MORGANXOX. N. & OCT.53, tsso. ,kd ri Saturday UH vvuha. Tlttl CENTS ptr-annum, or BEYENTY riTS CESTS for rur month: 1 failare to notify t iUenflHUt at tk tndtftl ..r .rill l ceiuriansd as itu nf gTicirrtifnnt wilt 6 in-rUd at one MUr pr wn (on wrfft Ja) j r i(m.irtv cmtf for each nhmquent Ussrtion. Literal contract rata made vnth ijular advertisers. Produce will be taken at. the highest arket price in payment of subscription, delivered at asy point on tie Une of the W, N. C. K. a. The following merchant's will receive produce in p tjment fer subscription to the Blam. Lsckey Brs'a., Icard station. If. C.. Simpsen, Scale 4 Co., Bridgewater ' " , Oraat X JfcCall, Jfarioo, The ' dlowing pereoui are antherixed to, receive asi rceciptfor subscription's t the In . WJEII COUHTT. 1 . Warlick. X. L. Beach. Latey Bre's I. H. Huffman, Ti N. EalJyburton, W. Winters, B, V. Michaux, JJj"' Nanb A. G. Corpemng, & KractfcaT 8ir..pi. Sea e 4. Co., If. N. Thompson, J. C, Ytlton, D. F. Deofon asd N, L. Chap-' McDowell. Couict. Orunt A McCall. M. L. Ksyler, Sumner. 4 Corpsning :, A. C. Garden, S. P. Tate, M. K. Harabaw, Arberto Higgins, Joseph Hunter and 8. M. Silver. fgr W r prmfarei to Mcv( all jo1 .rk in a uat oai pfiiu nmur, ' N-r Terss. ... :, fo nam 'will fee entered upon- our sub ,c,ipt:on book unlens caah or produce is pud in advanc- We are force to adopt the cash sys- " V -" All deliqunts will pleaee fcfttle at once we hare indulge.! you a lone time and trnsi'you will respond promptly, as w need tlie mrtninr. ' Register. Register.' Register Deioocr. ts or you will he left, Pure Drngs and ChrmicalB at 'full's. Examine yo;ir tickets carr fully f.r typographical! errors. K.ary r'nera report whiti- fnist opvera' nt'Tuings. t1lu week. Id orL-r to vot you nuit r gister bufwr-the- uiiy of Klection. A Full line of S'li fruiti aa-1 French eafriies to arrive at Tull's Drug Stre. Nearly 20' t -R .thiTr.T.lXlo'.l.-g. nil ate in.att.'Blnce at , aul sti'l t!i -y cini ;. Th- Tiv. Ern-in's' & Oerte.' cent ciijur m town at tJ:i',v it' e ra-Tkt.i II- Mine anl regwl--r. Friud" nry' t (Tt ' V vot"r t I lie e'cc.ll !. A fni' '.ill ' of t'-.: - S t i ! E ''Cti.-vn ry'D mo ratfu'' ' ir-" at 'I ns!' .. 'Sip'o :4 'i: H. L Y "A i .1. Mr :or A On'-g-. - D : 1 vh' r i: nt 'T m i ri f C'niiw.'il ro'inty. Bird Hr.i.'in an I fishing i!TnrJ tii ptiiH'ii'iii Ainud -nu-nt f.r the young meu of thiM p!a:at preseut. The 'aw rciiiir'-B all ticket to lie print ed on white paper, vote nooihrr, if you di jrnir 'ottt wi!l be lout . IipgiBlative nu coiii t.' tickets fui nish.-! Bl this fffce at ltott notice, price $1.00 p-jr thninand. Mori(antori it o liv a niarkat house. Tho buiMing is already iiutOiirae of tree ti in mi 4 will be finished '6y the 15i i of Wiremher n x(, . !- N.iw is ths tiuit) t se after ttos poi .n who have been convicted of infamous oftmses. sndjalio'ar therefore not entitl-q ed to regit-r and vote. . ; i Fedeial Court is in session t Statesville this weik, a grca( inany of .ouif B.irke ped p e are in attundance either as suHors or witnesses. ' ''', " Country merchants will" do well to ex amine the stock of Christmas goods noon to arrive at T ull's as ho will sell low fpr cash Look o .t for an instanter Kepublican candidate for the Hons - of Representative in llurke countv about Saturday bofOre the Klection, to be forewarned is to be: fore--aimed. Tbe beet assortment of Wnterproof (iood ever brought bi Horauton at CLAT WELL, HOG AH. CO. "SiJencs ia Court," cried the Jfldge, " nitii I cn froxounie BLACK WALL'S FK AGRA NT DU J!H AM HUM, SMOI.VU TOH ACCQ. the very bust Smokimf Tobacco. Aiwftvs re iabie, nuiftirm in jua ity, full we'glit, never biU lae tongue, and a sweet us the rod- CaII on Lackey Bros, k Warliek, at Icard Statii n, for your Wheat Fertilizer, either for cash or on time. They keep only a first class article. Come and see us or correspond with us. Nat Atkinson parsed through town this week en route for his home. He went to Icard to till an appointment, but not even a jail, r dog at'rndt d, ' and he quit the canvas in disgust. He seems to know the doom that awaits hiiu on tbe 1st Tuea- aay nvaovemoer next ana looks Hie. a bobtail yearling in fly time. Wood tak in in pnv ent for subscription at this'ofBce- By the way a great many