i Tii8 Yadkin Valley Newa PCBUSJIED EVEUY FB 1 1 A Y AT MOUNT AIRY, N. C. CfUce oer Worti & Joyce's Hardware Store. , GEO. P. PELL, KUITOR a.n-d ovsta. Pnbarrtptlnn Prlee. $l.0 p"' year in advawc. A-lvrtlt!ng rfce l-iwcriaan cjr pit:cr ol like trculafloa aul furnished tb application. We wanf rorrrtjifni-nLl " to "end u r.ewn from evurr xjrV.ou o MVHie. ssnrry. aitfcin. WHlre. II-;-'iaoy and Aide coui.ii" in tliM ttat. ana uTf!U Cnjwii. Patrick-, rlojd and Henry l Vlria:. v-c reserve a.1 rum to cou Uene and rr J-,i t. w tr on: t-di.y for l.v leiwribeni to h-'Nitl'hil!iWR'tyeM. VfttwlA t Hie parwr. ymir efforts Lu tbiaend wlil be very til'U Ijr appreciated. Mocxt Aiby, N. CM Xov. G. 1891 Kirerelatthe Post t Mount Alry.N.C. aa c oa'Kliiis mall matter. ... Ma aa"a A GLANCE AT THE RESULT. One tiling the election prove-1 if nothing ele, that the People's Party advocates in Oliio talked for the People' Party, but when voting t'inc came voted the KepuMican 1 iekct. Th wa jvt as we ex pect !. There are hut two p:utici in this country of any finiiw-Hwe. the Democratic and U-'puM can jnrties. Our South AUi ik-c ?'ioi;M oserve this piece. ler:t, this trick of t!ie Western AKiaiicetu; v.. Tt::y have attempted to civ.it-; a hrcacli in the democratic party ff the South ly advocating a third party, at the fc.iine time themselves vol it. t!ie republican ticket when the te t comes. The Waterloo whie': ha- jd-t on-r-tikcu rhe republicans of Ncv .York and !:inihe 1 from th politic.. tic'.d Ilos Pl;ittt the mo t -o:tt';iiptiin.' ingrate that lit iitVtcd the ji.?..pl; of the Empire Stity in yi-ur-, aisi his little g it. l. Hint IW If, which he cojiceivi-d would dr.r.v a'ong the World's F.iir Iu:rdo:i with eaef means much when we cumc to !.;! once up accounts ivn look forward to "J-'. In Mitssaoliuscf ;-.?, Kiis!l. Cleve land's New En-rlmd champion, ha won tliedav in the face of irrcat odds, and in Io'va llie., htandi::g out as a low tn in mn, h ;s swept the deck with an ii:c:ca" 1 majority. The olei'iion in Ohio uic-ant that the People's Party whs practically of no force, and in Xew York whero here tofore Hill has received only 1J,0ojj maj irity at his bet and where Flower now rolls up lyno it ws ireely spoken that .'i-;V!jla'id.s en thusiastic canvas di 1 the wrk. Then what tl.jes the !.t-t election in dicate! It indicates t"iat the Ameri can jHiople are for CL-vcl :;id an l will ftand ready to pass the. v.nl down the line in ;2. AVith Xew York, Xew England and trie Wet favoring this Cham i :nf t he-j t -pl.j what need the So::th to fear Democrats thuld Ik; encouraged aid tho:i!d remind themselves jtli.it ljwturitf Utheisoueaii'l will prevail. Friends t j the cau-e ot temper ance, those who believe the li jiior tra.'lic is a curse to our State and a men u-e to mental and moral lilrtv, n:-o to Oh.oe'nliie in UiL-igh on Xov. 19th, to arrange f.r united action. OuU vill be in tlicir mi.L-t. Capt. S. II. A!.-xa:vhr suM in Newton if jcr eapira was ill, trilmted to ewry crn in the Country, it would W l,nt a htt'e time till existing laws would drain it from the n my into the hands f the tew, just as has Ie?a done in the pat. And C.npt. Alextnder v;w right. IUHTOUIAL CHOW-CHOW. The nomination lor President seems to lie alnady given to Cleve land hy unatiitnouscunent. Kenl! y, at t!iis writing no one else is in "it at all. C'levtoUnd ntul tariff reform will K-ep the country like awiiirl wind next yvnr.Jf,Htty.,M.ry AI- Wo onght not to ah n so the AI!i anco beeHUse tlu reare Mttaut dem agogues among them. There ate blatant deiuaoguea in every organi zation. The p! i:u present... thvi oi the truth will undo the plans f Al liance demiigoirijos, us it does the demagogue .f nil persna-ioiis nn.l orders. State t 'iron ,. Point from I'm nude. CpoeUl Cor. t-j th Ncwk.) Ci ixkk, N. C, Nov. 4, ISOI. Mcwra. Crutelitield ami 15..V.1 are having the found vio f,r their to-b-ieco factory dug this wtt-k. It i to be a go.1 Lirgo three t.rv h iil,I- llir a.Ild . xvi11 '":'t riglit awav. I Ins w tne third gotKl factory for 1 innae.e. And .we h ive it "from . tixi auuioritv fi.tt tlic-re will K- cuier hi iea?t, Duilt helween How and next Spring. ' Wot were informed bv tlir .!r.,t s':-i.t th tt litina. le sh;p;e.i aio.it etiu aim li'tNj i, ti, . iaeian.1 v.