r::i HAMER Sc. PELL, Mt. Alxr. TT. C. O ive Uh a Trial O rder. VOL. 13. THE MOULD BICIEF. Intrrewtittir Emit that have been Ciuiliereel Mince Oar Last IMHC Eight jr thormnd Jews l;ave been expelled from iwo province in Three thousand houses are said to le ror!e8 in Znute cansed by the recent severe shock of an earth quake. TIic Pope has ordered that pray er fur rain be offered by Catlvolics throughout Italy, where ri has nut fallen for two months. I The famous clock said to have U'l-n made by Louia XVI ru re eentlr jurcliaj?ed by a member of the llotheehild family for 16 $," X.. The lienor dealers of South Car olina, it u announced, will fight tlie new dispensary Uw of the State (roin the lowest court to the highest. The wedding of the Earl of Cra ven and .Mi e Cornelia Martin, which took place at Grace Church, dcrcrihed as the tnoet niacin nceut ever seen in New York. Suits for $-2'.7,OO0 have been tiled against the city ot Atlanta, (Ja., by jteople who claim that their health has been injured through mianina from the city dumping ground. During the extraordinary tefoion i.f the United States Senate which clurid Saturday before lat Presi dent Cleveland made more appoint menU to office than any of his predecessors. Illinois dtes not seem diejKm-d to eneourage the fortune telling in dustry and nnder a recent statute make engaging in it an otfetire punishable by Hue of troin $25 to $ lint for eafli otfen.e. Dr. D -Witt Taltiuige has at last !:ftd the gieat debt ftom his lliooklj n 'ralK.-rn-ele, but the nmiiey not c.me fr-mi I'rook Ivn j-ople. The Detr generous fv give ItMMH himself. A l.ndtn publiihtr has under taken the publication of a newrpa jk T on oetal cafde. The initial iiiimfn-r cont.utu four illustration, a eomie tragedy, a few alleged ui.s and some tul trtiremelits, Ri dwine. the young Atlanta lank defaulting c.ishier, eoitf erect that the deficiency in the hank was not made by himself but was made by the overdrafts lie allowed his triend, Thof. Cobb .Jackson, to the amount of sjwyfoi.i. At a wed'llng in Kansis Satur day night the bridal party were serenaded with tin pans, etc. A bhot was tired into the house slight ly wounding the bride. The gr.oiii returned the tire killing three of the crowd The sMiting world is astotii.ded j to hear that Charlie Mitchell will exchange the prize ring for the pul pit. It is not known whether he will enter the Ks'aMished Church or the Salvation Army. This will, if true, prevent the tight with Cor !ette. A curious Hrt of marriage oc curred at Pittsburg, Pa., the other day. A young man 22 years of age had a leaiitifiil sweetheart, whose widowed mother was ."3 ye re' of age. The sweetheart died and the voting nun married the mother out of sympathy. Douglas, the shoe man of Urock ton, Mass., whose cut adorns all first this papers of this country, is mentioned as a tosible successor to (ov. Kussell, when the latter re tires from the executive chair ot the B iy S ate. Douglas is a Dem ocrat and is jiopular. Theie is another sensation in Nashville banking circles. , Sjkcii latioii has ruined another man and broken the lank with which he was connected. The bank concern d is tiie Mechanic Savings liank and Trust Company, 'and John Schardt, its cashit r. is tdiort in his accounts from $4,OuO to H,Kj. lie is tick at Ins l;ome and not al lowed to talk Thes-Rremcnt in a Chicago papei that the Leslie K. Keeley Company liad s -Id out its parent plant for the c ;re :f inebrta'c t Dwight, III., and it 1 1 britie!et in this country and lt branches in Kuroe lor $It,iMMt,iMMi isincorrtct. An Ea.t cm syndicate is negotiating for the reorganization of the Keeley Com pany, with ii tre.ised capi'al and taciiiiie for extending the business. II this is carried out members of the Vresctit company wib retain control of the reorganized company. A panic was caused in business circles at Uochot.T, X. V Mon day by rumors that II II. Warner, the wellknown manufacturer ot pateni medicines, and A. (J. Yates, one of the largest v merchants in the country, were financially eiti liarrasscd. The rumors were, veri tied when mortgages to the amount of $2' ," were tiled against theni in the clerk's office. They had joint business interests ami atcs was a heavy endorser for "Warner, who is said to have become of late a stock market plunger. WrltflitwvIHe Ie Tlie Kiicamp ment. The following from the- Ilaleigh ctirres K.ndent to the Richmond Tim looks gloomy for Wilming ton : - Adjutant General Y. II. Cameron, of the State Guard, to day stated, as a result of his recent inspection of the State Gtiard en campment grounds at Wrightsvillo in company with other State Guard officers, that they found theeronnds ii such condition that they were forced to report adver.ity as to their fitness and condition for occupancy this year. What may be the te snlt of tins report cannot be deter mined till the AdjutAnt-Gencral's report has been passed upon by Governor Carr. It may reeult in the State camp beinf held elsewhere. The Advertising Rates Reasonable. IS BICIEF. riruru UTPnn inTiriitinr i xi-wwiif.' tiik tatf I IPd'CDCni DIVIO 1 ItEV. A. C. D1XOV. I irnn mnu nmm umiTit I nrrjcrcn nr I I 1 ELEYEN WERE CONVICTED. A Highl Sensational Turn in The Carroll White Cap Cases. Trial Brought to a Mudden End by The Confennlan of Koine of The Men, And 1'iompt Convic tion Full Story ot The Crimea. Cahkolto.t, (1a, April 10. The lute cap cam beinsr tried in Carroll Superior court had quite a euuoen termination. Dick I'yid was put on trial and me state woaved web around poor iJick-, wtio is a J"ng man, and proed his injilt beyond a doubt, and not only hi gnilf, but the euilt of a number of the in dicted ly the grand jury. Iuin Uritt sjrore io'tivtIv to Pyrd