fled ; Rat Catching. "Is it not dangerous to catch them?" "Yes, unless you know how. The way I do is 10 go into a room iu the dark and wait for them to come out. They must come out to get food and water. I wait until they 'get near my bait, and then, by the aid of my dark lantern, seize them in my nanus ana put them in a bag. or else I pick them up with my tongs. Of course I got to be quick about it, but I have spent many nights surrounded by rats with out getting bitten. I have had them running alliover me, on my head, up my sleeves and up the legs of my pants You don't mind it when you get used to it. I often put my hand in a bag of rats and bring out any particular one that may be wanted. Good lively rat are worth about eleven cents each for a rat bait, but the business is very poor since Mr. Bergh took to breaking up the matches. It don't pay to catch rats unless we can sell tUem, and as yet the-only use for them is for rat baits. In Paris they use the fkins tx make gloves, but nobody has tried that here. But something must be done if "Ar. Bergh keeps on. Look at the sew- 'e mrested witlTtf.'rEr' wht. J UVUJ. it Won 'i- rlw . . P"'son rats. W..ba SCIENTIFIC. "e In their holes and their Observations at Great Altitude! . Pro fessor S. P. Langley, of Allegheny Observatory, who is now in Italy, sends to The American Journal of Science and Arts a brief description of the proposed observatory to be erected on Mount Etna, under the direction ot rrotessor Tacchini, of Palermo, at an elevation of over 9,000 teet above tne sea levei. He adds: I write in the hope that tne example thus set by Italy may find im itators with us. 1 have been now for some time at a less high but still an el evated station . here, about 4,500 feet above the seaj engaged in observations which it may be hoped will be of some use in determining what may be ex pected iu similar sices in ourown terri tory, their aim being to substitute some sort of Quantitative data forDiir present conjectural knowledge a3 to the degree in whinh tiirt condition of vision are improved at higher stations, and to form with something of deflniteness a standard of comparison. The results (which will probably appear in a report presented to the United States Coast Survey).are not as yet complete; but 1 may say, in general terms, that while as regards observations of precision, per haps even as regards work on double stars and like measures, the gain is less than niisrht have been expected, too mm;h can hardlv be said of the im menra advantatre of an elevated station "lospnere: wi.iT na-t cededly, our on.V h 'ona. con AGEICULTUBE. Rules for the Care of Sheep. The following good rules for the care of sheep we find floating round with-; out credit. The writer evidently un derstands how to take care- of sheep. orr farmer who keeps sheep as every farmer should, at least a lew oueht to paste these simple rules upon , bis stable door, that himself, and hands may see them often, and adhere to them strictly: Keep the iheep dry under loot with litter is even more necessary than roofing them. Never let them ot.n,t nf lii. iii mud or snow, lane up lamb bucks early in summer, and keep them up until December, when they may be turned out. Remove the lower bars as the sheep enter or leave a yard, thus avoiding broken limbs. Count them every day. Begin graining wi:n th greatest of care, and uie.the sm:il- luai- misinr.irv r.rsi. ti Carcasaea !..... , a l(l,. S,!met-8 r eat --f w make their wku mem in know how Ti,t .. v my onsi I and nests. You trans Tl.-f . , '"u ness in't.Ttroi. i .. a secret n V ' w 1 01,1 " l - Deon:t-nV'8..a.8W1ost . r ..CIJ tuey, catch one rat in tne irats may be in the liou8fi. , Ka.ts are verv Hmm r.,, raspotorlrX UPt PosS1bly the tips of their uiU Ihey are very fond of sweet oil and 1 the : "u.ana k offi.e food l-" get "their favorite ..cjr u, gnaw holes for fi, have gone up and sat down by r r J and watched their movements; vi e they d.d not run away becau4 ,h " ,n. L.77uu lu' i have seentl. :. . . "ey lost iiearlv ail en. their faculties 1 tneir we have ,eat tUauy Pel'!e ".ink we have a way of charming rata but this is not u .... . Ls' Dut er,h . ' . "c,uk"howto "CI" because it is our bi pres gout nrnfinafl out an ecliW if th? '1" 8ee.ic wh . . . J ai vj in iKurn n. a, exceptionally tian." "c m an 1 will fM "Warent atmosphere ion to Colorado Pt- ofobservatio. le7e fin ZlJU -m ncihave no hesitotfon i.?!.aJ? '"at our own Country U - -iJlUtr equal to the EtnS t" " 'e-t astronomical every of acce. ir ana wr easier '-oped that .omerhi T Jf.W be us in this direction T"1 uot? wh very moderate Sei V . on a such a distant. ev"7' " we wat for f the Lick ObsVrvVfnrV comP'etion the laurels It ve shall flnd -rversbetweonthefleT ob- DftSTIC. Wax and MkB for Wounds Grafting wax ih I have been suc cessful with foir forty years