THE NEWS From now until after the election only 25 cents in clubs of five. VOT,. i:5. Real Estais. Real Estate. LOTS, HOWES AND-FARMS, At I ri:i -a!r. in .'"" I ' " "' to tun .ilea Mount A ir . t.'nn suit all in -inal-irv. I'lTintifv. term. an. I prie. Va!! and eian.ine. '-No cha 1 4: ..r trouble ! .how good." N xniM. for not own '" n hep.e AND STOP PAYING RENTS: AND ALWAYS MVIN:. Tli'- ' t ' ! i" -t "''' e.tmcnt in '" wrll isiea! estate, and in"Kit Mxn.t Airy" and l- I.'-, llitf U tl. j l " I in -tt an 1 o!;r -v ,n a ..; . !" .!-.. Our .Wl lirir.'! V'tbfcusl ii bul ..! at n)' : If" i. 1 1 '. tat-' .In.- in h.-i.t -r'iu.l Any,"" Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, A I 1 - I.'" K, 1'. II., An.l i "I'.'-'' H-'m" rri.l .., i-u.l-r .'.'.Hi. at I k. ' ":" ii.. I kii 'died .'i;' I" I""- tin dale-, mil'- ! tend I -- I f I),,-,.. bii'I 5 ' i t '', he I-H'I'V and I'"' ''"- t; I'aiti. . ,t.-it!i.-4 '" r ,I!. Ha III. re- Mid nriirr . !al--." ' the- re-nltl piil-. tttr rt'.l 1"" lurlher in- ,,rl M.M.A IIM.n M.IUIOWKU, ulv H M. .nut Airv. .V . W. R. DAGGETT. President. R. t. CWYM, V:C: Preder.!. PLANTERS' BANK DIIvl-XTOHS. ! v. U. D. -t tt. i: .: A-i.I.v. : f .. IJvvv : Tiii- ::nk r-. .1 i-:r - rh - i. . ..t an. I In.livMii-.!'. . l.ivti- a.ij i !i' ; I ' ' I i ,..,,t,'.iniT- ;i:i ! !.-. t lUv '.' READY MADE WAGONS T anv riMi: GUARANTEED STRICTLY FIRST CLA3.1 IN Ki:i:V l:K-l'-r. J.S.&S.E.iJarslial THE CELEBRATED WAGON MAKERS OF WHITE PLAINS, N. C. This M .i : . fi.ii ' :tu'-n U ' "!I t i. in .,, i.- v;!I lui!r. regularly am! - 'i . : t.! . f !h r :u.i ri-i..- ra-v . If the latf i j.iNn'iiI i- .H-riiiL.' IK-k "ii iMiitiini: i.i'ar. .::..! it t!.i- .. ..f.ii..! i :'iii- ti -f Jill Dclicicncics fire flciclo Good. Alt ! t r 1 ; ; i- 1 '1 v .! i, fi t u -K t.M : ( 1 fl f-lt. T It--1 i f : til U -;i Mri nr . t, -I v It t K.r iii'il 1 1 ft. 'I' lit " ! 1 1 1 - t . ;i i t . r.r- m : . 1 1 vi in tit Iit-t I f Ii t'I ' I t Uf -il f. t '14 tin-m l m-t'l -Uil.l4"w ill ll't- i'li l-tTtltCV -! :. i i . l I t- - ii It.iti I, w ! ! p n--'iHf! :i.t -! i r . --.j i, it .r t! V - . W.i ;. I h- iii ittt !mh' Nut -fciih il Ul-r. i I :r Aic ( iii t tt ; i- rt-irll -! r- lilt I Ihil I run ; 1 -t fi'i-tli-rr U-l-trr t i- i;iitr. ! . M-i'-ii, .ik !., !, ha" i i- ! ' li t- M;rlt;iU Imw III r. i . Look Out! Loolv Out! Fl'RXriTRE STORE. A New Kick for Mt. Airy. Furniture Made to Order and GUARANTEED. J Ikh rimi tn !"tint Ail v f iv ari'l I oh-.iv ijji in t wo rrxiiiif if tin- ilanlin M.'ii- I'.i'.-k ;i cutij ! '.li f luraif iirt trntn flu- In t t-. I'u- rln-ijn-.t. j COFFINS ! COITlXtS ! COFFIXS ! W'v i In" le-t itti'U r' iktr m I'm M :. .uil :u tti it. Tan itijki a cullin luil'l aitti sHiii iit i. 1 , ALL AT THE LOYEST PRICES. o 5 2 - 53 - fttij I t 'iir f-:ifi h tit- -.i I, k i- w .,!;:. ..i. 1 mir twii i.l tlii ;i(iJ ii.ii trrf ft . !'. !m n L W"- V4Mt t'd'v .4 II.;' It. -It t.. i tll'l J. M. IvIVIP, E:T'S Av; I jAv-' lvv.t-r )5 FIXlvST LIXK IN iiiiiiLi; r;.-.-. en,,. Suitt- EVERYTHING STYL-' ISM, COMFORT ABLE AND NECESSARY TO DRESS GENTLEMEN. W. E. U'allis 6c Co., Mi-.: A:r,,.. The E.K. Stewart Furniture Company, -VVHO-ESALE AVD r-T . 1EA-L1: . j ! FiirMilurc. ( pel.. Curliihis It all lrr. ;iit mid itrrn w:irr, !! MauiibirlurriH l Vlullrcet.. The l:irr.l It o u.r in llir l:le.-l i'i:irr fret of 1or mam in mm". ! lc- fii:ir:ml--l :ih l si-. llio r iiiiy ui llit-i ti rilj. j 1 et-ri.j-j tu. GEO. ?: PELL, Editor and DYSPEPSIA Ii t'lt mi-cry eiprienced when tvidv-Tily inade aware that yon. jiois.f.4 :i diabolical arrangement c-JicJ fctoiniich. IS'o two dyspep tic have the same predominant symptoms', but vhaUvtr form dy.--pi- take 27 c under yimy rnue i in the LIVKB, and one thing is certain no one will remain a dyspeptic who will SaTfern,; I will " Kipl foal gwaesv Al!-iylrrl tallow. 4 . V ASalal !; ' V joiJ at tba uAmm Unit tit'arl fh lArer tiftrlritifj anil till hmlittf tiilmmi triU ttfut intern: F-r Ihm i I tnflnlil wilfc . i; - -t I trr . I t. . I i. j- .4 I M mf Al Mlla4 nil-.;, i .v.f Kck'.l"'. Clfe-.i m IM A . l( . g .J I i4 14 1. w ,1 it JA. A K.AJp fkUJ'v ffc. ,S7 r tl-nt v"t gt the Cmuine, lalrAVl" 1't-l.f ii. y.i.ii.i: i Co., I'...UcI..htA. Ia. C. T. RiUSDELL, ! Cashier. OF MOUNT AIRY. II J. II. Spar-tr, L. W . . T. I':.:i..-1. 'J. j f. ii.? M-nnf:ifturTf, Fanm-ia M '-Lint.- I'MmU-J in the "I. ' t ! s Thf TuimU of our ' ::." J'- f fhits 1 .. .i,: i..'k. j 1 i i 1 ir "Lii : it j i !il-.l. We luakf in!rrv!ii il I- m J .ir. il ! ! 