i BLUE EIDGE BLADE. MOROA.NTON. N. C. May 14, 1881. J. II. UALii WURION, Edl or :tml Pron'r MEMORIAL DAY. Miscellaneous Its Obcrvciiif e Iti Moranton The Vcat!iri-r-The Add re . .The Tenth of May, ts is cnstomary in he South, was observed ab Memorial Day in our town. The day was pleasant and the chief mirshall tuid his assistants conducted the proceedings in a very cred itable manner. The address of Mr. C : F. McKesson was a (splendid production,; and was deHvered in .1 graceful and brilliant manner. We would be pleased to publish the aadress in fall, but owing to limited space we can only give these extracts : "North Carolina was slow to leave the old flag and the Union ; but when she was Dornnaded that it was her dntv. she Buffaloes were slain to the extent of 100,000 in the far West last winter, for their hides. Dr. M. J. DeRoseett, s prominent phjBiciau of Wilmington, died in that city May 2nd. 1 Southern California wants to secede from Upper California and go into busi ness for 'herself. The North Carolina Parmacy Act of 1831, goes into effect from and after the let day of June, Many reflecting Democrats are begin ning to look on prohibition as a Trojan horse, Wilmington Star. ihe proposed world's fair at New York iu 1883 in a failure, and has been aban doned. The money subscribed will be returned. entered into the conflict like (Joifrey of Bouilon with holy lance into the field of Afkftlon, crying, "God lor thh right and ihejnst!" Then the rnst-d sword of the Involution and the brilli int banner of our new Confederacy were thrown- to the sunshine, and the breezj. Uur whole Southern country was oiil yr.iid military t nciitnpuieut. Tu- Hanou of w;ir rushed throu'ii her border. hk" the fi rv crops orClaii Alpine through the hi lis f S-ot-liiud. Our buys our ni'-n 01 matnrr years and even old yrey lriTeil fathers enlisted in the cause, oon .(he earth trembled 'neath thj tread or Ji.s':l. ar ndes. and this miclitv contiii nt in-iwd like a sea in a tempest. Vith what 1 f:y patriotism our citizens becmie soldiers ! The followers of Cortz and Pizarro were. goaded on by a thirst of gold ; the Jeg onury soldiers of Homo burned with fl love of conquest. When Maiirius and Sylla itnbu'-'d the streets of the seveu hilled city with royal and pit-bean blood, it was for the splendors of t'te Imperial purple. When the hips "of L'r.uiee blu-hed crimson witli defeat at Ajjiucourt" it was in behalf of the decaying system of feudalism. When Klchard III. and the Duke of Richmond f,n.ht at 1$ js tvorth, it was for the jeu.-!s of" . crown. When Henry V. sailed down the placid waters of Southampton and . beseigwd Ilavtieur, it was for the hind of Cathe rine and her Norm in dowry. XVlieii the roses of Euglaiid wrre. marsh dl-vl against the Thistle of Scotland or the Shamrock of Ireland, it w is for domain and em- inv-u' neaTtQ swelled witli but one emotion, w irm-. d with but one passion to protect their homes and their heart hetoncs. Tor this they pledged their lives-,-their fortune, and s icred lio-ior, and thousands sealed the. com, act w.tii b!-i;i. - '' "The cii-it-):i! (.1 .I' torating toe graves reach'-s i'.u- lu.;. info the ages. The U-heesalLus decirt-ated the grave of Ach illas with jifeimnes and Mies-. Anac reon speaks of the custom 111 rapturous lhym.', .viiilo Homer, amid the tears of the Iliiad, plants flowers' 01 the graves of his fallen heroes. With us this cua Oiii is embalmed with peculiar love in the hearts of our womeii, for it has about it so mii'h that is tender, and pure, and holy. I confers with shame that our ' aien do, not take the interest iu this cer emonial that they ought. They are too much interested in the hunt for. office, the "bo.v to be popular," the rattle of the corn wagon, the philosophy of the yard t-u lc, the search for gold that iu- satiable Neptuue tital eats up all other gous. liut, my fair hearers, should you uegiect this iKlty, Natii.e herself would elude and rebuke you. tor she annually, . us if wnh a mother's hands, plants upon thosii -sacivd moulds tiie foxglove uud Jhe violet, the one of w.i.m t.t-, i.j tiny notes, a ri ipi'n m sail, whii.