The Yadkin Ydby News. PUBLISHED KVEEY KRIOAV AT MOUNT AIRY, X. C. Office over Worth 1 Joyce's H2rJare Store. Colcmeck, O., Jan. 11. wv. Campbell turned over the rcin of State Government to Major MeKin ley to-day in g..od f.irm. At noon, with the'Joint Legislative Commit tee, lu; weot to iov. McKinlev's GEO.P.PELUewtokandov.'nki:. j h'fel ami esc, rted Iiim to the State . ..w-m im, ii HWrT,.. iin. Ilou rotunda, whi r; the cere- Advertlslair r" row.-rthan ,iiv r-s-rol like Lreulatlon ao-J f tirnl.iUl uu appUcUlun. We wan corrrponJnra to nfl ni D'wj from every portion f Motes, hurry. Yafllcta. Wilkes. Allesrtnny ui A,. co'intt in this htAl. an4 Cam;. orH.rfcou. Patrick. Kl vd and IT'S GOV. 3XK1NLKY .NOW monies 'Acre tu tak place. YOUNG EERRIKG WINS. He Captures ts 0a' Ridge Schol arship. TIi NTH'S Award It. Capital Prize to a Surry County Hoy at IMnuncIe Academy. Lx -rnnl-nt I.. L. Hayes intr- . A'-ndomv. ! won theCapit.d prize iluml the Kev. Pcnm tt, whootferod j.,j:t.n , v tie Nev. for ti c larp.-t prayer. Gov. Campl-ell then H.iMi.ktof now to thii'"Va- Mr. Ii- II. Herring, of Pinnacle l. ;p I1 fy appreciated. Mount Airt, N. C, Jas. 15, 18I2. Rrur"l at the Pot out" at Mount Alry.N.C M S icond-class mail matter. A BRAVE STATESMAN. Mr. Cleveland may never ltPjct out again upon the stump as a car.- ll.nM I n VI. 14 A r.r.ff .It rl'-ht fiipnn. i .1 - k 1 1. .. te.. .- I T. I . 1 !! ! reject- . .,. ... ,.f tl.,. ,.t ,.K..;.r 1 .. ? We strike out to-dwy for .sm ntvm-n to "" ,T . 1 J 1 ,! tril ' iJUi;f Ir.5tlti;-. a!xl the viiu t-r i, nL- who -lcKiiiifV hm ti:i:nion liv- erri"r of OLiu- JIo iliil he aiJt with the Mncre wi-Ji t!iat la, hJ- mini-trHtin iniht be a rUc-tHful ne ur.o! reflect credit lt!i ujon tlie Governor and the State. At thU M:ii-r M Kinlcv turned and said iin jr vt ly : 'Gov. I ttiiiphcll, 1 t!ifnt 3'oti. t mchay I wish you and yours all j fii--t preparut-rv j.fIiH.!.s in th.e vots hn t it !np4 : ii nil t.rrtfrlt v i f .! i .:.r. ,.'t., i i .... ! ... , ., T, -i ir . .. I .! i ji :iw i .-4jour-iii ii in iiiai i cliaate lor me Km. that niri piil.fy la!i to t!. lot of ct.V;,t ii:Mitn:ion in worth U. Mr. may never aain honor that chair mortal." ' Ijmin-, if hj wll! avuil hhelf of which owp he tan-ht the peoplotoj lie then rr.yl U vi-lt hmd , sK,,,,;:, o-poriiniit v, will ho a esteem, lie mav never utter an- amI hS t h'f -J'?' Jcr.-i!:t t-t !ic c-.-i;niy and vj Pinna- l.n n-r.T fi.i- t!.. 4L-i. i.f tfi tirni- . ... . - i P- .. t it . m.iiiur;.: aI!i-p was read from pie, and yet his name win i; n wn wil! do ji;t: e to it. Mr. Herring if a frnrry connty !y ar.d h;us Iren fV-r Kinittinie a a student at Pinnacle Academy at t!io f-uuw time sL.itiiiir in trnchiu. He is a mem.H-r of tlie G radian So ciety and W)' one of iti speakers in , the ifc nt le hat p. C).i.k Kidc In-iitutc Honeofthu i CONSUMPTIOM in Its early stages can be cured by tlio prompt uso of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes tho Inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, end hastens recovery. . Dr. J. C. Ayer c Co. Lowell, rV'ass. fi J? vJi; ' y 'I'll,- i r "'rt,-.;,: ill ii! - - - i f ,-- -' - i . i a i . hi-tory as t!ic hrave-it aiteainau of his ae. Hill bnii may brinr t!:c.'