1 " HivTViuner on the Donkey. ftgVCge1liiig 'aboit I Cairo itaaftalsntitcmjrweBi the donkey. " It is cheap and exhilarating. The donkey is easily mounted and easily got off from; not seldom he trill weaken in his hind legs ana let ms rider to the ground a sink ing operation which destroys. Jrour con fidence in life itself. Sometimes he stumbles and sends the rider over his head. But the good donkey never does either. He is the 'best animal of his size and appearance living. e has the two qualities of our greatest general, patience and obstinancy. The good donkey is easy as a rocking-chair, sure footed ns a chamdis-hej tan thread any . crowd and stand patiently doaing in any noisy thoroughfare for hours. To ride him is only a slight compromise of one's independence in walking. One is so near the ground, and so absent-mindedly can he gaze at what is around him, that ho forgets that there is anything under .him. When the donkey.in the excite "fnent of company on thccrji&ir street and stimulated by the whacks and cries of his driver, breaks into the rush of a gal lop, there is so much flying of legs and such a general nutter that the rider fan cies he is getting over the ground at an iawful rate, running a break-neck race; ibut it does not appear so to an observer. The rider has the feeling of the swift . locomotion of the Arab steed without its dXtAgCfibt expense. Besides;' a' long legged man, with a cork hat and a flying linen "duster," tearing madly along on an animal as big as a sheep, is an amus ing spectacle. My Winter on the Nile. Battle Creek, (Mich.) Daily Journal. Upon being spoken to concerning St. , Jacobs Oil, our fellow townsman Mr Theodore "Wakelee, said: I had been . suffering with.rheumatifim, and obtain, ed the greatest relief from the use of St. Jacobs Oil. It has also been used in my family for some time, and has never been found to fail in giving promt relief. Engagement broken: An Iowa paper tells of two lovers who were permanently separated by the interposition of a "cold cloud of realism." Being freely inter preted this means probably that they were not kincfcedisoms. The circum stance recalls the instance of a romantic young lady why had a very fine head of hair. One evening, when her affianced stood gazing very inquisitively at it in the midnight, she said, with much feel ing: i f 'John; are you thinking that each ona of -these hairs is like a golden cord, binding you to happiness?" "Well,, no," he answered, mechanically, "I was thinking what a nice mosquito net they would make." Brooklyn Eagle. (S Juth Bend Evening Register.) When certain powers are claimed for an article, and everybody testifies that it does more -than is 'claimed for it, to gainsay its worth is useless. This .is the substance of the St. Jocobs Oil record. Ancient Methods. How unreasonable some girls are 1 Felicia asked her brother to buy the Science Monthly for her, because it had an article on " Ancient Methods of Flir tation ;" then when he brought it home, said he was horrid, and mean because it turned out to be On " Ancient Methods of Filtration. " fan Consumption Be Cored? Read what Mr. William C. Diggea, a merchant of Bowling Green, Va., writen underdate of April 14th, 1881. lie Kays: 1 firmly believe that Allm's l.ung Balsam, will and has cured con Htimption if taken in time and proper care be taken of the Patient both in suitable food and clothing. Six years ago my mother was attacked with pneumonia. The attending physician, f "boiue time after," told me that thediaease had Hcttli-d un her Lungs and that she had the con sumption. Not believing that a permanent cure could be effected, but thinking I might be able to get an expectorant not containing opium, which would afford some relief, I en quired of a druggist at Richmond, Va., if he had any medicine not containing opium, that was a good expectorant. He; then recom mended Allen's Lung lialsaml which I pur chased and induced my mother to try. Before she had taken the.flrHt bottle, the improvement in her. condition was so