V' v - r AD KIN H OL. 15, P. B. HAMER, Editor and Owner. MOUNT AIRY, N O.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1805. AiTcrti:!: Em:::.i.!5. ' - Va New s. I r : The Laiest and Greatest Success is that Sweetest of Songs, A WITHERED ROSE FROM FATHER'S GRAYE." u Words and Music by C. 1. ADDISON. H iespectftilly Dedicated to the Memory of j HON. ZEBULON B. VANCE. Vrr rv one who lovod "Our ZEB" Bhould have a copy of this u touching and beautiful song, lib picture, which is "true to life," Ffj in on tbo front page, and that alone is worth the price of the r -A n son", which is only 4U cents, sent post patu upon receipt . 01 price, in silver or in 2 cent stamps. I " Ask your music dealer" for it, or write to j Standcid JHtisic Go., n iros. Fawcett, K. L. Gwyjt. Jab. II. Sparger, M. L. Fawcitt President. 1st Vice President. 2nd Vice President. Cashier MST NATIONAL BANK ofT.1t. Airy. IKCOItPOItATED.f .Capital, $50,000, Paid Up. j i DTRRGTORS. j t10s Fawcett. J. II Sparger, M. L. Fawcett,' R. . Gwyn, C. L. Hanks. This bank solicits the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Farmers ana ,iii Muni The accounts of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received n favorable terms. The funds of our customers are secured by two burglar roof steel chests and the Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. HLKI1ART CARRIAGE and Have old to couumtra for SI years. caving them the dealer a profit. We are the Uldnt and Largest manufacturers in Amer ica selling Vehicles and Harness this way ahlp will) privilege to examine before any niontT la paid. We p:iy freight both ways If not satisfac tory. Warrant for 2 yearn. Why pay an aient 110 to .V) to order for you? Write your own order. Hoilnn free. We take all risk of damage In snipping- WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, $31 to $50. Guaranteed same a sell for toO to U6. Surrey 9, $65 to SIOO same as sell for (100 to !:. Top Buggies, $37.50, as fine as sold for M&. Pha9tons,$60 to SIOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes. Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagons nd Road Carts, wmxta oa sis, woats iMiuKk. No. 37. Sorrey Harness. No. 1, harm I ;t'7-VVvy Harness No. 7U. Top Baggy. Manarae- tarer'a Prices. .3,Furmwagon. Address W. B. PRATT, Sec'y- ELKHART, IND. -ffi m Yes, You Get cheap" printing if you want it. But we doubt if you want it. If you want a job done in a styie to command attention, take it to The y adkin Valley eWs, Mount Airy, N.O. EES, PHAETOIS, CARTS, And in short flnvthinrr tr rMn in &ASIIBY, at Greensboro ISParseries, 1,000,000 i , Shade and Ornamonfal Trcos ! Vines and Shrubbery in Almost Mess 'Variety! thoroughbred Poland China Pigs, entitled to registration, at reasonable prices. . vo x ancy rouitry. Write nrfJl .to.ca11 special attention to my Anient in the State. JOHN A. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & NotarjPablic, Mount Airy, N. C. tv- Negotiating- Loans and the Collection ol ims a Specialty. Insurance placed In staa ft'" Companies upon liberal terms. WINSTON. N. C. HARNESS T.1FG. GO. No. 727, Road Wagon. $55 Harness No. 731, Surrey. a-arir ! in BIDISB 8ADLB sad in SITS. Elkhart Bicycle. 2Sln.wbela, 8 percent, off for each with order. Rend 4e. la pneumatic tires, weldleea stamps to pay postage oa HS-page eatalogm. steel tubing, drop forgings. 1 : t P L 1 i i m Can o o CD GO onKo riorl Vr iall in rr nn SPATinKR Globe Warehouse. for prices, ana get uie Desi. Shade Trees. Largest and finest as ; YODNG, Owner and Proprietor. E. L. flAYMORE, ATTOJINEY AT LAW, TTIoant Airy If. C. Prsatices In the Stale and Federal cour d( collect e'aims. Ail business entra. ed v'' '11 receiTe rornpl atttailer EAD K0I3ES C'JFEOL Ccaiinl hrln a . .... I faiis, as giavs h- . to Lrf- Hew York, oi ilrp. sirad w book aaJ proot, sTa sr. BILL ARP'S LETTER. ' THE LATE FREEZE IN FLORIDA HIS THEME OF DISCUSSIOM. The Beautiful Picture of a Mouth Ago Has Suddeuly