J fVr 1 frair.rtro f llOUB' AIKY; N; C. elculat.i'u, rnrninbr-d i'i'U..iiofi. . ti ta wad on nea 'tram efr rrtl-o vf wnk.rn. Soiry. Yrdk.o wi kA'i,'I1' "' a!i UMinfie to Hid i i -i mil . . . . . . . . . i i . . . . . i Ueuri ' "V"'"- Vr retterta nil rigktiucun- w Jrtlt l to-dy for .w aler1ers to tim Mido noxt jour. friend f ttie r.7""r eff.irts ti UilHend will be very ttlffk- )Iocst Aibv, X. C., Aro.2S, IS'.'I. InteeM at the Post orti .vtilouot Alry.XC. I WOED3 OF GREETING. According to iire-vlmi announcement Tub Yadkin' V.luv Nbws -aIUi thw 'igau passes Into new hand. J In assuming, therefore, the repotirf. hilities incident to I ho conduct of the News it pardonable for the writer to refer to himself per.onlly and the ptd 1c i that wiir henceforward be our jriilde. In early Jajx when lifo in H futlnea , was enjoyed under the shadow of the 'glorious mountains and the writer yrew "Up attached to the grand old western hill a4 verdant valleys he tm w not that this beautiful aection was dY.-lined to bold the l.ro of projrrens with Vtraij-hU-ncd reigns and bid th whirl wind wheel her rapid tar. It was to hint a tale of blood that bad ci?a.ed fiw- Ing five years before and of wiu:id of! war that would fOarcely ever h al. That day is pat and once ogaii- af- ter an .absence of thirteen years the " writer feels the invigorating mountain airland proudly calls the shadow of the .lllue Ku'ge peaks Lis periuaiicnt.hotne. rThe developiuont of the New South has divided it inio two distinct -nations, $hLJpper and Lower South, and into he most aggressive of the tw Jlount Airy la sitaated. That we have faith . in her future and believe, that the sec tion surrounding Mount Airy is nalii rally blessed, goes wiihout say!ng since 4re have left the place of our. birth whero fevery family tie was dearest to accept home ajnong the most enterprising -people the sun shines on. ' As is repeated on the first page to day the opinions of two of tho mo! in- fluential journals of the Nation should be respected. Their prophecies that Western North Carolina is destined lo become the Sanitarium of the world" Und that "Southwestern Virginia and Western North Carolina have the brightest future of all this Southern Country" are sufTicicnt to make one proud of the land of his adopt ion. The writer comes to ilount Airy full vf that enthusiasm and belief in her fu ture that is calculated to influence all laudible schemes for her improvement. Therefore we herewith take our stand for the issuance of bonds for the paviug of our streets and the establtshmunt of fcn electric light plant, because (a) no I town baa achieved anything without ! - carrying a bonded debt, (6) there is no easier way of securing funds for im-, brovements, (c) when the time arrives for the paytSent of the debt real estate irill haTe enhaSccd in ; valued so as to mak the load only slightly felt by each individual, (d) in our day and genera' tion nothing but the interest on the fleWt will be required, and because (r) tj Toting down bonds for improve ments we vote down the price of real estate about 30 per cent. v " 'At to politics we must not be mis anderstood tir misquoted. ' Ffrnt we are fighting for deinoeralie principles aa banded down by Jelforsou add exem plified by hi democratic - successors aad for those measures' which will give fo every farmer his rights and rrbeve him from the presxure of the n.oney power. Tho, News is a Democratic newspaper and shall insist ' fh-at ' only upon this plalfoTtn can the war be waged gainst ' monopoly, extravagance and corruption." We are for reform but in tond fighting for theiu , inside cf party J lines. llefering again to our young city and th country of which she is the trading e'eutre we must not forget that the pros , ... , , , , penty of Mount Airy depei.ua largely upon the prosperity of the farmers who mAA In hr lmnArt.ne. .. - TIT t. fc--f ii t ir r . upp in tue oeuei mat tie preactit jeaf will fcrlnR to'thetrt beautiful barna of Valuable luharcu and shall look tv'eee themk 11 their pnxJact at a Sao prin upon the Mouut Airy Warehouse floor.-';' ? ' . ' And now in o.;,,elu,li,uj w. wnt t - - - si7aordrvUUvetoourir4,,'ri.