BLUE-MSGS BLADE. M0RGAST0J5. N. C FEB. U, 1880. Produce will be taken at the highest ' market price in payment of subscription, delivered at any point on the line oi the The following merchant's will receive produce in payment for subscription to the Bum. Lackey Bro's., Icard station. Jf.'C, Simpson, Seals 4 Co., Bridgewater Grant KcCall, Jfarion, " Sumner t Corpcning, Old Fort, ' The following persons are authorized to receive and receipt for subscription's to the Bladi. bcrki cobntt. t. F. Warlick, N. L. Beach, Lackey Bro's., J. H. Huffman, T. N. Hallyburton, W. M, Winters, E. V. Michanx, jr., JoAh Nantz, A. G. Corpening, B,. N. Eincaid, Birjpaon. Seals & Co., W. N. Thompson, J. C. Yelton, D. F. Denton and N. L. Chap man. McDowell. Codn-jt. Grant 4 McCalU M. L. Kayler, Sumner, A Corpening, A. C. Garden, S. P. Tate, M. N. Harshaw, Alberto Higgins, Joseph Hunter and S. M. Silver. Rainy, muddy weather. Thay did'nt sell the Baitroffe Dr. E. S. Warlick, Physician and Kerf-bant of Icard, was in town this week. ; There is a Horse in this county over 7o years old and never had a bridle on. . Mn. A. E Scott, of Rutherford College, foil and broke her arm last week. Mr. David M. Vance is city editor of the Charlotte Observer. JL girl may smile and smile and be un willing still. I The philosophy of a dog's running-when a can is tied to his tail, instead of biting the string off. is not clearly understood. February, the last of the winter months, sei-iiu endeavoring to make tip for the shortcoming of i' s two predecessors. E. S. Walton has been appointed Store keeper and Ganger for the Sixth North Carolina Diafricf. The report that Mr. Sam'l Hallyburton and Me. Wilson of McDowell county were bitten by a mad dog is false. Married in Lower Fork township, by N. Ti. Chapman, Ebj., on the 29th ult., Noah Mooney to Amanda Crowder, all of Burke. Csesr.r covered his bald head and pray IkmuI with a laurel crown: AYER'S HAIR VIGOR covers gray hairs with the still more welcome locks o( youth. The Journal says the sound of the whistle on th ! Western North Carolina Eailroad was distinctly heard in Asheville on the morning of the 5th. 1 Died in Bandy's township, Catawba county, near the llurko county line, Mrs Aldine, wife of Mr. Win. Eoney, ngedabont CO years. Mr. T. 11. Murium: late of the Danville l editorial charge It&ilv News has asun of the Henderson larcoiitst. Success to you, brother M.. Mr. Aforgan, of leard Township, formerly of Caldwell county, sold his tobacco crop in Hickory last week for $310. Jfi; Mor gan raised this tobacco on five, acres and on one of the poorest farms in the county. W. A. HeiiefieM h;o only been, a Justice of the I'eacc ill Q laker Meadow, township one jear. but h n-' married within that time, tlirw generations : fiithor. son and grand soil, What Justice cin beat this,? i A, B. Do;-.-ey has jeen appointed a Jus tieeof the l'-.-tee in this township, vice S. A. Ashury resigned. ;;iire Dorsey is a young man ful!y capable of filling this or any other eoUH .'y office and will n'ake tt god offi.'er. Mr. C. A. Shupjng willell for cash on Saturday the 28th of his month at his re sidence near the Western Asylum hisnt're stock of Goods consisting of general mer chandise usually kept in a first class coun try store. , The Charlotte Democrat quotes wheat at 1.40 to 1.50; flour 3.50 to 4.00; corn 73 to 75; meal 75; peas 75; oa s 62; sweet potatoes 1.00; Irish potatoes 2.75 to 3.00 per bbl. ; bacon 7J; pork ( to I'J; beef 4 to 5; beeswax 20; butter 10 to 18; eggs 10; cliickens 20; domestic liquors 1.25 to 1.60. Eier since Eve's incautious experience in the Garden of Eden, Babies have been the institution. Petted by men and lov ed by women, their baby life would be an absolutely happy existence, but for those evidences of mortality exhibited iu Colic, Flatulency, etc, all happily re lieved at ODca, however, by the prompt nse of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Buy the celebrated DEILL PLOW from Saupma A Cox, the cheapest and best plow in town. They have by numerous trials proved to be superior to any hereto fore introduced in this section. In addition to their excellence, the price should induce every farmer to buy them, fully warranted. lau and see