is made ot five parts, lieight, of resin, two parts of beeawf to give it body to stand the heat fmmer),two part of beef or muttonpw, or pint of lin seed oil, ore opf the latter or either of the formerfiake the compound pliable when led with the fingers to the grafts olinds; thus it can be kept at the slteraperature of the . hands while ajng it. The process of making is time as that of shoe maker's waxlis compound, you perceive, is Diiegetable and partly animal. They be no grafting ma terial made siienial to the bark of the tree as uifof loam and clay in equal parts, alter enough to. bring it to the rionsisteucy, beating and temneriiltil it U thornnchlv lamb milk daily a few days and mix a j incorporated Jls said that some mtle'alum with her salt. Let no hogs ! use horse majfree from straw, and eat with sheep In weaning lamp, use orae add a Hair like that used in alittle mill feed. reve.-frighten sheep ; plastering, t-ent cracking. Un it vou can avoid it. Sow rve for weak doubtedly bqrse manure and hair ones in cold weather. In the fall sep, I will pin the together and make arate the weak, thin or sick from the it wear well I have always used tronff and ive extra care. If one is ' that made ol parts of common hurt catch "him at once; wash the I clay and load water by beating wound- if in flv time apply spirits of ! and temperls above described. turpentine daily; always- wash with Formerly implied to the stocks turpenuue oanj , j , nrriwn( v ortow as a handxire Roioethin nea ing. ouiiinci uiKU!auUv....-r- - limbs t "htly; loolening as the limbs , to cover thejr to keep it in place, swells. Keep number of good bell, i and to preij from washing off in snrinVr t---- w them spoil wool ! showers, b.f we use old calico for y""g. tor scours give nnlv0ru" i 1 i"ineii- say two or three alum m wheat bran. lVeven t ht t ' ,Illche8 elve or more inches ngcareinchanginsdryforgree T,,e applied with a II lame, examine feet, clean o.,t i r : ,voolIen pade trowel to one end of pare hoof, if unsound. aorZ ' k ; .' ?,,e ban(lage 'unch without spread- uo,Je with blue vitrol in i-Vm l!iT en to cover the stock, "the weather is not tL IS? t'nl then B b7 pressing it over "CO I ill, f 1 II rl OtiAA- L. . . vv'.u. at oitce sneep beu-inninw .i ; 1 lu arunu hocks ana scions with and carefully save peks of thW it I 1 han,Js ren winding the ban- uie. JIavesome ran,i k,i. . . lnat , 'Jage lieaMr hd. tncki ncr under end refer to. It will nt ZlV0 the band it can be ouicklv and Purse. "" 1,1 tny neatly done la little Dractice.-Al- Where DoeTdTv".. I... ..I t"ough graftfvax is in general use. general belief ,-a 1 ihe o Liiat Li. water from the ,v tidn inH;;;- . "s"t - rn K ,i a"onlsuchan extent or fats. u hecause of irlv annlio.at.ion. fimtn dn water from the ir uf ..ju..1 orta.ns i "Ot prove tit is congenial to the : " . , . - JUKI l nir g haA.n Dn r L- f : A . n,i - . i .ji. t" ,- ""ovmjj- I -uiiruiH, i ue met is luai villi as to be r,f h.o " "ruw,,i" "tent ; r rats, also Itable drying oils, are more or lesiinous to the severed ! Dark of the Jleatina Gas Bette " nai is neei c r Than Steam.' ons of the soil. Jones' Water Pitcher. A reporter ,i.m. , . n r uc"eu to interview once tn He Preded at 1!. ?" res'den-. tl nmning -r .uniuie steps, ran" "uy appeared at the servant, whom the bell. A summons of the the rpnnrtoi. o. . th0 V es' ine w"e of Mr. Jones the w.fe of the distinguished ' ' man n,... : , 6v.ime- . tuning ana the reposter said : "Is Mr. Jones at home?' "No," .WAS the rea . . " j ' " i , .r . removing his hat, is the di'stribuUoTand uZ f hL'r- rkh ' Almost the entire iSt? heat.nggas. i'y of the fuel can be m Z , 1 apat" lossand at. a n,f. : e.rellvered without dwellings of the poor and ri?hSta,n, the foves, and far more " ' an.aRas pen,iveaf.d whole-o i e t ' e ,,lex- can be uS fwKirM iiir.,i , .. ""Clever coal is nrw., ls"iess. burned, and in them LIIH ff'lO K.. will .,.,!, .... JP "uiueu PeratuTe-n t " a .sired tem- ufacturing urno If ' LK1".g 0r nian tained in.tde : T ... l,.lc Iieat con- yflnd all "eac,n gas is, be- and useful t u ' e economical cties. and we V'a .. w neating of thoridM w M our city an- merits inveri,rUfi u'" Jpective value, and ""'cultural this moisture t, brought and sustain, in; inv,gotes would nerh1 w",cn otherwise Prnfe. :,.v ""servati from Mavtf, v "?L,0.V .l surface and Ave ' . 