The -Yadkin Valley News. I III I 9 fra s i .1. . - ,, ... . ... ..,,,. , i in" ' - . . - . 1 VTU I K I I V I I U IJ.A.jri " 1 m Z , 1 " '"" 1 ii. w. uuiun, tuuurana uwner. j VOL. 15. MOUNT AIRY, N. C, THURSDAY, ilAY 1G, 1895. Advertising Rates Ee:::-:b!e. NO. THE LATEST fOUTRAGE which the people of the South are resenting, is the efforts of gome to sell them imitations for the real Simmons Liver Regu lator, becau.-e they make more money by the imitation; and they care little that they swindle the p'uple in selling them an inferior article. It's the money they ar(Ti;f;cr, and the people can Vjok out for themselves. Now. this is j'ist . What the people are doing, an t merchants are having a hard tiiuP trying to g' t per pie i.ytskh the fluff ihey offer them in pl-o-o of Si;nnojis Liver Reg ulator -ihi'.-h i3 the "King of Liver o 'icitieF,' because it never fills t 'i e nlicf in all liver troubles, tie sute .that you get Sirnrn.iris' Livrr I'egulah r. You kn vv it ! rx$&ias me same nil f Z ...i I: ) to t tl 1 n Wr C . v r- - v rm ike of the RecL package, never fail and people been per- F'-raf thii'jr eh-e bave w Mill . I'.J i iiiikVJ r' luriini'i: rj vi'.m C luck acain to The . ! i i i : I. isefcr not take any thing cls-i but that made by J. H. "Lei i as & Co., Philadelphia. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD Wi'l In; in Winston, at the Jones Hotel, on Sat unlay, April 13th. Pr.KM ico limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. "S. P. -GRAVES, a T i n r E V AT L A W, .vioiiut Airy, ft. C. t ir I Tact ices In State and Federal ' Court. frump! I'icM.lon ti roiin, Men ot cli.lms A R. L. HAYMORE, TTOUXEY AT LAW, T on nf Airy, If. C. '-. ' !! 'laTfc md Federal out' ain.t-. ' All I'UHiness entn. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Public, fl on nt Airy, Pi. C. tr Nt",'rinTing Loans and the Collection 01 Claims a specialty. Insurance placed In Stan " r i c.)ru'unl-s upon liberal terms. W. K. l AMTKll. Mi. A ry. N. R. LEWELLYN. Pobson. JJ. C. .. CARTER & LEWELLYN, Attorneys - nt - Law. Vracti ('iiurts. I'mmpt nttention given to nt;s ent rusted to their care. in the State and Federal all busi- p. b: hamer, NOTAiTST PUBLIC All classes of Notary work promptly attended to. :iiee with S. P. Graves, Attorney at Law. , Pine Street Dairy. m FKKSH MILK AND FKEE -V DELIVEliY, also furnish Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls, a complete ration for Milk Cows and vmi iijj cattle; Cheapest feed known to the lairj num. Address 11. II. IIINES, Proprietor Tine Street Dairy, Mount Airy, N. G. SALESMEN WANTED. t. Ap od waKs to sell our Nurserj' StcK'k. ly for terms. We will have for !sl'rui' and Fall, 1S9.1, an immense stock of Apple, IVar, l'eaeh, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, (irape, etc' Also small fruits, shade ami ornamental trees, roses, etc. We make a "specialty of wholesaling to larj;c planters direct. . We. will sell to rcsp.uiMide parties and take note pny- x, twelve and eighteen months. ns tor Wholesale nrices. Socthkrn Nursery Co., Cm. Winchester. Tenn. aid" m Write Address, V' l. 7th, HJ VAWT a mu essiul g irJen If si ; t ' von: and a paying crop? OF SEED Greensboro Seed & Plant CO., -'2S s Elm Street,' ("reensboro, C n ! for ahridgovl prie;liat of Seeds, 1 "i-T an i lialbs, Fkkk. AAkUN PBiNN, THE ashionablg Barber, l rider Graves Warehouse, Mt. Airy, N. O. -iy cliairs, razors keen ; ; isors sharp, linen clean. 1 or a shave you pay a dime l,iily a nickle to get a shine; liampoo or hair cut Pompadour Vo'i pay the sum of 25c. more. Allen, the Barber. W hen you wish an easy'shave, ; pod as barber ever gave, J,'t call on me at my saloon. -a. iJDrn, eve or noon. J - and dress the hair with grace, suit the contour of the face. room is neat and towels clean, sharp and razors keen ; -ina everything I think you'll find i ' u't the face and please the mind, -yu ah iny art and skill can do, 11 you Just call rn do for you ii "" ' E. ALLENf R'dge Inn, Mount Airy.N. C. Better Times Coming. Alter a prolonged eptll of liard t mef," there appear i-ach a revival c f activity and ench broadening of irausnciwrs in staple arionl!ural and ruanufactured products, aa to warrant tne btliet that the trend of business is toward urotDeiitv. and that our general markets are ruing out of the depression where for so Ions they seemed stagnant. 1 n yesterday Herald tins tsud ency was clearly shown in an article pointing out the upward movement in waea during April last and even acce.eraieo advance in tie lir,t A NEW ILLUMINATING GAS. Successfdl Experimentt Under the Auspices of the Columbian Universit of the In vention of a North Carolinian. A practical illustration of the new illnminmt, pioperly known aa elec tro gas, but scientifically called acetylene, wa given in an" interest ing manner last evening id the large hall at Columbian University. A goud audience, including a number r . : i ... w I'luuiiiiuub ousiner men, were present. All the appliance lor producing the "gas from calcium l ; t . -i .... carome oy tne addition ot water It One Fell Stake SOUTH CAROLINA'S REGISTRATION LAWS ARE DECLARED YOID. The Ballot Box Open to All. three day of May, many change were u pun the t?tage, comprising gas Dceii evidently made con- jet ana street and cur lamps. For it with the beginning of the I purposes of comparison a row of four burners of the local product were shown in full blaze bv the side of fo'ir burners supplied with the new invention. The experi ment showed that i he latter had a far greater power of illumination. AND TILMAN'S DISPENSARY SYS TEM IS PRACTICALLY KILLED. liavin uurreru wirii llie beginning new niODtli. aianufacturino: