asOi The Yadkin Valley ITews. FCfaiSilTO EVEliT FRIDAY AT MOUNT- AIRY, N. C. Office over Worth L Joyce's Hardware Store. GEO. P. PELL, KDITOR ANI OWXKK. SubvTtptloii PrV-e. i.0 per year in France. n? rate lower ttuan any lrH:r of Uke clrciUaMou and f itxnkine oo application. We wuar corresiioiidents to aeiid us new from every poruiiu of Htoke. Hurry, Yadkin. Wl.kea, Alieifbmy and Ashe, counties tn l lil Btat, and Carroll. Grayson, Patrick. Floyd and Henry u Ylrylaka. We r.. rve all right tocoo denmi and reject. We strike nt toUy for t.sos stibscrlbers to , th Niw tlili tiro next year. Friend or tle paper, your err-na to thto end will be very nin ly jppr'e;UtJ. - THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Mocvr Airt, N. O, Oct. SO, 1891 .K-ite.redattbe Post omce at Mount Airy .N.C as VMjoort -class mall matter. CLEVELAND'S INFLUENCIL Frcn the turning of tlio eve of Democrat; "away ' from petty office Eeekera once aain to the powerful form of Grover Clervland, we are forced to belFeve tliat wc are a hero vorehiping people. For three years h private citizen ot tlie Ilepu-ilic (i rover Cleveland has bcetioutspok en in his advocacy of monnrc far in advance of h'6 party, all of w hich would have consigned any other man to a political grove. Hut it wns Grover Cleveland that pokr and the whole Aniorkwm people knew and still believe in hi honesty and integrity, in his allegiance to the jeopIe and his nnsuilied state manshfp, and though many opposed liis viows they dared not inipugnethe motives of that one wh-ne nobility of character .waa known and ad mired the world over. We admire hiin though agninst A Crowd of Roughs Attack Gor eroor Campbell, CoixMBrs, O., Oet. 23. Both McKinley and Campbell are strain ing every nerve iq the last days of the campaign, 1 : The State ia full of speakers, but the two candidates are the great at tractions. ' Governor Campbell ia making two ppoechea daily. He has circled aroa nd tlie State twice, and the doughty major ia camping on his traiL Yesterday he was one day behind Cafnplefl, and the Governor announced that that was as close as he expected him to get in the race. tub mob's wokk. Last night at East Liverpool, a small town on the Pennsylvania line, which i made up of potterv manufacturer. Governor Campbell was aliuofct mobbed. J The pottory xe hired a lot of Imodiums and ruffians to .break tip Campbell's meeting, and his apperanets was the signal for the most outrageous insults. The Governor took In the situation at a gUiiee, but he did not weaken. On the contrary, with a great display of nerve, he scored the robber baron-jjwho had hired a crowd of toughs to j .re vent hinj from cxjKtsing the ;roblerv th-y were perpetrating, and for two hour he stood facing a wild inob. lmbftrdin? them with an arsenal of denunciation. i i A fact that all men with gray and many shaded whiikers should know, that Buckingham' Pye always colors an even brown or black at wM. . : ; : r : ' ; We sdvUe eur readers to bny-ibe Mason & Hsnlia or Sterlfaff Org-aa, a they are the bentju the en.try. Uoa't your money a J" on cheap ami shoddy Fiaooa A, Organs. Buy the JVst, ; Fine Tobacco Land for Sale I We offer fr sale at low figure one tk-oo-sand acres of fine Tohaceo and W h-at land situated near Mt. Airy and White Plains, Will set! the whole or any part. Terms readable. J. K. K. E. MAUMIALI., WlIJTK IX A IMS X. C, MOUNT AIRY JEWELRY CO. Can sell you at New Yrk prices the cele brated Masou & Ilatnlitt and StrliS Ur gaus aiut Pias. s - M Beauty ia said to be only skin deep j but to poses apdprt-nerve a oeatiUIUi Bam, p1"-, iigwroua uiwu isefifceutial. Thii U U-bt 1 tucurul by taking Ayer' Sariparill small but ireuuent Uoee.