tnem. .Kespectnuiy, SHUPING & COX. tf Table Roek Breezes. Nearly every body were out of wood when the snow fell. The tobacco fever is infecting the for mers in this section. Several young men spoake of going "West" this Spring. There is a mule in this neighborhood thirty-seven years old and it has as good use of its heels as it ever did. About six months ago a young man left this neighborhood he said "to study for the ministry." He returned a short time since with a shot gun, violin, game chicken, ball-pap and pet squirrel ! Joe Alinan, the champion squirrel hunter, has moved to Mitchell county, we suppose to get where game is plenty for he has killed it all about here. Joe wag as rood a soldier as ever wore "the gray." Since the war a politician asked him what he had to fight for, he replied, "I fit for fun." B. H. Sisk, the natural born wit, in a speech delivered before a large audience some time ago in advocating the adoption of the stock la w.among other good things said, that if adopted the farmers would have better stock of all kinds, that under the present law, some of his neighbors had as many as ten brood sows with about seventy-five pigs which at the age of two years could n ot be found without raking the woods and sifting the leaves. He said that the pigs were usually wean ed at about six montns old, at which age they were se small thai the owner had to tie a pine knot to the pig's tail to make them heavy enough to root' USliZlitt tending to official business. The Captain, makes a good afficer and discharges his duty in able and impartial manner. Personal. ' We were pleased to see in onr town this week, Hon. . C. Harper and J. G . Hall, Commissioners of the Western Asylum for the Insane, on business .connected with that Institution, and Maj. W. H. Malone and CoL J. M. JfcCorkla Arty's in case of Stockholders W.D.W. N. c B. B. ts. W. W. Boiling et al. Important Law-Suit. A highly interesting law-suit was begun this week in IfcDowell county by the stockholders of ihe Western Division of the W. N. C. E, E,, vs. W. W. Rollins and others. Judge Avery on yesterday, at the instance of Maj. W. H. Malone. and Col. J. M. AfcCorkle obtained an order to show cause why a Receiver should not be ap pointed, Set for hearing before Judge Gilmer at Newton, on the 27th lnst. This suit demands an account of all the doings of Rollins and charges fraud etc. Spring and Autumn United. Married by Rev. W. H. England, at his residence in McDowell county, on the 4th instant, Mr. Jackson Dellinger, of Mitchell, aged twenty years, to Miss Eebecca Shook, of Burke county, aged forty years. When Jackson was a little babe. Nursed in his mother's arms, Rebecca was a full grown gal, With all a woman's charms. But along c ime leap yearv And Rebecca was very bold. She whispered in Jackson's ear; "Will you love me tho' I am old." ' And Jackson needing a loving wife, T sew, mend, darn and cook; And being tired of single life, He married aunt Rebecca Shook. Lite in the Old Land yet. We have been, or rather some of our correspondents have been, complaining of th lack of enterprise on the part of our merchants, and we have beenYnade to feel the weight of their displeasure in con sequence of the adverse criticisms of some of our country friends. That is all natural enough and we made' no complaint of their reseating which seemed to them unfriend ly conduct nor is it to be expected that we would apologize for any effort to cjouse them to a sense of their responsibility for the falling off of. trade here . while it is growing in the neighboring towns. Our sympathies and interests are all centered here, and whatever advanceaiho prosperity of Burke and Morganton will help us. What we have said or allowed to be said in our paper was, as we believed, in the public interest and it is, consequently, a source of great satisfaction to us to hear that a spirit of energy and enterprise is being manifested by our business men which, if persisted in, will make Korgan ton the trading point which its geographical position and natural advantages entitle it to. Among other good movements, we learn that the merchants and other public spirited citizens are raising a 1 rge fund to establish a Tobacco Factory and Ware house here with