-j.r I li.,f. ,., , , Tnitis!i.- . not a big u a .,,r of towo.v; .srv,u. '?? IrwkL-a l-ii... ... : l . -. . . nn an.l kKtt... i i t. t inree years ag.. c.i.tc wa, n,, t ,w:i I utall. ! Pastor Cnrtl In .tr.l . the fellowahir of t!.." S . l .U tt ... ":,. charculatSuu l;v. v. uin - ..V " ! i. i. . i.i i - . ' J - -3 - - ,. WE ABB f OB PEOPLE! Democracy Sweeps New York Both Ways from Harlem Bridge! I RUSSELL AND BOIES JOIN THE ' VICTORIOUS BAND! Democratic Gains Eyerjv Republicans Hold Only afewHairs of Ca.Tip'jeSi's Scalp After a Long and Bitter Fight ! ,,VAiH!.v..ir(.:i, I. '., Nov. 4, '9!. I ;':i:H-ra' in th'-i eity'are jubi lant t-d:iy. i E.-'.rly thi morning, just after n:id:::ght, wlicii dip:.tcl.es rolh-l in a!!: :tricir.g Democratic m m M Till lis ovi-rywJ.fic. tt.c! booming ot j cannon n.uM be h-ard.f Kepub'i- cans were trvia- to c.;.gr;i!i:a:o , ' u , . . , tueiiii-vlvfs ov'ei .M.rKinlcy v.ctorv , J in Ohio, b it hn iii.j ,nty being rL- j duced eve ry j time l ews would lie j heard, they ha-! Httlj cvnfrrt in the facu of a Wateihu. in Xe v York, defeat i'l M .-il -iiU Iwa gabf-r: :.o.rial rac: re-: dueed mai.rit:-s t t rv.v here else T j 'i-t The Flower Tlirt Bloomed in 17ew York, tra; la. Ntw Yuk: Cirv, Nov. t;, ls'.M. lTp to the procnt Lcuir i: looks im if Y lower's m::jirity for Vjo'wrnor will re:ich ofoot i. j The rest of the dem cr:ttie ticket U a!s. elected. Ex- j President Clevelmd says it is a tri umph of l.Av tiinll. Theleg: iture is extremely t ly but chances in favor of the dem-tcrat-. ' Great re joicing prevails all over the Stite. Iowa. Dtis Moinm, Nov. 0:h. Vcter d iv tletiiivratt c-jlehMte I in great tlupe tlieir victory in thi State. (Jovernor I ivies, dem, is c!cetel by rix thoii-a:id plurality, and as it looks 'now it will take a cartful vote to determine how the legislature and other tte otliees went. The tanners voted for IJoi. . His baekersare shouting ."Doie f..r . i I.CIUV1U. ! Hew Jeraay. Ti'.K.vrox, Nov. i. The Demo crats will have a majority in Uith bninchesof the Legislature. At the politiojil head.jtiatteis of the Demo crats in this cirv claim is made that Demorttiescnatorsliavc ln?eu elect ed in Hudson, Huntertoti, Middles-ex and Su-oex ; ounie-. The Dem ocrats als claim to have electcl for ty aj-semblymen iu the Stute. Virginia.- KlCHMOMV, Va., Nov. r., lv.i. The Low r Hotw of tlie eM.-mbly contains s? en!y-eve:i democrats and rive republican - far heard' from. Floyd uuty elected one of the IIepu!l:ca-K-ofiie House. Demo erats have a!o clectl utnetf -n sen ators. Tii's means that Ju-. W. Daniel will be returned to the Sen ate, i ; Cleveland and Boies. IALTIM !:E, Ml,., Nov. f., j Tl... i v- : . -i I lie li.i.titiiore 7i a esten hi ..i.l : . - --v.i-w Av-y' At 1 o clock p. m. the pr: emn tZr j of Maf-ns, unde r chief mar.-hal Xor- r f,?. ; f j man. pr n-cedeu to the church, where :4lJ.i$y the C'fnser Stone v.::.s laid with the r -- ,VssJr ! u ual Mr.-omc tvrc-mouics, .It hn It. i r. ..t,,,. i.... . .: i . r..V!ur arson to ins own Use. Airs. 1 lie JJem ticket ot lS- ! v- 1 - i 1 e i i uM.i,fui.. P, r 1 1 ' v eaught lain and forced him w Pttggebtetl by vcotenliVb reoiilts. .. :.t. ... . t . U:idoiibrt!tiv Gleveiand - m - t i U II. I cx;xt;ient of . . . . - me time Democracy uf;tcJ, f,t. u ,ie .watvd I va-- ".y.' o uvr ia.es, a i l lt "v:ct uii- i.itMiin ox tilt. oU:iif 1eUi jcraev : f the- Norihwot. " - . I U What It Means. Urox, Nov d. 'vtl Tun -.