Too Much of a Lady, When Eve in the garden was ladking the roue And enjoying the Eden wal&B shady, S I wonder if eyer she tamed u he noee, ! And sighed, "I'm too mnoh bt aflady ! Too much of a lady, dear Ada, te work A helpmeet waa made to be etled; Yon keep thiDgs in order I really mnut shirk, Though the fact, dear, is dtfepiy regretted." ! i To-day ahe has daughters whole delicate hands Are wholly unfitted for labor;, . j ' It almost fatigues them to flufitcr thefe-funs When they languidly call oia neighbor '" Their mission oh earth is to gossip and dress, And live upon life's sweetest honey, And they haven't a bother or rouble unless Their masculine bank fails in money. I- i It isn't the loveliest, to be sure, To dabble in cooking and dfebee, But never a home was kept ticjjr and pure j -.' By dainty aBsthetical wishes. I'm free to confess there is something in life More attractive then putting a stitch in,; And many a weary industrious: wife ' j Isn't deeply in love with heif kitchen. I' i ! But duty is duty, and dirt is always dirt, i And only the lazy deny it; j I Crocheting is nicer than making 4 shirt, j Bat men never yet were clothoi by it. To sit in a parlor in indolent egsei j HVubA wuw dmocvo pujjr gaouia vu please, 1 ! Or being too much of a lady i I m . ' .11 : L Too much of a lady to darn up her hose, Or govern her house -with acumen; . Too much of a lady wherever she jgoes To ever be much of a woman! i ' i The muscles that God made are useless to her, Except to be wrapped up in satin, Ana as ror an intellect she would prefer ; A bonnet to mastering Latin j Too much of a lady to own a graid heart, j And be a true daughter or mother; Too much of a lady to bare th$ brave part That ne'er car be borne by abother. f By fashion or birth quite too nine for this earth, When it comes to the judgment's great pay- " II ! Though the Lord may delight f in the liliies in white,:; Will He smile oh "Too muohPpf a lady?' : FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD, Fried Cakes. One cap sugar, one half cup of cream, two eggs, one tea spoonful soda ; salt and spice to taste, Cutlets a la Maintenoji Half fry, stew them while hot, ;with herbs, and seasoning ; put them ini paper, im mediately, and finish on iije gridiron. Be careful the J- iMT j , v" I rub a bit of butter on it first to prevent that. ' , j Lemon Preserves. One pound of pounded loaf 8 agar, quarter pound of butter, six oggs and the whites of four well beaten, the rind of ;two lemons grated, and the juice of thre. Mix to gether and let it simmer till the consist ency of honey. Be careful! to btir all the time or it will burn. j ' f , Beefsteak Fie Take j eold roast beef, ant it intn thin ol 9 w MAavp HMVUV MJLi inch and a half long. , Take! raw pota toes, peel them, and cut them into thin slices. Have ready a deep dish, lay some of the potatoes at tho bottom, and then a layer of beef, and schm till the dish is filled. Season as j you would chicken pie, fill it with boiling "water, odver it with a crust and bake it. Muffins To one quart of milk add two eggs well beaten, a lump of butter half the size of an egg, and flour enough ; to make a stiff batter. Stir in half a pint of yeast. Let them etand unjtil perfectly light, and then 'bake on a t griddle, in tho rings made jfor the pur pose. These are merely strips of tin three-quarters of an .inch fwide, made into rings from two and one-half to three inches in diameter, without bot tom the ring being simply placed ori a griddle and the batter pour; m to fill it. Planting Crop Potatoes. Whether for early or late planting the "Early Bose" is 1 probacy as pro ductive, as it certainly is tile, best eub stitut3 for the old "Whfte Mercer," whichj in its day took the! lead of ill other varieties, for table use at least. For late crop the Early Rose may be planted at any time betweeg the first of June and last pf July. To prepare the ground properly, it should , have been broken up through the fail: or winter previous, and then, a few days before planting crpss-plowed and well harrowed or drag-logged uutil completely pulver ized. Bows should then be laid off both ways, two and a half feet distance one and three feet the other. And unless the land, after being broken up has been manured broadcast ancj the manure harrowed in, (which is much the best way,) a shovelful of well-roited manure or a handful of superphosphate should be dropped in each check, jor rather scattered over it. Then, having, pre viously cut medium-sized potatoes into four pieces, cutting them lengthwise in ; order to divide the eyes 011 tjhe blossom vr end as evenly as possible, drop a single f piece of each cheek and cover with the corn coverer, only setting the teeth so as to run. a little deeper than when oovering corn. ' i5 ! In dropping the sets, drop : them the way of the first laying off, n order to have them come up in as straight rows as possible, so as that their cultivation, when first up, may be as close as possi ble. Aa soon as the vinesappear above ground go through them' iwith the double shovel, plowing them as close as possible, not being particular about oovering them up a little Oovering up being ratner an advantage, I as their speedy and clean reappearance will evidently show. Oaltivate them at ' intervals of eight or ten days until the blossomtf5Sper, after which iaU cultiva tion should cease. We prefer: planting in cheeks for the reason that tht pota toes can be kept cleaner aa4 are more easily dug a careful hand,, frith a pair of hones and a plow, throwing out more : potatoes in the same length of time than three or four hands ean pick and do Ol so handsomely that caroely a potato rillbolost. 