IV tft. Shy . n T. L HEHRITZE, 4 . . (Ektkk at tiik Port 0tra at Mt Airy K. C, AH HCCOXD-CLASS M ATTKK- S i : - J Tiilrsdat. Aub. 26, 1880. 1 - ' . . . . i. , OUR NOMINEES, j j W1NFIKLD SCOTT HANCOCK, Of Fennsjhtuia. For Vice-President. i j WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, f ; Of Indiana. j For Goyernor. : THOMAS J. JA11VIS, f Of Pitt. Por Lieutenant Governor. JAMES L. KOlilSSONv "Of Macon. For Secretary of State, WILLIAM L. SAUNUEKS Of Orange. For Treasurer. J. M. WORTH, 'Of Randolph. For Attorney General. THOMAS S KENAN, Of Wilson. For Auditor. W. P. ROBERTS, Of Gates. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, JOHN C. SjUAIltiUllUUUlli Of Johnston. Electors at Large. GENERAL J. M. LEACH, FABLtTS II. BUSBEE. s For Congrefls! K HON. II. F. ARM FIELD I Of Iredell. For Elector, ?. THFO. F. KLUTTZ, Of Rowan. f jyotice. j If By order of the Democratic Executive oomiuittee, there will be held m Uobspn on Monday, the 6th day of Septemtwr, 1880, a convention for the purpose of ' . e 1T-..X.J! f nominal ing a- cauuiuaie ior iuo xiuub ui Representatives and eounty officers, and lso to reoeommend a candidate for " the r- Senate from this SenaUrial District. i The varioas Townships of the eounty are requested to hold township conventions oo Saturday, 4th September, to appoint delegates to attend said convention, h R E. REEVES, Oha'm, Ex. Comj Aug. 2nd, 1880. j: t The Democrats of the counties of Sur ry and Yadkin will hold a convention j at Kockford, Surrf County, on9 Saturday, the 11th day of Sept., for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the S3rd Senatorial district in the next legislature. By order of the Fxecutive Committee. . 1 1 B. E. REEVES, Cha'ml THE COMJJS G POLITICAL HAJfJ) BOOK. if ''!' The editor of this paper has waited for the letters of acceptance of the different candidates before issuing his Bome-fSme announced political handbook, but hopes to get it out of the hands of the binder . m .a w . mi :f- bv the last ot ue wcck. it win maxt a book of over three hundred paces ind contain in a compact fprm about all jthe political data needed by Democratic . speakers and editors, and ought to meet with an extensive sale to be remunerative or ooinmensurately useful. Bound cop ies will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of $1 at the office of the Post. Newspapers copying this in their reading oolumns will receive a copy free if brought to the notioe of the publisher. Waskikg ton Post. Thkrk appeared in iheYadkin Valley jVeun, of last week, an article. with regard to the action of the late congressional convention at Yadkmville. ' As the arti cle does not represent the sentimentsj of more than six or eight persons, and is pot at all in accordance with the wishesj of Major Rob bins, himself, and as we have reason to believe the artiele was inspired, if not written, by another than the edijtor of the JVetcs, we do not deem it necessary to give it an extended notice. We will say this, however, that while we Kiay have our peisonal preferences, still, wen a convention, conducted according to par ty rules, has settled the claims of rival as pirants, all true Democrats the JVeu to the eontrary notwithstanding will fao eent the result, and assist in electing 4h I 7 - M ; !T 5" nominee. An exchange sayv a Texas man mar ried a North Carolina girl, and the couple walked 1GO0 uuloa of the way to Texas. You needn't believe it if you don't want to. The Republican candidate for the Pres-T ldtncy was not nominated because he could : bring to bit party a flavor tff loyalty which it otherwise needed. He was not acniinatei 1ecaus hii reco b a blan) oil 'the vital questions, which tbe people of this country : re miking ewnest mqal ries about ; he was not nominated as a