aid others, and Wiley Duke, Fred Dnke and Willie Chambers, who were jointly indicted for the riot, were put on the stand and gave the whole thing away. The evidence was so overwhelming that the lawyers for the defensejmd all the prisoners brought in conrt and kubmitted the case to the jury without argument I The jury retired snd in ten miniites brought in a verdict of guilty in the case of Jeese Iirooks, Sr., who is a 'man fifty two years old and a deacon in the Ilapiist chnrch. This makes eleven convictions to date and others will follow. There are ten more true bill against all parties. iitrrosy or the cask. The public will remember that on tlie night of the 22nd of March, an outrage was committed on the l-ersou of Mrs. S. J. liowen and Sam Dowen, Lnm Itritf, W. J. IJritf. who is now i eighty years old, Frank Fason and three of his children, Mrs. M .ry E. White, and two of her children were whipMJ l3- a crowd of men. fi..m- ft" bom were masked and i there had biack ing on their f ces. I her were whipp;d by sfjon mci, w.iile others held pistols in their faces with oidera not to move or speak or the v would I kided. Some of the whipieil parties weie carried to the w.mmJs and their arm- draw n around treis and tlen whin ped until they could nt wak. . TltK C.Vt'SE OF TltK OfTKAOK. It is thought tint the whipping grew out ot a lawsuit between .J. II. L. lien ford and Mrs. Mary E Whire. but eo-ne s.ty the whipping was on Hccount ot j revenue nnsi ness. It seems that J. II. L. Ilen ford ItKined John White, husband of Mrs Mary E. White. !. and he gave a deed b fifty acres of land to Ileiiford to make hirn se cure. When the money became due old man White had removed to Iltralston count v, but his wife stiil lives on the land, and she re fused to give it up. j Armed with what was thought to Ihj legal pa pers, Henry Penf.-rd, Price iJen ford, a baililT and others threw Mis. White of the house, and an attempt was made to burn the house. Henry I Sen ford was in dicted for the crime. Many law suits, lioth civil and criminal, were the result, till at length Mrs. White was thrown out of possession of the house, and Henry I Sen ford, and J. II. L. Iletifbrd, moved into it. Mrs. White sued out a writ of jHsession of ihe land, and it was the case that was to have la tti tried at New Mexico district the day after the whipping.' TKKKOKtZIX'i TIIF. WITNfcSSKS. While the whipping was eoing on orders were given to all that, if they apjx'ared at the conrt ground next day they would be visited the night succeeding and woutd be killed. Mrs. White made - to promise that she would leave the Slate at once or she would have been killed at onra WANTED TO MAKE IIAItftlS. USE OF Ei trrprlslntr Tobacco Manufac facturer Soulit a Testimonial From 1 1 mi. Sis Sino, N. Y, April 2', Iy.:J. Carlyle W.' Harris, the con demned wife miiiden r, awaiting i x ecirioii in prison here, seems more inclined to consider his spiritual wellare now than during the first part of his confinement in the death house. His physical condition is also letter than wheu he first ar rived. He shows little anxiety over the probable decision of Governor Flower, but is fctill hopeful of hav ing his life ?Mred. It is the opin ion of the prison officials that even if Governor Flower decides not to grant Harris a ommutation of sentence to life imprisonment, he will grant a star of at least thirty days, so that Harris may devote himself to preparing f.r death. The prisoner has vtit little time in his preparation, lecause he has not the slightest . idea ot the Gov ernor deciding against him. Principal Keeper Cannanghton received a letter yesterday for Har ris and a ackage. The package contained a new brand ot tobacco and the fir-n manufacturing it wanted Harris to sample the tobac co and send the company a testi monial of its excellence. Harris did noc get the letter. Net Se Remarkable. '"How did this happen !" asked rhe surgeon, as he dressed the wound in the cheek and applied a soothing poultice to the damaged eye. "Got it with stone," replied the patient. Who thiew it f My my wife was the reluc tanl answer. "II nm it's the first time I ever knew a woman to hit anything she aimed at, muttered tlie surgeon. -She was throwing at the neigh bor s hens," explained the sufferer. 'I was behind her. lieago Tri-Irune. Y SEWS OF TIIK STATE. Effort ami Energies, Incidents and Industries, I'trwni and Tli In jcs. It is intimated that Hon. W. M. Hobbins will be appointed consnl to Montreal. Tlie Si andaxd says that 100 per cent, more fertilizer lias been sold at Concord this season than was last. T. II. Eldridsre i now sole editor of the Iieidsville JievUia. Gilliam and Oliver will devote their time to the job department. Ileceiver Ilobinson, of the de funct Firt National lUnk, of Wil mington, issuing the estate of the late James Dawson fr $24,000, allege! to be d ie the bank as un paid assessment on stock. The Winiton Sentinel says the insurance money on Hotel Zinren dorf has not been paid yet and it seems that the courts will be called npon to settle the matter. The suit will probably come tip before the May term of Forsyth court. The Journal says that some of the colored James City residents came over to Newbcrn last Saturday aud took out leases on tlie James City property, and it is hoped that this beginning will lead to a pacific settlement of the pending troubles. Uails are being side tracked at Gulf for the Gulf and Glcndon IL U , which islieing built from Gulf on the j. r. x 1. . to iiienns mills on Deep river. The work of laying the tails will begin in a few davs. A new engine has been or dered for this road and is expected ro arrive soon. The Jf?'iiot'r savs the shipment of strawberries from Wilmington and