marked that Ipnrchaed three more bottles. The attending "physician seeing tho beneficial effects, recommended its continued use, and in about twelve months her lungs, were pronounced cured. TJpon my re- otninidfttioir many others who hadthe con "Imrnptfon bavS been cured." I think you can claim for your medicine, the following: Ex pectoration without irritation, and healing of the lungs, by keeping them free from foreign substances, thus arresting and curing this dread disease. Mr. Digges says he writes because h wants it known that Allen's Lung Balsam ia doing good. r" ,L - - V , V ". .. aJt m ... "-An overdressed uia L&aj. London Telegraph. An old lady named Keylar, aged sev enty, iad come from Oheshunt to Liver , pool treet by fail and was proceeding r ta Br ad-street" Station (North London Railway), on her way to Chalk Farm, where- she was to visit a relative.. When she had ascended the station stairs she had a fainting of the heart and expired before a doctor could be fetched. That her death was accelerated by her being over-weighed with: clothing, may be judged from the fact that she had on two chemises, two pairs of stockings, two pairs flannel drawers,1 two flannel petticoats, a pair of flannel linen stays, four thick petticoats, two skirts, four jackets, two crossovers, a thick woolen shawl, a fur boa, two caps and a bonnet and boots. t' The Greatest Blessing. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, akd.. prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach reg ular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon, man., Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it Will you try it ? See an other column. Eagle. - (Stella Basbleu, Vassar '81, has just been relating some astounding astronom ical facta and figures.) A. Dullston Sloeman ("never went in for that sort of thing, you know) "I see how one can find out how large and how far away the stars are, but by Jove! I don't quite see how they evar found oat their names. Columbia Spectator. HhI rfcwttaUai17 Aver. ctitioner, that Warner's Safe Kid- ' Cure is among the most TaluabU the 19th century. I cannot say i behalf. J. H. Cosxrxi.T, M.D. 6th April, M." - Discoveries hj Accident. Valuable discoveries have been made and valuable inventions suggested by the veriest accidents. An alchemist, while feeking to discover a mixture of earths that would make the most durable cru cibles, one dayound that he had made porcelain. The power of lenses, as ap plied to the telescope, was dhioovcred by a watchmaker's apprentice. While hold ing spectacle-glasses between his thumb and linger, he was startled at the sud denly enlarged appearance of a neigh boring church spire. The art of etching upon glass was discovered by a Nurem burg glass-cutter. By accident a few drops of ' aqua fortis fell upon his spec tacles. He noticed that the glass be came corroded and softened where the acid touched it That was hint enough. He drew figures upon glass with varnish, applied the corroding fluid, then cut away the glass around the drawing When the varnish was removed the figures appeared raised upon a dark ground. Mezzotint owed its invention to the Biniple accident cf the gun barrel of a sentry becoming rusted with dew. The swaying to and fro of a chandelier in a cathedral suggested to Galileo the application of the pendulum. The art of lithographing was perfected through suggestions made by accident A poor musician was curious to know whether music could not be etched upon stone as well as upon copper. After he had prepared his slab his mother .asked him to make a memorandum of such clothes as she proposed to send away to be washed. Not having pen, ink and paper convenient, ne wrote the list on the stone with the etching preparation, m tendincr to make a codv of it at leisure. A few days later, when about to clean the stone, he wondered what effect aqua fortis would have upon it ne applied the acid, and in a few minutes saw the writing standing out in relief. The next step necessary was simply to ink the stone