'j a i l - , w 1 - THE NEWS. The value of produce exports from -Baltimore for the last week is $2,211, 286, au unprecedented figure. Captain Ozias M. Parsons, of the schooner -George Washington, which ar rived at Baltimore, reports that he was boarded on July 5th off the coast of Cuba by a Spanish man-of-war and his vessel i oroibly searched. The railroad war in the sonthwest continues. To meet the late reduction, by the Louisville and Nashville Com pany ths Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Riilroad Company reduced first class passenger iare from New Or leans as follows: To Chattanooga, Nash ville, Louisville. Cincinnati. Indianapo lis and Chicago, $5 each; St. Louis. $1; Baltimore and Washington, $17.50; Philadelphia. $20; New York, $21 50; Boston, $22. 50,: and corresponding rates to any town 6r city in the United States or Canada. It is understood that any further reduction by the Louisville and Nashvillo Company will be promptly met Dy me Jaosson route. Discoveries of gold mines in the coun ties of Washington, Saratoga and Ham 41 ton, New York, are daily filed with the Secretary of State of flew York. Detective Pinkorton, with Capt. W. C. Cooper, chief of police, of 'Jackson ville. Pia. . arrested at Frenoh'n tTntAl N. Y., O. N. Br&tiscom, of Q. N. Brans- corn & uo., orange packers and commis sion merchants of .TacksonvillA. Flnrirln ohwged with the forgery of bonds, known as the nanitarv imnrovmont bonds of Jacksonville, Florida, to the amount 01 tfloY.WU. t A destructive fire occurred at Buffalo, New York, destroying property to the tujuoimi oriipjzDjUUU. Snow commenced falling on fnnnt Washington, and continued almost two uays. A man and woman have been c&ntnrA1 near Fremont, Neb., who are supposed w ua uenaer ana Jiate, the notorious Kansas murdorera. Both made partial concessions. Chief Engineer Henderson, of the uregon am v&j and JMavigation Com pany's EteaBcships, authorizes the state ment that Edison's electric lights, used throughout the new steamshirjColumhia. worked to tho entire satisfaction of the officers of the vessel during the entire trip rroni isow xorfc to i-'ortland,-Oregon, in au Kinas 01 weatnor. A citizen of Louisville, bitten by a licensed dog,- brings a suit against the city lor tfiu.UUU damages. The point in volved is one of interest. A moonshiners establishment was raided at Jonkers. N. T.. a still of 1.000 gallons capacity,' besides several mash A. 1 . 1 1 iudb wero secured ana aoout 2UU gal lons of rum. The dietillerv was in operation some time one of the parties was arrested. The unprecedented good crops in Ire land have caused the discharge of the humane committees having in charge me 1 amine uisDursements. As if Asia Minor were not already miserable enough an earthquake has been at worfc there and shaken down some houses in Smyrna. New J 6re.ey has no law for the punish ment of shipmasters who bring small pox patients up to Jersey City. If the figurehead picked up at sea by uaptam want proves to be that of the ataianta me rate 01 mat missing vessel will be dehnitely known. The architeofc of the United States Treasury Department visited the mint in Philadelphia, and perfected tho plans for the completion of the new silver vault. It is to bp buut in the basement. and will be 20 to 22 feet in size and lined with steel plates. It will have & storage capacity of hve million standard dollars, weighing in the aggregate 150 tons. The steamor City of Vicksburg, while backing out from the lauding at Ash- port, Tenn., was found to be in a sink ing condition, and the passengers had barely time to escape before she sank. The boat and cargo are a total loss. Capt. Parsons, of the schooner George Washington, which arrived at Baltimore has made a sworn statement that on July 5th bis vessel was boarded and searched by the offiaers of a Spanish gunboat when moro than six miles from the Cuban coast. ,: Old man Bender, the outlaw, was identified at Fremont,' Nevada. The arrest of Kate and John Bender is mo mentarily expected. In New York the jury in the Seawan haka case brought in a verdict that the disaster was caused by the bursting or collapsing of one of the tubes in the starborad boiler, whereby the flames were driven under the grate bars into the fire-room, thereby igniting the wood work and causing the destruction of tho boat; that the boiler had been dulv in spected by the United States government inspectors in March last, and that said boat was provided with all appurtenan ces required by law; and the jury further believe that the loss of life in this dis aster would not have been so great had the crew been disciplined and exercised to act in concert in case of a panic through lire or any other cause. A nurse in the Washington smallpox hospital says patients last winter were neglected and almost starved. The Gate City Guards 'were called out to qUell disturbances over the Mol- lie Johnson murder at Jonesboro , Gs. A comparison of the proportion of marine disasters before and since the enactment of existing inspection : laws shows that the law is 01 great value.. J. W. Dutchcr, a guide on the Slide Mountain, the highest of the Catskills, and in Ulster county, says that it snowed there. , Dnring the month ending July 31st the total coinage executed at the mint in Philadelphia amounted to $615,000, that sum being equivalent to 2, zoO.UUU pieces. Hnnerintendent Walsh, of the Cana dian Mounted Police, says two-thirds Of the Sioux, Indians have returned to their reservations in the United States, and the remainder, with Sitting Bull, are on British territory. The exports of wheat for J nly were un- rjrecedentedlv large, amounting to 5,295,181 bushels. Hnrv Glav Miller, senior member of the firm of Daniel Miller k Co., and one or the leading bimneM men or xsaiu more, died at Baltimote in bis 89th year. The State Department is