The Yadkin Valley News. VOL- .lo? P. B. HAMER, Editor and Owner. MOUNT AIRY, N C THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. NO. A TRUE STORY. TO MAKE PLANTS GItOW. i m In a cabin at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, lived a beau- Rh tiful girl with her aged father. They were very poor, and as their HN little "Mountain Home" was soon to be sold under a mortgage, it was l3 with joy that the old father welcomed as a.suitor for his daughter's fcP L,lan old and wealthy friend of his youth, who having come to pay iff . . Viorl fnllpn in love With thfi fhn rmi n rr crlrl Kka , : him a is" , uu f- ' n uaiiuv iivf.fl so 'long in poverty was quite carriea away with the tales told her y the rich old friend, regarding the wealth and splendor of his city and he offered her land gld and diamonds if she would income hirf bride. She had a dark-eyed mountain lover, who was too poor to ofler her anything but roses., Which did she choose? The question is answered in the (3) verse sjong and chorus, entitled: "DIAMONDS OR ROSES ?" ; Words and Music by C. fl. ADDISON. ! This is! one of the most catchy, brilliant and fascinating sonira . . . , i i i m. . e i j- i - . . ' . u, anu uemg out ui me oruinary line, is uouna to make any music dealer, or the publishers. ; Ui ev-er published, and being out of p ft "hit." Trice 40c. Order from Standed JHlisic Go., .WINSTON, N. C. TlIOS FiWCETT, K.UUffYS, J AS. 11. I5PAEGKR, M. it. JP AWCaTT President. 1st Vice rresiaent. 2nd Vice President.- Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK of L1t. Airy. VCOKPOKATED.; Capital, $50,000, Paid Up. DIRRGTORS. ! Tflos Kavvcett J. II Sparger, M. L. Fawcett, R. i,. Gwyn, C. L. IlanksJ This bunk solicits the accounts of -Merchants, Manufacturers, Farmers ana Individuals. The accounts of the Merchantslocated in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customers are secured by two burglar pr(W steel chests and the Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS L1FG. GO. 7 r Ko.JI. Surrey Harness. Ilave sold to consumers for 91 xrn.rm. ftvin(f them the dealer's profit. Wo are the Oltirat ami Larfcit luanufactnrers in Amer ica Belling Vehicles and Harness this waf ship with privilege to examine before any money Is paid. We pny freight both ways If not satisfac tory. Warrant for 2 year. Why pay an agent HO to &0 to order for you? Write your own order. Hoxtngfree. We take all risk of damage In shipping. WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, S3I to $50. Guaranteed same a sell forloOto (85. Surreys, S6S to SIOO same as sell for flOO to tlM. Top Buggies, $37. 50, as fine as sold for M5. Phaetons, $68 to SIOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes, Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagons and Road CartS. Bit YlXES FOB JltS, HOBiS tlllLUHtS. f Ingle, 6loSO No. 781, Surrey. No. 737, Road Wagon. relt at JVVt I 11 it n J0 W No.Tb-'j, Top Buggy. r Mo. 1, F arm Hatnen. KiiHjKBAuuuauoiii flHN Elkhart Bicycle, 3Sln.wbel. 8 percent, off for eatdt with order. Rend 4. la pneamatic tires, weldiesa Utntpa to pay poatace on 1 13-pase eatalosne. Steel tubing, drop forgtBga. so .3, ram wagon. Address W. B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART, IND. A Frenchman M. lfonn'an eaj8 he has discovered how to tuaivo egtiaiion grow as moca in -30 QlDUteS aa it ordinarily r!nt in 30 dajs. He claims to have pot the secret from the jogia ot India, who go from place to nlace i?ivinr exhibitions and picking up a few uemo oj making a mango sprout and grow peveral feet m a few min nte8. It the yogis ot India have at last put some of their magic to a nsefnl purpose for hnmaiiitv. onr. ia glad to know it. The Frenchman says the secret acrent that bureta