capacity to consumo all the production of this region. Good. Let us have a good Tobacco market here. Icnrd Township Letter. Ma. Editob: No news in Icard this wek only the sensation created by the mad dog and marriage boom which seemeS to be very lively during the past two weks. The citizens of the Drowning Creek neigh borhood have been killing dogs for a liveli hood tho past few days, and the sheep seem to be rejoicing over the down fall of the dogs. Mr. Jacob Hart, of this township, had a hog bitten by one of the rabbid ani mals some time ago which went mad and died very recently. " We think our honor able Board of Commissiocners would do the county at large a favor by taking soma action in the matter, we have too many of the useless animals in our country any way. Mb. Editob, Please let us know what ' have became pf your correspondents, J. H. it., oi upper iorx; a. a. a.., oi iiinvme; Vici, of Lovelady, aRd many others, it seems that we cannot near from the dif ferent sections of the county. We still have. a wedding once in a while in Icnrd. Marriud in the above named township, on tfie 22nd day of January, at the residence of the bridegroom's father, Mr.:T. B. Pugh by W. A. Wilson, Esq., Mr. J. E. Pugh to .Miss H. E. Taylor, also in the same town ship, on Sunday the 1st day of February, at 4 o'clock, p. M., at Union Baptist church, by W. A. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Joseph Brittain Berry to ifiss Mary Jane Beach, also in same township, at Union Baptist church, on the 1st day of February, at 4 o'clock. p. m., by W. A. Wilson, Esq., Mr. J. B Glass to Miss Jane Icard, all of Burke. N. L. B. Drowning Creek, N. C, Feb. 6th, 1880, A Letter to the Editor. IS b. Editob: I said to you two weeks ago that our people were wasting too much of their time and thoughts abput the po litics and politicians of the country. Sup pose we let those fine fellows with their big watch chains, gold headed canes and brassy faces fight out such things among themselves. They are after office while we, the people, are n -t exj ecting or want ing any. Let us turn our attention to building up and improving the country. The man who makes two blades of grass two ears of corn or two heads wheat grow where only one grew before, is a valuable citizen, a benefactor; a fit person to follow and to honor. We must give more thought to this improvement of our matfriul in, terests by intelligent and earnest effort, and not be easily diverted to the service of mere place hunters. We have a glorious country soil, climate, position every thing to invite effort for beautifying and increasing many fold its present produc tion. Suppose every man ia B urke res&l ves to-day to go to work and .clear np an extra acre of swamp , thicket or "briar-patch' and puts in half the time he wasted last year going to town, hunting, or frolics, in 8ubsoiling his land, what a change this year would show; in old Burke, on 5 of the very best counties in all North Carolina. There are two thousand able bodied men in this county. If by this extra work if they only increased their crop ten dollars worth. it would be extra and for sale, fetching in to the county ten times two thousand or tweaty thousand cash dollars. Money would soon become plenty and to lend Those who are in debt could borrow at I reasonable interest and could pay it. They wsuld he able to drain wet lands, clear and fence others, keep bettor stock and tools, live better and wear gcod clothes. Try it, OBSERVES. JfcDOWELL COU.YTY NEWS'. The County Commissioners held their regular meetings' Monday and Tuesday Feb. the 2nd and ?nL Several warrants were issued to pay jail accts, Registers and Clerks fees , Ac. Several persons were released from paying pell tax on ac count of infirmity. An order was made to the keeper of the Poor to receive Win. Fargerson and wife as paupers. W. A. Connelly, H. -C. Bennett and A. M, Ervin were appointed on a Committee of Finance to meet on the 23rd of Februa ry. A new school district was granted in Dysartsville Township. The following Jurors were drawn for Spring Term of Court for 1880, to wit : i J. L. LaughriJge, C. E. Bennett, CalvU Deaton, J. H. Smith, J. A. Upton, JTOls Murphy, A. C. Garden, John W. Moffit, L. M. Simmons, J. J. Davis, Harvev