ACCO S firfwi TAKE YOUR TOB FOE HIGH PEXGES4 BLUE RIDGE BLADE. Vf rI?n A VTAV ST -l UlT) nrt 100.1 Produce will be taken at the highest market price in payment of subscription, delivered at aay poiiit on the line ot the The following merchant' irfll receive produce in p lyment for subscription to the Blum. - , Lackey Bro's., Icard station, : N. C. Simpson, Seals k Co., Bridgewater " Orant k AfcCall, Var'ion, " Samner k Corpening, Old Port, ' - ' The following persons are authorized to receive and receipt for eubscriptiori'sto the Blabs, btjbkc cocstt. I X. F. Warlick, N. L. Beach, Lackey Bro's.. I. H. Huffman, T. N. Halliburton, W. M, Winders, R. V. Miehaux, jrj John Naatz, A. G. Corpening, E. N. Eincaid, 8ir.ip.on, See & Co., W. N. Thompson, J. CrTelton, D. F. Deufon and N. L. Chap- - MoDowtll. OowitjT. : : runt A MeCaU, M, L. Kdyler, Sumsr, 4 Corpening, A. C. Garden, S. P. Tate, M. X. Harshaw, Alberto Higgins, Joseph Hunter and 9. V. Silver. LOCAL. A fine line of goe I cigars f r sale afTuli'.. A man without enemies is like breaj withtut yenet, he never rises. The difference between an umbrella and a ruuan is, that ou can sometimes shut aa nmbrella up, ' Several marriage HcensjS issued by our Register of Deeds th'S week. Look out for the roirriag? notices ill the next issue. An Ohio girl sued a man for a breach of premise, and proved him such a nuan scoundrel thht the jury deciled aha ought te pay him something for not marryisg her. Ve hear Mr.'lfjil is going to have hip Drug Store pain!ed and is only waiting for goal woathir, we like to sec enterprise aud wish friend Tail all success. The Eiiitor of the Concord Btgitter says he has beer, watching thtS'-ascua for fprty five years, and ha has nevtr known a fail ure of the fruit crop In ) sp.year. Selling kisses to swell the Irish relic threatens to be inaugurated by the girls. If complimentary tickets are issued to editors, we favor the plan. Said oae of gjitv'n smnrt ornament to lady friend: "Thie is leap year, and I appose you'll be asking .some on a to marry yoo?' 0h, no, "was the rply, By "finances won't permit me to support a husband. A aupitly of fros'i Ljuious will be kept at TtTLt. during the season. Cilia covered his bald heod and gray hair with a laurel AYER'S HAIK VIUOE covers gray h.wls with the still 1 1 l ! Bwre weM'ome iijtk; or Tnnxn. ilarri d ai tue residence A tlio bride's father, Mr. Wion Whimaut, by Bev. J. A. SoujavIr. V,.l. N-'hiswaut to, Jfiss . S. WhisiSrut, all of Quaker Miadowo town ship. Burke county. ' A Heine man who didn't care two shake of a lamb' fail about the newspapers, rodx fcutitr mike tLrorgh a fierce snow-storm to get s eery of a wcVy that spoke of him as "a prominent citiren." The fact is remarked by an exchange that the hi man race is divided into two claettE these who go ahead ad do some tbiig, snd these who sit still and inquire, 'Why wasn't it done the other way?' A drove' 01 hogs numbering several hun dr ed passed through ton last week, they were berght in Buncombe and Haywood counties by a distiller, (we did not learn the name) in Davie county where he was driring them to faftei. iviih slop from his distillery, Brother Hayne, of the Statville" Amer ican, called on us last week. While we differ in our politieial opinions we can say ihat Mr. Hayne has greatly improved the American siaoe he has been conducting the editorial management of its columns. He is an able writer, but somehow ha hs got wrong in his political opinions. Wm. Brittaau, our emcieot , and clever Deputy-Shersff, from Upper Fork township Ivt week presented us a large, beaut if red apple raised on his farm in said towe skip, wkich was one of the finest flavored and most delicious apple we ever ate. This is one of t'a CshwI fruit growing sections in tha world, and yet apples are shipped t this place from New T rk City and sold at twenty cents per dozen. Hvery one who kas. tsed it pronounces Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup the best remedy known for the complaints of early child aood. It contains no opiates. We- announced in our last week's ieaue tbex our friend Y.B. McDowell had been Appointed one of the Ways and Means Omuiittoe of Kings Mountain Celebration Association and this genth matt a is reques ted us to state that he is fully authorized to receive funds tc aid in defraying the ex peases of the sait' celebration. , Don't all apeak ai once. Pun Drug constantly arriving aiTf".'