- xt l i uioit reliable of blood-purifiers. HOLIDAYS I HOLIDAYS I Y, the Holli 1 1 re ccmirj aud yenj aut iiioo PrescBts tor kvd ontn. Ic liny one tiling until ya go and- tbu nic NoYelties at tfe Iew Jewelry Stare. our will; we dislike the seeming impolitic oxpre55ioiia that place hi party in close quaterx, but wo are for him still. lie i a rmn, all that. Ltaton how the people cheer his magic name! Cleveland! A hero he is, and a statesman we are forced to admit. See how when t'.e political battle rages hot his presence adds to the safety of his party like the presence ot a great father to his anxious chil dren. The pcoi-le are for Cleveland, but don't want toadmit it. He has been too honest for them. , He has ex posed their rascal-, their narrow mindedness and their false political doctrines and thoy have turned their hearts agamf-t him, at the same tine worshiping him as the politi cal hero of this epoeh. What canoea u to write this ? Have you read the news of late, how even in New York where his enemies were thicket-t in the light against him, the great champion Ilili has even bowed the head of acknowl edgement to his power over the heart ot his people, and now de , clarcs G rover Cleveland tlie choice of the Xew York democracy ? Have you n6t net iced that almost every southern newspaper, qven those that worshipped the- golden calf of protection, have taken their stand for Grovrr C 1 ;vebmd ai the cham pion of the eople and the people's rights? lie has thmwu onc-c again his ponderous' weight info the cam paign of fhu Empire State und no man dares to say ought ag.iiimt his democracy. We have seen him as president of a mighty nation vetoing a peimion bill that he knew would by itself de feat him for a re-election. Wc have "seen him run the buzz saw of low tariff through the manufacturers and money kings of the North to their eternal hatred of him, all for the sake of the people. Wc ee him again taking issue with a win i of his party on the silver question ftud alo again declaring his belief iu the principle ot taking the tax off of necessities and putting it on lux uries. These two latter stands en raged his party friends. The Alli ance believed he should be d wned. Advocates of free and unlimited coinage of silver (among them this pper) said he 'should le downed. And all agreed that he would be downed. But look J what do we sec ? He begins to move, to talk to the people, to explain the truth of his democracy and what is the re sult ! A great state that heretofore has declared its allegiance to his ri val, David IVIIill, has gone wild over the same champion tlmt placed the democratic banner over the Exe cutive Mansion at Washington, and IT MA UK VQJFS. The better element in attendance J at the meeting, although to a man republican, were so incensed at the outrageous reception given the chief executive of the State that many of them called on him, after the meeting j had djurned, V tell him thar they intended to rebuke tho pottery boie by voting the straight domocnuic i ticket. It i probable that the Hist LiverjooI meeting will make '- Campbell hun dreds of vote in that region of the State. . I 1 i Dcgrredatlon f tlie Alliance. : It is a melancholy thought that the pure purpose and principles of the Farmer' Alliance should le thus abused j by M-'ltish oliticans who have crept into its secret coun