; BLUE RIDflS LAE; STOTmXTOX. N. C...MAR. 20.18&. Governor HWli-rtinli clined to believe) thai thi Questioner ference now dividing thai IW.. party in Virginia will be fcarmoniouW wiuea oeiore tne Presidential escvaas open. Ho thinks th iemocmac voters anil an utmrt m..t,.i;.w i Amucrasi t-.ciet. , ... .j J. IT. IIALLYBU ilTON, Editor ivl proj-r. rgg BtrjL aim MAMrkjwv ycrr cf-vw 'jr ww..rJrrr- ffri CKST9 far ,U metJk. Tho 'wip'r TT "of enf'q iYFraistyilar lr t)U Kmajaid for rraV 4ieieU wflta taswtsa' it aiw aalUr iM( (on teV spate) jor tKe Krst iM,ivn, and fifty cmtl fr lack tubttqufnt tawrtion. Liberal contract Jain mojtwith tflar aivtrHsers, ; '. l& Wt art prjri to Mtfid' U ji or in a nai ami i JUwu mown, Our' CHsiss for President, rSAMUEL J. TILDEN, OP Siw YORK. Tte People's iChdicB FerCoiipsi (the 3th District.) GEN. E. B. VANCE, , of Bunaojnbe. Ir -lTi ... i . nun. 1 r.-1 ' . - - . i-DV Southern State, in tliu ii. It wouid lie less ridiculous for Detnooai io Officeholder to anun that Tii.U., carry low, Kauih-s, Jtticliigiiu Kud 1U- uiitf'AjiiAA.. ' I. .. . non laaao W. liayue, a uiutiaguiabed wwyer, nd lor nwuy yesr Attoricj IMiieru or too State of South Carolina prior io ilia war, breaUu44us last at Lis home in Charleston on (lis 8th ict H wag about 70 years old, and heitig a des oeudent from tbe Haynea oi SontU Car oliua on the one tide, and from the Brevur J of North Carolina ou the other, had many relatives n4 friends," not only iu the Carelimui, bat scattered over near ly all tho Son-Vrn States. X it Yuginia LecjSfiire adjonmed on tte 9th instnaftef a Kks of three months and eiht days. Why it was born and why rt.lmid fa long will probably rprasin an nrsolSrnd mystery henceforth. The Eicbmoo Slate, in its leader con cerning its cqarse, says : ' " ? It will saffioe to say that as a ad-jnstor-Kepnuiating body it was a lament able failure. Tne work it bud miirifd oa, and which it came to do off-band and with a high hand iu so bowtfnl a maon r, all has come to nantrbt. and it aoea hack to the people contesting its ntter pow r lessness to perform what it had under taken On the debt question they did 1 Bolntelr nothinar. and Tet tbf mil all that men holding their views aould tio." Tbe First Day's Proceeding, Is noticing U.;uerul Utiut's splendid mllitiry oarwr, first, and his wonder ful sqacess as a tmvelpr, later, would it not be well 1 1 also look at the eight years' history of his life as President of the United States? What was. doue ,in the eight years? How much pride clings to this epoch? Who were the Presiden.'s friends md advisers? These are questions to consider. ' ,Tlie .Mitchell Tariipike Work ProfressiHi Finely Proposed . Barbecue autl Uh J uljr Celeb ration, We are trnly glad to learn that tbe work on the Mitchell Turnpike road leading from Morgan ton to Cranberry Iron Works and Bakersville, w. progress jug finely. Several enterprising citizens of Mitchell county have agreed te build a section on tbe Bnrke side which is over a mile long. Mr. O. A. Loven, the prin cipal contractor in a few days will finish grading the road as fur as "Winding Stair Camp." The section from "Co'.d Spring" to ''Low Gap" ht the east end of "liattie&nake Knob" is nearly comple ted, and Mr. Beuj. Barrier is vigorously pushing the work on his two mile section from the eaut end of "Jonas' Ei.;gt" to Mr. Samuel Burner's, and when therie sectious are completed there will remain only two short sections unfia shed on this side of "Jonas' Ridge" and some alight improvements and changes in the old road on the other side, Mr. Iitiven is ff the opinion that the ' road will be completed by the lstof May next and will prohablj cost less than tbe original estimate. The , people of Bnrke and Mitchell counties propose, having a grand barbeoue and celebration on the top of "Jonas' Bidgo" on the sth of July next. The public generally are invited to attend and- view f rum along the roud the grandest scenery the world ever saw. This road opens an outlet for one of tbe finest grain, and . stock produoing sections in tbe United States, aiid welj may the pebpkof Burke and Mitchell counties celebrate the com pletion of this ninch Deeded highway, the cost f wbuh f wi'jcl -a into.msig: i 1 auue, when we Udte unto consiileration "Jn bttafits that wil ha derived, wbiaU Uike bread oast Upon the waters wdl be seen and felt many days hence." Mr. Gabriel Pearoey, Proprietor of the Piedmont Springs, bos just completed a good road from said Springs in tersecting with tbe Mitchell turnpike at Taylor' Lick-log" a distance of two miles, built at his own expense 'Bah for Pearoey.' , Cipt W. M. Winters, one of the road commissioners, to whom we are indebted for a great deal of our Information in regard to the road, says that the comple tion of tbe roud and the barbecue as