. A Failubs. This week a two-horse team driven by a darkly passed our office going down street at a pretty lively gait, which siaoe the bad weather and muddy streets is something unusual and attracted the atten tion of the boys sad dogs who followed hoping it would resu.t in a raiiaway, but the team was a sorry a pair of old scrubs as co be started, were old army horses in tha lale war and eoul I not be made to run ,way. The boys hollowed, tha dogs barked sad Johnnie brought ap the rar saying cuss words at b boys for making his dad", aorasa us away. The darkey driver k now- faur tht ths boy 1 were trying to perpttrai a joke on him and his Warn, giv the hor. s rsnu and whipped with aQ his might, and after paseing Court HouM sqoare. turned in the direction of "Brkck tha boys yeltt-d out : "they have ran into "Broak Hack."this brorght out the old aaww ran to the place expecting to acs thw-taajigle) remains of tha driver and Uais, hut on arriving thare. found tha rideriad team on the bank of this ravine, they did not jump into the chasm worth a cent. The crowd were disappointed and oar local spoiled, wi g-ivw mbu oucumuw ;usv bV uvw hjow bright prospects may provs taiTnivs. i Goto SdOPltiH A COX'd new store to ge your Spring and Sum ner goods. Toev mi juot raceie-l a full line of day goods, rotions, bats, hardware, Ac., sad in fact .very thing tho farmer arid coosamer need, all at t-ottom prices. ' Call and see the stock as they charge nothing for showing goods. , ti. A flie lot of large seet Oranges to arrive at Tull's Drug Store. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS worth of SPUING CLOTHING just received at HAIiL BEOTHEU3, Hickory, N. C. 1 SdiU at 3 to $25. The Supreme Conrt hhs decided that a justice of the peace has jurisdiction of the misdemeanor of wilful refusal t" work the public roadf, under act I873-'74 chap. 17C section 7, and acts of 1879, chap. 92. The Weatiub. As weiedicted we had bad disagreeable weather last week. It raini-d during a I Court week and Court adjourning did not slop the rain, but it continued threrf days thereafter and we never, well hardly ever seen the streets and loads so muddy, and the streams were very much swollen in consequence of the heavy and cent nuous rains. Since Tuesday morn in we have had delightful Spring weather and the mud s fast disappearing. Notice is hereby given to my patrons and the public in zeneral that I will for the noxt slays sell or barter my entire stock of goods onsisting of general mer chandise at prices same as it was b jfore the rUe. Call at A. WALLACE, . Brick Store, Morganton, N. 0. ji. A party of voung ladies and gentlemen went out fshing wi;h book and line on the Catawba Kiver near Dfarion last week and caught a great many fish. Miss Lixzie Weeks, one of the party, caught a Urge sa'mon weighing 8) pounds and measured twenty-eight inches in length. There is plenty if sa'mon running up the river il. ready. One of the gentlemen of the party caught a fish that he admired more than the salmon, this fish woghs over one hun dred pounds and is not amphibious. The ITinston Sentinel says Mr. Charles Setter bite, of Caswell counfy, sold one two horse load of liis recond grade of tob acco, at Iticwn's Wartbouse, last neck and realized the handsome sum of $392.34. We may expect big prices enough wbn he brirgs his best grade. "We would like to know if th. re is another man in Caldwell 'county that rt slistd a susf equal, on a two horse wagon load of any product raised on the farm.. Is this not a subject for our farmers to consider? Does it Pat ? A wholesale groce in this city, says the New Toik Timet, who became rich iu his business, says his rule aiways was when he sold