sels. There, w:is nothing wrong or unjust, unpatriotic or ; unwise, in this-organiz tlion as it was ly established. Neither was it weak it. its influence on public policy It was a powerful organization for jolitical resistance i to political wrong and injustice. It was inspir ed with the thought in which' the higher liherties of the people have often had their birth the redress of grievances. It was made t eccs sury as a means off rrsrtanre to legalized monopoly to legalized tax robberyt to trusts that sprai g up everywhere to choke down b sr iies rivalry and hor.c.t comjicti tion, and to thc(in.cumn!a?ed a rin tagis given to corporht OH ai.d combines bv tho leg slath-n of the country. It was the tirt grand ef fort of the farmers fto combine in resistance to others who had com bined for aggression upon them ; and its failure, if it is destroyed by a misplaced confidence in its politi cal leaders, will result in weaken ing, it not in diVsipating, an influ ence that woukl outherwise have blessed the country; The sincere defenders of the people against the agtre .'ions of monopoly, tr: sts, and combines armed with the control of taxation and finance, will mirs the jxmerful supirof the Alliance when its noble mrijon has been de graded into a distepu table hunt af ter otlice. Senator Uuhn 7 Jor junr in the S'wember homhx. HIDDEN & BATES! It is arkDowleled by all tbat LtPUrs A. Datks 8. M. Uot'sK ia lb largest and in. at reliable in all tbe Southern country. The Mount Airy Jewelry Co. Las full con trol .f their btiMueas in Jmrry coantr, and can sell at niaimlai-Uirers' prices, dtliver- ed freirlit paid le your Railroad l)lot. Xlsson & Hamlin and Sterliog Orgat and I'iaiio. aud all other Instruii.enrs handled bv L:-. dd en & B-tes. t'atl and see Instru ments or write iht-io at Mount Airy, N- C, Joyce i;iw-k. Try Snider's Homemade Catsup. D. A. Kawlev savs it is the hot ever made, ior sale onlv by J. K. Pahdisox. DkLion, Tkx', July 23, ISO!. MXS4RA. Liitmam Buos.. Savsmtali, Ca. Cijits I've wt nearty fonr bciflee of I, r. P. I was sSlicted from tb crwu of j my liad to the soles of uiy fwt. Your I. P. r. has cured dirllcnlfy of broalhirg aud ftn.otiJinc tiaipuation ot tlie beart, and relii ve l me of all pain; one, nostril was clneetl for ten years, now I can breathe through it readilr. 1 have not slept on either side for two j earn, in fu.-t, Jreald to see Btlt eoiuo. now 1 bleep soundly iu any ioatUa all siifht. - i 1 nin 59 years old. tint expect soon to be able to take hold of the plow bandies : I feel proud I was lurky enough to get P. P. I. aud I heartily reimneiid it to my fi lends and the public generally. Yours respectfully. A. M. HAMSEY. The Static of Tkxas, ) County of Comanche. Before the utidersletied authoritv en this d iy, personally apin-ared A. M. Ratn wy. who after being duly sworn, says on alii that the foregoing statemeat made bv bini relative to tbo vlttue f P. P. P. medi cine is tru. A, M. UAMSEY. So n to and sutcribcd before mo this, August 4th, lSlfl. J. M. Lamiscth, . Coinauch. Co., Texas. Honest After All. I We do not uphold vice in any shape whatsoever, but we do say that Mr. Jas. M. Pendleton, the un fortunate young man who ran away fnm Winston a week or so atjo after navmg usca tne minis ot the West ern I'tiion ('ompanv and Twin City Club, ha lieen mistreated by the et&te press and tljjc public in gen eral. In this mistreatment thii? pa- jht suarcti, ana now it oeeomes our aipgiunu auty to make reparation and say that Mr. Pendleton, true to his instincts