l.i$"U you vant to advertise Anything in v. ,, rv,Stukcs, Alleghany, Yadkin, WilkeS couii-t;,-. .his -ta?c, and in Carroll, Pa'rick, (irayson I 11. .yd tviintics, Yirginw, put it in this paper. The 557"If yon" want a fr-.-od, allr . ;:; 1 i per that will give yes new? : 1 t nation, tste and vvtion. mi d i.- l, c, : let u fend it t- two . vw.'.. . . AD KIN EWS. Valley N Y XOTj. 13. J. H. BLAKEM0RE1, pHOTOGHAPHEH. MOUNT AIRY. N C. V. 'ne LirMning Process. Neer Fails on Eaby Pictures. f.-.pjic? anJ Enfarjin; Old Picture a Sptialtv. Kee- ' s-le one ' the wea Wonder of the World. Priof of the "Siamese Twin.," made rm tr.e or-s-nal and latent Americaoneg.tive takca of tr.em while living. HILL C. LINTHICUM, ARCHITECT. "" C.m Sae You Money When You Build. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Office 414 Liberty St. (Bitting Block), I o. I'h-x so. - WINSTON, X. C. Glenn Brown and Willis E. Hall, AlKfflCTS. .a',Hngton Office National Union building. V. '.nston Saem Office. First Nat. Bank Build g W. R. DAGGETT, President. R. L CWYN, Vice President. PLANTERS' BANK OF MOUNT AIRY. 13IUE1CTORS. V II. Dairutt, llufna KoUrts .1 II. Fulton, J. I!. Sparser, L. AW A-hhy, K. L. wvn. C. T. Kandell. This Hank solicits the amounts of -Merchants, Manufacturers, Fanners and Individual.-. The accounts of the Merchants hn-ated in the towns adjacent received on faruruhle terms'. The -funds of our customers a;e secured hy two Iturlur proof steel chests and the Yale Time J.ock. , READY HADE 'WAGONS AT ANY TIME. GUARANTEED STRICTLY FIRST CLAS3 IN IAEKV lOI'lilT MAM'FACTl KKI) I;V pi J.S.&15.E.Marslial ? THE CELEBRATED WAGON MAKERS OF WHITE PLAINS, N. C. This Marshall wairon is secoml to none in jiiality. is well I.uilr, regularly and fVimiu tric ally p it together and ru:i-eisy. It has tiielaie lv patented tay ac!ii prcs I.rt k on rim ri in r pear, and if thi wapon fail to rtand a f.iir teet JIM Dclicicncics .5rc JHacJo Good: i Any dffet-t tlint inav l ti " Tt"I itliiu tw.-Ivi- mniitli fr..ti llr time tin- n :ir.u it j.ur ihsiw.l will lm rMueli"-il !. . TIip ln.f. i-f t lii oiiifirtny ar- mi h it e.l in I lie fun-! tinil'rMl hi tin- Si.te, js'v'"H "' ni ri'r V.ml in t!i" 'iinlx-r tliej' M-lei t. A l.irju !! W i nnw n Isncl. -ll pi-niu.m-ti ami irln teil -r- inl ly for tlie M tr?-li:itl W.i.'imi. 'I'Iiv i inj i..v iionr l.ul .k ttlol .lUir. 'I ln-ir rli are ln-iti nl:ir-.l. ivlmilt :ml rt-filtr-1 tint tli--v c:i .Ii-;i.-e li-r u-.t.iiiu-r U-t-ter tluii nrt. lirn iiim.-'l '!' Wj'iii. ak tlnM; I.o 1i:i- trinl thf Marshal!" 1 .1 i.l.! ;. f HI. J I.. in im .mm 1H.A UVi riiUiJii UANYILLR, YA. j Kill: THE s.l.r. "K Ghickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegetables, Dressed Poultry, Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters and Game. Cattle and HDgs, Baled Hay, Corn, Oats, shipstuff, &.c. Fine :nil 0:: Hooil llandlrd on 'oiiiBiimenl Vi-ry l.sirfrlj. Storage Rooms and Office on Patton street, f Directly Opposite Old City Market. Consignments Solicited. Ample Room. Wei: Located. AtlliltmiilUL IMPLEMENTS. An unequalled line of Agricultural Implements, we challenge the State to show a better. We are paying special attention to this de partment of our business. HAVE RECEIVED SINCE JULY, THREE CAR LOADS: 217 Oliver Chilled Plows, 30 Bickford i Huffman and 25 Champion Grain Drills. In stock, a full line cf White's Clipper anj Chilled Plows, Dixie's, tc, also Cutaway Harrows and olher implements now in seasan. SS.NU FOR CIRCULARS. Ac. Ac N-pt. I'. I-''-- Anybody Can . W. PRATHER. J 3IOLT AIHV, IN. O-, Can sell you CLOTHING cheaper than any man in the country. HE HAS AN EXCELLENT LINE OF FALL AND WINTER SUITS, Ovr" .ts II a M. Shirt, Nf-iMr, tMUr. t., if you rti'l W mt'-.i i m.t ..ur f.iult. Whrn vou coli 1.. M-ilnt Atr;- call ri Joyce Block, Mt. Airy. i CQMMBRGIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY. LEXirvlGTOrvj. KENTUCKY. H!"hr foaar nnrf UolA Mrtlnl Mt.l n II lit Kirttim. for Frotrm j( t4i'rt.l lirn-r-il Hnttiu . u'i .In.Vnl. in nll- n l.nrt Ih.? Il jear """" . l ....... ...- ;kiiii i,'t.lKf:M m hi.vti 1 Irarher. -mi.lf rl " MiMMinma j,,t '.t :i,;r,H? Is.-n-r; l.iv,t fm.turr. Mrmt.l I orrrtnulfr. a- f full Httmiufnm of me. ..-'-.. Tuli:..'.. i.imti.l H...rlln a nice : .. "'.mi fV -" ..Hmt-thMf. TV,e- II rit i,, Mr Telrtrruphtt nre SperUil. . : '' . .. . .: i . ... ..,.1 n. .m. !! rdli l L.lrr. .r mlU Kit Htl-in "UrM. urrittl ffmrtnteut far l.nttirm. . .r ,. GEO. P. PELL, Editor and DYSPEPSIA la i'..z.t misery experienced when ovi Icnly nrnile aware that tori Jfosass a diuholical arraagemt;iit calk-d Kioniach. i No two dyspep tics hae the came predominant symptom.,' but whatever form dyspepsia takes i I The underlying cause it in the JLIVEIt, and one thing u certain no one will remain a dy.