a bill of goods on cre?it, to immediately subset ibe for the local paper of his debtor. So long as bis customer advertised liberally and vigor ous'y, he rested, but as so in a he began to contract his advertising space, he took the fact as evidence that there was trouble ah tad and he imariab'y went for his deht Said he: "The man who lews too poor to advertiao, is toe poor to Ho butneass." TXne withdrawing of anaJvertisoment is an evi dence of weakness that business men are not alow to set upon. Qoldtboro Mes$mgtr. Wanted immediately at WALLACE' brick store the following articles, viz : 5000 pounds Star root. 8000 1000 100(1 1000 10000 1000 Wild cherry bark. Black haw root bark. " tree bark. Butterfly root . . Lever worth leaves. Burdock root. Sea Fowl Guano A Com plete Fertilizer for Tobacco. We have just received a CAE LOAD of EA FOWL GUANO, which is the best fertilizer sold and is especially adapted to the growth of tobacco. A tri il will satisfy every farmer that this fertilizer has no superior, and persons who intend growing tobacoo would do well to call and see us. as we are the only amhoiiscd agents in Mor ganton. Growers of. tobarco will find it to their interest to buy their fertilisers from us aa will sell on reasonable terms. Respectfully, SHUPrNO A COX, Personal. Iu addition to calls from His Honor Jiidge Gilmer and the bat in attendance at our Court our sanctum was honored last week by the presence of the following gen tlemen from other counties : Capf . Phin neus Horton and Ftank P-irkee, Wilk.s; Thos. Coffey and W.L.Bryant. Boone; J. G Hall aud J N. Bohannan, Hickory; Bev N. H. Kayler, Joseph and A. J. Corpening, Caldwell and H. C. Bennett, AfcDowell co- Hoke C. Secrest. A btory has recently been published in some of our State exchanges to the effect that Hoke C. Secrest, now confined in the Insane Asylum at Baleigh, with whose case our readeis are all familiar, had attempted to kill one of his attendants. Mr. Samuel T. Scciest, the father of Hoke, wrota to Dr. Grisscm to know whether or not this story was tme. We were shown by Mr. Seores a reply from the superintendent few days sgo. The story, he wrote, was utterly ' untrue and without any foundation in fact. Dr. Grissom also wrote that Hoke's physical health was good, but that his mental con dition was not improved. Afonros Express, Harper's Magazine. The April Number of Harper's Jtfajorins is received, siid its columns contains great deed of interesting reading natter with profuse illustrations. It contains r "Music and Musicians ef England, (with illustra tions:) Some Pennsylvania Nooks, (illustra tions;) I Villa Beat De Santa Pa. (illustra tions;) Ac Irish Fishing VUlsge, (illustra tions;) Ship Wrecked A Poem, (Uloatra tiooa;) Luca. Delia, Bobbia and his School, (ilustratum) B fom the Shiiie A. Sou aet, (illnstraiiunsj The Swiss .Rhine, (illu stration') Home Siudiea in Nature, (illu strations;) The 0;d Mill APoem, (illusrra. Hons; White Wings : A Yatohing Romanoe, (illuetraMar) Jar. Wit barton's Eomseeo (iliastratiaw;) A Farewell- -A Sonnet. (iUustrationsj) Xarly History of Bible Ulu st ration, (iUusrrabOBsi) An Easter Card A Story, (illnstrarions;) Navy ofthe United States, (illustrations;) Mary Anerley A NoveL (illustrations;) Madrigals, (illoatra ions;) Editor's Easy Chair, Editor Liter try Becord, Editor Historical Baeord, Editor's Drawer. .' Jl Accrdin;lv' It seem, to us that a large a,mWo our sncscribers have came to tbeeoncl that we wOl just kP on "D the"' th Buint and thev can py fr tne Ppr their own oonVenience. at '"stth, ery alow sbout settling "P tn. We hare Vrer-o.y aud that e eould not do bnsiness on the credit " we have learned from ti that it wiU rJin any M ith the (Treat advance id paper an 1 oiher Interi those who subscribed fc the , iper More we advanced h, of subscription t j getting their paper for loss than tho east of I the paper and cmpositi0" for hici e Pay c.b in nJvanc". ffe ri'T,,ea 0 lr ab eriptton book ihu wsk a"'1 we send a statiment to everj suUcnber, theamonnj of their .ndebtedness an! if &-f do Bot respond prompt.? in j uticetoeursdveg w will be forced to drop their names fp-m our subscription list. We will take wheat, corn, bacon, Chicken eggs or any article of merchandise at the highest market price, to our sgents, at any point along toe lina of the W. N C. B. R. We further give notice to subscribers thai when the payment for subscription delayed sit mouths U iJ he charged. We have marked our hw to the lise, they may." . cour?, anl iiitet't,lgenerotts friend, wid h U;resd.. wife, a , the chips fall where Justice Expljiineil. A darkey from the co.