the kopi! atu heaves the spront up through the earth like Jonah's gourd is formic acid. It is secreted ia large quan titles from the body of the ant. Pour boiling water over a pile of ants, and the resulting infusion will taste sour like vinegar. It dilve3 away the sheaths of seeds and makes them burst into greenness. The yogis 6ay the earth they me is obtained fruin ant hilla. Earth moistened with a liquid containing one part of formic acid to 5,00u parta ot water will tnakn thn nlatus just hop, 6kip and jump, the Frtnch l.i man says. 11 the euect on a plant is aUVthinrr llko thn -fT-rt nn it fnan o wheu he gets a few red ants up his trousers letr. one can well believe the story. A Lady .Jump Into a Well. Mrs. Alia Ingram, residing about twD miles from Kernersville, this county, was missed Sunday morning 6ome time atter breakfast. She has been somewhat dement- ed for some time and the wont j feared. Alter . searching arouiuJ the premises for an hour or moie some one went to the well and look ed down and there she was'ng on totherojm for dear lite. Anoih er rope was secured and lowered down to her which she secured around he waist and she was drawn to the top. She refused to say how she got to the bottom, though it is said she evidently went down by means of the rope for she was not bruised or injured in any way, though she said the water was too cold for her. The well was thirty feet deep. inston Kepublican. 1 vix! 1 ies, you uan is at HI i Get "cheap" printing if you want it. But we doubt if you want it. If you want a job done in a style to command attention, take it to The y adkin Valley flcWm, . Mount Airy, N. O. A Humorous Fact About Hood's Sarsaparilla it ex pels bad humor and creates good humor. A battle for blood is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously fights, audit is always victorious in exieliing foul taints and giving the vital fluid the quality and quantity ot perfect health. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other blood diseases. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently on the bowels and liver. 2jc. m m m AY n nt to Come South. Ilprontlv a Norwegian Lutheran preacher from North DakotA was in Durham. He is looking out for lands for a colony. It is sUted that his reoort of the condition of .he farmers in some parts of the Dakotas a. .ft is truly doletul. lie says there is a 6tiong inclination on the part 01 many Norwegians in the North west to remove South, which they regard a3 a more inviting tield for them. North Carolina bus the Ust of e'limatcs and lands for sale by the hundreds of thousands of acres. BI&IES, PHAETONS, CARTS, j - r Farming Tlat Fays Mr Ix?onard K tner. of Crater O . South Fork township, For syth county, is 03 years ot age and has not far 40 yean, Wight lor his own use, a pound oi flour or Ua on or a bushel ot corn, and lias never crown a stalk of tobacco. He m the oldest of 10 children. HU mother is still livincr. and up to 4 years go her descendants number ed over two hundred. The Value of Coins. Tim valnn of cold coin is in its weight; the value of silver coin is tin. croveriiliipnt Stami) Oil it. The value of Simmons I.iver Ueirnl ttor is the relief it gives from Uilii'U-1-ness and Sick Headache. A 23-cent ackarre of powder has permanent ly cured many a ne. An(iin snort anything to ride in can be had by calling on SPARGER & ASH BY. at Globe Warehouse. i Greensboro Nurseries, 1,000,000 niit, Shade and Ornamental Trees ! Th Vines and Shrubbery in Almost Endless Yariety. j 1r.,, ..i i ' : e. land Chna Pigs, entitled to registration, at reasonable prices. MDU tt-T t ouitry. Write for prices, ana get me oesi. s ortmnf L!lu special attention to mv Shade Trees. Largest and tinest as- cittlK. JOHN A. YOUNG, Owner and Proprietor. Have vou ever noticed Iioh your sysm 6eems to crave special a.