and take off an impression. The composition of which printing rollers are made was discovered by a Salopian printer. Not being able to find the pelt-, ball, he inked the type with a piece of soft glue which had fallen out of a glue pot It was such an excellent substi tute that, after mixing molasses with the glue to give the proper consistency, the old pelt-ball was entirely discarded. The shop of a Dublin tobacconist by the name of Lnndy was destroyed by fire. While he was gazing dolefully into the smoldering ruins he noticed that his poorer neighbors were; gathering the snuff from the canisters. He tested the snuff for himself, and I discovered that the fire had largely improved its pun gency aroma. It was a hint worth prof iting by. He secured another shop, built a lot of ovens, subjected the snuff to a heating process, gave the brand a particular name, and in a few years be came rich through an accident which he at first thought had completely ruined him. Woondooket Patriot. Great Britain never "goes back" on its ale, although these States do. In a Binrie rear the English firm of Bass paid to railways, canal companies, and. other carriers, the sum oi 180,102 for carriage merely. In malt tax and license duty the same house pays 236,000 a year. The yearly revenue of the king dom derived from duty on alcoholic drinks amounts to 28,000000 sterling. To this sum the house of Bass contrib utes at the rate of 780 a day. It has 643,869 casks in stock. The bottle trade is separate ; 100,000,000 labels for bot ties are issned in a year. Th blue pencil liend travels with an DDefa troupe. N. 0. Picayune Given up by Doctors. "Is it posible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy? "I assure you it is true that he is en tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters ; and only ten days ago His doc tors gave him up una said he must die : " Well-a-day ! That is remarkable ! will go this dav and get seme for my poor George I know hops are good.' Salem Post. Thet put a lot of ignoramuses into jury box now-a-days, and then attempt to tickle a man's vanity by telling him that he is to be tried by a jury of his peers. No wonder so many criminals commit suicide, rather than have such a stigma cast upon their family name. Rochester Herald. But a sample bottle ol Coussens Light ning Liniment to cure your sprain, or if you have the rheumatism and need more, 50c. will buy a bottle of regular size. It is. the best liniment in the world for spavin, ringbone, galls, scratches on animals. Sample bottle 25c. For sale by all druggists. Triumphant Argument of the Wheels Rufus Ohoate once made an argument of three days to convince a jury that the car-wheel sold by the defendant was radically, intrinsically, and indubitably different from that patented by the plaintiff. Webster arose to answer, and the jurors rustled uneasily in their seats, settling themaeivM for another three days. But he simply tilted the two models upon the table in the jurors' sight, fixed his great magnetio eyes upon the entire twelve at onoe, and said : " Gentlemen of the jurythere are the wheels : look at "em." Verdict for the plaintiff on the soot IXDioimoa, espepsXa. mttous prostration and all forms of general debility ralaved by taking Hxxhlut'i Fzptoxizxd Bur Toxic, th only preparation of beef containing iU entire nutritious properties. It contain blood-making, forae-generating and lixe-eut&iiiing prop ertiei; ia in valuable in all eaieebled conditions, whether the reemlt oi exhaustion, nerroua proe tration. overwork, or acute rtiaeesw, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaint, Cas well, Eauxd k Co., proprietors. New York. V7 W 0300 IP The French Peerage. France has no peerage officially recog nized, of baronetage, while the confer ring of knighthood is a ceremony unin telligible to even educated Frenchmen. Several other fashions in which the British sovereign delights to honor her lieges by making them "Privy Council lors," or of her "counsel learned in the law," are wholly unknown to