be fore stated ere fixed facts, and the Cap tain further says "tbat persons attending tbe barbecue can driva a buggy over the entire route, and traveling from Morgan ton, when they reach the moliataiu can , consider that they have traveled over tho worst part of tbe road," Lay up not your treasures in railroads which syndicates buy and thieves sceal, but build good dirt roads which neither i.j iidicates can buy or control nor thieves steal, they are the rands of "your dad dies" and have no high freights, bnt all travel .over free. Show me a section of btmntiy tbat has good churches, school l.cuata and good roods and I will show you a prcopcrous community. At the dose of the war Durham was a wayside stition, to-day it is one'of tbe most flour ishing towns in the South and one of the largest tobacco markets in the world, liood roads leading from the tobacco growing connties of Orange, Caswell, Person and Granvillo to that place, the most accessible poiut on the lailroad, caused capital to locate and center there hence the result. Hickory too fifteen years ago was another wnysido station," to-dsy it is a growing town and does the largest wnolenale trade of any market west of Charlotte. Good reads leading to that point on.lha- railroad from tbe counties of Catawba, Alexander, Caldwell,- Wilkes, Ashe and Watauga induced General Frank Blair had a pretty thorough knowledge of Gen. Grant. It is worth recalling what he said of "the strong man" in 1868; nearly twelve yaors ago, mad before Grant had become Pres ident. Said Gen. Blair: "Grant is ambitious, but he don't show it, and I tell you that if he is elected Presi dent he will set up a monarchy aud es tablish himself Emperor, "A military despotism would be estab lished, and Grant would never leave the White House alive, "The man who established military despotism in ten States hi ready to estub- lisu it in all the States. ' - "I tell you ho ha a policy as much as Bon aparte had! His pohcy is permanent dictatorial power. If you think he has no policy, yon make a great mistake and endanger our country. I do not believe be would consent for the Presidency for four years to resign an oflioe he holds for life. He has no idea of that at all. He baa the military instinct about him." Address, At a meeting of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic Consera tive purty held on 3d day of March, it was resolved to hold a State oo'v'tion of the patty at Raleigh onthe 17th day of June next. The Central Executive Committee m pursuance thereof now call upon the County Committees to perfect their or gnnizrtion and to take the usual steps to hate delegates appointed to represent their respective counties in said Conven tion; and they fnther request the District Committees to cull District Conventions for the purpose of selecting two (2) del egates and thea- alternates to attend the Kutianal Convention which will be held in Cincinnati on the 22d day of June. In these preliminary meeting! we cordial ly invite and urge all good citizens who are deeiroaa of advancing the best inter ests of tlis people to participate, S. A, AoHE, Chairman. 1. J- Litchtobd, Secretary. Raleigh; March 12, 1880. In Alexander county (Miller's town- J ship) one day last week, a mamsge took ! Legislature in extraordinary session, jiw uuuer miner singular circum- staoeea. Mr. . Pink Lsckev and Miss Beltie Miller were tbe high contracting parties and T: A. Hodsoo. Esq.. per formed the ceremoqy. The bride, the groom, tbe magistrate and friends met at a certain point in the woods at a given hour, r.nd on the aide of the road,beneath the branches of the trees, the 'oqnira pronounoed the bans. It is alleged that these surroundings were not' chosen for )he nuptials without cause rthe beinr. according to report, that the groom is a moonshiner and was lying out from the raiders, none of whom were among the invited gnest, Statexoille Landmark. Tilden a Candidate. 1 It is now annoiiDoed authoritatively that Uncle Sammy Tilden is roally a live candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. We do not know where he can count on much strength, but there is no telling what even a dny may bring forth. We believe tliat tbe Democratic nominee will be triumphantly elected, aud as surely inaugurated as the 4th day of next March comes, and we do not believe tbat any but a strong man can be nominated at the Cincinnati con vention. ' . There is a deep-seated conviction in the minds of the people tbat Mr. Tilden was duly and constitutionally elected in 1S79, and it will be hard to convince those who supported him then, that in some way or other, . through errors f omission or commisgjpn, be was respon sible for the failure to be inaugurated . The crime of tbe electoral commission was a political sin which even to this day cries