-lf:- .. . - J L M . , j na, of 32 column., can rc.it h llie posi- It should hId at one iK.l.'ar a x car. i vc-L a reluslieil ililv or a tint. ! i irei a w j i - , for a dollar but you j atifM get an edited liviueit Wrft1j paper Of Bay prcienMuaa lur wi uiau $1.50 a year.' 7a view of the enlarge ment to thirty two column and other 'i-nnteiup'attni improvement- we. have I iUiu lit It aafct to put the pnee of our r -- i v . -ttie larger rirtulal too which wo " ..i . . . j win airivr ut mem aiiu me incrT-aae-a price, vc hope within six month to five to our patron jhe brut weekly newxpa per in Western North Carolina. The c-o operation of it rieudj toward liolp'nr uk lo gain 'his end will be ap preciated. And now with incoret gratitude to lbMe inagr.animou citizens who bare made it pt'KMblu f.r tue to taki b-.dd of his p4per, and Mieving J lur our read t-r will pardon tbt? defects of a hastily constructed pa'r, pron;i.-iiig tbem bet ter in the future, I am, Very siuccroly, Gro. 1. Vell. PROMOTING DISCORD. If h papTS that claim to be organs of i!ctno;racy in this State will only stop grinding out dicordnt onnnds the probability is that no third party will be formed. It is a sickening slight to behold one of oar oldest 8tate paper continual-iy whining and accusing ot!urs of trying to break tip the Democratic party when, if the truth wi-re b.ld, that very paper has done tu.re by fighting the Alliance and the actions of the Legislature to irjuro the party than the Alliance ht evrr tbr-a!ened to do. Cea.se such nius-ie, brethren, and lets L hear more haruionious tones. The way to pronte the gMd of tho party cau not 1 by fighting over half of it. If that jouri;il Ls tired of the actions of the parly it certainly ought to retire from it. The day of reckoning w:;l ; jiurely come, and while we are not In symp.-.thy wiih:aH the nioyemenis of the Alliance 1-adir. we do not believe they have the virtue of forbearance to anj greater degree than moat men. Up here iu the West our farmers are mostly goi.il Democrats; they wt'l fight for rrf..rnis iusido of party lines and we b.-liove that the cae ith most Allisuceiiicn in the Stale al:large. It doe.H not pay to curae your ueighlNtr as long as hi enmity is qui-Hiioiiable. , The lh-htnnd anJ Dnvi'iiciai!road company has to borrow m .ni-y to pay the coupons io tluir bonds and it sceiu that they will hae to borrow atill more (o pay for the thirty lives lost in the sad accident on I ho western roa.i Wednesday uiorning. Sin h catastro phes are deplorable and should be a , lesson to all rai!rjad comp-anies to be more careful in constructing their roads over dangerous places The Grower Uradiirld Gilliam OlIiYor rocket aizzed at the wrong end, rlew the wrong direction and conse quently hit the fellow that was shoot ing it off. Guess it followed ia the track of his political aspirations. All this foM is unfortunate but it may wind up with rrtnrning the Review ed iors to their work determined upon being more careful in their Mtatono-uts, and with making Mr. Bruwer conclude that it is much pleasauter in life to live as an agrensive and public spirited private titieu of Mount Airy than as a political '-bull ot the woods'' iu the Natiou's council halls. i THE ALLIANCE AND ITS IN FLUENCE Senator Car!i?Io may or may not be right in i-ayin that tlie Allumee, is a dyii'g party. It is possible that it will not greatly figure in the next Natioii.d campaign a an organiza tion, but there i no li.u'.t that the iutlueiiee of Uie order will Ikj te!t at tho polls whether it has candidates or not, or whether having them its .undulates receiu Jew or niaiiv votes. The Alliance has already served a great. purjuiee. It h;is given im pulse and direction to Democratic doctrine and sentiment. It has help ed greatly to spread the truth. Fol lies ait; incident to the K'ginningot any great movement, especially of one that is osentiaily jopular. Fa natics and demagogues regard them as their long-looked for opportunity and seize upon them, but if the movement is healthful, thenj are Roon disetirdnl. So the ScJTrca-ji ury i-ehenie i al.ut dead, while as for silver it is' takii!r its tdaee Ihi- hind the tariff ifsucuiid is awaiting Its twin, sT'ne Aliiaii;e hai lrrelv increas ed the moobeifof enemies of the ? n:ono.o!i:-t. tai iit law, wf subsides j :Vld ,H,I1IiM4:' l,f sharks, of Mhese who livo on sectional hate and f pnUSi.- extravagancv. And there j 110 comfort for modern Ilopubli- I - - - i . r . r . i i m iMMuii Miurus, ut i eaillsUI 111 lliat. J . 