subscribers have promised to pay us ill wood any time we wanted it, to ail such we leg have lo fny br ng in your wood at once. Dtm't wait till in xt Spring we will not need .t thin. We sY" gra.'iS.) ! to ' tht Ci-. . .Ham St rVars m. ,,' B-,rk-.. -n . of tH "list ni-n m vt jr,-r'i . Nort'i i';iroir has fieu the st im-.t for Hancock a and Jatvis,aud is ! voem-.ia ecrvic-'. II was a Grant f i .i ter in '1HBH. an ! was for a long time identifii-1 with the Rep.ihticin party t .which he a-He.1 n.i little stren jt'i His present course will give great satisfac tion to his ho-is of friends' in the State. Djmcr-U ae that your name ia on the regiiYrationlWoki-'- -n-sy Att on the 13th insi in or about tbe Preabytrian church, a Vwket of Moeaic Stone, any one finding the aaitl Locket, will be lewarded, if. they return it to the Slam Office., , . , -i .. , . , Wood ! Wood ! 1 ie what we need. Be sot let ui freexe. . The State Fair ie in eeaaion at Raleigh thU week. Burke has several repreeenta (jvee. For groceries and confection go to Erwin's 4 Oertel'i. Oar old friend and neighbor. Mr. John Forney, of this county, who has buen tak ing a wild goose tour out west foi the past two years, has teturned home again suf ficiently amused. Pretty Dolls and Toy to arrive at Tull's Drug Store in time for Santa Clans to sup ply the Kttle folks. Mr. John A. Williams left a turnip on our table this week, so large thai it would cot go in our hat. Who can tura down Mr. Williams P that man is not apt to turn ap soon. Champaign cider fer sale at Erwin's k Oertr. We are requested by Vt. J. C. Kewland to eay that in making the statements that he does against Afr. label, he intends no reflections upon Jfr. Edmund ones, but tje facts as to Mr. Isbeli are as he states them in the crd which appeared in last week's issne. ' " Pure corn whiskey for sale in quantities over one quart at Paul Hollw's Distillery, H miles.froni Jiorgantbn. r Price $ 1.26 per gallon. . I year. I hereby withdraw my name and an nouncement as a candidate for Reliefer of Deeds for varjiooa reasons which, 1 will probable atatemM,i4ii ti,-.ftotur. Respectfully, r' H. L. BEACH. Oct. 20tli, 1880. Sorgnra manufacture is now in full oper ation, and candy pulling are in vogue among the lads and lagans, 'while corn huskings and 'possunij' huutinj g'if their share of attention. -Rmnnber that K. B. .BritUin 4 Co. have just received one of the largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods and No tions ever brought to, Mirganton. Call and es for yourself.. , ," " t' Bar in mind always thnt you cannot register on election day. Xf you don t want to lose your vote register now. ,' Consult your own interest by calling it Tuli's Drug Store when the candies, fruit, Toys," Dolls, 4e.,"arrive. " Please settle your subscription. Shall we have to ask yon ajain ? We have done so aiain and again, and if you don't settle ( r.Kce. we will take it for granted that you don't intend to jjay at all. Let us know hqwjjie. matter is. . .Money saved is money made,, therefore buy your jrocerits and Confections at Ei win's iOertei's, ... K '-.TV.' . ' 'PciisWs receiving their. "JiapeT ' with tie X mark on it, denotes that your subscrip tion lis expired, "two 'X I marks ia to n itify you to settle arrears in subscription at once. -. All periods 1lebted to m0 for m(! teal attendoncj; wiirploaje eitle the same witb Lack7:BfoSp& WoTlkk. Produce taken ' " " y," ' E..S. iVARticK. Icar-I S.'atilil. C...O.-,t. 9tjh, 18t0, Aiiieri.;in an! St. vart Soring M.icli'm '3 r oijly $a; saic byr ViAJ WELL; H0iiAX,''C0.,;aii r. every '-nuichine ' t,oM warrai.teUy theia,- . 1 f joti have a neighbor who;is indiffieront go and Sic whether he is regi.teraJ and if In is'not pl-evail upon isim to do so at once. Get him 'to- "tfee- poK and see that he is potted as to bie two Candidal ts tSarfield and fiaucocV and his vote will be cast foi" the cfcaii candidate withouta doubt. Mr. Tjfi'a stock of Christmas goods will arrive! early 'in N. vember, and will consist of line French candy, also plain and tancy candy, atld a full line at Oranges, Lemons, Cucoahuts, K-usins, Citron, .Currants-' anJ Butternuts, TuUerls, .Pucaus, Almonds, W touts, Ao., 4o. We l.arn; that it-is papose4 to have a gr.nd'rillt'fif fhe:: Caldwell