-it-ance in the spring? Jnst the help required is given by H xd's Sar- sapariua. You should guard against a ten dency to dissect everything. Perfection easily bears with the imperfections of others, and makes ttseii an iningsio an. English FDavin Liniment removes all Hard. Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horse. Blood f-pavin. Curbs. Hnlints. Sweeney, Iiing-Ik)ne, Stifles, bprains, all bwonen inroats. Coughs, etc. Save foO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold hv Taylor A luxxee. -ii fc. irj, . v. GE0. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, Mount Airy, N. c. c,erPL?ns &ni the couecun ot ""Comnani. lnsurance Placed In Stan upon literal terns, R. L. flAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llloant Airy, IT. C. Prutimln the State and Federal coar ao? COll6ct3 f'ainn. All business entrs. ejf k "II receive vrompl tttntlcr ' i.inm if din a tonic, or children who wiat bofi4 idi np, uouia ui .nnnwiv IHflN RI'IwI'KlTLBs. Tt Is pleasant; coxes Malaria. Indigestion, biliousness, Lire? Complaints and Ksuraifls A humble heart is always kind and pliable at bottom, even when the outside is rough owing to the sallies ot a gruff and irritable tun per. Itch on human, manee or horses dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion This never rails, eoia dj Tatlok A Baxjteb, Mt. Airy, N. C. WHITE CAPS IX YADUIK. Two Informers Itcatrn and ;ir en Ten Days to Get Out oT the County. Wiyrrojf, X. C, March 1. A citizen of Yadkin county brought news hero last r'ght of a terrible adair which occurred near Man a few nights ago. About 12') white cajs, with htavy masks, visited the 1 r i T I .1 liomes oi Amos rvnott ana orotiur and IkuI them unmercifully. I lopes were placed arDund the necks of the two men, and after tying them up to the trees the white caps pro cceded with their corporal punifh mcnt. The two brothers were un able to give an alarm. Their month were tied so that they could not ut ter a word of complaint. The in juries inflicted upon both are serious in fact one of the brothers is not expected to live. The white cap ch arce the men whom they treated so cruelty with hiving reported several blockaders to revenue offi cers. Considerable indirnatiou pre vail in the neighWhood, but there appears to be no clue to tho perpe- rators of tho barbarous deed. Knott and his brother were notified jy the white caps th-t they would bo allowed only ten days to get out of tho county. Our Lej;ttature. The people of North Carolina will hardly be willing to elect in bOG.sucb another body as dis 'races the State at present. The Fred ).ugls Lgilature is a stench in tho nostrils of all decent, self re jecting whito pcpic and of all artics. Tho Washington corns- wndciit of the IUchmond Dispatch writes on the 23th instant : "North Carolinians have not quit Hiking about the wild caj-crsol the op-IUdical legislature of tlmr State in adjouniing in hun r of reu iougiars auer naving rviuiK.-u o pay similar resjcct to I lie tnem rv of Vashiiii?tMi and Ico. Thev feel ashamed of the crod at IUl eigh responsible for this act, but at the same time thev lind wmc cns - ation in the realization that at the next election the people of Nuith Carolina will banish the present outfit from power. . It w a sore ubject to Marion liutlcr, iH-natur- kct, before ho kit the city.' Tho Advice Will ot be Taken. Dr. Pritchard advised his con gregation in Charlotte to trade with 'rtptirts to the cxcltieion of mem bers of other denominations, other things being equal. Tho Doctor's position has been assailed bv numer ous correjHndents of the Charlotte Observer, who declare such a fxlicy would be narrow