-! ''''. Independent, cnsiden (;.,v. rn- S r ' " - ,,r l!i-'f' election a ptr-:i.;l cu-l .i - i r . . oor - .eineni t.i it S a ioiliiltr.itlVe 1 . . i . i . t . . i tr riff cause he represented. It predicts a Republican defeat in the priMdentinl vcr. uiiIcm that party modities its high tariff views. Of Ohio election it Ears: McKinlev's election is H9 gratifying as it U the most decided re!tike that coald Lave U?eo jciven to the advocate of tiie fee c'inrtroof hilver. bevr v.L- ir think- h p ina tliat that S:atvil! vote for a Domocratic prestdent next vear by a votu - not ! h-ssthan 50,00j plurality. One Lonely Spot. CoLtMuts, ()., JS'ov. 1893. The vote polled in Ohio oil Tues dty wa. as large as a presidential year and McKinley haamajwrity of 1 5,1 h) over CainplHjll. The People'n Party vote was hardly in bight and while Ilepublicuns fotight the free coinage of diver, free distribution of tilver dollars carric.il the d iy. Pennsylvania. IIakiusulk.j, Xov. C, '91. The latest returns give the Stateto the republicans as u.nal. The legLsla- ! tare ij Ilepubliyan. '-' Miaaiaaippi. Senators (i- rgo and W.ilihall were .ivtn iraj ritios in the Sta'e Lcgii-1 iture by Tuesday' elec in a triumph over the stdi-ticasury idea. Massachusetts. ; Dosto.v, Xov. lSlU. Hp to this hour Govt-r.-n.r Uus.svir$, dem, ma jority will 1 loMHi. This ii;e:i.6 Cleveland in 'i2. Kansas. This State rcbukel the Peojle's Party movcnu-Tit arid checked its course throughout the west. No other tt'.tcs elected any ofli-cc-rs of !ii;jKrtanec, c:i!y u few cou irreimeu. coknku stom: laid Of h New Chore h nt Ittny ForU. Kai p'.s "Mlt.r, X. C, Nov. I, '91. Y 'i'riwiw:i..K-nt had ihop'.eas- i:re d being pic;;-lit at the laving e , 1 . . e .i 'f 1 : -orner htonc of the new rc, at i;c,f-ky Ford, near this place, on the 3'th u!t. The day was : upIc!ons, I'ing btth warm and br.ghl, ami at an early liour the pco- . ! le l g-in to arrive in vacuus, bug ttcs :t::'1 i gies and 'rarts, hor-c back ami on ar.'l re-: foot, until wunc .Sl0 or 1.000 teo- foot, until nune Ml0 cr. 1.000 le- : pie wtreoti ine groiimi.-", a great mi:n?erof whom were 'fair ladies from the Furreuiidiiig country We i.oticcd in the audience people from Mount Airv, Kikin, Little Uich- jmond, Tiap Hill ami Alleghany coiu.ty and Io Jro:n irgiiiia 'o!tz, Km., of I )..l.-n : Lodi. in ! ihe :bvi ice of Grand Matter Gud- iger, Ix-ing In charge. After a re- ccks til :u ininu'c-, the crowd again asftmbh i!, w ht n Hev. J. II. Jx.-w ellyn delivered an el-pient add rets which was well suited to the occa- doii and well received by the andi- et.ee. lhiring rectus an e.xcollent lit ner was iet Ik-fore the huiigrv vi.-itors by the good cili.c-ns of the place. - j When completed, the building will le a large and imj-osing triu- ture .,(.0'i tett and twoslones high ami is intended for ; three-fold par lxt.-e church, school-room and Ma- Mjnie Hall. Much credit is due the it.i!ding committee, Mo-fcin. Kapp, Thoinp. ofi and Cockerliam.for their promptness and energy in sol citin funds and letting the woik t-i eon-- tnu-t, and alo to the contractor, Mr. i'l. I. Cocketham, for pushing the completion of the building, at an cjiriv ilay, which is a netes.Mty in the neigliborluxxl. The large crow d was quiet and orderly, and the day will be long remembered by the people of Kapp's Mills. lir.x. AVILI TIIKV COM HIM:? 3Iorc Ituniors About tli &, W. atul li T., V. &G. President Felton and Vice Presi dent Fink, of the Mit Tennc-ee, Virginia and Georgia sybtem, are inth in New York, .and ininor ha.s it that they were bummoncd there to take part in a conference relative to the consolidation ot the Eat-t IVnnecsee and Norfolk and Wes t.'rn. Under one management the cx-p:!!.s.-R wuld be materially decreas ed, as the forces would be consider ably decreased. If that deal is con summated, Messrs. Fcltoii and Fink will be made President and Vice Pi evident respectively. Ctncinnatt W. t ': Mrs. Watxoii a Heroine. Our readers will remember the hcn.Ie lady who tigurvs in Uiis act as one who spent some time at the White Suipiiur 4krings la.