11 klHlir Cr"..,. In L. I!. Wrcnn's 0!J Stand. HXE CLOTiilXG 7W i mr-r 1 -wi WW j P- Furnishing Goods. Tlli i:i"no. II.. fs. Trunks. Owner. "O.V TI1K;8TUMP.M How the Political IUttl U Itc- n Along: the Llue. EL A. Moye, tlte TlurJ Tart nominee foi CoDreaa in the First District, ha declined. T rrebident Ilarrin and hit frienda are Raid to be very much diturtd over the permanent aix-t the IJe- jiii 11 ican uisaiiecnon in inuiaim uw asutneu. Hon. Win. (i. Ewinjr. of Cliicajro. will acccniiMinv lln. Adlai E. btev- eiion to rsortii Carolina wnen lie coiner thia month to make hi five upeeche throughout tlie Stat. Mr. W. lkjurke Cockran haa l.laced hin scrviciw during the cam- tiain in the liatKJ 01 me neirm onttie national committee, vrnii tlie exi-!Dtiin of one week which he a . - . will give to Jowa. The 1'rohibitioiiir.taof New Ji-r ev have already nominate! 4 can didate for Governor, and are ar- raiiirinir to iut candidatea in the tidd in all the w'-ht -fiCTeiional districts ! the btate. (tov. Itucll, of Maachni'Ctt'?, will take irt hi the Maine ramnaiLMi. lie reeeiveu an urgent inviutimi Mouday from the Democratic State Coiijiuittee of Maine to come into that State and r 1 make a numoer 01 sjcecnc nu will no doubt accept. Thank (ioxl the tune haa come wlien the dichtion in IX-mocrat- il- r.nka will i?ivc a sweepinj vic tory to the lleuuhlicaii in 2Sorth ("aroliiia." Dr. York, at the Wilkesboro IUrtublican roiigrt- muiial c hi veil tion. The rin maatera in the People l'artv convention in Una county were moatlr Ileuublicaiu. The at tendance however was about twenty Democrat to one I publican. II 1ttr W'fflly. A State convention of New Jer- Mv colorcu men wiiiineei in inn- a "It . fit ton September 15tli. The object of the convention, a ttatel v the omiiiittce. i to take step hokirig tin- ptilitu-al aJ vanctiin-iit and reeoirtiitioii I -New Jeracv coloreu 1 -men. The Wadelrt J H'j.r-Intrl nfuit-r ava the iemocrati nave the Weaveritc ! the run in old Xn.iii. and that "lietore the aear and vt-I!ow leaf lictoken the arrival f Jack Frobt the Iat one of them will be crying out for mercy. I.evii (ireen Stevenson, on of the vice iireoidential nominee, lias mi-ii wiffalkiJ at iniuciit ot the Ilix'iiiinirtiiii Cleveland and Sleveu- mii club, lie delivered a f-pccclt wliich iJiowcd that lie thtiroiighly mlcritands the political prolilems f the day. The publication by a (ermaii new.-paper of (.'harh-stim, S. ('., of (ov. T;lliiiaii ailiuifeiuii ot a ileal with (icrman hal.-on ket- ., by which th-y nre to vote for bin local candidate for fhcritr and in return he is to uc hiii influence agaiiict high liceiiee, h.u produced a politi cal M.-iieatiou there. Kiii tail, iiotted tails, ft rvaknl tails, brindle taili. and bvl-tail. Didn't the Third jwrty fellows trot Vin out, though, on t their State ticket ! IJut, then ; what ehe could you exK.t-t from the poor, blind, dieaxil, decrepit, dismal blanke-d old Weaverite crowd i Kh f O'a- ii nt ill (tUZtttt. W. II. Williams, who was iiomi uatcd to the State Senate bv the Third Party, writes a card to the (irect'ville ,ll'f tr not only de clining the honor, but repudiating the party which nominated him. aid exhorting all Democrat to vote for the nominee from Cleve land down to constable as the best way to secure reform. KveryUnly in Fayetteville knows Mr. Tom iiill, and that he say some very good thing!. Some day since he was lalking to a Third Patyite, a former Democrat, but now very enthusiastic over the new party. Oh," said this wise politi cian, "the old parties are rotten, erfwtly rotten. " Ye, said Mr. Uil!, "but I always notice that the ro'tea wood fall off the log fir t. Hurrah for that sound old log Tom ( Jill ! .' hjh Ohrri'r. Tbe Primitive are AIwuk Solid.,', UVrll. "Wheii von Mi: him oune into town about an hour before night Mill mark it down that there is a Primitive I'aptist meeting or a 1 Iciiiocrat ic speaking," said a I cmo crat nt the Opera IlotisC Thursday night. peaking of Mr. Johnston Ik-unctt, who had just entered and started the applauso for tilciin. Mary Uiirns, aged 22, ol 42 Cliri. tieslrcit New York, was arrestetl on the IJowcry last night for ln-ing Iriink and disorderly. She wa locked up in the station house and this morning wa found dead. She had torn her drcs into shred and hanged herself to the liars of the window. .The system i rendered malaria proot when the blood is kept pure and vigorous by the use ot Ayer'a Nirsapariila, At tin season, all tit siitiiiiu nave mi aumiraiiie pre paration at hand. Malarial poison is harmless when Ayer'sSarsaparilla IS UsCU. A certain, cure for malarial fcaver is found in Simmons Liver Regulator. To prevent fevers, keep the liver active and bowel regular witJi bim nii.ns Liver Regulator. Iluckleu a Arnica Salve. Tlx Il Sls ill flic WnrU far Cull, llniisr. Kiicva. t'lrfr. $ Klteai. er N.m, TslU-r, l'liappl MaaOs, CbilbUina, ConiM, anj sll hkiu KrupUosa. mm4 pui lily curs ItWs, or du mt miaiird. It U cumrald t riv prr amtMmctUm or muHtrr rrfmiilrj. lrio ceoU prr, Hus. fur itltlf TLur AV Dauaar, druj- ABKIN MOUNT AIRY, X. IS LIZZIE BORDEN