-nfry attended our Court last week as a witness for (he first time, and on his return hi'ine was overheard explaining to his wife about how they dis penced justice, flcsui !: "Court is kinder bke a School, rley bare (ler books and play, time, de JudgeboestsdeJawjcrs, de Sheriff and every b dy and tells de jurymen what to do, h i is a ptirty hard roan, he sent dem boys to penitentiry 1 year fur taken 3 chic kens and dat tother fel!tw i years fur jU taken a pair uv boots, but de Judge met me on de streets ind I bitted my . hat and don't yer think de Judge muled and sei 'how do you do sir" but he is awful strict on niggers and pore while fokes in de Court House, sometimes he ta.ks puny ruff de agin he u ose a sermia, Oem lawyers slch quarrelling dey does do dey sputts with one ai,nothiir de whole time, iS dey had been nigi-ers dey would have fit shore, when .ley tali out dey some times hares it to de boots dem twin dej leaves it to de Judee and he sides wid fus one andlt n de udder and casionly he set dat is f iir de juryroens to stttie. De law years buses de witnesses heap too, but dty always keps on de good side of de jury mens." . : Bores. Will some one please to state W hich is the greater bore. The Hanlan-Courtncy constant "prate," Grant's "boom" or "Pinaf(,re" ? 1 Aiaara Dcniacrut. We think the Maine "unpleasantness" O'ershedows your scltctior.; And why has Ik mas E'lifou No place in your collieries f Toimiiin!Ja JmVi, And "Who's your clibice for Prviidcat ? 'Doth harrow ajt eec'a caul; v Bi,"wc4ner queriee.ttioujn weSmaiuti Are bad as "Turks' Patrol :" Cleveland Yaize. But greater bore than all of these A'l will agree, I ween, Is that confounded little teazi, Tha pussle of Fifteen. OU City Derrick. These are all admitted bores But greater by far than they, Are subscribers who neglect old scores. And keep promising to pay, Bilrx Eidoe Bunr. The Gem Puzzle. The (-ame of fifteen whith absorbs the Northern mind to the exclusion ev.-n f politics and of criticisms on the ,ouih it a puxzle so vry simple in seeing that ii tempts everybody tosolveit;bui so intricate that the most astute brains are perplexed to find its solution. It looks Use a checker -board on a small scale at first sight, but the squart s are som seen to he movable blocks each numbered the numbers run ning from one to fifteen The simple ar rangement which seems a mere child's toy, is, we are assured, a matheuutica' study of a gigantic nature, and its ig g science. But this does not prer-t (le masses from manipulating the little V.ocVs in the effort to arrange them. Our friend Kibler first brought the pnz sle to Morganton on his return from the Jforth several weeks ago, but-court we. : and the bad weather kept it fr'iinBprca,il)g but noV 'tis all oyer town, and is a!, obsorbing topic on the streets ani th stores and hoteU. It beats the game 0f the 7 to 8 eiectoriiu w,I,u"- " ia, jn fact they eay a great many people up Sorth have gone crary over it, we hope none of our people will become intaae ov-r the pcsxle as our Asylum is not comply An Israelite friend brought the pa!e into our office this week and was explaining to us s. me of the combinations that coo'd be madp and oi hers that could not, and ou, foreman, who is a mute, after lookinj, a, the pnxsle for several hTurs inquired uf bs if that (the puxxle) was s plaa f ., forty years travel leading the children of T.l fbrauirh the WUderness." v It was thought that the problem 0f 13, 16, U, could not be solved, but a niathe.n sticiau in Baltimore has discover 0 s. in. tion in fourteen moves which are a fol.owg. Move4down,lWinS8,,nd 12 wJ it; next sUde 1. 