1 ' T0th at the warmer than fhe 'iwP- to be blethatthemoJontfc the .morning wag e f air, A more reasonable mm.i.r" that the vnnnr ...:, Uie. inclusion is surface is conden e it T the tact with the colder li " .e.Vn - enon of so-called "dew fall" la .!"' n'gnt, and so con len perts betor h.? ,.ill "J -'pecent ex- w xuuwi i.ir 1111 f t3. i. anv "rine-" that mT t ""' over to view. g t,ut ma7 have a "job" in ntitmabu Titlpny.,r,h , Hon .t o .." w a. ue f.; vvt- character -w.iuauB uy jUfJ well-known English giueer. it is w inven- has iiiat A. Cow per, a "jcuiiamcai en I'Kiu uie.air at the fHm .,- w'7.v " moisture in iee-Diteher i e uew 00 the ' ls highly reclmended, but I haven't ,n V,c common Jllustrati,.,, i tnei it! Afiv t wmcn absorbs them, consequentlte bark is unable to make a lip olver of wood and bark over the woiias when clay mortar is applied ; besiall vegetable oil, when used in erafllwax made of rosin and the air, renlia: it hard, and thus crovv-di the Ions, preventing them making woodward over the stock. especially if ir.-grafting is the mode; young, vigoik srrowins trees over come these bjefiects more easily. 1 think there che no Durelv veaetable grafting wa Jade, as both vegetable and unctiousfe, are a positive injury to the bark ol-ees: mv eicnerie.nce is ill favor Of tlilrterin wiT eomnonnd. if either is to I used. The following seen, the ;, r .. u": 33 we have .cvcise or tliose with men are s case are the both warmn. ,j:uu' the 8tudy of tl.i, question, a m'" soil and placed in grovyinV - imuj 1JIM v I MM n r.,ir, grass with the lie fclrat ft'rile'uoun'ilt P " '?JMn "WCTriteT in London moves "Ah, ja that case he must be out!" "He is.", "Yes ! Beins out he is therefore not in." "No, sir." "Hum! When will he be in?" "I don't know." "Ah-h! No objections to publishing this interview in the Daily Forum, i suppose? ""Not at all." , i "Thank yon," and the reporter bow ed and left. He returned again, how ever, about eleyen o'clock at night in hopes of finding the gentleman at home. At any rate-a mafi raised the. upper story 'window when the bell rang he asked who asthere. The' reporter ex plained and asked if it was Hon. Mr. Jones, who spoke. The man ;-aid it was, and if the reporter didn't leave he'd throw a pitcher of water out. The reporter hoisted his umbrella and asked what Mr. Jones had to say on the sub ject of international finance and com mercial reciprocity. Jones threw the water, but the umbrella, would have protected the reporter, had not Jones thoughtlessly dropped the pitcher That ended the umbrelJa and inter view, and nearly" smashed the reporter, but he sweet feels revenue in the fact that Mr." Jones' waler pitcher is no more. It struck his cheek. U'ithnnf .... . y or OOltom. Was filler! the t "'"cu?uo" soil was 06 decree, "r.i l,UJ.? ot. tf'e , fviivi ill run i ; er - rtir 1)1) with dew. the box. and uciMceS. ItllSATnnni " edmany times wYth 'Br?Pt Then a loose tin A Wind Spout. William Langley, a cotton plauterof Gwinnett county, Georgia was stand ing in a field on his farm on the even ing of the 23d of April. Around him were several men, a woman and three children, all breaking the soil for cot ton. The sky was clear and the air quiet, there being about both a hint of sultriness. The children.had just stop ped work and thrown themselves, tired as tired could be, on the top of-rp11e of guana sacks, when a peculiar roaring was heard in the field. The sound bore some resemblance to that of an ap proaching train, but as no railroads were near the workers looked at one another in amazement. In a moment they sa w a small column, not larger in circumference than a barrel, skim rap idly along tbe ground. J he wind col umn appeared to be filled with dust, and in ine centre contained what look ed like a ball of fire. The mother rush ed towards the children, who crouched low in iright, but before she could reach them the pile of guana bags, chil dren and all were scattered right and left. . In its course, always eccentrie, the columns struck a st'imp fairly from butt to roots, and tore it from the ground, the wood splitting into three pieces and dropping twenty or thirty yards away, t Mr. Langly was sucked in as the whirling thing bolted by and thrown into a plowed gully some dis tance away. In the next iustant the strange visitor had gone, passing up over the tops of the trees. ' It was seen plainly by the ladies at the Langley house, appearing to them like the smoke that rushes up i circular vol umes from thesmoke staik of a locomo- ' ttve. - his pen, and simultaneously at B.iih- ton another pen is moved, as though by a phantom hand, in precisely sim ilar curves and motions. The writer writes in London, the ink marks in Brighton Those who have seen the instiument at woik say that its mar vels are quite as startlihg as those of the telephone, The pen at the receiv ing end has all the appearance ol being guided by a spirit hand. The appara tus is shortly to be made public before the Society of Telegraphic Engineers. A fac-siiuile of the writing produced by this ' tcleirrauhio writing machine shows that the words are formed with out any lifting of the pen, and are per- iectly legible. Tlic "Leather Glove." The Governor of Haha, the largest and most important province in the Empire, which long maintained its in dependence of the Sultan, hereditary