Price. W. F. Craig. J. A. Causby, W- B. Walker, J. A. Poteei, I. A. Reed. J. H. Turner. Urich Owenby, Jos. C. Brown, Wm. Bid dix, R. W. Davis, D. H. Upton, L. P. Crawford, . Louis -Honey, W. W. Bailey, B. P. Davis, L. A. Chapman, J. C. Lackey, George Suttlemyre, M. H. Grant, H. B. Connelly, Wm. Suttlemyre, C. A. Dale, Spencer Elliott, Wm. Wilkerson, Mckajah Hall. The Sheriff informs us that oneof the ju rors drawn is a woman. This is the first step towards "Woman's Rights" in this county. A negro man was committed to jaQ on Monday for bastardy; there are four prisoners in jaihMr. J. P. Hyams, mer. chant in Marion, is going to put a large branch stock of goads at Bridgewater, in Burke county, in charge of Mr. J. C. Price, one of his present clerks, whose attentive- ness to business and politeness to custom ers will, no deubt, soon win theconfidence good will and patronage of the citizens in that community Mr, Jos. W. Hunter is repairing his Merchant's Mills, on the Catawba River, near the Burke, county line, and will soon hjave them in fine run ning order. Marion is improving rapidly. Two gentlemen from Lenoir, Messrs. Jfoore & Courtney, are goihg to put up a lirge stock of goods in thk Higgin House. We are glad to see moneyed and business men coming to our town. Our school is flour ishing, new scholars continue to come in, and the prospect for the diffusion ef knowl edge among the young Beems to be flatter ing. The citizens of Marion seem to be fully alive to their duty in regard to the education of their children. i Mcdowell. DlSiiTSVILLE. Mr. Editor: I wish to say a few things about Dysartsville and the surroundings. There is one store t this place, one shoe shop, one blacksmith shop and a tannery, There are two churches, (Baptist and Presbyterian) anT a good school" house The Baptists are supplied by Elder F. H Poston, of Cleaveland county. Not far off is a Methodist chuj-ch Eev. Mr. Little, pastor. Near by ade t wo flourishing saw and grist mills find There are three thero mills and a wool carder oi no great distance. kA few miles from Dy sartsvilel are several other trading places. Dysartsville is situated in the gold regions and i a good place for trade. The gold mines ftill furnish jthe means for much trade, and large quantities of gold dust are sent to the mint from this section. have been told that one man, a short time ago, sent off 1300 pennyweights. While other parte of the country are complaining about hard times and scarcity of money. this makes her own; from the bowels of mother earth. f J ' VICTOR. Old Fort. We are having an abundance of snow, mud and sloppy weather, but the boys are having a good time bird and rabbit hunting. Prof. Michael,' the great slight of hand performer and slack wire walker, has returned from an Eastern tour, where he has been very successfully working in the interest f tthe proposed brick Academy to bo built at this place. We are creditably informed that there is to be another largi store-opened here soon, un der the style of Maj. A. J. Coa A Go. Maj Coe was formerly of this comty bu more recently of 4ihv Mr. Joseph Phil lips, of this place, is contemplating open ing a livery and feed stable here soon for the accommodation pf the travelling nub- He has already purchased one fine, leg eared donkey for hat purpose. Mi Johnsoe Elliott, of Uutherferd Countys has purchased a lot yhnd made all the nec, , i essary arrangements nere lor duuuih large hotel, with the view to accommndate the Eastern people who may be desiroa of snendihe a few pleasant month in the mountains. -1 Z. T. C. Henry's. On the nierht of tie 5th insf., 3fr. Bulow Erwin, Jr., gave a grand ball at the St Bernard Hotel where the young and elite of this and surrounding counties gathered and after partakingjof a bountiful supper, chased the hours with flying leet, nil the wee small hours of 4he morning, when the ladies retired to their rooms and the young men retired to the office of tha hotel and the safe was opened aad "a little brown iucr" was taken therefrom and all kissed it good night, and we' are sorry to say tha this kiss gave a your g man from Old Fort. a fearful headache next day. We would like to give a lengthy descrip tion of the ladies