BLUE EIDGE BLADE. MORGANTON . N 0-.. NOV. 8, i879. Tfti BUD will be tent to such parting, onty, as pay in advance at $1 per annum, Or si months fo ?3 Cents. . If the money is hot paid ill advance, the USual price will be cnftrged; We offer this aS an irldUCe meat for cash subscrib-sra. ICOfJAJL. Wanted. A boy or young man who has had some experience in a printing office. Address Editor of the Bum, Morganton, N. C. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobac co. " " A sheville Federal Court this weok. ' ,. A ship ruled by woman Courtship. Capt. B. A. Newland is again on duty as conductor on this road. ft.? have received a handdo.riely printed b-iok, entitled 'Reminiscences of James C. Ayer and th.; town of Aynr," from Freder -Ick Frlj.;r,.L.w";i, Xtass. Price $1.00. Health the poor man's riehos, the rioh hian's blissis foind in .4yor's Medicines, tifter a fruitless s-.xirch among other t-emedies. A word to tliu wise is sufficient. Th- Editor of this paper has been quiet L;k d'irng tlu week and therefore asks t readers of Vlws Alvbb to excuse the small amount of reading msttor in this issue. Died in Lonar CVofc townshljS, Burks county, ou the 31stOetber 1 1st, MistCallie England. The tkwased was cut off in the flower and baauty of her youth by that fell deslrttycr, consumption. eslrrcr, coil! Dr. DfiSwli pis, of Conncfsville, ind, pro- fiojinees Dr. Bull's Cough fiyrup as an in fallible remedy in the co'umuni'ty. He Says it SikIh a l'eildj "n o .it all ti'.nos. It is the people' k remedy. Price 23 cents. A man stopping liis p:lper, wi'ote to the editor: "I think fo'k ott-'ti to speiid thaiv mutiny for papsr; mjr'daldy dwlent, an 1 i vi-ryboddj -.ed lit- wa t'i ihtellijfentsman i" the tovrnty, and had the smaf test f;imily uv boiz that ever dugad tafro." We are gUwd U e J jJ.; Avery in town this week. Two ountijs in his district wre transferal to an a Ijoiniaj district which leaves twj we.-ks IhU th) Ju l;.' ha Ho courts t hold thirjforv Ja-lJ- Av.-ry will got to stay af h-mie n s ir'.y tj weeks The news from lastTuco-iay'selecrions is somewhat like the des ;ri;ttion t'.ia Dat h man gae his horse: "he is high i-i bones and low in flesh, "HI, corrupt and very hard .to catch; and mighty bad after ho is caught," Prompt Action. It rig ulates tho Bowtils , cures Diarrhoea, Dysei.tery and Wind Colic; in fact Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup acts promptly 11 nd effectaally in all casesi fries 25 cent a bottle. The Local Ministers Conference was held in Clayton last week J We learn the follow ing from a correspondent of the Raleigh Obterver: "Solomon Pool and J. F. Britt were elect jd . as agents I of "Jfissions and Evangelization." ' The following offieere were elected for the ensuing year: John W. llept install. President; J. F. Britt. Solo mon Pool, E. A, Wright, Vice-Presidents; L. Branson, Financial Secretary. The next Conference will be held at Rutherford Collegf, commencing on Wednesday before last Sabbath of July, 18S0. An idiotic looking fellow who wore "a dog ear," collar and" "store clothes" reques ted us to pub'ish his name in our r papr. We think that it would be of no interest to the readers of tho DtADi to see th- . name of such an upstart, therefore we decline. Taking this fellow as a sample of mankind we would be led to believe that Darwin's thuory; that man descended from the mon key, was correct as he has a decided apeish dook, but he contradicts. Prof. Agassis' theory that fish is a great braia food as this fellow has eaten fish till he looks scaly, but acts like he did not have a thimble full of brains. Abkestxd on a Serious Charok. Fran cis Hood, Lucretla Hosd, Mary Dala anil Stanhope Hood, all negroes, were arrested in Frcedman last Jfoncfay night. The for raw charged with murdering her infant ana me inree last nrael as being