11 orUl. t. .mi i t j e , nin m "'UUUVI OlUCIl rt'CTCt to the many friends of Ex-Governor Ai M. Scales, of Grecusbor;, . to hear that he is vcrv low and little hot ia entertained of hin n--..vprr i " j Vvl. 1 ." .1 1 . . . "-... rnauucci in ij;i:i tlllt 4tK) tunl nt lii-f t'r.url'.n ltiv ..V ni f, T . , " , ' niontI,A InlMl-itiRidiicedr,fM)3 X .... v . i . a,. , - - i x nnce iiMi.arJc -kct-i SJmX) a u-pol- "nj rim .f?i, .v.. 1 : . i:.r . - im'ui.i un j.i 3 lit i;t? IHJIII try business. i , . Ttie &uhrtquet "Stonewall. Gen- JuM Eirlr, in Lis speech at Lriirfon, July 21st, ttt Xho un oiUgo the statue to 'Jackson, having stated that the nsjue of 'SfGiwvfriltf P oriuaUHl from Gen. IJce liA'vhig "raJlieJ rstriatlng tnmtp.'fX the battle 'of Maaassas, by fciyii.ff W tJieui .4,ojiJcr -tanda J:tcko i Tile a fetonewall ; rHr be hind the VirinLaIlS,', Maj.'Rob bins wrote the following tq ihc liich- iiumd Ii2xii':A, friviiijf tlte exact words and circuuibtauecs. THE FOLBTIt ALABAMA. It vv.im to tlie Fourth Alalwiina reg;iinent that the won J e were spoken by 'General lJec,alout 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon of July 21, lUdl. This regiment, with the Sixth North Carolina and Scnand and Klcvcnth Mis-t-isinpi, w)ntitutid JJec'a brig ade. The FtMirth Alabarn.i havi? arrived at fiinas.-tt m Saturday, the 2'th, in movement very early on Sunday inoniinir, the 2Isr, from noar the railncd junction to wards the- upicr fords of liull Hun. Tlio dn?t raised by the inarch of the Federal nrniy t Sudley'rf ford having attracted attention, the Fourth Alabama was hurried by Gcticr.il IJee in that direction, and wd reached lcfurc 11a. m. the plat eau f the Henry llouee, whereon the main coiillict occurred after wards. A GREAT SACItlFICR. Iee orderetl the Fouith Alabama to loottcn a half mile further north iHjyotol Young branch and the uoud over there to aid Kvans, Wheat and others in detaining the Federal army. This duty we performed at great sacrifice, standing fast for n hour or more agnitiot overwhelming num lers, losing our etdoiiel, Kglert Jonc. moi tnlly wounded : Lieuten ant Colonel Law, and Major Scott, d!.-ahlel, anJ a great nurnljcr of other officers and men killed and wounded. Then in obedience to orders we j '.vithdiew from our advanced por tion and i-ok jMj'itum on L-onlouer-atu L.tti'j-line and in rear of the Kihi:i-o!i Huufc'. - UKN. JOHX-iTOX SEIZK THE KI.AO. (Jeneral Jolm-ston at one time came to us there and led U;J forward on a cl targe ag:iiiist the enemy, bear ing our tlag in his own hand. That glorious old wariior never appeared n. ore imiguiliceut than ho did at that moment ou his innncing horse and Haunting our colors in the faev of the foe who fell back lnifore us. 8 MITT EX WITH F1KE. Soon after this, the , leading de sign of the Federals all day being to turn the Confederate left, the the heaviest lighting veered in that direction, and in consequence the enemy disap -cared from the immediate front of our regiment, leaving us unengaged: but the fearful crash after trash of the yVi)vr.t muetry as f resli troops p,,Urcd in atrainst the Confederate centre and loft can never be forgot ten by those who heard it. Farther :md farther round ttsiilul thunders rolled as if nothing could stay it. Our brigade comrades of tho Sixth Nrth Carolina separated from us iu the maiMvuvrcH of the day had rushed in fingle-haiided and been vmi'tcu as with tin , ami their gal lant Colonel Fuher and many of A men were no more. Jackson and his glorious brigado were struggling like giants to withstand the liereo onslaught. ' i THE WOUOS OF BEE, It wag jut at this moment our Hrigadiei -General I'ce came gallop ing to tho Fourth Alabama' and said : "Mv brigado is seattcretl over thif lield, and you are all of it now at hand. Men, can you make a charge of bayonets if" Those pior, batferetl and bloody-noecd Alaham ians, inspired by the lion-like bear ing of that heroic olLtcor, responded promp!v, "Yes, (ieneral, wo will go wlieiever you lead and do what ever you say." Dee then said. pointing towards where Jackson and his men were so valiantly lattlin aUut a 'juarter of a mile to tho west and left of us, 44ioWer stand ,fto luii like a tonn icall. Ixt ua ' fo Ah atxivttiiiCi:" Savinsr this lie dismounted and pl.iced himself at the Sett ot the rourth Alabama anil lel t he regimen twhat reinaiued of them) to J.ukfon'.s position and i i : i , i . i jouieu uieiu on to ms rigui. C11AUOK. Some other reinforcements com ing up a vigorous charge was made. Heosinthe federals back. In thi charge lice fell mortally wounded leading the Fourth Alabama, liar- tow fell not far from the 6a:nctime ami within a atonu's throw ol the sumo pot,"leaJing his Georgian,. Ict it never be forgotten that the Fourth Alabama lost mo-c inen on that day than any other regiment but one in the Confederate army, and every field lrom thereto Appo mattox was m-d-Uned with the bh o J ot her heitx-s. l!;:t several of - - r V ' IIVI . tl.e.ti ht;U survive to oirruUirte to the letter tlie statement I liave given you above. Very rrpectfrillr, AVlLUAM M. RoBBINS, Funncr Mjor P'otifth Alabama. Trinity College's two Ironies aro crta5nly an d van tains. When "n.vtlll,,S hapjcn3 to one the other cun ,KJ brought 'Into service. IIc- ciii.e of the recent falling of the ' .t .1 ' 1 . . i'cr .