GUILTY? Of Murdering Her Aged Father And Step-Mother. . T J ' ' Tbe IJf Wence ltefore the Court. "You tiave dm Away, fjnrua." Al Found With Itlood SLaiua on Them. Br Meet Sullivau Teat I flea. Fall It iv kb, Mui., An. 2o. The aecond uitrict court loom waa crowded tlii morning at 1 o'clock It waa the tecond day agreed upon for the hearing of Lizzie llorden on the charge of killing hei father and ateu mother. Clcnrymcn. lavmen. phyniciana and more thau li ladie who were not uirectlv connected with the cae were seated and stand inif 111 the court room, while inside the rail waa an extraordinary crowd of newaiiaiier worker. Indies oc- cupicd more thau two-third of the cat usually oecupietl bv tlie tun out gang who Mock into the lower court. The rmnrt took an intcnninaioti until 10:20 at which time the di trict attorney Mtid he would lie ready. At iu::( Mr. i.Jia. j. iioimea a 1 i -eared with Mii-a Kuima liorden on hi arm and following came Mrs. rr;irliam. Mi's. Holmes and the Ker Mr. I'uck. Uzzie l'ordeu came in lat with Marshal Ililliard. Mis IiordenV fate gave evidence of an extreme strain, blifc wa handed a neat lctvtecn her two lciral adviser and near aaetteeon which her sifter waa aeated. The two women tat cIImjw to elbow. Mu Lizzie at her hi.-ter' riht hand, rvot a word pncd between them. Medical Kxaminer Dolan was - . . called to the stand. The wituc testified to the ix&ition of the lod ie of the murdered couple when found and to sending their stomachs to Prof. "W-mhI, of Harvard College for analysis. Dr. Dolan said: "There were IS wounds on Mrs. Iiorden's oetsoii. Fourteen of them were in a small simcc back of her head over her ear. Pieces of the sKiiii were unven uuo mi All these wound were made with n sharp instrument." In witness opinion Mrs. lordcn had leen dead an hour mid a half when be saw her. Mrs. Jiordeii nei-'liwl 2inr 225 pound. She died of shock. Witness saw four axes in the cellar of the house. lie examined one with a claw oil it and found that it had liccn scratied and wa.-hed. The cut'ing surface of alioiit 5 inches weighed ." tn 5 iHHiuds. I'ude-r the glass it showed stain which looked like blood. Saw some hair on it also, iook Mime urcss-sKins aim underskirts from the huii.-e. the proicrty of Mis ljrlcn, the defen dant. At 12:23 lint court adjourned un til 2 p. m. "Vof OAVK SIK Nkw Yokk, Aug. 2".- -A special to the 1 IV-A from Fall Uivcrsavg that Miss Lizzie liorden was. visited v her sister yesterday. .Mrs. Iie- gau, the jKilice matron, was present during tlie interview. v lieu Liz zie saw her sister she waved her away, saving : " 1 oil gave me away, Kniins, did you not : and tuniel her lutck upon her sister. "No. Lizzie: I only told Mr. Jennings what he ouglit to know for your defense," answwered the girl. Lizzie turned and replied in a very enilnttered tone: "lhat is tahc. You have given toe away and I know it. but reiiieinlier I will not give in one inch ; never: never: That is all that I care to say to you." With tears in her eyes and a voice choked with so lis, biuina lctt the room and the accused, overcome with emotion, feu prostrate on her bed. Mrs. liegan was s pet chiefs and burr i tied at the compromising words. It is understood that Miss Kiniiia told Mr. Jennings, her sis ter's attorney, all that t-he knew or surmised aloiit the i!orJcii mur der. Fall RivrK, Mast., August 2(5. The character of the crowd in the Ilisttict Court room this morning ut the resumption ot the liorden hearing wa materially different from that of yesterday. Men were more plentiful and womn corru- pjioinlingly scar-.H;. The prisoner and her friends came in unattended, except by the city marslia!. Dr. Dolan examination was resumed. No ttstimony of a imsitivc nature was secured. The wound in Mrs. Jkirden luu k, Dolan toe ti tied, whs first discovered at the autopsy held in Oak-irove Cemetery. Then came the most gruesome part of the testimony yet given, and while it was going on Aliss Lizzie and .Miss Kmma closed their eyes ami flushed and showed much feeling, j Witness said the UjJie hsd been disinterred. The skulls were removed from the bodies bv instructions ot i the At-tomev-vfeiieral. The skull were cleaned, and the bodies were now buried without the head. The skull wore photographed and were iiow in witness mscssiou. No member of the liorden family w: a informed of the removal and photo graphing ot the skulls, as far a witness knew. i Fall, Mas-.. August 27 The famous trial was icsiimed this morning. The court room wa not so densely crowded when Judge Plaiidell took his seat at 10 o'clock. The examination of Ilridget Sulli van, the servant, was then, continu ed. "Witness said somelody was sick at the house Tuesday night. Mrs. liorden said she and Mr. lior den wero sick. They had been vomiting and looked sick. "When