democrscy"at t,enoir on the 27th. Mr. Joseph Corpening we understand, has been selected to hunt "fat" pine for" the Torch light procession. We'll b, t on the light, burning high, if he Selects the toreb. ' ; Another car load of Fertiliser junt receiv- ed ky Lackey Bros. 1 Wariick, Icard ' .Station, N. C. Don't fail tp call and get souie before sowing you wheat. Tho- Svcend Alventist postponed the .end-and breaking up of the worid this ytar unliJ the 22d day of November. This will give ample tiino to hear tho result of the Presidential election. Davis & Brother takes this opportunity t invite 'he pcoplo to their store where tht y are now displaying the largest stock of goods they hve kept for -years; they bought in New lort for cash, and le?v ciimnetition. feople ot all ages and color say (heir goods are the cheapest ever brought to Af.irgauton. ; Our young and -popular merchant, Mr. R. B, llrituin. iru" this week on privute business, He c;irr.ed bi trunk fi Is I with his best clothes and we would not be sur prised to hear that he had been swept away by a matriiuontal wave anotner victim to the leap-year epidemic. Christmas goods will be put, within the reach of all this year at f ull'V DrajJ .Stor!ior'-3 d'De t- Mr. H. W as they will be sold very Cheap. ; Died of consumption, in the town of Hickory, on the 19th instast, Mrs. Fannie B hannon nee Forney. Afrs. Bohannon w:l a native of Burke county, where her mother. Mrs. Mary Forney and other relatives now resid", several years ago she was married to iir. J. N. Bohannon the well known and pspul'ir salesman of the firm of Hall Bros, and has since resided in Hickory. The deceased was an estimable 'lady be loved and a, mired by all wbo knew her. She wis a sealous and consistent member of tbeMcthodist church for many years, and having lived the life of the righteous was prepared to enter the realities of a g oriou Immorality. A Mtstnkt-. ' - In ou last week's issue we stated that the quarterly meetin on Aorgan ton Cir otut weuid bel held at Jff. Pleasant the 5th Sabbath in this month. This is iueorr-ct. the said q arterlv meeting will be helu 1 Stanley's Chapel t-day. Bowerer, there will be a two days meeting at 3ft. Pieesaut' nibrec nK the 5tb Sabbath m above sotted. - We want Col. Tate elected becausx when bewaa faclbr Legislature borafa diV many things for the benefit ef the county. and we believe he will again. Hundreds of years after Col. TaNs ia dead, and gone, tho Jforgantoa Insane Asylum will stand us a u onument of his greatness. And year after year as it looks down up-n the mountains and valleys of Burke county it will recall (he name of 8am' 1 McD. Tate. The mechanics will have him to thank fer giving them work at home. The merchant will havehim to thank for bringing much trade tolheir stores. And the f aimers will haVe hiin to thank for giving them a market Tor their pr Juce in theur own county. ji. Arc Yon Registered? I We learn that a Preidino EIW v Methodist church west of here was recently fcccoateiJ by a Democratic lawyer and char- Acei with advocating the election of Bux ton and opposing that of Jarvis from" the pulpit. The minister denied it. He said he simply preached on the occasion refer red to, as his text led him, against bin in all its forms, and closed by exhorting his hearers, in the selection of public officers, to vote for none but virtuous. Upright and sober men, as a means of advancing the cause of morality and religion. This, it sems. was construed into opposition to Jarvis. If the Democrats have no ninated a candidate for Governor who, according to their own view, comes within the- scope of the reverend gentleman's exhoration it ia their own fault. Sta esille im i.m. Several prominent ministers who are personally acquainted with Gov. Jarvis have written U the minister above alluded to that they had heard he was charging Gov. Jarvis with drinking to excess, and that sueh was not the case, and the minister is now giving the Governor the benefit of tha Wters. If ministers will meddle with politic, and preach politicial sermons, (we know of none uho doef,) we would suggest t all such to preach,a sermon against the sin of official stealing and the sin of voting for such men Garfield for instance. Thtj Wake Wide-Awake, speaking of the sale of the Western North Carolina Rail road, says : "The great work is going forward not only without a dollar's expenseto the State, but, by the sale of the road, the peop:e ar being saved in taxation the sum bf $175. 