Vanished. On the wing in Florida. A month ago when I was down here every body was happy. Ihey had bejrun to harvest their golden crop, and it was bringing a better price than the year before. Most of the growers whocoald hold were in no hurry to tell because an advance seemed highly probable. Those who were pinched by poverty or harassed by creditors horned their crops to market and are thankful. Oranges here are just like cotton in Georgia. The year's labor is measured by the number of boxes. Credit is based upon it and the family purchases are governed by it, and there is a debt for lertilizer juet like there U npon cotton. Merchants watch the orange growers' packing honse just like they watch the coUou growers' gin. , V o made much ado over 5 cent cotton the last eeabon. and it was hard to be reconciled, but it wis not ruined. It the cotton had all been burned the cases would have been parallel. This reminds me of an old negro in our county who lost his two bales by fire and thanked God that "it wasent as bad as hit mout hav bin etien hit had been worth 10 cents a pound dat would have just ruined me," he said. All along the line of the Jackson ville, Tampa and Key Wct rail road from Jacksonville to Sanford the beautiful living pictures that I saw a month ago nad vanished cr were marred and blurred by a piti less icy hand. The beautiful green ot the groves had changed to a withered brown. The po.ished open leaves weie curled and twist ed as if red-hot curling irons had touched them. The twigs that held the fruit had all bended to a per pendicular and the oranges were dropping and in a tew days the ground will be covered covered all over with a tutted yellow car pet ot crushed and mu&hy oranges. I saw lust snch a till in 1SSC, though not so bad or so far reach ing. For the marketing of this fruit the stations are but a mile or two apart. Packing houses or saw mills are most alwys in sight and until now gave employment to hun dreds, yes thousands of willing hands. A hen there wre the team sters and the pickers and the ship pers and many others whoso living came from this great business. It ib Sunday every day now. I see the laborers stauding about the de pot silent and sad. The saw mills have ceased to make a noise. No sound of hammers or 6aw in the packing houses. No ladders in the trees. Even the children look like there was a funeral in the house What does all this mean i I asked of a friend at the Sirrine House, were I was stopping. "It is." said he, "a calamity that cannot yet be measured. The or ange crop is the lite, the bread, the spinal marrow of this region. 1 here is nothing else tor those laborers to do. Some of them will, of course, strike out for the phosphate mines. Some will work their way back to Georgia, bnt all are in a pitiful con dition, lben there are the hun dreds and thousands of email grow ers who owe money and had got ten advances and now they cannot pay. The largest mercantile firm in this city made an assignment yesterday. They owe $SOfH0 and had it all protected by dncs from orange growers. LJesiues this, they had a crop of their own that was valued at half of their obligations. A month ago they were rich and prosperous. Now they have little left but sympathy.. Everybody feels it. My good, hopeful landlady said, "My boarders are leaving me and going home. They were in the or ange business as buyers or packers." A doctor said many of my patrons were mill men and now the mills have stunned. A liverv stable man - , . . says his business has already fallen off one-halt. Then there is the rail road traffic. 