Lizzie came down she said she had lice u sick, but I did not notice that she looked unwell. Witness said the family had mutton soup. She ate some and wa also sick, vomit ing. Since the tragedy occurred site had never seeu Lizzie liorden crying. A great deal of the testi moiiT related to the daily habits of the l3ordena. Vall, C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. WitncM grew a little iwilcr when she faced llr. Adaiu to underyo her final cror-examination. She aaid fho Iiad told her story on the Tuesday after the murder to two or three persons at the iniict. She went ut "Wednesday iiiarht, had a key for the rear door, and return ed alone about 10 o'cluek. Never had any man from Fall Iiiver visit ing her at Jhe 1'orden lioiise. Two ir three months ago an out-of-town man called ujnn her. The lamp ww lit when she returned "Wednes day night. There was no gas in the house. ' Mii-s Lizzie said she was sick, but did not appear to have been ick. - ; The witness said Mr. liorden had a white pan-el in hU baud when he witered the liouse the day of the iniirder. Iim Lizzie i-aid Very slowly to her father that her mother had gone out in rcsontc to a note received early in the uiurning. Mr. LHinlcn s sivfe was kept in the room leading from his la-d-room. "Witnc.-s knew that the house had been entered and money and watch es taken. The robliery occurred i;i bru.-id Jit,ri5ht''i.Ti that iKcasinn. The barn had also liccn entered and rob !ed. Miss Lizzie was ironing kerchiets : saw them on the Mis Lizzie asked her if s! Uoii:g out, and if So to be sun fasten the door, as her inotl been called to stv a .-ick friend. The defense took unusual no ;ce of th?s statement:' '" ' It wa-; 1 :."" o'cUk k when the vtitness went np-stairs. She w;u there almost ten or fifteen minutes when Lizzie ahon ted to hei. Lizzie was staiidiui; near the screen dooi lendini! into the yard when witness went down stairs, ami was not wiinging her handa nor giving any I.i r . r 11". oilier signs '.n great griei. v iiue.-s then detailed her tri;-s to Dr. Low- . i t r ens, .Mrs. i hurciiiii s, ana .uus Ku.-v-cll s houses, giving mtormatioii ot the di-overv of the dead Siodies. Never saw Emilia or Lizzie go to the luirn at any time, but they might have gone twenty times and she not noticed it. "Witr.c-s went down stairs shortly after the trage-' , .rt r I ' ' tiy. i ne axes were lounu in a starch Imix biick ot the furnace. The court here adjourned until I Monday. LNTIXI KII ON 2l l'A HIS AltM IX A SXAKirs JAWS. Thrilling Fiicoiinter With Zoological tiarden ly thon. a I Cincinnati, ., Aug. 2.". Su perintendent Stephens, of the Zi- ological tiarden in this city, had a thrilling encounter with a 14-foot python to-dav, during which the snake "attempted t swallow Ir. Stephens arm. The superintend ent had ticcasioii to move the py thon and a boa constiictor from their cage to-day, preparatory to making some alterations in tlie i t . i cage, lie had already piaccd the boa in a box, and in handling the pvthoii the latter wrapia-d its Uil around Stephens legs while he had hold of it around the throat, a lien began a terrible tight. He tried to kick it 1oom., bat on ly got deeiier in the insidious coils. Then with a sudden twist the py thon turned in his hands and tho snake's eyes glared fiercely into Mri Stephens. The spectators stood appalled, while the, python began to swallow its' victim's hand. A' long fang tieuetmted to the bone of tbe thumb and" blood -spurted from the snakes mouth and tnnk led to the floor. The moment was critica1. With more than superhu man strength Stcphei.s gra,-pcI the throat of the monster with ins tree hand and with the energy of des pair choked the snake till it gasp ed for breath. When the jaws parted the hand was jerked out breaking off a ple?e of the fang that came away in tho wound. The attendant rushed in and together bcut oil the t oils from his legs and the iiioiietcr was deio.itcd salclyin the box. The pvtWu is n it vuu- motis. so fr. Steidicus 'vill 1;' Inl no gi eat danger from the. wound; but the pain was interne until he discovered and extrae'ed the fang. Walter Iiridgcs, Athens. Tctin.. I writes : "ror siv ycaiv 1 Jiad oecn arllicted with running sores, and mi enlargement of the boi.e in my leg. I tried everything I heard w ithoiit i any j'Criiiaiient benefit until ISotauic lilood llalui was reeoiiimenied in me. After using t-ix botih the wire hcale-d, ami I am now in let- ter health than I have ever been. I se nd this testiuioiiitl uii--.latiUsl, .. . ... , , i Ucause I .vtt others t he hci.e - llted. You Int Say So Vin-4im Sentinel. One of the State editors says that the immaculate Ramsay, of the Pro gress J-'ii rut' i rode on n free pas when he took that northern trip with other editors. You can never have a really