000 annually, .besides finding profitable employment for thtir3urplus convict labor. "The sale of the roar1, therefore, has saved to Wake county, every year, $10,-886.40- to Johnston, $3,522.00; to Granville. $4,117-20; to Orange, $1,442.40; i( Chat ham,. $3,029 69; to Nash,$2,574.44; to Fran klin, $2,033.77 a total saved to the ooun ties eomjpi-sing the. fourth Congressiona1 district alone of $31,505.90 a handsome iittle sum, much more ilian sufficient to pay Wske couinty's entire State taxes. "This is something of what the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad means, to say nothing of the $62,000.00 per year paid by the pr.rchas rs to the State for convict labor a sum that will go far to cover the expjnse of the Penitentiary.'! The following are the Kegisters for the .several to-vnsbips of Burke county: Morgan ton, Lovelady, Icani, Lower Fork, -Brindletown, Silver. Creek, Liuvilk', Upper Creek, Quaker Meadows, Lower Creek, J. H. Howard, J. 'A. Bolinger, D. A. Cook, D. F. Denton, J. N. Yeltou, . Thompson, K. N. Kincaid, John JJaritz, W. A. Bentieli, J. A. Puett. W Death of ,i l'ou Latly. Died in Caldwell county, near Tuttie X Eoads, on the IGth instant. Miss Laura ijet!LT. The deceased had just .entered tho spring of life, cue down iu the joy and imioncence of her youth, a victim to that fell destroyer consumption. A loveljf flower nipped in its bloom on Earth, only to be transplanted iu heaven, there never to fade, but to live and flourish in fhe sun shine of everlasting happiness forever and "ever. The deceased was a consistent member of the Methodist church and when that dread summons came she was ready to obey. Are you Registered? Connty Candidates. Toe county candidates open their can vass at Allen Berry's in Lovelady town ship last Afonday, they spoke that night at Rutherford College to a large crowd. s of .whom we were which. There is but one republican eativassing, T. N. Hal lyourton.-lthe republican Bub:elector for Burko county, he reminds us of an un trained "parp" in a fox hunt barks jrreat deal, but no body pays any attention to it. he is certainly on the back track in this race. We were also present at the speaking at Wycoffs in Icard township Tuesday The candidates tpoke all day. All the Senatorial candidates were present and made speeches. The candidates will speak next Monday at Silver Creek, Tuesday at Linville, Wed nesday at Upper Creek. Thursday at Quaker Afeadows. Friday at Lower Creek, and will close the campaign at Morganton on Saturday next. Let every body atterd the speakings especially the one here next Saturday. Icard While out on the campaign this week we spent a night at Icard Station. TLisplace is trettine to beouiie a villaze. It has two f Connelly has just returned from New York where he purchased a largj stock of goods for tbe firm of Connelly and Sides their advertisement will appear in the Blade next week. Messrs. Loekey Bros, and Ifarlick are doing a large mercantile business in con nection with whieh they have added furniture shot) and are manufacturing first class furnitures. They a'so expect to establish a tobacco factory next Spring. In the vicinity of Icard a large crop if the weed was raised this year, and some ot the finest grade of tobacco we ever saw. By the way Mr. W. A. Johnston who I vps near fcard cured a barn )f tobacco recently, the yield of one acre, and sold tbe same in the bam for $100 cash,' Capt. Johnston Es-jr. Giass, Messrs. AU-rnffhj, Viatort-. an Lackey raised fine crops. " i -jr ' In oauVr to vote yon mast register. A Curd. ' . t! r - 1 BHircby with draw mv annonncoeven as candiilatefdr Sheriff whfch'ppeared IB the Bladx of the 4th and Ilth lust. .. v ' J. -a. WarlHft Notice. There will be a meeting of the D?mo ' cratic County Ex.-putive Committee of Burke county in Morganton at, 11 o'clock 0,1 Saturday the 30th inst. Tue chairmen " tne Township Extcutive Com uitte8 are especially requested to attend. JcHNSTOXE JONES. Chairman Lem. Ex. Com. Oct. 22. Iaso. Excursion to Asliviillr. Happt Homs, N. C . Oct. 21st. 1880. Fbiknd Ku-ltbebtoh .