tx.ints on the Wilmington & Weldon I'ailroad Monday reached c-msiderahle proportions. About crates were fiicd from Wil mington. At li'-cky Point ! crates were taken on by the train, and at Warsiw and other points as far up as (ioMsloro there "V re con siderable shipments, swelling the total shipments to abont tX0 crates. STATE l'EXITENTIAICV. Itrier Sketeh of The State of Afialm. The correspondent of the Wil mington JffMMfntr from Kalcigli writes: There used to la; hundreds d convicts in the great inclostire; no there only 101. Of these 50 are in for life. Some time &so nine 'life prisoners were worked outside me prison, oui tins is not now allowed. There are female convicts, of whom 10 are kept in tli3 prison, the others being on the farms. The convicts in the peni tentiary make all the clothing worn v the prisoners, l,loO in number. They make all the wagons and wheel!arrows used on the farms. There is a very fine garden just outside tlie great southern wall of the prison, where an ample sup ply of vegetables is raised. Tins garden joins the cemetery, in which for twenty five years con victs have been buried, and several hundred little wooden headstones whiten the ground. The convicts have in former years made a great many brick, but this year no work in this line is being done. There is a lar-re supply of brick in the kilos. The shoes for all the con victs are made in the prison, though the factory which used to make shoes for sale is no longer operated. There are washing machines and all tlie washing for the students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College is done. The cloth used for summer wear by the convicts is made by the Pee Dee Manufactur ing company; that for winter wear letng furnished by Milberser .t Co., of Richmond, Ya. Many improvements Have ln-eii made at the giounds of the prison. KubbUh has been cleared away, rougli sheds removed and the place maoe tidy, stone cutting, which once employ ed so many men, is no longer done. After a time the wooden stockade in front of the building will le re moved and the grounds opened. Ihe big buildings are even yet im complete. Cell tiers are imt built in the west wing, which may all bo Used for workshop. It is only a juestioii ot time when manufactur ing will be done inside the prison. It will not require a great expendi ture to prepare for it. One of the odd thing in the enclosure is a log building, now used as subles, in which the coiiict lived while they were constructing their more snl stamial and iinjxjsing residence of bt ick, ttone and iron. EDISO.V9 LATEST. The 7fal Wonderful lavratUa hi Has Ever Made. Thomas Ellison has finally an-nour.'.-eJ the nature of his individu al exhibit at Chicago. It is the kinetograph, the last of his wonder ful inventions displayed in connec tion with the most versatile group of i-honograplis over brought to gether. It is to the eye what the phono graph is to the ear, a mechanical retina, which stores away a living picture, to be reproduced in all its actions, every movement faithfully 6howu at any time and in any place. With the kinetograph it is possible to show in Chicago Chaon cey Depew delivering a speech aboard the flag ship Chicaga in New York harbor. Not a photo- fxaph of arretted action, but the iving man, his every gesture, the play of expression on liis face and the movement of his lips. It will transmit a.d reproduce motion of any kind for any distance. 1JECAUSE IT PAYS HEST. Tb ofBrr-Kkrr Mintiji I Tvm'tt on ambition. Has an drtrt.r' cm For tb 'prtfcnvil position. ADKIN MOUXT AIRY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1898. JEFFERSON DAY1S. Program of the Removal of his Re mains to Richmond. To Leave New Orleans oa Slay ( 28th, to Stop in Italclgb and get ! to IUchniood at 'ue O'clock on the 'la;ht of the 30lb. Richmond, Va., the old capital of the Confederacy, is preparing for a great day on May 31st when the remains ot l"reiuent jenerson Davis will be interred at Hollywood Cemetery with great ceremony These remains now rest at New Orleans bat the city of Richmond made soch a sincere olea to Mrs. Davis for the burial of Mr. Davis there, she has consented to have them taken np and re-interred at the place where his name was made great. Accotdingly the following programme has been agreed upon as to the moving of the train bear ing tlie remains : Leave New Orleans 7:30 pw m , May.gSth; fJcaovoir, short stop in tne nignr. Arrive Montgomery C a. m. May 29th: leave Montgomery 11 a. m.. 31 ay 2,,Uh. Arrive Atlanta 4:30 p. m., May 21th; leave Atlanta 8 p. m., May 2?th. Prief stop at Greenville, S. C (It will be late at night.) ' IU-ach Greensboro, 8 a. m., May. 30th. Arrive at Raleigh 12 m., May 30th; leave Ilaleigh 3 p. m May 3ith The Confederate Veterans Asso ciation of North Carolina, the State Militia and the Governor and Staff ill conduct the remains through North Carolina. The Richmond Committee dout like the idea of the train having to leave the main line and g to Raleigh and Gov. Carr has been requested to have the North Caiobna demonstration at (irecnsljoro if pxMW-iMe. Tlio Richmond Dl'jMtch, speak ing of the working ot the Jefferson Davis monument column tee says. : "General Wise iuggcted that fecial efforts be made in this city on the 1st and 2nd days of June to raise money for the enetit of the )aisiiiotiutncnt fond, audit whs agreed that at the next meeting of the toard committees would be ap pointed to solicit contributions from our citizens on those das and to make their rcj-ort to this boaid on June 3d, which is Mr. Davi's birth day. The invitations to the ceremonies are now being prepared nndtr the supervision of Captain Ellett. On the firtt page will be a vignette likenesa of President