of ma.hood that we have heretofore found iu him, has made arrragemcuts to pay lack this money. To say tho least Mr. Pen dleton committed crime, but he comes forw ard like: a man and ad mite it, declaring it was without his knowledge, that he is deeply peni tent and at tho mime time leturning a cheek tor the money- used. We sympathize with hint, "but must call the attention of all young men who are careless with f their employers money to this unfortunate circum stance. i, Destructive Fire at Itural IlalL News reached hereof a destruc tive fire at Itural j Hall. Be sides destroying a largo dwelling house and its contents, belonging to Win. Nevvsom, a purse rou:aiiiiu? seven teen huudrcd dollars in greenback. silver aiKl gold was burned. FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor In the blood, j ulcers, catarrh, and ' consumption. . :. use j Ayer'a Saroaparilla The most economical,, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purifiers. Has Cured Others will cure you. j I W - the South, trnetoi'sold friend who j heavy U to Mr. Newsom. who is an aged and e-tet incd injntleman. placed her in the Cabinet of thena tion, baa responded to the shout; "Hurrah for Grover Cleveland P The News joins in this shout, withholding its opinion is to the fisoat available m tn for the head of ilie democratic ticket of 1S92, but h"ping that the condition of our country will be su;h as to warrant tho democracy of the nation in .re- c.iiizmg once again the man who aod. t,o dy above suspicion and nd luired and loved by all. After the fire: only four twentv d.lkrs and a few piece of siiver whiih had melted and run together were recovered from the ashes. For the news of County, State an Nation read Vamcis Valley News Wealth and liapptucft. When this old man sees ahead far enoouh to know that he has a home wl lere no hungry wolf doM prowl j when he knows that he mi look mn in the face and not ve them a copper in tlve world ; when he knows that his little businesa will paV out Saturday niglit and leave a tew pennies i ahead the old tusn will always IhJ happv. JJurhatu IrlotH. Watsom a Bcztow. Attorneys at Law. Winston. It. U., Scp'l js. !!:. Jas. n. Will. See'y. 1 istn new rK Avenue, i : WasUlbtwn. D. C. neaaSra: I have been nslni one of your Kleclropo!w! too lour -ars. apon a UUle Inva lid iwin. who has been anilcte.i wltn a puluionary trouhte ami a dropsk-al tendency. I uave found Krrnt relief for blm In ibd i-n nt the Klt-t-trw- p-ilw, btra tne doctors bad failil to rive blru ao- periuanent relief. stKi I am satlsaed that kiii for lis us: we should nave lost blui. I have never seen It fall to rf-duce his fever. or to brlnir sound sweet sleep. 1 would iiol be luivm it tor many uutes us cil. Your truly. J. C. BUXTON. Mr. Buxton Is slw) President of r"1rt National Hunk. Winston. N. C. and t one of tie foremost men ot i he Noutn. i for sU information address I . Atlantic Elcctrcpoiss Ca, 10 Y. Avenue. WASHINGTON, D. C. RADAH'S MICROBE KILLER. CURES ALL DISEASES, i Becsase all dlseasi are tne result nt InrmetiLatlon and de ay. uued by Uf - in z microtws in tne bunas n spntem.sad wliataverreta- ! edv will partly tne blood 1 rr recnovlrvy tbs caose ol disease sua build ap the j Imalin and streniftb of tne patient. Is tne one Ut use. . Bcdaurt Microbe Is aatare s remedy, sad Is thai crreatest boon ever iriTrn to maDKUjn. he ore the spurloua IraJtatwAS which follow In me Dath of lis womOwOiI rum. i'i vuu!iutihuid. t aiarro. Deumry, indtKstton. Klieuinetlnin. Howl. Bladder. Mrtu. andaUulb- 