- , I will run an excursion from Icard to Asheville on Friday the 29th inst , and re turn on Saturday or Jf-jnday fo'lowiog. The round trip will be $1.00 from Icard and Aforganton; 75 oents from Bridge -wator, and 50 cents from Marion. I will have twe coaches attached to tbe regular ttain. No rowdyism or driukennets allowed. Excursion run to aid Rutherford College. Yours truly, R. L. ABEBNFTHT. President Rutherford College. To Township Executive Com mittees. The work to he done in the closing hours of the campaign is so nacessaiy to our suc cess that we be you will see that it be not neglected in any of its details. If well done, success is certain; but if neglected the result at bet is doubtful. Our danger is that owing to our confidence in our known strength, enough Democrats may stay away from the pills to lose us the election. As the best way to prevent this we make the following practical sugges tions, and beg (haf you see them substan tially carried out : 1. See that every Democratic voter is registered. Examination of the registra tion books wiil show who are not register ed. Including oung men who have come of agt -ince last election, there must be at least ten thousa.j unregistered Democrats in North Carolina. 2. See that sufficient conveyances u provided to carry the weak, the lame and the sick to and frcm the polls on election day. 3. Let suitable challengers be appointed wh:, besides acting as Buch, shall have correct lists of the registered Democratic voters of the precinct anl check off such voters as they vote. At 12 JI. let the chal lengers examine their li.ta and see what registered Democrats have not voted and then let messengers be sent at ouce for absentees. This is very important. 4. Let our poll-ho! ders provide them- selves with National, State and Congress ional Tickets to offer t9 every Democratic voter who may be abo ut to leave the polls without having voted those tickets. The friends of the County! candidates usually are not forgotten. see to it that they There are over one thousand voting places in the State, and attention to this sugges tion may Fave us thousands of votes. Don't let this be forgotten. As a geneial rule, young men are best for active work, and tho time for such work has come..' Not an hour ought to be lost. Beautiful Wedding Ceremonies " in Marion. 0u the evening ef the 20th inst.. the Methodist church in Marion wiv crowded to overflowing to witness the nuptial ceru monieb.of Hiss Alice Xeal, of that place, tu Mr. Robert Dick, ' of Guilford, county. The attendants were Mivs Anna. Noal with Jfr. J-;! uuie Yancey, Miss -tua Omley with Rev. Mr. Litt.e, Miss kiddie 0. Murray Prof. Johnseti, Miss Anna Cunley with Jfr. Frank N.-al. Miss Afannuie Neal aud Afapt.jr Sammy Yancey icting as flower bearers. The services were performed by I4v. Mr. Wheeler, of Morganton. The church was beautifully decorated with wreathes, arches and boquets, and being andsoniuly lighted, presented an imposing seene. the "wedding marca was Beauti fully eudered on the Orgm by Mrs. W. Craig.- The entire arrangements reflect greai credit on the ladies of Marion. The bride looked beautiful, in white silk and orange flowers. Ibe bridetnaids were each elegantly and handsomely dressed, and each looked so charining that it would be envious to discriminate. The bride is an excellent woman and greatly admired by a large circle of friends. The happy couple left on the next morning train amid the cong'-atulations of many friends. We should not omit to say that Mr. Charlie Bird performed the part of usher with ease and becoming gallantry. A Card. To the Ptoplt of Burke County : I wish to say a word to you in behalf of ne who has alwavs been true to nim;e!f and his country d Rave his right arm in your defence, I refer to John L. J. Esfes, one of the candidates tor Register of Deedi of Burke county. The people of this count y have always stood by (he men who lost their limbs in defence of our homes and firesides, and Mr, Harbison, thu present Register of Deeds, and a candidate for re election lost his leg in defence of his conn try, but the people regardless of party aave elected him lor ten successive years to rill the office of Register of Deeds, and he has realised euough from the office to