-t bum mer. The ilenryToutity (Vn.) Jhil !tin save: 'On Friday list a white man, a tinner by trade, nan.ed John Ked ford fise-.ikcd intithe hoUae ofMr. P. P. Watson on Church btret't. and "I'propnaieu a waicn iciu!iiug to . ... e ?. . .1 , t . u i i i iw ' n:ir in l tu.rni ra m -rh m. I a . . .... He domed all knowl edge of the tic. ft. but Kiid il he did to Le ;. r., f,. II,. l... . f... : i . . . r y - ls. n ,tiC" ,lu ri"0".1 UI liia.J I ami t:i:i may ie nvpz longer il lie !eann..t raiie the money to uav tine. :tiiil wi,Ui. l... T.f-- i i iiardlv trv th. vva . HV II IV 4 V fco tr 1J A btitak thief game a;ain at toe Wat on mansion. r i .t ad the VA:iiN Vallkv Ntwf. , The Maiden's Chance, . What chances of marrying liare corner,! Here they are according f E.-g.h stMti.st-xMan : k we ! "S 4,1 Jen", i-i jer cent ; between 20 and 2o -ears, 52 per cent; between 23 and 30 years. 1& per cent; between SO ana 3'eur.-, i.i5 in-r cent ; Ktu ten j ai d 40 i Pr cent; Utwcen 40 arJu ? c no ween 45 and 50 yearn, Z of 1 per cent, and between 50 and 0 years, of 1 per cent. The girl with a statistical mind will never give up the possi bility of being married w long as there is k biogle man left alive. Asslbtaut Onlj- in IIi.h Church. The Atlanta Cunstitution Mrs: "A Xcrih Caroliua clergyman has under his charge thirteen churclse?, is president tf two cottou mills, feeretary ami treasurer of another, tecretaiy and 'treasurer of a knit ting mill, and eeereaary and treas urer of a luilding a!d loan asso ciation. Iist week he applied to his vcvtiy Ibr an as.-itant in J'is chu c ." The alove l-efers to Rev. F. J." Mu:duch, of Saiibnrv. Fine Tobacco Land for Sale ! AVc of it fur f alt at low figured one t hou anl ;utih of tine Tvbacto ami Wbest land k:'u.-i'.'J ntr -Ml. Airy b:i'I White lIaiii.. " i'l lha i !io!e r nnv part. IVruis rco.v..;iHM. J. S. A S. L. .MA KM I ALL, WlllTK ll-AIXi, N. C. v ' Ap.khdkkx, O., July 21, Mf.rs. LicoiAK Duos., Savannah, Pear Mm: I loulit a U ttl of j our r. 1". T. r.t H-t Sjrwip. Ark., nl it rnn done luc more giMxJ tban tlirt-e inoiah.N" trontiut-i.t at tle Hi t Spriiipt. I!se yuii no u -t-nts in hm pait of tlie country. 'r let me kaow how imicb it ysi'A tt to f?t thri cr hix lKjttlctf Jroai juhr city Ly eipreitM. Kepecl fully rour, JAM. A." NHU TOX, Atottlvcu, IJron conuty, O. XEWSANyi! J.K, II.A., JUDO 5, ISf 1. Mrmiis. LirrsiAX Bieo.s., Savanuub, 'a. Lik.ah SiK!: I wUh to jiive my ttlmo lul in rrpnrd to your.Talualtle metliciao, 1. P. P., f"T '.he euro of rbi uuottisiu. n.'ti rljjia, l-irj i.t-tiliousiiCjM, etc. In 1;1 1 wm atlokt w iih l'ilious muncuiiir rlicu inatiHii), ttii'l hae Ije.-ii a tnarrntu it ever binc t'. 1 tried all uu-Ja ins i ever la-ard of, and nil I he i-ctii-s ia ra.'h, but I fuand uly tenJix-r.-wy rI:cf; the ai were no ta'J at tiiiun :l:Ht J did not caie wlj-t!rl I livel or Uie-I. Aly !iKT!tiin Ujcatneso im f ired tl.at ,crthia-4 1 ato !in-rofl wi;li int. My if- ! M:ffered bo iotcosr-ly with dyjiia that li?r life w.u a butden to her; bliti woul 1 In coi.fi ned to her l ed tor ecU at th? time: the o Niifforc-d Lrfjtly Iroai iddiu .vt an i lis of th e', .-ome tii: in -Marcii I w iTit-l to tako 1. 1. P.. and bcl'.-re we (my wif add 1 had lii:in!.-U the second lollle of P. 1. I., ur lijjostioa N-jrHii to mimove. My rata 6 Kubidvo s' niuili that I have tx-eu aide to work. ;tud al:i f ciii:g like iloinj; rh:tt 1 haven't tlo- bcf-ri? in :t nnuilivr of j !. We will ivJiiiinue t.ikirij; i. P. P. until we are eutiiHy cit-vd, and will c heerfally re ccinmcad it to :li si !t'-rii:g Luniunity. . Voars very rt-ipecijully, J. .. 1L 1T.1.S CONSUMPTION In Its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Aers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the Inflamed tissues, aids expectoratIonv . and hastens ' ' recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer El Co. Lowell, Mass. Watsos HCXTOX. Attorneys at I -aw. Wliiston. N.f.. bep't 1C ll. Ja. II. Wrn, Soc-r. 14u5 ;.r Vortc Avfntii. J ' Waeaint;Un. D. C. . ' DSAaSia: t have b-tu tisla one of your Ll.K-tru;j..wes r.o To-irv.