aloud to heaven for vengeance, and one which am never be repeated on the American continent without splitting the Republic into a hundred factions. How much Mr. Tilden or his friends had to do with its formation, when it was supposed Judge David Davis was to be the oJti judge, will never be known. It is now pretty certain that there was some trad ing, and we do not believe that MrT Til den's, nopbew, CoL Pelton, acted without the advice of his chief in tbe matter of the cipher dispatches. The Democratic party demands a man with clean hands, even by imputation, and while the Ob server will cheerfully support Mr. Til den, if nominated, unless 'something turns np of which we are now ignor.iut, he is certainly not our first choice. Charlotte Observer. Tw eJIeu Attacked and Disfigur : ed by Rati. A remarkable and perhaps unpreced ented combat took place at Bostick's Mill, North Carolina, Tuesday morning It seems that General Bostick and one of his employers Andersou Way less, weut into a corn bouse, whioh had been stored with corn for neatly twelve months, and which had been closed for that lenght of time. After gxttiug in they found that the placo was literally alive with rats, which begun to attack fiercely the two men, who in vain attempted to beat them off. The rats oame npon them in droves, biting them about tbe hands, face and legs, several actually getting under W uyless' shu t Both men cried lor help. I and were rescued from their perilous situation. The whole of GeueralEoutick's left ear wus eaten off and his face hor ribly bitten Wayless' nose and lips were so badly bitten that his host friends could not recongnize him, and his left eye rrafc torn from its socket. Lxchagt. Tbe Leading Men of New York What tliey did ben Boys- In the early nutumn of last year the Kev. Washington Gladden, of Spring field, Mass., sent the following note to one hundred of the representative busi ness and professional niep of New York : "I desire to Bud ont, for' the benefit cf the boys, hew the leading, jnen of this city spent their boyhood. Will you be kind enough to toll me ; 1. Whether the first fifteen years of your hf was ,au a farm, in a villaare. or in a citvv am) 1 capital to bp inyested there, V the far- j whether you were accustomed, during mers of this surrounding conntry will j any part of that period, to engage in any ' build good public highways .centering ! kind of work when not in aaBool ?" hern from all tho available sections of i- Out of one hundred persons who re conntry and then make more wheat, corn, ) oeived the notes, eighty -eight answered tobacco and other produce, more capital tbe question, and Mr. Gladden' was so will be iuvested hnre aud farmris .rill' much plvased with hja sneoesa that he find abetter market for their produce. Good roads .fill avail but little unleso . von prodnse something to selL The sec- . w - - embodied their reports' in a lecture, which he delivered before a large audi ence in one of the city churches. It ap- tion that Las nothing to sell will never pears thst the eighty-eight,' aixty-f our have a market. Improved ro ds and im-1 were brought up ou farms snd were far- roved fanning is wliat Ibis section ef j mers' sons, twelve in villages and towns counlrr nrds most, aa we advance in tLote two respect so will all other in dnstries follow. " The So-fence Law a liSesslng. , In cor last issue we inadverteutly said a petition had teen, gotten up in thia county for the repeal of the fence law. Weinennt the road, law. It wonld be impciwhle to repeal the frnoe law, ' be reuse the people are too well plraaed wi:b.it. ""1 Mecklenburg would fight tbe whole State with force and arms ihonld au attempt be mad to piaoe her back in the old expensive ad Isboroos stake and rider style in which she nf d tVliyisW A-irW &'uihem Ibmiia. d twelve la pities. Of the twelve who lived in villages aud towns, uue-quarcer were accustomed to do farm work. If is proper to say, therefore, tbat of these eigbty-eiglit of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of ,'ew York, seventy were trained in their yonth upon farms. Of tbe eighteen boys who lived in cities and villages, five of tlieui report that they had no work to do, white the rest were the sons of people in rather poor cirenm taneea,.and were accustomed to do all aorta of work np to the time they left the paternal roof. To turn np: Of eighty eight solid men of New York, eighty three were hard workers in their younger days, while only five had "otb!tig in particular to do," i Marrying For Lore.. Kiedsvilie "limes. I tie Winkles ran a small farm near Reidsville, The old man has been a hard working farmer all bis life, but hin wife was teaohing school when he marri ed ber, and preserves such fondness for literature to this day that she still wears a few straggling