god complexion until the impurity i cleaiiHil from voiir IiIihhI. What you need is a thorough course of Aver' Sarsaparilta, uhich aliaolute Iv fiee from all hanufiil ingredient, and therefore, crfcct!r ife. . . - . To iniire a hearty appetite and increased digestion take Siiitnions Liver Regulator. Siniiiioiis liver Regulator is in valuable in the nursery. It is a gentle laxative, arid harmless. hand- taWe. :e wassl iTruTrT 6 r had Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. vBSQULTTELY PURE ey BEYOND ALL HUMAN HELP. One Hundred And Forty Men, in a Living Tomb. - i Destructive Flames Add to the Horror of the Accident , The lartieulnrs. Ivsnox, August 20. An explo- sion, attended by enormous loss of of this city recently traveled over ".atl. JL - . nie, nas occurred at AoerKenng, near Lndgund, in tho county Glamorgan Wales. One hundred and forty-one miners entrapped in a coal pit owing to an explosion which shattered the galleries by which they could have made ; exit, and nothing is known as' to their fate. "When the explosion took place a volume of coal dust aiose from the mouth of the pit and this along with tlie rumbling noise gave notice to the inhabitants that some thing serio'.:s had occurred. Women and children rushed to the mouth of the pit, crying and wailing for tlie fathers, hu6lmnds and brothers J roise of the bkjws'and Uk' gwajing below. The scenes' at 'the rpitaof the nest caused the hornets to mouth were most distressing) and euoiis were at once niaue to reacn the cutomlied miners and ascertain the extent of the calamity. The. etlorts so far have Proved miotic ccsst'ul ami tlie indications are that the explosion may have destroyed every lite in the mine. Iheimuersl have called on men from neighbor- ing collieries to assist in the work of rescue and the most strenous excr- tions are being made to make an opening to tho living tomb. The women have gone frantic over the 1 suspenses ; some oi mem nave Ja. i iseen or ii, except an occasional lork sisted on taking part in the work. d tongue that darted in and out Many hundred, of eiwctator have Rasembled from all directions, and work is at a standstill in the vicinity. so -n at wurrii ix iIih nipfv to ascertain w hether tlue in the fapidly as they could enter. "Watch niine are alive or not. Later it is -UP the proceeding for some time said that the coal pit is on fire. ; The volunteers at the work of rescue have as yet not succeded in reach- ing the imprisoned men, whose fate, whether dead or a ive. is so far un- known. The most pi table scenes are witnessed among women and children at the mouth of tho pit. RKSlCINo l-oMMKNCEP. f Io.noN. August 1 0. (12 5 a.m.) I Six Ixalies have liccn recovered from the AK'rkenrig pit. The work of rot-cuing is still in progress. but owing to the dithcnlties with the ventilating apparatus, proceeds but slowly. Hundreds of iktsohs surround the pits mouth, most of tliom waiting to identify bodies of friends and relatives. lotr OUt ICxuiii. (ioi.iisuiiiM, N. (.'., Aug. 27. Nearly 2."Hi jieople attended ! the j grand Denuicratie rally here to-day. Llias Carr. State A nditor Sanderlm and ex-Governor Jarvis treated the audience on the court house square for nearly five hours to sound Democratic doctrines, which result ed in much good. At the close of ex-liovernor Jarvis speech Mr. Dal. M. I lard v, of this city, who put Dr. Exiini in - nomination ' for (iovcnmr at the Third party State convention, stepjied forward afid aeknowlcdged in few but 'well cho en words the error of his political atliliatioii. promising hencoforth to Io variant work tor tlie JUemocrats. The speeches to-day, with tlie ex jiosure of (Juvcrnor" Exuui's ras cality in trying to brilie ;Mr. ! A. Iiosc iwer. editor of the Goldsboro t. bn without effect, have ompletcly "snowed under" all Third patty sentiment in this coun ty ami section. Tliey Made a Me ot'lt. WcbkUT s Weekly. The Third party made a mess of it in the selection of their State ticket. Dr. Exiim Is under indict ment in Wayne county for carry ing concealed we.ipons. Mr. CobI), the candidate for Lieutenant Gover- lun-, was liitiu-ted a tew years ago for presenting false vouchers as a deputy marshal. Mr. Long, the candidate for Auditor, detanked as r.ii! mad agent at Salisbury, and it is eaid that Hilly Smith, the presi- dent ot t lie road, was afterwards asked to recommend him for a Federal position, which he did by eti'cring on his ictition the state- meiit that he was a "bully Kepubii- can, imt a d d pi or railroad agent. j Another inenilier of the ticket ran j away with his brother's wife, car ry- ing her t Canada. 1 77 , iTIieWny I'ostlej- I'roposes i .. to "Take the Stump. 