-ars. upt-nla Ht?li lnv. im win, no w-cn wuk1. : wr.u Hpuimoimry troable aul a Uropwlral ituJeucy. I fiave lunna xrcat relief for biut In iIk- use of the KlKlro. lilse, wlit-o th Uji tvnt hail luUed to 10 iilm Hor permanent relii-t. an1 I am XHtiKiied that uul for llsiihe we sliouM have lost liliu. 1 fcave never neen It fall lo mlure his fetr. or to biinjr sounil aneM Mt-p. 1 would not be ulluoul It lor luniiv iiuuru Us cost. Youra duly. J. C. BL'iTOX. Mr. Hut too hi nlMt lTeeMont of Flrl Naiinal r.aiilc. V UtAum. N. C, uiiU La o&e of tlij foreaiust men of tlie soutn. for at! UifurtoaUon address Atlantic EIcctrcu3iS3 Co., 105 N. V. Aveuue. WASHINGTON, 0. C. RADAH'S MICROBE KILLER. CUBES All DISEASES. Because all llsejtvs are ttf renult f fermentation aiel de ay. ca-:ej by llv In-.' m!erbithln the tiuninu spnteiii.aticl luitever rem-e-lywill ijrilv- the blood by reuiixii g tht i-HUnf o( disenM anil build up Uie li.ii:h aud xtr-n'tu of the utletit. 1 the one to use. Rami's Hicrcig 1h nat uf"'s retniwlT. and It I n j trre.tent boon ever fc-tvt-n V, tiiMtKiu 1. Uen--eth- ;iurl'us I'.iillaUoaa wli i.n f'.U'iw in fbtf pnth t f Its uii.it rul cures f i t.imoiiMiou. n:rrb. is-b iirv. lna!v'-i!iii. nn--,iin:.M-.n. Kwi.i. Bih-i.it. kla. rn.ii:! ( ti er i)cj!U-i tt liirh rv qnn-lily and p.-rti:aiiei:tly cureti t itjw ct ft ria.lla r i'inrvejud triileii Iia doni timre for nar0'f bvuucjtly ;iian ail Hie (ivi-ripU.iaH f vobiouo't tiniafH. nostrums, no called t'roprletary nie:lcljes. all put to (feluer. lei-;nij.r It rvuniM the cause of ai.-eae and lDiirei baitn. Tlio-Jinitt cf vuiunury certic-iitci of ulinotit tnlraniloua cuivh attest lh-e lA-'ta. a;i.J demons ra'.e to the vorld toal VV m. Ha.l.tiu. IU. i.reat llim-er In wuiiiK-r-f'U Il-ovcry. h-.s (r-"ae far auead oi hII other -xplr.-m M r-.-nti.V rtfld-v and ban demon atrated U-oud a doubt Uia'. DofllAuse wa vx tt a itn-.nl a dlwnlere I v-.iein. aiiJ UU sUierO remedy atautls at the front because It U Tho Original and Old Reliable Microbe Kill. T a palatable remedy wfck h cijres lto-e by arr!'.ln d-t-ay aid rl-' "" tn-ys-ieuj iu 4 ujiur.il aud healthy oin iIU.ju. Iuciutir toe ni'Ttts of tiita aonderful he;:o 1lu:: d!i-v-ry wht-n ba S'.ul te UM and cure I tho'isand ol ail maua-r of )1ii-a-v . and bc r- of all other ao-c.-iiie-j g,-r:n or ml-ri.e d it rover. rtafi are oft-n tUu veniied to mr-n ttu-lr otbera ln :iU--vi inlx- lui-s. -ol l l.-h areb it Uallatlomof thia Ureal Wen ler Working Keiu-dv. r"-r ma ; trt.'-utaj-i Mua cvrttac-tes of wonder fu; curvs. adarL.v : ! Jos. W. Ashby, Agent, MOl'NT A HIT. N. C. TIivj Old Original IConietly Lends. tick people sLouM ntt l deceiTod bv retenders who talk a1ont MirrobL" erina, buccilli," &.e., to itell their pre prationn, thin preventiii? people from htiy inp tli orina! tetrd nifdit-iue. 'R(d ini" Microbe Killer" U what yo i need. I: is now, and for rear ba tieen, mating more nitm than ail other rermwUm C'nibinen. Inr-n-fixate it before triSin with your health. lad their a!vertiteiuetit iu this pacr. Don't ba deceived. PIANOS, 0BGA1IS, MUSIC ! Six different makes of Pianos and three leading Organ makers represented by us. Wc buy for cash and we sell on long time, easy payments. Catalogues and information free. Manly B. Ramos & Co., : 93 Main Street, Oct s 3.i KICHLTOND, VA. DR. SNT.I.L JL CO., Niialts, Chronic, Nrrrt.iis, Vent-rul aud Female diseased ; C'atari li of the Noh, throat and lnns: dia ram'of Lmis llwart, Mnniarli, Ifowcli", liver. Kidney ai.d Illad ler. All private iital npH;!al dic;iH'a, (icitorlmu. (ih-et. Stii'tiin. Vnri;)c 'le, Ilvdnaile. Spi nn.; tori hoea, Self Al uM-. Sterility, luipteii;y, lilood n ud Skin Ilix'sf-es. SyphilUs, Taneer, &c. 1'ineaMOa of the rtvtimi, i'i'cb, i'Utul.l apil Tmnois. fnrtiouNr attention bito.i to liscai'S of women. t'ur guarjut.