mask, behind which forces could gather which tried to shoot the Government to f ath and which more lately threatened to "Starve the Government to death. But that's what's tbo the matter with Han eockj which nobody can deny. Union Rtpublictn. If we could arrive at some definite mi ners tand ing ai to what should coastitute a teat of loyalty, it would be be less diffi cult to cuter calmly into an argument as to whether Gen Hancock's nomination added the "flavor of loyalty" which the Dcmrocratic party "needed," or, wheth er, indeed, it needed any such "flavor of loyalty" at all. If we take the test applied by the Re- pvblic&n, i. e., loyalty to the Republican party, and the thieves who have made, in a large part, its history for the last ten years, then we confess the "flavor of loy alty'f is still lacking, and we most de voutly hope it ever will be. There is a persistent and determined effort upon the part of Republican editors and orators,' to confound the Government with the Re publican party. Why, for instance,; should it be deemed necessary to vouch1 for the loyalty of Gen. Jobuston, and not of Gcti. Longstreet ' Or, why should Gov. Jarvis be called a traitor, when no such charge is at the door of Gen. Ba; ringer ! As to the insinuation that Gen. H-ancok's "record ir a blank on all the vital questions which the people of the. country are making enquiries about," why that is only another instance of con founding. It is true, Gen. Hancock has no record as a legislator, but in proof of the fact that he has a first rate idea of the theory of our Government, we respect fully refer our contemporary to the fol lowing language, taken from Gen. Han cock's letter of acceptance, tithe bayonet is not the proper implement to collect the ballots of freemen," a lesson in the sci" ence of Constitutional government which neither the Republican nor its party seem .to have as yet, been able to learn. Again, the Republican thinks that Hancock was nominated "as a mask be hind which forces could gather which tried to shoot the Government to death and which more lately threatened to starve the Government to death," As to starving business, the record with which the Democratic party goes bofore the country was endorsed by Mr. Gar field, who, in offering the amendment to the Appropriation- Bill, regulating the appiontment of deputy marshals, fully recognised the justice of the demands made by the Democrats in Congress. If is was wrong in the Democratic party, it was doubly so of Mr. Garfield, as he is "one of the faithfull," and, it must be presumed, sinned against light and knowl edge.; As to the shooting part, we can inform the Republican that a sufficient number of those who shot to keep the Govern ment alive, will vote with the Democrats to make them successful, and that will be a sufficient answer to a charge whioh needs' no answer with sensible people. And cow, will the Republican please inform us why Gen. Garfield was nomi ta ted by the Republicans 1 Not, we should say, to give to the party the flavor of bri bery, corruption and perjury which hung around him like a garment, for alas ! that was already too prevalent. ILLUSTRATION BY PICTURES. One of the great contrasts between the School Books used by the fathers and mothers of the land, when young, and those now used by the children, is the use of pictures. As a curious instance of il lustrating the meaning of words by pic torial illustration, the pictures in the new edition of Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary in connection with the following twelve words, Beef, Boiler, Castle, Col umn, Eye, Horse, Mouldings, Phrenolo gy, Ravelin, Sups', Steam Engine, Tim bers, illustrate and define the meaning of more than 3410 words and terms, as may be seen by examining the Dictionary. The Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committe wants the names of all county and township committees, witli the names of the chairman of each and their post office. Also, the name and post omce oi one active democrat in each township. HEGE'S Feed Cutters. Cider Milla,and Improved Saw Mills, go to S. T. Mickey's, Mt. Airy, N. C, who cwill order them for you, orgive you all the information you want concerning them. IF YOU WANTTO KNOW How to keep (..ider sweet from one season to another, call on S. T." Mickey. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE TO gt Turbine Water Wheels, and Machinery generally, goto S.T.Mickey.' He will also furnish all kinds of Frui Tr-cs, f iiapc Yine-s, Straw-terry Hants. c. aii'ill'-lm The following information is asked by tuc National Democratic Committee : VAU Hancock and English oampaign clubs and other organization! which sup port the Democratic candidates are , re quested to send to W. HBarnam, Chair man National Democratic Committee, 138 Fifth Avenue, New York : First the name and location of their orpaniza' . j . .i-, J tion; second, a Statement of the numb r of members enrolled-, third, the names of officers ; fourth, accounts of meetings held." E"Look Here. On tlie Ararat river, 3 miles from Mt. Airy ; adjoining the celebrated yhite Kulphur Springs, containing 365 acres, 85 of which are as fine bottom lauds as can be found in Sur ry county ; 200 acres in wood and 130 in grass and clover. This is the most desirable farm in this sec tion, Numerous springs of pure water. A good tolwceo factory, storehouse, tobacco bai s and out houses. Also a good comfortable dwelling within mile of the Sulphur Spoings. The above lands are especially a dapted to the growth of Tobacco, Cos n and Wheat. The farm will b sold as a whole, or divided to suit purchasers. Call on or ad dress, J. N. SLAWTEU, . Mt. Anr, X. C. raA MYiya ram BEST IN THE WORLD 1 f a rrrn AND UAniBKS BSARB wlU akaw tha dUTerence. ' taa that voir Saktar ta wblta aad PTJBBL a ikraH aa AI.I IKIIIVAJt SVBiTANCBS Wd far trot' NOTICE Cabinet Makers ttnd. UNDERTAKERS. Keep constantly on hand a full line of First-Class Furniture which can be nold at reduced prices. Come and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. COFFINS A SPECIALITY. We would most respectfully say that we keej. constant on hand a full lino of - rady made Walnut and Kosevokl Coffins, r-hjeh c.-n be furnished at SHORT NOTICE, and wlik-h will le sold at reduced prices. We hope to merit a liberal share of patronage. M. ALLRED & SON, j'm-15-3 MT. AIRY, N C. BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEB AN FSVILLE, NORTH CAKOhlXA. EfiTABM8HEI IN 1793. is now Pre eminent nmoti'souti ern Boarding behooia ior iot.,. in :ic;o, num bers and area of patronage. " The -173rd Seo sion begins July 29th.- For catalogue, givin-; full particulars, ' Address, Maj. R. BINGHAM, Sup't. june-17-3m. JTh A WEEK in your own town, and m BBjM& capital risked. You can j;io the biiMinewiatrial without expense. The best opportunity o-. or red for those willivg . work. Yon )ion'i try nolhing e!.-e until von ct for youoli' what yon ran ih at the biis'ti;t w,- oner. No ro;ru to explain Iiorc. Yon ran dnvotp all your t.nmor only vowr sj.am time to the ln.s: ness, and make fcraat ytty for every hour that vu Work. omt r -make As iiiucli as men. Send far Special private tern-.!! aii.i p;ir-icul;irs. which wo man rree. 5 Untlit tree. Don't complnin of Hard times whilo you lia. e sn- U a clianro. Addre,ss H. SALLETT a CO., Portland, Maine. laMM Bt-Carfc S4a la nur wit wausa aatar. elC. tat a COMPARISON H CBtnoB 4k OO.'S AMI FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS XJ3STIO'Rl. EXCELLENCE, 3LiSlxt t Styliala I WarraiatoU i yxar S01TBTi -wTito for Oatalcac aatl PEIC2 LIST ta ofAt,r Tlie Boston Buckbonrd Co., IH'ORiWMBn or ' " MJS5AY VASOh; .. NEW HAVEN, CONN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) SCBltV COUJITY,' J F. MeOuflin and others Civil Action in Superior Court vs. vghas. B.fowell and of! lers ; In thi Case it appearing to the Court by affidavit $iat the Defendants Charles U. Powell, James M. Williams, Executor of U. 3. Williams dece'd.' James M.' Williams, Williams and others, heirs at law and de visees of 15. J, Williams dee'd., the said heiVs and devisees names unknown to Plaintiff, are nou residents of the State aiid that a summons Jiasbeen issued against them and returned nt executed. and it further appearing tha Mlia rt ftn in ntt rati uutota ait-notA.I in Surry County. It is therefore ordered bv the Court that publication be made in the Mt. Aiky Timk, a weekly paper publitlied iu Surry County, for six successive weeks, notifying the said defendants t. be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court to be held for the County, at the Court House in Dobson, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next and answer the c mplaintof Plaintiff which will be deposited n the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within the first three days of the next term thereof, and let the said Defendants take notice that if they fail to ar.ser the complaint within that time the Plaintifls will take judgment against tliem-for the relief demandevl in the complaint. Issued 3rd d.iv of May 18SM. ! L. J. NORM AX, Clerk. june-lCM3w. Barham's Infallible PILE CURE. Mufkctnrd by th Bulua nis Cart C.r Bvluui, V. C. It aTr Ml. to Mr MrrhU mr KtlM. wkwi nr. U Bavikl. rriM Ut u bnt 4 iT-lhnntihj a asattBuoos now of Water doM eel Wet or Dim WOLFF'S A.CME BLACKING. gelf-PoHshing Leather Preservative. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, ASK YOUR DEALER TOR IT. HEBCULES - EUPPOBTIHG. COBSET. mm: m unn in ion nmin ibmidii mat. (rmttated Ke. iSjl) . ' JTa. 1, liael ....$9.O0 JTa, B, Woven, Bpoon Btttl 9.73 It mwiiu k t Mnllr. ft gtrmn5Ho Imitima. Jhi ptfccHWai C 'mull rot wmim by ll tmUm 1 , u. s. mm on rseatpc of prtca. Ay LBT7XS KIHTTTI at CO. SOLS HAMVrJLCTU9.MM, Maw-YortL I ARISE TO SAY icomohsi bocqb; M. waaQ wutit. Thty rnxit all sUs. from the two. rear-old baby to tat My Reading and Writing Tabid g adjustable to nearly all ldnds of ARM CHAIRS ia a n-eat corvenience in reading r writing: makes a good cutting or lap word for ladies, or dinrag-table for Invalid. My Easy-Chairs The frames are hard wood, carefully ce toctod and thoroughly seasoned. The eU are double cane or ash splints, split from young, tough timber; are made by experi enced workmen, under my own supervision. Any oh air bearing my stamp is warranted, and if it fail in any part by fair usage, tha price will be refunded or another chair fur nished free of expense. I do not make tha thtaptst chair in the market, but I do claim It to be the best- ia every respect. Rockers and chairs to order, any size or height de sired. Send stamp for illustrated price-list. Before purchasing, see that toe chair baa my address stamped on frame. Knocked downi n packages of half docens for shipping. For export, Nos. i. a, 4. 