curls. It was from her that their son Adolphus took all his romance, and two weeks ago be married a pretty and sentimental young woman entirely for love, and brought ber home to live, that he might help the old mau run the form, though tbe farm was hard ly big enough for two families to run it. Of course they kept the breakfast table waiting several mornings, but the old man held his peace and said nothing and A was not unitl the other evening whi-u 4do!phus proposed a walk with his bride &d called her "Rosebud" that the old Squire opened. "What's it, ho called you?" said he. "Rosebud, Pa!" simpered and blush ed tho BiiJe ''he Las three names for me, ,Rosebml,"M.iguolia'and 'Pet' I'd think 'Doll.y' didn't lovo tne if he was to stop calling rne pet names wouldn't yr u dear?" and she pouted her pretty lips at Adolphuit for a kiss. "Jem be drot if I ain't sick!" said old Winkle. ' Why, Henry." cried his old lady, shaking her foot in the corner, and one of her curls in a slight nimble, "You used te be just as big a fool over me!" "Xever .sense I was born! "Yes! that you did!" she said excited ly, "I remember once we were going through Mr. Brawn's broom sage field you called me your 'Life Everlasting,' you know that you did!" and the old mother' faoe brightened that she had him. . "Wall I must'er had the rickets at the time," said he. That night old Winkle wM waked wp by his wife's crying and sobbing as if her heart was breaking. "Thunderation and blue fitat what's the matter, Nancy?" "Nobody loves me," she sobbed "A dolphus used to love me and now he's wrapped up in (hat young thing and you eare nothing for me you never call me pet names and yon aa good as told me I lied, and before her too oh-ah-boo I shall die ! I shall die." "Here, Nancy, smell this cam ph ire and swallow this brandy; you know I love you, ding'd if I don't call you after every ynrb in the garden, from sweet potatoes "to poke root thar now" aa she got quit "but by Jacks! I kuowed it! and it all comes from that- he don't know his head from a hole in the ground his mnrryiDg for love and bringing a doll baby concern here to pet, why, be hang'd if the old wimmin aint fonder of pettin' than the young ones' and a blam ed sight wuss! Nancy, Nanoy," calling her. "Hey! O my I how you starlel me, I was just getting to sleep; what is it?" "I jess want to say to you, dont yon ever turn fool any mere, no matter if I don't call you Hinky Dinky, and that eort'er stuff; I lore you good enough to plow all -day in the sun for you." Jt Raleigh, N- C, March. 15, 10, 1880. The members of thj Ijeg-'atnrc, pursuant. to the call of the Governor, as senibled in tbe State Hbusp promptly to dajr at twelve o'clock, with very few eeU vacautr'After tbe call of. the' roll, aud the organization of both Houses, Mr. G. L. Dudley, the Governors private secre tary, was announced as the bearer of special message -from His -Exeeileocy Got. Jarvis. The message was in sub stance the same as that giv n to fha State press, abont the time of the issue of the Governor's proclamation convening the It touched only on the proposed sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad, and in oouc'usion recommended no general leg islation. The Gov. regarded the extra session as having been called for a speci fic purpose, and he urged that its dnties would be discharged when it had acttd on the question he bad felt it his duy to present to it in the name aud in the in terest of the people of North Caroline. A canvass among the members rrvV:e the fact that there is an almost universal desire that the Western North Carolina Railroad shall be sold, bat the original Best bill will doubtless go by the board Tbe desire for the! sale by no means com mits the members to the text btbaest bill, objections to it re-tigedir&t every point, and this among th wanftestifrieOds of the sale! '"A new biH lias been drawn, which hits met with .Vr. Best's approval, and that of Hon. Seo.' lAvis, and Judge Thoa, Ralfin, which will le -presented, and it will no donbt meet many of the objections to the Best hilt , Jt has not yet been given to the public, but will probably coma up ; for: action at once. It ia said to be ranch more favorable to the State than the Original Beet blip - Senator W,- T. Dorteh, o'f GoLiaboro, introduced a bill, just after the reading of tbe Governor's message, to stop all Appropriations to the Western Sorth Carolina Railroad, and another to sell the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and the Western North Carolina Bail road, by a commission composed of the Treasurer of the State, and two other o'. i;ein. A resolutien in the House of Represen tatives, not to go into geueral legislation was laid over for the present. Nothing was done in either honse to day, except the passage, by both