vegetable In Franco. In cooking, buckwheat cakes, avoid too much grease a piece of pork an inch sauare sbould last for a week. "Buckwheats should be of good size, and each cake should consist of a large spoonful of batter. Good cooks always try their griddle first with a single cake. to. be sure that all is right with both bitter and griddle. A hot plate sbould always be ready for the cakes. noKK Cake. One pound fat pork chopped fine, over which pour gne pint boiling water, two cups molasses, two cups brown' sugar, two teaspoousful soda. . Spice and fruit to taste. Bunns. Take one cup sugar, one cup of sour milk, one of raisins, small cup butter, one teaspoonful of soda. Flour enough to mix stiff. Batter Pudding with Apples. Take one quart of milk, four eggs, six spoon fuls of flour, salt, sliced apples to fill the dish. Regular, If not Satisfactory. Ail operatic star of some note, con nected with one of the principal Mos cow theatres, wishing to make a, short excursion into the country, went to get her passport countersigned by the local authorities. The presiding official re ceived her politely, an3 halving learned her business, inquired for "her writ ten petition." "My written petition," cried the lady, "I have none; I never knew that anything of the kind was required !" "Xot required. Madam I On the con trary, nothing can be done without it. "What am I to do then?" "Nothing easier; be good enough to take this sheet of paper and write ac cording to my dictation." Jhe applicant obeyed, and tran scribed word for word, a formal peti tion requesting leave of absence from the city lor a stated time, which was then-duly signed, folded and sealed. "And now," quoth the man of office, "you have only to deliver it." "To whom, prav?" "To whom?" echoed the official, with a slight smile at the absurdity of the question, "why, to me of course V The document was accordingly han- ueu across the taDie. the great man adjusted his spectacles, broke the seal, ana gravely read over his own compo sition from beginning to end, folded and docketed it with methodical slow ness, and then turning to the impatient artist, said, with an air of official solem nity : "Madam, I have read your petition, and regret to tell you that I am unable to grant it." The Fat 3Ien' Convention. We can see some pleasure if no rea son, in the convening of a baby show, but we confess we could nvr km thn slightestcause, reasonable or otherwise, for a fat man's convention, unless it be me lact that misery loves company. For fifty or a hundred men. whose sev eral weights range from two hundred w inree hundred pounds, to hold a convention BimDlv bec&naA nf an mnr-h surplus avoirdupois, is absurd, to say the least. It becomes doubly so when we reflect that obesity is a disease, y nas wouiu we inins ot as many per sona emaciaicu oy consumption hold ing a convention to compare their relative weights. There is but one ground upon which we would advocate another fat men's convention, and that la that they will meet to discuss the merits oi Aiian s Anti-rat, the onlv known remedy for obesity. It is sate ana rename, soia oy araggists. HUMOROUS. Eveht one In England is now Insist ing upon the members of the household being vaccinated. Lady Frances Gold smith followed this good example, and requested a surgeon to come with vaccine to her villa in Regent's Park on a certain day. On the morning of he day appointed, her nephew arrived from India. On entering the house he was shown into a room by Jeanies, who at once took off his coat and bared hU manly arm. "When you've done with me," he observed, "I will send you the two housemaids and the cook." The nephew thought that he had mis taken the address of his aunt's house. and that he had inadvertently found bis way Into a private lunatic asylum. In vain he protested. lie quick, and haveitover:" sternly observed Jeames, with the air of a patriot aDout to place nis neaa on a Diock. Luckily Lady i? ranees appeared upon tne scene, ana tne contrctempt was explained. Mississippi River Incident. One of the great and comfortable steamships w men the xankee constructs descends the Mississippi with a vertiginous rapidity. When lo! a cry makes itself to be heard : "A man in the waters !" "Stops 1" cries himself the captain then, turning himself toward the purser, he demands : "Has he paid his iarer" "He has paid," replied the purser. "All right!" howled the caDtain. and the steamboat retakes