- tn other sheds morning an i evening d-w-..rop tears upon th" to ub." I Mr. McKesson closed in the following appropriate ad well chosen wor is ; 'Jc eP;us that the GovL of War and fhe lMnoeof IVace dcreeedi against us ; ml way lament ? The fig a r of Jud.a . 011 the Ko.hiu coin, Telle. and w.'fpmg .m. Iiirrjul.il c v i n ... s; :y and the li.sCory -i a lutiou tu it iijagut lor a cause and 1-s: :L. "Let us all .forgive and" forget forget and forgive and hope that, after all, the peace dove has settled upon 1 he naves of ad our Southern h nu s .r. i vl. it w,- . as a people have passe.; tVoai n ',, 1 :he ro-.J, audiire living in the ii-h; oi a ,.! - gloiious day: Let us bide t-h faith tiiat the passions engendered by war have been borae away on the ljr.-ez s of In-u-erlylove; that the cou'-titut.o.i is. an chored to its ancient mo rings; tliat the old Sbip of State, freight, d with the dearest interests of nniuauity, s.;ils on Unruffled aij.l nou-sectioijal seas, and that we t the Sijuth, uisrohtd and dis crowned as we have bem, ui truth ami pride offer our ftllegiauce to th.- ti ig of our country, which floats oui iu its beauty I like a tropical night brillinnt witu the t Uri of a whd bsmiapher. " The Commissioners in a number of, counties throughout the State have re fused to grant licence to sell spirituous liquors Vi. Eugene Griasom, of this State, UMibeeu. icaJe Third Vice President ot the American Medical Association recent ly in session at Richmond, Va. Among the curiosities of Louisville, Ky ., ia a boy not yet three years old who weighs 110 pounds, and over three feet tail., Re wears a So. hat. The nomination of Geo. B. Everett, appointed by the Presidbttt to Buooeeu Collector Wheeler 01 the 5cu N. C. Dis trict, has been coafirajad b the Senate Gen. B. I Butler having announced that he "fells like a boy again," the Boston Herald a wicked enough to re mark that he probably means the "oiu boy. The hitch between Garfield and Couk iing gave rise to the question lrequeut y asked, "Who is Pisident?" it now begins to look as if Garfled or Blaine was. A Federal jadgo in Arkausn h vs re- cently rendered a decision which make the Indians the exclusive proprietors of tbeIndaui Territory under the existing treaties with the government, aud says no man has a right to ettle in that ter ritory, which embraces 14,000,000 acres, without the consent of the Indians. A genuine sensaation was created in Alexander county recently by the falliug of an immense bonld-ir of rock from Rock Face Monntain, the rock being brOomiug suddenly dttich !1 faoai its resting place aaJ tumbling down the ujouDtaiu with a terrible crash, carrying with it trees aud whatever else came in its way. Riedsrille Timet: A popular cry is that prohibition will save the youth of I the Lund from di-unkuess. The belt r j plan would lie to put the youth & the I laud to work and t jack abou: one-third of them trades, who are in a genteel do- nothing sort of way prepairicg for the parlor stepping professions of life, with just enough talent to dfm like their fa thers, aud not su.iieieutiy s'-asjued in work to of any real service to the world outside of a cut-away cot uu-l demiu'd foine oignr." v SMOKING TOBACCO MX clefc " mat J. S. TCiLESET. Edasy ,H .0. "i ' 4 t OF iW& OS A 3 Of?. -.1 v.va i iK'.V'fv - 1 - v. iOr. ; .- - 1 T UVw eV :.v.. sEW GOODS! Dr. J. R- Anderson, I ' 1 5!OKGATO, C, ! Olera hia ser.-i-vs t tf citizens of M..r- gmton and the urr ..n.:i:j country. i 1 be f -und in his oTe in the Urte'-i U v.-. I?Aom X'o. 4, A.'.'a': -n Tlo'el. r t' rr-. ' : I ; I. 1 : 1 VT." t n 1 I: t.'V- i. .. 1 ' ' , - r ; s s . r i-- r : t ' 1 l. f -r -r. : t! . 