!.:i'le oflice-holder to tho nUice of he jiolitieians for a few short hours. Western cnthiHa-'N may dr.iw up their elates with Pole and (irav in iuainis4'iipi hi an uiii:upu.iio:sud. liJP htvltr. Tin: ciitAM) iA)i(ir 1'rocopdlno if It. Session Xo;v Ji. in- Ilehl in Ka!.-i .,!.. !:.r!::f. N. '., Jan. 1 1. SillH. C'OLl'.MIIfS. lin Aljout tli VLi (jrcat IicovTcr. Wm,. Itrxin.i s Att-.-riivvs lit Iiw, i WI:j.-:on. X. C. bvii t 16. isai. J8. II. WrsK. vy"v. 14 ij I V fK AVfiJU'. W!.:i,;-!..!1. t. C. Prr. I !i-!t iven i.!i.:t hi I' nf your IHi-ctr- P'. ! f '-- f -i;r T', U,"ri a .m'.' liiVii-I'.-l -l. wbn h::S -'ii-'-a rU' t Uil :i liuiu.i liHrj' irf.ul if ii r j M' f.l frL.'.-n'-y. I i , ii.inii '.-i : t !'! r ( r ti'ii! In ! us of the Kl-rtr.i-! nl:i" t:i; i.t . rs lin t T,i!l iJ i plve lilm IlSiV elf ',i'i"il ri.!l.l. I ufi T Is !.i"l I l-il OSilfl XI I II IT .MiiHlt l IIP, lip Oi t IIP h-xt f.r tiH!:.. tt- Mi'i:M Ij. ll till. it Hja it l: i Tunny Uuit-.s iin-f-t. V .uo. tn.l. J c. F.rxTow Jtr. r.;Mi-! Is kI- rrs'':"n ot K!r-t Nnt U.h! I- s.itk. v :;M'.i. V.c. uu'l Ij s:ie i: luv ii'rt:uit li-f j l.if S ;!. Vuf tUi lu?.ruiat!- n a .1 ir.i pmos, mm. music Six different makes of Pianos and three leading Organ makers represented by us. We buy for cash and we sell on long time, easy payments. Catalogues and information free. Mauly B. Ramos & Co.,; 903 Main Street, PIAXOSSI90! ORGANS 825 ! V THAT WE TOOK THE WITH CUR !.4;STRUWEi.TS AT THE Southern Kxpositio:: rKOYKS I-II-.T WE HAXPLE STANDARD III' SIC CO., WIXSTOy, ,V. r. OctSS-Sm KICHMOND, VA. DRUGGISTS, j (fii'ec csoo:! to diu . t. tavloe.) !lT.AIEY.2vT;C. j 1 to tut .r -u -ik 'I . D TTri CJ .-- 'I'.'rrif r.)f!i v. S. T. prp- 9:1 Ii M.'."l ,!-!,Vi Jrl S'i'i-SiUr. i-V'UI. 'TlJ i r'-imr ! : u r. coffee. PATENT IlEDIGINE, ;i. iits. j Uir.T. 1! il-!s. fi.v-.-s. s-! ."n-j au v'V'.lii iT't 6 i'.iu li a-iToi. S Co ilu;iliO,. 'A chivalr;H tit.-m dct-ires that Mr:-. ('..!. mm!. 1 .i Kenot forrotten ly t!i: V. rld's l;;ir women inanriwri. i i r. l, ! l,n k ta.l...... .k t . . 1 I I Tl . Ill- f f . 'I' . 11 inn a "t'l I 1 I !if I iri'i.l I in fit a! i :iik iiu-t .. - - ' - 1 tho lead, -Wa,hinton rc -.p.. -lew this eve-i,- nd. T.. ,pite of U. j Mw. I., out of oo.cunty m ' . . . 1 . 1 .1 .1 whtcii her name if. :?ow cnvcioj-ed. - may .ay Gorm iu m .weepm-, eKtrem. -h Uul ucutr, the- w a ?h(, (.ll5v;,lrons n,an , :Rt . the stakes, hut way L-ck in the,-'1 .ehdance. t.rand Mtc r ... . , : . ,n : quiet dwelling ilac s or our oil , -xr ; . ... . ' . . , t..:it I t r atr-r wh a irivtritor. A ill .UAWIIj Hill. II.1- 'I t M i r f 1 common IW,n!. duel, down in tho! ,-.l.i..,. -.. .I s v. . ,.; r " "'"i -re j-w c-axi- 1 r .1 1 1 :-' f t . , 1 .1 T" i . i.'"u ti a Jot vit charts, lourmds lieurts of t!io.-o win. ! tho vof:!i2r; Ktt- :TiO'iili;r. 1 :re ai-o-j' 1 . ' ... ACj-tic EKctrcpaiss Co., li-r, N. V. Av u::'. WASHINGTON, D. C, CRYSTAL LENSES THICt MIRR. Cty i I7J7. - "" i. -;. -t therelniksaf.-im-r f..r one who J; M c Th- a lim, wlir tIlVl a:.j iB? ha. ever hcen true to their inters. :',l !rf 'l"U" vA h hn.:-v and ,h -nrl f S' '! ? XJ) the undaunted and h- irl. sj lion ot in t t, j. 's.Vs .;i(...,.'.ir . " " "''o: s v.m p.s with her 'sr.- ' - f) 'vr the hour, drover Cievi-Und, and a j - Jo ..rphanV at OxiXi : v. eil lu'r- K.u. .t,.i V:t iIi',t 'rV,,", I KkT detenmnuno:, to hold up t heir lyr ... in .d tj-r. 1 ;?af!. Ji;l 1.. u.:5 r ;u. lir,.