its course, leaving the passenger behind. n the unhappy man had not paid la ajvance he might have been saved. When an English lord bishop visited an Episcopalian clergyman here lately, tne laiier inscructeu a colored boy In his service to knock at the bed-room door of the bishop early in the morning ana say : "Aiy lord, tne Doy. Accord ingly, the next morning the boy, some what dazed by so much grandeur. knocked at the door of the bishop, who caned out: " w no's there r ' The boy responded : "The Lord, my boy." Did it ever occur to you that "Romeo," in the, garden scene, had just run him self clear out of breath, in a wild chase about five feet aheal of a vicious old goat belonging to the Capulet estate, when, in pleading accent addressed, not to the light breaking from ' v uliet's" window, but the pursuing goat, he ex claimed "Butt solt I" A man may be ever so strong and brave and self-reliant, but when the rear button comes off hit. siiirt band and his collar persists in climbing up ana setting on the top ot his coat be feels that his happiness, his every hope of comfort in t,his life, is in the hands of gome woman. It is wonderful the differecce there is in the application of certain medicines. Put a mustard plaster on the outside of a man, and he will paw around and swear it will burn him up, but put it on a ham sandwich and he will put it inside of himself without a murmur. Mothers, do not let your darlings suffer with the Whooping Cough, if you have a remedy so near at hand Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and the little sufferers will soon find relief. Price, 25 cents. Nothing will sooner make a man's eyes shoot Are, his brain whirl, and his heart nop against his palate, than to lose his balance on his available leg while trying to stow the other ajscav in his dual jarm; nture. , - It requires great moral strength and tenacity of purpose to 'enable a man to sleep till even in the morning, when an industrious fly has decided that he had better get up at halt-past four. Which is the Why king of trees? ? Because it is straight fir. strate. Wnv is a gooseberry tart like the uote of a broken band ? It is not currant. Deservedly popular. We mean Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for it never fails to cure a Cough, Physicians recommend it. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Why 13 a nail driven hard into the wall like an old man ? It is in-firm. If I were in the sun and you out of it what would the sun become? Sin. Why is bay like a mouse? Because the cattle eat it (cat'll eat it). When is a pie like a poet? When it's Browning. When is a door not a dor? When it's a jar. Plants for Paper Fiber. The Scientific American give? a' U-t of paper woods and plants usedfor niakin fiber and the percentage obtained, as given by the experience of a Belgian firm of paper manufacturers We con dense the same to show the great varie ty from which paper stock is now ob tained. Of woods, we have the follow- ingfthe per cent, of fiber being given immediately following common name: Health, 27.14 ; filbert trees, 31.60; alder, 34.30; bamboo, 34.82; white pine, 34 60; horse chestnut, 33.26; oak, 29.16; white poplar, 35.81 ; red pine, 32.28 ; elm, 31.81 ash, 32.28; black alder, 37.82; fir, 35.17; osier, 29.50; Canadian poplar, 36.83; beach, 30.90; pitch pine, 31.08; walnut, 26.52; willow, 37.82; birch, 33.80; Ital ian poplar, 36.12; acacia, 31.10; lime tree, 38.16; rattan, 29.10; aspen tree, 35.00. Annexed are the names and per cent, yield of herbaceous plants; Came Una. 29.16 ; bent grass, 44 82 ; buckwheat 30.60; marsh rush, 41.70; banana, 31.81; mateva, 26.0S; oats, 3o.0S; ew Zealand flax, 32.71; asparagus stalks, da.oo; marsh grass, 38.80; maize, 40,24; reed, 41.57; oanna, 20.29; rye, 44.12; giant nettle, 21.66; sugar cane, 29.15; barley, 36.51; sedge, 33.86; wheat, 43.14; fro- menteau. 46.17; blue flag, 40 v, : nop, 24.84; canary grass, 44.16; wild broom. 