1 Unrli-iiil tiluhe. ' We are re liaJJy informed that Col. Charley- IVsrley will shortly take the ftuiiip for (Jen.t Wraver, the Third party candidate. Put when he takes the stump he will pelt Weaver over the head with it. . In all th-rangements of the liver a cure is certain if you take Sim mons Liver Regulator. ItshtiM He In Every Huso. ' J. IS. Wilwi n. '"I lay M Sharp allures Un.. ha will nut be without Dr. King's Np Iii-M-.ivery Tr ousuutpliou, uha an. I old., n'lat ii cured hi wife w ho waa lln-H' in-1 witii I'lK-iiiiioniu after an at of irijipc,'" ulieu Various Kher I. in. die- nid s,-rral Jiyaiciana had done li. r mi KnU rt 11 irlx-r, of onknMirt, P.i.. 1 tint ir. Kinu'v New Discovery has done li i in mole uual llian ulUtna Im av i r iiv-l fr 1 .11114 Trouble- Nothuii; like it. Try it. Kr.-e Trial IMtle at Taylor ,v ILii.i'ier' lima Store. Large bottles W ti nis and $ MM New A HUGE SNAKE YAUX. It is Vouched for by aa Attorney for the Commonwealth. - Frpdrrk-ksburj Ftp Laace. it is not ot ten that we risk our reputation lor veracity by repeating lakes and snake stones, but 111 the present instance tlie risk is nothing. and we publish tbe lollowing well verined. remarkable anate atorv. A voun? professional Eentleman uand to KapptUiannock. 1 On the ot I route he discovered a large black snake slowly crawlinir ainonir the j branches of a tree that stood by tlie roadside. Folio wine tlie snake with his eve. the observer saw an unusually large hornets' nest attached to one'ot the branches of the tree and toward which the snake waa cautiously ad vancing. When close to the nest the snake coiled itself about a liml released it tail and with it gave several hard raps upon the exterior of tho nest. a if knockim? for admission. The leave their home' and prepare for an attack: npon the intruder. The snake ceased tappin? with its tail as soon a the hornets left - I the nest, unenilwl itudf uml miL-. J ly disappeared, taking the place of I tlio hornet within their nest. lresentlv the snake head was seen to peer out and hi bright black I eyes glistened as he anticipated a least irom which the bravest man would shrink with fear. The snake drew liis head within the entrance hole of the nest until nothing wa 1'gJitning rapidity. J Thinking the coast clear the lior- i?gan to return to their nest I when tho snake took litem in as ur informant concluding that the hornets liad been safely heu, Jie stood up in Ins buggy, tapped the nest with his whip and wauea the result No hornets ippearina' the nest was knocked to the ground, opened, and his snakeship discovered in a torpid condition, with his size great ly increased. lhe snake was killed, and a post mortem held -ith the following result : Stomach stuffed with hor nets. "Who will say this isn't tlie best snake story ever told in irginia f The author, Mr. W. S. White, attorrey for the commonwealth for Stafford county, vouches for the truth of it. MJWS OF THE STATE. To this date there have been 300 lTns ir aumission nio tiie Ju; ,Iori"l Rnd Idatria Scliool ir (,,rIf sit lf"ro. Una is a 1? ... e , . . . ., iar greater numoer than were ex pected. It will be gratifying news to all Odil Fellows to learn that Grand Sire Chas. M. Ilnsbee. of IUleie-li. has regained his health entirely and will preside over the next meet ing of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Jim Corliett, the pugilist who. is to fignt John L. Sullivan at New Orleans on Sept. 7th, will pass here 'i. ,uujuuiuu( u cipga, veauouie. He is to remain a day in Charlotte. we understand. Corbctt used to be clerk in a bank In Boston. Greens boro Ittrord. A man named James Cahoon "roni Croad Creek, Pamlico county, was on ten ov a rattlesnake lost week and died in about two hoars afterwards. . He was a blind man and most remarkable in his ability to attend to his business, lie could walk or drive most anywhere he chose. X)n more than one occasion he has hitched a mule by himself and driven to New Berne, a distance of about fifteen miles. Though completely blind he could tell the denomination of any coin simply by touching it. NEWS OF THE VOItLl. The locomotive firemen of Buf falo N. Y., hare decided to strike also. The railroads atrain refuse to arbitrate'. The Southern Passenger associa tion has boycotted the Marietta and Isorth Georgia railroad for selling low excursiou rates. An extra session of the Kentucky Legislature has been called. It is charged tliat Col. Woolford. of the Tennessee militia, showed the white feather in tlie fights with the miners. Miss Annie Llnd, of West New ton, was bitten by a mosquito a montli ago.' Now she is at the Massachusetts Genera! Hospital awaiting the amputation of her right arm, as m result of : the blood poi soning "which 6et in. Mrs. John Greenbauin, a farmer's wife, Imng.near Detroit, Mich., took her one rear old baby into the Woods while alio picked blueberries. Site laid the child in a hawl