1 saw long lines of frnit cars on the sidings that will return empty. Mr. Scott, a largo buyer, who boards at the Sirrine, told me that he shipped eight cars of frozen or anges to Chicago yesterday -shipped in relrigerator cars as an experi ment, the railroads taking part of the risk. If they get there belore they thaw," said he, "they will be good for a day or two as good as any. I am only experimenting. But of course, the time for doing so is nearly out, for the fruit ha begun to fall." Whu can tell what a day may bring forth. Florida, fair Florid, is sick not sick unto death, but very sick. Such a disaster has not happened since 1S35, and may not happen again for half a century. The freeze of SG was confined to uorthern Florida, but this has reich ed to Punta Gorda, and all down in the lower latitudes the vegetable are hilled. When I left Clear Water three weeks ago the truck wagtm came to the gate very morning with peas and beana and tomatoes and squashes, but my wile writes me that cone come now. The farmers have planted gain and say they will have another supply in a few weeks. But the climate is here yet and will remain. That cold wave that paacd over Clea Water and Tampa with its wither ing blast did not lst but a day. It came like a cyclone and was gone. The fish are there yet and the beau tiful waters. Hie magmlias and bays and cedars and palmetto ard live oakt a-e still green and lovely and the sun shines bright and warm and the gentle breeze still come over the gulf, in a year or two this disaster will be forgotten and the people will smile again and be happy. "Who knows," said the doctor, "but what this visitation wa provi dential. The dengue fever waa al most universal last summer. I had over one hundred casea hero in Sandtord. It is a mild malaria fever that is easily controlled and I never lost a case, but at the same time it is regarded as a distant rela tive of yellow lever and this freeze may annihilate it and prevent a pestilence for years to cotne." Another hopeful philosopher said the freeze haj certainly killed the young groves thtt were not yet in bearing and that will bring good lesults. Like your cotton in Geor gia, the orange business has been overdone in Florida, and this will 6top it for a few years until the de mand equals the supply, and then new groves will be planted." That is all right It is good to seek out the good that is always mixed up with every bad thing in this life. But the good ladies at the Sirrine arc not yet calm and "stireen" about the flowers. They attach more irnjortanco to the beautilul than we do. They will sit in the veranda and lament the withered vines on the tiellaccs, the dead hybifcon, the climbing cactus and night blooming jasmine, banana plants that lie limp UKn the ground, the amarylis and sweet-scented ap opcnax and many other bcautif'il Elants that adorn the front yards. !verj thing looks burnt aa if by fire. How singular it is that heat and cold have the same effect upon vegetation. There is but little dif ference between a freeze and a fire, even upon human beings. I go to Clear Water to-day, but not to eat strawberries, as wa fromieed me on my return. I will avo to wait for them in Carters ville. Bill Arp, in Atlanta Constitution. SIXTION'AL. TALK IN TlIK IIOUSI There was a rather sectional dis cussion in the House the other day, growing out of Representative Jone attempt to prevent favorit ism in awarding largo pensions to well-to-do Northern soldiers. Mr. Jones denied that ho was "fighting women," but said that "ho was fighting for equality before the law, and against the granting of large pensions to the rich, powerful and influential." Mr. Cooper question ed the motives of the Virginian, and a Pop from Kansas, Simpson, went so far as to say "he was not only surprised bnt aehamed that a man from the South should come here and say, as Mr. Jones had said, that ho still believed in the Lost Cause a cause founded on slavery." Mr. Jones replied mild ly, and in reference to the "Lct Cause," "he said he would answer always and everywhere, aa he had then, that he was proud of it, and when the gentleman said I believe it to be right he slandered me. I know it whs right." Mr. Talbert, Democrat from South Carolina 6tirred 'the ani mals." He became very excited, wildly gesticulating and ranging op and down the