dress, c, but space forbids. Suffice it to say, it was the grand est and most enjoyable hop ever known in this section of country. B. An Aged Citizen. We were pleased to meet on the streets this week, Mr. C'.em Farr, now in his eighty-firsf year and looks as if he was not over sixty. He is a great hunter and age has not in juried his vision, he can shoot rifle as welt as he ever did. The old mi sometimes catches rattlesnakes and brings them to town for sale. He can climb equal to a squirrel, and at the Henry Clay mass meeting at Morganton in 1844 he climbed the sixiy foot pole from which waved the banner of Henry Clay, and twenty-four years later he again climbed the Seymour and Blair flag-pele t id took a drink at the top of each, a distance of sixty foet from the ground, and he says if nothing hap pens he will climb the pole this year and unfold the banner to the breeze on which is inscribed the names of the nominees of the Democratic party for Fjcsident and Vice President, Shanes or Short OHV' The health of the people i good. Plenty of snow and cold weather. No body has died or married lately. There was a Gar den in this section last month, in full bloom. Several farmers are speaking T' planting crops of tobacco this year. Mr. Thou. Scott and family of this township win leave for Texas in a few days. The Rev Mr. Lee preached at Obeth( Methodist) church last Sabbath, 3 o'clock p. m. The yonng orchard on the farm of Ex-Sheriff E. P. Moore is the largest and produces tV finest fruit of any ether, in the county. Mr. A. G. Corpening killed a pig that weighed 346 pounds and Mr. Alpheus Mc Gimpsey another that weighed 344, both of these porkers were less than fifteen months old. .Mrs. Louisa, wife of Mr. Jesse Connelly, on Wednesday night of last week, while on an errani? of mercy, fell and fractured her leg just above the askle. Mr. Thos. Moore, son of Ex-Sheriff Moore, is now in the township looking after his father's property hero. Several wagons from down S3ufh have recently been in this section buying chickens. An old hen was good for a shilling and large numbers were sold at that price, in fact there is scarcely enough roosters left to give the farmers in this vicinity the signal that the dawn of day is approaching. The Linville bachelor who married sometime ago, and since then has knocked down all the fences (both rock and rail) on Linville with his buggy, riding his pretty little darling wife around, has gone lo work in earnest repair ing fences, and improving his farm. Mr. A. G. Corpening is making prepai tionj to build a new residence this sum Albert is a thrifty, industrious fellow beats the world ou cabbage, Irish potatoes and girl babies. "The McKesson Merchant Mills" are al most entirely out of repair, and the farmers of this section have to go a long distance, to "the Caldwells Mills" to get their wheat prepared for making biscuits. We hope some one will purchase this valuable pro perty (we learn that it is for sale) and re pair these mills, we think it would be a profitable investment, it certainly would be a great convenience to the neighborhood. If desirable, wc will take pleasure in giv!ng you all the local news that trans pire beneath the Shades of "Short 03." V ishing the Blade and its Editor success, we subscribe ourselves. ' LINVILLE VALLEY. Onr Texas Letter. Blub Ridge, Collin co, Texas. Jan.. 9, 1880. Mr Old Friend : We have had no rain of consequence since 5th May last. Not withstanding the long drouth, we made about half crops of corn and cotton. There are various places in Texas where scarcely anything in the eating, line has been pro duce 'j while the grass'and waters are com pletely dried up. In Bogue county, west of this, I learn they have had no rain in twelve months. I had over, one hundred bushels of old corn on hand hen 1 gather ed, last Fall, and made some gooduced, drouthy as it was. I went it pretty strong on cotton, but, unfortunately, I only madd half a crop 5 bales, four of which were my own. I sold two of fheseifor $103, and the other two shipped to Galveston, which I learn this morning netted me 1 1 cents per pound, I have made some money evry year since I came here, except this. Last year I sold six bales of cotton and only got $221. Four