under the trees aud then wandered some distance off. : Wlien she returned she found the baby dead and muti lated. A lynx was the baby's as sailant, " , We are often deceived in the age of people having: lieautiful 4nd luxuriant hair, not knowing that they use Hall's Hair llenewer to keep gray hairs away. Klectric Bitten. Thia re raved v is tieeorains; ao well aad ao toamlsur as tm aeed mo special men tutu. All who nave aW E)ctric Bitter sing 4h aajn Mft f praise. A purer MMlietM les isn -exint smi it is Knarao toed to do all that is claimed. Kleetrie Bittern will cor all disease of the Liver aad avadaays, wilt remove. Pimples, Boils, Salt Kheam and other kflectioas caused by iinpnra bloed. Will drive Malaria from the systens and prevent an well as cure aj Ms laiai (r. For cure of Headache, on- CipaSraoavsNl India; sat km try Ehsetrie Bit lis Esitire asvliafaetioa ' gusvaattwd.- or aaoaej reruaded. Prise M osarta aad 11.00 per bottle at Taj lor & Baoner'i Drug Store. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year. Hcadacho ladigsation, Billioiunro, isia AuI all Stomach Trouble :lr. cnn-1 bv P.P. P. Prickly Ash, Pok Uoot aiul rt.-iMii!! Rheumatism i rursl liy'l. 1. P. W.n and achea in the back, shoulders, kne-s, aiikics and wrists ars all altrkl aiul rn querrd by P. P. P, TLU great iuslio;iip, by itsblooil-cleanailir proHTties, build; y aul areaictbens the Wliole body. Nothing ia so effioacioiis as .P. P. P.. a! thia season, au4 for toninjt nj. invij;nrat iiu. and as a strenth.-in-r ami ;ipif iii take P. P. P. It throws oil the mahiria and pnta yom in goivt condition. Abbott Kast Indian t orn Puitit ruu-s n'.l Corn, Warta and linnions. S. P. GRAVES, ATTORN E V A T I. A W, Ifloiiut Airy. .. IS" PraoUces In state KhIi-ihI mn-t . Prumpt auenUon U collection ot claims. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, mount Airy, C. " Nejrothittnif Loans atnd the Coittt tlun of lalms a Specialty, liisnr.i.. n i. h.I m ,i .1.. lard cumBHnlea Uion llberul terms. W. F. CARTER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mount Airy. . V. Practices In all the S.tiite .in.l Kt i1erl l oiiris InreaUratUin ol titles to land a special! r. R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ItlOMiit Airy. C. Practice in the Stiue and KeJe.ral con it and collects claims. All huine3 entrv. ed to him will receive prompt atttutur ROOFING. OVM-KLASTIO ROOFINO FKI.T cnsis H-t ner lo square feci. Makes a xl rtx.t lur years, and anyone can put li on. 41'M-KLAsl IC PAINT costs oulv n rt-uls i-t rallon In barrel lota, or $4 Hi for .i-irallu tiil. Color dark red. Will atop leakH lu un or iron roofs that will last for years. Trv It. Send stamp for samples ami lull partk ulars. til M KLASTll" KOOF1NO t o.. C 41 West BnaiDwtr. New Yokk. Local Aitents Wanted. HILL C. LINTHICUM, AECHITECT. Can Save You Money When You Build. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Office 4U Liberty St. (Bitting Block), P. O. Boxst), - AVINSTON. N. C. DR. G. W. BANNER, DEMTIST, FHount Airy, D. G. itrous Oiide gas admini&teied for the pain less entraction of teeth. r0ftce over Tailor Hnnner" s Drutf Mur Pomona Hill Nurseries. Fruit Trees, Vines. Evergreens. Mi.ol'- Tre.-. Oreen Hotme I'lants. etc. Over tine vininn Trees and Vines, old and new varieties. Snd for catalogue No. 1 of Fnilf Trees. etc, and catalogue No. i of Youiik It niij tlreen Hous Plants. J. VA7 LIiDLEY, 1'OMONA N. C. Nurseries miles We of OrerhFboro. Patterson & QUrcd, FbbA," Sale and Litht Staliles, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. rr. We keep read at all hours the lest stuck and good vukivles. ' ' Orders pmmitly filled. tTW uhc tbe only authorizod oinni- bua for the Central Hotel. Always ace as hvfore ordering fir.-t-i I.lsh teana. June 3)-!- SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS -IX- Hardware & Girocerie. We am bow opening up full line of the love csuOt, at tlie old Kaw lev store in . the forks of the road. And all l.irm en and. country merchant will find it Ut their ad vantage to CALL AND SEE US he fere hu.vine elsewhere, ye eamr a full line of8nftitr,'ol!ec. Mola-x", Jlacon and Hoar sad all k-nds ef feed rtnff. Iest timothy hay, Vu-. Aiolaaea at 25 ci. per palo:i. Special induceiuent lered to tlu- hardwara traile. Wi till Iui( all kinds f ftsnlrr I'Mirt for which the highest rali mai ket price will t paid. Will be gLul to 1 rave our old ' friends and cuxtouiera of hy gone days call and see us. ROBERTS & HINES. JuaellT.'