acces sories to the crime. These negroes have beoti down the coentry, engaged in picking cotton, and have just returned. The crime was committed in Mecklenburg, where the prisoners will be sent for trial. It appears that there an still others implicated in the murder. The infant was unearthed from ' where it had been buried by the. heartless mother.: Lenoir Topie Young men ou ht not to grow nneasty and get troubled because o;ir young la lies are -doing so much tight-lacing, for it is ; purely mattsr of economy with them, as they practice it simply to prevent Waist fullness. Lt.oir Topic. We make a point of rder, and 'tis thi the reasons why yonn? lalto? "iac,' "paint" and wear '-13- Cir s" an 1 oth r "lixens" is none -jf :u arris 1 men's husines', instead of pcyiug int'i th :s; untt-r th it does not conoerathjui, they ha 1 butter find out the best remedy to prevent "the little ones" from squalling during the late hours of the night or at the church during services. Notice. As the Stewards were not all presen t at the last quarterly conference for If organ' ton Circuit, held at Linville, .November 1st, 1879. I take this opportunity to notify them that all who have not made full settlement before, are requested to meet at the par- sonage on Wednesday befor 5th Sabbath in Jfovenibeto make full returns. That will be four days preceeding the time I go to Conference. Brethren, I hope you will do your utmost. P. F. W. STAMET, p. c. North Car .linn J1 ...... Publish.,.! k t r . .' r has th. , nni, of lU.eig i. Hokecsecrett. On our wav tn " onrM . we met tonnZ"?"' "cDowell J. Was ta.tinr TJ,I: . Mr, . I . . , -a ij yj, oecrjSt I usane Asylim. VVe bcMY w HMp . . I ,i ana watched him for a lonr ... wetrted-td look him in the ev- S aim to look at tstjut could not. ta- so f I . tried tiwo tad again to do nd failed. We could only get a side -UU. neicn-n . , , in? anv 4.. . . . fujuuuj avoids auow- I f " ' w loot him sq.arely in the W " clear an eye any low, mean wretch has that Dr. Grism wul Wrato the fact, before a grea. while, that Secrest not Ue.-P.-. J.aj)er. . i ""MK-XCeI$lor,,Rntherford College, Ac. We spent Sunday night last in the' pi Mtuta.TilUflfeof fixcelaiof which is a xarmngtewn. fhey have in the place two stores, the firms are Jfessrs. Kincaid, Plyler 4 Co., anJ Jfassrgi Goode who aeem doing a thriving business. 1 rade we learn i, unusual brisk and prices for country produce are higher than any Place west of Bickory. Wheat is worth H.lZtper boshev CornWoente. owing to the local demand we sunooSe Several large and handsoma dwirn. have been completed durinz tha aumm and others are in course of erection which has greatly improved the general appear- .uce ot me place. Ifonday morning we went to tha CM where we arrived juSt as the school opened. The honored President of the College wel comed us and even offrarl v; which we, of course, declined and sea ted ourse tjamong "the boys" just like we used to do iu1 gone-by-days! but tho" .past aid gone forever never to return, they willevei haye an abiding place in our memory and wiu serve to give us much aid as well as satisfaction while contending with a thor ough practical world like this. The Presi dent as usual seemed to be in a jovial mood aud passed several jokes at the expense of- the young ladies and the Editor of the Blaub who the President said "needed a partner not in the printing business, but in tlu kitihen." The students number about one hundred and sixty, some fifty of which are females. We never h ive seen a better looking and better behaved crowd of students. The young ladies on that morning held ail eiectLoU to choose ten of their number to real compositions at the close of the 8:r,sun an 1 the President requested us to act as clerk t ) count the vote i, we accept ed, and was assisted by two beautiful youug ladies. The young ladies numbered nearly fifty and each was entitled to ten votes,, therefore the counting was quite tedious, there had evidently been no cau cusing nor wire pulling as every young lady received more or less votes. The fol lowing younr ladies wsro elected Hiss S. B. Guthrell, N. A. Hamlin, ' L. C. Abernethy, F. C. Peeler. 