determined to get at the bottom ft eta in relation to recent Spanish outrages ana eaii opam to eeonnt for them. The debt stateneBt issued allows the decrease of the pabli oVbt dnriag ta month of Jaly to b fS76 tttt 41; easa I ta the treasarf. ivs sw,i"o si; gow eertifkatev S7,8S,6U0; silver crrtifl cates, $12,689 290; certificates ot depbstt outstanaing, 035.00U; legal tenders outstanding, $346, 681,016; fractional currenoy outstanding, $7,205,710.37; refunding certificates outstanding, $1,167,350; debt, less cash in the treasury, $1,936,596 241.93. The steamship Citvof Chester, from Liverpoplv brought $523,000 foreign gold com to ew lora yesterday. , Judge Lawrence, at Washincrton. de- oided that the public employes are en titled to receive pay for holidays, and the public printers will get their pay for July 5. Victoria's bfthrl attemntaii th niiiu north between fiagle Spring and Quit man, Texas. Ah engagement ensued, the Indians were repulsed and the posi tion held until the arrival of . Captain Viele. when a Rh&rn encrmnter trmlr nlnna between his troops and the Indians. The latter were repulsed, and seven were Kiuea ana many wounded. Uaptain Viele lost one man killed and in"pnitbfi- ant Gollady wottnded. Disturbances still continue in Mexico. A regular battle was fought at Villa Union between 500 pronunoiados, Gen Vamires being at their head, and 250 Government troops tinder Col. Beyes. The killed on both sides numbered 100.' The rebels retired, leaving two of their guns. The Spanish outrages were further discuseod in the Cabinet meeting. The Spanish authorities in Cuba do not deny the outrages committed by the Canto, but claim there was no intent to disre gard international law and usage. The Chilian transport Loa was' de stroyed by Peruvian torpedoes in the harbor of Callao. One hundred and fifty lives were lost. Frank Ike., on his' release from the penitentiary at San Qaentin, Cal.j whero he has been serving a three years term for counterfeiting, was arrested on a charge of larceny of ten thousand dol lars' worth of jewelry from J. Jfiates, of Davidson, Tenn. The extensive works of the St. LduIs Sewer Pine Oompanv. owned bv Isaao L. Downes, were partially burned. Loss $35,000 to 040,000; insured. The report of Comptroller Kelly shows the debt of the city of New York to be $102,595,998, having been reduced since December 30th last $789,447. Following up the out in passenger fares, the Louisville and Nashville rail road announce that their agents will quote freight rates to all points on ap plication. Nobody knows bow far the cut in freight rates will be made.; Baltimore is not going to be behind - . hand in any thing. Tbe sea lions hay turned up in the sweet-smelling basm, and one of her schooners has been boarded by Spanish oruisers; and now the captain of one of her vessels nailing from Demarara comes up with a story which smacks suspiciously of the sea serpent flavor. Leadville dispatches positively assert that Sims, the boy murderer, who was hanged two weeks ago, is alive-in that city. Permission has been conceded by the government of Columbia to the Central and South American Cable Company to lav a cable on the west coast of Panama, connecting it with the Central American ooast, and thence with other lines to Mexioo and' the United States. FORE1UN MEWS. In accordance with the convention be tween France and the United States in stituting a commission to adjudicate. olaims for private losses arising; from the secession war ana tho Franco-U-er- man war. Fiance has appointed M. Ge offrey commissioner, M. Lamen agent and M 'Chambrun councillor. France and Mexico have agreed to resume dip lomatic relations and will appoint their respective representatives on the 5th of October. The House of Lords yester day passed the bill for the relief of Irish distress. In the Mouse 01 uommons tho hares and rabbits bill was read a second time without a division. The Marauis Tsend. embassador of Chi na, has arrived in St. Petersburg. The embassadors at Constantinople ; have promised to support M. deNovikoff 's de mand for the execution of the assassin of Col. Commeraoff. England will Bend 12,000 troops to Afghanistan within the ntxt fortnight; The .Forte and Jttonie negro will probably reach an under standing, and i the Greek question will be reopened. The Bank of the Province, at Porte Alegre, Brazil, has been robbed of $125,- 000. The Standard's financial article re ports that 190,000 in gold have been purchased in the open market for export to America. Natives do not describe the British defeat at Candahar as crushing or dis astrous. Ay oub Khan, England's new foe. is a strong ally of the .Russians. - General Soobeleff's forces have had a battle with the Tekko Turcomans and have occupied Isgan. Batyrkala and Basni. The Princess Louise and Prince Leopold have left Quebec or EDgland. If Sir Bartle Frere s recall is not an nounced by Mr. Gladstone, it will be moved m the House of Commons. Fri day's storm did much damage in the Rue St. Michael,' Paris .Crop prospects in France are not nattering, and com plaints are made about land taxes and imperfeot transportation facilities with America. The plan is now proposed to dispose finally the Montenegrin dispute at once and then take up tne ureeK iron- tier Question. ' Gen. Burrows was the assailant in the recent battle near Candehar, and lost forty officers and over 1,000 men. If Ayoob Khan sees his opportunity he is master of the situation. Gen. Haynes is blamed for tbe disaster, and a demand is made that he be succeeded by Sir Garnet Wolseley. Affairs in regard to the Greek frontier are at a complete stand-still. Mr. Gladstone oontinues seriously ilL and will probably not ap pear in the Honse of Commons agvra this session. The Irish Compensation