Davis sur rounded by a black bonier 3 8 of an inch wide. On the second page will be the invitation, on the third the listot committees, and oti fourth the order of ceremonies. - These invitations will be sent out as foou of tiiniehed to all Confed erate camps, officers, and privates of the Confederate army and navy, so far as their addresses can be ob tained, and the relatives and friends of President Davis's family. The re-interment of Mr." Davis's remains will take place on the 31st of j May. Hollywood Memorial Day has leen H6iponed from the 30th to the first-named date. ' Item of General Interest. The remains of President Polk and of his wife art to be removed, together with the monument over the present grave, to a suitable sjKjt on Capitol Hill, in Nashville, Tenn. The jilted fellows in Vermont are throwing up their hats for the judge who decided that when a girl kicks the fellow she is engaecu to she must return the ting or the kick don't count. A Maine cat is reported to have stolen breakfast from the breakfast table to give it to a baby of which it was fond. Afterward it brought the child a robin and a mouse, which it hd caught. The World's Fair managers a-e already deriving an income from their big show. Mo" than a mil lion people have already paid to pass the trates. and the receipts to this source to Saturday were $-'31,-!03. The neighbors of Mrs. William Geiser, of Patterson, N. J., are sui-erstitions enough to think she is a wkitch and are overcome with fear at the thought that she may have them conveyed to the infernal re gions. In North Carolina forty-three mountains aud upwards. Then eighty-two more than there 6,0oo there are feet are 5,000 feet high, and closely approximate 6,- IXNj feet high. There are innumer able mountains that are 4.H00 feet high and approximate 5,000. Tlie Statesville Ltimfmarl- says : "Mr Robert Jordon, of Statesville, desires to attain fame and fortune in the pugilistic arena, and has written to Richaid K. Fox, editor of the WiW GaztU; about the natter. Jordon is only 20 years f age but is 6 feet 8 inches high and weighs about 200 pounds. His arms are of usual length and doubt less with procr training he might do something in the ring.'"' Office seekers who are anxious to have their letters to the President carefully read and promptly at tended to will be horrified at learn ing that the President receives a car-load of mail daily. It is stated that his letters have reached an average of about 1,hn a day. Secretary Thnrber and five clerks are kept busy handling the pack ages. Two Wfalies. Adoring one (in lavender kids and a blue scarf) Oh, how I wish that I were that book yon clasp so lovingly P She 'How I wish you were, so I could shut you op. Yanktt Blxde. ItEV. A. C. OIXOX. Handsome Compliment to a North C ohman. The February number of 77.r Christian a widely circulated Lon don religious journal, (not Raptist) contains a likeness of the Rev. A. C. Dixon, with a highly appre ciative sketch of his lite and labors. And the New York Examiner, the leading Paptist paper ot this count ry, speaks thus of the same gentle- ? , . - man in ira lasi wue: Old Hanson place, once filled to hear the eloquence of Gallagher, is now tilled to hear the earnest and faithful preaching of Dixon The chnrch was never more alive than now. Pastor "Dixon tries to put every body at work. lie sue ceeds. too. Not fully, for the man is not yet bom who can take 800 average church members and put every one of them at work, lie himself said recently from the pulpit : Tbi church has oyer 800 members, but less than 125 of them are at work.' Happy Pastor Dizou if yon have 125 ' workers. John esley said, "Oive nie iuo men that love God and fear nothing but sin, and I will overturn the world.' At Hanson place it is a pleasure to say that the overturning has becun There is energy everywhere. Meet ings are continuous. Conventions are frequent. Baptisms take place almost every Sunday. The pastor preaches in hi church morning and evening, and in a theatre in the afternoon. He U president of a training school, and of the excise league. For every g'xxl work lie is ready and willing, and his ex ample is worthy of imitation by his brethren. The electric light which is attached to thu front of his church building, means more than such things usually do." 1 here are lour preacheis in this family. The father, Rev. Thomas Dixon, of Shelby, i ow a venerable man, has Imptized 5,KK ersoiis, it is said. A. C. Dixioti was edu cated at Wake Forest, and has been pas or at Chape. Hill, Asheville, ISaltimorf, and is now in fsrooklyn, N. V. Tom also graduated at Wake Forest : was on the 6tage a little while, read law, became a member ot the legislature, was pastor in Goldsboro, Raleigh and iSoston, and now, it is said, preach es to the laigest Protestaut congre gation in New York, as A. C. Dixon has the largest in Rrooklyn, rws -as . m . 1 save laimage. 