-peptic -who will It Will COITKl Stoma Ii, Expel fon I rx. Allay Irritation, Assist Ilge.tloa and at the same tlma tart the JAvtr working arid all txxlil) till mint :i trill diMijtftar, "T w mere than thrve yrr I ftufleiM with l'yjcp.ia i.k H ..r l tm. I iricxt Kvcn. dorinr. bti" tSey alT';e-J m relief. At laal 1 tried t.m-acu LfXcr KcrfuUtor, h :t 14 cared nr in a hnrt f Bw It k a J -i rr"!. iirae. I wruiid L vitiMjl it." Jam.) A. Kaaa, Ph.Lau , 1 . See that joh ftt the (ienuine, . x.i;h red JiJ c .43... cf wrapper. - . rti.A.i c.r.i.v sv J. H. ZtILJ: C . I"..:..lcl; h!a. I'a. C. T. RAMSDELL; j Cashier. i 'v BROWN, ROGERS & CO., Tell you Tliat ,T."Wr. rVathei-. Lartv Pr.n.irnl .-m(.l.r4 I. . 1 lr.r. 4 M r. t.l.r. .No t barge prucur- w . Owner. MADK.VO IMtOMISKS. Mr. Clcvelaint Sail to Have Ie- cllnetl to I'leilge Anytlilnff to Ta in many . New Vokk, Nov. lt. Special.) .Mr. IhoniHsd. bhearrnan, ttpak inj' at the dinner of the Single Tax ('In! to-nijrht, took 40 iepie, in eluding a i;nmlr of women, into his ctnhoerice, and pave them wluit lie solemnly declared an oiiicul ac count of what took place at the fa mous little dinner at the ictoria Hotel. At the dinner, as we all know ' he naitl, Mere Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Whitney, Mr. Dickinfon, Mr. liieh- ard Gioktr, Lieut, (tov. bheehan and that dietinnishcd gentleman. who, on account of hi brains and eminent fitnci-, has tx-en mention ed as our next Senator, Mr. Ivd ward Murph-, Jr. Vou know our Lieutenant tiovernor lias an ardent nature as will as an ardent head lie wanted certain matters settled at once. So, very thortly after they sat down, he he-ran to 6 peak to .Mr. Cleveland with that impetuosi ty for which he is noted. He told Mr. Cleveland that ho thought it was time for him to thow his rrood feeling toward the regular party or ganization ; that pledge fchonld oe given that the regular machine be recognized. ''Mr. Cleveland listened to him clooely and with uch a bland and agreeahly unile that the Lieutenant tiovernor fell enconraired to goon He did go tin to in.ip out a plan for Mr. Cleveland to pledge himtclt to the suppression of the Mugwump; to plcuge himself to have no affilia tions whatever with Anti-anapjers, to pudge himself to give the olh ces to the machine. Mr. Cleveland htked so meek and go&ulidued that Mr. Sheehan said, 'I think we are entitled to dn-tnict pledges,' and then top)ed tor bieatli. j " " 1 here was Mlence tor A moment. during which all eves were turned upon Mr. Cleveland; then Mr, Cleveland, utill calm and coinoMHl, .- till, and you may re?t awtirtd that litis replv is authentic : "Mr. Sheehan, I have liftened with the utmo-it attention. I have followed 3011 very tdosely. and I think I understand vou. In replv, I wi.-h to s.'y that I'll le damned if 1 will give any men any such pledg es-, and I II lie doiihly damned if I'll give vou the pledge you a..k for.' "That was what Mr. Cleveland .-aid, and, as a Sunday-chol super intendent. I imi!-t sav I disapprove :f the profanity, hut I rather think it was exeu.-able under the circtini ttancts. "After Mr. Cleveland had made this emphatic reply there was ri Ieiicc, a lonir silence. It was brok en by Mr. Croker, who said: I in-.t heartily approve of what Mr Cleveland has said.' 'A nd now, 1 ulies and gentlemen, continued Mr. Shearman, "I'll go on and give you another confidence. I'll tell you of an attempt that was made to commit Mr. Cleveland further on in the campaign. Sonic friends ot his, sme men who are very clic to him, urged him to write a letter to the managers of the regular ma chine to pacify them, acknowledg ing that their aid was necessary to the success of the campaign. Mr. Cleveland said that he could Hot make these pledges and that if they insisted he would wiito a letter with drawing a the Democratic muni nee. Latkk. Mr. Cleveland denie6 having used the word "damn" in speaking. tiii: hotkl zixzi:mokf. WiitHton Iteeeive.H Another Heavy " ltlov-l.rf.4. 11!MH); Inmir- juk-o ) 1 M,MK A ;asoline Stoe ICxplmletl. Wixsto.v, Nov. 24. Winston was vUitcd with another serious eon fhifrratioii to-tlay. Her model Hotel Ziiizcndorf es tight tire at 11 o'cloek and in less than two hours it wag in a.hes. The tire originated in flic rear of the building by the explosion of a gasoline stove in the steam laundry. A heavy breeze was stir ring and the building being a wood in structure tin; flames spread raj edly. The two lire companies were on hand but for lack of water were jK.werless. From sparks the wood and old fields for several hundred yards around ignited. It required hard work to save other buildings. I.ss -JI-.'o.Oimi; insurance ?1(mi,0h) Solium of the furniture was saved but broken up. The trunks of sev eral drummers and boarders were lost. The building was owned by the West Krnl Hotel Sc Ijtnd com pany, of which W. A. Whitakeris president. The hotel management was preparing, when the tire broke out. a Thanksgiving dinner which would stirpiss any tiling of the kind ever given - in the city. Ihisiness men here say to night that