Bill meets much opposition in the House of Lords. Elections in France show de cided Republican gains. Greeks at tempting to land in Russia have been fired upon. Sir Bartle Frere has been recalled from the Cape. The latest reports from Afghanistan show that Gen. Burrows' defeat was more disastrous than was at first sup posed, j, Afghans are attempting to cut off reinforcements from uaooi. &. pow- erful force, under Gen. Roberts, has been ordered ta Uwdahar. Tne lrtsn Compensation Bill was defeated in the House of Lords. Mr. Gladstone con tinues ilL The result ot the French elections is a Rntublieaa gain of over 20a Baronets Burdett Ooutts is to marry Mr. BarUett, an American. - The its attest eft B.byu awtaaa tkctatm rwiM aa m tiutsJ by prustptiy usHk Dr. Bails Babv firm at Uw etctwuac. iTisa seiy tasts a POLITICAL. General Hancock's Letter, oi Acceptance. The following la the fttll text Of Gen-i feral tlancock's litter accepting th' Democratic nomination for President; Govknor's Island. f New York City, July 29, 1880. nV.vTi.nMKM : I have the honor to ad- knowlPflw ttte feceint of vottr letter d July 13, 1880, apprising trie forniaJJjr of my nomination to tne 01 rresi- dent tional asaem nomination with grateful appreciation of the confidence reposed in me. Thenrincioles enunciated by the con vention are those I have cherished in the past, and shall endeavor to main tain in tlie luture. The thirteenth: foutteentll tod fif teenth amendments to the Constitution of the United States, embodying the re sults of the war for the Union, are in- vioblp. If called to the presidency, I shou'd deem it my duty to resist with all' of my power any attempt to impai r or evade the full force ana enect 01 tue Constitution, which, in every article,, section and amendment, is tho supreme law of the land. The Constitution forms the basis of the government of the United States. The powers granted by it to the legislative, execu tive and judicial departments de- tine and limit the authority of the gen-, eral government; powers not delegated to the. United states by tne uonstnu tioh; nor prohibited by it to the Sfates; belong to the btates respectively, or to the people. The general and State gov ei sments, each acling in its own sphere without trenching upon the lawful jurN diction of the other constitute the Union. This Union, comprising a gen eral government with general powers, UUU OmbU gUYClIlllJCULS VT lull UbtkuC powers for purposes local to the States, is a polity, the foundations of which were laid in the profoundest wisdom. This 13 the Union our fathers made. and which has been so respected abroad and so beneiicient at home. Ined by blood and fire, it stands to-day a model form ot free popular government a political system which, rightly admin istered, ha3 been, and will continue to be, the admiration of the world. May we nt say, nearly in the words of Washington: lhe unity 01 government which constitutes us one people is justly dear to us; it is the main pillar in the edifice of our veal independence, the support of our peace, satety, and pros perity, and or that liberty we so highly prize and intend at every hazard to pre serve. But no form of government however carefully devised, no principles how ever sound , will protect the rights ot th9 people, unless administration is faithful and efficient. It is a vital principle in our system that neither fraud nor force must be allowed to subvert the rights of the people. When lraud, violence, or incompetence controls, the noblest Con stitutions and wisest laws are useless. The bayonet is not a fit instrument for collecting the votes of Ireemen. It is only by a full vote, free ballot, and fair count that the people can rule in tact as required by the theory of our govern ment. Take this loum'ation away and the whole structure falls. Public cilice is a trust, not a bounty bestowed upon the holder; no incompe tent or dishonest persons should ever be intrusted with it, or 11 appointed, they should be promptly ejected. The basis oi a substantial, practical civil service reform must first be established by the people in filling the elective offices; if they fix a.hie;h standard of qualifications for office, and sternly reject the corrupt and incompetent, the result will be decisive in governing the action of the servants whom they in trust with appointing power. The war tor the Union was success fully closed more than fifteen years ago. All classes of our people must share alike in the blessings of the Union, and are equally concerned in its perpetuity, and in the proper administration of pub lic anairs. We are in a state of pro found' peace. Henceforth let it be our purpose to cultivate sentiments of friendship, ami not of animosity, among our icilow-citizeua. Our material in terests, varied and progressive, demand our constant and united efforts. A . sedulous and scrupulous care of the public credit, together with a wise and economical management of our government expenditures, should be maintained in . order that labor may be lightly burdened, and that all persons may be protected in their rights to the fruits of their own industry. The time has come to enjoy the substantial benefits of reconciliation. As one peo ple we have common interests; Let us encourage the harmony and generous rivalry among our own industries which will revive our languishing ' merchant marine, extend our commerce with for eign nations, assist our merchants, manufacturers and producers to develop our vast natural resources, and increase the prosperity and happiness of our peo ple. If elected I shall, with the .Divine favor, labor with what ability I possess, to discharge my duties with fidelity ac cording to my convictions, and shall take care to protect and defend the