32.43: dog's grass, 2S.38. Thus among woodv clants it will be seen that the alders, poplars and the lirae-are species of which latter we call bass-wood are the richest in fiber, and that many herbaceous plants (Indian corn and ce real grains) and many of our marh grasses are particularly rich In sluggish motion. The body Is a fiber. Ojtb Cold Is sometimes contracted oq top of another, the accompanying cough be oming settled and confirmed, and the Inogs so strained and racked, that the production o( tuberoips frequently follows, llkny exlsUng rases of Pulmonary disease may be thus account- d lor. and yet how many others are now carelessly allowing themselves to drift through the pre liminary tymptoms, controlled ry the fatal poller or aUowintr a cold to take care of itself ! On ibe first in lmatlon of a Cough or Cold, or any Throat or Lung trouble, ivsort promptly to Dr. Jay no's Ex pec to rant, a safe curaure of loog established reputation, and you may avoid the sonsequeaoes of such dangerous trtolng. "From Dark to Dawn," l)r If...),). l i i L C. McCordy & Co.. Philadelphia, has ywi eeiiing very rapidly since its issue. It U S Terr lwrnnHf til vnrlr sriHiu in the gifted author's charming style. We w uus wonaer mat thos who have secured the agency for this valuable work find it sell so casilv that their profits each month make a larger amount than the salaries of nine out of ten school teachers of the State, ftTo-merrow is the day on which idle men work and fools return. What we wish to do we think we can do, but when we do not wish a thing it oecomes impossible. Something for the New Year. The world renowned success of Hostetter's Bitten, and their continued popularity for a quarter of a century as a stomachic is scarce ly more wonderful than the welcome that greets the annual appea ranee of Hostetter's Almanac. This valuable medical treatise is published by Hoe tetter & Smith, Pittsburg, Pa. under their own immediate supervision, em ploying 80 hands in that department. Ten cylinder printing presses, 8 folding machines, 5 job presses, ic., are running about eleven months in the vear on this work, and the issue of same for 1879 will not te less than ten mill ions, printed in the EDglish, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohe mian and Spanish languages. Befer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading con cerning health, and numerous testimonials as to the efficacy of Hostetter's Bitters, amuse ment, varied information, astronomical calcu lous and chronological items, Ac. which can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for 1879 can be obtained free of cost, from druggists and general country dealers in all parts of tjwyonntry. Herer DesDaJr! rA witD of the wmarkable curative iw-" " , "U..S.oa S16" remedy, the cases of Rheumatism, may be found in the ErA611111' T,arnkev the Fifth i. r" Ol,uon- -Hamilton, Esq . IM JZ r." """"anes, inrougbmany ti . . "wo ""J" y Have torn intorvxewed. Sold by all Philadelphia In this variable climate the prevailing oia eases are those of the lungs and throat, all of which can be readily made to yield to the pow erful curative properties of Bchenck's Pulmo nic Syrup which, uniike many of the so-called "Cough Medicines,'' contains no opium or oth er mi arious drug. Schenck s Pulmonic Svrnp contains nothing that will disagree with the most delicate constitution. For sale by all Druggists. .Hieskixl's Tetter Oinment will cure 8ore Eyelids, Sore Nose, Barbers' Itch on the face, or Grocers' Itch on the hands. It never fails. 50 cents per box, sent by mail for 6), cents. Johnston. Holloway & Co., 602 Arch SL. Phila., Pa. Among the new issues of Lee & Walker, Music Publishers. 1113 Chestnut Street. Phila delphia, are Gov. Hoyt's March, by Mack, with a line picture of the Governor, 40 cts. ; Uutter- lck s Fashion Polka, 35 cts. ; Gov. Hampton's iiarcn, by Minter. 35 cts. ; The 1 urther Bide. X Sacred Sou?, 35 cts. ; Cecilian Edition of Burrowes Primer, in boards, 25 cts. ; hand someJy bound in cloth and gilt, 50 cts. ; Gems of American Songs, a collection of 50 popular Bongs, by American authors, in boards, 82.00, cloth $2.25, Rilt. $2.50. Lee & Walker keep everything in stock aud if you are needing in the line of sweet musio, or musio books any song or piano piece, any instruction book. musio rol or folio, send to Lee & Walker, 1113 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, and you tan have tnem by return mail. Bead the testimonials. In an adjoining col umn, of persons who have used aud been benefitted by Hance's Epileptio Pills as a rem- edy for Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. They are certainly convincing. If totj aee Nebvoub and Depressed take noorNp'saaaU .Litters. Strs. General Sherman Says: I have frequently bought Durang's Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and in every instance it worked like magic. Sufferers with rheumatism make a note of this, and send for circular to Helph enstine & Bentley, 'Druggists, Washington, D. C. Sold by all druggists. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschke's German Stbup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends, in curing Consumption, severe Coughs. Croup, Asthma Pneumonia, and in fact "all throat and lung diseases. No pcrsou can use it without im mediate relief. Three doses will relieve an; case, and we consider it the duty'of all Drug gists to recommend it to the poor dying con sumptive, at least to try one bottle as 10,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, aud no one case where it failed was reported. Such i medicine as the Gebjiah Syrup cannot be toe widelv known. Ask your Druggist about it Sample Bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Keguiu size 75 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Htbskell's Tetter Ointment will cure scabby or scaly diseases of the skin. all Reliable Dry Goods House. If you want Silks, Black floods Dress Goods, Hosiery or Dry Goods of any kind below the market prices; and wish to have the advan tage of all the great trade sales, and of losses made by importers, send your orders or write for samples to B. F. Dewees.1124 (formerly of 725)Chestnut street They send out thousands of samples and fill orders daily from all parU of the country. NATURE'S REMEDY. fEGIflHl The Gj,eat Blood ft'ines Kidney Complaints. Cincinnati, 0'., March 17, 1STT. Mr. H. R. SrsTirN-i: Dear Mr I have been a great sufferer from Kidney complaint, and afier the use of a few bottles ot Vi-ge lne I find myself entirely cured. I gained sixteen pounds In flesh wuu takln ; the.Vefretlue. I will cherfuily recommend it lours iruly, W. T. ARCHEK, No. 83u West Sixth Street, VegeUne Is Sold by all Druggists. Xboas ftnswerins; an AttTeraaememt will confer a favor noon ths Advertiser and the Publisher by tatln; that titer saw the atdrer. tlenmanc In this lournal laamla the paper 6 MATTRESSES Of CarlreVHalr. Btsak and WoTra-srtro and all calibrated Mrimg Reds. Ueese FesuJeer. thoroughly selected aud tem Ireased.cgnaranteni tiwrer to smell. I in fcailk. a'nl nade n in Pillows. Bolsters) and Bests. Ulan ktta. Com 'Ktablts and Bedding in general. STERNBERGER'S Old Reliable Feather and Bedding Itepnt. 11S Xorth Keeoaisl ftt aXove Arch. Phlloala. A Profitable 'Bssumes for a mas with small capita . PRICKS OBIATLT REDUCED. 25 rEXTS FOR PREUMIVART I3TSTRC tion ia Music Cecil is edition of Birro dent; in bd-. B et.; handnomeir b.'ond in c'otti sj It . ail r's 0ms of Am-ricn Sobs1. In tid., f 1.VJ rloth, SJS;ilt, S1JB- All the standard swln- f-n rar in:ncton tx"'ks and msi. LICK A w ALRKR. UBCHKSTSCT Street. PniladHrhia. iM.u iii.MiuNe comnsnivin lor aosic 'in IT COSTS NOTHING! Ts try our organs, saws send one to soy address on ten daye' trial, sod refund frncht if not sarebaaai. gelid walnut eases, Jl :m ops, 1 i sets ot rrada. TITlTi'lT?. Clfl Firs Tests' warrant? HKHvCi Si Is Direct from ths factory. Alleger, Bow & Co.. Ustalosas tree. WASH La G S.asw Jarsal. IF II FITS! FITS! FITS! CCRX OF EFILEPST; O B, TA1XXSO FITS, BY HANCE'S CPILEPTIO FILLS. FnoM labortac aadcr tbU itKdns snladr. rill And Banc' Crileatia Pills to b tha mir m. rdr ctw diaoovwad for carina Knuapn or railiaa Jita. Tha follow! n cortlVtaa ahanld ba raad by all tha afflicial; ihaj ara In arery rasaact tne, id ihoaM her ba read br anr oaf who fa aot afflicted biaaaalf, U ha aa a friead who la a nffarar, ha will do a a u act by catUafl this oat aad taadiaf it to him. ; cubub. - PaiLAoaxraiA, Jaaa U, MtT. Im HaRCS. Baltlmora. M d Daa.p Hip. tu-m tonr adTartiaamant, I was Indocad to try row taf tptiaPilli. Iwa attacked with lellapar InJalr, I". Immediately nr an jaietaa waa romipooad. Lot ha eoakl gira no raiDat. I thea aonaaltad aaotbar BhTBiCian. bat I mml tn row wnru i t k. , tha ireatmant of anothar, bat without any food affaet. I aiain rotarnad to my family pkyskiaa: waa eapaod andblad aeraral turaa. I waa (aaarally aitackad without any Bramoait ry aTinptoai. 1 had had from two tntfive Sua day. at latarTalaof two waaka. I waa oftan attacked id my aleap, and would fall wberrTar Iwooldba,orwhataTar ba oocnpwd with, aad was ar-raly Injured eeyaral times from tha falla. I waa aiTected ao much that 1 ioat all ooD&dance la myeelf. 