to-day's is the heaviest blow Winston has ever receded. It is not known whether the hotel w ill be rebuilt or not. The great mass of mankind ex ject to succeed in life by luck. They do not look deep enough to perceive -.hat they cannot prosper without work or work without strength, which is lrn of good health. They quietly stand by and permit a cough to waste their cner giesand sap their constitution when they can cure it at once with Dr. Ihi IPs Cough Syrup, llcware. ICeacliet the l'routl.teil Land. (Illinois Stte BrslaT.) It has lcen forty years since the Democrats elected a Governor in this State. That is just the num ber of years the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness liefore they reached the promised land. Simmons Uver Regulator ha never failed to relieve costivenes, and blind or bleeding piles. MOUNT AIRY, N1TVV8 OF THE WOULD. Important Invents of Doth Hem isphere Chronicled in l'ara graph FaAhlon. The father of ex Gor. McKinley died at Canton last Thursday Colored people are leaving Ten nessec in great crowda for the West and Northwest- Senator McMillan baa purchased the Mutual Gas Company ot Detroit for 1,500,000. It now looka like Mr. Cleveland will appoint Senator Jno. G. Car lisle as Secretary ot Mate. The prospect of a large cotton crop grows poorer daily and the price of cotton is going way up. Indiana's election count drags heavily, as there are Et ill 6even counties to give in their returns. Black diphtheria is killing off men in the iladawooka J umber camps, Ontario. People aro panic stricken. The German lleichstag was open ed on "Wednesday of last week by Emperor William. Prince Bis marck will not attend the session On Tuesday of last week near Pittsburg, Pa., a man, his wife and little baby were burned nn in their led as they lay beside each other. The Homestead 6trike is virtually ended, and the old men, even those c"iarge3 with rioting,are being taken back in the nulls in great nunioere Two Italians are on trial in Italy for putting corrosive sublimate in the chalice n3ed by a priest in celebrating mass. The priest died on the altar steps. Governor Tillman's message to the South Carolina legislature does not favor a general prohibition law and advocates the continuance of the Columbia College. The Kansas Republicans put up a negro fr State Auditor, and he fell !ehind his ticket 7,00 vote. The whole tickit was defeated, hut the darkey fared worse than any. It now looks as if Chairman Ed ward Murphy, of the New 1 ork State Democratic committee, will have a walk-over in the contest for Senator Hiscock's seat in the L. S Senato. Piesident Cleveland is enjoying a much needed rel on me luisiern Shore of Virginia. He has broken down under the extreme strain on his mind caused by so many peo pie lathering him. Ttrcuce V. Powderly has been re elected President of the Knights of Lalwr. The last meeting just ad- onrned favored the restriction of immigration to those who had enough means of support for one vear. The case of J. T. Clark, of Dan ville, who killed Ilev.J. ILMotTett, the editor of Anti-Liquor, the day after the election, will be prosecuted with vigor. The paper, Anti Lviuor. will nrobiblv be removed to Richmond. A barrel labeled "Baldwin ap ples" was opened Tuesday by the customs officials at Charleston. It contained cheroots and came on the schooner "Nellie Coleman," from I'aracoa. The cut. tain and mate of the vessel were arrested, and the vessel fined $3ft0. While Jacob Kastncr, of Ply mouth, Penn., waa going through a field Satniday evening the earth gave way under him and he shot through fifty feet of space into a coal mine underneath. He was not injured, and after several hours hard work managed to dig his way out. In memory of Robert E. Lee two stained glass windows, made in Munich, have been put in SL Paula hspiscopal Church in Kichmond, Va. Between them on the wall a brass tablet is to be placed in the form of a shield, having on it a crusaders cros, the confederate flag, the Lee coat of-armaand an inscrip tion. While a man was riding out in his buggy near St. Louis, Mo., the other night a meteor shot down from the heavens striking the foot of his buggy, going through it and burving iUelf in the earth. It made the horse run awav. As soon as the dazed man came to himself he found that the meteor had mashed off his big toe in hitting the foot of the buggy. According to European papers, there is still a possibility that Co lumbus will be numbered among the saints. In a receni interview the Pope 6aid that he had received letters from priests and bishops all over the world, asking that the frreat discoverer be canonized. His loliness is said to have added that he Mas still undecided, but that the rpicstion would be submitted to the Congregazoine del Reti for discus Slotl. Her Ue of Franchise. Were jot allowed to tote," Mid he. A tbronj(h tbe bcltcted lane tnrjr atrarrii. Vht would you vote fr answer me 1 Tot eel 100. or free trade r ' The gentle loa'ulen huon her bead. While to net ctierk tne color new ; I would not care Lo vote," she Mid ; "I'd rather pair with you." Perfectly sure, perfectly pare, K?rtectly harmless is Simmons Liv er Regulator. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fail to cure sick headache. !w Try This, It will roat Ton nothlnr and will anr.lv do yon gnoat. It yon have a cough, cold, or aay trouble with throat, chest or Jung. Dr. Kiajr'a New Discovery for conaamption, coughs attd colds is guaranteed to giTe re lief, or money will be paid hack. Saflercr f.-otu L Grippe fonod it just the thing and under its use bad a speedy and perfect re crrerv. Try a sample bottle at uur expense aad leant lor yourself jaat bow good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at Taylor Banors Drag More, .Mount Airy, and J. A. Moo. Pilot Mountain. Larre site 50c. aod 1 1.00. N. C THURSDAY, BROKEN OUT IN A NEW PLACE. Mott And Eaves Not In It At All This Time. A Vendetta Over a Department Sinecure Meswra. Keogh and Doyd Saw Their Opportunity Mr. Hoflklns' Mortgage Not so Kaally Collected A Constant Feeder on Government Pap-Mr. Settle Must Have an Organ.' CorreepoudenM Charlotte Otwerver. Rai.kioh, NT. C, Nov. 24. The vendetta in the Republican party in North Carolina has broken out afresh and in a new place. This time it is not Mott and Eaves. Some time last year Messrs. T. B. Keogh and James E. loyd, of Greensboro, were smart enough to dump the North State, published in that place, on the Federal offi cers of the eastern judicial district for a good round sum in order to have a ersoual organ for the office holders. For nianj years a sinecure under the Department of Agriculture, which pays sixty dollars er month for a service that does not require one day during each month to per forc the work exacted by the de partment, has been one of the per quisites ot this paper. M r. Thomas B. Keogh was keen enough to find this place and he secured it tor a Greensboro man who was employ ed on the North State. When the sale was made to the office-holders it was understood that this sinecure was sold with the paper and Secre tary Rusk confirmed this Itarp-ain and trade by appointing Mr. Thom as Purnell, who has been the editor of the officeholders organ. A hen the sale was made it was understood that Mr. J. F. He-skins held amort gage for one thousand dollars on the paper. Mr. Hoskins desired to get his money and abont a month before the elect ior he had the pa per put up tor sale, thinking tfiat lie would force the officeholders to buy and pay off his mortgage. The paper had not paid since it became the organ of the officeholders and Collector White, Marshal Hill and others of like ilk did not bite and Mr. Hoskins sold, and Marshal Tyre Glenn became the purchaser. Mr. Glenn has not been in good hu mor with Collect 3r White and other revenue officers since thev supported Mr. Henry C. Cowlcs, ot btatcsville, for national commit teeman and defeated Mr. Glenn. It was at the Minneapolis con vention that Dr. J. (). Wilcox, who went there as the avowed friend of Dr. Mott. changed sides so quickly from Blaine to Harrison that the rear of his trousers were found in front. The defection and treachery of Wilcox defeated Glenn, and Eaves and White were responsible for the action of Wilcox. The argument used to secure the support of Wil cox for Cowlea was that Cowles as national committeeman "would see" to it that any money sent down bv the committee should be spent in the districts of Wilcox and Cheat- iam, and if Glenn was elected that the money would be spent in the districts of Settle and Pritchard, each of these four last named gen tlemen being Republican candidates for Congress. Mr. Glenn has been nursing and coddling his wrath biding his time. It came when he bought the patter, and he immediately no tified his office-holding brethren that the North State was now his ersonal property and was under lis sole management. At the same time ho wrote Mr. Purnell and ask ed his resignation of the sinecure which he holds under Mr. Secre tary Rusk in order that Mr. V. B. Ball, which first two letters, ac cording to James Madison Icach, of sainted memory, leing translat ed, mean Vinegar Bitters, who has been employed as editor by Mr. Glenn, may be appointed and thus have the United States government pay his salary as editor as has been done in the case of Mr. Purnell. The latter gentleman came into the Republican. party by means of the office of State Librarian and he las lieen able to hold on to some public teat ever since. To hold of fice is second nature with him and t is more nainftil than nullim? eve g f n J teeth for him to surrender his monthly stipend, and he has ther ein ptorily refused to resign at the request of Marshal Glenn. Air. Thomas Settle, nephew of Glenn, laving been elected to Congress, ic and his nnclc are determined to lave