and unlibcral. No matter what aJ vic-e the preach- - e t crs give, tho rncmocrs win go on radmc where they can get the most for the least money, and wlice the best business principles prevail. There is no such thing as cloe com munion snear, tree grace Ct.fiec, potolic flour, or predestinated .i i . . i molasses. narioue oscrver. THE 1IARCH OF BLOOD; DESCHIPTIOH OF THE ARMEXIAH MASSACRES BT AK EYEWITNESS. NKAItlA Hi:i:.V THOUSAND AMI FIVC IIUM)lti:t ri:orii: killi.ix The ItuU-liereil Ilodle were lath er Iturnea in the Cuurt-hc or Lfl where they were Stain by Xooshlr l'Asha ami Ills Sl. ller Those who Icaiel ate now Iyln? with Cold and Hun ccr Heroic but Unavailing Ite aistance of one of the Vlllai-ea. Liberal HequestM. Mrs. Mary S. Speight died in laleigh, recently. The deceastd was a sister of Judge Ilryan. The will of Mrs. Speight has Uen pro bated and in it are several liUr.d cqueaihs one of $lO,t-NK) to the nivrrsity Ot iS. L., at Chap-i 1 ill ; l,o)) to the Dio cese of N C. ; $500 to the DIocvmj of East Carolina tor missionary pur- xes; fbUO to Christ Church, anu io me v-auicurai oi mu vioou Shepherd, lUUigh. Stamping l'aterna Free. All our readers should send to the Publishers of The Home, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass., and get a set of their beautitui stamping Patterns. Thev ean bo used for embroidery outlining or painting. All denrable and good size; eoine SxlO. others 5xS inc hes. There are nirietv (HI) one different patterns and two alphabets, one a large for gtt-me not pattern. With this out ht the puuiu-ners scna ine iiome, a l-pnge pajHT containing Stones, Fashions, Fancy Work, etc., for 3 months, and only Ask lor 10 cent to cover coet of tostage on patterns and paper. Our: illuetrated Pre mium List sent tree to any address. Tea Taicm. There are ten te. tasters in the cited States who worn at the entry iorts. ihey make, it isfaid, Irom f 20.000 to ?.;Vx a year each, in sampling cargot-s of tea. They can otdy work or tate two or three hours at a stretch wiui ac curacv, and in the iuttrvah of 1 uig reft prepare themsehe lr twe work pretty much as ptigilirts train for a prize-tight. A Im Moines woman who has ben troubled with frtHjut-nt cjIds,concludnl to try an old irmedy in a nw way. and accorUingiy loo a a iauijniui uour times the uual do of Ct anlrlsins CoUKh Hemedy Just before Koine to ltd. Th next morning she fuud that hr cold had almost entirr ly disappeared. Poring the day she took a few dors of the rrmedy (one teaspoonful at a time) and at night again took a taolespoon ful before poinjc to bed, and on the fol lowing mornine awoke free from all symptoms of the cold, hince then she has, on several occasions, used this remedr in like manner, with the same rood results, and is much elated of er her discovery of so quick a way of cur ing a cold, x or sale by U. A. Houston Drugnst, Mount Airy. .V C- Yoa have not to-day grace for to morrow: that will only come w ith to-morroT $ need. Tho Boston (Hobo publishca the following from Moush. Asia Minor, which it says is tho first description by an evo wit nets of Mooshir Pasha's "5l arch of blood." (Mooshir Pasha U the Military (Jovemor of the city of Erzcrjan, and started by order of the Sultaa into the Sassoun district last September. Innumcr able burned village And 7,2'.2 lives was the price of this official visitV "Moosh, Asia Miocrf Janniry 7. The number of oui dead country men in the toar towns visited by Mooshir Pasha will not be far short of 7,500. This is from the bodies counted and known to have perish ed. We i An not tell how many others therein ay be. 1 he first li-rn entered by Mooshir was Shinik.v Jt contains four vil ages, ShinilvMezra, Ivooock and Dopv. hen our people here heard ot the arrival