11 i,. 'i.-. . s. T. mmzriL xmmtmpm jeweler, The Senate at Woi'k. The llepublicaus of tti U. S. Sea.it j have deciot-d to yielJ t far as to go iuto Executive Session for ttw cousidention of the nominations of tbo Preside it. and o: the treaties with foria p wrs. Mr. D.twms annonnced "tlie suIp way back down" of ids party ; tiiey did m-ujau to yield the point lor whicli they nad been dghtiug, Imt only desired not to hln.pr the Admiuisnitio-! auy fiirta r. ' To.' Senate was iu Executive .Session two days, and did au iui-.iuoo ammt or work, aud it is L ui -v ; I .iV'.i.ijo ifrn- 1' will this month le iv. ng Altiine's set, Itiddleberger and Uorhaui out in the coid. jl Ml A HI) Take this method 0;' inl -ruling the peo ple of Burke ami surrounding coun ties that tliey have jx-t opened A Lame aM Well- ,'OtiU. 01a 'The statue f f General Stonewall Jack sou, erected in Metaire cemetery, iew Orleans, was nnveiled on the 10th iust. Tne statue is said to be very handsome and life like. The Winston Sentinel is jubilant over the fact that eighteen tobacco factories are uow in full blat - in that town, aud large quantities of the yellow leaf art: being worked up. The latest we have g.d is that ex-Gov. Holdeu has given it up, and John Nich ols (of "Gorman and Nichols ate with us" memory) will be his 'successor as postmttster at Baleigh. unngmiiuD irom .Nortu Caroliua con tinues. During the last few days several parties, says the Greensboro Patriot, have bought tickets at the office of the Piedmont Air Liue, in this city, for the great West. What m-.lu's the Northern Senators mad,- asserts the Augusta Chronicle, is that the youth has kept up to the Cham ber, men who are more tfian matches for their best champions. Here is wnere the free ballot aud fair count cannot be forgiven, The track laying on the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad is fin ished to Lincoln ton". ' Says the Progress : Monday evening the first passenger traiu will be drawn here by the "V. A. Mc b'ce," au engine named in honor of our fellow-townsinan. The evideucpa of thrift and improve ment in the South are apparent on every h:o d. Grent cotton factories are going up at Columbus, Augusta, New. Orleans, Natchez and Charleston, and fnruace stacks are being erected all over the iron districts of the South. "Uneasy lies a head that wears a crown" whs never more forcibly ili.istr.i thi.n in the case of the Cz .r of i.us.-i. w .0 lives ia hourly' dread of assas-.n 1 ti ui, and who eviry moment i.i guirde . by t odies of armed men, lest th s fate of his father be also his file. On Thursday, 2nd of Juno, says the Landmark, Jtat'Sville will vote on a proposition to subscrile $50,1)00 to the atatesville Air-Line Railroad, this sub scription to be turned over to the North Carolina Midland, provided it builds to our town. The proposition will carry almost if not quite unanimously. A terrible tngedy occur J at Barn we'd, S. C. ou the 2d instant. V. II. Prisst-r, without iUiy 1 rovo viUion, shooting his fat h. r, Captain l'm. Priestr fiv. times, f .oiu ihe eff.'CU of whioii wound hd has muc died. Young PriesUr killed a ne gro while attending school at Charlotte, X- C in 187S but was acquitted. He was recently married aud his wife was on tiie eve of leaving him when he killed his father. His wife and brother both say that he has beeu msane for some time but the family kept the mattea a secret. This ia probably trn as he after -ase .ping and wandering through por t oub of deorgia and Xortb Carolina, re turned to Greeuville, S. C. where- be was well knowu. He was arrested and is now in jail. ,5 OOCJLS MVSLTKACr J.tS 13 OP Pllih ALiMlS A. i5 V. HIVE A UtliNCU ST I.JK AT B L TIMOR M?, Ait'?, being t'av .!: Manufa-i urv;-s in th latter city, are pjwparo J, wit ii their hn-sjc stock, to offer goo J at prices that cicr'y cqnjutitiu&acHftt--4 ' WINDOW. SHADES, Of every quality and variety at La west Prices. . r - O AAA 1' ' U X D W f 1 1 Li-(j A K OUUU LOGS, sjimd anlstiai-!it delivered at any r'epot on he W. X. C. 1.'