an organ in the fifth district for the purpose of taking care of Mr. settle, who is the only nest egg the Republicans have in the State. lii the meantime Harrison hav ing been defeated, the occupation ot office-holding and office-getting of Cowles, Eaves, White com pany has played out, and they are not so much interested in their personal newspaper organ as they "used to was.' They arc content to sink all the tnonev they put into the concern and let ilr. Gleun have the pleasure, as they say, of the white elephant which he now has on his hands. Nothing could be more positive and to the point than the testimony of Mrs. Wni. F. Whittington, of aterbury, Md., who writes as fol lows : I have found Salvation Oil a inost'usefol remedy; for neuralgia it is nnequaled, lor sprains enex celled. 1 cheerfully recommend it as a valuable household article." Highest of all in Leavenine Power. Later. U. a Gov't Report. ii 1 DECEMBER 1, 1892. NEWS OF THE STATE. CfTbrts and Energies Incidents and Industries, Persons and Thing-. Col. C, E. Shober, a prominent citizen of. Greensboro,, died last week. The Daily Citizen,started by strik ing printers to fight the Atlanta Constitution, died yesterday. There are a number of candidates for the various offices in the ap proaching session of the legislature. Miss Rives Johns, of Leaks ville, Rockingham county, was married to-day to Dr. Sid Martin of that place. The Conference ot the Christian Church in North Carolina and Virginia met in Apex lastweek and was largely attended. Three colored men broke out of the. Asheville city prison on Wed nesday of last week; and escaped. One has been re-captured. The Southern Homeopathic Med ical Association, in session at Hot Springs, passed an anti-diumming resolution. Peasants of Lithuania, failing to find a neighbor whom they wished to lynch, set fire to h;s house, and his wife and five children were burned to death. Governor Holt has offered a reward of $200 for Archie McPhatter, one of the inrderersof Sheriff Living ston, of Richmond county. G. Rosenthal, 'of Raleigh, has been appointed Grand Secretary of th Grand Lodfro of Masons, vice Donald W. Bain, deceased. The Trinity College Football Team defeated the team of the Au burn College of Alabama by a scoie of 36 to 6 in Atlanta last week. Several sub-ordinate lodges of the State Alliance arc witholding their dues from the Secretary and a general abandonment of the order is expected. The old house in Salisbury where General George Washington spent the night during the - war of the revolution, was partially consumed by fire on last " ednesday. The name of Col. Alfred M. Waddell, of Wilmington, Will be presented to President Cleveland tor the position of 1st Assistant Postmaster General. Congressman A. II. A.Williams, of the Fifth District, still claims that there was fraud in Stokes coun ty, and declares that he is elected. He declares that the vote of Stokes will be contested both before the Canvassiug Board and m Congress. The State Board of Canvassers consisting of the Governor, Secre tary of State, Attorney General, Senator J. II. Poti, of Johnston county, and Senator Henderson, of Vance count, will meet in uaieigin Dec. 1st, to canvass the returns of the recent election. THE APPROACHING FEUKXCE. COX- To Be Held In Winston This Week Only Six Preach era to Be Moved Under the Law of Ldmlntatiou. fliinr Conference of the Methodist Chuch, South, to .... .... . 1 .1 be held in Vt mston tlusweeic, mere will 1 1 nnli' civ nrii"1iini who Will IT . . . rj VI. I L. ... ... . . ..-.w ...... have to be moved on account of the law of limitation. These will be Tlfv V U Harnett. D. D..liresiding elder of Franklir. district; Rev. Ira Frtt-ii. 'nf Ihirkhead church. Win ston; Rev. M. A. Smith, of Mt. Zion Station, liev. 1. M. Mepnenson, 01 Wadesboro circuit; Rev. M.T. Steele ot South Fork circuit Five presid ing have served onlv two 5 ears in their present fields; Revs. . R. Brooks, D. D., P.J. Carrawav, J. U. Scjoggs, A. P. Tyer and T. W. Guthrie. 1 hose who nave serv ed three years are Revs, J.J. Renn, 1C M. lloyleantl J. 11. weaver. TP.o-htrw.ix nreaehers have been in their present charges only one year. This i& the second year wun 32 and the third with 9. this takes no account of supplies, supernu- T,,fi-arif nor tbosB aPDOitlted 8S , , , second men on any work, nor 01 . . . those apjKunted loteacu in eoi- ires. TIiaa fifTiirois show that a little less than GO per cent, of the Con ference were moved last year. A similar study of the minutes for three other years reveals that 5S per cent were moved in one year, 4S iwr ppi.lL another and 43 another. or a bmall fraction over 50 per cent, 1 a . al. for the three years taKcn logemer. .1. W. Vates. Tullahotna, Tenn , writes: "It does me good to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me f n aberpss on the lnnrs and asth ma that troubled me two years and that other remedies failed to lene- fit." i Spclmen Cases. 