1 er dmeaaes which are nnlftiv ana iwruinmilr i ..y ram ncr niiinj.Tompaui wmco nae doan Bifi for KUfferlnir bumaikltv than all Liu- i una ui puu.o(ious aruip. BOHtrvtns. so called prortrteurv tre!klnes. tt all put lo- Kemer. tecause If roovr the raoxe of disease sod Insures health. Ttio.junil nt vlnbiaj-r certlOvates of almost miraculous core attest nese iri. and deiQonntrale to the world that W m. Radam. tbe Uml Hmuvr In hla auulrr. I tal rm-overy. baa irons far ahead at all other explorers la fc-lenllfVs fields, aud Use deiaow- rraiea oevond a doubt that no disease CuD ex- w wiiocrat a uiv)fdered s stein, and bis superb fwrnawl r atanA as. av . ... " v,M iwuiua tur truisV urcsoae 1 u Tho Original and Old Callable MWroKe Klller-s palatable remedy whlcb cares 1 "J J-CV Mid iHjcIqk lb SJS- tera tn a natural aud uoaltuy coiidiuoo. lnvetltrate the mmn r.t he.llb rlrtngr dtrmer which haw stood the -. igq corea inouaanas ot all atanaer of dls- , east s . and tw ware of all oUimr awaiiMl rrm or mtcro-e dtrroj era. wblr.h are often thus ad vertised to sell their oUierwise worthless mlv- I '"r; aa wnica are at iralU-ilorsol this Great for ruli pnruyuUis and certUleatcs ot wonder tal cares addree , Jos. W. Ashby, Agent, MOrXT AIHV. X. V Tib Old Orl-lnal Item edv Lrarf. )Ek people shojild not be deceived bv prrnders who talk about MlcrobI, irrM,n "baccilli," &c., to sell their pre rutona,tbna preventing people from btiv lor she original tested roetlidne, RaiUiu's Mlcbe Killer" Is what jou need, p U now, and for years has been, mating mora cures thaw all other rem .-.lien combine. Invr tlssi It before triilin whb Hr l.elth. Keil their advert Uctuent In" tl.U i.Hter. Dotl be deceived. j! WHITE US. STANDARD Music Goiiid' T X J 4r ffi.A LiEQESf m ci x'lMQS ill OrJ at Its LOWEST FE1CZ: mm ORGANS, MUSIC ! -4 I She different makes of Pianos 4ndihree leading Orcan makers represented Dy us. vVc buy for cash and we sell on ong time, easy payments. C4aIogues and information free. Manly B. Ramos & Co., .903 Main Street, PIANOS bteinway, KimbalL OEGAXS Bridgeport, Kimball, Alliance. The BRIDGEPORT is tin only XfXouse and Hat proof Org-an ia tin South. The Opera Piano lias tlxree pedals. Pianos, $190 upwards. Organs, $25 uprra TISIdBLOCK, rd; ' s OctJip3inJ HICHMOND. VA. 0 . it ,.' :. II m C . !. 8NEI.L A. CO., Si.eeb.Msts, Cbrouic, I errwns. Veneral and Female disesees : L'atrh of tlie None, throat oud Innga : dis ease oi Lunga, Heart, Ptomach, uowels, Liv. Kidney- and Bladder. All private and inspeciat , diseases, Goiiorhopa. Gleet, tnanre. Varicocele, lirdrocele, Syerms- f on lira, Self Abuse, Sterilitjr, lmpotencr, f J IT . j , k ! i -iif. n utooqf unu cam t'liwnseti, ojptuiiis, aucvr, Ac.' rDiseaijrs of tlie rectum. Piles, Fistula and 'jPiitnors. Particular attention Riven to tiyeasca of women, (jure guaranteed in sU cases arranged and taken. Consul tation free and confidential. Treatment sentw. O. D. to all parts of the United iate3. Send stamp for replv. netunnsli Ix'arM at reasonable rates. Call or address UK.