4 . L; Fleming, J L. Belk, Afattie E Rush, S. A. Abernethy, ' H. A. Poevey and " Bettie I. Stacy. The following gentlemen tttl to deliver speeches : I'll NXWTONIArf ESrRKSBNTATIVIS J. W. P. Barker, of Ireddi, W. T. Nelson, C. C. Brothers, H. H. Hoyle, W. A. Belk. D. V. fork; S. L. Kluttz, " N. C.Conference. " Elizabeth City, Burke, " Monro?, " Burke, Charlotte. J. 11. D. Arinose. L. F. Shnford, B. S. Ferrell, Davidson College, Catawba, " Polkton, FL. TONIC BrBXSNTATrVXS. J. Ctjfarsh, of Union, v W. B. North, ' Shelby, M. D. Giles, " Mbrganton.' J, G. Mlson. ' N. C. Conference, F.'M. flins-ui. " MocV'enburg. J. W. Jones, " Iredell, J.R.Long',' " Warrenton, W. D.'Rush, "-Stanley, Wo whold like to sav m-rn about this Institution and the Faculty, bat must post pone further remark as we are very unwell. P. S. ', We received the letter below just as we go t'v press, but give the sad intel- igenoe a piac; ''u our coliMim : Jfia. Eoitob :-One ot Lkue beautiful. rosy-cheeked young ladies, whom you saw in several classes t Rutherford College, only yesterday, and one whose name you carried with you after the election of read ers for the close of prcs -nt term, t gon in to eternity. Miss Nellie A. Hamiinis dead. She dr nped dead in her father's house this morning, (the oth,) or apopiexy at o a. ju., while tying her shoe. She was a very ex- celleat voun lady, very pious and beloved by all the studenU and villagers. Her death cast a gleom over our wliole village, The school was suspended during the 6th, and the room in which the remains of Jfiss Hamlin lay, was filled during the day by a ndnntx Her funeral services will take n'fu to-morrow at the Church, unless her r I..r)mm friends determine to carry her there for burial beside her mother. I am requested to say that Miss 3f. C. Warlick has been elected to fill her place among the readers on 19th of December. Let ns all be ready for death. A. Fartsro. Happy Home, N. C Nov. 6th, 1879. WANTED 0 0 AT WALLACE'S. 5,000 lbs. SASAFRAS (ROOT) BARK, which must be clear from all "ruff" and not mixed with tree bark and to be perfectly dry, for which we Turner's TOR TH BLADB. Table Rock Academy. Mik Edito: Having heard that certain parties having un interest In the property or toe I able Bock icadeniy, had became offended at the action of the Gatawba River Associatu n at iU late session in onumn. n(P nt llni1 it..!. i i" icwiuiuctumg uw, ui- titution U the Public as a school worthy 01 tbeu- patronage; I take this method of - ettin th 9 matter in What I nnderW i opeii lisht before the Public- ln tHe P1406 otlr A3sociotions are not cor P01 bodies and coasedently do not pro BOMta hll 4iw n HIT noli d .. "j j " perty; the intention of the association therefore was not to lay any claim to the property of said Acidemy. but simply re commend to those desiring an education, that school as fully competent to accom plish that end, All our church property owned and held exclusively by the indivi' 1nal jilixu!. .3 . n . 