claim to the government of the twelve Shellah tribes who make up the popu lation. Although miserably fallen away from its ancient prosperity in the time of i.eo Africanus (in the six teenth century) there were six or eight populous towns where there is now nothing better than a village the Pro vince still furnishes much agricultural produce and live stock, and sends hides grain, oil and other merchandise -lor exportation to the port of Mogador. The Governor, at the time of our visit, had long held his office ; by liberal con tributions to the Imperial Treasury he had kept himself iu the fajor of the Sultan while amassing vast wealth. Powerful and feared, lie might have maintained his authority unbroken,but that, by a coutinuous course of oppres sion and cruelty, he at length stirred np the spirit of resistance among his own people. Vengeance, however at trocious, for acts of revolt is so fully the admitted right of men in authority in Morocco, that it did not seem to count for much in the indiutmen against him that on one occasion he in flicted on several hundred some said a thousand prisoners the terrible pun ishment of the "leather glove." A lump of quick lime is placed In the vic tim's open palm, the hand is closed over it and bound with a piece of raw hide. ' The other hand is fastened With a chain behind the back, while the bound fist is plunged into water. When on the ninth day, the wretched man has his band set freeJ.-it is to find him self a mutilated object for life, unless mortification sets in, and death relieves him.from further suffering. But in addition to such acts as these, the'Kaid of Haha was accused of capricious deeus oLferocity that revolted the consciences ot his people. Among other stories of the kind we were tbld that on some oc casion, when he was having a wall made round his garden, he happened to see a youth jump over the low, unfin ished fence. Feeling in some way an noyed at this, he had the unfortunate boy's right foot- struck off as a lesson not to repeat the experiment. Philadelphia lias 140 shoe factories, against only sixteen eight year .ago. The late Richard Henry Dana's es tate is appraised at $118,937.30. the same result cover w..s ,,!,, ;; wnlng the "thickly studded with drops-of water" dew. Warts ox Cattle. Anoint thew.srt three times with clean fresh hog's lard, about two days between times. I have had warts on my horses bleeding warts of large size, rattling warts and seed warts, to the number of one hun dred on one horse's head. I have never been able to find the warts for the third application of the lard. All disappear after the second application. I have sent this prescription to several agri cultural papers hoping it would be of some use to farmers. But they all seem slow to believe ; perhaps because the remedy isathand and costs nothing. It ought to be at the head of the veter inary column of every agricultural paper. I was slow to believe It myself, but having a tine young mare with large bleeding warts, thatcoveied parts of tho bridle and girths with blood whenever used. I thought there would be no harm in trying lard mi them. When the mare was got up for the third application there were no warts, and the sears are there now, afrer more than fifteen years, with very little change. ual narts of resin and finely ptilveriJ drv clayl adding suffi cient tallow I render the wax the consistency cljhewing gum; apply warm With a lnden naddle. It. neither . - .... ui its up. cractl io.r ne.els off. and is so cheap that it cakbe used for mending or stopping cmiJIs in barrels, smearing wounds on auiiials and many other purposes. Tiiielv DiHcov3ry. thl'?16 mp,n are I10t always wise, neither do affl, i tiderti j'i i-'ment." Job. This ,,TJL patriarch might have known of the ' Helens and painful treatmeut of Emeroda" tu ma own t.me, but his words would have W'L'1 . ... ,i . ... vrmrm inn iingmn inn n- i n i ti.rv a'frt Wiiues-.'eil Thh cruel. abBind and inf f.-ctual treatment of Piles by the many school of ' gr. at and aeJ professors," until i.t last rii.-if,'i:8t" d doctor p onounctdpUes '-the oppro brium of ihe art." Dr. S.lsbee has put to shame, by the simplicity and excellence of hi great piie remedy, not only the whfcle famil-. nf quack uottrnm. whose name is le-ion. bat the pretr-iidei w dom of the medical profes eion. Th s Atiakesis (or piie reme :y), is sim ple and i aiv of application, gives instant re lief, and by combiuing the meiits of a poultic to Ho.ithe. an instrument to hold up ;aud com press tbe tmnor-. an I a skilfully dev. ced medi cine applied directly to "the diseased pars ul tinmtely cares the worst cases of p ies and keeps them cured. Half a million of person) pronounce Analeesis the most beneficent dis covery of tha aae. an i we belie -'e them. Ana kesis Dr. S Sil-ibee's Externa! Pile Remedy u sold