1 he nurd urottier, Frank, was a student at Wake Forest,' but left on account of the opposition ot the taculty to the Greek letter societies, and took his degree at Chapel Hill. Ho is also a gifted mar, and has lieen pastor in Oakland, California for some years. And if the Lord shall put it into tho heatts ot llis people to honor Hun with their substance, as 1 do not doubt he will, there need be no tear but that the laborers will be found ready to enter the fields white to the harvest. There are now over 6even thousand ycung men and women in the colleges of this country, who have volunteered to go as foreign missionaries. The .Millenium Fixed. There is a Mr. Baxter who is prophesying with the others as to when God will wind up the world aud the Millcuintn will begin. Lie has so read the Bible obscurities as to be able to say with certainty that .... - . J , on oth -March, lM'O, me enu cometh. Totten has fixed no date, we learn. Forty years ago Cum- ings in Loudon fixed the date, but the world rolls vet. Miller in New Yoik about 1843, fixed the time for that vear. but lo I this is A. D. 18113. Baxter is confident. He is indeed a prodigiously know- ing man to nxtheuate. e wouui as soon believe that it would be 10,000 years hence as that it will be to-day or next year. The only thing we are concerned about is to be ready for deaih, tor the nn- al coming of Christ, for the great a . a T W Day ot Wrath the Lit ira. Pious opinions tell of tho near com ing ot the Savior, but the Bible makes to us no such rtvclatioi . Prophecies concerning tho Millen ium have been going on all through the centuries. They are no new things. Wilmin'jtoii Jleeii'jt-r. It might be added that thu Jlor mons at Salt Lakt. City just now are expecting tlie Jlilleinuin any ay, and the return of the Lord to set uptlia kingdom in their new Temple for 1,000 years But of that time no man knoweth, ami why men persist in thus trespass ing upon forbidden ground Is a mystery to us and a responsibility tor which mey win nae io answer. On ton Jit'pulAican. The Holt nonnmrut. The Greensboro Heonl has been shown the plans for the Holt mono tnent to be soon erected at the iuilford Battle Ground. It is to be a handsome piece of work; the base is ' five feet square and two leet high. The next iece is four feet souare and lourteen inches lish. the die is to be three teet square, surmounted by a cap four teen inches high, mere are io ue three bronze plates costing $1S5. On one is to be the coat of arms ot the State; another will be inscribed: "Erected by Gov. T. M. Holt, 1S93," while suitable hietoric in scriptions will he placed on me others. Ihe whole is to ue oi mi. Airy granite. Highest of all in Leavenine Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE ALLEY THE "JOHN BOLL" .TRAIN. The First Railroad Train Ever Made Goes to Chicago. The Qaeer Little Enciae and Car Pafflac Tbelr War I the World's Fair Nkw Yokk, April 17. Tho queerest railroad train that has been seen in a many a long year drew out ot the i ennsylvania depot. Jersey City, at 10:16 this morning amid the cheers of a big crowd of curiosity-seekers. The train con sisted ot engine No. 1 of the Penn sylvania Railway, and cars Nos. i and 5. Engine No. 1 of the Pennsylvania road is also engine No. 1 of the United States, being me nrst railway locomotive used on - 1 a. a. w . uns siue or ine Atlantic it is called "John Bull," and started this morning to puff its way labori ously to tlie t orld 8 r air, where it will bo au object of wonder to mil lions. The train is manned by veteran railroaders. Ibe conductor, AV i. liaiiey, has loeen a passenger conauctor since uoy. The journey between Jersey jy ana l hiladelphia was a con u nuca ovation, ihousiuusot en thusiastic spectators gathered at every station and lusiily greeted the antioue eouvevance. The) locomotive made but 6low progress, however, because of the inability to keep up steam with soft bituminous coal, and several stops had to be made. hen Broad street station, Phila delphia, was reached at 5:42 o'clock. the enthusiasm of ti e multitude knew no bounds. They made tram ic efforts to lioard the train, but were kept back by a squad of Hlicemen. Cheer after cheer went up and the demonstration lasted until the train, live minutes later, backed out of the station and 1rooceeded to the yards in West .'hiladelphia. At the latter place John Bull"' was supplied with cannel, which it was thought would make 6teatn faster. It w s 8:13 o clock when the train left tor Chicago. II arrisirko, Pa., April lb. The ovations tendered the 'John Bull' train incress d as the lit tie loo.m' tive ai d two ancient coaches proceeded westward. Af ter leaving Philadelphia last even- ng large crowds gathered along the banks overlooking the Penn sylvania Railroad in the Quaker City and cheered lustily as the John Bub puffed along in the noisy struggle - to fifteen-mile rate, responses were its maintain the The engine's shrill whistles. Through the sparsely-settled count ry a good speed was kept up al though 6tops were frequent, and the escorting special train, was many times obliged to pull sharply in order to save the ''Bull" train and its coaches for the inspection of the Word's Fair visitors. All stations were crowded and the gatherings, by cheering and waving of handkerchiefs, wished speed to the "Bull traiu as it drew away. Downington, Coatesville, and Lancaster turned out en masse, but the greatest crowd after leaving Philadelphia awaited the arrival of "John Bull" at Harrisburg. Here the depot gates were opened for the tcwuspeople who took every ad vantage of the opportunity to in spect the quaint train from wheels to root. Chicago Eloquent. Referring to the people who will come to the fair, the Chicago Times savs : "And they will come as they never came befoie like the wolf on the fold ; like the thief in the night; like the king in his splendor. . The Baltimore Sun remarks: "We might imagine the spider de livering himself ot just such a soli Io uy as he complacently ob serves the flies turning their foot steps toward Irs parlor. Those who go to Chicago like the wolf on the fold will le like the sheep which went ont for wool and came back shorn. Those who go like the thief in the night may find that the oh! tradition of honor among thieves is a delusion and a snare Those who uo like a king in his splendor will be fortunate if they have any of their splendor left after the Chicago hotel clerk has had a fair chance at them. And the Times exhorts the Chicago people to suffer the dis comforts of tho fair in silence. They can well afford to, lor the silence will be golden." It Should be In Er ery House. J. B. Wilson. 