1 v-uuevues, wuikx ao ixmvenuon or a- ciation can possibly have any claim on the property of the different churches. Our colleges are nnder the control of Trustees appointed for the expressed purpose of managing the affairs of their respective institutions having no claim on any other. The principal of Table Rock Seminary, Be. R. L. Patt-m was chairman of the committee on Education shd did not, of course, mention his school in his renort. but while the report Was under discussion, some member of the body moved to amend the report by a I ling a line recommending Table Rock Sera insry." No one supposed ever thought that it could possibly give any offence to any one. As far as the real owners of the property of the Seminary is Concerned, I am satisfied that thsy desiie a good Bclnol kept up there all the time, and w ith that view of the subject I have spoken favorably of the school wherever I thought it would accomplish any good. I have some years past had some knowledge of the owners of the property of T able Rock Academy, but at this time I have no know ledge of the real facts in the ease, but I feel confident that it is owned by parties who will be willing to let the matter slaud upon its real merits. Fraternality, E. A. POE. " Marion, N. C. Nov. 5th. 1879. TllE HVS FOH 1S80. Thx Sun will deal with the events of the year 1 880 in its own fashion, now pretty well understood by everybody. From Jan uary 1 until December 31 it will be con ducted as a newspaper written in the Eng lish language and printed for the whole people, As a newspaper, the ilvti belief es ill get ting all the news of the world promptly. and presenting it ia the most intelligible shape the ah ape that will enable its read ers to keep well abreast of thead with the ljast unproductive expenditure of tim e. The srreatest interisf to the greatest num ber that is the law controling its daily make-up. It ii"w has a circulation v.-ry much larger than that of ally other .imer icart 'newppaper, and srijovs as income which it is at all times prepared to spend libsrally for thj benefit ot it roaders. Peo ple of ail conlitions of life aad all was of thinking Luy and real the Sojt; and they '1 satisfaction of some sort from its columns, for they keep on buying aad reading it. In its cummcnts on men and affairs, tha Sun believe thit the only g.iide of policy should b common sense, inspire 1 by gen uine American principles and backed by honesty of purpose. For the reason it is, and will cont nuto be, absolutely iudpn- r dsnt of psrty, class, clique, '-rganication, or interest, it is lor all, b it none. It wi 1 continue to praise what is gV3 1 and repro bate wliat is eviirtasing care tint its lan- g"?e is to the point and plain, beyond the possibility ot being misun.ierstOaa( It is uninfluenced by motives that do not appear on the surface; it has no opinions to sell, save thos which may be had by any pur chaser with wo cents. It hates injustice and rascality even more than it hates un necessary words. It abhors frauds, pities fools, and deplores niutompoops of every speciss. It will continue throughout the year 1880 to chastise the first class, ins trust the second, and discountenance the third. 411 honest men. with honest convictions, whether sound or mistaken, are its friends. And the Sun makes no bones of telling the truth to its friends and about its frieu Is whenever occasion arises for plain speaking . These are the principles upon which the Sun will be conducted during the year to come. The year 1880 will be one in which no patriotic American can fford to close his eyes to public affairs. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of th i political events which it has in store, or the neces sity of resolute vigilance on the part of every citizen who oesires to preserve the Government that the . founders gave us. The debates and acts of Congress, the utter ances of the press, the exciting contests of the Republican and Democratic parties now nearly equal in strength throughout the country, the varying drift of public sentiment, will all bear directly and effec tively apon the twenty-fourth Presidential election, to ba held in Jfovember. Four vaai-s aa-o next November, tie will of the nation, as' expressed at the polls, thwarted bv an abon unable conspiracy,-the promoters an l oenenciaries oi wmcn ami hold the