$iLbUT V. 8ELL, & CO., Knox- villc'"-. Tenn. Office over City National Itanti OOfce hours, 8 to 12 a. in.. S to 5 and ;30 to p. tn., Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m. tt enuaoeuuy tocaieu. t PCRFCCTCD CRYSTAL LENSES vaaes Mas. tVatvfMnaahnri. Taylor Banner, DRUGGISTS, ; (SUCCESSORS TO DR. . S. TAYLOR. ) ' MT.AIEY.N.C. ResTVcttBlly c.iU tbe sttcnUon ot tbe public to t heir stock ot TYD TTfl C3 -oonslstlE or most r. P. prep UIX U VJ O. ar lions in -nt-ral u.h. tx-ils nil siU'U staple dniin as vi'lpiiur. eiis.ul. crab irebkrd and rocbelle salu-." camphor, gluger, lor. ood. Indigo, umd'ler. ffiue, 4c, Ac PATENT MEDICINES, Sffi tueuts. plasters, liqiiitlii. elixirs, soothing: anc cougb s.vruv too mut.ero js to uientlou. PA TKFTQ ur Btork complete, eon f I it X Oi H'bUoK ol bv st brundH Ueady- Mixed, and Lewis Buck brands wnlte lead. eolora In oil, wajujit. cherry end mahogany s alns. turpentine, -varment-. Tanner's, nest's n kit. 11riMi.l. inHihlnrr-. nistnr aii.l liarne?M oil. also have a full line ot Paint and Varnish. Men ell an.1 marklug bruBbes. TOILET ARTICLES, baiTsU! Inff and tooth brusncs. tsce and toilet powders slionlder braces. IhiiiJo. violin aud g-ultar su-iujrs soaps. pertuiBerv, finest extracts ior handker chiefs and many otber valuable articles. Wben you need suob articles as crcsrn tartar, flsvorini; extract, clunttiuoii burk. black tap per, or bnkln? powder, couie to see us. as wc boy only tne best, and their parity is gunnta teed. Wben you bny castor oil, pnrexorlc. laud anum, epaora luUts. concentrated lye. indtgtx and sii aucn articles, siways fro to a nrst ciaits arag Sdore. as irrocers and most other dealers handle a cheap sad impure article of Rtich tblng. Those suffering: wltb rupture can be fitted with Mecley's Hard Knbber or wiUx cheaper brands ot truRsva. narlnbad great deal of extertenco In this line, we can guarantee a nt asd Knitfacttoa. Orders from a distance tor mailable articles, will be iiromotly rilled, provtded money comes wim orcer. i naiiKinif tne people oi me town Keep Warm in Gold 7 eather ! Bargain Store i -HAS A FULL LINE OF GO0I UliiUiU and surround! titr country for past patronaire and nopinr to merit a continuance of U are ery Itespectrull-, the same, we TAYLOR tfi BANNER. t T ..tiNL--..-. J - . m - f I Ofiinitinn Un OpllliiO D nnm mum, CliiiiGilii'sll Shoes, Hats, &c, Cheap For the Cash. TRY US ONCE. Respectively, A. ALEXANDEI 07" In M-. A. C. Short's Old Stand, next to ArmftaM Block. "GRAIN - Drill Iw AND CANE MILLS, "Steel Nails and "GASH SALES NEVER - Wooden Pails and No Credi . . " 1 Tbe Great Family Medicine, baa proven to possess the most safe and efficient properties lor Xbe cure of Colrls, xuirhs. KUeuuiatlsm. Hpralus. lrnli,H. Neuralpla. tore Throat, sore ness in i ne oones ana muscies. pains in tun chest, sides and back, and la very useful In all cases where an external remedy Is applicable. IJrtMni A .T Aam AM VrlilllllCllU tireat The Skin Cure and catarrh nemc'y. It Is tndls sable In the treatment or kln diseases. furel,vvejreiobleanu Its oiieration is seen sud ; elt at once. It will positively cure Itch. Hlnjt-1 worm, inies. Tetter, and nil eruptions or 'uei sil blctcues and pimples, i ?en-tls Stove lead the country. SJid don't f"7t a new-arlna J jut arrived, la sl.ort, w My witjiout bonstitii; wo have a s'o .'k ' ci. tiling iisinHy wanted by any c! ft Mii,l.a'ic3. Karmera, or any on ele. call st'ccisl attention f- our Inr -e li-ie :" We have been lie re year a d ' ticrl-l hsrd to sell ont, but. have uiotv Har v:iro miw tltun rvi'r. The old reliable . I.ippJa cott Aid and l! kiuds of Carpenters !':.. Guns Powder, Shot, fee. ; every kind ol Iron needed it IhiHCoiintrv ns wel' n- St, -el. tinished and Mule SI to- s. Sit el tnrs ! lHrs.Sa.-h, ISIass and Ke-idv-Mixei P.; ail Plies, iit-pnivd ShovoL, bi, , iul!, j warrsutel to have wo mi jwri r. V o;i u n t Shovels. Spades, Forkrt, &r.. fth owe us any bill, which, of navvs-ity v.v.t Traces, Sc., llamoa and D.ick!.