1 alao waa ailected la my baaiaaaa, aad 1 ewaider that your Eplleptie Filla eared me. Is rebraary, 1bo5, 1 eemmeuced to ae joar Filla. and eoly bad two attacks afterward. The laat eaa was A aril . IM. and they were of a leas aerioos character. With tha blsMluf of Providence yoar madloiB was made the Instrument by wnkh 1 waa eared of that diatreaelnc affliction. Ithiak Uiat the Pills aad their food edeou should be mails known everywhere, that aersous who are similarly affected may hae the benefit et them. Any person wishing further Information eaa obtain it by callins at my realdenoa. Mo. sMMartf laird Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Viuua XLaaa. TRIU m A CUBE FOB EPaXKFST. Tae aabjoiBsd will answer. Oilsisi, Hiss.. June H: BTR S. R.sri Dear sir : Yoa will Bad inslosat ts dollars, which I sand yon fur two boxes of your Kpileptic Pills. I was the first person who triad yosr Pills in this part of the eonntrr. My sua was bud IT afflicted with flta lor tw j years. I wrote tor and re ceived two boxes of roar Pills, which he took accerd ing to directions. He has neTer had a fit sines. It waa by my persuasion that 11 r Lyoo tried your Pills, his case was a ver bad one; he lud fits nearly all his life. Persons hare written to me from Alabama and Tennessee on the subject, for the purpose of ascer taining my opinion in regard to yoor Pils. I. bars always recommeuded them, and in no instance where 1 hare had a chance ot bearing from their effect karr they railed lo core. Tours, eu., C. U. tier, Orsnsda, Xalsbusha Oo at -a. i ANOTHER RICM ARKABL1 CUKE OFKFILEPST; OR, FA1.LINO FITS, BT HANCXs KPILKPTIO PILLS. HoNTSOMiaT Texas, Juns ), U9T. Te 8th B. Haiiciii--A person In my employ had been afflicted with Flu, or Epilepsy, for thirteen yosrt, bt had these attacks at intervals of two to foul wetks, and oft -mimas aereral in quick suoceaseon, some: imes continuing foo two or three da) s. On sev . eral occasions they iseted until bis mind sppeercd totally deranged, in which suite he would continue for s day or two after ths flu bad ceased. I tried sev rral reuiedies ort-scuibod by our resident physicians, but without success. Having seen your advertisement I cououded to try your remedy. I obtained two boxes of yourPills gave them according to directions, and they effected a permanent cure. The person ii nw a stout and healthy man, about 90 years of age and has ass had a fit since hs commenced taking your m-tdsslns, tea years since. He waa my principal wagoner and has, since that time, been exposed to lis severest of weather. 1 have great confidence is your remedy, and would like srsry one who has fiiti to give it a triad. B. L. DaFaaasa. TH.1. ASOTHEB CURB. Read the following testimonial from a respectable onsen of Granada, Hiss. Beth S. Haci, Baltimore, Md. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure In relating a case of Spasms, or Fits cured by your invaluable Pills, My brother, J . J. l.igon, ha-lonf beeu afflicted with this awful disease, lie was first attacked while quite young. Hs would hate one or two spams at oue attack at first, but ai Le grew oidor they seemed to increase. Up to thi time he commenced taking your Pills be had then very often and quite aevere, prostrating him, bod; aud mind. His mind bad suffered seriously, but now, I a to happy to sav, be is cured of these fits. He hat enjoyed fine health for the last five months. His mind has also returned to iu original brightness All this 1 lake great pleasure in communicating, a. it may be the means of directing others to the remedy that wiil cure theiu. , Yours respectfully eto. W. P. Lioon. Bent to any part of the country, by mall, free of r stage, on receipt of a remittance. Andres. BETH 11ANCE, 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Price, one b"i, J3, two, $S; twelve, ZJ. sVPkase mention where you saw this ex! varus Blent. IisicE for Presents ! GemsorEngrllsh Song. 1 ew enlarged edition. Pries of esch? Sunshine of Kong. in Cloth. 