her neigh bors. The "cross,' which is a star of five rays, and the various other grades of the "Legion of Honor," established by Napoleon in 1802, are the only visi ble honors with which France rewards her illustrious sons. Any citizen can obtain them ; none can bequeath them, In the last days of the Second Empire the Legion numbered 60,000. Within a few months of the proclamation of the third Bepublio the National Assembly imposed restrictions on the creation of new members. By the principal clause it was enacted that only one member should be created for every two vacan cies. no Koom for Wisdom Teeth. The LondonArio Quarterly Renew has discovered that in the United States the degeneration of the wisdom teeth has gone further than in any European country; that the jaws are almost ab normally short ; that the lower jaw is apt to be rather "under hung," and that it is becoming a common practice to re move some of the molar teeth of chil dren, as the jaw does not grow large enough to hold the proper number. Good For the Kids. Doctors now recommend the introduc tion of a kid or goat into the nursery as a healthful companion for the childien. The doctors evidently know their little biz. Syracuse Herald. If there is anything better than to In loved, it is loving. ; A GOOD FAMILY EEMEDY! STRICTLY PURE ;Thia engraving roprpentf the Lunss in a healthy state. What The Doctors Say! R. FJ.ETOIKIi, of r.Ksinzf mt-iiil your li .Imiiii' in rirelc cine for N.ii!jhs ari't oohl-. i-nce to anv oilier nitdi- m. A.c. jnilXPON', i Mt. V. rnon.Ill.. writes f ..me wnndri lul rutv of Cimfciimpf ion in Ui 1'l.ic ly the line ul "Alleu'n Lung It:iiaiu." I'R. J. B. Ti nXFI!, Bl..uiitsvill Alu. prnHteirt" phytitri.wi cf tweiiiy-tive war, wriu-s: riiur;ilion lul ConsumpiH-n in the v. uiM It 13 the best For all Iipaofi of tin- TSaroat. Liinc and I'lilnioiini-.T Orcauik it will be found a niuMt excellent iienietfy. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. IT CQNTA.NS NO OPIUM iN ANY FORM. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors, IXC HX.ITI, . FOR SALE 3Y ALL DRUGGISTS. Shooting Chills Down the Back, Dull pain in the limbs, nausea, biliousness, are symptoms of approaching fever and a.sue. Use without delay HosteUer's Stomach Bit ters, which substitutes for the chilly sensa tion a genial warmth, regulates the stomach, and imparts tone to the liver. The bowels, the stomach and the biliary gland being re stored to a healthy condition, the disease is conquered at the outset. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. :vi d BEST ; U sett lnillnl. isottilr. prodscisr ths mo nrsl ti4- of rifcek m iwn;dc-SOTsTiIMh ROTinnRfl V1 u sunxlard prtpuitlra KIri( and ii nxiiTippliM. fk.orit. oo tJtti w,U xppomid to:lf for I .id m vQtl.min. bold bf Drn pu ud ipctil bv Km Irrew.. IVpot M Wil lim ft., 5 T c. k. cRrrrEXToy, ifv JTPTRK PORTRAIT CO. Fin. mrtrsits rn- I I ir (red from sll kindj of imill picture, in s ost sod srtwtiemSBBr. Qreit indncem-nwto inU. Pend for CsUlogBS sod Fne Lit. EMPIRE PORTRAIT CO., So. 78 Gcff St.. Anbarn, K. T. SEND TO H. L. B. SHEETS, IVashvillle, Tenn., For best Pianos, Organs and Musical In struments. Latest Sheet music. Best goods lowest prices. ARKANSAS BEACON. Subscribe for the Arkansas Beacon, a lire Family Nepnper, s cuiar an.? religious, (not sectarian. Published we kly at S ar cy, Ark. An Jvpage, 48-coIumn pspr, all home print, large circulation, gives much in formation about Arkansas, ue yr. $1 10; Smos. 1 00 ; 4 mos. 50 cts. $350 A MONTH. jtl uuci is wsria fUtt MIW W8t W15TI SOSfT' Tmot rilLIK. ri"tl HI ftM UL Sm (MS. I fci.m E rr . . . CHEAT fiCRMAJl REMEDY FOB RfflJIATEI, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACH2, SORENESS arm CHEST, SORETHRQaT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS SFBJUNS, FROSTED FEET Aire EARS, ASS TOOTH, EAR ASS HEADACHE, ASD ALL OTBEB PiiiiS ASS ACHES. V Prnrtin M Hltk MIlll ST. JACOSI Oil SS S SArS. cu, simi-li sod cheat Eztenisl Remedy. A tnJ enuils bat the eompsrstiTelr trifling outlsr of 