bales this year brought me over $200. Last year I paid over $100 for Doctors and drug bills; this year only about $13. I landed here with $149. and since I have paid out $601. I have 3 horses, 21 hogs, 12 heads of cattle and killed p:rk enough to do me. It takes a vast amount of money to run a man in Texas. We buy our clothing, groceries, Wdgons, plows every thing from the N rth. The health of this country is net to be complained of, alto' two of Collin county's best men died last night one of consumption, the other of heart disease. We had cold weather about Christmas with two inches of snow, sleet and rain, which gave plenty of water for stock up to writing this. A grat many horses and ca ttle hare died for the lack of water and grass. Over two thousand head of horses a nd cattle from Eastern Texas passed here going in the direction of the Sabine rivei in search of water. Harvey Corpening'8 son, George, and h is mother have moved to Sherman and rented their farm to Cornelias Kincaid and John Duck worth. Shakespare Parks is working with Mr. Glenn near Blue Ridge. Andy Mc Ginipsey is still with C apt. W. H. Bristol, He speaks of coming home this Spring. Andy has made some money and has taken care of it. Menardie. Gibbs is working with Marcus Parks. They are going into cotton pretty strong. A. M. Hemphill is in good circumstances and doing well enough Captain Bristol has ginned near 300 bales of cotton this year. Billy will come out all right. Sand the B lade to me at Blue Eidge P. O. I have only received three copies in six months. The last number announced the death of Col. Joseph J. Erwin. N. V. LINDSAY. Wm. S. Pearson, Attorney and Counsello: IVIorg-anton, IV. C Sitters Do you feel that any one of your organs your stomach, liver, bo welt, or nervous system, fa'tors in its work ? If so, repair the damage with the most powerful, yet harmless, of invigorants. Remember that debility is the "Beginning of the End" that the climax of all weakness is a univer sal Toamlvsis of the system, and that such D&ralvsis is the immediate precursor of Death. For sale by all Druggists andJDealers generally. f X 8 SPRAGUF. & IICGAII H5EALER8 IIV ft ma, HEBCHANDISE, ALSO FOR THE SALE OF THE lYIcGIMPSEY GREATEST SOAP IN THE WORLD. Morganton, N. C EH FORD COLLEGE, N. C, Happy Home, P. O. FTFTF -FIRST term of this College on 7th day of January, 1880, to X weeks. continues at $8 to $10 per month. ranges from fl to 14 per month. no pay in advance, a redueation t cent will be made. To those after the close of one week up to die day of the term, regular prices charged. To those who pay after of the term, zo por cent additional wul be charged. Lach room in future will be watched over by a Professor; and a thoroughness of study will be demanded of eaob student. For particulars, address as above. ' R. L. ABERNETHY. President. AJniiiiistratflr'u Sale. As administrators of the estate of the Ute CoL Jos. J. Erwin, 'we will sell at I his former residence, three miles north of Morganton, on Thursday the 19th of February, the personal property of said estate consisting of Horses- Mules, Cat tle, sheep, a large quantity of CORIST and other Grain, 2 Carriages, a Buggy, Wagons, a Mower, Harrows and Plows of different kinds, 2 Tent Cloths and various other articles too numerous ' to mention. TERMS CASH, January 17th. 1880. W. A. ERWTN, ) Adm'rs. S. MeD.,TATEJ All persons indebted to the estate of the late Col. Jos. J Erwin will please make payment withont farther delay. and those having claims against it wiil present the same for settlement accord ing to law, oi this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. W. A. ERWIN , t. S. McD. TATE The Charlotte Hotel. M. SCHLOSS, Pbop'b This old and well established Hotel, under the present proprietor, has recently decn refitted rnd refitted and refurnished and is now open for the accommodation of the travelling public. The proprietor I has had years of experience in the btsi- ness and knows how to keep a hotel. He invites bis friends to call and see him The omnibus meets every train. M. SHLOSS, Prop's. AWnistralor's Sale. - The undersigned will sell at Bridgewa ter on Monday the 16th day of Feb. next the remnant of Goods belonging to Epps Simpson & Seals for