-noi cmnot on tin. V.-.r uf Vmr Tt.; T1..-1 , ' ... . ;urimm ut will 0111 at Trinity College, " -1 - - " -J y " "en; iv will It?- inaiK imlM t . Ml- '" in ouuuiii arc toted and found to lo true. Tl le rxifllent new faculty selected w an honor to any ins.tituti.on. ANYTHING In the hne of Dreaa Goods, J . I J. D. sillTIl'S MAllflTU stores - nT. MOUNT :-AlRY.. nLe..ti a 5ne sfotk on hand for the lU-ail Trade, and also sell by whole- sale, lie buys for cash and can sell J. D.-Smith. Is in (vfln-iiraation of tU bronchial tobea . trie ar pasnae leading into tho lanr. Ytw ihr erap!ait r re ao prevalent, vt eatt fir more pro.:pt an! eer?eti5 artloa. AM nrrlert or utax mar result sertuctly. effrrttve remedies alioukl alwuyi be- it hatul. Apply at unc a wuilar J poutuee ta the tipper Pt of Uie cheat, and. k-r luUruaJ treatment, tale frequent toca ot Ayer's . Cherry Pectoral C. O. Lepper. Dmgcljt. Fort Wayae. lod., writes: " My little sister, four years ot ait, was so 111 from bronchitis that we fcad almost f tven up hope oC lier recovery. tHir tanilly " physician, a akilfui man and ol Urge expert uce. prunouneed it useless to cUa her any nor meUicloe, saying be lia4 dune all It waa possible to do. and we must prepare fur IHa .. worst. As a last resort. determined to try Aycra Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly -aay. wltu most tappy results. After taklac . a few tlosii sUe Memed to bret&e easier. ' and. will; tu a week, was out f difli: r. Wa cciaiitued clvloc the Pectoral until saiHBed aUe was er.Urely wtlL Tbta fcidlpuufcle evidence of the ere at merit of Ayer"a O-erry Peet-rl tas clven oie unbovuded cifl denoe lu the preparation, aad I recomineD4 It to tny eu.vtomera, kuowluf It eauuut Ulsap pokot them." '.Vyer'a a.erry Tectoral cured rea ct a tad eou(;ii and my partner of bronchitis. I know ot numerous cases in which Oils rrcparalioa ' tas proved very beutT.cia) In tarn lies of Young Children, . o that tlie mtlc!ne Is known anon theni as th cone!r rf t!:e aCl;ctett," Jaiina laiftu Vldt. San Crtstolel. tian Domingo. "A aliort tirue ao. I waa Uiea w!Ui a aevere atuek of rmn-httis. Tie remedlea erdiuarily used ta such eases tailed to civ me relief. Almost In despair of ever fmllnc anything to cure me. I boiiala a bottle of Ayrr'a Cherry Pectoral, and waa helped from the first ose. I tad not finished oua bottle before tlte disease left m. and my throat and lungs were aa sound as ever. Ceo. B. Ilauter, Altoona, Pa. Oyer's Cherry Pectoral, raarAaao r UJ.C AYER & CO., UieS, Mia Bold y ail Droctiau. Pries tU UuIm, t4 To euro rlioares. Sick Jtoadache. ."aU- puin. Malaria, Mver CoroplainU, taka Ui4 .-'o aa.l re.taia remedy, sniiTirs r e-sj rr ra rn r C sa n a a i 3 TJe the E a. I f. HI e (le !U tie r.n o '.. baUle). TiikT ACS 1XX MtifT CnNtiMI T Unltala no. lree f c ifcr le, 2.te. l-r Swttt 4 1 W V k a f z v-.'.i M 4 4 . . Lt .s.iitk ijTii rj u t n:.;, ;;.o.is 1 71 and WMsksy Habit card at bum with .aoulpala. Look ofper- 5 ( tlcnlars sent rutE. ib.M.HOOLLKY.U-11. How Losti How lerralnad, .11" . . . i . . " a . n . I d.'in- -tK i-r.l l-..ii3!r S'c.LcJTretiii 4. ih li.T-r nl o it It., re ui-tir-" J.'r.-! .-, r.c. tnM 'aaltins frwn KrH, Vtj, I; r.oranc, &i-crs or ' .rU.xatl &'tt ' i-n! C'lC'.-Juj :'. !cii (t Vnik, P 'auir-, f- t'.utt Jc.t Mx 1 1 -lu:.. Avoid an-k!li"nl ;''rc:etui-r. tl! rr; -rt. It contains Tvt . , roral . E.iuu 'i:l iaJ-rj. eol-ioj :falT cUj. It-, a on1 X1.C-- Ht Mi, Mtp.!X o-co-ajiyi m pis'n wi;i r. r;H ra:ue "rar ,.U:n Vir. it jt- a; fJy n-e. 1 mm ii U:x'ub4 a t'lar. Wti. It r.-k.r, H. J , r- vifadtH;:ov AX'urv;:i,LKi siro. i. CrvH l'.i .Nfcli-lt:l flrat A'trlelltu f.r u r:iAi: f ." Nuurcrs d rr.-iv&i. rnnjt.rrv.i-.r.-jvrna.ue.r(.. r . ij:juc Ii.r i uu.s 1 4 ctiuI'--J. !.