houses, of s resolution creating a committee ot twenty-five members bfteeu from tbe House, and ten from thoSeuate to whom the whole railroad question should be referred. I he committee has uot yet heera announced. Caucuses of both houses were held this evening, and it ia saiu that a strong effort is being made by the Republicans tl get up combined opposition to the proposed sale, but the Best informed Democrats think they will simply try to take ad vaufiige of circumstances. wni.o tuere is muuu disagreement a- uiong members of the Legislature about the exaet terms of the s:de, there is au almost universal sentimeut that a sale can and ought to be made, if the purchasers wili agree io such terms and restrictions as wiU pn4w.-t tUa caiztma of thejjo from unjuat discriminations, andgive them reasonable Ireight tariffs. SECOND DAT S SZSSIOX. MiMsox Wis,, March 12.-TheSenate has just concurred by a constitutional majority on Assembly joint resolution No. 12, conferring on woman the right to vote and hold office. The measure was made the special order for 4 o'clock this afternoon, and the Senate chamber was filled, a large majority of the spec tators being ladies. Senators Kellogg, Woodman and Price made extended and happy remarks in f.ivor of the passage of the bill The result -as yeas, 19; nays. 11. Three Senators weri absent, one of whom, Seuator Chipman, of the Racine district, is on his death b"d in this city. rfARlO Male and eale . r U Co""' X. c. The Methodist Mode, New York'Snn.l The Methodist itineraooy ia being as sailed by many influential Methodist clergymen, aud tbe movement for aban doning it baa a strong advocacy; bnt the Rev. Dr. Summers oomes out emphatic ally iu its defence. A great advantage of thtf system, he says, is that it secure to every preacher a parish and to every pirish a preacher. ''Some of the charges are net very desirable : but they all pay hiin something for the work be perform!!. Some of tbe ministers are notaocourplish ed men, but they are all approved !by lay and clerical courts, and the poorest of them are better than none." Dr. Sum mers points out too, that itinerant preach ers, by using their sermons over and over, ouve themselves a great UDoant of labor. He states a third argument us follows : "What dilfi'julties and annoy ances and animosities are frequently connected with resignations and calls among our brethren who have a settled ministry ! One of the' most revolting things I kuow is a minister going around iroiu church to church preaching trial' sermons, acting as 'a supply,' criticised by iucoinpeteut persons, subjected to iiuperttnieut questions, lUack-lialled, or, ,i cauevl, respouiliug with the knowledge that a respectable minority opposed the caiL" ni the Science", no. ileVO" Mm, S, j. NEAU -I P.; ir. R.hn' r, Md Prin,.-J Arithmetic. '-?''lph?, SMh Gram- uuernuMiat " 'Bd CoBP"iu n, Sl.iO r? 'nth-. .tks d ftetoric- 2.no mner maturu" Per mo th 'h Utia. Greek. K W.tWp.,, mnut . iBgtranient, $t.oov Musi, use 04 1 "onio. tirtoermonth ri,. BoaM-fro0t. t'iitionfWlJ', jjeministrv. ations. pr-paruW tof v that ,ng men cau ?et go- , W11C".' ,, rA, am. IS30, addresi the VHEELER & YILSON SEWIN3 MACHINES. The Cheapest Machine for rr is 1 .' The Easiest to Learn, The Kiulest to Ttaiiae, The Lightest Running, Tbe Tlost Durable, DOSS TBS MOST PEKFSCT WORK. Depot Miit h and Franklin sts , Richmond, V. Gray's Specific Medicine. TRAM MRKTha great En-TltAM MARK gtish ttmiH-ty; A.n onhilin enre for Semi, nal tfoaknt-ss. Srqwtorrh eo, fwipoteucy . aadadtltaca- tffiRE TAil6. ht o'AiTtl'lUUI. as ft sequence of MelMbnsc; as Lots of Memory, Universal LaMituue, l'atu in tha Rack. Dimness f Vuti-h, Prematn 0:d Age, and many O'her Diaous that lead to Insanity or Cons imp: ;on, and a Prematun: Grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, wbieh we desire to send frac by mai. (o every no. Tbe Specifio Metlioiee is soid by ati'dnif giita at 11 per package, or six naekaga tor 15. or will be aeat tr ny nuul on r ceipt of the money bv ad'beraing The ura .ncrttritie tK. . kc-hanics' Block. Dtriot. Mich. 8old in Jfrtfanoa. and every iWi by all Druggists. iO'ineni-D: Spring i rm op an 1, ;;, . JuueSrO- Kar fijrtber Piir.cipal. particalars, SENATE. BILLS ARD BBSOLUTIOIIS. The following bills and resolntions were introduced . and disposed of 118 follows: By Mr. Everett- Resolution relating to tne constitution; instructs the Judici ary Coinuiittee to report, by bill or other Wise Borne measure to amend the con stitution exempting from taxation capii which may heieafter be invested in manu facturing interests. By Mr. Davison Bill to amend chap ter e2 of the laws of 1878 79, relating to the public roads. Referred to Committee on Jf nblic Roads. - By Mr. Wiilamson Bill to amen i chapter of the public! laws of Jb79. Placo ou calendar. A By Mr. Leaca Bill to prondu for the sale of tbe State's interest iu tne Western North Carolina itailcoad. Reii-m-a to the joint select Committee on Railroads. By Mr. D.iucy Bill, to auiuoi.zi thi Board of county Commissioners of lidge ooinbs to pay certain school claims, lit . i erred to the CXimmittee on Educaton. The President designated tbefoiiowing Senators to compose cue Senate branci: of Uie joint se.ect committee ou the sale of tne Vcsteru North Carolina Railroud : Messrs. Leach,DviUson,iwin, iivei-ett, ioiUiu, Jeban!. Graham of Lincoln. White, Bryan, of Pender and Graham oi jdoucgoinery. HOUSK or RaTKESXNTATrVXS. The Honse was called to order at 10 a. m. by Mr. Speaker Moring. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Black, of the First Jethodest Church, the journal of yesterday was read and approved Mersars. Brown, of .Vlecklenbnrg, Gounod and Leatherwood presented petitions, which were appropriately re ferred. Messrs. Berry, Atkinson, York, Nor ment, Orchard, Bnrringer, Foster, Lnt terloh, An gin. Scott, LeatherWocxl, Coy. iugtou, BlocW, McOurkl-ao( flayiytmr! introduced biiis, which were variously referred or placed on the calendar. Od .notion of Mr. Brotvn, of M'Msklen burg, the rules were appended, and the bill r pealing the law in regard to purtUc roads in Mecklenburg and certain wthsr counties, was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Brry, tbe bill re lieving die citizens o Biii-ke e tun.'y from the operations of the vet prohibiting the driving of cattle wet of the Blue Ridge, was taken up and passed its several readings. A message was received from the Sen ate concurring in the House proposition to raise a joint select committee of twenty-five in regard to the Western North Carolina Railroad; fifteen ou the part o' the House, and ten on the p-rtof the Senate, The Speaker announced Messrs. Carter, of Buncombe, Cooke, Brown, of Awklenburg, Cobb, Covington, Clarke, Lock li art, Yaogban, Bernard, BioharJ son, of Col umbos; Davis, of Afadison. Davia, of Catawba, Ellison and Scott as the House branch of sai I committee. Bro. MiDs tells in tbe Orphan 'tfFrund one of Gov. Yanoe's recent teriout jokes. He had advised an old Methodist negro to join the Presbyterian Church, because its members felt that God had elected them, and would certainly save them. "You will, then," said the Governor, "know bow safe and secure the doctrine of election makes ns all feel." "Well, Mars. Zeb," said the old darkey, 'Veu may be lected; bat a man is ginned v a I tbe nme down. ejndidate fo he ia lected, an' ef you is f found he had killed one of tut finest ever hsen s candidate I ain't never heara J bogs io the neighborhood. T STATE A , D GKXEK A L NEWS. An active volcano is reported near Brown's Park,' Wyoming Territory. A little son of Mr. J..S. Martin, of Lincolnton, fell into a tanyard vat and was drowned. Greensboro North State: The Vir ginia Midhind Bailrond has concluded arrangements te extend its line from Danville, Ya., to Charlotte, N. C. Henry Pepper, the law partner of Senator Bayard, was found dead in beo m Wilmington, Del. He is believed to have died of apoplexy. The Insane Asylum at Ossawatamia, Kansas, containing two huuured imuutes was burned Monday mght. All of the inmates were rescued. Loss $10,000. Winstou Sentinel: S. T. Mickey, of Mt. Airy, is t iKiugrt'ie lead iu inventions. Vie comes out now with a new style apple an I ve .etable slicer, a peaon, berry and Sap" srato, a barrel ana vegetable ciute, and also an improved tobacco tierce. The Kinston Journal says, Fred' Be.? ton caught a salmon trout hiBt week neighing four aud a half pounds, sup posed to lie one ot the iJd.OOO put iu the Ncuw by the Goverumeut a few ye.irs 'go. Miss Mollis Hardy recently brought suit iu Alamance comity ugaiust a man nauied Mc Warren tor hreuch of Dromise ami damage to character, and at tlio TfifitA term o court at Uraham, waaooariisu 82,000 damages. Chnrlott Democrat: Leander Mc.Va nu6, a wu.te man (bigamist.) whodesert i? i h'S lawful Wife iu Lancaster, S. C. : a i came here aud manned another wo man, was sentenced to the Penitentiary for ten years. Goldslioro Messenger : Hon. George Davis, of WUoiiugtoii, was in town s short while S-Uurdsy. The name of "George Davis ' in the gubernatorial harness would be a tower ot strength that would kindle eiitiiuaiosin from Currituck to Cherokee, and sweep the State by 23,000 majority. Killed bt Laudaktm. Mrs. Mosas Cb imtiers, a respected ldy, living near Knxb.ro, N. C, accidentally ttxik au overdose of laudanum for neuralgia last T..nrs iay, 26 Februaryaud died from the effects of it Friday evening following. Siie was about 50 years ol age. i A bill has been intraJoscd during the prcsnet session of Congress to organize b new territory under tue name of