2, wd 3 to the right; 13 ap and 13 to the left; down and 1 to the right; 14 np and 8 to the left; 2 down and 5 to the right; 13 np and U to the left; 6 do.n.9totherigUandlop. The box hd nmSw- nf tned. This mode, however, is of no value m the prise solution," he f"nm. it is complete, run rp and down begmaiDt on h right and otacros- The New York WU oathepnsslo; Little -locks sbaUeu remind us What blockheads are yours and .nut. When -e depart and leave bebd Still nasolveu the final Une. The problem that perhaps another plkey-iU with might and Juam Sweat and toil and swear ad ,l0Uler- Try to bring out right again. Let us, then be np and doing, Wrestle now no more wn Cease the phantom gem pnrsiu riTdurneu thing the prate obituary-' Departed thU life. Match 13 1S80, after 4 lingering, out mud ilhuss 0 t o months. John Rutherford, of Bridgwater. Bark, eoacty, aged 90 years. 5 mout is. Hi pass ed away apparantoly without s-iffcringn . retained his powers of. miad to the Ut mommi. "So fides the sammer night away. 60 rest- the lake when storms are o'er. So ganfly sinks the orb of day, 80 dies fa.- wave alvng the shora." Mr. Rutherford was widely and wel known in this country, he was manor "tern integrity, in all of his business -au- actions, possessed of large wea th which he always beetawd witn a generous hand upon tn.. unfortunate. Many years ago Mr. Rutherford donated a large tract of land where Rutherford College now stands o its present President the Bev. R. L Aberuefhty, A. AT., t ie proceeds of the a.e of said lands were to be devoted to t ie of the said institution, and as an apprecia tion o mis very liberal donatijo. Prof. Abernethey named the schoo! iu horor of Mr. But) erford. The sch.wl ;was at first called Rutherford Seminary," but is to day one of the most flourishing Colleges in the So-ith. In the death of Mr. Butherfjrd, the country has lost, a good citizen, the tioor m. kind husband, counselor and guide. Tea said the Spirit for they rest from their labor, and their works do follow tbem." A Letter from a Farmer. I am sony 1 could not he at the meeting ' the "Farmers' Association" which met at Moiganton ?ast Wednisday. The farm, ing int rest of all others is th most neglee ted, and upon it every thing else deptn4 aud jet the professional world looks upon the fat mer as his infer .or, and the v ry idea nf Fur m m tr AvtrmAlntw lundai.u i. ; O fc. ."g muu muAbu U'B dignity. Now I do not wish to be under stood to say that I believe that all men should be farmers, but let us apply the rule aad see how it will work out, for instance let (he farmer sen his hoy to one of our high schools a few years and ten chanced ti one ttat boy will never si rike the ground gain hard enough to kill a snake. The o.d fogy kmws with all his fogyism that in order to succeed ia any calling, education is a necessity, and sends his boy to school' snd 'tis not a great while till ho finOs -.hat he is called to fill some profession. W by is this so ? Is it because all the bey hears taiktd about while at school as being bon" ora'ule is professional callings and noo out. word dees he hear said about firming and hs soon ponders to the popular side. Farm ing is an honorable calling and should be so taught in every town and neighborhood in the civilized world aad in our college and schools. W. M. W. Quaker Meadows Township, Mar. 14, lbSO Burki Co'JT. (Jourt aljouraed on last S&tur.laj. A few canes on the Civi. Docket werj tried and the docket continu ed. Tha Sute Docket was the smallest e hare had since the war, the BriuJletown section of the c uuty which several years ago filled half the docket did not havd a i.rig":e case. fob the BL4PX. fqifa. EorroH : Some four yars ago my good ntigVocr, Joshua tribbs, J5s.. pro pes! to rais wore wheat than myself anu offered a premium of a fine hat to be pres ented to the successful rival. I beat the Esquire and he promptly presenwd the hat, nuwas that hat is about