ot the Pasha, Fr Job an nirf, with 210 of the leaJing towns men, went to meet him to beseech Jim to have mercy on them. They wcro furrounded bv soldier long a fore they could get to Mooshir aha and every ono was killed. Their bodies were put in the church and burned. Then thev proceeded to burn tho village. The number illed from Shinik proper number C23 and 317 from the rest of the vilhtgis. Ths5 who escaped arc now in the villages surrounding this town, but the villagers are themselves very poor and many go junry. Mooshir Pashr'Icft Shiutk to go o tho next town in the Savsoun dis- rict. This town is Alyan, and hat 4 villages. Tho people l.csrd of lis c- ming.and that he had twenty our Companies cacli ol 400 men. besides twenty-three cannon. TheT knew that it was useless to appeal to him, so they fled to the vilbre of Chi, because of its rucks and teppes, and there they could better escape htm. they stayed in the mountains for almost twenty days, and when all food was gone and there was nothing left to do, they tleU as bel thev could. I vro thous and bodies were left behind at Chi. Gali-CJazan was the next, and be- cauK; the town hs twenty-two vil- ares around it, Mooshir brought vurd, AbmiJic and irregulars. numbering 30,CK0. The town was deserted, for tho jH.ople with all the fod they could crry had fled to he mountains. They stayed in thoir fsstnrsscs or thirty days, and at last with a renzy born of huncvr and despair they made a terrible rush down the mountain sides, and attacked the vrvnt instead f waiting to bo :il!cd. Patriot Vartan was liko a Go-I, anl killed nineteen men with ns sword before he fell dead, rr Pcdras was a soldier, too, and en couraged his children, and when be w&s at last killed, his body was cut in pieces and given to the dogs. Alpag was the last town that the lood thirsty tyrant visited and this lacecontainscight villages: Verion, Chadcn, Moodvar, Eukik, KaJakiz, Lhoroop and Davlong. Tho peo plo had for the most part made their escspe. but when Mooshir and his soldiers went their ways 1,300 Uxlics were found even here. Many more were burned, but their num ber cannot be known. All bodies were left where thev a a w a were butchered, ana those who would travel this district mutt risk their lives through the pestilential odors thst go up from so many dead. All who tscatcd from the Sas'Un district came to the village of tl plains of Moooh, and hungry, desti tute and broken hearted, thev lo.k for hope and help and sympathy from the civilized world to whom the news ol their terrible loss may come." DM You liver Try Electric DUurs a a retoedj tr Toor trovbleaT I( tot, rt a txtll txw aaa rH rvbet. TVU ssedicine Ks W-rn ra4 to be peetilUrly atar4ed ts lae rshef aol care Of all Female CVcaptaist. estrting a won- derfal direct influence la ctTleC Urmrib and Ute U the oeraas. If loa Uate L-i of Ar-pet", Oa:ipt-a, Ileadscbe, Fsiol as .vrn, or are nerroos, MpWw, l.t citable, MeUncrmir er trooiie4 wttk Vitsr rV.t KWtnc BUer U ih nxJi-t twm in d. Health as J Mrtnttb arc rnaaotee4 by Its oe. I-arr boctl-s alt Mr eraU at Ta lor a Baasera Vmg Ptoee. You shoutd wotk roctbodicaUy and steadily, and let deeds take the plate t words. A Household Treasure. I. W. Faller, of CaahaHe, K. ta)s ittal be alrajs kiepe lr. aUajre Ne Iitcae-y ta bm boose aal Lis taauly aaa aleejs Umu4 the very bat reaalu fIkw iTa u : that be hU bot be milhout it. If trociirable. (. A. Ijkemaa Imfrt, t aiakiU. . V. kys tbal Dr. klM t e ltfe-oery U nadouUedlr the bex Couja rnedT : tkal be baa ed It la kis faaUy fur eight years, sad it has bevrr failcs Ve do all tkas is claimed tW it. Hky aet try a reaMdy ae loag trisd aad tretvd. Trial beuke free at Tajler A Caaaer's Irr Ftere, Kej-iUr sits W. aaS fl.OJ. cr Cld u etta