8100 C'iustrr of trim. Fine Gilt. $4.14. Ciurke'o Rrnl Organ Boards, $2.M. Melodies. Ttust. am samplss at 80 or more floe collertlonsof bound music, each containing 2H) to 1'SU large pages of the lent fong. or pieces. The "Cluster is filled wiihrath-r difficult Piano Music, and "Clarke's" with the best arranged Reed Organ music extant. Elegant Boobs of Musical literature. Gilt "d' d. interesHna, are the Lives of Mendels sohn. S-hiiuiHiiu Hint Mozart. ($1.7.1 each I; and other great Masters, RITTKIfS HtVlORV Or'.ML'SIC, (2 vols, eifch jl 5") and Crbino's Musical Biogra lliies. ($1,751. Also, many atiractive collections of 1 hrismias Carols, lue splendid SlSl.lo'HT Or gONG.iiiustraiedl. The MOTHER GOOt. ( Illus trated I. that will throw lue little ones into estacies and many others. Stalner's Dictionary of Musical Terms. (85.00) is a munificent Illustrated Musical Ency clopedia, of great and permauent value. Any book mailed post-free, for retail pries. OLIVER DITS0CT & CO., Boston. J. E. D1TSON t CO.. 922 Chestnut St., Phila. BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GITS AT REDl'CED PRICE. CHILDREN'S BOOKS KJ GREAT VARIETY AT McCAULEY'S, 1309 CIIESTXCT Street, Philadelphia. Orders per mail promptly attended to. Yltk Few XmrTrI ud CtrrtilH BtlMtoi LI AGIO LAU TEEN SLUE 3. . MABCT(lMt Ckwtsfi. St., nUladilphiB. r MaT-wenM taa neicet ir fr rat t niVALLID Central Fire Breech-Loading Gun9. 8in?le Barrel, from lis up. Double Barrel, from tl.o. op. Guns, Rifles and Pistols of most approved English and American make. Paper and Bras? Shells, Wads, Caps, etc. Prices on application Liberal discounts to dealers. ffi t. n k 712 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. mm ssNOSBH C. GAUTSCHI Sc CO., MANUFACTURERS OF IUSICAL BOXES, Genera, Switzerland. The rre t tnrrees attendlnf onr sale In tMs city last winter. Indued ns to msks a larrs hnsertatlos oftha finest Musics- Botes sneclsllv fo- th s market. We call -i enli"n to unr followins aeciaitlas. These areot he aia;npr (raaesl TimaM-ai tssxe.rtn -.r .a,-. v. - rT - "IT or Id in this coduirv. -t:plve-Manss4ale-Ptslw.'' I end J emtrt: -'Masllasrrt. risuso." -osB. - lis rp-follai -." and -Hsree-Marmealaae." tomh; slJ-KeTlvei- Msrsiral BomeV" p,.y si from M to 7 airs w ft host chaugs of cylinder ,-Urrmmt Mastcal Baits," wnli - les . nil inl M t.l.ies. slayti.f from U to 1 airs. ThSM lnstrmseuts serorai thenostel l-ai. sad difficult pecea o mo.ic with s LrllHocy nd aocsrscjr ttolv surprl.ln. . attachment. threl.y pr-lucint; st will thsnvot chsrinina imitatl Theorkssre.ncl,M Inben ilnl inlaid r.-ewood and Ereorli w.lnnt -Cases. We irlvs pristedj r lions wUh IZh iu.imment. Thi-r sre very simply ma ag d. WKhosr s mechaniealj r.rscrto two and "v'ie "pni rs. and donhle m chani. th-y will !ei .s lor , as s , rood eh. Only se oecasloasl "einlnVis n -eded. Dull tim h .ve prevented ths employment of an, : whsr thsn .hs mo tAMfw work i. .nrrh..ln. now. rfireet from the mannfactnrrrs yon will D"t only ( X a Bus instnnasnt bnt yo will also save fr m to aip-r cut The 'M rs stock.ovsr 7W pi.ees must U cl sed oat iurut las Hull lays- W offer eKbnsrannt st th- sreseat low v SWTSS FACTORY PRICE, or cost of msrufsctnrint; wth small .dvane- of sipe-s s sad Import dot les-less than hs'f Jh repaid for in? r o rood, in .his eonntrr. Ws alao have a Lri- stock M Ma-if l Bo- wrth Bellav DrnM, iVlJ-.wI n.M.e. and feMlsl Ts!e Also, a U-rs sKk of small UssRal Boxes. Ws uavits aa of onr stock, shich wiil prove the facts sbovs stated te be Irs.. 8AIJ3SROOM, 929 CHEST HUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. IMPROVED FAMILY Representative Business Houses OF PHILADELPHIA. T vjbja 2a.o Jjowost -fcr HE. NATIONA1 Y CtiUkatuo, ill ceiiU. Y 1ATABIXS UEU 1S4S. MORGAN & HEADLY, Importers df Diamonds AND Manufacturers of Sptaife 61S 8A5SOX Btrtt, Philadelphia!. Illustrated Price List sent to the trmle on application. BAROMETERS, Eye Glass. Teleacopes, 8pv Glasses. Spectacle, Thermometers and Opera Glasses AT GREATLY RKDfJCED PRICES. R. Sc J. BECK, ManuCuvotrtirlnar Optlolanta, 921 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. Illustrated pries catalogue or 135 pages mailed tJ any addreaa on receipt of three stamps. BLATCHLBTS PIPS Are made to sslt cisterns or wslls of aay dpta, fress 1 to 7 feet, slther plaia or Used wttk (aJsaoissd Iroa, or sesmleas drawn tubs copper. Ws keep ts stock a com piste sssortDMOt la slse, Isafth aad pries, from the cheapest to ths HOST PERI EOT sad III PROVED PUMP THAT CAM BE HADE. Ota manufacturing facilities enable ns to furnish tbs best sumps AT PRICES BUT LITTLE ABOVE 8 ECO K I AND THIRD-RATE GOODS. When baying pomps, s that they have HY TRADE HARK AND at AHE. If not for aale la your town, your orders oaa always be filled without delay st t0 H ARRET Btravos door from Fifth street, south aids, Philadelphia C. G. BLATCHLEY. 