pay for a fine farm, which he rents out and lives on another splendid farm which is also his own, besides he has at least One Thousand Dollars invested in couaty bonds and. other securities bearing eight per cent" interest. His income is amply sufficient to support himself and family in niagnificient style, without their laboring at all. He has done enough for his coun try and his country has enough for hiin. let him stand aside aad give others -a showing. Mr. JfcNeely is a'so a maimed soldier and a candidate for the same position, but he has t good trade at which he has hitherto, and can still earn a good living. The Rev. Mr. Brooksheir another candidate has two callings, he is a minister aud silver smith either of which ought to earn him a good living if well followed. John L. J. Estes is a poor man and lias a large family whose only mears of sup port is his one hand and if the people could see this man to'ling in sunshine and iu rain, almost day aud night to support his wife and little ones who are not able to labor, they would elect him Register of Deeds, an , ffice which he is competent to fill as be has a fiist rate education and writes a good hand. Upper Livex township (rus home) is solid for him and from all portions of the county, we heai that the good people re gardless of party ari rallying to his support and will elect him the 1st Tuesday in KoTember next. UPPi.2 CREEK. Sewin? MaehineAiit Less tJian Factory. Prif We have on hanadudm'.lsforthefoUow ing Sewing Machines which we ari deter mined to sell within the next thirty days and in order to do so oSar the-m at tne following prices to wit : Wheeler and Wilson. (No 8 ) regular price $10, we will take $30; i "Wilsons", regular price $35 wilt take $i each; 1 "American," regular price $30 will take $20; 2 "White." regular price $W wiil take $27.50 each; 2 '-V-ctor" $25 each; "i'Wwart." (ssirue as Singer,) price $J5 will take We a'aj have due bills for 3 Fa-a Mills, regular price $3C each we wi'.ltake $17.50 each. Ail the Sewing Machines or Fan Mills are to be delivered at any talion oa tbe W. X. C. R. R- I pay freight- Ail the above macSines are first-ciass. Why wili you pay $3" to $40 for sewing maehinet when you can buy just as good a macbin c'rom me for much less money. Terms one I na't casli in aovance, end balance in tradj nenverea at any station along tne nee cu W. N. C. R. B. AH the machine!, Ac, are advert :4o l iu the Burnt. For fuither information, call on or address J. H. HALLTBUiilON, Morganton, N. C. Auuouuccnient of Candidates We are aurthorized to anno unce Jolui L. J. Kates a3 a candidate for Register of Deeds for Burke connty. He lost one hand in defence of his country, and he offera the other to register the deeds in his county. I hereby announce my self as a candidate for Register ol Deeds of Burke eouaty. h. R. BRUUKSiilKK. I hereby announce myself as an indepen dent candidate for Treasurer of Burke county at the enauing election. J. MURPHY KING AID. At the solication ef many democrats of Caldwe!l county who were cheated out of tueir choice bv the manipulation? of Dr. J. C. NEWLAN'D in tbe Sanatoria! Con vention. I hereby announce myself as an Independent D-ifltocratic candidate to re present this (tne Jat!i) Senatorial District the mxt Uem raL Assembly of North Carolina. JAMES M. ISBELL. .t the solicitation of many of my friends I hereby anuounca myself a candidate to represent isurXCj county in ttie Liower Houae nt the next Ueiixral XssemWy ot Xorth CaroiinA. B. A. BERRY. I -hereby announce to tho eitisens of Burke Countv that 1 am a candidate for Register of Deeds. Respectfully, Joeeoh W. Dorsey. A Card. Raliiqh, October 16. To the Voters of the Eighth Congressional District : You already know that, at-Mm request of lartre number of the Democracy of th.? district, I have anvouncedmyself a candid- ate to represent you in the next Congress of the United States, I had set out to see many of you as possible in the brief period intervening between the day of my announcement and that of the election, when I ha I to return to Raleigh to take charge of the duties of my office, in con sequence1 of the sudden death of my chief clerk, Mr. A. . Partin. Siace .my return I have learned from several counties of our district that it has been industriously cir culated that I have withdrawn from the contest. 