-. and aU ! '"' .von toc-Jl and settle.- but . ! t: the Heatit! Stoves you want, .-i-'al ''r 'ia,s :ln' think you for, the CASfl you price tt churches; Of enr ev-r In,Iv j have paid us, aud sincerely trut yc ;! kuowa I be Illoe Kide and New Lev CtM.k , allow u h remain skin, and will remove i freckles and sunburn, dandruff, 4c i Persian Inhalent tunsumptlve unci's. Asthma, atai 10, A. RAWLRY, s GEMKBAL ilKRCHANT. II a elualve BAle ot these celebrated glsssea In ; Mt. Airy, N. C. XCellain & IVXoore, - - : ' , t TUe oojy manufacturlns Opticians Ui the South, J .f- s Atlanta, Oa. For Con- ru motion. Consumptive ton if Us. Aiiliuaa. alarm and La irtppe. It will relieve the most violent attack. Beintr used by Inhalation. Its action la immedi ate and a en re is tbe result. , These Medicines are manufactured by TIIK 8PIHITTINB C'lltMICAL CO., WUtulnrton. N. t .. aud ore tor sale at Taylor & Banner's -Dreg Store, MOUNT A THY, N. C. J. : rir"iddlars are not supplied with these ta- inous Ssaasea. j G$0. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Pnblic, ' H 1 ... i' Blviint Airy. N. C. run (3) ' iicoUaUniT Loans and the Collection of I taluit: epeciaiiy. insurance piaceu in sian- l OJia vyaiMUiira aiyvaa uun iciuu. I . . Li HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4 t -m . Itfount Airy, If. C. SaJ Pralacea iu the State and Federal courts id conecta claims. All business entrust rd to hin will receive prompt attention. i V. F CARTER, Alf-rORNEY AT LAW, .. t k mount Airy. IV. C. Prseijjes In sir tne Ware and Federal Courts. Invest ottion of titles to land a specialty. 1 aff ) r , ' P. GRAVES, ' A ORNEY AT LA W , nonat Airy, N. C- rvietlces In Ptste snd Federal Courts. prompVtLtentlon to coilectsoa or claims. Tomack & Embrey, ProdCcc Commission Herciants, Slloit onsiirnroenu of all kinds Produce. A GOLD WATCH AND $204. "'Tlii.t is what every Agent nctuvs who rati lisi ta t1nTk tf.t nur 1 rwr wahplc itl-i n. lO n y a v vss v u " -w - j-... - Our H-karat gold-filletl cases are war ranted for 20 years. Fiue Eljjin or Walt ham moremeiit. Stem wind uwd set. La dy's or Cent's size. Eqnal to any foO watch. TO secure where we hare none. we sell ie of the Hunting Case Watches for the Club price 823 and aeud C. O. D. ly express with privilege of exsmiuation be fort paying for" same. Our at,eut at Dmhstu, X. C, writes: "Our Jewelers have confessed they don't know how you csn furuuui such woik for the money." One gotnl rrlisblo agent wanted for each plsoe. Write for porticnlirs. KM PIKE WATCH CO., ..5 a ri t..!.i.. v Xr V..-lr Oct.iC-ly YOUR FRIENDS, MOUNT AIRY, X. C, St-pt. 10th, 1S91 It :TIIAT: RIGHT HERE IX MOUXT AIRY 1 JS MANUFACTURED Circular Saw JUitlSj jFizrbznc Heater Unheals, Castings, $-c. XtMMBH.We can always furbish you Saw., Ueltin, Fi.sfn: Pulleys, tVc., i:c., at Lowest Prict a. Be sure and call on ur write me liefore orrler'nsr elsewhere. We can save yon money. . Mount Airy Iron T7or2xs, Sept. 4, '91. , Mount Airy, N. C. Some Company ! -jCAROUXA IMER-ST.ITEj. Buildings and Loan Association, -OF YIL3IJXGT0X. X. C. s 'CAPITAL STOCK, $5,1,000. MATUUED SHARES, 8H0.f0. OFFICERS- Jno. writer Alkiawn. 11. M IV. deu. E. 8. Tennent. has. K. Ha.-lea. irclell iieares. President. Vice President, secretary. , Treasurer. Cereral Attorney. ScieliGe Has Made It Possible TO RESTORE DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT TO JS"OI$JJ.riIj T"I$IOJ GO TO SEE W. B. FAEEAE & SOjt JEWELERS, GREENSBORO, N.C. They will shew jou bow It Is done. Tbcb new ibetrnments etat.le th-m to Bt all d'lKia auu as AsUmatbua. Uyneropla. Myopia. PresoyopU. or anv couvv.und rtittxt-. t!.jt cu be lA-t i Italiortnal coodUJoB 'HU" examined as oa will suffer n-j paia. It U1 be tx sj-;u-U ;:I Must roajroiflcent d'lspUf of DUmoods. other Precious Stones and fine Jew.