50Ce!t, ssd Try one luflenng with pais can its f eneap sua '"' prow m UM el li mi. duibctiosS II K LITIS LAIOL'AGKS. j, SOLI IT AIL BltraaiSTS All IULUS II MEBtClU. A. VOGELER & CO. Baltimore, Sid., V. S. A, fljrTOl Wsss. tllsdij st horns sstily msds. Costlj 4P t Outfit frss. AddrsM Tsus Cs., Anctuls, Ms. PAW FURS U Bprinc fit., N.w Ynrt. nT hiBhtcseh prtcei foiVBi:Ter. Otter, Rsccoon, Ir 8kln snd other Fun. 6blpmoU lolioted. BLACK AND TAN GORDONS. TIOR SALE. Puppies from the fullowing crick bitches: -L "FLOSS" and "COUNTESS DANMOrR," lir.d by " BLACK PRIXCE," he out imported " FLORA," by imported "LINCOLN." The littra are rery large ssd healthy. Color black and s red mahogany las. Mark- lngs perfect. Price HS.UOeach. Address, II. MCBPHT, HunUville, Miuourl. PONDS EXTRACT. L5VALCABLI FOi Pond's Extraot n Um Catarrh.: snlj ipsslBt tor this dlissse, OeI , in ths Kss4, e. ow Catarrh Cure CT9 sU), isefliilly pre pared to meat isrloas eases, sosUins all Iks ruritlre propsrtus or Pond's Extract; w Nasal Syringe ( lnTaluaWe far ass la catarrhal aaeeUonfT is alsiple sad eflMtrs. Sore Throat and Lungs, Chapped Hands nd Faoe areirsaiwbsaMudsTti Ex traot. Frosted Limbs sad Chilblains sre promptly rsUsred, sad tuumatsly evrsd by Pond S Extraot. Wit U ansafs to se other ardeles vtta ear directions. Insist os hiring POND'S XXTRACT, XefOM ail lmite- tioas sod laDatitntes. For Two Generations The crood and staunch old stand-by. MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT, has done mrre to assnasre uain, relieve sntfmnff. and save the lives of men and beasts than all other liniments pnt together. Why? Because the Mustang pene trates through skin and flesh to tho verv bone, driving out all nain and soreness and morbid secretions, and restor ing the afflicted part to sound and supple neaiin. NOTICE! AS BLUE FLANNEL GARMENTS Of Inferior Quality of Cos nre sold as the "gennine Middlesex," which are not made by thai mill. The Middlesex Company, 'n ordf r to protect their cu-trroers and the ptihlir, givi notice that hereafter all rithn.g ma.le Irom THE MIDDI.KSRX .-TA.V1ARL INDIiiO Itl.l K FLAKNEL3. ASK YACHT C LOTHS, tnld hv all Umiinj Clntkirrt, ) roust bear the trade mark - ticket, furnished by the Selling Agents to all parties ordering the goods. WENDELL. FAY CO.. Selling Agents. HID DLESEX COMPACT, K snd SS Wort Rt, If Tsri; 17 FruUIi St, BU. HI CkssUit st. raiMslpkia. TTILBOS'S OOttPUUJD OT PTJEE COD LIVES OIL AHD LITIS. To Has saxl AIL Aro ym mm nTsrlogf tVosss a Cong h. Cold, AMbma, Breeeaibs, iw any s ta nrwv pnlmoDarr trooblee that mo often esd ta OoasBBVpttoa ? II so. use " (hOer's hm CM-Ltarr Oil mtd Urn," a ssle sad sure remedy. This is so quack preparaaoo, bea is pr senbed by the medwsl faculty. Maanf. saiy by A. B. Wilsos, Chemist, Boston. Bold by all droggists. ETROLEDn ism wr. I I W M I U9d and apprerad by th Uadir PHY&--pv I I CTAlgScf ETJIiaPEaxidAlgBIt I The moat Valuabto'-'l I TV Family RerrrwfYsv I 1 I ttoTtk I IL art BTHitxa, xkxtxazzxx. U am 1 Mllai" muwufwmm, as. ss laisx nnMiUVlA II ! flwH.1 WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. If Jon tatetKi KowKimo to pH copy f Web tcr'e L'ttakrUced Dictionary, it DO IT NOW." 8ee Webster4 f nbrided, pgr lici, fir injc thft ratine of each wti!, howit the Tahie of IEFEimOXS BY IIArsntATlONH. The pictures in WphMer tntJer the 1 wnrd., Beef. Boiler. Castle. Column, Kjre, Borne, Molding. - rhrenoloKj. Karelin. Ships, (psges 1K4 uml 121) Meam engine. Tim bers, define 3-13 atfi terras kr Letter tluta they could ba defined in word. Nev Edition cf WEBSTER, Las 118,000 Wort!, 3000 Engravings, 4600 XEW WORDS and Mfaninjs, Biographical Dictionary of over tnuu Names. Published by 6. AC. MEBBlAM.Ppringfleld.Ms.ss. $5to$20LT st hens. SsmplM wntn is rr ftrinol 1 C.. Tortlsnd. Vip. MILL & rACTORY SUPPUrlS OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ao. Send for Price-list W.H: DILLINGHAM A CO. 143 Main Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. If yon srestBsnl obidiie.cafc- ened by the strain of 1 your dnties avoid ' gtimolsntsand use Hop Bitter. If yoa sre young snd discretion or difeip nr mine le. old or If too are man of let ters toiling orerm eoTernud- I nitric wwk. to r. inre liT-ruii nerve ana wiKte, use Hop 3. miffering from any in tion i if you are mar- ?ountr, sorleriuir fntn ng on a bed of sick Bitters. poor health or languish uess. rely on Hop Whoever yon are. whenever I on feci Tcouswas aie u naaliy 1 r o m some form of Kidney dise&ee that im.