1 Manufacturer. " THE NEWHOME" IS THE BEST LOCK STITCIl Sewing Machine EVER WANT FACTORED. IT EXCELA IX .VEBY PABTH I LAR. This machine . PxcervVnglr ligh-mnDlnir nd very quiet. It hm a relf-!e ting Newilp, a device for wlndituT bobbins wi.hout tnrniDnt the machiti', RnIn lePi I fi.r rHuUtintr the ntitcb lo any given leugtb,ftud variQUw other novelties. Extrmordlnmrj' lninrmen.i arc OCTered to Agent. D. S. EWING, 1137 t'hrtniit Nt.. Phllsuielphla. nnMBnnun n vveru ti ' m, CMiarrT, Brenckiiu, BeZarkt, DftptpMa, and all Chronlo DUiHH, by a nrtialuig sreesai. ' REMARKABLE CURES zZJZZ snt ia wiamM mtttuion. STRONGLY ENDORSED UlT.B. AbthvbTHoil MostaoM or tns Boa IVDtm tit. ImTHTTB- Hon. HOBtSOUBBV HT .ra and others who have need this Treatment ouier who have nst SENTFREE1 was, Dm.Sx.lbxs Brocnnra auo pp. with marry teatrmaniale to muM raarbit nun Paun.llli Qtrard bL. Phils CANNABIS INDICA POBITITEK.T CUBUB CONSUMPTION. Dr. H. JAMES' preparation of East Iadla Hemp has become as famous In thl country as Id India for the cure of Consumption Broncnltls and Asttima. We now Inform the public that we have made the Importation of this article Into the United States our spbai,ty. As we hav , at great ex pense and trouble, made permanent arrange ments in India tor uhMu ug -Pure Benin.'' ratherlng l at tha' right season, and having i it extract! d upon its own soil, we know tha' we nave me uuidini abticu In all It Parity and Perfection, nd are entl'led to credence when v e say thai annabis Indica will do all that ll claimed foi It one bottle will satisfy the most skeptical THERE IS KOT A SINGLE SYMPTOM OP COIN SUMPTION .hat it does not at once take hold of and diss . pate. Night BweatH, peerishnesM. Irritallon ol the nerves, failure cf uiemory, difficult exiien loration. sharp pains In the lungs, sore throat chilly sensations, nausea at the stomach, luac lion of the bowels ana wasting away of the inusclt s. Asfvur drnirerl for Dr. JAMES' CAS HABI8 ISnit'A, and If they fall you, send to u direct. B'J.So per bottle, or thr-e noitlei for B6. 60. PJls and Ointment, 91.23 each. Address. CRADDOCK & CO., 1032 Race Nt. Philadelphia. n. b.-circi;laks fiikk. PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. CENTENNIAL (JKOCNDS. r OPES EVERY DAT. ADMISSIOX.U Cents. CHILDI1EN, i Cents. Splendid arrar of Exhibits In departments ef Science, Art, Education, Agriculture, Mechanics. SPaCIAL JlfSICAL ATTRACTION'S DAILY. Alsn, the Largest ROLLER SKATIXO RINK IM THE WORLD. Open each Week-Day from 9 A. M. to IS H.. and 2v4.30P. M.. au'l nn Wnlnesday and hatuiuai eteuiLfs from 7 to w.vo cluck. BE BULD1NG IS KEATEK. ORAND SACKED CONCERT EVERY SO'DAVT I BJ ! MUHICA L ENTERTAINMENT W I VaWlia New book, hf &p. Wiun-T. Ham AND nil H ft p' pftif1 rwnt on applicfttino to I Mil Ul J . M. HU d.lart lo., Vubm. Phil Asexti W-stko ros De. MARCH S NEW BOOK, From Dark to Dawn. In this new vnln-ne, the popilsr S"thor nf N'irht He nes in the Bible rtra s with vivid and ti'lllinf fitre th, events of Hcrval Trnth. and f resit T.-e- tim'-nv to the h.nt., pth' a'd auhlimiiv f the Stories of ill - Btl.l-. A-iits will find this Bv.k, with its sparklinr thnuht". banllfal fljrOns nd rich binding, the best in the market. Terms lib' er.l. Ciico.... five. J. i. Hd tBDY CO . Pbiladelpbia. Pa. .rsv srsttv Instramenu. 11 la- patent lever and kept is motion by powsrfol sptinss. SEWING MACHINES. Machines for Dressmakers, Machines for Tailors, Machines for Everybody, Button-Hole Machines. American Sewing Machine Co., 1318 Cbefltcnt Street, Philad. . . ,n 3f MtM.imeiv wonterioi. i w i .i, -n in. .rrvaarv sot inm srstxv inscrsjaeais. nees R. R- R DTSEXTKKT, CHOLERA MORBUS, a. riTKR A.VD AGUE, OVaUCD AKO rKBTXXTKD BT Railway's Ready Reliot RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. DIPHTHERIA, I X F L UEXZ A, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, HKXXEVED Cf A rEW aUNVTatS BY RADWAY'S READY RELIEF -:o: Bowel Complaints. ioaenrM, DtarrhoBa. Cholera Morbus, orpsJa fni discbarges from the bowels are stopped la fU een or twenty minutes by tajclny hadwajt Readr Rellet. No congestion or Inflammation, to weakoess or, will follow tha uas) si the U. K. UeUet. Aches and Pains. Tor headache, whether tick or lerroot, rhea mat ism. luicbafro, pains sod weakness in tha back, spine or tldners, paitis around the Uvar, Sleurlsr swelling of the Jolms, Dalna In ths owels, heartburn and pains of ail kinds, R.d wart Beady Keller will afford immediate eais and lte continued use tor a tew days aHecu permanent cure. Price bscenu. Dr. Raflway's Be