8. H. Clifford. New Caseel. Win., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, hi" Stomach was disordered, lna Liiver was affected to aa alarming decree, appetite fell away, and ha was terribly reduced in flesh and" strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Sliepherd. HamBDorg, nan -- - . V.:- 1 rf .icrht v.ar.' ai running ivio vti n j standing. Used threa bottles of Electric Bitten and seven boxe of Bucklen's Arnica . t . .1 V, : j it u.m.il anil w.ll. Jnl.n C-ai anu ' ft -J - ' Speaker; Catawba. O., bad five large FeTer OriV UD III aTt, w 9 sav w- aw 1 . 4r.. ftwtalaa Vlaaa f aw Hit taaM An A fMI ltT VIITJ aFf.a,SJ - V a iv aww- aw box Bucklen's Arnica Salro cured him en tirely. Sold by Taylor -it uannera urug Pcodler AND Mr. Strueuiprler Will Name Hi Triplets His Story of Their Birth. Mrs. Christina Struempfier, the wife of saloon keeper at 645 Cen tral avenue, Wilhamsburgh, pre sented her husband with triplets on Monday. They arc all boys, and a happier man than "Jake" Struemp fier could not be found anywhere in Brooklyn yesterday. All day long he received the congratulations of his friends, and his story of the arrival of the little Stiuemprler amused many people. Mr. Struempfier is 37 years old and about 5 feet, 2 inches in height. He weighs about 130 pounds. M rs. Struemder is two years younger than her husband and about five incites taller. She weighs nearly 200 pounds. The couple have been married seventeen years, and previ ous to the birth of the triplets had four children. The eldest is a pret ty brunette, 1G years old, and the otters are respectively 14, II, and 8 years old. The last is a boy. At 10:45 o'clock on Monday morning Mr. Struempfier was called up 6tir8 arjd told that he was the father of aKther boy. The saloon keeper celebrated the event by in viting all the neighlois to his saloon and treating them to a keg of beer. "Vou ought to see what a tinv little fellow he is," he said. "I don't hink he weighs more than five pounds. Then the conversation was sus pended until the glasses had been drained. "Now I have a family that any man can be proud ot," Struempfier began again, but before he could finish the sentence a hall door be hind the ice pox was opened and a feminine voice called out : "Jake, go right upstairs. Some body wants 3-011." At the head of the stairs Strump rler's sister-in-law met him and told him that another boy had been born tohis wife. "By golly, who would have thought that !" exclaimed Struempfier. He returned to the saloon a few min utes afterwards with a smiling coun tenance. ' "Bovs, have another beer on me. Instead of one boy there are two," said Struempfier as he seated himslf and folded his arms, "lo think thai my wife would have twins. By golly, it beats everything." While he was still receiving the congratulations of his friends half an hour later he was again called np stairs. "What do ou want ?"' asked Stru empfier. "1 our wife has 111st given birth to another boy." By golly, exclaimed the saloon keeper, "how many more :are com ing." fetruinepfler ran up the stairs to his wife's room, and, sure enough, there Jay llvree babies in a row at the foot of the bed. "WeJLrthLB Wats all I ever heard!" he exclaimed. The father ot four children yesterday; the father of seven np to now. I wonder when it's going to end." When Struempfier returned to the saloon his smile was broader than ever. In answer to questions of his friends, lie ejaculated:: ."Justthijik of it. Mv wife Jias triplets!" " Until late on Monday night Stru empfier celebrated the event. From an early hour yesterday looming people called at his saloon to con gratulate him. Yesterdsy after noon Mrs. Struempiler was resting easy. The triplets lay together at the foot of the bed. "This one," said ' Struempfier, pointing to the bov in the middle, "will Ikj baptize! G rover Cleve land." "This one." pointing to the' boy on tho the right, "is going to be David B., and this one, pointing to third, "is going to bo called 11 arrison. I can't leave Har rison out in in cold, even after I helped to defeat him." Just then little Harrison Stru empfier seemed to bo disturbed. "Don't try. Ilarri,' old boy, you may get tliere yet," said Struemp fier, as he patted the baby on the cheek. Little G rover also grew restless, and Mrs. Struempfier sug gested that the room be again dark ened. "They each weigh eight pounds," said Struempfier, "and I hope they will grow up and become as great men as the men after whom they are named." JTeic York Sun. A Oideonite Cieta Out. Charlotte News. Mr. W. K. White, a strong Third party man, who has been a member of the Kehukee Primitive Baptist Church down at Scotland Neck, for many years, Saturday withdrew from the church without any charges against him. His church will not receive or keep in fellow ship any member of any secret order, ana Mr. White has been conspicuous as a Third party man and has rather favored in his position the work of Gideon's Band. He withdrew from the church on his own accord. Mem bers of the church think that he rather hoped 6ome one would pre fer charges against him and then he would withdraw on the plea of per secution for his political opinions, but the church kept still and let him do his own kicking. So easy in its action, harmless and effectual in relieving is Sim mons Liver Regulator. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fail to cure dyspepsia. Backless) Arnica Salve. Tna Best Saj.vk In tho world for Cuta Bruisea. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khemn, Feer Sres Tetter, Chapped Hsods, Chilblains, Corns and all tkia Eruptions, and post-, tirelf cures Pile, or no pay mitred. It U guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or oiiey refowded. -Price 25 P'b"- For sale by layiac x"""' r" Mount AltT,4 . A. Stone, fllot Moun tain- GROYER, DWII) 13. HAHUISOX. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year. llcadacho Indigestion, Billiousue, Dyspepsia And all Stomach Troublos aro cuu-J l v P. P. P. ?ricklyAsh, Tokeftootaud lVtavuura Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. Pains and aoht-s in the back, shoulders, Une-s. anklos and wrists are alt attacked and con quered by P. P. P. This great medicine, by its blood cleaneing properties, builds np anil strengthens the whole body. Not Inn; is so efficacious as P. P. P., at this season, and for toning np. invigorat ing, and as a strengthen and appetizer take P. V. P. It throws off the malaria and puts you in gotni condition. Abbotts East Indian Corn Taint cures all Corns. Warts and Bunions. S. P. GRAVES, A T T O 11 N E Y A T L A W, Mouut Airy, X. V. tw Pract !, n state alut Fo.t.-ral court' Prompt aifnil-u to collection ot oUUus. W. F. CARTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mount Airy. X. C. Practices tn all the stat and Fcrt.-r.il Courts Invtstlattou ot titles to land s six-cluHv. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, Mount Airy, X. C fa Negotiating Loans and the tYillecttnn of Claims a specialty. In-uirauee placed lu stan dard Companies upon liberal terms. R. L. HAYM0RE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tlount Airy, IT. C. Practices in the 5taie sud Federal cour and collects claims. All business entrr. ed to him will receive prompt attfut'er S. H. HA WES & CO., Dealers in COAL, RICHMOND, VA. S. II. II AWES & CO., l'ealers in lie. torn &i 3 RICHMOND, VA. SALEM INSTITUTE, fale and Female. W. M. WALL, Principal. FALL TERM BEGIN AUG. 22 1892. TUITION PER MONTH : Primary, !.. Intermediate. . $1.25. Higher English. $1."0. Classical, ' 2.0(1. This school Is located s miles north of Mount Alrv. near the famous White Milplnir MiriiiL-s. tn a healthy ami moral eoiiiniiinli . wln-r- vrt.t bOArd can ie ohtaiiieil at Imm $4.0 to Kt" i-r month. For furtlor particulars address il.e Principal. Mount Airy. N. r. WRITE US. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC! Six different makes of Pianos and three leading Organ makers represented by us. We buy for cash and we sell on long time, easy payments. Catalogues and information free. Manly B. Ramos & Co., 903 Main Street, M.y 1 1 KICHMOND. VA. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CI rasa a at.d H-u t . -si u-f hair. Pr artSftr lot UT.a tit TT- 'sr:1 Fu? to Bertort Gny Hair to iim Youthful Ccor. Cure rav.p d ! j. La:r tau.xsj. arwi JM at I-:-rV -;"-f1 Th Consumptive and Feeble i mp. v, pi.r -r from varta-iwtiri' dnwtsre afswd uc Parker's (rinirr T311C. It cura-t) i.",e sorUI uri. Wra. luuX. !; I - d sta.rfi. I enuur WfUrn-. Ki tnxtaJ .au Pa, a. Ji. 1 1. MiNDERCORN'S. Tn-.:T -wfwfrore fy..a a-, j.u, Laau a" cvi,r. Jc 4U Ituj Jlav THE WHOLE FAMILY. SOMETHING FOR EVERY MEMBER. The sreatest value for the least money of any m:ttfaliie in the worl l. Five serial sti.r;s and ovr n short stor e- for youne 'd old. ! t-si authors. Ilntidreus of :e:ns urd.)Uv tc. 1 e part meats on The l!ou-liold. tarm anil Flow ers. IVjuilar Scleui-e. -irretit Kw-q'a. Fa.i:iloi,w. Mmic. Ketl'loiis ami jior.il '.-tlon, BK)ks. etc. tr--4 VAI.I AHI.h I H1.KS. 1ft pp lu tttunms for a i montlis ' Minscrtptlor. U Ulo. overvu pat-saud s'-j sujxrb lllu--.-t rations. . : RUSSELL PUB. CO., MX!5S.bT" tit "Z-tfy StXiW MACHI M CO. C fy&Ll j1". ' IB caiut..y. -fMnmcuc.' I t"'c.o soffo -. ni.T t. v cT 1 ui FcaSALXai: .'"-i-J Jos. Nations, Mt Airy, N. C FOR GOOD QUICK RETURNS -SHIP YOl'B- Aies, Im, CMciens, &c, -TO- JNO. G ARRAS ON, COMMISSION P'-JEIICIIAXT. on.tiissio.f LJeiiciiaxt, fayettevtlle it. c. Refers to leading merchants of Fayetteville. XC). JRTIps. Joe. Person's . FOR ILLS CF THE FLE5 i. II Will euro Srrolul:t. t -tu and iii:niv .tli'r :u. 1 blood lix-a( v. un.l AN EXCELLENT MiU Tlie .Wws reroiiMni iiiU it ; Krrat l)lno,l puriiior. Mr. Tei-n Civ .m ; i. .1 ; ..; a -wor.l: lien I tii.t in... ;e a . , tl.r , f, lv. 1 coi;ii:.. 