by all first-class druggists. Price $1 00 Samples mailed free to all sufferers by P. Nt us.aedter A Co., Box 3948, New York. Your Babies Not my Babies. An Ingenious Xioht Lamp. A re cent number ot the Paris La Nature de scribes a simple and convenient niifht lamp, the invention of M. Behn, indi cating the hour by the extent of com bustion of the oil. From the oil reser voir rises two vertical glass tubes; one contains oilj and is graduated for the hours; the other contains the wick sat urated with oil, and giving the light. The construction is such that one hour HFMOBOJJS. He Wahtkd Somb 'SctniT."na a train coming east over the Central Koad the other day wu a Calif ornian oouna i or -ew Jersey, and the train had scarcely left Chicago behind when be stopped the conductor and said : " On which aide of the cars can I best see the mountains?" The conductor told him that there were no mountains along the route, and the man indignantly replied : " What in hlaxes did you build the road for? What do you suppose I'm traveling for? This must be a one horse road ir it don't take In at least one mountain!" He cooled down ftr wMi. Kni in half an hour he tackled the brakeman w im me query : " Does this road nuutiTinr niA of interest?" The brakeman couldn't any ruins except an old log house here and there, and the Calif ornian was mad in a minute. Do VOU think I ahlnrwul nn road as freight or live stock?" he called out. " if you don't run past any old ruins why don't you say so on your time-cards, and r.ot be deceiving people?" " hen the conductor next came along the Californian was looking from the window to catch slcht at th hrM and he turned and said : ' If we come to anv brldiraa nvnr eight hundred feet long Just give me the word. 1 don't care about seeing any shorter ones." The conductor had to admit that the road was trying to get along with a few short bridges, and the passenger bobbed around in his seat and replied : '. m nat am you Duilci your old road for? If you haven't any long bridges on the line why didn't you hunt for a new one?" - About thirty miles west of Detroit the Californian caught sight of a lake afar oft", and going out onahe platform he asked the brakeman : " Don't we run along the shore of that lake, over there?" " No; we are as near as we shall go." " You are, eh? Then that settles this road with me ! When I come back I'll ride in a lumber wagon ! You can take your confound railroad and eat it, but you can't fool me again. Looks to me as if the folks who built it simply wanted to connect Detroit and Chicago, and didu't care a cent for scenery. I'll get off at t .e next station and walk." " The Next Towic." Recently a citizen on his way to the Post-office was halted by a woe-begone tramp, wno looked as if a dinner of shingle-nails and currycombs would be gladly wel comed if served up warm. " You have the same old story to tell, I suppose," said the cit zen, as he came to a halt. " No, sir, I haven't," was the prompt reply; " I am 'simply about to ask your advice. You leok 1 ke a keen, sharp business man, and I thought I'd ask you what you thought of my going to the next town." "Why why, go on, of course," stammered the citizen. "That's your advice, is it?" contin ued the tramp. " I shall leave it ail to you, and do just as you say about it. I have every confidence in your judg ment." "Yes; I think you can't get out of town too soon." i "And if you were me would you borrow a quarter before you left?" "No; I wouldn'X. 1 wouldn't wait for supper." 4-n .At A. U- ,r hx cui seenL tQbeakind- take your advice," quietly observed the tramp, as he moved away. The citizen looked after him until be was lost In the distance, never once thinking of calling him back and hand ins him a quarter. He had the same game played on him twice before. Kit .U J A a IMi, Thto dreadful diaaaae, Um doctors tell na, fa to tho blood, and behaving to a to be trna, w advise verj sufferer to try Darang'k Bbee- Bemady. It fa teles internally sad err eares tne woe case In tne short set Bold by every Draggle to towav Ir ioc aai 5sxvot aa DsmasxD take HoofLunVs Qzaxiji Brraas. By Dr. Bond's new discovery a poaitiTe core Cor this dieed malady no hiift, mocauttic, no psm. Dr. Bond's sneeeas in liesling Cancer fa truly arreiona. Hwaedies sent to any pert of tbe world, with full direouoos forsnooeeefal borne treatment. Send a de-cnption of your ease, or any cancer sufferer you mtj know of. Pamphlet and full diraovona seat free. Ad dress, Dr. H. T. Bond. PhUad'a., Pa. Himptsti's TrrTBa OiTa r will curt all scabby or eealy dismsei of tbe skin. The Gospel of Joy ! en. - n i -M t kiHtHuhi AUG UTOSpei U OV .f ami Wi for Goti M tQBs, Ou tMUDIi, ItoToUosel IMI tBf sb4 kasaar School, Br Bar. Bamisi. Alius ant S. H. Srscx. It eestalss a larf saatber of so sad varr -sorior Hjaaa aae Tanec. I k smerai otfl is tot? caoortal eo4 krijkt, aa Wti a coUactioa that baa aieea to aa? aad elss abost " QU TldUcs ef Great Jot." Beta vore a4 siasiasra of as ataratst charae tar. s-eBSMadiac iaaenalaa to saraoa af rasaca test, and the "aaaeiaf SMaaara" ao araTalaat la ataar raeaet aaaaoatttmia baa baae aarafuUr avoided. PrioafaeeaU, for whlck asMisMB eopiaa lba ailed to aar addroaa. Sas Deeoratloa Day Mnsie in tha UmUal Xard,fc. Good Newi ! 