'lh?:e is no trnlh in this rumor . I am still a candidate aud expect to be elected. If -practicable, I will yet visit all of the counties and see ray friends; but if detained here, iu the performance of my official duties, I am sure my Democratic friends wiil be .none thu less earmst in my behalf. Very respectfully your obedient van. SAM'L L. LOVE. Geo. H. McKeehan. Attorney at Law, !MorernTro n, IV. 7 .' J, K. Wilson, The BARI5KR, has opened a shop in Mor ganton', .V. 0. Will snavo. cut hair, dress lair, dye hair ana wtiisKies, ana taue out the dandi. ffs. My shop is easy found below the Walton House in a brick row. I will guarantee satisfaction in my busi neas. . tf. --- Bv an order of the Probate Court of Burke county, in case of S. C. W. Tate, Adm'r. of Sam'l Tate, Ex-parte, 1 will on .Monday, the 1st day of Kovember next, expose to public sale, at the residence ot said bam I Tate, Deceased, in .Morganton, a lot of household and kitchen furniture, &c. S. C. W. TATK, Adm'r. Morganton, N. C, Oct. 4th, 1880. 3t TX70rbus;nes8 now before the ) JCiO -L public. You can make mon ey faster at work for us than at anything else C'aiiital not remiived. We will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at uome by tne industrious, aien, voiaen, boys, and girls iv anted everywhere to work, or us, Mow is the tune, lou can devote your whole time to the work, cr only yur fspare moments. No o'.her businiss will pay you nearly as well. So one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outht and terms free. A great opportunity tor u-aking money easiiv and honorable. Address, Tbuk & Co., Augusta, Jaino. Wine! Wine!! Wine!!! THE undersigned is now prepared to fill orders on short notice for the Host and Purest KTative Wines made by himself at his Vinyardin Davis county. Correspondence solicited Address Geo. W. Johnson, Farmington, Davie county, N. C. THE FLEMING HOUSE, Maron, 1T. C., S4.MUEL FLEMING-, Proprietor. 8 8ftj3 ! caESRATEO ia U B bL K ITT The a-cumu!atd evidence of niarly thirty yers show that the Bitters is a cer tain reu-dy f jr malarial disease, as wei as its surest preventive; that it e.adicat s dyspepsii, constipation, liver tomp aint and nert msness, counteracts a ttndeBcy to goutj rueumarisin, urinary and nterire disorders, that it imparls viiror to 'a. feeble. id chers the mind ahiie it i"vig 'orates e body. ForiJe by ail Druggists aaU Dealers I gtOcraSy. I MANHOOD: How Lost. HowEestorsd! Just pub! s'ed. a new edition of Da. CCLVERWEI.L SOEI.KBRA'I ED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea ur Seminal Weakness. In voluntary & mmal Losses, luirK.-ncy. Mental ,nd Pujsical Incapacity. Impedi-, ments to Marriage, etc.; aloi onsuuipuon. Epiiepsy as I Fits, induce! by setf-indulg-ure r sexual extravagtnee, 4", The celebiated author , in this admirablr iisfcay, clearly deujonstiate", frjm a thirtj years' sncccsaful h-actiee. thirt toe alarm ing cocseqiu nces of s.-lf abuse may be rad ically curei without the dangerous us at internal medicine or the application of thr knife; pointing out a mode of cure at one. simple, certain, and effectual, by means o which eveiv suffore.-. ho matter what his cond'tion may be, may cure hiiue!f eheap- iy, privately, and radically dST Thi Lecture should be in the hands of evtry youth and every man in the lna. Sen. under seal, in a plain envelope, to any, post-pud, on receipt ot six cents, ot two postage stamps. Addrens tbe Publishers. The Culverwell Medicine Co., 41 Ann St., Aew York, X. Y.; Post Office Box, 458S. Gold JJLiixe For Sale or I case. I will sell or leafr the Hodge Gold Mine, on Silver Creek, 14 miles from Morganton. Burke county. N. C. 4 niile from Oli-n Alpine Springs tOO acres, plenty watr, timber. 