Union, and to see that the laws be faith ful y and equally executed in all parts of the country .alike. I will assume the responsibility fully sensible of the fact that to administer rightly the functions of government is to discharge the most sacred duty that can devolve upon an American citizen.. I am, very respectfully, yours, W infield S. Hancock, To the Hon. John W . Sstevenson, presi dent of 'the convention; the Hon. John P. Stockton, chairman, and . others of the committee of the Na tional Democratic convention. Wm. H. English's Acceptance. William II. English baa transmitted from his home in lu'iiauapolis, Intl., to the 'commit tee ol notification, a letter accepting tho Dem ocratic nomination for Vico-l're-iilenU Mr. Engl sh says that he cordially approves the plaitorm ol principles adopted by the national convention at Cincinnati., and navs a hwb tr buto to General Hancock, who is, in hs judgment, " eminently fitted lor the highest oflleo on earth the presidency ol the United State." '.outinuing, Mr. Kngluh rays that the Krpubikaii party has been in wer long enough, and that it continuance in power lour ) ears longer would not lie - beneficial to tbe public or in accordance with the spir.t of oar tepnblk-an institutions; that Ike lour lust years ol power held by tho Kepub ican prty "were procured by dcrednabl mean and held in defiance of th wishes ot a majority ot the people;" that "the constant encroachment which hare been made by the Republican paity uxin tbe clearly ruat-rvod right of tbe people and the Stales will, if not enreked, subvert the librtie oi tbe people and tbe coverotoect ol limited powers crea'ed by the tattiei s, and end in a si eat consolidated cen tral :ovtin'H.t-B rvux, iudwd. for evil awl tbe overthrow ot repubUaut intiiti(iin;" that " it is certain bond all quexlioo that tbe legitimate rtwults of th9 war lor the Union will not be overthrown or impaire I should the Uewocratic tie t-t tm elected ; ' tluit in that tenl "proper prutee'ion will lie given in vtry legitimate way to every c.tUcn. ntiva or adopted, in every section of the rrMiblo, in the eMko'meut ot all the rights Kuaranieed , by the Co UtuUtm an t tU ainxndmsjnU; sound rwi reiity of nonest Money, ot a vain and pnrchnsins; power cvrr f loading substaa tiaby with Inn Mm-tai reciR-nUed by tbn eumnisivial wort I nnd emsn tins; ot goid and silver and rape eonvervbte tuto ooio, will be wnintainett, tan labor and maautactnring, aosnnMfcial and bitsiwess interests of tan sill be tnnwed and anconrannil H of Uic United, estates Dy tuo "iia- Pemocratic Convention " lately hied in Cincinnati. 1 accept tiifi r bTBTV ie?mmaL WB.V ! tlm unlinir millinng nf our owij people will ho protected lrom the uwauiiitvB oumpeution 01 me unineae, ana to that ends their emigration to our shores will bo nrormrlv rnstrinlnd- tha t,t.W . nHt -mjll be scrupulously niaintalned and strengthened "Bj" t?wnuuij m puoiic oxpen nure, ana the llBurtifeM bf the bettolB add thn firnHnrrv nt the people will be protect d by a government ot law and order, administered strictly in the interests ol all the people, and not ol coi pota tions and privilvgud classes." Senator! McDonald on the Issues of In- diana. Senator McDonald, of Indiana, speak ing of datopaign issues to a Bullion re porter, eaicf: "The rjuestion of hard or soft money has not been, nor will it be this year, party issue in Indiana. I was Known as a Hard-money man, out tne soft-money Democrats voted with the hard for; my election to the Senate or I would not have been successful. Mr; English lis known as a hard-money man, but his ticket will lose no votes on that account I in Indians; The traditional Democratic doctrine as to rBouey is that gold and silver coin are money; that Government paper is a credit; that Gov ernment can borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness, but no act of the Government can chance paper into money any more than alchemy can trans mute clay into gold.'' "This is ' hard money doctrine." " The tariff will be discussed more in Indiana, jand on this the Democracy of the State will be a unit for the Cincin nati platform, i. c, a tariff for revenue only, which means that if no revenue was needed there would be no tariff. The gradd issue of the Democratic cam. paign, however, will be against the ten dency of the Republican party to centralization, or so-called paternal government. On this the two parties essentially - differ, and have 1 since the' time of the .federals. Next to the issuo of centralization will be the fraud issue, in which the Democratic party will take the position that not the candidate but the voter is the sufferer by any act nul lifying his vote ; that the humblest voter in the land has the right to enter before the candidate and demand that his vote be counted as given ; that a wrongful count is a personal wrong to each voter." The t'anse Of Climatic Changes, The cjimatic eh-wgos which hat taken plhcc (luring recent years in thf United Siates is ascribed by Prof. Tice, a Western meteorologist, to the great physical changes have been wrought by man;within the last half cer tury upon our: continent. by;coverintr It with a network of railroads and telegraph poles. The two most notable changes have occurred in the West, on the lines -of the greit railroads. These arc tona does and:. in increased rainfull.' Frof. Tice in discussing the first part of his subject points out that electricity is the cause of all ineteorologic phenomena. Wind of every kind, cyclones, cloud formation, rain, hail and snow-f:,are all electric phenomena. Speaking oi the once dry and sterile plains not made fertile by tbe more frequent rains, he says : ' Wherever a cloud drifts', tor it to live the surface of tlie earth be neath it must be in