division; also a considerable amount of Cord-wood and Cross-ties on the Railroad. The Merchan dise will be sold for CASH and the Wood and Cross-ties on a credit o f six-months. The sale of the Wood - and Cross-ties will take place immediately after the ar rival of the up train so persons can avail themselves of the advantage of the train to attend the sale. Jan. 21th 1880. H. C. BENNETT Adm'rofT. P. Epps, Dec'd Furniture ! Furniture ! ! I am now receiving a large stock of grades. to Suits frm $25.00 np. inds of Chairs, including the fa- Thomasville Hickory Chairs. icture Frames, all sizes. lotograph Frames, iisd everything lly found in a first-class Furniture Store, all bought at lowest figures for cash, and I can make it to any one's interest to ca on me if wanting anything in my line. Call on or address M. L. 16e-Cin!.. BEAN, Hickory,X. C. Geo. N. Folk. S. J. Eavra Lenoir, X. C. Morganton, S. C- FOLK and ERVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Morganton, TV. C Will practice in the counties of Burke, CaLiweU, Catawba, Mitchell and McDowell onaaewhere when their services are desir ed? Prompt attention given any bosiaea instrusted to tnem. lil-tf. rX IS s. r i mm a wWjfWy tleCld I Ul.lwVUC UP a , I ucX 4 WA Wl w M a ? ii i fl c e 11 1 W at c li p s For Si.CO! The mut Beaiitiful Cheap Watch which the 'Science and piupcr labor of E iropu liar ever produced is tH famous "GENEVA GEM GOLDEX CHRONOMETER." It is not gold, nor "heavy gold p'.aUi" as S. Y. dealers claim it to In-, but us such an exact imitation tliit no nne but an expert dis tinguish it from tl purest uieal. except ! by chemical test. Thevare stamp!' I. i,' ul not tarnuh under two years, the uiovo- , ment ar j fha latest sty'.", cf the greatest ' accuracy, and each and every pnrchxvr receives our written guarantee that they i ill ramus ia perfect order i(h fair usage : for two Tess. Thev re extensively on vlilroacV miti ten Mtui wbora MCuraiu i time is required." For all piactical purpos ' they are in every way equal to a 8 lid Oold ' Watch costing JIaO (one nunurea ana nrcy - ollars.) I These watch fa are now being sold at $12 -each in N. Y.. and are quite a sacrifice at ; that price. 1'oa hare dout:e seen them 1 advertised in prominent papers at that figure. By special arrangements we are now 1 closing out a large stock at prict-s just sufficient, to py import dutie, freight, rtc. ; HT FOR OXLY $2.0(1 we will mail onu : of these Xianuine -GES EVA GEM WATCH- ES' to any addiess in the U. S. This in- : eludes a handsome exact imitation gold : chain of nobby pattern. Ladies slyles . "Gem" Watches, very beautiful with tasty 1 linked neck-chain it same prices. Two watches and chains for $5. No further discount no matter how many you order. Sent C. 0. D. if desired and $1 is sent ti insuie express charges. N. B. After lhn stock is exhausted we cannot furnish the sania watches for lees than $12, and, as the stock will be closed out very soon, you should lose no time iu securing ona. Send any Atlanta friend to our office to examine the watchee if you desire- Address, A. HENLEY; Sole Southern A-jent, 2 ATLANTA, GA. Sj" This is a rare opportunity for Jew elers and Speculators. (Don't fail to mention this paper when ordering.) Manhood: How Lost, How Eestored ! Just published, a new edition of Or, CulverwpU's Olebrated Ksnmy on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sfeextooeh(XA or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotenct Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments to Jfarruvge, etc. : also. Consump tion, Epilepsy and Firs, induced by sell- mdulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. The celebrated a-ithor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self -abuse may be rad ically cuied without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ppUiaHon h knife; pointing out a mode of cure at ouce simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may ci re himself cheap ly, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be inthehands of every youth and every n an in thn laud. Sent under" seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pott-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, The Culvcrwell Medicine Co., 41 Ann