-l.t have tneti prev tilled by aHimcly u- of that your system needs cicsnsuiK. Inir or stimulating, withoutiBfoxicalinff, take HOP Bitter. nopsivtera Hare yon rfys prptia, kidney or urinary com plaint, dinesee of the ifomacA! bmctl. blood, lit er or nerves ; Ton -rill he D. I. C. Is an aholtite nd irreii-taV- uie cure for aruHavCTintrn r us of ottiuin. tobacco, or cured ir you uw Hop Bitters uarcutioi. Tf von are dim Sold bv dens- ply weak and low spirited, try NEVER its. ZV-nulur jiJirtalar. ! nop crmBA ltt It may FAN save y our life, it nas -r-o to.. saved nun' dreds. RwksMer, 5. T. i nl. Haueuai rssiisowj $77 7 'ofvici Tlaa av ' Sip, m M . ad i r una,' Miioe. Ontlt . 1EKI, a T A(iETS WATKD I Oh DIBLE REVISION The best and cheapest illnsl rated edltloa ef lh. F.eviwl New Teatament. Millions of people are wsitm? f-r it. ro not he dee.ived bv the CheaD John niiMii-livi - ,1 n.fe- Vior editions, hee that the copy you buy cotiiuiiu l."0 6r,e enffravinss on oteel ana wocl. telling this edition, crvnd for circulars Aeentaate Cv.niii irculare. Address Katioiil Pdslishiss Co., Allarjt.i, Gs pHEAPEST b Books MacauJeT' n lnrr ol Kngland, ft larje U'mo vol., cloth, y.h, uiily 82 OO. Chambem' Enevclrpe. dia, 10 lxrcre fcvn m,. umes. cloth. R.330 pages, 4.OO0 enfirav- S30.00.rnr on lv 810. luimer 6hakspeare'i Complete Works 11 THE nanaaomeiy oouna in cioin, black and sold. onlrlJO centa. Taine's History of Englieh Lit erature, I nanasome izmovoi nine, cloth, only 50 centn. Other b.xks ennallv low. World Full Drurriptirt (Utaloyu Prft. MANHATTJJi BOOK V.. P. O. Box 4560. 16 West Win eft , Hew l'ork. EM Al I-luUl .bltll prc'ler.-tsl. AUo SALARY ptrBomh. AUEXPEI.5t3 dvaaoes. WAt.ES promptlf paid. SLOAN Co. 300 George St. Cluclnnatl. O. AGEXTJ W.4MKD FOR Ol'R CENTENNIALS PAN. irouekt-?rfi. cannot aiTori to d wn howl it. I'ncs 75 ct.. aVio,ui Domestic CLOTHES Sorinkler. anew, novl, ufut, rapt 1 - iing article. Pr'- 20 ct. A Ttu op rKjrtunity ia here ( Ifr.-d ternu trt make mor.et.n.'l f..r our Hi tritrd (rt-idrt' 'IT 1 T. t;:i 1 1 J .CO., lV4 W. III. ttj, .l;C.M:lll TOOTHACHE. riurs cure, sent p MU. I). B')Tb( 4!,id l..r 24 Wirt, Ind. S999 a Tear to Acents, and expen.es. fl Ofiflt Trm. AddiessF.bwais i Co.,AQgusta,llt. fi CG a weak ta-ysnr ewn town. Terms nd tl ontfl, )VJvJ free. Addreas H. IUllktv A Co.. i !. VnilalP UCM lsrsTelefrsphyl Earn t40 to 1109 s I UWtlU "ifc.n HlOEth. iftaduatea guarsnieeQ i"';I afsoea. Address VALAJkTl - " P I S O'S n yv p r for Consamptloa to sis. ibratssagk med.c-oe. P A T C IM T O INVENTORS. h HETLM TJX A KA5K. Altoroevs at Psunl U. .'.'.I V. Itireet. Washington, ii. C. sA" it-f ereuse. far- lattsMl and circulars sst oa iv;smi. Arabian Rk(s)-Tlgbtor os Tovtc removes Wrinkle, sod Crow-feet Marks, riv!ng s youthful sprsr aiwe. IIsrmleM. Fer.t. r-ked. f. S3- Mrs. Vbt. J. C. DILLIXiiHAM, Box .Vrw fiSeis, La. Publiabers' Union. Atlanta, Os jaevsnUea. (1. CELLULOID EYE-GLASSES IpreteDting the choicest aelacted Tortoiso Shell and Amber. The lightest, h.ndotrjet and itroagpst known." Sold br Opticians and Jewelers. Made br the SrENCEK OPTICAL MTG CO.. 13 Maiden Lans, New York. JELLY faauio Taaaibu. CaUQmam. lit TtMiXM CnntMr lASA, TaaaJ faO TtOm apapa, AA afTMKkk tea mt taaV ilff TaahM tAtaTaAllj. woviua, inn, era. anxum. AJMbr u cam a box. it in m i aiH h f IM! tiui a s.V tha recor- ums of Bd n&l diacMcu k-- cheerful goodtpv Ids-SIM THK CHEAPEST, PUBUT AKD BE - LY MEDICI SE IS THK WOR . t.itn ianndl oreaiion cf spirit, tour U)mcb, a burr, etc, etc , TbU unriTalled Southern Rmed w.rrUd Bot to n ticie of mercury, or oy injurioui erJ subrtaiice, but is rVBELV VEGETABLE, imnUinine those rroTldece b n.rHa which an il-wis pltowJ m countries where ii. r dtaeaei h tie rancement of the an oaum1 by tie rangemcnt wel8' . .. srrT rhe mntoais of Itw cunu,..