offices they stole. With the crime of 1876 be repeated in 1880? The past de cade of years opened with a corrupt, extra- vagant, ami insoieni, Auiuiuui.ruuuu in trenched at Washington. The Baa did something toward dislodging the "gang and breaking its power. The same men are now intriguing to restore t heir leaaer ana themselves to places from which way were ' gucceed ? The coming year wUl. brinz the answers to these momentous questions. The Sun Will be on hand to chronicle the facts as they are developed. aad to exhibit them clearly and fearlessly in their relations to expediency and right Thus, With a habit of philosophical good humor in looking at the minor affairs of j r me, na in great tninifs yurpu-c -incii.lPti of the Cnstitatiou against 1 i.ihto s thu TWrtlA and I aggressors, tho Sun is prepared to writ a truthiul, instructive, enwruuiiiiijr history of 1880. Our rat8 of subscription remain nnchan ged. For the Datlt Stra, a four-page sheet of twenty- eiht columns, the price by mail, post-paid, is 55 cents a month, or$M3.50 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an iirht nairrt sheet of fifty-six columns, the Drice is 415 cents a month, or 8T.TO a veax. Doetaare Dtid. Ihe Sunday edition of the Sun is also funrnisheJ separately at 9l.u nostaire Daid. The price of the Weekly Sun. eight pages, fiftr.iT columns.' is Si a year, poetare paid. For clubs of ten sending $10 w will send an extra copy free. Address L W. ENGLAND-,' Publisher of THE STJfl, New York City. Nov. 8-6t T:,wa UTTER Let your first attack of indigestion b the last. Rouse the dormant energies of the stomach with the Bitters. Th tone thus imparted will remain. This is a fact established by thousands of' witnesses, whose testimony is simply a stat ement of their own experiences. Those afflicted ith general debility of every phase will find this medicine an unfailing agent in build ing up and renewing their (trength. For sale by all Druggists and respectable dealers generally. Marcos Skwin. W. H. Kalovb. ERVIN & r.lALONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAWj ASHEVTLLE, N. C, Office up stairs in the Carter Building Practice in all the State aud Federal Com ts of North Carolina, and before all the De partments at .Washington. i -. NEW Flftltl lift) New Goods. --o-- SHUPING & COX DKALKRS IN OINIBAI, MERCHANDISE, MORGAN TON, N. C. joj We take this method of informing the citizens of Burke and surrounding counties that we have just opened A LARGESTOCI of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES which we will sell cheap for Ca.Il, or ox- change for COUNTRY PRODUCE for which wo pay the highest market pric Wo pureluu .-1 oar goods for cash and before the recent advances in prices in the Northern ifarkets and we are Coxxfidexii: Or1 Our Ability to Satisfy Tlffi DEMANDS OF OUR CUSrOJfKflS, As to Quality and Prices, We would extend a cheerful invitstion to our friends and patrons to call and examine our Stock before purchasing, as it so large and numerous that it is an impossibility to advertise in detail. Suffice it to say, it contains every thing the dealer Ci container needs. Very respectful'y, SflUPINO 4 COX. DZS SOLUTION. The firm of S. M. ASBURY & CO., en erao-e 1 in the Tanning and Leather busi ness is by mutual consent this day dissolv ed. S. tu. Asbury having sold his interes- to D. Frasier who will continne the hus n-ss. D. FRAS1ER. S. M. ASBURY. Morganton, N. C, Oct. 1st. 1879. lmo25oct Wine!' Wine!! Wins!!! THE undersigned is how prepared to fill orders on short notice for the Best and Purest Native Wines made by himself at his Viayardin Davie county. CrrespondeBce solicited Address Geo. W. Johnson, Faraaington, Davie county, N. C. A., T. & 0. R. R. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, i Charlotte. N.C., Sept. 28th, 1878. ) ON and after Ifonday, September 30th, the following Schedule will be ran over this road daily (Sunday excepted) : GOING NOBTH. Leave Charlotte, 2-45 a. m " D, College, 4.34 " arrive Statesville, 6-15 a. m GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville, 5.30 m D. College, 7J4 " Arrive Charlotte. 9 00 Close connection made at Statesville with tn-ins oter the W. N. C. B. R. All charges must be pre-paid On Freight offered for shipment to bection llonse. Henderson's Alexandriana and Caldwell's These being "Flag Stations," the Com pany is not liable for loss, or damage to "freight jJter it is unloaded ai euqer oi me above named " f lag Stations. No freight will be received by Agent for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination ia distinctly marked thers- on. J. J. GO KM LEY, Saperintcnd.nt. DAVIS a BROTHER, Morganton, H. C. To the People. T) We take this opportunity to fender thanks to the people for their liberal patronage. At the same time we wish to say to all our friends and enstomers that we not only in tend by fair and straight dealing to main tain oi r present trade.but will nse every fair honest and legitimate means to increase it. We are now prepared to exhibit the most complete stock of merchandise we have ever kept. Try us and see if we don't strike bottom prices. We have the facilities to handle and sell goods low. We have in stock a full line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Uableached and Bleached, Domestics, Broadcloths, Cassimers, Doe skins, Jeans, Cottoaades, Drillings, Plaids, Cambrics, Flannels, Lmseys, Shawls, Tick ings, Skints, Merino Shirts for Ladies and Gentlemen, Yarns and Sheetings. I i A complete giock of Staple and Fancy Notions and Millinery Goods, Shoes, Boots, Hardware, Aails, Axes, Saws and Agricul tural Implements, Builders' and Mechan ics' Tools, Hats and Gaps, Buckets, Tubs, Ropes, Putty, Glass and Crockery, Rolled and Hammered. Iron and Castings, Oils, Varnishes, 1'aints, Syrup, bait, Coffee, Lard, Sugar, Tea; a full line of Groceries Wo eall Special attention to our stock of Ch thing. We have a full stock of general merchandise. Give us a call. Very Respectfully, 1. 1. DAVIS 4 BROTHER. 145-ly. NORTH CAROLINA, i Superior Court BURKE COUNTY. ) Spxcial Pkoc'd'os I No. 1. JVC, JfiLLS, LauSa jfiLts, Frank CoX AND WIFE. JfABT, Jo8. CaBSOW AND win, Maboabit, no. R. Kibksst bt his Uuakdiah, E. J. EiBKSBTPlaintiffs. Against The Now Haven arid North Carolina ing Company Defendants, Min- No, 2. J. C. Mills, Laura Mills, Jos, Car son and wife, Margaret Plaintiffs. Against' New Haven and North Carolina Mining Company, MaUssssVhitSdn Defendants. I No. 3. J C. Jfills. Frank Cox and wife, Mary, Laura Mills, Jos. 0 arson and Wife, Margaret, Rebecca, Charles, Catharine, Matilda Mauerva, Thomas and Rafe Duffy ; Plaintiffs. Against New Haven and North Carolina Mining Company Defendants. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants in the three above entitled actions the New Haveu and Worth Caiolina Mining Company are non residents of this State and proper parties lx this proceeding which concerns real pro perty. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be .made in the Blu RidobI J I lade, a newspaper pubiisnea in luorgan ton for six snccessive weeks, notifying the said Defendants to appear af the offioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke c unty at the Court House in Morganton v ithin twenty days from publication of this order. And let the ssid Defendants take totiee that if they fail to answer Said com - I laint wiithin the time prescribed by law, J slief will be granted as prayed tot oy tne ) laintifis. Given unde my hand and seal of office at tfice in Morganton this the 20fh day of leptember, 1879. Clark Burke Superior Court. B. 5. Gaithbr, Attorney for Plaintiffs. L PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. -"-' $100 1 REWARD. Exbcctivi DcPABTimrT, Raleigh, August 6, 1879. Whsriab, . official information has bee received at this Department that George dorpemng (colored,) late of the county of Burke, stands charge with the murder ot Thomas Corpenmg (colored.) And Where as it appears that the said George Corpeh- mg has tied the state, or so conceals bim- beiltnat the ordinary process.of law cannot be served upon him. ow, therefore, 1. 