in: or Tin: ijiuio- CIt.TIC COKIli We htro Um-o tcjucjfcd ta j uV lilj the following txxtn which bat been roing the rounds of the Dem ocratic pre. The rU!c:h Xcs and Observer introduces it as fol-Iwws: 'It has somcthtrs of the dsh of Tennyaon -Chargtj f the Light linguae, tbotsa meirf;t inicricr to tiiat poem in euphony. It is like "Whitticr In homeliness of illmtra- ion, and, like the QasAcr tx.t. the author makes an impeachable fact live in sons. The author of this poem is A Tcxin, which will account for the aore forcib!e than elegsnt cxprcseion with which it concludes. The Democratic party lias lcea ofTiciaJly declared a corpse at Icait a dozen times in a hundred years Those who have undertaken t lilt the remains of the party into the cxiflin have had the of the man who oucreu to help bury a dead mule, and had becQ carried awav on litters. We advise all who anticipate at ending the funeral of the Dcrao- atic psrty to take out heavy ac Jcnt policica before coming near the corpse. Dcul as it tnsy sceta, it will tlcnd the funeral of the Pepublican paity as it b attended in tho put the funeral of the Fd- eraliit, Whig, CirvenWk and a dozen wthcr ptrtic. Put to the poem : When the lion rats grata lke an ox. Ana the vrm swallows the whale: When the terrapins knit wom'o s-rk. na tne tare ts outmn ly tie When the serpents walk upright I ke men, And duodlrbur travel frors: hen the grsshof rwr fer-d the hen. And feathers are found cn tor. When Thomas cats swim in the air. Ana e letnants rwt upon trers. When carets in lummrr are rare. And snuff never cakes recr le nwt ; When r.hes creep over dry land. And mules on tehcir-d- nde : When fates lay eggs tn th sand. Ana women in are lake ro jrj; When Dutchmen tw logger beer drink. And girls get to preaching mtim; When billy gvats butt f rem the rear, And I reason it no lorgrr a crime ; When humming bird bray hke an a. And btnbrtxer smells like cxdoree When t-kiwhares are maUeoutof glaM, And the hearts of Carolinians of ion-; When ides crow on lVru!its hra !. .d wool on the hidrauhc rim Re n me ifmocnuc party win ie ueau. A nd thi country w onl le w ort h a d-a tiii:v oo hand is hand. A preacher came at a r.cwppcr man in this way: "loa editor dare not tell the truth. If yu did you could not live ; vonr newip. er would be a failure. The editor replied: "Vou arc right. And ti e minister who will at all time and under all cireurmtancc tell the whole truth about the invratrs of is church alivj or dead, will not occupy the pulpit more than one fcundsy, and then he will find it necc&Mtry to Icavc town in a hurry. The press and the pulpit co hsnd in ntna witu tne wnncwasn i rt:nc and pleasant word mxgr.ifting lit tle virtue into big ones, Thepu1. Ml. the pen and the crave-!one are the great saint making trium virate. And the minuter went away, very thoughtful, while the editor turned to his work, and told about the surprising lcauty tf tlic btidc, while, in lact, she was a lomcly as a hedge fence. a South CArsllD Cemprtlnc Wltti Nertn Carolina tn 'tebace. There used to be tobacco patchc ujon some of the old plantation in South Carolina, from which the slave raised a much ot the p!ant as was needed by the owner and themselves; but not a leaf of it was grown for the trade until a few year ago. Sometime a smoker could buy a few of the "long p;n tation cigar made by the darkeys. and we have heard that they were always extolled by the buyers. ithtn the past ten vca? touaco growing ha become one ol the im portant and profitable Industrie t f the Palmetto State, and the annual crop run up to million of pound. borne ot trie grower get a yield of as much a 1,400 pound to the acre, and it pay well when sold for twelve or thirteen cent a p-und. In the tobacco South Carolina