371 Clay SU, Sharp-l'in-jr, P., sy be will not. be witbout Dr. Kins' New DiscoTery tor oonnnmpt ion, Coughs aud Colds, tl.t it eurvtl liis iie who was threa.Mml with Pwumooim after an attack of "La Gripi.e," when various other reme die ami srvrml phyicinf had dona lier no good Robert Ilarber, of Cookinort, Pa claiina Dr. King' New DicoTery has done him more pood than anything he eyer nd fur Lunff Trouble. Nothioir like it. Try It. Free Trial Bottles at Tylor A Ban- J Dere Vrnt More, .Mount aiij, ana -Ston , Pilot Mountaiu. Large bottle. 60e. and l.(H). All First-Class Druggists From preeent date will keen on sale tie Imported East India Hemp Kemediee. Dr. H. Jainea preparation of this herb on its own soil (Calcutta;, will positively eor Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma and Nasal Catarrh, and break np a fresh cold in S4 hours. $20 per bottle, or 3 bottles S0.50. Trr it. CltADDOCK Sc. CO., Proprietors, 1032 Race Street, Philadelphia. 7T STews FilE i ' SUFFtf AG E. Belgium Gives hrr Worklngmen a Chance to Vote Their Sent! meats. Bkcssels, April IS. The work ingmen of Belgium have won uni rersal suffiae. The movement which they have carried on openly for several days, and in which they have not hesitated- to oppos with force the civic iruard and police aumon:ies, cuiminatea roaay in me adoption by the Chamber of Depu ties of a revision of the constitution providing for universal suffrage, with a provision for plural voting oy tho classes owning property, ac cording to the amount and situation of the property The vote was 1 1 9 in favor and 12 against the amend ments, while 14 abstained from voting. M. Beernaert, the premier, desired that the debate be delayed until "Wednesday, but the Chamber decided to proceed at once. Cheers within the Chamber were followed by prodigious acclamations irom the enormous crowd that awaited the result of the voting out side the Chamber. The greatest enthusiasm was displayed every- wnere, ana ttie people joined in a jubilee in honor of the great tri umph tliey had achieved. It is expected that the decision in ftvor of universal suffrage will 1 1V. . " .1 iiat a an aiiarinir eiieci upon me popular excitement and agitation. which has been rapidly assuming me trmensums ot a general insur rection. -The dread of a terrible uprising of the people, similar to that ot the rreneh revolution in its resistless rage against privilege and power, had the effect of bringing the Chamber of Representatives around to tlie popular side, there is no doubt in many minds that had the Chamber not acted prompt ly there would have been a revolu tion m Brussels. Tammany Seeks Nothing:, Says Senator Murphj. Wellington Special to New York ll. rmlJ. "In your opinion. Senator, is Tammany going to be recognized at all by the present admit i tra- tion I" "There fs no question of recog nition," replied Mr. Murphy, '-because Tammany is not asking fur any i lung. You do not see any Tammany men around here " said Mr. Murphy, wsving his hand about the crowded lobby of the Arlington, "'and yon don't see them anywhere else atxut "Washington. JSone of them will come to "W ash- mgton to ask for ollice or any thing else. Mr. Crocker himself has not been hero since the . inau guration and will not come. In short, Tammany is not asking any thing oi the present administration. Its position was l-ecuhar, and the leaders recognized it. "The organization has occupied a dignified position, and one which must of necessity command the respect -of every one. You have not seen any crush from its ranks in ashington seeking lavors. In stead, it has held aloof and left everything entirely to . the discre tion of Mr. Cleveland. The lead ers were satisfied to that, and they are satisfied to abide by the results, whatever they may be. Ihis cleany defines the attitude of the organization toward the ad ministration. It is the general be lief that tho patronage of the State will not be turned over to the State organization. Many of tlie friends of the two Senators, how ever, as well as these endorsed by Governor Flower, are likely to get 6ome appointments. j The la!ebt word of tongue or p"n Are these : "Insert my aJ. again." oW Try Thfs. It will coet jOii nothing and will surely do you good, if yon have a eouyh, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or luntre. Dr. Kiuir"a New Discovery for consumption. pm:h aud colitn is cuarmnteed to K've re ief. or money will le pui.l l.ok Snffrrertt from La Urippe found it just the thing and under its use had a needy and perfect re covery. I ry a sample bottle it jtir expense and leant for yoorvelf juat liow good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Taylor & Manners Drug .-.tore. Mount Airy, aud J. A. tone. Pilot Mountain. Lanre'siza 50c aud 1 1.00. NOTICE. Having qualified an bxeeutor of the es tate of Samuel 11. Taylor, deceaeed. 1 here by notify all persons who hav claims against said estate to prrecnt them to the undersigned on or belore the 15! h day of April, 1N'4, or this notice will be plead in bar of their n-co very, and all pemoiis in debted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement of same, 1 1ns April istli, ISS'2. W. S. TAYLOR.. S. P. Grates Attorney. Executor. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of buiry comity, msde in the case ot C. Hickman, et al, rs (tahrirl Hiokuian, et als, I will sell at public auction at hile Plains, in Snrry count?, Saturday, May tf'th, 18&L one hundred and fifty acres of land. Said land is within three miles of Mount Airy and 1-4 mile of White Plains, aud is known as the Hickman place. Said land is in a high state of cul tivation, has good boiljinrs on it and oue fine timber. Sale made for p..tiiiion among tlie heirs of Yt. It. Hickman, de ceased. Terms of sale. 1-3 rash, t he re uiauder in six and twelve nioutlis. J. IL Leweixtx, April lilh, 19J3. Coniniisaioner. $52 w Agent's profits per month. Will proe it or pay forfeit. ew ar ticles Just out. A $1.50 sample and term free. Try as. Chi dutch A. bos, '2$ Bond Street, N. If. ia two, v " 1 t 00tWNTs, Tui innaMftnamltrriTTwiflTnrT "--Sis. a oo, aa Buoauvat. i v owe (HiMt ssi ims Tor mcwui pii mmia Krarr t out bruU tmoil bvfora lbs ambus a auues gn aa bee of stars a la X mm let rri- rta the a- I I ! I llll I 1U ffcouid TttbOM It. IIT. KlTt L4U BOUU JkO II U IM t llliir"! 1 aWvaaaa, Aw Sock VU. 4 Sclettifis Aaericaa Jj." TD MABKB. 7 mJr DIMON MTMTS, toJ SEIID Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. "Wnen the Liver ia torpid the Bow els are sluggish, and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the 'whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness br giving them a healthy Liver than any agency Known on earth. It acta with extraor dinary power and efficacy. Re. R G. Wiub, Priacrtm, N J..r "I Sad aothinc kdt to siu.li to krp n im Vorkinf ctmdiuoa aa S 11 Livr KcsuUtc.- See that yot get t Genuine, witk red 2 tram, at wranfw. J. K. ZKIUX A CXX. PhUsMlelpKla. Pa. Notice Sale of Laid for Taies. I will sell for cash to the hiehest bidder. at the court house door in Dobson. ou tlie rirst day of May, it U log the first Monday, the following tracts and lots of land lor taxea, via; One lot of Land ou Tom'a ( reek, adjoining Len Jesaun s and others. kuown aa the Tom's Creek Mill, levied on as me property or tlie w crtu neira, to sat- Isry the taxes due and unraid oa same. amount of tax 847 0M, and coats to aJ.l. Also on the same day and at the place and on the same terms, 1 will sell a lot of land on Hinae avenue, levied oa as the property ot i . iirauu and isiey, to satisf) ibe taxes due aud unpaid on same; amount of tax 910.74. and owt to add. Alsoou the ssme day and at the same place and terms, 1 will sen a lot ot lanu on ttocktonl Mreet levied on as the property of the North Slate Music Company, lo satisfy the taxes due and unpaid ou same, amount of tax, $137, and cit lo add Also a lot of land at White Plains, on the Ikibson road, levied ou as the property of Hid Coolie, to aatiafv bis taxes due and unpaid, amount of tx l:t-74. and costs to add. Also a lot of laud at White ri;iius,ou the IXbsn roul, levied on as the property of Jobnou Adams to sa tify his taxes due and unpaid, amount of tax b-injc $11.4(1, and cost added. Also tract of laud on the ladkin liiver, ad joining the lands of L. B. liuiin and others. levied on an the property of N A Boyden to satisfy Ins stock law taxes due and un paid, amount of lax being 1(1 uo and cost to add. Also a lot of land on Frauklin street, levied on as the property of W 1 Cenrad to satisfy the taxes due and unpaid on same, amount of tax So I7 and cost to be added. Also one tract of laud known as the Buck Shoal's land, levi ed en as the property of the Brower Manu- acturiug ompany, to satmfy the taxes due and unpaid on same. amouLt of tax $ U 511 and cost tc add. Also another lot of and on the ard's ap road, levied on as the property of L D Jenkins to satisfy the taxes tliereon, amount of tax $-") WJ and cost to add. STEPHEN YEN ABLE, April 4th, l!9:. Former Sherifl. NOTICE. Bv virtue of a Deed in trust executed to me by J. Y. Perkins and wife, on Novem ber SOth, lflW. aud- duly recorded in the Kegister's oltice of Surry comity, X. I will proceed to sell to tbe hubest bidder upoa the premises on '.find day of April next, one bouse and lot nere the said J. W. Perkins lived.. The house is uew and well furnished, with six rooms. stables, out houses, etc., lot containing near three acres, lertus: one-third cash, one third in six months, one-third in twelve months. Deferred payments bearing 8 per cent interest. J.M.DAVIS, March 13th. 1893. Trostee. A1m at same time and place I will sell for cash one two-borne wagon, some farm ing tools, lumber, etc. March 12th, 1M. J.VO. L.. W OK 111, Executor of JW. Perkins, dec LAND SALE. Br virtue of authority contained in a Montage Deeo. executed by W. II. Inscore nd wile to illtatn GoMing on Nov. leth. 13, and recorded in oltice of Register of Deeds of Surry county. Mortgage Book No. 7, pace 54, I will, on Friday, April 21st, ltiKl, proceed to sell the following de-m-rited lands at public auction on the premises: A tract of land adjoining tbe itnds of John Mnitti, rtenbeu llavs, lavlor Lowe and others, and contaiuiug Five Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or less. (For more particular description, reference is had to d-ed above mentioned.) Terms of Sale CASH. Sale will begin at one o'clock. All enquiries promptly answered. March Fth, 1MU. William (kii.mxo. S, P. Graves, Attorney. Mortgagee. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the eetute of L. D. Anhburn. deceased, all per sons holding claim against b'S estate are hereby notified, to present them to me within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in btr of their recovery. Any person owing said estate s requested to ninke Immediate payment tlH-reof. This April 3rd. 193. JOHN W. HANCOCK, Admr. S M. Holtou, Att'y. of L. V. Ashburu. NOTICE. N'OETH CAROLINA Si rkt Couxtv. Notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the estate of C. F McMickle to make payment snd settlement; aud all mtsoiis having claims against said Cbtate ill present them for lutyment properly nthenticated within tlie time rrecribed by aw or this Notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. jrABT J. illSlKKI.E. March 11th, 1S03. Admx. NOTICE. Haviui qualilied a the Almlnistrator of the estate of F. R. Bej noldn, 1 hereby notify all persons who Lave claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 4th day of April, lt-94. or this notice i'l be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to Raid estate will make immediate set tlement of tbe same and save cost. JOiSEFU FLH'PIN, Admr. April 3rd, 1?)2. ol F. K. Iteynold. In dispensable in Every good Kitchen. As every good Loose wife knows, the difference between appetiz ing, delicious cooking and the opposite kind ia largely in deli cate sauces and palatable gra vies. Now, these require ft strong, delicately flavored stock and the beet stock is Ziiebig Company's Extract of Beef. DEAF" f fejutil A f it mm trr j .JlKi,U) PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CI i i 4 Ui.r t take V ...r 7ail. ltor Orwr Bmir to tt Tmu.'uI Co. or. Tte Cenumptfveaid Febie w i - m-nftrmmtm I li ni.- M. rrr Oimmrr i .riii .! in tfi - I HINOERCORNS. tw.it ALL. YOU?. CUD nr. 3 Letter Heads, EhtcIgs, Eaultilh, Etc., 3Xount - - Viry, IV. C. s:i?a? ,p Perwo'i Injr tfoihrra and ft mate Troubles. Hopev;elL MfcUeaborg Co.. x C Vpti Msa. Joa Pas.i!,KaiJlm.F(ar j.;. ' , took vtolent com. which resulted ta W" t..T, and aoer saaennj a!aiot deata. c--t rr ,-, - j . bnt alas: the disease was la my s;era, ar i nnalU culiulnaled in a womb txo'uw ;. , a can.sed me great suSptId tllat winter ei Prtaff. I could scarc- dras aroaoi aad .u otvea so mlaeraWe I wcuu prv to d!e. I u red my husb&na to let me try your Ketnn'.r. i; e bought ta ooe Ux. anl it bs maae a rer'j-t cure at sae. It has also cans! me of Isd--u n and runbermore. after the blr h of Cre ot my children I would nearlj Ke Uie as of bit irn.s and suffered notoM aony wua Kt umausn and Neural-la. 1 have n. N en troubiej wi:!j either with mj Usl twocLliJreo. I keep a it. Ueofthe RemrJy In the house aa the t:aie. Ky husband Sirs it is better than a d,-tfr. w r all my other chUJrenl had j-n-ai uubie wf.a them during- dentition. Icaa lru:am;;y j.r, never did chUJrea cut teeth wish so mua ei.V and as '.luie trouMo as mr last two l i-. Wbeaevr t see any jk-a of Uwir .eeiim.r I commence ta.lof tb Reae,l.r. it kr-ps tcv stomacaand bowels reUr and la a hjtLy coodlUoa, and secais lo have the same e.Tvct oa theirs. It Is ctrulaly ihe best Tvc!o i e v, r tried. A few a wes wtu brace me op d4 rx iks me feel like a new person. Yes. puML-a any part of ny letter that wtu bt ip your cause to the least I hat publicity, but if n.y expert, eace with lbs Keraedy wui be tu mea.r.i of others try Imt It 1 am wuimg lor the pu:-;:c tj know the good It has dt.ne Cie and mint. XUy Uod bless you ! I am Terr trti'T. KS. AtNtli" ALESANTKit For sale at Taylor Banner nro More. S. P. GRAVES, ATTOKXEV AT L A W, leuut Airy. X. C. r Prarttces n stats and Federal Courts, rrocnpt altcuuon to coiltx iion ol aaiiu. Wa F. CARTER, ATTOUXEY AT LAV.', lIunf Airy. X. c. Practices In all t!ir jtjite and FetW! (Xmrts Invtstu-atlon ot uUt-s lo lund a siiecialiy. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & NotarjPntl::, nennt Afry, f. c. W Negotiating Loans and the t!ie.-t:on of Claims a .opecUlly. In-uraiire piact-d lu utaa lrd tADUam- ujHin lll-erai teres. R. L. HAY110RE, ATTOKXEV AT LAW, Tlount Airy, C. Practices in the 5taie and Feb-ral conn nd collects cLtims. All busu'iens entre. ed to him will rweive prompt atttnt'rr DR. G. W. BANNER, DETTIST, fvlount Airy, D. C Mitroi'S Oxide fs adminis'.e-ed for t"-e p n less eitract on of tee'.-,. romce over Taylor Panrrr' Du.lre VinSTO:-SALE Steam Dying ifc S.xi KiNii Wi'ek.. Ladies' aud trents' etrments of every description cleaned, scoured, dyed and re paired. All kinds of fancy colors of la dies' dresses, chiidren"s irariyeiit, winilow curtains, blankets, kid tioves, gentleiuen's suits, ovcrcosts, c, colored and il.rei an I pressed by steam, making thorn in ariar ance equal to new. tiarmeiiH by errc- receive prompt sttention. All work guar anteed. Prices as low as cunaisiaiit with good work. W. H. IKKiKK, Prop'r. Dec.. I.-3m j.e. iivniii:i. DEALER IN" ROBBER & STEEL STAIIP3, Stencils. Eurninir Hranils, Sal IYfc.e, Wax Seals, Steel letters, Chei k I'ro tectors. Key Himt, Kaiiroa-l Daters, etc. Monocrams aud Linen Markers. Harrellton, Surry Co., 11. C. Stuart Normal Collie, STUAET, VA. . Thorongk iiietructiun in Knjrlieli, jlathematic!, Clu-s, liir-ic, Stcnojrrajliy and TvjK?writ ingaiid Uook kefju'ti. Location Unequalled for Reiill Send for Catalogue. E. C. IlcCants. Pre a THE LONE STAR TIN SHOI- 3 T. M. EVEKITT, rK peiktcb. Manufaclurer of Tin and Sheet Iron W are. Kof re sr.l -ut-tenug a peclaltv. Oood worn irnirai.i--l. sit, jlixy, sr. c. GREENSBORO HUME. AIX KIXIS OF Fruit, Sta3s M ViEZti TREED. Everythirn that U kept in a ; XurserV. Oive me your or'iers arxl 1 i ! do my best to eive you at if.tctoin. 1 have no reason to con!j''.i!i of h.t j patronage and w ill endeavor lo iiif-nt a continuance of tlieni. JOHN A. Tf'L'.N'f''. I'r- .r r; ; . Feb8 1T3, (ireenlwro, N. t ;. ; S. IX. IIAWES lz CO., Dealers in Lime. Cement &g. '5 RICHMOND. VA. S. II. HAV7i:3 it CO., Dealers in COAL. FICKm'D- VA- NOTICE. NORTH CAKOLIXA M kht Cil ktv. avig qualific-l a EiecTrii on estate of if ary M. Denny, d-. -- . tie ia herejv civen to all person u - T.,1 to the estate of the Said !ry il. I ' ' to make payment and settiesert rr t:.e claims wiil be pal into tt hanisrfaa officer for collection ; and all per-'us 1 iv ing claims against sail eta:e will r -re- - i them for pay tnent, proper' r ah-i.t.r-v-- within the time (,ie-nS.l ty !. "r ' aotica wiil be pirated n bar of t - r r covet j Feb. 2 1st, l-OX i. x en '. ; . 1