1 nomas J. Jams, Governor, of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me rested by law, do issue this my proclamation, offering a reward of one hundred dollars for tne ap prehension and-delivery of the said George Corpeninir to the bhenff of Burke county, at the Court House in Morganton, and I do enioin all officers of the State and all good citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to justice, ' . -: f ti.iii ev ja of August, 1879. and in the 104th year American Independence. I- . TH0S. J. JAEVIS. By the Governor: Lxi S. Ovibmas, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTI05. Geore Coroenuu; is a coal-black urn feet 8 indie high and about 28 year age. DE. J. LOWSNSTliliN, SURGfid?f DENTIST, Will eHUIilUh aa ollice at MorMnton. in Connection with his ofKoe at Blickofy. and will serve the people of this count; either at Morganton or at their homes-, if desired. He will tell you in the local columns of the It lads when you can find, him in Morjran- Livrey and Feed Stable, Wool an J Bactali Siop. THti nndersiirned has oDeiled a Liverv and Feed Stable, and can now accommo date the traveling public with good and stylish vehicle. Horses fed by the day or month on reasonable terms. We hv4 in connection wit b our Liverv Stable a firi -class WoOfl aad Blacksmith shop and will take in payment for work, corn, wheat and provender at the highest prices. Work warranted and satisfaction miar- an teed. 159-tf. ROBERT POWELL. Geo. N. Folk. S. J. Eevik. Morganton, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. FOLK and ERVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 7 lVIorsranton,1V. C :6i Will practice, in the eountijs of Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Mitchell and McDowell or elsewhere when their services are desir ed. Prompt attention given any business instructed to them. . - 11-tf. XOTICE. Now is the time to get the worth of your money. We, tne surviving partners of tho firm of Eppsi Simpson and T. A. Seals & Co.,at Bridgewater, N. C, in order to close out I our business now offer our entire STOCK ot iruuua on hand at cost and less tor cash: Callicoes 4 to 6 cents; Shoes 65 cents up; PkaS 7 Cents up; Ladies' Hats 40 cents up; Shoos 65 cts. up; Delaines 10 to 25 cents urr. everything else in proportion. Our stock -on hand must be elosed out in 60 days. "ITSFe would Ray to our patrons and the public- generally, avail yourselves of this opportunity ns such another will not be likely to occur again soon. J. w. siM fsujn, j surviving T. A. SEALS, t Partners. Sept 20-6t XOTICE. Having taken out letters of Administra tion on the Estate df T. P. BppS, deceased, and desiring to settle the business of th, Estate as by law I am required to do, I hereby ilotify all persons indebted to the firm of Epps k Simpson and T. A. Seals & Co., at Bridge water, N. C, either" by note or account that if they wish to settle the same with the parties with whom the con tracts were made, to call on the surviving partners, J, W. Simpson and T. A. Seals, and make settlement at once, as they are 1 authorised to make settlement and receipt in full otherwise I shall proceed accord ing to law. All persons havintr elairas atraint the Estate of T. P. EppK, deceased, will present the ra before the first day of August, 1880 or this' notice will be plead ia bar of then recovery. I