1 in lie l, y a--,, h..e pou.r t'.ir . i w ; : . i . ; was in.p.-.:l.!e t!..it 1 - o :, K. -. P.ir..r atijthiiu. !ft:..: : r--S ' 1. 1 one wl.o us. .1 it j !). j TUNIC t';,fv ever . ... . -l TIVE it is tin.yiij::,., a:i j K, a PURIFIER OF THE ELCOI i! is eti i.ie,l !.ya:i w!-. ; wi'l cure f'aiu-.-r in ir'v . - i . tionsa-i.i Skin Ii!.- .4. . V.u S; . , tism. i MMj.eL.s. j . . . trom ioiotiiiiy . t t: i.: . '. ill S t i:W j ' ! . . -v - i . aud it r.oniiiiit ! n,. M ; , . .... ; ., Caeolt'i.! l;,,- l;:i,,,!;. I ,, :.. I , , '. tion of tii.. ttou.!, i: j. , xv :; it v itli the Ua-!i. I !. ... ,.. v, - ,. . tail in S j In!, tic w , . , 0 ... w ;s uci 111 tenn.Ht.on mi:'i ! . ?. ; .,. ; liave tieter . n it !.. ik : t . I ; -pe!.?i!i ; in f':.-h i-ase. t!..- ,i - : .. !,-. fil... if pteter. t; ,:r ,:r l'reakf.it. Ii.iil l.oi r j'l.-r ,i : . ., .... Ufoi,. ii-:irii.-. I- 1 t. ... , . T . ;. will ie -. .i !;.,u.t:.; '..-.- . ' re-tl. i: i a v, r - .' '. i , I'a'.l al T.ll,.r 1', - : ; . -viry- .11 r. i'i.!.. le,-. !-":--J. Ki ; 1 1 i . N . t . THE LONE STAR TIN SHOP T. M. EV EI! ITT, Pi:..i-,.ir Mat.ui.u ! i;:.-r f -Tin uti.t !,.. ! -o:i i tent.,: a ;v ;.i,t . ,.,.( , . IVIt. Airy, XJ5 Ce fcR. K. Wsf i.ll.,Ui.ww.ki;i S. I1KM I K IN l.FFF. T 41 i ::- , MAIN LINE. WETlu.fM-l.KA i: :.......v:'. i ona. i!!. rt .r; - - 1 . .. . i ! r 1 r;-i. j . ,. 1 1 ... . ...... . if l: .!!:.( M 11 .l-i.l- :. l N - 9 Si a. ni. i . r 1..HI ... 1. 1 .. ... i. ; . - I . !: i.l i , . : : t- .". . ... . 1. r I - .- : ... I:. K. .1 N : t . I .... . . , . . I:, i:. w p. m. r. r i.- i .: r . 1 : - - : p-'ii '- i .. 1 ! , : . . - , 1. - i '. . .. 1, - ; , r : . v . K H- v 1 : - . ; N'HIil ll AMI K l i . i :.: . ,, J , I ..:!;.. 7-13 a. 1.1. - h r i . , . i f..!'.. 14 45 p. tn r' .- 1 . . ' 1 T. ! : ;-. ! I;. -i. i .u. 1 . .. 1 ; - 1: - I..-',-. -i I :.. v. ..: , 14 tr. p. lai - l.t l:: I . , iii.in I', r, r ; 9 SJ p. m.- i ..r I.:, i,: . .. ' . p r : . i -.. 1 t-'ii i.. !i, ,1,, i i. s.o p. i.i. t -r 1. ,1 .... i 14 4.. Ittcht Iii:u:e..-'i..r :.;.-S N. . 1 .. to N- 1 ! K . . I- , : . J ..; r t.i .1-.:;;..'. i. . , . H. .:.h -t i i r t . 1 I LIN II Y.U.i.l.l . s;,,v .... . ; I:.U a. I.i 1 r .s .1 -, ; r ; Ni.ri.'ii. Ij.'i:--. ui.-i .... 1 . .1 K. n Norton. Nlili 1 il AK.'l.l N A l; l-i. i . , . 1 il.nt 7 iv a. in. Ior 1 111. ; i Iiiiili... ai.'i 1.0 1 . i.i.,1 ; j., Jt 1 . , i ! -r I'. ! ' ' . k. r. Dl'l:il m'.I hiON j. .... I ' . ; m. t.i:. I t 1 III. .i.i.s . 1 -r , ! . 1 oil i.;. lu. A ii I r.iii - : I :. h .! . ,. i i: rru e al a ii.l ... ...j t t r -ii . . .. . . t -1 .! . 1. ... VIN. . U.1M I: ...'-! . .tli'iii t !.'.ii. in. . ' i ji 1 . link.- a-i 1 It. i. n. . - I10K.- i 4', a. 111. .s o : . . - n . . . .-. . ; ?i'i In . 1.I-0 1 :.i.. ... i .3 . n - ii.-toii 4 . t.. "" W it tl.lii,t.'h ..l.'i I....I I I ! ; I. t I'M 11. Ill .0, .. - , ... . , r-.. - . 1 1 - . roiiie. !.!..: ; ! lih'l 1. ill. I - ..!;., it' , . i : For!! ail. ill :..!.,.! l;.!,.r:,...: , ..: Ofllee urtu ai.i.kn lira lr-.v. I-., a. : - v. i . j . ; iei.eiirl I';.--. n;. r A.--.-. I. ... C. F. & Y. V. e. r. -co.DEii:ii m 111:111 i. rrrucT Ji .i::it. i c; 1.1: v -i jiORTHsotn. N-.4. I '. WilnilriL't'.n. r. F;ien.. .!), '. I'm. e! I.-, liie Miiifonl. illm.ix. r. 1 .re. ii.-N.r'i. .-. .rpei,-(,ro, Mok. -T ,.-. r. N. n ..ii?.i-t. .. N. A w. 1, 1 l.iin.1 H..k. r. Mt. Ait. r. n.-iiti. !t.-v::i'" Maxtor. 1 l:.-.1 -i r.-.. ' .IW ' r. F.t-..-tt. .-. lii.ni-. i;r. 1 illioix. r. 4.r.-.-n-i.r 1. .-. . .r-. i.-u r , Ar. M f-a'ii!i,.irii. Ar. I v. Ar. l.v. Willi, r.i'T.. Fa. ' ' i.l Fa ei 1. i.i Sam. -rd, liiiut. 4.re.-ii-t.rn .re.-t.- r. 'ok.--.!.i;.-N. A . .11 N. A V. J. l.'l- 1! ii.-. Vo.Hit . lt'-tilielt- . Mai oi. i;.-l -- : -ilolH M-. - 1- ai ' ( 1. lun .x. i.reit-i r .r--. i.-:-.! !. lo .... Mail.w :h. Train No. 4. l.t ( ; -Air l.llie I r I - i. .: Ii. ! N. rtli. a.'j.l i.r :. i ,-: . . N-rtoik A V .-i.-n. .!. .: ! t atioi.f ai;. j.::.o. N . : Train No- 1 .0.1' Norto.ka W -rn f 1: ! r uoke arel all - - N- r .. 1 ialad at M.t.J.-.r.l !; -!-; nr. Cti.irioi if A 1 ... : A So'lMi at.,1 --o il !.- . ; . rui,rii.in r .. u j I. -Une ir-i.n. No? 1 'i ; 1 . --j ou NorfoiK A est- rt. tr... tr im lii.jn. k". Fii-oi,..-.-r- Irorn t:... Mhxtoii. i-r.i:. -'- ".! i l-alifonl l.i ..rriv-;".' i: -.-l.de 5 hours lu . ii (iav. Ample time Is riven T ati'1 i-iipri-r at Fajetiei...' cut toie. J. W. FRY. I I B. E '- W K-T s NK Tf.fcATMEN T. ': V Fo. N--'ira.l4. I.' 10.1' I ' r:i'i--l t y a..-o;..J. .-r t ' , Mental lepre...n. !-.tt- II t. I1.-4i.ii. iiii--ry. Cn-j- . 0- A ."e. lialTrt!---. Iy--i t i ' liiit-.t. !.'. i .'. rr-.M-.i 4.-r .-!. liil..: !..r l r--' .-3U1 t'T ..T.it'!1 11 ol .ier-lEi.l.llireI.--e. A II.. -1. 1.1 - j.. t.v maii. we oiia.-.n.'-c M 44'orUer f T ! '. -, i .-i:iri.t.-e (.1 r-' .' ' it f' ' 1 4 ue-J only I'l- tiAl'l'-' ii.. &j.r A.-'l5. ortt i..'- -.

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