2&5lf&l aaada of fiBd. Do aol fail to azaaUea and try It. I Tkera era B Soasa. la tbe onmaoaitioo or aeieetla -ol which graatUataasd abiiitr Sa baas dt-aUjed i Bxaminastau-'Shinia Bi r'faad "The Klier of . Life," two auadard booka of (raaibaaatf. 1 Oliver Dltson & Co., Boston. ! J. B. niTSOH a CO.. m Cheetaot St.. Paila. 17 ISTiBUSllED 1848. MORGAN & HEADLY, Importers of Diamonds ! a! ..! to nnr aiimo th a nnitnt.it.tr nf Some years ago there resided in the .. hAVPAn the two nraduations of the town of Hebron a certain Dr.;T , who became very much enamored of a beautiful young lady in the same town. In the course of time they were en gaged to be married. The doctor was a strong and decided Presbyterian and his lady love as strong and decided Baptist. They were sitting together one evening talking over their 1 first ment-.oned tube. A renecter I placed under the flame at the side ! throws a lumipous beam across the i graduated tube. During the night one can thus see-at what height the oil stands in the tube and read the corres ponding hour. proacing nuptials when the doctor re marked : "I am thinking of two events which I shall number among :he happiest of my life." , "And what may that be doctor?" asked ihe lady. 'One isthe hour when I shall .call you my wife for the first time." "And the other if you please?" "It is when we shall preseut our first born for baptism." "What sprinkled?" "Yes my dear, sprinkled." 'Xever shall a child of mine be sjrinkled." "Every child of niiue shall be sprink 'led." "They shall be, eh?" "Yes, my love." "Well, sir, I can tell you, then, that your babies will not be my raoies good night, sir A Lcsing Jokis. A prominent phy aP j sician of Pittsburgh said jokingly to a lailv uatient who was complaining or her concinued ill health, and of his in abilitv to cure her, "try Hop Hitters!" The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for his joke, but he is not so well pleased with It, as it cost him a good patient.. Rats Keep the house as clear as possible ot these pests. If tney will not enter the traps set for them, drop a little oil of sodium in them ; that will attract them without fail. Fasnionable FooUahoeaa. There i3 no modern fashionable notion quite so absurd as the generally So ! reeeivtu idea that to be beautiful and attractive a woman must possess a wan, spiriiuelie face ard a flgureof sylph like proportions--a fragility in nine case? out of ten the result of disease. B ThP lady left the room and the doc- j many fashionable belles it is considered a special compliment to oe sposen oi a trail and delicate. They lorget inai in tor left the house. The sequel to thi storv was that the doctor never mar ried and the lady is an old maid. Lemon Cvstakd Pie. 1 lemon ; grate . the rind and squeeze the juice; 1 cup : white sugar, yolk of one egg, 2 table spoonsful corn-starch,. 1 cup water.. Mix the corn-starch with a little cold ; water, and have the remainder of the water boiling, and stir the starch into it. When cold, add the rest of the cus tard. Bake in one crust. When done, beat tho white of the egg to a stiff froth, thicken w:th sugar and spread on the pie; return to the oven and brown. Exrosms to Drafts when n ated. and gul den change-in the temperaiure ot the atmos phere, are prolific sources ot sver Culds, ti oin b th manyc.s sot Inflammation of the Lungs. Pieurlsy, i-st hma, ana other Pulmonary a Cec il ns aie developed. 8houJd you unfortunately contract a cola, resort .t once to Lit. Ja. ne's Expectorant, a remedy lhal wl I noi only promptly iure coughs and colds, b t will re lieve and strcnenhen ihp Hnhi m arv and Brun cuts! organs, and remove all dangcrotu Sjmp- j gojd Dy diuggUtt. naturally delicate face and petite figure are very different from the pale and diseasje-stricken faces that meet us in the city thoroughfares, look out from ihe luiuriant carriages of wealth, and ulide languidly through our crowded i1rawiii-rooms. If diseano wre un fashionable, as it ought to be, nota lady in the land but would take every pos sible precaution to secure the fresh, bloom. m face and well-roanded figure that only health can fiive. Ladies should remember that much as gentle men may pro less to admire the face and lorm paled and emaciated by disease, when ihey choose a wife they prefer a blooming, healthful, buoyant-spirited woman. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the acknowledged standard remedy for female disease and weak ness, it has the two-fold advantage ol curing the local disease aud imparting a vigorous tone to the whole system. It If there are any of our readers who 'lave not tried Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia,) we advise them to give it one trial, for their own sake. Have your grocer get it. A n exchange tells of an old farmer, who. having eaten an oyster stew for the first time, said : ' 1 like the soup pretty well, but I didn't like them polly-wogs." That reminds us of the little story of the Hoosier, who lunched with "Old Hickory" when he wa President. Among other things, there were champagne and olives on the table, and of which the guest partook freely, and, when the lunch was about ended, Mr. Hoosier remarked : " Gen eneral, that's mighty good cidsr, but hang your pickles I" Froteet the qratena from If alartaw It is possible to do this even in regions ot country where miaama is most rife and where the perio.lic fevers which it canees assngae their moat formidable types. Tbe immea popalantv of Hob tetter 'a Stomach Bttters ia very lively attributable to the fact of its effi cacy an a remedy for chills and fever, bilions remiUeuts, and aa a preventive of the various forms of malarial disease. In those porttone of tue vvest sod Booth where eomplauita of this Delate pre-aJ. and in the Tropica, it ia particularly esteemed for the protective influ ence wh.ch it exerts ; and it baa been very widely adopted as a snbstitte for the danger ous and comparatively in IT active alka aid. eulpbate ot quinine. Physicians have not been among the last to eoneede its aaer ta. aud he emphatic profeaaonal indorsement which it has received nave added to the repu tation it baa oboaiued at home and abroad. AND BR Of Stiff IS BAMHtM tree. FUMilykU,' Illustrated Price List sent to the trade on application. PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. CENTENNIAL. GROUNDS. sxasoH or i&ts-w. SV- onE BWT BAT. J ADMISSION If Cents. CH1LDBIN, 10 Cents. XXTIH81VK ALTXRATI0S8 AND IMPBQVI- MKMT8 HAVS BE1CN MADK. NIW A VP ATTRACTIVE KXHIBJTtt ADDED, WITH MANUFACTURING MACHINtBlf IN FKACTH'AL OPERATION. A Magnificent Dfeplar la the Desartmenta of Sci ence, Ait. Education, Air cullure A Mech slci. The Popular 8uceei of Laa Ke son. GRAND PBOMES DIC AND DRKHB HOPS, avaar wxdnksdat ivkning. Commencing with the Opening Dav . the Bo'Vltnf wUI be OPjlM DAILY from 8 M. M. to ( P. M. KaflTae ITsTa W a rM9m- Liver Remedy DLOOD PURIFIER u Tame, cordial, AbU.BIUou. DYSPEPSIA a sa ineweaas ev nee iiieaaaiin. uwmr res kse4. UbaJiaBthaaytan.kplaaaajittokka; e aql slekea, atve pate, nor laeee the arstesa esav HOW.TO BE tSTr YOUROWII p ywav sar aetlve rob bleoal pass, and i pseserfpttoa. sasd m ate ewa au anowa reaaaa aaVOKaBBAL, 14 inaunuasn AGENTS, RFAD THIS I Wa wUI par Areata a aajerp of f per ateatfc repiue a. erenow a Hffl enej hew sns Woaderfal Uvatloi we ear. Baaiels free. Address aai a, ta sell eat Ws atesa what HBBjaAX A CO., arshall, Hick. A !?Bw4gT FOB THI XW HISTOai Our Western Border. A OMppMaaad Orspais Hlatorr of AsMrieaa Pie seer Lfle, with fnU eoaowat of Oaa. Oaorge Rofen VifriJJf"0'" "" lapadlrloB, W faaraaso. Ibj thrUlint eonatota H Bed and WhiU leas, tacit noeaer Ufa sail wasted aeaipe sat a. IllastnaWetrealarafrae. J.O. mrnjvi m W..M B. Bareata St . "Silad-a. ra. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BsvtU Oreek, Mlob. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIBRATOR " THRESHING HACHIHERY. rtateUes 0rslavlajr. Tteae-Savtet, Waarr4eTj Tkieehm efiale S.T as4 illl Sea. Sereaa B ftnlrr ae BeeM Wert. rarM i eat aaeHa Urmia (rem weea. STX1I Power TBreaher. a Sperlaltr- Neaelsl eleet t Sepenaera mmtt expremlj be Steea Peeer. slCB Varivsled fttreai ThreaaaT KaHrlaas. W keia PeneMe tmi Ttectloe. wilk ' PfIHE imtf. Thraahlas bpaaaea (sad aft re as uuee e n umm aa ') i Ike Bltra Omal SATKO kv Sal lajareeei MerMaei GRAUf Balaers will net sahalt Is the eaer enimttiMl Grata tad Dm lebrler eerk Jem ar NOT Oalr Tsatlv Saperier for Wheat. Oats, Parte,, In, ea4 Hke Urelu. eet tk Oai t M Thuiker la Pku. TtaMkr. BUM. Cwrer, aeS ake XI Thareash WerkaMaahla, Rlenst flalaa. PmfceUuo, e( reru. Ciililni'i 1 Ummmn, eat, aer " VnaAeoa" Thraeher OelAu are laneeipereela. WTAKTEtOCM for Slatpllrtt j of Parts, salsf Afas len Uaa eae-kelf tke eaeel Belu u4 Ueua. Metal Oeee Werk. wltk ae Uuerlasi er Sceurrtefe. rOl' B glare ef Separator! Made, Raaaiaf he SU e Twelre-Hem elae, tnA tweet; le et Meeae 4 Bene Pewera e enaik FOB Partial arv Call ea ear Dralera er wrtai W it Dt luantaiet Clnalar. eak we awU tne. HOP BITTERS. (A medicine, ae a Orlalu) ooBTArtrs BOPS, AVCUV, BLaVDKAaUt, DAMDELIOIt. tst Puaaai ajtb Bbst alsseoaa QO- op otwjw Birrssa, q'H HIV CTCTXtJE ABDaaaassiof ths Stoiaseb, Boweki. Blood. Lfrer, iTMaefl, and Urinary