Okla hp ua out of Iudi'in Territory, wni 'li is i. served exclnsivly for the Indians, nun is another scheme to rob them poorciea ture of what little the White man has left them. . ., . . .; From the Asheville Journal itislearn eil tbat tbe revivnl, which has been in pr igress iu that place, wa brpaght to a lose Thursday evening the forty fourih day. Over two hundred and fifty per sons have joiued the virio.w churches in that place since this series of meetings was inaugurated. . Milton Chronic'e: A monument roth late Rev. John Kerr, and also bis son, the late Hon. John Kerr, was erected at YanoeyyiPo on Saturday last Mrs. JuJgn Kerr add family have left Reidsville, and moved to Burkvilte, Va., which wdi be their future home. Chapel Hill Ledger: A colored woman livaig wiihin tu iuf.es of Chapel Hill, sometime ago had holes made in he? ears for the purpose of having rings placed (herein. Shortly after this she bad a set of natural rings, the. flesh growing aud rotating as complete a set of ear-rings ag could be desired. A Move is being made to seenrs the Chinese, against whom so much antipathy ex sts in California, for the South and Eist. Already there bos been a transfer of considerable numbers to Chicago New lort, and correspondence is in pro gress between Mississippi planters and tne Jfonr U impanies to furnisa a supply for some of Uie Mississippi plantations. Oxford Fiee Lance: Mr. John Barton of Person, is 9 years of age. Last year he cultivated himself 300 tobacco tiih and carried his crop to Duhain hutWf ' and sold it at a satisfactory price. ij U now engaged iu grubbing up a lot fut his crop, this year. He has never failei to vote a single time luring past ?C jears, aud has always voted the Deoiocrtie bcka. . Raleigh AVtrs; A gentleman epeaking of the great advance m the pnte oi hru for tbe past six months, remembered that last August he had about grjQ pounds of scrap wrought iron, thtt was in his way, and offered a drsyn jq cents to haul it off and dump it town. He last week shipped it to JUnh nSdnd, where it netted him S300, A gentleman on the Eastern j. tbe Blue Rtdge hut week killed .fOQ7. legged turkey;.' He went to hu "blinj" early in tbe morning, sad sooa si wumt he supposed to be a large gobb.r proachiiK. and firinsr uyon & hrZtl A'URTH CAKOLIJ. Sdhbioe Couet. D. J. Forney. Trustee, Against A1W ftt. V. P. Beiuhart, Guardian f 5 Best, Bast and Robt. of Charles y o Fwuey.E' w- acette Oowdian of Mary Faooette. It appearing to the satisfaction of the CoffthSto Albert Bost. William Foruey, J. J. Forney E. W. FaueeUareDon-residents of this Stite and proper part' to tms proceeding which concerns real property. t. :.. .i.rofnre ordered by the Conri that pnblicatiou be made in the Blue for six successive weekR Hmnaid uefendants to unnear at the next Term of the Superior Court for the county of Bnrke, to be held at the Court House id Morganfou on the 2nd Monday in March, 1880. And let said Defendants take notice timt if thev fail to answer said com nlnint within tlietimeprescribedby Law th Plaintiff wi'l apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, r.iven under my hand and seal of of fice at office in Morganton, this the 5th day of February, 1 D C. PEARSON, Clebk Scpewor Cocbt Burke County. B.'S, G.VITHER, Att'v for Plaintiff. THE WHITE Sewing Machine THIS BST OP AI4 L'nrivakd iii Appearance, Unparalleled ia Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented ja Popularity, Ad Undisputed in the Broad Claim er aiM thc VKJIY BEST OPERATING BAMDeoaiesT, axu Host Perfect Sewing UacMse IN THE WORLD. 'ino tr.lute la 111 ccei:cnc " ((iMriaray over cilier thins. 0" J in tubmitttnj tride we pot It men its pe'l'J, ana in no i;aneo Ins l. em yet ftMss Is tatWj B raosaooBdatloa inhttr. The tm,i torHieWMnkat Ineroaoeato nch sn utent that e are km nopelix to turn oat Ceaapl.t, So-B-T afarTMnO evoiy tlxr soizi.'O.y la. tho 4o.jr to mv-ffly frit ilainniH I . Ewtj ooehm, is mrrastos for t rw. W'lor re. el liberal .ic, P .'"t, le euit Ul coet5CO st easteeMfi. "i!urrj wau "h tsocenras auntr. MITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. MSDsEatst.( Riruli Leeds for sale at thb Offlre. VICTORIOUS I HIGHEST &BEST AWARD And Oraad Xooal of 'Ease Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work. Are Dininrm'W celebrated Giant Farm mi M M MAT A. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wlfc cSrs? rc.sr5 fax Sv S"? re iai coolcmc ""T .iuiieaiida raja" " " (MatnnittbaK. d "w er "r?,.T r tt oa S-lt.. J . aW m fa m svj SMS !ai' This standaixl article is com- iwmdeil with the grentest care.' Ita effects are ad wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its vouthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, -and the scalp by its use becomcj white wnd clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary" glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M. D., State As saver of Massachusetts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Rest Pkepailatioh for its intended purposes." Price, One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FORI THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other un desirable shade, to brown or black, at discretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quick ly and effectually produces a per manent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL L CO., NASHUA, N. H. Bell by all Bnggitta, ul Iiilm ia HoMrlioi SUHER Mi C0RFM1S, DBALzas rs onraaAL MERCHANDISE ADD MOUNTAIN PRODUCE, OLD FORT. N. C. 'WiaelVVine!! Wuie! i ! THE undersigned is now prepared ti fill orders on short notice for the Best and Purest native Wines made by himself at his Viayar.Kn Davie county. C weapon lence sn'.i.'itud " Addrefi Geo. W. Johnson, Tarroington, Davie county, V. ' I W. li. .vIalun Dim. Priexs ERWIN & Frl ALONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Ornci up atair in the Carter Biiildinif. Practice in all the State aud Federal Court ot North Carolina, an 1 before all thtiD-. sitmenti at Jlanhioaton. IHE FLEMING HOUSE, Marion, Ns C., SAMUEL FLEMIN'O, Proprietor. DR. C. MoLANE'S CelebratetrA mcrican WORM SPECIFIC OR wT3BMIFTJG . - sa-wa - SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. 1'HE countenance is pale and leaden- Colored, with occasional flushes, or i circumscribed spot on one or both heeks; the eyes become -dull; the pe nis dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the hose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; i swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or thro!bing jf the ears; an unusual secretian of aliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the storu- ich, at others, entirely gone; fleeting ;iains , in the stomach ; occasional iiausc.t and vomiting; violent pains hroughout the .abdomen; bowels ir regular, it times costive ; stools slimy ; not unfrequently tinged with blood ; belly swoircn and hard; urine turbid respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; .cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy md disturbed sleep, with grinding of he teeth ; temper variable, bill gener ally irritable; &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exis;, 4 OR. C. McLANES VERVIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCUal in any form ; it is an innocent prtpera lion, uot (arable cf doin thi itighitd injury Ut the invst tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLxne's Vi Mir ircF. bears the signatures of C. Mc I.ani; and f 'i.eminu ' Buns, ou the tt rapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS arc not recommended aa a remeit"far all ilic ill's hafie! i-. Iieirte," bitjoJgex'hrjfVi of the liver, and in all IliliouaoaJmplrtinia, Ovspr psia and Sick lrada,!ie, ar diocaariiaf that ilijiuki, ihi y Maiut vidioat & r ral. AG U E AND FEVER. . Ncloi!rrc.ithr:icn beaded prepe.ialory to, or i.t'ici i.i'hii g Asinine.. Ai n si;,ij):i purgative they art nnrqeakd. isr.HARi: or iMiTATiojns. The Pennine nre never sugar eoalM. IC?ch bo hn-. rc.l wax Hal oa ie lid wira ihe i.-nprs.sM.iii Dm. MLaxs's Ijver I'iu.. Kath wrjpj.-er tieara the (igB&lurti of C. McI.ave and Ki tuiNO Eros. IniH wyicm having the penuine Dr. C. Mc I.ank's Lives Pills, prepared by Fleming Pros., of 1'itlhburgh. Pa., th market bring full of imu.iti.int of the name Mcf.ne, melltd dilforenllybui aame pronnncieliow. LBCHTIMC SEWER WILSON'S NEW OSCILLATnia THE BIST SEWING MACHINE SEXO FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA. LOGUI Ha, 23a. 0AN AGENT VflXDEUYEIt A MACHINE AT YOUR RESIDENCE, FREE OF CHARGE, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. nnMHE Ka CLQ8TO. Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. " 129 6 131 State St, Chicago, Illinois, U; fl. JL ",',la Jlriil 1 the m mm. vwmvmm Improvements September. IC78, Kotwlthslanding Cos T1CT0B has long ba th poor of any Sewing Vfafriina in tha tsrlt " taat Hyyorttdby a boot ef volant r witnaaseo s sow wwNiwr rum hc aa. aipqiw aMi,riijf a woudciiul rcdoctioa of iuetio aad a ni nmliinaf;n of rWii-iV.UyHH.' Ttasbctt tie ia beautiful spaeiiMa of (noebanizas and takes rank with tha highest aeUatSBMBls 01 inventrea penica. jijie. v,aCJBOtiao 'or consign lUehine. therefor-, have no old one to patch up aad rovamiah for sol Sb4 foe IHaatrated Cbealsr aad ; ee til yon bate seen, tha Wi Seil Ksw Maculaes Erery TtaJ, liberal torus to tip fed. Don't hary Most EWaht, Simple and Easy Running Machine In the : Market The Ever Reliable VICTOR. -VICTOR 8EW1NCS MACHINE COMPAMr,, ironJbaOSakAzsSzCainaUa, MiDDLSIOWX. C0C3 . . a taWxeaof"1 I t '

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