- nlia.ir. o' er lt wmn, at ll r t-fflca of i-HT'. rTA"llOIk' Mf.Me.tli IMTIVCTI. i. 4 .irai n:.J'4.:on..!if-., to ioin a - ' a t' T bMitt t( tjurm I jc ai..oe tkunid b t. u.. i Peculiar' llany feealir points Hood's 9ai- eaparllU euptrijr t- an ctlier ccdicine. aoJ prepirctAMi ct Iiu:rew'.4 nts. jrl Ilooda Saraai-a;Ula r-esacs roll enr-tf Iva -r-tlii .f tit, .r X. .r test known remcdl Of th vccetatla king- am. reciUar Jn Its airecli ai.d econerry- llx-J a Sar- tL ofllr medi- cilia of sk-U e.-ut truty 0-eiJjr.4red Doies ilcicliies la ST 4 " require Iarvr doses, aad do not produce aa good results as Hood's. feeoliar ia Us ciedlcuial merits. Hoods Sana par1 Ha necornpUics cures Lltti rt tuiknowB, and baa won fcr Itself th tiUo or Tbe recatcst blocd k at pciicr evar dlscovered.'' rec aliar in !u " good naino nocr-wfrs u now man ct juoo3 s barsaparfHa told la Lowell, alters JSit tornado,". than of all otLer Wood runners, x. tPeculLir ia Its I benorco- nai recora os aica . . ..... abroad.. iter preraratloa crcr attained auca popo- ty in ao short a time. . ... i . i VX ud confidence among ail classes $gk ii ax 4 e. IIPIUI I V Jaaaan ot peoplo m ateatllastly. Do not be induced to buy oilier rrepsradoes bue b aura to get tfce reeullar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparllla SoUkTanraxteU. fl; aixforlU. rrvparcdoaly bf C. L HuOD A CO, IpothMulw, Uracil. kUaa. iIOO Dosos One Dollar OU WANT Qthing and Groceries cbearT 'When in Mount Airy call on C MMM THE EX tJOVERNOn of fi.or:i. Y TAi4.ana.-MKic Fi.a.. March 5. tsss. Mie. K. n awe eh. AtUut : tar Sir. I have thomuhly tetl the classes yat" Bttl lo my eye tue 1 1:- since, and hare fita tlieui to xiM.!tH a mtflurttK Oi vision which mm rur aDMliiu of th klnl I h:ve ver w4Tt ; in fiurt i uv i the lx-i si.wi 1 ever uvT4 Iiespittiuiry. w. 1. Uuxnaii. J' j LETTF.K ritoxtmsilOP ORKtitl. ,i! tiFWNK. -I BSH AUgUt SO. lV-I. M;X.K. ItAWura: f t-I have Ut u itsiar jir trl.-se for tho piTiter part -f to yoar-. Ain tnr.rli UiiTrese.l m Ue!r Miterkrtly. cud take pleasure Incoin in -idlnr t ht-in -for lbnr nxe and "rftt.-l alLt, 6 (0 Ual ta posr-iLle. RepeetliiUy. 'j AuitM'Cii Oarco. BlfcJop KpWropul (liuirh and t'h.UKX-llur ITul- rlty of tho Mouth. a2lev- flttft Rnd theint ?oaraieed at the d.-y,irt:r of Tu Ijt IImui.t. Mi. Airy. N. C. A. K. HAWKE. MANCKACTl'UtNO OrTI.' IAN. Irn ;rtn1ln(r Plar.t. it neeatur iStreet. . unice and Hul-.-a-Kxa. it u hlift.uU SU MX J ATLANTA. O .. 1BIXITV (wf'ia Thur-!sy. September St. at Trinity lUA.-pri. i:an.ioli!i ctiuiity. N.'.. wiin eulArfci- J lui'i-ii v. i;:ne-i ii xv. lerinseaay. Vvne for italletln to hi JOHN V. CUOWELU Prest, . Tnmty tvHe.- p. U.t tia Kandolpb ttunty. N. C BookSEead! uf jie very liiteral Patronage I Iiave c.-!ea in tho past, and h 1 have decktel to tav-tho ature tny untliviJeJ Personal Attention, Si I am miro that I can make it to vour inter- eat i continue to "Ivp me your iatroiuitre Sit .-4(H-k i large and varicil, ami hit uru-ew .uiiw as the loweol. 1 wakca pec i airy ot 11:- ' Heavy Groceries, 7 1 ainVani fully prejrttl to aupply all with tbeioccii.'tariea oi liie at very reasonable pruam. a our menu. Uj G. C. WELCH. J-ij Airy, X. C, May 1, "he Voice H ;asily Injured tlie si I test Irritation ot . it', tliroat or larynx at onee aflecttriK its Ux'jL flexibility, or power. All cflorta to s:Jior apeak in public, under such eondl titus, become not only painful but dancer eu.,;and should be strictly arolucd until ev"y syjnptom is - removed. To effect a apdy cure uo oUier medic Uie is equal lo j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral -1 best of anodynes, this preparation rap Id ff soothes irritation, strengthens tbe dcU eatf organs of speech, and restores tbe voice y l;4 tone and power. No singer or public sprkker should be without It. Lydia Tbonip aot the famous actress, certifies: "Aycr's CIQTy Pectoral has been of very great aer vieu to me. It Improves and strengthens tht voice, and is always ettectlve for the cudV4 colds and couKhs.'' vCpou several occasions I have suffered frvn colds, causing hoarseness and entire loi of voice. In my profession of an auc tiuj,eer any affection of the voice or throat is i serious matter, but at each attack. I hai e been rellaved by a few doses of Ayrr'a CUf-fry rectoraU Tina remedy, with ordV 14 f icare, has worked aucb a Magical Effect tha I have suffered very little tneonven IcirA I have also used it iu my family, with e i (Orient results, lu coughs, colds, 4c." Wtn. II. Quartly, Miuiatou. Australia. -jii the apnng of 1850, al Portsmouth. Va., 1 wjtS prostrated by a severe attack 4 ty phfpil pneumonia. My physicians exhausted tli; 'remedies, and for one year 1 was not altt even articulate a word. Hy the ad lew of Dr. fchaw 1 tried Ayer' s f,"herry Pec torttj and to my surprise and great joy. in .levvtban one mouth 1 could converse easily, 'in Natural tooe of voice. I continued to Ung tje and bave become since a well man. 1 ha re often recommended the Pectoral, and hat') (never known It to fail." George Ii. Lavwence, Valparaiso, Ind. .'