. R bctiveen Saii-sbarj and Jenry; cr at i!t iuU riaeiUatf point convenient for loailhej. lU'eii ouv lmndrd are delivered at si. -!i point, i-fli l.-.g must average in length 2.' ftct, and ranging from 16 to 34 feet, T;: smallest wanted is 22 inches inside of Liul: at small end. H'e a'l-vwant all the White Hi. k rv. Biaok Walnut and Prickly and White A 1: e ean get in round logn. Tho3e havi:--sach timber can g..t particu'ari and pii -by a Mr Ssin II A LL yt:u3, ri!-!-:orv, V C, rr 8. t.'.IVKi 1' i SO.n'o., .i;ii" -i A'Uiiuy 10t... 1881. AM G1EBAL LERCHilLl "TCI't - " s 5 v: sj m 1 ry - r B- -I " T f 'V ... - ---- . t.wt .9sK..y.vv.,i- ' r sJL 1 ,i v 1 m 1 3 1 j St tin s'.in ': f .run t'y o-.-ui.i-d y Cr. tain w ijr.sto!. Ih-;r - - ' - -" tii'. ) linv. I '.: ..re ' AS LO'V AS Tilt: Lowiisn I r 1--r 1 1 11 LI . oi.rr UY MM L i::ly a n: 4- CO 1880. It'. I Q j i j :- j 5 - - . ' li K .'4 oiii:;th:a under tiie b ;i.''N V J . ...1 T7?rrn BMiif 1 J.ul) 1::; ci i.Y i'Hi; SAMK nsEiSs g4 UtSMCia tLii.w.w 1. - Klii ! h p !., it c s'5s 2 is.iVii and (!-; t.iV." i 0!J-3 , f-.r f;-' 1: 1 I!.. !.. :: ' ! i r fi u is. j t l-.T uii-: .!.n . ' i i f v ; s- -1 i. 1 i'lANO we sell .-!i! IU L;iI.:c l5SA.H 1 .bit:;. k 'i nr. !., ' j 1 ; l : . IU it !i. a- .11 f.- s-ir-o X ":ti. a 7 "). :t:"v.. 1:. j if 1 id ui.- 2 J 1 : 1 1 . - i iv. f ii'l a- I... !-(. (,V.T- 1 - 1 r' s jaii-I if ' V. 1 y j J t ., -i ! - T, :.v !:; "l ! "i (i . .ir, -t ''! A uvor. A I 1: i 1 i li. Ac. . V. . Mil Si' ; "y f v. i i o.".'t ; ..'I ' v t 1 1 1 , 1 iu 1 lull 1'Svi'i BBE3 & MOIELL, Oar Or. 3 '!iri'-t ir.us: - c ( Jmi'itrv in 1 1 A V. ovbyBcdyto buy. I : f. t ley 0.1 ,-- V I'll i it- a-i I I n- Order from t i II l s'linii I t:!ru:nents l i i pile .1, 11. d s . r . o 1 1 - X. 0 A a. Dlt tja STO.i , IN UOK' ; i O V. Da. II. C. FEAKSON if n wj n.e-i . and op.-ning at fh'Rjaii'1 f'urin.T y ' Eru A Ort. .', a lare aud wi-H s--!. -ted stvk of r'rh and Pur Dr i-s;s a;ni Cheiiiica-St Oiif, Famts and Dye Stuffs, Kancy, 7'oi'tt, .Medicated and .Laundry ..wp, EpStDced ia I ui ri-tj, P.invailes and CoRtucticp. ilair and Tvth Brushes iriniow Glaaand Puty. Pure Wim-s and Liquor f.r M l eal as Irrfac1. tvtry thing lisral-y k-j t in a fir.-t eaad Drug Store Which he wii! dispen-?.- t. the publw at ivasunabie prict?. As the .yvls are to l-? sAl en cMnn!is.-in. tr, CASH ru'e wi.l h st ri. : t a !,a r . 1 . Phycieian's Prescript i.in .ar -fr. y . .!: ponnded at a?i hoi.rp. A s!;ar of j...r patronage is r speo.':' ;.i v !. itcd. E. ( . PEAK -ON. M. D N. D. Dr. rears. ,n" s office u at th Drup Store. Jfuigantcn. N.C.. Fc-b. 5, 4t.i DC A LI'Rs. I'ORNCR'H TRADE AD TRYOIV ST'S. iu have PilOHlBiTlOi!, and Aili.-PiiOHlBllION. ;i;.ii i.iii 1: j : v : r wf. 1 :-.;.ip;.!: aj.-i. rAJ:iJivi.j ' var-tbr tj h:.v: it' cr not have it.' ' ' i ' i ' t.-f thj trade by m l ing pood " TV 7T.T ' t.i- up;. 1 ;:st r: k i:s f-r ; PRODUOS in GilSII 02? TRilDS. Our Spring Stock of GE iCilU, MliiL'ilANu.Sr: will ba fall and .-omple ;c We also keep a good ijo f,f Dni?, PaJj iit ."'.Icilicfiifs, (Saiilfa d n; ft u pi:'!i of Wm. S. Pearson. Attorney and Oounsollor, MORGAXTOJf, X. C. viL.rAisr.i-:- i.ij ia Iht p'af ; tnon as th ; McK non rv.V. tract on Linvtiic K;v.r, .pp-sil't2 ck tam o3." acr-on,? h ,:i !r i in "; fif'r ,-' which is fin !ftt-)o 'and, win K- .!: '.'.ap r.-r t-ah rn time, rit'i.r ail z- t:. r .ir ill (ri ' sT.it :i.rhas-. ri. A y t oncr 1) C. J W. iib-rn, Ex-i-ufer S. S. Hurshasr, dce'd Tbo wiJ rccaia b?re but a few dr. Seeds V.'e r.re AfDt' fi.-r,- an 1 i ' AND k- - fill I f-ornp! te rnanar-fi f ..- Goin7 Whoa, Cotton and Tobacdo, LACKEY & WARLICK. Caliat odc". loard. K. C . Mt let, 131. I! . HO . I 1- '

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