5, 6, 8, 13 and 16. made knock down, in wood. Boxed one doc en in a box. No charge for box. Every chair made upon honor, sad war- ranted perfect. Prices range from 75 cents to $0.00 each. Spetial discount to cUrgymtH, Send for catalogue. Manufactured by . F. 1. StXCLAIIl, Mottrffle, K. T. gy udel Mi of freight on Beady aQ R. 9. Now is tie time Mt. Aim Times. to subscribe for' the lo 1 "Thsoolr obfwMoa to 7a ' JAMES If m SPAHGEJiS VOLUMX. IFI YOU WISH -I" . to Bur New and Pretty GO TO Jas. H. Sparger's. IF YOU WISH TO BUT Cheap and Durable GOOD, i , ' .; GO TQ I am receiving New Goods ; And keep a full line of everything gen erally kept in nJirsU class Store, -viz : DRESS GOODS," c asiimep.es, alpacas, LAWNS, PElC.ALS, HUNTINGS, SUITINGS. Till M MINGS, ' EDGINGS, .tlC A full line of Notions, WHITE GOODS. COLLARS, COLLAKtTTS, RUFFLES, ai o rn tvtc f Best Brands, PEICK GOODS, SHEETINGS, COTTON PLAIDS, ; DRILLINGS, BLEECH1NGS AC, Also a full line of Hats men's & boy's ladie's a!nd Mises, also Shoes and boots, and a full line of Ready Made CLOTHING. HARDWARE. HOLLO WW ARE, WOODEN AND TIN WARE. (iLASS AND QUKENSWARE. LAMPS. CHIMNEYS AND SHADES. Groceries, SUGARS COFFEES, MOLASSES, STARCH, RICE, AND A FULL LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS &CMLSO SOLE AN D i UPPER LEATHER. Agent for the sale of the Weed Sewing Machine, Farmer's Friend Plow, H. M. Smith & Co's Thresh ers, Horse Powers, Mowers, Reapers and other Farming Imple ments. Also Agent for the Celebrated Bay State Standard Screw Fas tened Boots and Shoes, I thank the gener ous public for liberal: patronage given me heretofore, and hope by fair and honorable dealings to merit a continuance of their favors. Respectfully, Jas. H, Sparger, April-S-ly. Wheeler & Melick Ca Proptieton, Psleateet aad Manufactuiert of E1EW1T IKS LEVEE HORSE POWERS, Vilratory Threshers and deaaers, Bllhy One aad Two Hone Thzvahan Xagle Hone Bake, La Dowa Jointed Polrerialne Tolle7 One and Two Hone Champion OnMtrator, 1 t? Ko. S SO Front Tlew. I BRATTLEBORO, VT. Oar new Organ, oxpreasly designed for Sunday Seboola, Chapela, -etc, is proving a : ' - ORBAT OUOOEOO. Be sure to send for full descriptive Cat&log-ue before purchasing' any other. THE LASfSEST IRKS (OF THE HID) ON THE GLOBE I Illustrated Catalogue aent free, j GEO. WOODS & CO.'S UriUGUT lANOS k PAIILOR ORGANS. 1 of Ut!a bam, taw a varM-wtA. ..t. u i man i.iuin hum ia trnj BMBaniou ana DMaJ tetall. Thar mbbmi! Miwiiriiw to ib. aMaal Crltio and Art lorec, aad thdr MlwtaatUl qalttti at mUk that oo. via oUt atwa) Oi tte crClamtT latior titut it bo lwgal j uoli.. m WOODS I CO.'S UPRIGHT PIAHOS POSSESS Unexampled Strength and Solidity. A. Mbst Beautiful Quality of Tone, apxtl th Brimamoad .Perfect Check Repeating Action, GEO. WOODS h CO.'S PARLOR ORQaNS J : SAVE BOTH POTS AID XXKD oTOPt, Anl are Unequalled for tKoir Great Variotr 0 Musical JtflWto. ACT mpkiy Um oolr meetvX txnaHovtlem of Tipm and IUmcW, asdan runtarnl Wy a4i inridwa in all aMrton cf the globe, moA noofoiamd by then mMb xt I isntto b. (band ta any ooaatrr. X cm ahoaUt jnrrltM. a Parlor Oma vltfaaaVaaaa OS Waaoinftoa Street, Borton. If AXXS00X1. 1 LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS, WHO ARK ' WANTED IN MYtXT C1TT WHERE THESE INSTRUMENTS ARE NOT RKPRESSNTED NO. il Main St., MT. AIRY N. C. Wants the public to examine his Stock ot Goods, ivhich for the i NEXT SIXTY DAYS Will be otfered at exceedingly low prices j NEW lG00I)S received WEEKIY His Stock comprises a full line of General Merchandise. Also Plows and ! Farming Tools at reduced prices. Call and see, and you shall not be disap pointed! ALL E(OS OF PRODUCE taken in exchange for Merchandise. Thosq in debt to this concern are most re spectfully requested to call and settle their accounts, either, by note or cash would prefer cash as from long endulgehce, I am in need.' "(Jooking and Iieaiin; Stoves, a specialty aiid always on hand, feb-5-3m MEDAL. MACHINES. K1V TOXX RATI AillieilLSOIASr ' ad 01 aw, Diae Harrow, 1 CfVV;,. , i. h S Q StrawPrMenring Threaaerfl, Feed-Cutters, Wood-Sawing Ifactilnea, 4be. Oil IACHUES AlK nEST-CLiSS H ITEU USPCCT. a ty Send fur Illustrated Circular and JPrire List. Wheeler dr Melick Company, ALBANY. N. Y. f Mo. aa Bak turn Mi . 1

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