h& cvotne a competitor wiih North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky. and i' influence must kkhi be fell in the Western and Xortlnrrti trik cts, f The fact furnih an il!trtration tf the advantage of thst diversi fication of crop in the South aV ut which the bon ha so often spoken. Lvery Sootlicrn State ts gttn hccdl to the advice upon thi ab ject which had been cmphaslzoJ withtr recent year. New i rk Sun. O. W. O. Hardmaa. Fhenff of Titer Co-.W. Va, appreciates a tool thieg and does not hesitate to ssy v lie was almost prostrate! nh aci4 when he procured a tt 1 1 of Chamberlain's Cough llemedy. lletsrs: "llravtme prompt relief i sod it lot an invalu able remedy for coughs aod colds" Tor sale by I. A. Houston, lruggit. Mount Airy, U. Jealomy ha a tlioatand eyrt and know no reason. Dacklrn's Am test lair. Taa Hurr fiaLva la tb wwli Cats Praise, r-ire, fleers, fMlt lom. Fetsr, Sen, Tester. C barrel tissds, Cbilblala Ceros and a.1 fekia Crcelisoa, a4 p' Ueety cures rUa, ec sx pa? re;tre4. - It is aaraati le glea rerfert attfrtka me BSMt rejiie4. rriee Si ceets fees- box. Fecaaie by TafUr IVaaorr, trar- rAata. Vloaai Air?. a4 J. A, Ns, FT Mce btala. ritorosiu ni:v lay;c Stewart llrothera, f Vlnstoo, AwaMcU the Contract fr Mate Prlwlinr ?loou ment Aparoprlatioa Now Safe. Ic. Ilatxu.H, N. C-, March 1. Tie raot important Cr In" ed ta the Lrg:!atue to-dsr were to allow the pcRilcntitry j srcLe the Ca-cdoa-.a farm en the lltr.c ke river; to p3aih bribery tn p' -icil conveutur; to rrqeire all rai v train to stop one minute at aJ towr of ClO inhabitant: to def.-e and panith train robt;rg. irwt rr r.::. Tlie contract and lor. J cf S'.cw- art, ct Wicita, as State printer, were preer.tcd. With a majority report, stating thai ll tit id was tho lowest, and a mittr.Jv reix-rt, i'.ating thst the b!J el III ward k Procghton, c! Ila!c:gh, was lower. It was also said that the chsirman of the coraciiitce jad Mid l!orv any bid were tit J hat he would award the ccctra-rt to Stewart Prother. Tim rrajcrity rrrvnt vu adopted. The e.cct;on law lull paNci bv a strict party vote of lo 5. The bill rajcJ providing forte election of justice of the peace by h; Ieg.Itcre aad fcr tl c:r t ee tioa ia future bv tho peor.!c, Nvt only are the vacancica filkx!,, bat a arge numlcr of adJ;t;cral c.t -rate are to be appointed t The bill to prrorrU'.e $i-V for the Confederate pars ed third reading by oce n;aj There were a great number of Ui e in the galleries, nd much a; p.ce Thi w-a prolonged; when bertatci V fate, an cx Con lode rale, e-a;-J lands with bcnatoi Ctrant, Lj was a major in the Federal array. The Huttec cocinfcrea t: c rcc nee bill in Comttittecn the Wh.-V, and adopted the tr.o:e irrpiUr,t s-tior.. Ti e x!l-tax is f I.- 4; State tax, 21c; pccioa tax, r,V; sci.ool tax, HV, Tne lmictaa. The tx!itic;n is my hfrhtrJ; I s!:U not want any gx-J th'r during the eampargn. Ite lca'cLh me into tho AHin for ct vc-:c sake. He fiocth roy ixicl with cigar and my beer cup mr.teth over. He in;urtth after the hca!:.'i of Kir family, even nnto tl.e fourth generation " Yea, though I walk hrocgh mud and ra:o to vcc for hint and shout ruvsc'.f hcarre. when e i elected he trg!.tway fv r- gxtth me, i cx, though I n ext ts:a in hi ofJc. he knoeth rae nc4 Snrclv the wvxl ha Icen pI'cd over mv eve all thedavsof mv!;fc. ORIGIN OF CLYDESDALES. On ef t Dwkss cf Hampton the First t Stwdf TKslr Crs4f. Tba Cljdcsda!, pcriap tt tcrsca Boat hUhly c leered Ij famer, eipcela:! la th Lilly ccua trlcs, are trt-i la dUtrtcu bcr- derirg ca th Cydc, aad o tie'.r cris'.a to cce ct the duke cf Hal- ton, who crossed see c; Lis tsl LAaaris wlia slalllcc ha l:pcrted frcca P.aadcr, ay tie Maetecatb Ce a tury. Tt I b reed. I cca i r '.roc- for It