-." . . l,u:or bad.tMte in the rouvn often mi- i., the t acit, svaes or l"1 h . aien (or rbeurattim ; , bowels alternaieij I'WS oi npucuwn . i m.innrv .i .1:1. to' do JomethinK which ou?bVto MJJ ben done ; debility.to PX thc tpUow uppe.riS' o tn? a dry cough often i2i3tn .01 tjon. ' s ,mtimM manT of tl? nympw"-" lew , in the but the liver, the Uret OUT. QC liver, me ' - Ji mm body. Is penerxlij the se Ot tD "JJJl and if not regulat! ia Um B . (ering, wretchedcess na ucum -: CAUTION. , As there .re number of ilkJ offered to the public, we would lo the community to buy no Pder prepared Simmon'. Liter R' lew in white wrapper., nd hat the rel center Z and Mortar in the front, and made by J. H. ZEIUN & CO. "We have teted ita virtue", P111" ally, and krow that for fWitb iouanfr, and throbbing headache, It W the best mtdicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies be ere Simmon'- liter Regulator, but. none ot them give us more than mpo- t:. .i .w TJpffiiUtnr not only relieved, but cured ua.' -Ed. Telegraph and Mtseenger, Macon, Oa. M-inufactured'and fold by H.'ZEILIN & CO ', TuilAdelpbia, Ta. Sold by all Druggists. MANHOODi How Lost ! How Restored ! Jut published, a new edition of Dr. Cuivorwell's Celebrated Eaj on the redlcal cure (without medicine) of Sper matorrhcsi or Seminal Weaknee, I"01 untry Seminal Los, Jmpotency, Men tal and rhYBical Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc; aleo Consump tlin, Epilepsy and Fita, induced by aelf ndulp;ence or sexual extravagance, etc. The celebrated author, in thia admira ble Evsy, clearly demonstate, from av a thirty years' succesatal practice, that the alarming consequences of aelf-abuae may be radically cured without the dan gerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, v t a. asst. ImU jraB sb, ssa and eflectual, oy meaua oi wU,u sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. ThU Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Hint, uler seal, ia a p.Mn envelope, to aDy adrsM. post-paid, on receipt of rix cenf, or two ponUge stampsl Addrew the Publishers, The Culver well Medici nr Co., 41 St. Ann st., New York, P. Or box, 4586. How Watches are Made. It will be apparent to anv one, who will examine a S !id Gold Watch, that aside from the receaary thickneaa for euuraving aLd polishing, a large proper tion of the precious metal used ia needed only to stiffen nold lne '"rr''el portions in place, and supply the necec ary solidity and strength. The surplus told is actually needless so far as utilitj tiDd beau'y are coccrned. Jn Jamet fio' Patent Gold Watch Catea, thU waeta of precious metal is overcome, and! the came solidity and strength produced at frr m one-third to one-ball ot the usual cost of solid c iee. Thii process is oi the mort simple natu e, as follows: a plate of nitkle aim position metal, especially adapted to the purpxie, has two platea of folio gold soldered one on each aide. The thrte are then pamcd between pol ihed steel rollers, and the molt la a strip of heavy plated composition, from which the case, backs, centres, bezel, etc., are cut and shaped by suitable dies snd formers. The gold in these case i sufficiently thick to admit cf all kinds of chssing, engraving and enamelling; the erg raved cases have been carried until worn perftctly smooth by time and use without removing the gold. This is the only Case made with two Plates of H .lid Gold and Warranted by bpedal Certificate. Fr sale by all Jewelers. Ask for Ii!ulratd Cata'xgue, and to see war rial. itbl9-Vl-iy Wine! Wine !! Wine! II grvrU is now prepare J to fill on hort n .tice or the j nc un Jen- order BEKf ASD PCaKTT NATIVJC WINE. Made by LirWlf at hi Vineyard In Davie county. CurrespondeDce solicited. Address GEO.! W . JOHNSON, FarmingtoD, Davie County, N . 0. - "f r sV , f -