(1 i bp 4 champion ,0 h as truth and ho,,- I- t . (, , f ;:: v I(U;!i:in)i r t(, u: ;,;M.ov. j ll.UiV. csty have a place at!io:iLT tj" 1 i' ' ,' erv 1 f Auu'rieri. for ni-itiv Kd me'i 1 D i 1 he .1 :,r.i v.s i.t :i cer-'tvi. ar.ii ,- , ... ie principle. I n. eur.V..: cXp,i,. rd ,-.nd t,, ' ;v!p. I..,.,- s.ei:i.u! K,tai:e ov.c tt We have heard it a.d that Hill j deht e li.c-I to slJiS; a: d t! tv' ' is a triekiter, thai HurrV.n h' H'ithon it --.tit :v v i-t 1 up t ,j. : 1 1 i . ... n.tvl ivM. tl... r.?.-L-.,.r '!t . ' "if 1 t.. Oc Inrm.r t V:. - i- to. j, ; j,. . !i 1, I : ' Ki.t ?n- ft;v,i.m j 'iy,.5 t.'l. fcLCL'S CURES !N P.LOOD 1 fiiif tliril v!i-lv in ii-l til'il I .: T ; , r w . - ; i)i',riu :iM 'ir-. ! ii t:..- r : for votes in Ohio, and tlr.t hulh p,,,-;!' -r :,. ,-:, l,r , t: r-CfSOX. CHtl'VIT.FM AKC CnO?UU demovratic; and rcpuMieii; poiiti- ' t in ! y o it f ! r .t : ! v. '.'h an I'r l -i sV ii . i ! - d, I ""jtrtV cians have In.-;n ear.I.tiu llse'rtl 'v- , 1:1 O.i t !' nt ip. 0; . 'II.. ,J to-.. I" . .tin-ifutli to '.alt let (, 1 SI. 1- .., ,e."ii. "ivin ilment, hut w nlm h ever d-l : l u',il i." iv-.r,-.., !.,:-;, , 0 l.iiun n.-n- , , ,,i ... ( a (ik.itl ho l.'th' H.. .- and '.oiii.-! , - ' x i-nv m-a auJ n.!.- iirsf nulit t.nt wtrtilii jmpeacn the inte- ;, 1 , , , .. i.m ! -.' " f 1 l' H a; lOifivf, n-i tn.-itlk r v hft.i. r tt ' , , . , ritv of Grover fJlevi-I md l , ?T . - ' 1:,"t l'"-,'". rniirc'irt.ii )ioia.. im.-jI-i - nty 01 urover ieveiuui. he tee ot a M. or ,.r r!u .j. .vi h, ..ii 1 1 h,. j,, At tho o.iiwpiet piven hy the i 1 l.:e a-; !u:o i; tk i n ;-e tl rii;d-: :'w, l-J t.iui. p.ii.;.;t-. hi..i.;,- Yonn Mens D.moeratie Cub of un, ; I.ueh..,;,; t,. the i::;;'. .TuC! -.- !--.. 1 . . 1 1 OI - off I xro hill. 1 t !. Mm-I !- I il-li?i 111. 1 1 . e t 1 -.1 i- Wider : C r'.'Uir-:;.i;Pes M lil 1. V wb -e tt tu ar P'tinl. nm! ,n commemoration of the battle of k. n,(W h .... inH lsi!l.tJie i.,,,,,, New Orleans, Mr. Qcvelan.d spoke ; (., ,f:iria.,iiii t. t: !uhtc" t ikvrvc. .''::':.' ' Vw an!. ?ri';:: ,rV ! 'i" I o I 1 !" I ti - . t , f tit..... -.-,... , I i t 1 u.: ,m . , 13. A. KAWLEY, fa:.Nr.n.L jskrciiant. U i.t ex.!us:tf i-t thCoc celotraUid la 1 , iit. Air, "N. C. Ivlliim At. TVToort, only tna'i'ir rtu:'!:i'' ''i-tt -l ins In the South. AO. .1.0- K.-X. i t?" IV !t' ir-i .ire iit f.," with fa in it l.;-v- s. "T" 'KILL C. LINTHICUM, viic-iirriCT. ; Can Cave Ycu Mcney When Ycu Eui!d. MT. AIRY HIGH SCII00I Mount Alrjr, arry eouaty. N.C. Cuas. Fktti:k, A. M., Princ?p.d. William yL. Wali - Assistant. Fall Svfvilon tv'glns oa Mdiiilay. au?. loih. itii Ass!-.t:iit. n hulifi lu,! :in tP.r: i!i- (if f.ur yi-m In iiinii:r'lnir n l-. w:i t. k.i "P A TTT'T'' ;r n'c, V ts !.!"tf. oon- "ii.i'-T'r uf tlie ri -linarj iv-ii.irtii-ut. tt.'is niir-w- i x -l .-i Si t'i.vt .: ; v--r uin l iii ! y- tii ikv rrlaeij:U to"deute Uls wUoie to ! ;vvl. itu I I .. ,t 'l.v:. k i -.i' vi,- low! hixlier ImixIhs. j .! '.!. '!. .a'i.'r. !.-.-r!.v..a. i.n'.u, -nv Tlir town ts remarkuM tK'i for l)atl fiil- a uU-. turf'itl'"-. "rit!--;i--". T uri -r's. neaf'si ness a ii I n lilirli l-mii "f r nn'ilr. TIuvh s-o r j t'X'" . ii 'x 1. n... i . r 1-: r .:"(! I.r.i'..u!t ar-ni-rn. 'l.'t l. . li:t.U"aOli.i Wvvrac.s r.rc j "!