aisle. He deprecat ed, he said, the continual appeal to sectional paeions, but he Doticed. that they usually came trotn those who were invisible in war and in vincible in peace. "As to the Lost Cause," he said, "it is the everlast ing cause, and cannot be lost, be- cauie it is the cause of liberty. Under the same circumstances, he Continued, shaking bis fist in a de fiant manner at the Republican fide, "and for the same reasons, the mc.i who fought then would tight again. You can like that or you can lump it I !ove the cause to day as much as I did when, as a by, I bared tny bomjm to your battlefields of ir- ginia. " . a m sfaam aa a mm s lhree cheers tor lalbcrt: lho fools will never learn that the true men of the South not the traitors believe in the supreme rightfull ncsa of the noble cause they risked all for. and that principles are eternal, the same yesterday and to day and forever. Wilmington Mes senger. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. rhoel Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctor b had Consumption and that thcr was no hop for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's NewiIicoverj completely cured hr and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Ecjrer. 133 Florida St., San Fran cisco, sutfered from a dreadful cold, ap proaching Consumption, tried without result everything eu then bought on bottle of Ir. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is natural ly thankful. It is such results, of which thee are samples, that prove th won derful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Kre trial bottles at Taylor Banner Drug Store. Kegular size &0c and $1.00. "Yes," remarked tho ezg, "ray theatrical venture was a peat suc cess, I was cast for the villain and made a great hit." Truth. Itch on human, masge or horses. dor and ail stock, cured in DJ minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by !t.Alry,N.C. TIIC FUSION MYSTII3L AH Illlla jriust b-e Approved by Fire, the F1 e Advisory Iloases IUleiuu, N. d, January 23. Last Saturday a corn pond cut had a long interview with Chairman Uolton, and the latter gave news of extreme importance, Chaarmau Butler said to-day that he was very ;lad that Uolton had talked so free y, and had so told the latter. In a long interview last night with Sen ator Moody, one of tho roost influ ential Republicans, he said: "There was appointed at the co-operation caucus last night a special commit tee, composed of eight Senators and thirteen members of the House, The Senators are Cook, Sigmon, fortune, Long, rowlcr, llarwick, McCIaskr and Mood v. The caucus appointed aa an advisory committee to this caucus committee Marion Butler, Harry Skinner. Richmond Pearson, Thomas R. Purncll and DariM L Russell. This special committee is to consider all bills re garding the election law and coun ty government questions. A com mittee outside of the caucus u ap pointed, to be known as tho Com mittee on Llections and County Government, and it will present the bill which the caucus approves after the caucus has turned it over. The bills regarding these matters are not all in yet, and henco the committee will not be able to make its report before next Tuesday that is, the committee which is to have charge of the bill in each house will hardly prescrt it before that day. WILL BE LET ALOSK. "You a?k me as to the course the Co operations U will take re garding various institutions, etc. I will tell you with entire frankness. The university will be let alone, and so wi'l all other schools. While no caucus action has been taken on this specific point, yet what I tell you is substantially agreed ou." "Ihe btato Guard appropriation bill will be entirely taken away, but otherwise tho Guard will bo let alone." "The Bureau of Labor Statistics will be coufohdsted with the Agri cultural Department, The latter and tho Agricultural and Mechani cal College will be consolidated, just as Chairman Holton told you." TO TAX