.i Aler's Cheny Pectoral, J paspaiBD r I CRJ. C AYER & CO., Lett!, Ma. oi f all Ditj rival. Prios 1; ala bolllea, S. i '-"- -i - a '5aat nawa.ia. n mw. a. ) mrj aTrM mmamf"rrr- W ulatoaw ammmnt SWS l-SIO. a ml bM. Imm itol.ftt. mmt M a., mm- mmm. W. mmf mtt asiJUsaaMW. aiiMs aaiurtiWi.aMsae, r,auja. jm. a w.tM w I 1 - . " " - I rm mm mvnj tmnVtfmm a NMrfMtat mrm. mm w4 mmm mr. K4 ft-v IwtrwKM, w Ml mmwm la rXt mmym mmm mm mrm 1WM Tlllinl IN Umm a tab! rm bfc"tn U.J m fiiil tlmt m im-m 1 1 m mmy-m fm . mm rntrn mmm mmmrn. mm m mm tmw mmm mm i n tm mm mmt n. mm ry mmmt ! Iitm.1 mwm a4 mmm m mw.rr h mmmm I mmmm mmkj apM mm4 aa mm iIupibi m m-rm m l i r -.ct mmmmr mmm In mmmm.m I) S.VV a4 7.i ta. ra .Mi..r. rHi'.l'. a aati m S A m.k.lS. mmmu. , AaMs. Mala. -t- HIHDCRCORN 3. ae.Vfatw oitrtS(pisapM -e'-Ivi ri i 9 eC ri y.- , 4 Y T - la. lbrlI.Mi'lini. ' v,t'Vi?hU" 1 I. t.,-v.n i'''.'S -iv?l.l . -r -fi -ui V . i ik 1 S'lV Vr I .. ra .Im. :.?rV U U ;' Ci4 ia .anf. au t ri4a.V amikwrfaita. I TV a Tl.. mmk mr mm m i rm ,wm mi a . 8--000 lifi i mo mmtm- Imm, mm Uruaj-MIL Uaoallt'o.ll.t. SttJ C O r J 3 U T.I PTIV E ! -9 m iWt. Hrritt Amuimmm, In4aiiiiaf l PARS ft't OIMOKN TOMip. X1 ,mm twvm laiw antra mmm lataboa, asa and Mi . 1-5 ill- Wonders Are wrought by the usm of Ayer's Half Mjtor in rtslrtug gray hair to iu ori final color, protnotuig a new grosMh. preveut yig the hair from falling, keeping it soft, silky, suid abundant, and the acalp coo . baaJthy. and free trots dandruff or humors. The universal testimony ta that tills prep - arattcn has no equal aa a dressing, and ta, therefore, tudispeuaabte to every cU tornUhed toilet. "1 bava used Ayer's Hair Vigor tor soma titue and It has worked wonders for me. I was troubled wtUi dandruff and was raptdly becoming bald ; but sluee using tbe Vigor my bead Is perfectly clear ot dandruff, tbe hair has ceased coming out, and I now bave . good growth, of the same color as whan I was a young woman. I can heartily recom mend any oue suffering from dandruff oe loss of hair to use Ayer'a Hair Vigor as a dressing." Mrs. Lydia O. aloody. East fiUston. Me. .- "Some time ago my wile's hair began to coma out qulta freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wife from becoming bald, but it also caused an entirely new growth of hair. I am ready to certify to this atalement before a Justice of the peace. Ii. Hulschus, Lewis bur Rli, Iowa. "Some years ago, after a severe attack ot brain fever, my balr all came nut. I used auch preparations for restoring It as my phy sicians ordered, but failed to produce a growth of hair. I then tried, successively, several articles recommended by druggists, and all alike tell short of aecooipHshUig the desired result. The last remedy I applied was Ayer's Hatr Vigor, vthich brought a growth of hair In a few weeks. I thluk I used eight nettles In two years; more than was necessary as a restorative, but I liked lt aa a dressing, and bave continued to use it for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Hair Vigur possesses virtues tar above those ot any similar pieparat U-n now on the market. Vincent Jones, Richmond, Ind. Ayer's Hair Vigor i racrAkao ar DR. J. C. AYER & CO., UfgH, Fttas. - Sold by Droggiatsaad Fsrfumera. All Aboard for WILMINGTON I WE WILL ECX A Orsnd Exgursigh r"ro?n M-iunt Aire to Wliurintn en Wediien .av, sep'.enitMT SuJ. ll. l-':ire fjr mun-.l irl;, t-r.ly l"iiUdr-!i ut:0 r lJCi;3 ot.'jf il.iii. TliU will te the last Kxcurtou of U.e snitrfMi rrout V.omt Airy to Wlluilneion. and all wao w ttli to vUlt U Seaxliom should gu wtUt us. A sober and eflu-lent nolle force wlQ twon bunrd. nnd gitod order will be uialiitalnd. We positive ly canuot and will not lol rate dtnk-nce?