worn out I propose to beat my friend ar.d neighbor Daniel Brown who lives oa ilud !y Creek just across the Burke line in McDowell county for another hit. Daniel is said to be t he best farmer and hardest working man in all that section and is the friend of every body ave the widows who seem to think that he is a se, fish man and liv-s a lonescne 'ife. The hat is what I am after and Daniel may marry or let it alone just as he thinks best. Afr. Brown will let the readers ofthe Bladk know whetner he accepts my proposition or B3t. No news of interest on Linville. Whea ioeks fine. People have male garc"ens finished sowing Spring oats and are getting reaiy to plant corn. There are three stores opening new goods at Bridgewater. Mr. Jos. W. Simpson, a former member of the firm oF Epps, Simpson, Sea s A Co. has just returned from the northern markets where he purchased a large stock of dry goods and general merchandise. Dr. Frank Whitsides is going to move to Hickory . Kt Ws brother Dr. Cal Whitsides wili remain at Bridgewater and continue the practice of his profession. The Doctor v. hilt, a fine residence, but like file Eiitor of the Bladk nas with him. no one to live B.N.E. Piedmont Boarding House. S. TKIVETT SONS, Pbopbhtors MARION. N. C. Hew House ad Ml MM. BOAED :-P 75 cto- ,L Per Month, $8 to $10 3- No pains spared to make our gaeste comfortable. TTCTiT The proprietors slso keep LI x and FEED STABLE. T5I7Tliorse MurdebAkei Wajon for Sale. Apply this offlse. GUNT and UcCALL, GENERAL. M ERCHAJTDISE iiABios. n. a . Wh.t Fi-or. Corn and Corn eai anoscialty. PIJ Ciher Pianos wear out ii iTiii'jif'1 i .Ms -r"a' ICHiliCE TO BUpHEAP E:SlIITHLiaSICHOU Charlotte, Iff. C. "DON'f FOEGETIT' This nrSIC IIOl'SE is not a siaa'! sub agency with three or four enrans of the c-hwper !as, but a real ntlftlrsala 1Mt for th.- factories, .fe keep from 0 to 40 Orzatlfl in stock of the beet ,mm .fa nivn, and 25 different 1'iaiHM by th- desen: Very iarge stockJ t fnal' instrument, band iusj-ument.T 'roms, Ac. Tu most select and largest ft of Shr: I rfllSic in the South T01. can bey by letter jttbt as well as to see - if it don't 8 ait r.turu and we will return money. B&Y MM WU1BTIB8 And save sub agents commission for your self. We wili save you this and freights. and sell for less than small agents ean, and you are sure to get what you want. Come and ruaki1 your choice out of 30 different styles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Freight aid both ways if no sa.e. Sent on IS days trial. A good rosewood finish stool and instructor witb every Piano or Organ, free. Illustrated book of sty es sent free. Come or write and be convinced. Branch office of LDDDE.V A BATES, avvannahr. Ga. We have the full benefit of their enormous large wholesale purchases; this is why we can sell on better tern s than Btuall dealers; besides, we have years of experience in the lactories, which enables us to give nothing but the best. Order at Once ! Every tiling in the Music Line 1 ALWAYS SOffiMG HEW! The Only complete Music House in the up Country. This is aa; old Established House, and we rely on our INSTRUMENTS for success. Address H. McSMITH, Charlette. N. C. Next to First National Bank. NORTH CAROLINA, In Tm Cocbt. Pbobatx jcDoweu, County, E. II. Grant, Alminrator of Joshua Curtis, Deceased Plaintiff. Against . A If red C i r Defendant. Tf appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that a cause of action exist in the above case against the defendant in refer ence to reJ estate situated in te county aforesaid, and that the defendant is a non resident ot this State, and cannot after due lil'gence be found therein. It is on motion of P. J. Sinclair. Attorney for Plaintiff, ordered by the Co irt that publication b-.' made in tht Blub Bidoe Blade, a news paj r pub'.ishel in Jforguuton, N. C , for six sncc 38ive weeks, commanding said de--jndan to appear with'n twenty days from fhe'sorvice hereof on him and answer the . amp aint of the p'.aintiff which will be died in thecifioeof the Clerk of thS.ipeiior Ujert of McDowell county in Jtfari.