ESTATE. "A bill will bo introduced and paed taxing cstatns, upon the death of owners, as follows: One thousand dollars or under, nothing; between 1 1,000 and $5,000, 1 per cent; between $5,000 and 1 10,000, 2 Kr cent; between $10,000 and $25,000, 4 per cent; between $25,- 000 and $50,000, C per cent; over $50,000, S per cent. ihec taxes will be applied to the school fund. for the purpose of carrying out the provision ot the Constitution which requires the schools to be open four months in the year." "Ihe superintendents of the three insane asylums will not be re moved. I am the chairman of the committee on these institutions, Tho present superintendents will remain as now, unless something is developed upon investigation, which 1 d) not think at all likely, ihere are charges made against the stew ards of the Morganton and Golds boro asylums; none against the stew, ardof the asylum here. Tbccbarge alluded to are ol pinisanship, and if true tho stewards in question will be removed. rAHTIANStUt. "The charge against tho Morgan - ton steward is that a lUrpublican took sotuo pork to him and offered it at the market price. The stew ard said he did not buy save from DemccraU. The Republican then went to a Democratic friend of his and asked him to take the pork to the steward and sell it. The Dcm ocrat got in the wagon, drove to the avlarn, and sold the meat at 7 cents a pound, or 1 cent above the market price. Ihe charge against the Gnldsboro steward is that he favors certain stores in making purchases, and will not divide his trade fairly ; that he buys at retail prices at retail stores, ins'xad of buying in the open tnirket." The peniteutiary will be reor ganized, so that the Democrats will have nothing to do with it. We charge that for twenty years they have used it for partisan purposes and patronage," The Railway .Commission will be abolished, and then a new one created with the time number of members. " MOUK rAKTISAXSntr.' "As to the Atlantie and North Carolina railway, a bill is now in hand which will permit tho men who now control it to step down and out and let new mcu ui iiio Populist and Republican partita take control. We will so change the charter as to tit the conditions dtired ; in other words, so that the Legislature and not the Governor shall make appointments." Senator Moody speaks by aothori ty, and what he says gives infer mation greatly desired, OFFICIAL CnAXOEA. State Treasurer Tate to-day turn ed over that department to William II. Worth, The trans'er bciraa at 9 a, m. and occupied the entire day. Henry M. Cowan, the chif clerk, who is succeeded bv J. W. Denmark, has been in the Treasury since IS SO. Ernest B. Bain is suc ceeded by Joseph Pstts as teller, R. L. Burkhcad is the only one of the cierkt retained. THU YALUK OF A VOTI- One ItaiUt, Cst by a Ijlng Iloosler, Caused the Mexi can VTar. Campaign literature is seldom as interesting as a circular tent oat last fall by Chairman Taggart, of the JLemocraUc state central com mittee of Indiana, urging upon voters the importance of each bal lot. After warning Democrats cot to scratch Congrwuonal candidates becauj the next house might elect tho President, the circular called attention to a most remarkable in stance, when, in 1S44, a single vote cast in Switzerland county lo- diana, caused the final admiion of Texas into the Lnion. David Kelso, the Democratic candidate for State Senator in tht county, was counsel, shortly before election, for t young mm accused ot murdering a ralso iriend who hd betrayed him in a love affair. Theprisoner, poor in parte, was acquitted, and swore to do all in his power to repay hi attorney. On election day the vour.ir man lav ill in bed, suffering from lever, and, against the protest of his physi- p, uaa mtiucii taken to t:e poll, two miles away. After vc4- tng tor Kelso he was taken Lota and died. The official count rave Kelso one majority. It devolved on lho Icguutare to which Kelso was elected to ebon a