. ' Mount Airy, X. C. FOR SALE. FARMERS CANNING OUTFIT Will Fay for Itself in One Season ! Include" Syrup Evaimralor 00 gallon 'per day. Two Koih-rs with siphon coiinec Una, ctsik a for haudlmj; ciiin, nre pots, sol deriii) eoppem, etc. for 2.0nti l :!xi cans par day. One portable Iron Knrnace for Canning, making Pickles. Jellies etc Evaporating Svnip. All latest imrove. meats, with, fnl) direction. Price, $150 to $200. State and County Rights for Sale. r Address the Patentee, and Manufacturer, ' ; " . D.: . Mt M1IXAX, 7 ; Booth "ffaahinoijX. C Dec 12. '91-ly uyspep 2 'liisJt sirfn 9 h i C t OUR CIRCULATION. Aug. 1st, 1891, Aug. 1st, 1892, 5 CD. 2,500. tXsAclvertisers take notice ! NO. 9. FraDi fliuiiii i H. ,. KXlill li MAMMOTH- DRY GOODS STORE, 7 w.J i lLiu ttrect. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. i i. : t ii ,;.. .! 1), , i; n,;. 1 I.ihhc t and South of Baltimore, the l.a-ert ti! M wf M.i-- j s. t St.vk. ta.:. :n;.i int.- l...i 1, U f'.r: i; seett.m c " ...,, Dress Goods 111 1 i:v,-r i:i I. is 1! -:.., t n :wn! Us ,.,1,, an uiiui;.i! n..-,- m i.-iUou of tlie !.it.-t au.l ui".-t t!i-!i r:t.rii-s lor .iiituinn and :u:er 1.- of !;:!! hues of plain mi- riaf of (J;.- ..!),!, !, .! clonnts and 11. w. v; weave. P: ..nuuriil aniol.e the- a;n n-i.i, 1..-.1U,:,! 1 .Cretmll I an.el's a?id All Wool and Silk Warp He: rlc:tii ! Uw :i :xtur .nd i efTert suitii.g. Urn t are Kelief Sirunn. Zi.. V-,, t'hewnru M'Ftnrvn, NTpentine elhi-t- aiw( Sci'teh Tweeds and heTjiti. A nioe line of V).ii,U and Striji, in ni ducd and r.'niioj comldiiation. I alw fhow- a 5; i l.i id ul selection of wo,d dumeylie Hrrw liU in l'Ui Is, Mripea an 1 Mixture. Th.'ne cmuli u aeleelrd Willi the cresteM care, and I li.. made iniiei o low tlieT astoiii!li ,.m Come and ee. BLACK SILIIG ".':,.rri '-' an! in t el, l:,-e ol S;'k of auy M. r. Iiant in t h'- itc. m,d mv sti.-k th's K.i!! nii:i.,- ini of m , r vion- u:t l! , . I . .1! ei ike t, ci.-il Rivpiiu : Al l. Ml K . 1 'Ali; at T:ic. r mi.i.i. n; . Al.:. SILK .xtr.i r.;e PA1LLK r li A N -CAISK at !:(. .i:"i.i:ai ,.t AI.I MI.K f., !..:., ( A. i.K i t ; I ; a i n .1 Vft Pieces 11':!. k Sill WOrtil i-v. ;y iy! t ; jl AMl.l;!- t 'r : l COLORED SILIIG. 1 -li..v :t ver i.'-er d 1 1 ,. .,f r-f ('oh-reil Mlkt., foiiMi in ut Sinh. i l.m.-i, Silkis Koiiiaril-, i ..ired l.r. H!eH, nil in t!i. lattt et ties, and a? rr.'isat hi. h the eiis toin r is surj-ri-ed. Dress Trimmings. Ni.lHi-p ..-i i - ri;- - t . I j at j e.irane.. i.f a l.tdx'. i!im iiian iu f ;,.,. .,.!.,!,;,. trim niifs. I am prep.-in-d to incd tin- uaitin nf llu- ! i r ..!i. - . ti.i line, i :.ave tin. i.ieti md i. ;,;e , f irin.t: ever Iiown in ! h:s m.n ket. I will nt .! e;n't to iimiii! liiem. but -:!-iji!v av. k. COf.lE flriD CAEPETS. My t'mr- t I 'epari hum poitinn if the jl.nd l!,.r n ujii here a i in the linml in.iiiili..ei.t .lij.iiy r,f FLOOR COVERmGS Kv-r exhibited in'h f.'arolina. Thty c)rihi-t nf Velvets, BrisM-N, Thn-e Ply and Ingrain t'ar'e) in in new and handsome ie'ipiH. Look at these Prices. -in Pieces Velvet CarjM-t, regular pric l.ri per yaM at niijy I. "iO Piecen llrns.,eU Carjx-t, regular prion $1 per yard at onlv I'e. In ad iiiion to above I nfler a large l"tof Fhxir 'Ml fletli at ast'.nUliingly low jriw-a. KID GLOVES. I am nie ajent f,)r rt,.r,n celohratwl Ki.l (ilov.-i and Iixt-; jui.1 received a lar-rn ii.voiee of these x'"l in ail Mvles anl ol..t-, ever, pair warranted. Cloaks and Wraps. -Tlie I..; -et line if I. idle., Miw arid t'hiidren's d..:k and W rajm ever e h: I, i ! in the Car e J-'ear M-eti'jti. S-al iT:-h-4 in long length., h.rt cuts and juk.t-. Taiior-tiLide Mk:aef Jacket i. All wi-.l Klnnnel lilser. 'a:d.-d Jaiket-. I f. r, t .-ir--. in !..-li. A.-ai-lun and Kur. Ini ne'l New msrkelii m:!i ai.d Without .ie, ar.d with vest-, threew, nart.r cut T-.ii-M in new. ti'.l b arid attraetire t !.-.. I;' you ilrvrr rip of any lind ee th - nt.ick ! -re j i;n harii jr. MAIL ORDERS. ' !.! d' f ar? r:.. :.t. iit.d'-r the n. m turner :t I a .-ry t:ei. :.t ynuz tna!. !a. w ..I take -l-:w:i!- in waiii 1 4 "n t hone hvinz at a !ia iai' f u ho w;H -ir" a l ar-i, -(at- inrj us!:t v ai.d pri. of fo.l, de-in I. Fr- in the H-nit h ; nt fiit cuMoiiw-ra can niak'" a r'-l xi'it "!. W-t thiniifli thev were in th-'toie. "n ai! ca-ti ordeix hy mail amciintm to V aud i:j wrii I jrej ay ex.rteirt charpn. VISITORS An- aiw el'-uute. and f:r the lieneff f'f la liea, and e;.ee:a" th r li me at a ilis laacir, 1 have a in eiv f jriiihe.1 lajliea waiting r-oim, a luxury h i !i car.ii"t be ei.'Ve.l m any o'.her in the city. My Sincere Thanks Are teuiiercd I trie and cu-ooniers fur the cir-i..rt u; j. in-- in nsy ert.-n to Imi drv i-l trade tiiat v t t '.ey have piven 1 np and majnlani a iil l a credit t the t.mmnTirry. aid. d li. tiat 1 1 Vnnr eilort- liave so far ij-.a n .1 rip t he aaxist- ariCe !' iLirty-ri j-ei r.s to carry -n tb bi, !-.. and ir. ".ncininii I vml 1 ak a con;in' aiice -.1 tho-e favors wi ick b-:i so ltiiitifii!!y lH-lowel in the aU Fnarii: TiionnTG::, ; j FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. Sept- 30, l91.-12in.