-'" :. .'u. !:", ; ! I'.ii'il. a:i i Vartita'ii, t;-u- a;iiw"U In t vil uji i ;':r.riki.i;-i s T?iu -.virveof I s iit motion 1h t'u.rou;:!;. cot., j rprvTT T"T m Trp7riT swa ss rr..!,...,,-..,.. nrd rra.-tll. -kl...' t;, n-Up lUJJL'ili Ail i 1U t,i;r. s.iav the ?i'nr.0.l hi I ni'.re! frifus i o o -sp !,,.,,. . , , . , ' Cu; l-s j-rrp ircl for cn-src r lor ruMm !; fs-sn- t.t'.. n:-. f.c - ! ? r 'vv.lcrs ' ' , . ..... . ' :"'.vi :r ! .'c.- s. Ui'-.t r.: :i s-iu t- :i;.ir sir r..j- i'-iii;.."- M-syn. n i v w-vi.i. uaii iu i no-i . per! awry. i st ;-..c; t t r Keep Warm in Gold Weather ! INT JEW YORK argain Store l HAS A FULL LINE OF GOOD B Put i M PI b!l!i!iM fit 11 lUUIlJ. J.. i .1 y ii p m i) uliilul 1 1 "5 n i i i Ulii Slices, Hats, &c, Cheap For the Cash. TRY US ONCE. v;uice, b.i!ai.oe on K'tli vl CK tolcr : Tu:t.on ! rl;ii:iry t:.?n I .c'tii u i i i r l.-s'ral 20 Inclilntpl rx::iKi..s. .-1 Tup'lrf chiinr rt rmm tlmci f nntrnncc. No de ductlun c.xci'pt for priructe l Ulnrv!i. - For Htdri ss cither the Princlralor ..-;I,tatit, at Mt. Airy. N. C. , EespectfuUy, A. ALESAIaDZ?.. CT7" In M-VA C. Short's Ola Maml. next to AnnfirM Ii!,k. Iy virfuo nf a writ, V. (. 1'., directed to me by tin Superior Court of Surry conu ty, cmimisn.nn me to cxp"c to naie the I .a mil hereitm !! ileKcribnl, I will m II at tJu (Vmil tioor ia Iiol!otl, on the Mtilav of, l,cir' tlm following I.m !. t -wit : 2i) acres uf In ml Ivinjr nem SnaU hvilh', .surry county, N. (J.. en the north si.le t the Doi)6on ro.J. a-lji inmp: ll'p lanOi sf Jonathan Flim h.uri, John S J )fti:ii- and others, it lieins: the laml sold by Johf I.. Worth to V.'m.c;. Af-hburu. Sol i tosnttsfv a debt of ?;.! with in terest and Due bv Vn. B. Ashburn to JnoL. Worth. of Surry- County i l.i! oTctnlicr 11, lr.'l. ci: lei's ::.; u -I'ly r-'h ..-r viii:..'Lie art :!. W bet. yo.t n..' s i -!; M ilrii s ;:! elc.;'i) t rT r, tl-'ViT'l.t' i v'.r ' s. -lii'n!. i " V::-!:. li ! !; '-,-! r, ir I ;:ikr ' -..: r. i n: i. lo ti5. us C o::;.y !.;! .r::iM v-''r I ur'ty t l".p.!-te-'kl. V;. ;i v.-i lii .-. v i , ir . es. 'r'lf, li:-.!-:. i ::ir. pse;. - ::i.-. .-. n -ni r ,t- 1 1 . fni! iv. : ii'l :l :. iinir s. iii'v -.' -! .'... i i.:: 1 --s m :' r ' a ch"!n uiirt 'Tu ;-'-i;i : i.; s-.i.-li !"J:: ....- ..Of.". -p.- V!-U fir "!: C :l IV ltt.l Wi'h Mvlc.'s i:..iv! .::!Vi -r or i) ci." i'.-t I r,jt.-s.- r'JS---H. I'lH -nc '.-. til : :!':. ilf A ft .'S;cm i'.'M i';ii;!:,r, M( pu.tru:i;ce it i'.t u i s-P' .i : r 0"-..i.!:-.-k :r ' f-ir i-i:i!Kl.l.- artfi-Vs. win 1 .... .1,- nv , i-r-.v: l-'t Ii:. e..'-,i .s wi i i)i'i,-iV Ti.-jTil mi - '.o pisjp.e ot iie Oiwji in i s'i rr 'j '. 1 iv .. i rv r ; p;. - r-tiv.i.i-.r- ae.! 1. nil. I 'i.-l If u i'.liil " l.i 1 1.0 Ms !..?. H e I fait; ' e-V r-;'.-trl:l:v. I Farmers of This Sect XXQTJ.X SSS XQ XX TS4T T JL "he Great AT- GOAL. I will kcrp a supply of good COAL on Laud all the time. CfHce 414 Lilcrty St. (Sitting Block), Miocrf to marl. :!f irf:'.-e ot i..- A:- p,v a:;il iVlavlun, . f i r .ate T. . lloX - WINSTOX, X. r. ,rn., .UirUnl e.l,,-il. ,U rir.,..";-,,.,...,..,,, ) - lirand .Ma.-ter ar.d, p-r.nap.-, hr- Lipi.tasnU r.:.H.-k.".iaiunji,' I i and saiil, niwn other thin Aliove all thinirs political ti'ne? should not Jt-ad 113 tc forget thai at the end of om idan we must inei-t face to face the honet voters ot the l,lon 1,,n.