- and einornerly conrtuct. No dlfTerence wbo you are If you cannot keep sober aud liehave yourvlf. wo don't waut y our company, and advise you to st.tv at home. Knouch subcr and repsei-table jieuple want to g witn ur to fill our tnan. and wecan'ti'lToril to have liielr pleaaun-s warred by drunk and dlMirderly libertine. We Intend to make this tlie mt rvpetalle Excursion ever run from the VoutituluH to the Snmliure Heim-mber Train will leave Mount Airy Wed nesday morutntr. Sept'niber snd- at R o'clock sh-Tp. nmvltivr in Wilmington at about T o'ekva n. m. Hi-ute;!av. ni-turiiiiiir 'i'raiii will leave Wll inlnktoa al o'clock Friday evening, arrlviuir at M.uot Airy early Saturday morning. This plven you. as ututiL tnod:is and nihtn al the bea "diore. Will havu two rerviM coaches for la- HeM and their eeorv. f:r which an additional chance of ."at cents will be ln:ule. io one allow-i-rt ta re-n-iM coaches e.ct-pl tliose havlnT lick etai for tit.s therclu. At our own epemo we supply every ooa Ii on our trains wu pure Ice water. No one else runntuir KxcursUuis rrout this ncvllon ever rurnLsli ice water, but we do so every tune. We return thanks for pat pot ronw and hope to have a lanze nud reiwtable crowd septenilw r Snd. As usual, we will ctve a irrand Bont ride on tbe bt-auttrul MMintT Wil mlnrtoa. I'rol. Miller's rchesim Hand will ao rompanv the boat and furnlxh dcUbtrul tuuaie for tin' occasion, w e will alo Utc a trip over the e-a'o;t U ail road to Wrtcbmtlllc found and th'eAD View. Fare on thee trta sop. each. For lrc;e Mills giving fnll particulars, address. Lowav BaOTUKita C buoaT. Mount Airy. X. C. i w N-jSJLj-? i-. C. F. & Y. V. E. R. CO. CO.XDC.tCD SCHEDULE. I. ErrtCT JULY 5, 1KOI. KOHrUBOCNO. NO.S. No.4. No. la. Lve' vitBilntoa. w is a m Arv Fayi t:clU t.iJpm l.ve Fayet'esUle. P m Lve" !surord. 4.SJ p m Arv ureeutlioro. 7 .eft p m Lve" linriu.lro. T.1S p aa Lve'W alnut fore. Mlpm In' UmiiiI Itrr lu AS I. Ill Lve lU'unvtta.Ule.l- tit.) p m Arv Vaxion. P m l.ve' MaxU.n. I 1 51 p m Arv' FaettevlUe. j I S.-i pm Lve Iluniseur. Arv tireenslioro, Lve' tireensboro. Arv" M tdtson. 7 sj a m 10.05 a. in lu. a m 1S.M p iu eociuaoisn. No. 1. No. S. No. IS. I- Lve Mount Airy. ve Wnlnut iwt Arv" tireeotHiro. .ve GreetiMWiro, ' ve' iit;foni. A"V" FnvuMcvme, Lre' Fayettertlle. Arv' wtimii4ion. Lve' FayettetlUe, Arv" Mavton, Lve" MaTton, Arv' ivenncusvllle, Lve" Maiit.-nn. fi so a in T.1T a hi a. 4a a nij 12-St p in t.su p m a t'5 p in S.jm p in t-SO p m p m 4. nS p ui 4 V' p iu s s p m 4 W p Ui 5.VS p III vu p m Arv" iireen-lor(. He" ;nn-n"ioro. Arv" Itamsi'iir. No. 14. No. II. Lviroep'si irt in "sian I t.v M t. Airy Uli p m I.v n ain't fove l.ui n m I I.v Wal t iive p tn Ar've Vf. Any 4 sv p in A r ureerMioro 9.3Q p iu Pnsseacernad Mail Trains run datly except Suuday. w. a.. KILL, J. W. FRY. Wnl rs. AS'U "lieneral Manager. MT.AIRF HIGH SCHOOL Mouut Airy. Hurry county. N C. On si :it, . A. M., IViiicitml. . Wall, - Assistant. Kail xeMlon region on Monday. Au. toth. issi. Tlie AsHtNtant. who haa Ii v' an experience f four venrs tn coixlticttnT M-hwU. w4!l talec elmr'c cf lYluurj" lH-juurlUK tit. t Jiu-s U..w- tl.a mncipa.1 to uevuie w.a wuuie ume i Ul.licr Ureuclies. Tliet.iwn is renarKaMe hoa for bea'thful- IKs nnrl A li'.rll t.re ot fra!::r. 1 h.'re am IM l-ar-roons. "ud n- iitoxK-utlii buvetaea are CJKo eJ to fee i?.. TR.C-.nre s lr.-.trictloo i tho-onvh. com- yrfiiin-ivi rud pi-ac'V'1. t"-"ln-r l levelp ll:e nieittal ami inorai firaiMi a of tue pnpita. l"upILs jTcpared lur fulleire or tor r.UKiueaw. Terms ix r nr-wrOoa or weks. luUf ta ad vance, balanee uu auta of Uctoner : TuUion Primary tr.so .Knell 11 M 'liis.k-al .................... ta.a Inddeetal exneujs. .S3 Funt la diar.-rxi trntu ttnie ct entrance. No de- duettun exreH fur protracted Ulaem. Foe 1 n-u lur. addreas Hi tier the Principal or Aasdstant. at ML Air) . F.xw aiaww a cm 4" e . ti t. tt y emcatba r '-ci tfc.t V.fCKS I Vi . V., x. v.z tu-s;. e is.w urr. mmra vn c.- I'm X 3r prt - t.'kc i t.-W t"i'icj.-: .- ti a..m t.- Vt-v Sorn t Goid e, cu.k .kc to rata aa u n4 h ttmn .-iio. I: U brttar dui cur: t-o a--. coiorcd r-wa. gramd mtrrrtticm wonLy .irrioa. - CiV r""" awl tv nrx AJaXS v.'K. tCDSrAar. osiiesUr. K.Y. mf iS'SS'.' ?r J. P. "BISHOP, beokir mi: Corn Meal, a i si ss Mour, ana i,e7 ur- s DRUGS. leans Molasses. YOUR OliDERS SOLICITED. Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Ttothingl v" Xers. Bay's Horse ara wm rw-t w w FrTees Laiaiff B-'ever and y" j-KaVS earea Wtateaapor. laourj "aaisar taax-b paefcac. far aVia br ail daalera. Try II f V.