-ed ia all cased arran;t' and taken. Cousul tution fie and confidenlial. Treatment pent CCD. to all part of the United StaTeB. Send st-iuip for reply. We turn: Itoard at res.fmnble rates. Call or address dr:alm:kt r. snell a cu., ki.ox- ville, Tenn. UlJice over City National liank. (Uice hour, 8 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 ;u.d 1:'M to n::Vi p. m-, Sundays,!) to 11 a. in. l'etTnaueutiy located. PZRFECTED CRYSTAL LEHSES thioi mrr E). A. RAWLHY, GEM ERA L MEItCIlANT. Has exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in i Mt. Airy, II. C. . ICellnm fc jMoore, The only manuracturlnjr Opticians In the South, Atlanta, tia. ez- Pedtllara are not suppUed w lth these fa mous glasBcs. . ' : GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, Mount Airy, IV. C- . rv Nesrollatlng- Loans and the Collection of 1:dniH a jMcialiy. insurance piacea in suiu (lard Companies ujkju liberal tt-rms. R. L. HAYM0RE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mount Afrj S". C. IVactices lu tlie Stile and Federal courts andeolleets claim; All business entrust ed to lam w ill receive pnuupt attention. W. F. CARTER, ATTO 11 XEY AT L A Y, . M ou itt Air jr. A. C TYaetlepM in oil the State and Federal Court. Investigation ol titles to land a arx-claliy. S. P. GRAVES, A T T O II X E V AT L A V , 31 oil ut Airy. IV. C. r rr-.ctlpeg In Kt .te and Federal Courts. lTumpt attention to ccll'.fN'j of claims. APerfetlaerc. VII TT r.er. A. Antolne, of l'laglo. Tax.. wrlr : AifJMl ai.-i al.io to jco, I Uifsk rutui .i.i: I Nairaljjic Ii a pr!ect aucov.il. t jr anyooo who no:!m-4 f ? ui a nit pQtul afU4r taa:i. ilia XouXc A Jiu:I.y f'cliool ;tcriii!euent Iict!u&Me It. SrcKSTir.r. rier'l--:.. Co.. Ml X'aich 1. "at. A 'u .v tl. K. fe..: -.ly s.Lool 'Ol hlt-ii m i - . iijlil.-i lci j t H... ucui plixi 1 :-- a.. t.t o-j .vcj-:.i of ts.-r r.il it c.l :r.tL.lZ ti.o-i.ii b:..iuft. a.i;: I r I.T f.e-:t.' N ft fw !tu!. Slid wLt.tl.l. rHt'.lrl. I iii -.k il-r eue t:.o iuu.i iracark nii.'M i Imsa m 9--4i n Ct,-; vt, nnd Uii rt loi- n.-n-mw tii- wtdouia It baa tuy fuiia. u.U..'t.j:tL. Ji.lr A. UEE?1-. JK. FREE": A TaloahTa fcolt an Kfrumi lf wut f rw lo Uf auruiu. ftid Hiur rv:nr ran .-o olHaB uii iiieaH-iua- n w cnana. TMi nniMli ku Ma Mtr ih. the IU-Tfcd rVamr K-vaiv. of r n Woua. um lC and KOENIC MED. COM Chicago, I!L Bold br Irorlt at 91 pr Bottla. Cfor 83 lTVQ SiXo. 1.7.1. O r:otti Tnr S3. ASTHMAS m:j ob aT-.lcte-i. iiiu I A T B1U., Itottctu, .S. V. i i-,mc vOf I J - - -' I PIANOS S190!' ORGANS TfiYLOR&BflKHER, DRUGGISTS, (SUCCESSOW TO DR. . S. TAYLOR. ) MT.A.IBY,N.C. ' I ' ; Rrpoct'nliy call the atte&tlcn of the putllo to their stock oi T"pTTpQ conslsttnof inostl". S. P. prep JJXX U V3Oi anillona lu peueral use. besides all k;i.-!i Hlafj'e .'.nivs a Milehur. eoxni. crab oreiiurd f i.d rovLtl cm)C'r. gliMfer. logwood, mdijo, auuider. rt"e. ir. PATENT MEDICINES, men is. pla.sters, liquids, ehs'rs. 8.-t tluj anc coujili ru).s too Lumeroua lo lueuuou. T A TXTrnCI Our stool: '.s e,iruii! t. ron- X J. Ot tilitlni; of Ust Lrau 14 Ueady- i MIsihI. RCi l !s Br.ck brands watte load, colors lb ell. walnut, cherry and mHhosratiy H-atns. mrpeutlije. virnihiu. Tanner's. Uv.-a;'s RkU llnNeed. mui-l.faerv. e.u;. r :.nd hnn.ess oti. a!.o hse n rtdl Ua of Vaiui aad Variulu, fcleu ctl au 1 iuarlvLinr Lruol'es. . TOILET ARTICLES, S ;tcT as r. Slliiv- trT and tooth tri.sb.?s, face aijd to'.let powders shoulder bracts. L-.ini.i. violin ae.d -uita.r strlnvrs sonps, perfuinery. ncest extr tel.s lor hndti.r chiets an I uia.ay etuer vMualJe arucl:-i. When od u.-ed bu-.-h articles as cream trtsr. flMVorUi extract, ctnnamoa bark. 1-lnctc rcv. th r. or ti:Uv.nor piivvder. ei.nie to s.