- l;t l t:iost! oto.-er-. ! CON' T FOHGET TO RcMEfJZER i 1' I.ciivi your at J. It. r.-uUi- Vvsou'it and they will foe promptly tilled. , CZ7" Terms strictly imnIi. J. F. BISHOP. i rrmeot in Itir tl.s.-ftsri land with halloU in 1. u,d, demand-j TJ' nivo is ,,e,r K it-n. ar.d jV j 1 ht ilI (iiI,,.f (M.ll,7ftl,i,r M, me &s a condition of their tH'Wunm-irucd. J h (rai-. Ma.-ter u .....i d.u..-t k.m. i.f v.: of our party lidelitv arid undivided struck? in j!ain h inis v. iskuot n : h : wi i. h ..:ui. r. ?c f i .i. tl u:im devotion to iho can c ia which we - the -(.Vnuau UitP," .ayi i, has h-J Vt'V,.:; 'i LIr have en lifted them. not yet appeared here, hot thar nui..i. for - iirti..p.-. ami a.-c il.e -vil j Mo 'iivu v. t v rv r- in'.in spirit, wc hold to th.e do.-ri.iu that party ho,netv is party duty and party courap' is party expedi ency, we shall win u .sure and in"; 9UC(;u-ki throutrh the deserved support of a discriminating, hitcjli- ana thouglitf ui people. effort Will evident . V i e made to ' pur-no. o i ! I' a'-1- horror ate uniU-r it. lie 1 as dcteruiined to intik i'iii.' t it, anJ refers the pie- i ' ii . it i . i aHv.hUe c uttol of V. P. P., the only infuh i u.l i ...i i-j iir,te-r k nnwu. j .... . ... iso I I . . i.IcMki t.iue iins rov;t:v-pv i ti"ii to the ( I-i-de f.r e t !. J-ut-il tunm-ious c-in. i.r .- n.i' .i.i diI aii loent, calli. i on! it h r coiideo - ' ,: h,ulu " u rii"rl ,i:!, r: all titL r ....: .. r .. i . i k. bl'.i.l puriiitrs hic li.le I. nat...n of wlur is known as -(,Cr- p..,,',,,,, fiitKl ft I;ttMe to j;.., Iicaiilim. lie li.j tesf t'u; death ' if i 'i-y woM Ha hiring the vear of Giand Ti e t.-urer ! r iii ! i.j-oii ,h, the lt !a of I i t .. it . i .i . . r mTiT-i C'ommeutin uioti the speech of J," ' ai,p'",rnu ! Mr.. C!evtda,d the Xov York I !':P-'! ' lire ItwHiie ,f , i,,.,,, i,, to ' ,r vr.e.Uicy. . lhe lin-ps-itv h.r Ulii-; y m Ly;m tsti'l .f, I M il f..f ona, a urn oran, f.avM . in H,p v.-..rL ..r t r . V" '"L"0 -. t .;:-i at t!. tvmi T-J 1. -I 11.. 1 1 . . " 1 i - t '""e . iiio e j it'tT 1 1 oi nu i.-i R.siutTii iir.'uii upon is sure to connmnd wiile and -are-ful attention. It U hia iirst puhlic ntterauoeiiincG tlie autumn election and it was plainly intended to makp knovvn hi! coriv lotion as to t!i-j he-t policy for the Democrats in Con gress and tho true issue for the " . ; . n-antetl as excellent, and to re- 0 U Sir. C ;Ipvp.lnil nnfs the is-.ip nm .. :.i i t . 1 mm in a p Coll!J Sl'O i I irl the policy in tyo words: Tarilf re-1 G. W. 1 Mount. S. H. ll.p.intiee and ' 'I'SAi'vp, luiiu. iu iui, lit: wvsi, me tiiiiii'- ..... I'.k.ii.k cratic oartr is nled-ed. Hp rind.! '"1"" Mlt ii:t,,i -h 'rr Vf tis :t ;it ' . i. j ti o i ."ritual Co. mp ii :: i.'it ion. T "T?rT niand the undivided eirorts of our party." And in support ot it he invokes the sreadfaj-tne and cour- eil lipolt li.emO.TS. t tt: I it b, tSie lt M.-miay oi iai. tinitid iSecretarv ' II:tf:is rnmitk i n.t.: !i. .".'I a-n--, i-l bind in js l.-ki:i Ton n. showed that ICO Mi!a.rdin:e M-e. tV'Vil! ,l,,,:;u,,,i", , r. :L xv- r.w ... , I ., e. - li. w. rullvaiiili.liii-ii. Sle ii v!e t.n Kat were uj-i-e.