4c. Title perfect. Terms reason able. Apply to me, if in next two weeks, at Glen Alpine Springs, or cn the plaev, after that at Danville, Va. ja. K. bOULUl.N. HSU. N KTH CABOI.IS1, ( S IO COO ST. Burke (J unty. ) i ccial t'roceeaings. i Bffoie Clerk. L. A. Bristol, Adnrnistrat-ror A. rt. Sweet Plniiitiffs. Arjaintt ; Thomas S. Sweet, Eliza Swee Suan f . White, L. H. Kiggins, Saiiie J. L in n Amelia Black. Isaac N. Sweet. Ktnma R, Sweet, R I.erfP. Sweet. Alfred L. Sweet. and Sweet, infant son of A. H. Swuot, Heirs at Law of A. H. Sweet Defendants. Petition to sell Land for Assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of hi Court that the defendants above named are non-residents of thi3 State and are proper parties to this proceeding which concerns real pioperty. It is therefore ordered by the Court' that publication be made in the Blub KiDas Blade, a news paper published in Morganton for six buc-' cessive weeks notityiug said defendants to appear at the office of the clerk of the SuDerior Court of Burke county at his office in -Morganton within twenty days from the date ot this notice ana answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the clerk within ten days from the date of this order or relief will be granted as prayed for by plaintiff. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court this'Zlst day of September 1S80. J. H. HALLYBURT0.V, Clerk Superior Court, Burke county. . McSMITH MUSIC HOUSE. Charlotte, KT. C, McSMITH On The Home Stretch. BA OIL Y . DISFIO URED BUI STILL IN THE RING. fc3 ens H H'. 5 o 5 d ? 3 oo O -tr 5 H 2 ? d C" m r. & o 3 -3 -a CO fci fee) fed p o 0 1 O o & 0 s en a 13 f V Q 0 P o 0 3 a 3 H 'fi I S a fir t3 a s ! O c-J O tJt O a GO o h-3. 'o H 9 2 o cn 1 .Of J a a H s-- O t1 r1 o 5". C 1 ' ' Keep tbe keM ' ! 1 SOTCK of GOODS in Western J or th'Xarolma. In pi'Mfof nhloh c stilus ad Having bomght TOntinBsllyih adtanoc 1,' r f high prices we sre thereby enabled to offer special inducements to Merchants. Our TOBACCO WARE-HOUSE is open contiauallj POR THB SALE OF Salsa every da y and are getting ai GOOD PRICES as any of the Older Markets. Bay HALL k DASIEL'P Ha&faGiured Tobacco. Groceries and Confectisas. MOEO AXTON, . O. i We wvjld respectfully inform the psopls of Burke and. adjoining couaties that we art now offering fine 3 Jft Grocerleo, Con! cotloii3, Tobaoco, Cigars. &o.y IT BOIfTOM TRICES FOR CASH. ' ''" : . -i i' i 1 f -1 . t Ceuairj merchaats wMi is YU.U ..jis , '' - , - .i us a call before purchasktf a3Mwkw4;sT ' we u-e prepare.! lo'hrriwii tiUODS a ' ' ' . i'l-1, ft . I tJt.V ' ' 4 . .1 ;li Ttte h!i : I. ;Vevi'Ssp'ctfuU. " J7., -Id ! if 'it 'i j,' ' -in. : ourtkl ; , ;!-' r it.. i .1 -. " 1 whole: sals AW D R ETA1L LIARDHV A RB ;;dealer. , - hi ix .i-1-, CORNER TRADE A5D ..111 'I ,,,.,Vwe I I TRYpir ST'8. it-' -f, - CHARLOTTE N. C. Our Choice for President. 1 .i The; Highest Price For Bvodaoc,-; - Prices For Goods. " $04,- Tbe two hmises of Lackey Hros , and B. 8. Warliuk A Co., has cuu.ulidatvd, and Will be lo.iud at tht stand occupied by Lackey tiros. We are now ablo to offt-r to the t eopl of Huike, t 'aldwsll and adjoiniiig cosiiiiM,, a will seii.rUd stock ot Ufe . K L a' KB dUANLTSK, DRUQS and CrtKHfK XlS ' at ries as low as the lowest. t-vcry enu invited to rail sad no trouble t show goods. Pun t fuilioi(Ye usuur tria'. V pay CASH for gruiu, and then give you inducements to bnj iHMj'JH. Try as, au4 becucvmceit. Oua Motto. Quick sales. Doa weights, t ull measures. Low price. s4 No Credits. Yonrs tnny. Lackt j Crot. &'Warlle&. - Icard Station. C. BESTIMTIiEWCRLD! Impure Rl-f 'ur b Hodsi is of a aiisbrr diity wnitt colo. Jl msy sppesr wkiu, rz mined by it serf, bur C( ' Pi Jil6. f WITH CBUKfiH k CO'S "AJtsL AI QAMMEK" BKA.N'D will show ka re- irt. ... See that yoar Baking 6da 's while s4 PURE, ss should beTlfcL-BlMILAE bLB STANCES used tSt lor. ' . - - . s . Kousrkeepers wbo prfr br-d s4' with yeast, will improve its quality, saaka il riae better and prevent it, trcui t.utig, , by adding one-half teaspconfnl of Cbbrch A '3o.'s bods Or ftalerata. Be sr.rr and d u too miicb. ' The use af thw with wi r ' aiuk in prAferetua a Baking J'onder, at. twenty times it et. , ( H- ore pound package for valuable ir forms (ion and rrmi carefully. SHOW THIS TO YOVR OROCBK MITlCK. i Frank Lslie'a Weekly. Tbe only Democratic Illutrai flews papet pubiuhed will ba, srol p stpaid, for five weeks (until end of camnaivt, i lot THIfcTTf OW.HTtf. Agents wsnUa t ry ton. tirnd 30 eeots for Arc weeks subscription, or t cent ia posts? staaips U't iHnnp e royr and illustrated c ataiojru . Cut oi kOtK wui beseut fur fise wls, f.T one ioiW. Adtlnrs FRANK LtbLlst t'UBLf8HlNi CO , lit Py fctreet, N. V. BLANJi DZEbS i'OhfALE; all liuiaK a th Oflto" , n