-i tis. we i-JV OUlv the ! est. and their le.irttv Is ITJan-.n- teed. When you buy caster oil. P "rerW luu.1 ai.ii n. epo;i waits, coneenirdttm lye. IndUro. and all such art teles, always jro lo a first class dm? atore. as irrocers and iii'ist ot;ior dealers hnndlc a cheup a:ul luipuro article of such thim.'s.' Those si;rTerlnsr wllh r-ipture can be fitted with bcler"a Hard Kubber y with ceapr bi ands of tnissi-4. Uuvlu r hu-J a great tl-sl of evperleuee lu thh Hao. we tau ifutvrnhiee a fit ad xatisfitctlou. t;Mci si front distance for m:!IaMe tirtlcles. wlU be proiut'My titled, provided ihouey i-oiucs v.rji order. 1'Uankinr the p'oj!e trtheHivn an.l surrtiundtnir country for prat patronage and Loyiiijf b merll a contlnuanee c. Uio same, we aix Very ItespeeUully. TA YLOl: d UAXXKH. The Crent FaniUv ?p!ilc'n''. has proven to possess l lie mo-.t s;.:e and c-Kictent. properties ; lor tae cure m ih is. voujr: i;.iei:r..:u;sia. -prai:is. l-Uii(--e--.. Neuralgia. tM-re Throat, ore lies in !;e b-":!es and muscles, pains in O-e ctu-Ki. '.ll.: an-l back, and Is very nseitil In all caios wUcre au external remedy la art'Ueablc. Persia Ointment, Skin lute and Catarrh i:en:-v. It U lntlUien- I sable in the treatment or nktii rilso'ues. - It.l3i imrelv vceetabte and Its oiieratMU Is seen and teltatoiiee. It. will poMtlvclv cure lleh. Kln worin. ITie.s. Tetter, and ail eruptions or he skin, and will remove all tdotrhos and piiiirles, freckles and uuuburu. dau lruff. ic. Persian Inhalent tViisiiii'jii ie t ouhs. Asiaiu.-i. fjiturra and l.a tirlpne. U will relieve the most violent attack. lteioK "fn d bv lnliiiliilon. iVi action Is Immedi ate and n cure Is the result. These Medh tues nrc liianufnctored by Tit!: Pl'llillTINK t UKMIOAL (O, WUmlnjftoU. X. t .. aud are lor sale at Taylor & Banner's Dreg Store, Aip UXT A 111 Y, X. a A GOLD WAICH AND $204. Tbot is what every .Agent receives whoj gels up a club on our $1 per week plan. Our M-karat gold filled cases are war ranted for 20 years. Fiue Elln or Walt haui uiovenietit. Sieiu wind and set. La dy's or Gent's size. Equal to any $-"0 watch. ' To aecttre -wliere we hae none, we eell one of the lluntitif; Case Watches for tL'Cltib price 8-3 and wud C C. I). by express with priviloge of examination before paying for same. Our actit nt Dm ham, N. C, writes : "Our; Jcwelera have coufessed they don't know how you can furnish such work for the money.'? One good reliablo agent wanted for each place. Write for particul-rs. EMPIRE WATCH CO., 4$ 2nd" CO Maitten L:oe, New York. Oct. 16-b .... Home Company! -:CH0Li.A IXTE8-STATE:- Building and. Loan Association, -OF- WIL31IXGTOX, X. C. CAPITAL STOCK, $3,000,000. MATH UK I) SHAKES, $100.00. Jno. Wilier Atkinson 11. M Howd;-n.. K. S. Tenie-!.. has. K lUM-ll. I resident. Vlc! Tn-st lent, J Sec.reUU-y. TreaMinr. Iri-.lvll u-r:-. ";e-eral Attorney. J. S. H'uJ;ors, Supcrlntt-uuvnt o" Agei.ch s. OUIlCCTOfSS t Jno. wilder MVlnwin, W!iuiii ron. N. C. m-i'Seiit Wilmington sartnirsaRd Truitco., H-fl.-riM Ihxurnce Apet.i Mouth. Isane Tt.iUs. Wiinliigton. H.C. JTesd-lnai, Par.k or Nin- Hanover. U. M. Hearten. : Wllmlnjtoii. N. C. t aslih r ' Lrat Natloua I Hank. J K. KetiV-. wnmlnirton. N. C, Sup l Truaportatlon. Atlantic (XKt.st Line, ttsaa. K. H.r;.i-fi. W'Jmlnstou, X. C, Sup t 'av..s? ou.UiO C'c:ri;i;tr:y. Perry l.lenves. . V;lintr.3tou. O. rrt-nlder.t . leaves IlsrJware Company. Pr. Vll!!ari M. tin :i. W Sniluft.ni. N. C. Win. 11. l.PtD t l'u.. Wlic-i-inl.- rr?.itfi. B.S.Tern.