-P ited m the Grand i-fv ih .:. i i M-ruttd by .it m..,t.;!fr,.. Lm1i;p. I)i;riac; tlie year twelve? !' -t: t?:. " II. ;;. .Si tt, new Jodp-s were tound'-d, and mx I ilortgajw. were revived. Xc ch-ii t rs were I yr "rVl Vr .T" Mirrendcrcd. I..ri:.-the vear the I V" vtV 'L.fX i? UCIS VVOrUl re -e:j.ts were " I Y f L f j nru- t- Tlie;,an.l .Mnv.-rs report was! rfevl Tllinkiri; rcirarded as excellent, and xviik rc' i fl ADOUt. irr IS I I i I catch the POINT and see I'm STUCK by not selecting my SHOES from those 10,000,009 "T;;2 E!ood is the Life,, go of the Jacksonian spirit, which j vitv tjysi!.li A collection fortht ..rj.L.m avhiin irn h, an tt. r..M,It of f,.r. Was tavcn tip. i tr-i 'a'..i an.t 'l"-.'-.T.iu t t.i luli!k.-Likrt.CM lhe OVittT Slr-rr L' von the rai-n tl..- um. Aim I..M.-. Grand I.od-e hv iho Ka'et -h Mailis 1,1 u"Kth t f ,u" W--1 ie c:lc io pairs SAHPLES at the G4 R acket Store ! 55 . GE0..W. SPARGER, I Attorney Notary Public, ! k Coutit Airy, Si. t TT" Nm,5 r.cj;np avtl ccltivtlon o Pl-::ns ;t -::" . V.w I enr9!. I i tl; SU1U i n..V;:l,:- i.j-eTi l::T.I. tt Il.:.. W. F. GARTER, ! ATTOUXEY AT L , Vr, J 73ou:U Airy, !. C ! I'm- !.' In n t';i Kfut. mill fv-:.r urvirt-i. Iir.t sr; ;.it!'.. i.f titles to :ilii .--j : I j'.'y. ; E. S. P. CHAVES, i'o i: x K v at r. .Ilnnut Airy, Ti. C X Gallawaj' & Cos, IVSosat Airy, TJ. O. not oveverloolicd tchen CRc:- coiit-e to. io-tpa. dky-coods .AX) (i!;i;c!:iiii;.s "TILL VUU CAX'T IiEST." JFO Uii RBSOS Will:' u-arc-rs otlicr7?.ould trade vritli tlio Tin ATTOIINKY AT LAW, lselicheap. " ' 1 ' .0., uuy .orcu. i 2. Veu Lave lhe lart stoel; in I be inn to select from, j 3. They .vUhU- vh;tt art- the ut-edsef die faniiirio- tk rrnci ! io Ktnto and r. courts, i 4- Tin v o ;.l with vmi with :.n - e 1., n - rr...... I ntf... ...... M .'l..o.. t I ... . - . - -.-. - . w " -," u ! I l . ill - . ' " J ry t his i.rtii uni t! Ai:r. 2i if I SCHOOL BOOKS li. J. i; ALL A WAY cV Co.. Gal la ray Ii:i!iir.. I AND cjjool Supplies CAIT ZZH FOUIJ AT 1 ' Ti 1 JUSLICC S1500K& :TIIAT: RIGHT HERE IX MOUXT AIRiT IS 3 1 A X U F A CT L" II K D Circular Saw JVlills, Turbine Waiter Wheels, Castings, Qc. IvIi2IIR. We can always furnish you Saws, Belting-, Shaft ir -t , j Pulleys. k:c., iNre.. at Ixwet I'rii-es. ' 15e sure and ca'l on or write tnc l.efore (ir(!c-r;riir clsewlien. : Vts ran sava - WPTTn'M TT P von money. Uouiit Aivy Iron X7orIic, ; VvixiolUi, 0. j t-ept. 4, '91. -Mount Airy, X. 0. I iii? pRr-ril-i! ?tiftim h V.ti) driinr?. i ' : ' and furiiisli all Eg:s at Stale Prices. ! Science .Has Made it Possible , A'GOOn LINK OF BlankT.oolkS, Ink.-, Slates, Uihlcs, &C. Iki-SjiPCiTuHy. J. R. JUSTICE, TO RESTORE DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT F0 Tin: c. f. a: v. v. 1 IhviT f.r,-. t tint V r,.. T?HiyiM t o ut n:cor I erv l l!i." -rlrl- ni ami u' 1 r .! il V'i n r.- F'l. 1 I. .. .. ..... ..... .. .' ' ; . . .1 ..v.. u .1. i..-r iii.i.-.r ..-;!. -. i.-nri!!. u i.,it f-i. i-?:::,t.. -ur.-,i o,.i. ,-u. ! 7 '!7,u-in e;i r f-irit-Ury inf.IIomc nit I Mime of the New; Departure it Will JIake. tl'-THISD. ; ' u. V"1 .''" t or "!nfci don't tunc with I T!.. T"-..k,.I-.. (.1 C k...! i.i. . i. " .... v' r" n hav- . ilV ll"ai.i'lki; VI . "Millie I il Iii:?! . " . " U.i'l 1:1. OLD I, II r M rri IM tci.V OLD l.rtlifel.t tl. ROTE Ki'. I it vein. It U direct, e,r.!k-it. r"t"' V" r,"lU"" f HtH ' ' I ., , . J , 1 , at Koanoke, wliere enrj etmn wa1 .