-.n, or Judgment will be given in favor of plaintiff for relief demanded in the said complaint. D. O. H. W. UAXLESPIE, Clerk Superior Court and Probate Judge for JfeDowell county. P. J. Siwclaib, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pb. 20th. 1880. RVTIIERFORD COLLEGE, H. Happy Home, P. O. The FIETr-FIBST term of tnis College wig open oirth day of January, 1880, to oofinne SO weeks. Board continues at $8 to $10 per month. 'fftUon ranges from $1 to SI per onth. To all who pay in advance, a reJucation of per cent will be made. To those irho pay after the dose of " w" op to .k. t.lla rfa.T of the term, resrular prices i k.h.nMi. locnoae wuo par kki middle of the tern, 85 por cent additiona wiH ha e larged. F.h nan im future WIU Oe wnwuiri ,Tflr by Pro'easor: and a thoroughness of rtaT,will he demanded of each ataoeni. Tot Wu-tlcu.aM, aldress as above. 1 Ttt t. ABEBSKTHT. Presidesit, tiCSEPEtfc The titters i-iar . y r-toedy V)TC d ess of tbeetmpU xion aa wi t. viirht aida aad err lb rifcht Ma4d r-biade. furred tongas, high miA B-hi. nniiaea. vertize. uyspenasa. eonstlBsUeB. heaviness of the head, meyta (lemoaitrwy. and every othor -.anifesUtioii or coaipsiimnt of a disordered con ht - Tka rfimifh. bowels and kidneys also' experience their r-gnlting akaawl Lnail tmfl rteAM. Por We by all DrTtfjists aA Dealers r i) HALL BROTHERS. Hickory N. C, Keep tne west STOCK of GOODS i i Western A orth Carolina. In proof of which call and see us. Hiving bomght continually in advance of high prices we are thereby enabled to offer special inducements to Merchants. Our TOBACCO f AMUSE is open continually TOE THE SALE OF Sales every day, and are getting as OOD PRICES as any of tne Older Markets. Bey BALL DASHX3 .Uannfactured Tobacco. ManlfleentWatehet For $2.60! The m:t Bsautiful Cheap Watch whieh (he Science and p-super labor of Burepa has ever oroauoea is lie lamous u.u; GEM GOLDEN CHBONUMETEB." It is do, gold, nor "heavy goM plate" as K. T. dealers clst-n rt to be, but is each an exact imitation f hit no one' but an 'expert dis tinguish it from the purest ue'al. except by chemical test. They ara stamped 'IN k,' wU not tarnisn under two years, tne move ment are the latent style, ci tha grfafest accuracy, and eaco ana svery purcnaser deceives our written guarantee that they will remain in perfect order with fair usage for two ye-rs. Tuey are used extensively on lailroads and steamboats where aeenrata time is required. For all piacticai purposes they are in every way equal to a 3 lid Gold Watcb coating flW tone nun .red ana nity oihirs.) These watcne ve now being sold at n each ia If. Y.. and are quite a sacrifice at that price. Toe have doubt!ef seen than advertised in prominent papors al that figure. By special arrangements we are now closing oot a large stock at pnoea just lutfleient to pay import duties, rreig nt, etc. FOB ONLY S2.60 we will mail one of these Gen nine "GENKVAGKM WATCH ES' to any addiess in the U. B. 1 his in cludes a handsome 'exact imitation gold chain of nobby pattern. Ladii-s styles Gem" Watches, very beautiful with tasty linked neek-chain t same prices. Two watches and chains for (J. No fostner discount no matter how many you order. Sent C. O. D. 'f desired and 1 1 is sent tj Insuie express charges. N. B. After this stock is exhausted we cannot furnjth the same watches for less tuan $12, and, as the stock will be closed out very soon, yoa should lose no time in securing one. fiend any .stiaate rrwiHi to ear ejiea to (samtiu tne uatcket i you dttir Address, A. tlJ'JMI.JSX; Sole Southern Agnt, ATLANTA. GA. $3T This is a rare opportunity for Jew elers and Speculate rs. (Don t faU to mention this paper wnsn ordering.) Manhood: How Lost, How .Restored ! Just nublisbed. a new edition of Dr. Ctalvertvell Cclebratrd liijiy ontbewca( cure (w.tbout medicine; oi SpssjUTosiBHsa or UemiBal W msnmn. In voluntary Seminal Losses, larcnCHcr Mental aod Physical Incapacity, Impedi- teaiwa- wa i a l .switsTtv now, Knirrsr aud Fits, induced by axlf. iBiiuigtniee or sexual