Ortans, Herronaaees, BlespJ aaa stpaciallr Female Complaints. tlwOO IH GOLD. rm he paM for a easa they win aot ears er beta, eri tor anythtns topera or lalurtoea fonnd ta them. Ask tobt dructlst for Hop Bitters sad trjUkaml yea sleep. Take ae ether. tHorCoveaCtrza bittie aweetea aafeat and Past. ask ciuiarea irae Hop Paw for Stomach, Urer and mdoers eopener to au outers, ass mogg-iaie. ED. L 0. ts aa aheolate and trraeltfhie etrrs fori fflrnninsoey oaa of opium, tobacco aad naroottraJ bbbbbbbj Bend for circular. ebeeee4erenene, Hep HmnkHe. Ca. ian,W.T JOHN WANAMAKER Tue most tnorougn organization in America for executing written orders ls the Kali Depart ment for samples and supplies at the Grand Depot, tbe great Dry Goods and Outnttlng s tabllsbment of JOHN WAUAMAKKH. Beqorata for aamplaa and orders for goodaare at tended ta with the most thorough pro-nptn eee and precUloa. Hothtnf sent ont unlri believed to be met whet ia wanted, but If not atlefactery i cheer fallr azchaiif ad or money lafunded. flflksand Telreta. Cnilerwear.roniet.,e. DraaaOooda. Lndira'A Children ' Shoes Moarnina Oooda. lrn'e aad Boy'i .-neea. L dies' A Children1 Snlts.KakberG ode. Tronk,te Shawla A loaka l inent, FlanDeli.lliitliua. Ladi-a' rnrniahi'f Goodi Men V A Boy 0 othm. H'eiry and Glovn. Grille' Furniehlna GoodJ. WhitaOaodiaad Lacaa. 1e-'eei.d B-y'e HaU. Motiona, Z'phyra, etc. hutini"-ry A SiWerarare. Frlnfee A Kuibroideriea, Honte furniabinc Oooda Bibbona, Tina, rt- . China end G lew were. Clothe aad Cloaklnaa. Toys and Oamaa. Im and Jtilllnerr. Write poetal car or samples or prices of ear thing daairad. Br later all letter coatainlng atone y. M say Bsrgais may be eecaivd aow, between a Add rear JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. The Largest Dry Oooda aad Outfitting- Bouse Ohropee PI by a mi rZ. jTRorrcLY EKcasran:;: lit uv.VABranHoa. oreosBra ti are, sal UPkOs LANDEBTHS' SEEDS AU THS BEST, . LAJTUKITH SOBS, n jt at B. FHILAJlirj'HlA. SIXTH at. PIAliOSjiir Matliaebefc'a tee la fur aqoari rlchta In Amenca IL0U0 la i Mot oe trial auloM Iraa. Mairpexa- aou riASO ca, U a UU Street, a. J.j WORMS. WOaBt WOaUU. E. F. Knnkel 'a Worn Bfrap nerer fails to destrow Pin, Beat aad Stosnaeb- WOTtne. Dr. KonkeL tbe only auooeaafui ptayaieaaB who re moves Tape Worm ia two boora, alrvw with bead, .and no fee until remorvH. Oraninon sense teaehea if TapeWorpaabe remowed all other worma can be readily destroy d- Advice at office and store free. The doctor oaa tell whether or not the patient baa worma. Thou sands are dvisg, daily, with woraav sod do not know it. Pita, spasms, cramps, choking- and suffocation, sallow ootnpiexxD, drciee aroand tbe eyes, swellinf and pain ia the etoaaach, restless at night, grinding of the teeth, packing at the nose, couxh, fever, itching at the) seat, headache, foul breath, the patient grows pals and thin, tickling and trrttatioa in tbe anus ail these eymptoms, and mors, corns froaa worms. E. F. K ticket's Worss Syrup never fails to renvrrs them. Pries, tl 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. (For Tape Worm, write and eotamlt the Doctor.) For all others, buv of tout dniKKut the Worm Myron, and if be has it not, send to Dr. K. F. Knnkel, 159 N. Ninth, street. Philadelphia, Pa. Advice by ! mail, free; send three eent stamp. , E- r. Kankers BUtar Wtaea ef Irea. Gives tons to the stomach. It tmprorae the j anoetite and aaiaU dureetioe : excites the I bowels t healthy action, expalhnf ail the fool ; FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO.'S TINTED PUBE LEAD, Ready Mixed for Use, WITH PURE BOILED LINSEED OIL CONTAINS NO CHEMICALS OR WATER. Colors Permanent. humors that eon airliners the I lood. the recreUoDS and offend the far a fa. it ex cites tbe Urer to a bealtby action and strength ens the nerves imp-ring that glow to hie that proceeds alone from perfect health. Thousands m ji walks of Ufa, testify to the rirtnee of 'bis exoelleot me iria ia correct ing tbe derangement of the dgeetive organs. Get tbe rebiune. Bold only ia 91.00 bottles, or ais bottles for a&00. . Ask for K. F. K chic's and take no other. If your drag eieta I aa it not, send to propoetor. K. F. Kcnin. Na 11 North Ninth Street. Fnila deli hia, Pa. Advice free ; enclose three esut stamp. ' Btttnu'i Tetter Gkntment will ears Bore Eyelids, bore Nose, Barber's Itch on the face, or Or ore r' a Itch ca the hands, ltaereer fails. 50 cents per box. sent by mail for M cents. Johnston, Hoiayway Ca, 02 Arch Bt, PhOa., Pa. iUPXBIOB TO AXY OTHER MIXED PAITS IX TH WARRANTED PURE LEAD BASIS. MARKET. Those intending to Paint will save money, and realize beauty of finish, by using this article. t Manufactured only toy FRENCH RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Corner Tenth and Market Streets; Philadelphia. I v

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