ealaling; Piils Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, for th cure ot all disorders ot the stomach, liver, bow el, kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, head ache, oonstlpatton. indigestion, dyspepsia, bli louanesa, bilious fever, Inflammation of the boa els, piles, and all derangement of the interna viscera. Warranted to effect a perfect eur Price ss cents per box. i I DR. RADWAY'S' Sarsaparillian Resolvent, The Great Blood Piirifier, FOR TliE CURE OF CHROX1C DI SEASE, SCROFULA OR SYPH ILITIC, HEREDITARY OR CONTAGIOUS, IT SCAT ED IN TUB LUNGS OR STOMACH. -' SKIN Orl BONES. FLESH OR NEBVES, coKRurn.vo the soi IDS AND VITIATING TUE FLUIDS. curonic rtaenmatism. scrornia. uiaocruial SwelUnK, Hacking Dry Cough, Cancerous Affeo. tlons, Hrphtllllo Complaints, Bleeding ot ths Lungs, Dlapepsla, Water Brash. Tic Doloreua, White Swellings, Tamors, I leers, Skin and Bl Dl-eafiea, Mercnrlal DiHeaxes. Female Coca. Slaints. Gout, Dropsy, bait Hheum, Brunch! Us OBSumptlvn. i Liver Complaint, &c. Not only dnes the SaruDartlllas Resolvent ea eel all remedial afrenta In the cure ot Cbronie, Scrofulous, comitltuilonal, and akin Diseases, but It la ths only postUve oarw tor t Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urine ry and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, stoppage of water, Incontinence oi Urine, Bright a Disease. Albuminuria, and In all cases where there are brlcK-dust deposits, or ths water Is thick, eloudy, mixed with substHOot s like the white of an eg?, or threads like whli silk, or there Is a moibld. dark, bilious appear ance and white bone-dust deposit, aud wbet there la a prkklng, burning sensation whes passing water, xnd peln in the small of the back and along the loins. Bold ty drugglau. PklCat U.M I M Ii I .A M. OVARIAN TUMOR OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH j CUBJCD BY Dr, Radway's Remedies, HAVE HAD AN OVARIAN TUMOK IN THE OVARIES AND BOW ELS FOR OVER TEN YEARS. M Aakom, Dec. it. ivts Di hinwtt i That others ay be beoeottes I mak- this statement : 1 nave had an Ovarian Tumor In the orartrs and bowels for ten years. I tried tbe beat pi,) slclans ot this p ate and others without at.; oenent. it w a growing who socn rapuuiy ua 1 could not hare livid much longer. A mend w mine Induced me to try Ka&wi y's Bemedlea. I had noi much faith In them, but Anally, art uoiiiii awuu, . Him u.. I feel Derfertly weU. and my heart is mu graiitud - to Uod for this help in my deep afflic tion. To you. sir. and your wooderfm medlcli 1 feel deeply Indebted! and my prayer Is Uikl It may be i s much a bieaaaig to oth is a It has oeen to me. imgnea) was. a. m. ttissma. Mrs. Blbbtns,wbo m kesibeaboTeeert.utats is tbe person for whom I requested- yoa to newi medicine In June, l7. The medhine abors iati-d were bought of me, with tbe escepi koa of what was sent to ber by you. 1 may aay thai her atatement ts correct without a quail Ocatlos (Signed) L S. L aca. Druggist anl ChemtM, Ann Arbor Ml a This may ceitiry that Mrs Blbbins. whomf tbe above certificate. Is and has bt-eo for manj rears weU kaowa as, aa4 tt fl s Its ,11 stated are undoubtedly and undeniably eorrwBt. Any one who knowk Mrs. aUbbuts srui bslisvs her statem nt (signed) KIKJ J) Cocsaa, K-iST R Posn Maar cocua, & H. toito Dr.. RADWAY 6l CO., s vt akku sTKKrr. m. v. PIANO S?rtt?V,l!"- '"ORSW is sstad; wrast ess at; tsstr raak cosssists rM sad ssfsal ef ths ss'Siv; ffrssa trt Msn. Bss IWUrs Utsst Jfowssassr for fsll ml? ssnt frss. Befors bavtac PIAVO r OKGAM rsas nr lata rlrcsUar aVat ITS essakwstasl fiaaes sad Organs. bai sj Isstiaas.sts! Chsllrafs seaassrt- Itlvals an laslosw sf aT i Moat , sessfnl bunas In Asssricsl Cnssssaarasl a faw r-srs sessntaoat a AolUr ; sal sww aaanr aa soallr. Lowast wrier svr rtvrs; ssscaat at'swwsoS P'ssos U6; M-slotCbareh Organs, ills. Trsasssis) W 0 ess b rsaias sow resdr. AdJrna) Wit WE HAYE IT AT LAST. a rntrEcr Shirt Bosom Stretcher AND IRONING BOARD. Bt sdlias srtiels la Markst astla as aiaths. hots hi eltr sad country. Thsrs srs Af sat ssUiast Twa ltosca dailv It is Bassnnr la svarr rtasaet. aaats asksshle taaa aav etasr scars. Ii was rsi- entad feovssibsr , M7T, Lsrr araraiac said festsll Aarssias Wastes. STAT a ASK COOIf I Birll .Uft lasst tus ctrealars sad Hiss, le W. SMITH, Alsssrhassy Csaasaty.frsv. (bar la what psasr torn saw this sevstmssassru. LAKDRETHS' SEEDS 0. LAM'EETH HONR. ft ss a. '8IXTB ST,. rHII.ADCI.r-aiA.