United States Scnitor. The Democrats had a meagre majority of the two branches, Tillman A. Howard, Whig, and Oliver Smith, Democrat, were the regular candi dates, Kelso bolted the Democrat ic caucus and announced that he would not vote for Smith under any circumstances. lie brought over to his side another Democrat named Hoover, and for many dsvs and weeks the bal'oting went on, always with tht result: Howard, 74; fcmith, 74; Hanmgan, 2; o vo'.ea was necessary to elect. LJ ward A. Hannigan was a brilliant oung lawyer, and Kelso selected an as hu candidate without con alting him in the beginning of the long struggle. The greater the effort to bring Kelso over to the Smith side tho more stubborn he became. Finally he announced that the farce had to end, that he would cast his vote for the bigs if the Democrats did not come to term. The Democratic caucus was reconvened, and Hannigan was made the party candidate, and was elected United States Senator the following day. A fiery controversy took p.ace in tho I. nitcd States Senate the following year over the admission of Texas into the Union. Her ad- misaion was finally secured by a majority of ono vote, and that one was cast by Hannigan. bmtta had previously promiod that he would vote against admitting the btate il he were elected. Thus the vote cast up in the wooded hiu ot Switzerland county, by a dying man led un to the admission of Texas into the sisterhood of State. From this vote also resulted the war between the Unite! States and Mexico. lie Saw It. A gentleman from Rockingham tells a good story about a colored man who came from that place to Raleigh in search of a job from the Legislature. He saw the negro the other night and asked him how he was getting along. "Well, buM," said he. "I didn't get no job and I lost $20 by the trip but Ira glad I come, I have seen what I alwavs wanted to see." "What is thai!' asked the gentleman. "A white man working under a nigger, said the darkey. He t txke of one ot "Abe" Mfddletou'a white aiitants, Raleigh Visitor. Catarrh Cannot be Cured widl Lacal A pf Ileal jock, aa ihty racnol rmclt tlvs arat of disw. Catarrh U a blood or roaathaUvOal Ue, a4 la ordrto ear It )oa mart lake lr.ircU rrtaeJiss. Hail s Catarrh Curt Is lW laumallr. aad acts dirsrtljr o iV tUw4 sa4 msoout aarfacaa. Hall's Catarrh Car is tvot t aaack od i4d. Il was trrr1t- c-d t'T at of b tsral t! rK4aaa ia (Li coooty for year, sa4 is a rrfu'ar f trtnr- IWm. it la copoa4 c-f I be Nrat toalca know a, aotnblusd lib llm taat felovJ pari fiers. aetLux il.rrell r aa L tsucous sor- face, Tk pe'fX cotaLiusllofj af ! I lacreatenla a ha4 troJaos sacxi wander fa I rewalu la cariof Catarrh, Ssrvl fur teal imc'aU, f-ee. K. J. C'HENKY a CO.. rropa. Tot-vK InoU by Irn-;iat, pow 7.-. Mable "A lot of ns girls have established a secret society Jack. Jack "What are the objects ot ur -i Msbei "Why, we meet together and tell secrets, of coarse, Ronton Globe, 1 I know an old soldier who had chron ic darrhra of long standing to have tsren permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's CoUc, Cholera and iHar- rho-a iletnedy." says Edward r-bumptk, a prominent druggist of Minocapv.'ls, Minn. I Lave sod the remedy to this city for over vro years ard consider il superior to any other mrorin do on the market for towel complaint" 23 and tO cent bottles of this remedy far sJ by I. A. Houston, Druggist, Mount Airy, .V C. Willie I am ambitious to go be fore the foot-light. She Then yon had better run along before r-ra comes down- itaira,-Svracus Post, English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, ho ft or Calloused Lamp ami IUemUhew from borwes. iilood rpavlna. Curbs, Splints. Sweeney, llin Ikyce, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, CouRhs.etc Savt fTO ty u cr oa bottle. Warranted ths most wonder ful Blemish Curw erer koowm. Sold by TaVLoa A. lUsita. ML Airy, N. C IIHALTII CATECHISM. "Die following Lealth rhvtzrs printed oa cards and