St., Xiw York, X. Y.j Post Office Box. .150, Marcus Eewik. W. H. Malum e ERWIN & MALONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASHEVLLLE, X. c, Office up stairs in the Carter Building. Practice in all the State aud Federal Courts of North Carolina, and before all the De partments at Washington. A. P. CHANDLER, MANCFACTTBEB OF Plain Tinware, Sheet Iroa Pans, lm F pes. k A LARGE LOT 3F GOODSON IIAND Roofing1 AND A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GVARAVTT.ET) TO GIVE SATISFACTION. f Pric?s Low lo suit the Time. Shop and Store bttwwn Office W. S. C. R. R. and Sprague A llmu i store, Mor ganton, N. C'. ADVANCE IN BUSINESS I CASH PAID MR PRODUCE, GOODS SOLD AT LOW PRICES. o We ire now prepared to offer to the public a large and well aBleetMl stock of g'xnls consisting of !! 4MMl 4ro- rrrien, llatx, Cmk, ltMf m Kltwe. ImAUh' ttrrnn ool. tuple and Paitry Article; whkh will be .old for BARTKKat the lowcst raicica imagin- able. r AAA ni'iiKi oi (OB 0 ,UUU w V ; rv k i ;for which GOODS or CASH will be pf id. Hoping yoa will call and examine stock before purchasing elMwbere, we r- Vey resptrftruliy, E. S. Warlick At Co., 8ucraortA Cohstslit Sides, Icard: Station. N. C. ' NEW FIRM! AND . New Groocls. -5-C-S. SHUPING & COX DKAt.KKS IK aXNEKAt 1YIERCHA1VDISE, XOKOANTOX. N. C We take this iu.ttho.1 of informing the citixens of Btirke and surrounding eounUi that we have just opened A LARGE STOCK of DRT GOODS AND GROCERIES which wc wiil sell cheap for ('auk, or ex-hang- for COUNTRY PRODUCE or which wo pay the highest market pric. We purchased eur goods for cash and before the recent advances in prices iu the Northern Markets and we are confident of our ability to satisfy the demands of our customers as to quality and prices. ' We would extend a cheerful invitiiion to our friends and patrons to call and examine our Stock before purchasing, as it so largo and numerous that it is an impossibility to a Ivcrtise in detail. Suffleo it to say, it contains every thing the doleror consumer needs. Tory respectfully, SHUPING t COX. Our Choice for President. The Highest Price For Produce, AND ''Rock Bottom" Prices For Goods. 0 We arc now able to offer to the poop's of Burke, Caldwell and adjoining eounti,, a well selected stock of GEN! HAX ME.t CHAND1SE, at prices as low as the lowr'. Every one iuvitixl to call and no trouble to show goods. Don't fail to give us our trU . We pay CASH for grain, and then give you inducements to buy GOODS. Try us, and be c uvinced. . Our. Motto is : Quick sales. Do n weights, Full measure)!. Low prices, ai.,1 No CrodiU. Yours truly, Lackey Bros., Icard Station. N. O. "GRANT aad licCild DEILIRS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE MARION, N. C. Wheat, FL.ur, Corn and Corn MealQ a specialty. ORDERS SOLICITED. WALTON HOUSE, - MORGANTON, N. C. T. li. Todd, PROPRIETOR, This Hotel is situated in (he moat bi t-i netia partt)f town. Everything to traveling commercial men. The talJ will always be provided with the choicvt the market afford., and the comfort of th ' guest will constantly be attended to ,y the best of servants. 173-tf. House and Iot for sale. I will sell a desirable place in god part of town on reasonable ierma. Apply to Hainl AcD. Tate, or Mn. Hauah A- McDowell. Time Table . N. C. R. B. In Efltft Monday October 13, 6.05 A. 11 . OOIKO WEST. Salisbnrj Third Or-k, Elmwaod, hLaUiville, Calawl, NewUm, Canova, Hickory, Irani, Morgan ton, GUm Alpine, Bridg8wter, Morion, Old Fort, Arrive, a, m. 7 51 Leav?. COS . 669 726 811 8W 9 57 10 10 10 39 11 22 12 09 p. UK 12 57 1 44 2 28 11 20 2 41 Henry, .3 01 Hwumanoa Gap, 3 46 Hi k Muuutian, 4 01 4 lCpm Gooper'a, OOIXO KAffr. Arrive. 410 IVavw. fwiiMhnry, p. m. Third Cwck, 8 .10 Elmwoofl, 3 07 HtuUriJ, 2 46 Catawba, 1 SI Newton. 12 69 Canova, 12 46 , Hickory, 12 23p. Jwd, 1120 Morganton, 10 23 iln Alpine, 9 66 Bridgewater, 9 33 Marion, 845 Old Fort, 7 57 Henry, 44 12 01 pm 11 13 j j ; j j 7 19 Hwannanoa Gap, 6 32 Bl'k Mountain, 6 16 Oopr'i, 6 00 . Trains run dai'y, Sundays excepted. Train going Wet will BreakfaM al eHatas ville and Dinner at Ht-liry. - Train gir.g- Eart will Breakfast Henry aid Diuaer at Hickory. Train Vei t will take aid traek fst 1. at leant. , J.W. WILBOI.PMMIII ' i