t:ga coerare, activity aad ecduroae. reveri veam a-j at Gca. Peel toli ta bow - cesaful ho had beca la taatlag hi thorocghbred TcxcyhlUle wlta Clydesdale, Wtca yoa ue " sa'.J te, "a t ?r- eughbred fcr draught taare alwar c the btggeal aad beat yoa Lave, aad you will t. tur to pre! jo draught terse eooad to ccae. Ilcrsc good aaStcciweUare ne t too good for ray C.ydcsdalc. X Lave bred will ga ea their I a re a to raov th heaviest load. They wca'l be beaUa." Thi fact prove how bcaeiclaJl'.y a good crca ci fresh blood eperate, aad particularly o whea lie tew blood Is cb talced free th tboroua- bred- cot frea laferior spcclmcrs cf thU breed, but frrtn th very test frora "horse a god a Sioci- welL" The Clydesdale dicr frcca th 6h!r hers ta tlat It tat a losg, law back, cbort. Cat r.t, good, hard lc aad log pas Ursa, which would ecaa to Lav beea ce- riTcd frcta a cross wlta a Lalf treed cr thcrocghbred tcrsv Ttl certaialy U cct a dcslrat. coafonaatloa, aad c-r SccttUa brother have, for cveral year past, laoculated 111 treed by the latrodactloa cf th best Shir UocI, both eu! azj fen: ale, which ta re sulted la th prodac'.lca cf aalaaal with shorter aad s'.rocgtr purt;a. Thl t reed I la tauca rc;uct la Ecglaad, aad th beat specimens are readily sold to Axartraa at We tnut bear onrKrlvc wilhoct e patient If f!t:e tiy cry. a Sin ha c:iCT tH!s, but a lie i - - - ie handle whsch l them a.I. tl How s Tul! Ws Crr Oo !t&Irl iv:.r !Ur5 f, aae ease f Clarr Ikat tc I ears! bf ItalTs Caiar Cr. r. J. t tttsKV A Co. Ief.T-ed II U'a tb imirJ. bats t T. 3, rVrT - tbe taa4 ii yeaa. a4 tr ai t-l'lj atVt tm (arry r-.t aT KUrilir ftU tt r ins. W mmt A Traat, WUmU Prsfj -t. Te-e- aa.O. Klsasa A biartia, W Wlsal4 lreo-e8. Tsi. tlt.x lla-r Caarrb Cteee ts take latraaHy srtleg 4uwt.Iy mpem Ik irj mmemj tMM U IU irai. FTiee, ,jc. tre tw IWl Sld y all lrcr-. Tmt.a.- t The who have Actxtar-c4 most ia thi hort life have beea tl.? tnea who coakl moat easily adapt thentvc to circa r.-.itr.rr. ;. '.' . , 7 1 RiglttArmParaly:: Saved frcni. St. :;.:5 tz:u ' tayi-s (. . ; : - lllltl W .'. 1i t ' "t - , t, ; - ' v V. e f-a.-Y-i m. , tve t V, j y i -.i- . w . . .i r '. - f-- t-- ti- :..--:. . s ' . 31. m :''n.-- i- : : , ; , J-;..r- li-fT -. iX i , I. t rtSU '.: . o ; - r C " v-9 '.'. .-" ' r k -sr 1 rt r---. t ' - : ; . - fcr i.:i,l'ri;;.;.v .i'r . ; . l ' Dr. .Miles Nen in- Cures. t - W W ,:. - : f'" . w i Miili)it. . i. A . r . . .itnl. .- t i ; - l S. J t 1. , f, - ,';- - i r ij i i. -n i. . i .ui), . iise b ARitEs i:::: vJ a. a. lU't'H"-. m t. i . t P E 1 1 1 Y fl 0 V AL J 1L L r," SV.' rrrrr. ft t . : . . A M K L n . HAltf !, i I ' i ' ' m - - r mm J m m.- . ' -A fcM- , - pw ve - a-a- MtNDIRCORHS. t-w rm jmi its MWk am NOTICE. 1 1 t.,ii $ se4 i;.a' : . : .-. .. . ; - Execution Sale. - t t e v, t t'tt t - 1 ' , . . i i k He k. ; i t4 . i ... '. i a I . . .-- . ' j a A a.i-4 i i Arrt a T -' ' 1 -j 1 ' ,Afm"' j i - e' f fits ! tii l-ta ; if A I : t x . Execution Sale. II, V' lfff 11 t t f s lU-r.. I . ! ' : . ! r -f II a t .. t " '- : rt ! ..f ti , : . - " tr f-'e t - ft. s? 1' c - i ... ; - "... fn;.,loii"..i'; l;. '. i. e af i .- i j . a. - . - , ' f : i;X'.r.: : .r": a-.: : r i ii r i : : s el-B - it" ' tl I ". fc. Jvx 2 A. A I V r '. - . r. NOTICE. ' f :. a- r -fry l '-t ! t. N --. v, i - - . ;uii, -.. '. . : r iIm' i ! :. c -, ! .i j . '. ej Ks X m ,.t I ' li u.-.'i c f i'f c i. j --.. . ard tir, m. c ts- z g I ' -s i 9-Tij rr a. If K . - - . " -l"s 1 -4 a r : ; 1 1 . ! ' t ttrs:. f r- l . Asi j Ti j -Ti-tj. i K A - 1 j , T r ironcE 'Jc i 5 ' f l rr'i ' it I. ' - t.-i m.ll I - -i- - 1 4" - . i.' . i.i cv-:.: .t t - ' - ' li,e t.a ! I : -V . r- - rradrd ac ! 1 Z .. 2.x -? : 1

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