e'rc-rxl grataitously in many citet, sltoU be a part of the daily catechism cf every housekeeper: "A B C Gnrt to Health,- As soon as you art up ah.ak t!ar.kea and sheets ; I letter t without sloe- Lhaa s.t w.iJj wet ft ; Children, if tVa.hy. art active, rx stai; Damp sheets t damp cloOws will cnaks you ill ; F-at slowly, and a! wars clew your f i te.l ; Freshen th air la the hoc where yoa dwell; Garments must never te tsad to Zl light ; librae mill l-e healthy, if airy ar.4 tht: If you w ih to te well a yoa da. Iie IJO douht Just open th wiodows trtr jvafj out ; Keep your room alwajs tidy ar. J clean ; Let dust on the furniture saver t a ; Much illness is caused i J th w ar.t c f purs air; Now to open jour window lwrer jocr eare : Old rac and old rut-ih should tt-r tw kep ; People should se that thetr vrs are weil swe;t ; Qakk snoieroer.ts ia eti'iren are teallhy and ncht ; Heaettfer the yourf cannot thrite wtbut l.f ht ; tkat It Cistern is clean to ti.e torn : ' ake cara that your dreaa ia ail t.Jy ana trim ; ls jmir r. to End out if t.ere t s t4 drain : Very sad ar th fevers that fooe ia it train; Walk aa miwh as you can wiLhoul feS irs fat. rued : Xertea coutj walk fall tr.ay a learje Your health is your wealth, which yocr wiadcxm mutt ken: Zal will help a cvnd caue, ar.d the ffvW you w id reap. Etci-ar, A Mrp Itackward- Tho Baltimore San comsacsU as follow upon tl.e prop-cei cxun!v government till tx-sding in tic Legislature; So far as the tr.aUrial interest of tho people is concerned, the pi agc of Mr. Kw art's till would l a step lckward. Ikfare ti;e e!cc tion of the county cv n: t:; luiczcn. who control the Ck-aJ and Cher im portant affairs of the county, was devolved upon tho LcgU'stsrc, In many of the eastern coar.tie cf the State, where the colored vctc are in the majority, ignorant an 1 venai comn.tfa:oncrs were ireccr.i ly elected, the mult Iwirg too of ten corruption and a souandcrirg of the money of tho taxpayer un til county credit rtacho.1 a low e:b and county warrant sold at a dis count which was diirvus to the people, discreditat!o to the cosr.ty, and finally resulted in an iscrcajc of taxation which in some cax- amounted almost to confiscation. Th only ledccmir.g feature ia the II wart bill i that il provides lor minority representation on the board of trustees to be cj;cxn t the justices of the peace in ca:h county, but this will to but a slight lay against a return to bad county ovcrumcst in Lastcm rcnh Caro mt No U.ttle In Her Fockrt. An editor out west, having Iccn ailed if he ever saw a Ia! 4 Leaded woman, replied: No, we never did. Nor did we ever see a woman waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar between ter tec tli and run into every a!vxn she aw. We have never seen a wo man go fishing with a U tile in her pocket, it down on the damp ground all day and go home drcak at night. .Not have we seen a wo man vank off her coat and say he s m could lick any man in town. No, God b'.cws he, she isn't be ill that way. Northwest Magazine. Old lcce. 012 frfvtla W Vo realr SoadKa ta rt la'. Ike Uowtts and kkiatts wt'l tad ia trae rrssedy Is tirie ClUrs, TVs madael doaa tx4 sluaalais a&4 re la---s Co wblakey tsar cHVaf lalotWaai, Sat ats aa a I emu aa4 aileratie. Il arts ai i.j oa iVe Msawk aJ ImiU, a-J .1 atrarf-b and fitj Voos t is srjvf. there t-y ajiisx Nalur la th per jrr aist of iba (a rxt ioa. lsrtru iuitmiMt ralUol spUst sal a Is 4 cato. '-J PWpU t&d Jt UMlif wLat liaey rrire f-Tty cecis per bct: at TsjW A Ia-uiTs Vmg Scoea. Professor (returning homo at night hears nolc Is someone there! Burglar (under the bed) No. 