such a condition that it ctn obey the electric induction of the positive cloud upon it so as to confront it with the negative. Instan taneously' communication will be estab lished between the earth and the cloud.' A dry and sandy soil cannot respond to lhe electric induction of clouds. Hence no clouds drift over them without im mediately dying for want of sustenance. Railroads and telegt aph lines obeying such induction, instantly bring the needed electric charge underneath the cloud. The clouds are fed and abun dant rains fall in regions that were deserts before. i Advertising. The lack.ot advertising is one of the chief causes of business failures. There are business men who don't understand the valueof advertising. They do not see the direct connection between adver tising and the entrance of a customer, cr the demand for any particular article. They, also, with a self-i m portance whijh is amusingfancy their businesses are knowntoHhe whole community, chang ing as that community is to an extent which thi?y have no conception of. The principle upon which business men should act is. advertise, and advertise the truthj. It $ou have a good thing le the people know it. Furthermore, never let an advertisement get stale. Mone tary Times. Faintneiss before eatincr. pain and dis tress afterward, prevented by Malt Bitters. ! The style at the moment for English bridemaids is to wear simple white muslin dresses with a lichu crossed on the bosomi, white parasols and a small basket of flowers hanging on the arm. In one harjd a prayer book, The waist must be round and gathered to a belt, and worni with a wide belt of white Surah silk with sash ends. Vegetine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and In vigorates the Whole System. Alterative, Tonic, Solvent land Diuretic. VseniMa is made exclnsively from the Juices of carefully selected barks, roots and herbs, and so strongly eoneentrated that It wul effectually eradi cate from tbe system every taint of Sere fa la, Herofnloaa Ilasser, Tassoret Caneer, C'aacer HnaseiyBryals!. 8lt Rheasa, Syphl lltle Diseases, Canker, FalataeM at the Mosnack. sad aU diseases that arise from Impure Mood. Mriatlea, lalaMssatory and Ckronle Rkeaasattoaa, Nearalia. Uoat and 8laal CaB)lajBt can only be effectually eared thromgh tkebleod. : Tor tlerrm and Emptivm Dlmranea of l8ktniPMatMt;rtmplB, BMchett, Jtoif Trttmr, HealMma and Ring rrws Vaacxuni has never failed to effect a per is arat care.; . For Mmlmmin th Bmek, Kt4nvXton mtmtntm, nrvm, temsito Wetfcf a, JstmrmrrUmn. art sin fi fiora Internal ulcera tion, aad nteriBo diets and General Dr itlttVt somsa seta directly spon tbe cansea of thee complaint. It InviRorateo and strenRtbeus the waelo system, arts upon the secretive organs, alUyslnfeMSSsUon, cures ulceration and regulates For Cmtmrrk, Difmpepmtm, IIbttal Cmtirumm, Militmtin f thm Jfsxsrf. feMfiJa, MHIm, Aervsiis. aers, aad Jmrml Pvmtrntlmt tJse Krvmm Bvmtet, no medM'e has ever irlvsa sach perleet satisfaction as the Ybobtihe. It (.nrtftrs the bkmd, cleaneea all of the organs, and easssaes a eontreUing power over the nervous sys tem. The remsrtsble cures effected by Vuithi have tad need many phyatetaas aad apothecaries whom we knew to prescribe and use It la their own famittr. i la fast, Vaarrara Is the best remedy yet discov ered fee the above diseases, and Is the ouly reliable BLOOD ITpiratR yet pbesd before the public TmtlMi b 80M kr all Drartista. Ulflereni Degrees of Drmkeness. A Nevl York paper says that to speafc of a man' grossly intoxicated as beastly drunk as we are continually doing, is exceedingly unjust to the lower" ani mals, which have too much intelligence pefhdp too' much morality eve to get drunk after tM iriarmer of their higher brothers.' The expression1 ob'fiaeis from an old notion that men in their cups, display the vicious qualities of beasts. Thomas Nash, dramatist and pamphleteer, describes seven varieties Of drunkards the ape drunkard, who leaps andisings ; (who ever knew an ape to sin rj the lion drunkard, who, lis noisy and " quarrelsome' 1 ihe swine drunkard; who is drowsy, and ill; thi. sheep drunkard, who is wise in his own conceit, though unable to speak; the marten drunkard, who drinks himself sober again, (as if the marten were capable of any such performance;) tho foftt drunkard, who is indecent and lascivious, and the foat drunkard, who is cunning in his inebriety, and shrewd er, like aJScotchman, at a trade, than when entirely sober. The proper phrase would be jmmanly drunk, since drunk enness is confined to humanity. Swine ' sometimes get intoxicated when' tempt ed with brandy cherries; but it is said that, after having eaten them once, they cannot be induced to eat them again at least until they have forgotten the shame of their former condition. It is asserted that a monkey will get drunk repeatedly; that he is fond of the ex citement. I But if this be true, it is only . another Indication of his being cur lene lost! and recently reclaimed brother. I i Teachers, authors and others of seden tary habits highly prize Malt Bitters. Parallel f Sexes. Man is strong woman is beautiful. Man lias science woman lias ta3te. Man shines abroad woman at home. Man prevents misery wooian relieves it. 1 ; :, ! i ' Man has a rUgtfed heart woman a soft one. J Man hasj judgments-woman has sensi bility. I S Man is great in aotion woman in suf fering. 1 Man is a beine ot justice womnn an angel of mercy. VniTTrav 'in ftnr. sl afimniLlf incr hitt.arfl which creates a flotations appetite, but a gentle tonio which assists natnro to restore tho stomach to a healthy action. . ; Be not deceived, 'Kendall's 8pavin Cure is a positive cure when properly persevered with. Read Adyertjeement-in another rolnmn. Fa "ilonsehsTisTNeesTJ- A book on! the Liver, its diseases and their treatment, sent free. Including treatiseBt upon Liver Complaints, Torpid Livor, Jaundice, Bihonsnoss, Headache, Constipation, Dyspep sia, Malaria; etc. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 . IT 17 1 . VT TT uroauway, anw 10m civy.; . x. The Voltaic Belt CT.7ainrhall, "Itch. Will send I their celebrated Elootro-Voltaio Belts to the afflictod upon 30 day trial. Ppeedj cures guaranteed. Thoymean what they say. Write to tlp.tVi withont dplfc Wonderful .Effects. E. R. DaWley, of Trovidence, B. I., says: "Having, witnessed the 'wonderful iffects of Hunt's Bemedy in my own oase, and in a great number of j others, I recommend it to ail others affected with Kidney Diseases. Those t minted by disease should secure the menicine whichwillcnreinebortoBtpOsibletime. llunt'd Bemedy will do this." -Trial size. 75 cents. Yon can got an elegant lithographic map in six colors, descriptive of the great trip acroes the American Continent, fbee, by sending your address to J. R. Wood. General Passenger Agent C., B A Q. B. B.. Ctiioago. IlL Horse owners on.not afford to overlook the wonderfnl success of 'Kendall's Spavin Cure.' Advertisement jn another column. r1 UNFERMENTED MALT BITTERS i TRADE HARK WVVVWVVVN MALT AND HOPS 0 THIS MATCHLESS BENOVATOB of feeble and exhausted constitutions is rich In the ele ments that go to nourish and BtrenRthen the blood. It perfects digestion, stimulates the liver, kidneys, bowels, andu'tnary organs, quiets the brain and nervous forces, aid induces refreshing sleep. MALT BITTERS commend themselves to the weak, convalesoent, overworked, deb lita'ed, ner vous, sleepless,' and melancholy, as the purest, safest and most powerful restorative in medicine. Prepared by the MALT BITTER3 OOMPANV, from' Unfermented Malt' and Hops. OIAIT BUTTERS CO., Boston, Mass -r- S I K ltcning Humors, Scaly Eram K I j tions, Scalp Affections, Salt 1 Bhenm, Psoriasis, Scald Head, DISEASES. Ulcers andSores infallibly cured : h by the CtTTictJBA Remedies which have performed miracles of healing un paralleled in medical history. Send for Illustra ted Treatise, containing testimonials from every art of the Onion. Prepared by Weeks & Potter, Chemists. Boston. Mass. Sold by I 'rogglsts What Every Body Wants. f6r the crRE of SUMMER COLDS and COUGHS ENDOBPED BY PHTS1CIANS As a Safe and Effective Remedy. A REMEDY THAT WILL CUE CQISUMPTM Will those who have been long- afflicted with Consumption take Con mgr. U Is harmless the most, delicate child. It con tains no opium in any form. It is sold by Medi cine Dealers generally. J. t. HARRIS &; CO., Cincinnati. Ohie, PfiOPRlElORrt. Are sold by all Hardware and Harness Dealers. There is no one owning a horse or mule but what will Und In this line of goods, something of jtreat value, and es peclallrailapted to tlietr wanra. COVKRT MT"G CO, w wtTkoy. N. Soli Manufacture ra. .ootJiyELL AUGER i. eheapeet, bores the fastest We are the oldest and largest firm in America, Send for our pictorial catalogue. TJkttkp States Mf'oCo., Chicago, 111. ftBBtT1" 5rwttWB town- Terms and gioutnfc wu free. Address H. Haixm ft Co.. PortlandTllaina m T msl ALLEN S W in REWARD cure.- It allays lief. Sioldby 10th A Arch the wrapper Mr. Ellea Mmaa, 577 Sprooe SL. Philadelpkta. wrou April 10th, Vtli: " Dm. J.P. Miu.ntP.m 8i Your DeBtog'i Pile RcmedT onred aM in mi. week, after I had naed all the med tciae 1 eoaul hear oT. and mmm told by a prominent nrgean In thU city that my only hance for . cure was an operation, which be wasted to charm me ttflT dollar rnr." 4. P.Cwoper rirwrifcl ni Sumnuah, Mo., wrote Svpt. 11th. Kb. J. f. Miii ik n.i Sm I have ben lllnf Oe Rlnr'a Fit" Bemedy lor u-ttTiM ,vear. rlwiv reo..inninrtlnc it. aad sometiittcs guaranteeing It to cui. cver Heard ot any tiling ant cores." , Important tothe Tair Sex! THE GREAT KS6LIS1I REM fiDr.cureaLonoont has. (or whites.) PainfnT MenstruatiOT. TTlccntion, Ova rian biseases, Absent Menstruation, all diseases, known as tomaU weakneaa. They hare boon ased in England for jeart as a periodical ana nsfftilating pill. . Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Price $1.00 per 002 nr six boxes far SoM. sent bymail free oi peetaffSt eecarely sealed. ? - MeehaincS' Bloek, Detroit, Mich. VFholenale Agents for U. S. CSPainphleti sont f roo. THO MS EN i MUl'H, Wholesale Aanta, Baltimom. THE and BRICK M AGHITwTBRY. - -- i- SPEC! ALTTBS : ' " f ; Tiffanv Improvid Tile Machine, Sword's Patent Brick Machine. Olay Ornshers with Chilled flollers, HorizonUl Tile and Br Machine. Write for circular ani pricf s. H. BRErTEl ftr 0.. Teciiniserf Mich. The"! I it r,na an1 X TIPOf-RSItV lO au itodents of History and BeHgfouJ THE KORAN OP MOHAMMED: translated from the Arabio by fleorgo Bile. ITormerty published at $2.7S; a new, beautiful type, neat, cioth-bound editions; prtce 3 cts., and 6 cts. foe. postage. Catalogue of many Btaudard works, remaiksblyiow in price with exfe . tf rms to clubs, free. Say whore you saw this adver tisement. Amkb.Book Eioh'o. Tribune Bld'g, .Y. PENSIONS. Every wound or inju ry, even by accident, or anv disease, entitles s soldier of the late wif to a pension. All pensions by the law of January 17D, begin back at date of diecharRe or 6ath of the soklier. All entitled ehonld apply at 6nc. Thoasatds who are now Orawiuc pensions are entitled" to ah increase. Sol diers and widows aL Wi lfct of 18 ud .Mexican war, entitled to-pensltesv: JlhouBsnds ae. yet enti tle.! tn bounly bat doatJtBOW tt. Woas to au esses only $10.00, Seadwo stamps for law btonka ai Instructions loTlAWABD ITZOEBAI.D, U. 8. Ckim A TTQBw 'fy. BptBfc yssolngton .P.O. CHOLERA, cure iorDiareSo8a!Dy KIHKA - K BWf JSOV 1b a speedy and certain .TfTTTTrTivaontArv nnd most effec tual Preyentivc of Cholera and Cholera Morbus. It : I no secret preparation, as the ingredients of which it li composed are upon the label of each bottle, and it is recoiumendod andipToscribed by the most emi nent physicians. Sold by Druggists and storekeep ers. Price 26 cents and $1.00. A large bottle sent expree-i paid, for $3. Send for circular. Address, CHAS. A.OSMUN. 