-trv in t he hii-f . send us j our wattb by express for repau-a, w. B. rAiibUK -ox Sepu 4th. 1MS1. oreenste'ro. K. C. J. K. Wattera, 9uperlntendeut of Ag-encles. NOTICE! 03 C r f- 3lav&e noalifSed as Administrator of tle Estate 5 fW. n. Jliekmsn. de'd, all per- e ns art; hereof imtujeu to ireseai ciainia I Jilch they may liobl again said estate ' duly atsilusiilwAied totltenudersigtied with in twel Js nioiitli.- from this Lte, or tbia no tic wi be pb-a.1 in bar of their recovery. All per -ns anriof sail estal win pieaae Uke Lntediate set! lenient of tlte aanie. and uficiat. LA. KNAIU.E, Adai'r 3 ! W. H. Ilkkman, dee'd. ?TiisiV..rh, 1P91. Tf'r- ' 1 1 L" "1 IS f 1 lM"r awrtf ",.la-a- a W af I 1 S I I I ... r K 00 If U U ;r::r rir v-airrr.1 twrw tlvn i-m .J.m... at- f. 'rrt .-.1 win aMMail.a ,rOTa.nmta .iwa .mmm rmn, mm mmm- MMWMM.Ma.aai. mUf mmm I mmm at?-., wi ..rS aa.artra wi...,. 1 m r MM M " a Viafe aaii liraal mm . m-ff mrm Ma.aa Si.aa . jrr mm A la. Si mmm) Ml I -I V.U inlnahv. rKKE. Oan ml m-mmt AiCcKX. kl-aa . A SI DIUECTOKHj Jdo. Wilder Atklcson. w nmincton. iv. t,. i rreartdent wi!iain-tonsvinipaana iruavvu.. ueoerai insurance asvbi miu. Isaac Bates, iiming-toa. r. v. preauent Dank ot rer nawover. IL M. Bowden. - wuiniajriot.. c. Cashier Ftrst saivonai iana- J. R. Kenly. WUmJOKton. f. Hupt TTsnsportatKMa. Atlantic a.WSV Chaa. E. Horden. Wtlialnaton. N.C. 8p't s avasaw uuano cotnpan) . Berry meaves. Wllmlnsrton. Ji. C rTestdent oieaves utraware -vunauj. Dr. William H. Green. WUralnpton. N. C. Wm II. tireen C to noienaie uniiofiaua. K. S. Tenneat, wllmlntrton. J. C. secretary ana Treasurer cation mxiia. Iredell Meares. wumiastoa. w. v. Attorae, at aw. fflE-ELER NFW -mm a ir ta r ! nHnt Airy Branch. Rev. J. E. Gay, A- C. Short, C D. Fatteraan, W.F. Carter, rresident. Vice President Sec'y and Treas. - Attorney. I DIRECTORS t f- and Vftiikty Hab:U l I enraat as notua wiui I 1 oat pais. Book of pai- UlJ Ucnlars sent FKltK. "5 .... a - . . I . K . . r . f aM aaamaaaaaSMaaaaaai u.h.ti a-t.iri.. r-NMnnr Rev. J. E. Gay. W. F. Carter, Oha. Rob- bina, A. C isliort aud J. o- IS.abop. Take stock in a home enterprise, when you ran fret as good aa article as there is iu any State. ;J. F. Bishop at ths lepot will tsks your application for stock. J. F. BISHOP, k riept. 10, HJl. State Agent. 'Tl I iA 111! I tt at I la mis V tras fMAiST m? CAe-JVV3P CMCAav. n W.ioaj BUAJtt. at y av" rOH 6AU BY ' - 1 3 The : OUY PERFECT 5&im MfCrpViisM FAMI LY USE. AfiiSnTOsir.:;. ta ae wr bmmt to. War; fw pciCM tkU fit. 1HPCSTE0 PLUSH ALC'JM, t.C3 S, s 1H. Eaiicias fiim4 wt. yoM 4fmm m,-. mam rlif, asiaiac arir Sftv C.ta-t 1 i rJ Mraaras. kaat fr tl tn (r.a.'. for : . V ,. iaaua "Miuia oa lt pun attain u ri . J will au boaaf f j ! tamaa la oar i i i I ricai this ' f -. Osf aw . "socsctaa P.t.LLtt Fa an t P nr. r c r s. -14 asd .r. mrw k e , -oca- trirc'it c -n- l.- . - . vtn m i w unit, a W l.T Xi . lu 4 f " - r.a.aaaaaf laak. lutr.i-l t-'--. " ; . NWSKH MckiaLll. Imp Ck. IKettral'jic 2crm ns And U-o tmnbV-1 vclih i T.--.r-i ie' . . frwiirareoroverwo-t: wt.I ts .e:.r t t; "ci IJroten'm Iron Hitters, &. Bi a, lias trade ttArk sa J ctwiee J nJ cs sr; , r. 4

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