extravagance, tus. iimoeiebtat-d aitbor, in tois admirable Essay, oltarly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarm ing coneeqosnces of self-abuse may be rad ically owed without the dasgero is use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing ont a mode of cure at once simple, osiiam. and effectual, by means of which ever swver, no matter wnat nia condition stay ba, may ei re biu-self cheap ly, privately, and rodicul'y. &r This Lecture should be in the bands of every yowth snd every u an in tho laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pott-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address tne ruoiisners. The Uulvervrell Medicine Co., 41 Ann St., Xi York, X. Y.j Post 0ce Box, 454). House and Xiot for sale. I will sell s desirable place in a good part of town on reasonable terms. Apply to Sam'l AfcD. Tat, or Aln. sakah a.' mcvowkll. A. P. CHANDLER, MASUFACTUBKX O? Plain Tinware, Sleet Iron Pans, lm Ppa.; &c A LARQELOT DF OOOD3 OS HAN D Boofing AJiD Griitteringr A SPECIALTY. ALL WOK QUAZAXTMSB TO Bin 8A TJ&T ACTIOS. t Prie:s Ixiw to suit the Time. Shop ind Btore Utween Offtoe W. jr. C. E. B. and Spragua k Jdogan's store. Mor ganton, N. V. ADVANCE EBUSINESS CASH PAER FB0DHC1, GOODS SOLD AT LOW FBICES. We are now prepared to offer to the public a large and well selected stock ef goods eonsMting of Dry Oeods. Cro cerfem llau, Gaps, Bemts, Ssmcs, Ladles' IHtm CVWners. CapK and Fatter ArttHest whkh wid be sold for B ATBat tha vowser rascsa hnagin- 5,000 BL'SUBLS ! COVX WATEU,fot hich 00008 or CASH' wOl he paid. Aopieg yea will call and examine ear stock before purchasing . elsewhere, we r- very nspeetiouy,'! Eg. Wariiek&Co. Baeesasoste A lint Itara Etswna. K. C. Win. S. Pearson. I A U..n H,-, J XLlbUl UC OilU VUUllSttllUr, ( Morganton, N. C SPRAGUF. & HOGflll ! rEA.Ln:rts in GENERAL HEBCKASDISE, ror. ms salx or tub McGIMPSEY GREATEST SOAP IX THE WORLD. Morganton, If. C' Our Choice for President.- The HighesT Price For Produce, AND "Rock Bottom" Prices For Goods. JOS ' We are new able to offer to the) see la ef Burke, Caldwell an-1 adjoining nawatta a well selected stock of GENJ BsL slXsV CH AN DISE, at prics as low aa t he Iwweet Eiery one invited to ca l and no trouble te show gocxls. Don't fail to give ueoor tvia . We pay CASH for gra'n, and then give jou inducements to buy CFOOOS. , Try wf, and be e jivfuesA J " Oca Motto is: Quick sales, Down weights. Fall measures. Low prions, sa No Credits. Yours truly. Lackey Brora.. Jeard Station;' ft. C.i WALTON HOUSE, - MOBGAXTOX, N. C. T. L.Todd, PROPRIETOR, This Hotel is situated in (be most hoai ness part of town. Everything owvenioiM to traveling commeruial men. The tab1 will always be provided with the choiev. the market affords, and the comfort of t guests will coniTantly be attemlwd to by the best of servants. 17-f. Gso. N. F6ls. g. J. E.Tr, Lenoir, N C. Morganton, N. ( F0L2 andJRVIN, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW, Morffanton, N'. C. :.f: Will prartic. in the ooanti ef B'irk Caldwell, Catawba, Mitchell aad MeDuwe , or elsewhere when their services are d.a ed. Prompt attention gin a any hnsiam lusirunea so inaas. 161-tf. Time Tails . HERE in ETawt ilondey October It, 6. 06 A. hj ooiws Arriv, a. m. Lesva. 605 e 7 KA 811 06 V67 10 10 10 89 1125 13 09 p. J2 ti 12 07 14s; Sslishnrr TbudCkwak, Etsswaod. JU 8latewUJ, . Cntawbs, Xewhm, -CanoVa, Hickory, 11 90 Icard, Murgatiton, Olen Alpine, B.klge water, il-r;oii, Old Fort, S 41 Henry. a oi. SwtiiDsnos Osp, V U BJ'k Mountain, 4 61 4 l!p m Cooper's, oooa rurr. Arrive. 410 Lesvw. p. "V ,3 30 a 107 Stq Jl li H )3 i. I 1110 1028 v .0 ia vi 117 IU WiaWy, ThmlOeefc. Umwood, SUtosrille, Cstswbs, Newton, Canove, 12 08 pa. Hickory, 11 10 lexrd. Mory.nte, Oiea Ahioe. Bridgew&ter, . Xlsncn, Old Fott, T19, Heaty. BwaoDanowO'p, RlTi Uonru..,: ('ooper'ft, ca b 16 fiOa, Train, ran dally, ?tu fje -tt4-e Train going West wi. rJttwAr-. f ais viiU an-i Disbt ' i'nr Train going tax i l. i Henry aid Diane? a llrtlvry. Truin 5.k S witl Ukv u.k f."r (w LMLrasd. 2 ft, WUMXTndlni