-.it. WUiijlnt n, N. C. Secretary and Treasurer cifl tjn iulila. Ire leU Mcares. WlLulnglon, N. V. Attorney at Law. .Tlotint Aliy Crr.ncli. Itev. J. E. Iy, A. C. Sba: f, C. I. Iattersoti, W. V. Carter, 1'renMent. Vice In8idiit Sec'y anil Tre:s. Allot ucy. DIKCCTOirs: Eev. J. E. Gay. W. F. Caiter, Ohas. Rob t.ia.s. A. t;. ISliort an. I J. ,-s. U:shop. Take etork in a l.miie enterjiri-', beu you can et as good an article as lli h in any Sute. . J. V. Eishop ot tlis ilepot will taVe your application for stock. J. V. lIIriHOr, . tept. !0, I. Slate Ageut. M k i 'o pain. xx:i ri xr V C ? ti tlctikr scut l'BEH nu.v i if f.r. vn ii Iris Bin THAT WITH OUR IXSTRUUENTS AT THE Southern Exposition, "riiOVES LIIAT WE II.VMLK STANDARD MUSIC CO., WINSTON, N. C. $25! Keep Warm in ISrZETvV: Bargain Store HAS A FULL Shoes, Hats, &c, Cheap For the Gash. TRY US ONCE. Respectfully, A. ALEXANDER. K7- In M". A. C. Shoit's OKI Stand, next to ArmfioM '..xrk. G R ATM Tlrilk 4; JCL x. Jl. ZL 1 - AND CANE MILLS "Steel Nails and 'CASH SALES NEYEE Waliave been liere four vp.im i ! tn--'rM lianl to sell out, 'b-i. h:i'. e iieui' H..flv,:irv; now il;:in ever. Tiie J1 rel;.:itile cott Axe :iti-l all iuils crt'asjl'eii'C's t. ul-. (itibs. t'ow.J.T, Slu t. Sr.. : vt-rr ki'nl of Iron noeue.l id Liscnu;:t-rrTs ve!l.-vs ;!. tiniKh sl Hive anrl Msle .nj.-h-i 1:.,v ail fiii.-. in-.itrove.l Siuv.-i -,t ' Is-oi Me I Shove's. S:eie--, Fulk.i, I .i; I :-.s. I Traces, &c, Hiii:i.-t an:l iiuoklen, n-; ! n ! ! the Monte-;: Moves Vimi a:.r. ;-f--::,l I'nca i .-.miv rn v knows tLe llliie Kt.Je i'.u-S w I.ec IVk YOUR FRIENDS, MOUNT AIRY, X. C, S -j.f. luih, :TIIAT: RIGHT HERE IX MOUNT AIRY IS MANUFACTURED Circular Saw MHIs, Tarhhic JFster Wheels, Castings, $c. REKZMBER-We can always furnih you Sas, Uelt'ing, SLafti::, Pa i leys, tVc, ice, at Lowest Prices. Ue sure and call on or write me before ort!er;nr i-Ucwheri'. 1IV (ia s-avo yoa money. Mount Airy Iron "V7crl:s, 1 Sept. 4, '91. . ' - Moont Airy, N. C, Science Has Made It Possible TO EESTOHE DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT . . TO , JSOJgJiI8Ij JISIOJ GO TO SEE W. R FAEEAE & SON JEWELERS, GREENSBORO, N. C. They will show Ju how II ti do-ie. Their r.rw lrytrunien'. er.r.l '.e ttn-rn o r.t b'I oW-'i is A!.M in.tri-j;i. 11 yer.if-l.i. ?.T vn;:. Pro:.; dj.j.u or anv t ;..Ki!i-t C -ie 1 1: i u t t . m : r . IKiu't Lv sfrul-1 toh.ive your eyt a eai.d:ii j is yii i will sii.'Ii-r no I'.-.tii. It vci l e tiiu:r..: t it rt.riii.U eoiiiiHlori. .Vimt r.:ftcri!li.cLt i!iiay.r, riar.ia-'s. oM.er 1 reclous Stones ru r.w .l-w, Irv In tl..- st.if. send t:s ; our wa'ch l.y eiue- f-:r rej.ulr. W. u. i'Aiu:.1. :: .-:. st-ot, 1-91. - ,-, , li-r , i-j. N-. C. iL-soris NfV THE 0t LY PERFECT 11 WW T- -m T"" " Womack & Embrey, Produce- Commission Merctanls, DANVTLLiE, VA. ' Slieitons eoignment of all kinds Prodnce " . ( ii WE TCOK ThE Gold "Weather ! "STORK LINK OF GOOD ii Mill's lira1 N JL Jl Wood e si and 1 red! I - FAILS." ! ?t' ve Um.l the country. v. l .i't f..r. a now iMrj.M. jn-r ninv.-l. in s.e.l. say without li.i-;';iir t, I.- ive a : . T evc-tlii.i! n.vitily w.i'ilei ' a i- i !.- :" Jiecha.iio.. Kjirnitrs. or a::y one t !e. c.iil s;h-ch1 in"t-utiMii i our l-ire ii : . f I;.U,:lj. i t.l.s anl Ilf :t'lV-Me i ' u .T-. w.!;-n!i l to liive II I ii'iui Y.i n! -r: cv i' us :ir v !m!; l t-eh. of l i'.-1'.ai! V '!' 1 ."::. JW1 to ll .Hi'! - I . 1- it HV'il I a -.r I t li: .i"s i".r I". ( A.-,! y 5: :ve Ja:.l n , ae. l sip.rtl iy tr.ist i i w allow ua ro rem..'.a 1Q1 ti (Wcie. n iroa ( Tstv. H Y Ji.-, ron cujf. ar 1MP0P.TE5 PLUSH ALE'J'A I.C3 SxW- Ljilr-1 pjd 'i 1 li. fell i. 7. a.. .a c it... ri-ri r.f. ...I.:.t.. M ii'ti'tn. Svi.1 ! r . ( !:..: f..r tj. -itb.-asd;ur tatr ia- iC uu .! s-'-l r .bss.. i ; 1 fr..ra li i. rr a rm i -t . . V t erne. t!.r w, ' f J : . 1 ; . - ; - ' 1 r I't fid n w T - . P-.. a""" ;. ti fit. b. w- t I t C f tO fc i tnW . I-Mi rir r 9 W 1 f - ? NOTICE! J: Ilavin? itiali fie.I as A Ir'jfl.i-f rat rr f t". o EMate f V II. lili-.-w:.!!, decM, til j . r ' ar l.erel.y intiHeJ to i'teent t-.:-. t whicli tLr-T b,ht l-f-lil tiit.l Slid i-- -duly anOientica'tei! to ti e iju .:en-i:i.i- w!t. in twelve ti:oiilL- fr-ir. tLii Jj-'e. or Ihis no tice, w ill b- pUail in !ar of tlitir n-t-u ry. All rersoqa owtr.g i-ftil estate will j.lt.-ijie Biate-imiSiCiliafe eettler. eu of tl.e ..irue, at-d save cost.. I. A. YL.NALLK. AJm'r W. II. ll.ckmsn, :ev.'J. Tin, Oct. r.tb, I i '.V