-. . 1 Ki -i,e. 'imto-r cxVe and cotira-eou. It brcathen t;ia,,, witll thc ,.rf,dk Wctern ! 5 ""-"a::;;:;,:;'- ' !r ium 1 --.J urn,. -wnn.,, jrives ,rt u.., . .-n r... ., ,ro. ,.r? iVr.ii--i oi "Anrl ,rntt WilUnn, TT "Un l, tin n tnroiy.'i line to the i.ortli ut.d nut - ri; ;.: mIi STK "nam XiUlll, fiilUU UUy JU M 'a' few weeks uo t.dedtoiES pair, because they are both BEAUTIFUL the meeti.i-ot I)r. Ui,. .v; nTJT1. . , ot ti.c c;. f. y. Vi u,:d vtiK r rail-. 1 , w . , . . ; and CHEAP, so come alone: and get them !" "will not permit a premature and detracting search tor other ami per plexing qncttiuMH, nor allow i;s to bo tempted or driven hy the enpmy into new and bingled a;hs.?I The fpeeeh id iu Mr. Cleveland's best fori a spirit which gives tha E.v-Preident's ut terances groat weight ;n tho coun try. Whether his inir-tt.iee upon tariil reform as the sole i.ssue Udi.--interested, in view of tlie fiwct that hLs nomination for the Presidency wonld each sible the tions nroii which there will be dif- i tion witli the C. F. A: Y. V. wil! Ik? i otd f.r jta!S. y,uf. jj,, rr u-nI.. Sept. 2t. Vi'iSTGN, N. C. MOUNT AIRY SELECT SCHOOL' r:.K Young Ladies and Little Girls, ! mt. a in J'. a, r. 1 GO TO S :3. FAERAE & SOKT, TJtcv win &i:iw ,oit ln.w It l Uon. Ti.i-ir new inn r:irn-nis f nai l the m to fit aM drfr ?- ' .fl-.-,i.,..i I . xi...,!. !.-...,.. . 1 .r 5. ..... ..!. m .1: i,.1 il.-.-I.H t calk t tLrt?wa. Tlie Srsl Tt'l-ta opens Sent. 7tli. iWin "l.i- .i-.ii V1.1 kiv.. yoirV-W eA-iuiin'tiii'jou-wilt sinter 1.0 ral'i. It m t-e x&:i :ti-l i- tekms or TfiTir rn: xexTH Crlir.arv. U.t i Kii'- I.t a !:r.-. Wr:' an t ' spT.!?i.r. ", . tt.w; - " ' - ------ Ia'"ri.i 'it t.ii. i..'- ' Jll.'h. r j! st.kI'cs. i ,;o,C A Rpwrtr tk Prpsidptit mm xni ii-;,.!. .. K.nocn.i.. i... ! V -iOLUb, 1 resident. ?-Ius!ci.ii M 1. 1. in"!u 'i.-ji: ws...f instrument.." . or.iulT-.i'i.i l if :i;-, i.icli. 5! " t onllr . t:,-r o r ... .'.i i-.lii.-t ii.i'i rx.'' t !r pro! ra"t' d t!ln";s. i-i . l.rT..:.' I i"-.:; -.-.f ,ti'!av of Ma?o'''ii'K ft Ucr ITccIous Stone nnl fl i e Jfw irr In the Slsu. W. li. i WiikiAK S. o:. s-'i i j.s ru'.y v.ita-h l-j express for rf-juir!i. se;.t. 2i;;.. X. C. J.V.V K A. UIL2ILR. P.-ui. rim niii'i nt',11 Kf.... .t t OCiJ. II, HBUWV. H OF3 fir. t . . , ,,. . naiik inn, , in I V I III - , J C. T had met' M I''ri Moi"NT aiky. n. c be the logical eeouence of M"'X on a tlooii-u Iin,-, with I " . nA! n 'Vmtpu r, onT' ; " a policy, or.wheiher it is , f at.t e,, an.t a tart M ho,iu!e:o ,on o,.u .' ... , ' I nin over too nuie tint- oi ;nij up. ; That i what every .tita pv.-1v.-4 who V or wise to so limit aud conbno ai i.. '. . . . 00 r " issues of the camp dgn, are quesr, service will Lu hamuli. Thecounec i urJ4 karat j;..ll tiii.t atrt e will here say others can be benefitted by taking pattern af tcr her example, as we will, from now till Xraas, receive erences of .opinion. Pluck eometiraes gets there on t.. .. r...i: 1 . 1 : io., ........ . w. .. i. 1 . ... . iii.i'a; ai .iin'.imii, ni.i Jl eai lllt ill -ui-,n. r.rm nun) yi;H;, to our city will, no doiil t, Ik gained ''' 'r (;'I-t I,u il n my thereby. " j ) atch. T.iwvtire wl;re wr hre tw. During the vo?ir contiecMoIl wjI , Me " "! Nnih!? (; Wt' , W. S. Menoenhall, Sec. & Tre-s. :; Suifford Lumber iilanufaGfuring Gc5 GREENSBORO, N. G., li 0 T I G E . I M A X C VA CT U 2-K K S OF Tlw tuiili-rsitiivl;; l.'5v juil!li-tl ! rA.'trbOOE SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, &C, :C. by 10 ven to all iTf..t:s lurii r'ahiis , ,.TMtr..k iv t i. triVTia OP j a.iinnt -aM e,fare to j-n-nt tb.-nt to tc . i " ) for hfttU'lUfit vifV:il n.K'Uiir 1'iotll 5 wMa. Min, date h.-reof. .r tla-, tioti.. v. ill l.P j.i.a ltd ; J i j 11 H 'i-f , in 1-i.r ..f r, rv.r o.i.t oil p.k,,..- ' I , I i 8 i. n I W owin H.ti I esttn arc h.-p-l v n .tifi d to j , .,, - , n.HU- r.ttienr nt w:t!, T:ie and j . Drancli Factory and Saw ills at Aslieboro, u. u. lkvc. ' RmiP-h flnd Pressed Lumber furnished iivir .lanrnrvtil. l-O' O . . . . hu Iibt-U nf T.oil in -V ih ;c. curing mo ro?kr i-(.imitMi.n wi r1 " " " """"'? wm-.-Iim, w , ? J , . ' ! maile with tin- grci.t cal HehL n'r ,u r-rir- .ad i v. n. P. : ye have to. 4 you ahout it. These ofPoeahonta Vh.. via Mount Aiiy, ! ly :,h lrl"if -t xxnU,u, j Mount Airy p.-oulo have put their which will, be a hi ' thin-' l'.,r the! ,,"f'JC 1K1-V,n-fj i Load lots upon short notice. DiREeTOKS J. M. Worth. E. P. Wharton. J. W.Scott, C. A. Rey NOTICE. r.r virtue f n -it of V. o. E. directed ! nolds, S. (i. lilaylock, V. D. Mendenhall, .11. M. Worth. me ly tl.e Su er.i.r Cunrt .fii rv c i;n ; heads together and thev have open- State. . f rr i .el - jn ur umt ui lu:J,nn, N. c.. wtit: e l their pocket books an ! are -o- lhus.the C. F. & Y. V. is reach-! ... . " Ir T"'"1 th-T 1 settlement. We invite the public to come and r i r . . i.iiii mi w vikii fin i.i,.. i. . . . y . . ouying their Winter supply, as well as 0TH STOCK OF OTHER GOODS ! RACKET STOEE, r tn hniM ft TianrlniA "'nw,,,-'MKiuii2rapl.viiiis!i;in;.i ... . ociorc D k. nun., i . . , ., . , .- i I iiT Hllilltr. I 1 o looiiui iue in i";ut aui pa.eii"or .' , ,. ., The Yki Vhv Nkws is a 4 S OUR KAMK winner, and you ought to adve.ti rnin-ton Iml CM ,r! " ? V ? EMPIRE WATC,t - f I it if you want trade. H V or 7 lwrlo&l 'a " d M,.l L.w. Xw Vrk. t M'oixl 500 to 1,000 Pairs 'j Sanipie Shoes iV.Mv an J tf ,t, . . . , . r . . . I arv, lN.r., tie s.ii! 1 .).rds iri.iv-t i.-i tl-o &-r . la-rv rnvnre :-v no, kV eeKly. and will sell them at prices nev before beard of in this roiwi..,; .' i..t : a. j. h.o - tl.- ' X x A ' iTtrif .VilA 1 see them lani-. r i i;z?ir..;.i. n.e ist..te .,t a iUiu-, t -f, ' v fi;ih. ii a 1 Iroutiiij 1 1' U f on a 4 stm t . 1 '. ' - i ' " A fnliiia. rrepa f, r to ty, ronint.-'m'.ii. iia- tf) i'5 H t to fa'e I : e I .' ronrlij iut-rt in thw lot !nrrinart r detci il-l. I v i'l f.!l. at tii;t Unit !.(.j;.e! ilHir in Doticun. ' n tlie-l.-t day t" P'e'iriu 5? . l RIDGE HiSTITUTEIS Ia.rvt Private f-hool in X. C. 3j1 Sttxlcnts rturire ;va feet. lH.inK lot kvV.C F..ard I I 'til . " I from A. Ilines. JS..M t 5atifv a .lei cf!1 " N r' - V'ti ' ' ' MM-iudiiiWkhpVi' - r"t'f " flSa.ia. -with ii.teiVHt a, d, cue l-v ! r.- i' .: ! t J- '::LtXxZ' CTn-vvrltinir wil'- i'-sU'-i"' ' " Fred C.,F..:irrl to J. V. MiuJ.fll. ' - s";---.:v:::'f fcn-.i.s.y. t-na!v ;rf' T I,""- ST Kill F VI- V MM V -i --r v- '-L - .:r r-?:!is .Ausu.t 12:u. fr-, i k ;. . - i1. 1 C f V Sheriff ot burry county. Iddrrr 1.9

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