13 Seventh Ave.. MewTork. RHEDLIATlSLi; GOUT and Bheu- marlo Gout, 'all RhenmatiC Affee- Bpeclily and aurrly cured by WHITTLE'S ANT1 KHEUM ATIO PILLSi Price 5U cents per box; three boxea for 81.25. Star oale by all Drugglata. If your druggist does not keep them, we vnll mall theui to any address upon receipt of . price, v JNO. T. WHITTLE, Pharmaceutist, Fremont and Lexington Stx., Baltinnore, Md. AtJKNTM WAN1EO to soil the L.1KB OF GEN. HANCOCK, By his life-ling friend, HON. JOHN W. FOR ME V an editor and author of national reputation, au aident afemirer of the 'superb foldier.' This work is comjilete, authentic, low-priced, Fully TUumtrated. Positively the ablest and truly official work, C7Boe terswa. Outfit 50c. Par tioulars free. Act quick. Addreis iiUBBABD BE08., Pubs., 8prinefield; Mass. "T IBIPORTAJiT TO AliKNTS. . TH IJFK OK CENJAS. A. GARFIEtD- By hia personal fd.pd, SiAJOK BUNDY. Editor N. . Mail, is the only edition to whicti Gen. Gar field has givon personal atteution or lac's. Beauti fully Illustrated, printed nd bound, full length steel portrait by Hal), lrom a picture taken expressly for this work. Acttve Asxeata Wanted. iJberal terms. 8erid Sl-OO at once for complete outfit. A. 8. BARNES ft CO, 111 & 113 William St., K. Y. KENDaXITh 9PATIN CtJRB Is sure te enrs Spavins, BplinU, cmrb, Ac. It removes all unnatural enlarge ments. DOBS WOT BLISTKJL. HSS C equal for any lameness on beast er has cured hip-Joint lameness la a person who had suffered IS years. Also cunsd rheumatism, earns, frost- i bites or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for any blemish on horses. Send for Illustrated circular giving voerrrrx raoov. Price $1. AIXDBUGGISTShareit oroangotitforyoo. Dr B. J. Jtonuij. ft Co.. Propr's, Euosbnrgh JriU,vX CELLULOID CTK EYE-GLASSES. representing the choioeat selected Tortolse-SheH aad Amber. The lightest, hapdsomeat, and strongest known. Sold by Opticians and jewelers. Made by SPKNOKB 0. M. CO., 13 Maiden Line, If e w York. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. WS will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electrio Appliances afon trM for 90 days to. those afflicted with Nervous Debility and diseases of a per sonal nature. Also of fhe Liver, Kidneys, Boetuaa tisBi,Paralyai8,ic A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address Yoltalc Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich. Red Fox, Skunk, Beaver, Mink And all other Furs Bought for Cash at aU times at the highest marke Send for circular wnich gives full particulars. E. C. BOUGHTON. No. 5 Howard SU, New York City. HTlROF, PAINE, M.D. I V-y .250 S. Wntli St, PHILADELPHIA, f CATAliilH a'aNerve-Tonie fiyrap. A pontine and neter-faiUhg curt Jor Catarrh, NSUMPT.ION MWauewsiiei aaeouity. txMisuJtauona irea Krr-j Flutter am FILE hit own Swi wl HEWTQN$2PKtaitCoUoa SAW AsctiU wanttdl fndnrcniMits. Send tat Prict List. MadeilB ly W. S. N.wtok, Norwich, (UrManilla) CU ,-rm time ana lmbor. MOSQUITO GATCHER Pat. Juno 29, 1 880. Will clear your room in a few minutes without smoke, soil or grease. Price 50 cts. Send postal for Ulna. Circular. Agents wanted.: Good terms. Lj T. JOSE3. lac Lteht St., Baltimore, Mdi HAICOCK. GiRFIELQ. Best C'rayon Pertraiia, 12x16. Each 10 cts. by mail. Also other can didates. 'Agents Wanted. GEO. FERINE! lOO Nassau St., New York. GET RICH Si SO cts. we send prepared a package from which vou can make $50 honestly. 8ud now, only a few left, uopostals. Addr. ss, P. L. Callahan. Mfr., Palem Mass, PfiPY DA ft RECKIPT (with full directions uur 1 1 rUm to nke one equal to those sold for $2 to $5, for one-third the money), and Receipts for 30 k nds of Ink, all colors, 30 cts. by return mall. Addresa H. BLEDSOE. P. M.. Aivarado.Tezas. BADGES! Campaign BADGES with gilt Eagle and with life-like photograph of both candidates of either party, $1.00 per dozen; Sample 15 cts. Big thing to gr 11. Patten Aj Co.. 4 3 Barclay St.. N. T. $777 A TEAB and expenses to agents Outfit free. iAddress P. O. VICK EBT, Augusta, Maine. i B N D 32 BUHINEHM tnat Pas, Mt a and. Women wanted. Adoryes B. S. WcnAirrow a: Co., Hartford.Oonn. - &79 A WKKK. $12 a day at home easily made. Coatl y Outfit free. Addreat Taps A Co.. Angngta, Maine! EVE RY Lady ueeds if , want sit, ai d should 1 a ve it. Adr'B Miss Kiho 14g Fnltou St,. N.Y.City. ( ff520 Pr JaT at om- Samples worth $5 free, P3 HI pU Addres? Stisso A Co.. Portland. Mamo For any raae of Blind, Bteediac, Itrhinn, PILES cerated, ur I'rtrudin CCoran FILER that DeBlngr'tt Pile Remedy fell to the it uing, attsorhs the turnout, givetltnmaiiiatt ra- all druggists, rrepareaoruy uy J. p. Miller, MJ), eor. Sts., I'hila , Pa. J A U'l'IO Jf. Won genuine unleu on bottU ointaini kis signature an ' Pile sf StOfleS. W. B. Stewart, FraeUcal DraggUt at Caaoaabu. a wrote Mar 5th, 1N79: " Ds. J. P. iMiLLBa Di Bm I have your medicine, DcBing'n Pile Remotj, alwaye in Mock, ud sag It because it cured me of a ease of years' standing, and caa bony stly and do most cheerfully recommend it." , . B. Cole. M.D., of Drag ttrii of Cote A Wtck, ataaa laod. O.. wrote April ?M. 1H79 : 4. p. Mnxaa, M. D.-Daaa Six Wc are having sales for yoar DeBing's Pile Remedy through my recommending it. 1. being a practising physieUa. 1 am contident the rtMiieJy will became very popular, as tt SBS the merits, will recommend itself when once useds

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