a, v. BJSffHJrri", Administrate) of T. P. Epps, Dec'd. Sept 20-6t NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBURY, wj C, Delightfully situated in the oentre of ihe City, and Accessible to all Business Houses. K SCHLOSS, Pbop'b. GRANT and U:CALL, DIALtBS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE MABION, N. C. Wheat, FLmr, Corn and Corn Meal a specialty. ORDERS SOLICITED. SUMNER and COBPENING, DEALIBS IN QlHSTtAL 1YIERCHAWDISE AND MOUNTAIN PRODUCE, OLD FORT. H. 0. Furniture! Puraiturell I am sow receiving a larg stock of s of all grade. Chamber Suit frm $33.00 p. 411 kinds of Chairs, including th fa mous Thomasville Hickory Chairs. Picture Frames, all size. Photograph Frame, and everything usually found in first-class Furniture Store, of J all bo tight at lowest figures for aaan, and I can make it to any one's interest to call on ma if wanting anything in my line. Call on or address ' M. L. BEAN, 166-&W- Bickoryf. 0 of MARBLE WORIS. I HEREBY notify my many friends and th public generally that I am still carry ing on the Marble business in StaWKlie, . C, in all iU branches. A fall stock al- waJiS Bri hand of y . Btuantt Italian and SonllerM Falls Marble. I feel confident tiitt it will be to ill purchasers' advantage to visit my yard or correspond by letter. I am prapnred to furnish the trad in all its branches with neatness and dispatch at lower price than ever offered in this States Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Hearth and Imposing Stones Furniture Marble of all descriptions. Wtth my facilities in th business I feel confident that I can conlpet with any yard in the State in price and workman ship. Oire me your orders, and I will make the above assertions true to th let' t. iy agent, Mr. C. B. WEBB, will canvas th euntie of Catawba Caldwell. Bnrke and Lincalfl) and tall WCrk at the same price as at my yard. WOl bs pleasel to furnish price hat and design OS application. I will deliver work at any station on th Wester North Carolina Railroad, -r- S, Free of Charge, Safely Boxed Thankful for past favor, and by fair dealing hop a continuance of the same. John T. Wobb, Statesrlile, IT. C. J. A. CLAYWELL, Agent for Bark County. T 'WHITE geyiks HACiunn Or lib- Unrhakd in Appearand, Unparalleled in Simplicity Unsurpassed in Constriction, . Unprecedented in PepnlarHf, And Undisputed in tie Bread Claim S SWS1I1 ?.-' TKXT BEST OPBKATDCO OtTXCXKST tBLUMOi HAKDMUaT, AXD ICett Firfici Biwlag UicUat IN TMI WMLDs . ThrwlMalarftf(ftWMtlilss' Maettt trihst w it nsn vsr wr issahna. as t trad w pat M mm Ha sterna, as I aat ltfrr1IUM isiasinw. ssMsas Ids aVnUltlMlMrf I l OdsitXait) mtt anaypiap th (Iwwsiil Cvt IsMCfclA wvmAs4 fcw 9 1 iMkiri at UtMl ililisstl m MM (wis, saw la tmnmmm m i rasmt ward v imimruiimi'Mii WHITE SmWMACHtME CO..' BLACKsVILL'S DURHAM TOBACCO Time Tie . H. C. R. E. In Effect Monday October 13, 6.05 A. It, oonro win, Arrive, a. m. Lear, 605 8 59 725 8 11 06 9 87 10 10 10 89 ' 1122 12 09 p. a 12 35 12 57 ' 144 228 8 01 Salisbury Third Uremic, Elm wood, 7 01 BtatewvUle,. Catawba, Newton, Canova, Hickory, 1110 Icard, Morganton, Glen Alpine, BridgewateT, Marioo, Old Fort, S 4i Henry. Hwcjinanoa Gap, 8 40 Bill Mountain, 4 01 4 16pm Cooper's, oorxa EAST. Arrive. 4 10 Salisbury , Third Creek, . Elm wood, Statesville, CaUwba, Newton, Canova, Leave, p. m. 880 807 244 1 61 13 69 12 46 12 23 p.m. 11 29 10Z3 9 66 V 983 84S 7 67 12 03 pm. Hickory, 11 15 Icard, Mortranton, Glen Alpine, Bridgewater, Marion, Old Fort, 7 19 Henry, Swannano Gap, 744 631 Bit Mountain, Cooper', 616 6 00 a.m. Trains run daily. Sunday excepted. Train going Wert will Breakisstai Slates vOle ana Dinner at Henry. Train going East will Breakfast at Usury and Dinner at Hickory. Train No. 1 will tak aid track for JTo. L at Icard. J. W. WILSON, Pmidwt; will pay 3 cents per pound.