-mm .V. tmmxmmm Ik V - w . Nev Cou:hs.Colds,Cnnp, m -I . . . . . -a rs w iioarscnc55, AJinma, hocpiug fj I (I f S IncipierJ Cou.cn E.5335lrg Coa Bronhitir, 3 S 5 urmr-tion. ct d for t!;u rV.i' o 5 Ctnvji:r-tivar.r5i?, Xl f 5 ? Atdt.y-ists. ro:s.s.f ft gfrVrfB cvorc cvfis cr,i.if.rr:s ft a- S. P. GRAVES, ATTOKK E V. AT L A W , ItXoitnt Airy. C. W rraotUTs In r-.1 Ki 'l--r.il tvurisu Frouipt utleuliou to cuU -c'.htu ot cl. lun. GEO. W. SPAP.GER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, Mount Airy, IS. C Nerutls'lnir Loena aud tlie i!lootv of Clulins it NperlHliy. InsnrssM-e nlm-vl In ti.tn d&rtl t.iuj-::ilta upou l'.l-iiil trruis. R. L. HAYM0RE, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, irlotiiit Airy, V.:C Praetlee-s iu li e 5t:ile am! Vesl-'r-vl rv:irta ami coIWt.s elaims. All lu.-iiii-s i ntrst ed to liini will nwie luonipf all en! ion. is n u h i in mm m al v a J V JL-t W Vi Lowest - Prices ! R. A. TOTTEN, Wain Street. I KEEP A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND AND WILL N BE UNDERSOLD BY ANYBODY ! 1 CufTin anj Caskets of all fj!es anJ j'lict s farui. r-t.urr-rLL-f Veiy Respectfully, IR. TOTTEN. 1 FABMEHS, GM ATTEWMV All Ym wbo want lmake fine crops of fm or T-eT the pre- .. . . r :il VV lvtttlV eensuit yoor i.cm imereai, ii iii es-t 'c. . . traeia our reniuiers. - tot" lUinjr had ten eaia eipeiieaee ia haiullin 1'ertiliera, ami esi art ion in tl fleUl, Le feci e.mfiet.t tht tie ran be . mro j of lee exneriewev. In the !u of Kerti!izer a prt-hicera uf Y araint tU wurld the fuliowinc SandJ Uranus, vli : . k,-c- Ferti" ..' omUi-S rjia! Cuinja un.! f Toe., OltKK fTANIAKU ,eco Fert. !.'? OWL KHAN 1 !-erlal Tobacco (iiuu, AM'Ili: V Ii A N I) FAUULIfS riULXO l,il Tol.a-ro Fertiliser. tka i: All of theee are SWuidrd Cramia and never diair ja-'ii.t the f irn:-' leMigently. , , , L x t'-i "" Tke bummer of 191 wi'i T-ry llkele 1 ture nr l-s try, u J . . wptW a farmer wants to buy f a .'.ry a.-ao ta a j-r -CLeap Jobu Always bay Uk) l-!t asd vou will rl tbe bet results. Then. i..r j, not buy tbe elap PTtc-pbatesi wiib wiily J t 12 Ier rat. U ylvt t t. unri i !,.- J..rl-a ITioet.liatr- v.ith 1 to m rer .-ei.t. i f e' - - o . . . ... . I in every ton t-f It, aud coata you oniy ait.nt u r'""-, ,";; 1 Tto beat ami mnet rroeremoa fartiera bny the Iet Fertilit- r lbs: keep their com crilsv aad smoke houaea at home insJesii ot in i.li Than. ht-n Tnu want fa bnT Kertillera or sell y.ir brea, atraibt to tbe GLOBE HAUCIIOl'SE, and yoo tUII w!..: ye ycu want tk lihisf; or if yeu want iriDg "Jacbine, or a li -rv !L- .ef .r a er and 1 Under. TbankiiiR you foe your Tery liberal patroaa, anj achcuir g a c u. au! u . : ..raiw, w ASHBV DRUGGISTe, ilT. AIRY. X. !; v ciU (he sttei.U a cf u t ?;r pvk c-r.-;4-tt- z t". V ?li I.I-. t -l ..- .!.-.. a.- . ar. f--:"- 'i'. i -r I. I : . -a r-n-t.. x ; .. ... . IiV -i.-"; ',". ii--. i-'ir. ii'.. .-. -. PATENT MEDICINES. nirnt. i-l.. lv-:- ! .h.-'.: jri: l.j tii.vn . PAIi-TTS. Zt'JV;: c.rr 7 r' V;i0. ss! u n H f P jh V. r. ' rs !r. i. via:.;-.!. i::,'ir.' r i a a'-v I . r.-: r. v., :k'i -v " r i i io ii- ;. ti--. t.T-.f . .. . .'.' i ; . - al hve a rn I !"t,r t mr. i..l .i r cu au.l aiarvl:-K' 'j'.-tcv TOILET AKTICTjES, : - - la.- ml tt Eh I ". hlu;,r I r -x lain : i t. mm pi nnnar: jr. t,i . i: . L'e.s ati.1 i -la :- . . ..'. :.( - t - W ij. Ii I - I u U r ; l i-- . ! .i- - . fl. ' i". ' 1 r- i v .r . ; i .... - k 'f.4T!i.!i,,L;-v,.i'ir t-i u t ! UJ,!- lu, e-.-. t.: .- , J-'J Vr c-a. w i ru v.-.i - i ..:..- n rr ar a: All hticl. ri K ir. liJllJ.l"'a ' r-.' e.jm ktr.ri. . j ..... .. . a n.f jp ai. i ili.- u . 1 1-. . 'm..'.,v TV- v."ri1jf I 1 rvM'-r- , .r i- t mUS No :, s iii.Ti la - r -T c, M ai." I'lliii vi i i . it i .! i ..- c ct.r:i-i. ii 14, liitt, ,jr hli 1- I .o I, ir-J r- i' i . u .f r Tj.- i.' . -wi'i rr.ai-:l r :!. i .-1 n. - . t '.fh C-...T. i f.".kt:vr ft- t. e ; a:i.t!i".'',::(;'i . 'rv' ri at v :r r . i. i-iU,; - I; i- i j -.1 nv .'. .i- ,.. air rr. i.. n i-. ta yloi: ,i- i:a.y . 10 IU m-mJ I U.J T!ie ;r kt Y.:."-v V p--- ii u.--1 - - t: i r ' .- - ir.- . : I ... . i . i .s. r .--- :,r.!' :u I-. Persia Ointaient.u:. S ! '-.ir.- ar-1 t t- ! : :i. i ; t- i. ...... ,-- . f ? H - ?! i tx - ' i'u. I Ti ".'-'.-T." -- Persian Iiihalcnt ' t.r1H". K 1'1 rt-.K-ve t. n.-.i-ri U in, u--d ty li.i i' j;:.-iu it - ..cua ; lite aa.l a cure I V.tC r-. Jit. Tte M:iiri- rw 11. .i.'.T w f T "l'IKIITl.SK(!l'.MK-.M.to.1 u..-i.. . t aod are fur ;s.'e kl Taylor & Banner's Dic S!: .V0UXT AIItY, -V. t'. 05! pQf'nnuzrrk'o.v OR LC0 i 1 1 Ui 12 ''rrjr :r: i . Ifclitllii' l., Ui;.-i,.'v Sit -DKALEi: IN rn a f m mk f s ii,: J -SV.T ' 1 1 1 MOUNT AIRY, jST. C. j'VtilH-: re,.er:-!ryv;-l -ar, I i. - v-en 4 . ... m . m r tuv a r.u..-y..; v ( j V