'That's strange. I was positive some one was nnicr my ld. London Tid Bit. lSwcklrn Arwicss llatv. Thb BtT Sitva la lh wxaril f r Cats t'raisea, Nfra, t leers, r-'t Kkecsa. Feesr, Iare, Tetier, Ckafped ilaada, Caiiklais, Cru aad a-l bAla Ursfta, a4 r. tlvaly care IVaa, ar sx fy repairs-. Il la rmarajiiaa4 Va rr(t a4aafan.aa ar BMoey r fa aie4. ITea Si tmiz.it par tax. To aaVe ky TajUr A raaer, lfr-.g. fiats, Mfraal Airy, a4 J. A. r. Wcxactaia. Jacques She Is a rncst aloraVle girl a perfect poem. Ju'e Ycr; ho is profocsily in tellectuaX Jacques That's why I call her a poem; I can't codentand her. Detroit Free Frr. Xlasy stutoora acd arrrtTatire case of rheumatism that were beLved to t t&curabiw and accepted aa l..' leraoea. hav yielded to Ci-asiberiala's Taa r-alci tauch to ths surjr.se aad rratif-ealk! cf the t!Terera. (bt sp- f lsratioo will relevs ta pa!a ard erirg and its cor.Uaued u I - r-s an effectual curs. Fcr s4 by D. A. II s tcei, iVcrr st, Mocrtt Airy, N. C ft Heart Disease 30 Yr. K." -, I - 1 . i- : ; i. - r: . t : -I 1 l' s -if - t w . iii Y r irt c - - f - - - ; - tL arr ri:i t f t Nil Ir -i w.-.a -l : S T'.Z.l Cf-. 1 -- '.- . i t c z r ' 1 ; i t - ! : : ar. .r! r t" J I i. - . , thai 1 w- r. :t i i i. 1 ' -UnU " i-7 a: :-!. . c : Dr.iMiles' Heart C:::2 I d.'.Z - tT T; t - : ci.! -adv.: i s r.- - ' - eel:ts. ar.i t i. .u-s ? -I'.tU'T c-:r J r . cw.r, k:-tr.r. ,s. . IV. Ir'ar-i-i-1! in - ft-aa I :.ai . - t i , A . r I i- a. .Us1, t, t - ' T t w i t ar - . j . - r 1 ty la It. krfa i- a, v . - rr Sale by Tnjler 2:.a,s. ; r HELD BY A I A !Cars'.ara TTr. : -s ; r.i; ' sccw in Vc.ra ret." j:t . XI ttta Whl tsM r-ajaa A. f al aaaaa af a r f - : v (' Mt U:aa TWa Tar a4 S Mwsik. esces. fi.l '.:. r-f.-rI : -v i i- .f ir.r i , - . toa la vri'.-rs l i. the cc-r e t f rr.j c -". r i-7 7 - zkTJ Wiifi I 1 tl - r -t e; -v . a s-ii: t .1 5r:-. !-.:i.-g Q Atrs e.-tVig- V - - : -: I.::! I Art a i i arc -t 1 it. rd atj 1 ar er. t a c-eat V.. 9 r-ir . ! l; ; dm t te a fir . t seeded, C3 a ?.":... a, t.' X.ZT. 1 irv - - - i '. 1 1 ; 1 : cf tie ilirVf-tl t','1 I ev?r : v asd C-S-'Ir cc.'i ! iff !-' ; . feel !!. t-i'l tla t.r u :'. siavtgrr cf tItgl'j.r:, a: ! I t; erslt'e, cf c .rf, t jr Iz alar - - la w. 1 1 u l t r ? . ;. , . aa r t.: fv -1 urr r ' 'a , ... a ... - a c ... , - ,,.;. tits wlr. ! : w fr . !: e .". 1 . wal'.c-d f;r tl r.-xl r : . - thero wa a tl-a rslrrra e : . r tp. tlA'. S will r via IX l ) Ji -aad Ilea 1 t rv a a Ii aad rea-tlrd la ? r:L?fit.;. V. tastaat rr.j li- I m. : UlcW wi ;r: - I r a : ; . 2 wk al C - C t - a- Tlf re c : -'i t- t-- ; ?i. ? J . a let Cat; lit . g.-r a-I t ;cwfr cf tie rr'r x 1 tl a' .,' . : . ' rm aa ' r -jz 1 - " r . t'.rg X I. 1. . a i:v4 1- : Star J'.rg ca lis cf a l.::r. x.zZ(T lis w'.zl rw w.:l r t : 1 -: : U tr.-.-.l. He'd Uz .': aw-wsl tlat c.lar, ca lis a'.r's 1 te'd Inrl zz fr. 11? was ca tls Larrt!. t. !: . I, I : va:rk'.:;at Vial w zi : w c z '.' c-U'.Zf, aai a" he at w;i tats r. gl Ia. "Il was ! ad 1 1 lar to '.' I . 1 ta-I fcx 1 t-r -! .! a " l r -li a 7 .' ... Lira say ra-:rt Via. a 1 c-:i li' pullnl cy La. ! c -1 f r: zz ; I''.e driver. 5o I rz.l .r ! vfi'.u 1 cyy-'.l w.".l try I:: aad -1 vr.r g.-., a- I .. e , , r . . , a .a. 4(i ,-- -- aew- I c-st i if l.l 1 ecl ra-j-h rr,T tla-s '.la!. Cilzi Id gx I ; 11 t. : teeth t.-gi- r t" tr 1: . :JJ;t late l , . ! r 1 that, t -i 1 d: I : -i I .1 1 ' tcc'.h ra-l c: t -'rr'. r ry tar. I. It r. ; ' r -just 13 tl -i cf 11. V. 4 -at: r .th ca f I saw l-3 tgi 7 va t ". : d tr .;' ". - r a t 1 lis lead fr.rrjwl- Id ii: I . -his W.h fr- ' I la i 1 1 t . kaew X cv I.;t - k - . . jlraay. T!-re ar t'.rr. .- l-a - X co-J l.ar 'cm !a rraT. H.'T'd 1 'iri t - r. ', 1 kaew tT . w ww- -- . - if I:.e v! r a. V 1 1 1 lis e.'.ar s'.a'.ri cr- '- a: I t yr-ag era w.:l a lltca- s t t '. '. r g Tl 'T u t: ... stai-dltg ca tl larrfl "'.:':.. : Lazd In f. sz-z;l a- I tr.v a-r. r, t'.r. get tlr-" '. le w ! r. i : . " cae cf tlrtn carae f r a' I was eaij, Crx-t fi;, t 1 r ' V''kl ' 'ft i . ' t-eea a t --.i'e c f rags, at I '.:. : las'.is g l tl" J g 1 - " - , d.-a't lz w sr. Tl' a t :. - j t rae la to tl arV s .' - d.vtcr.aaj X t I ! r - , t I ' -v. .,...,.. -v.v-..- . , - I was i.c c. 1 1 rr . 1 c--r c : z f t c r ; : r . r l'i'. - . r i ' Ccaf !. j : rt-rt I - ' tf3 I wat - Ctt-sa t i ; :