establishments from Maine to Minnesota, dealing with a great variety of iiKlustrier, are shown to have either restored the waxes that prevailed in 1802 or to have raised the rate Irorn five to According to the exposition of the iwenty-uve per cent. While some I "speaker, the same quantity Droduced ot these increases have i-ten made l twelve time more Iii?ht than the upon the request of the employes, I Washington gas now in use. uio&t of them have been made vol- ' ' "rof. J. II. Gore introduced J. J. untarily by the employer to stimu- Suckerr, Vh. D., on behalf of the late their workmen to make a reat- authorities, and he entered inta a er output at a les relative cost in history ot the discovery and the order to be ready to supply the I characteristics of the new product. : i j e 1 J I m n t itm. . giuwnig uemanu tor goods. a. ju. v nson, me inventor at llie important feature of the sit- Pray, JN. U.; Mr. h.. Is. Dickerson uatiou thus revealed is the demand "'d Mr. F. L. Payson, of Is'ew tor consumption. A temporary 1 ork, were also present. Several quickening of productive capacity chemical expeiiuieuts were made, mtgnc result iiom the opening of suowing mat the gas has a pungent an unexpecfed market or from a ouor, ana that it burns with a clear, speculative manipulation. But steady and ienetratin flame. The neither of these inliutnces seem to I four burners used gave sufficient heat work now. Apparently the "Kt tor the large hall, and the THE INJUNCTION IS IRON CLAD. consumer is doing the buying and the retailer is stirring up the whole ue, wnu in lurn is caning npon he manufacturer and the importer ... Nt Hood that he must eet Such . r it -, a Mate or anans cce8arlIy give the movement a durablo character. It stimulates every kind ot business, because as soon as one class is favor ioiv Hiiecieu tne people i who see their circumstancesimproviui' begin tu supply their needs mote liberal ly, and the wave circles or prosperity increase in size and strength. How permanent the advance may audience greeted tho exhibition with cheers. The calcium carbide. which contains G2 paits by weight of calcium, and 37i parts of carbon, made by combining the tww in an m - eiec'nc turnace, is a porous sub stance, dark brown of color, and giving on a pungent odor. Coal duct and other waste products of coal mining are used for obtaining the carbon. Dr. Suckert, in the course of hi lecture, stated that in unfavorable locations the carbide had been pro duced for gl7 a ton. but it But Governor Evans Defies the Court and is Going Ahead with the Seizures of Liquor The Situation in Regard to the Reristra- tion Laws a Grave One and the State is in a Ferment of Excitement Judges Simon- ton and Go ft Render the Decisions. Columbia, S. C, May 8. The State is in a ferment to-night. The United States Circuit Court has come with its gtrong arm and dealt the government of the State of South Carolina two terrific blows. Many have looked lightly upon the issues that have been pending in the court during tho past week, but those issues have beeu as mo mentous as any that ever arose in the old Palmetto State, and it i not within tho power of a prophet or the son of a prophet to fore-cast the consequential events which will follow in the next six mouths. At one fell stroke tho reaiatra tidu laws of the State have been knocked into a cocked hat, throw ing open tho ballot box to every body to vote without a n gistratiou certificate, something that is likely ts cause a struggle in the election of delegates to the constitutional convention, something that revolu tionizes the voting system of the State, for the Governor declares that he will not call the Legislature together to enact a new law; and the dispensary syttera has been practically killed, the law being nullified in so ff.r as the vitally im portant iutcr state commerce feature is concerned, it now being allowed anyone to bring liquors into the r a ton, but it was be- be depends largely upon the origin lieved that upon a larger scale and of this demand. If it is due solely ,n a suitable location the cost could to the fact that during the hard be reduced to $5 per ton. At an times" of tho preceding two years assumod cost of $15 pe; to l, an illu- State from wheresoever he please, eople have economized in the use ruinating power equal to tho ordi- and be protected in the postession ot necessaries until now they are narJ cty' burner could be produced thereof. obliged to replace worn out or con- at a ct ot 15 cents per 1,000 feet. These are tho two matter that snmed snpplus, the a tivity of the Gf t,l two method of producing confront the. present State adminis- present may be only temporary ; lt gas in residences one is ry add-1 tration and they are gravo one?, but if. in addition to this, there Mn water to the carbide and cou- Notwithstanding this. Governor have been developed a general re- ducting the gas to a largo tank, Evans is declaring that he is going newal of confidence an improved where it can be stored, but the ahead with the seizure ot linuors earning capacity aud a changed con- meinou empioyeu oy uio company dition of trade, such as makes it is the reduction of the gas to a possible for the average man to look liquid form under a pressure of forward with certainty to earning forty atmospheres into steel cyliu- more than he spends, the brighter ders with a capacity of three pounds business "out look may be regarded as weight or 43J cubic feet of gas. likely to last. With the pressure used in the hall For two or three years the tend- - ourner wouia -consume ivz encv of orices has been downward cubic teet per hour ot 00 candle until last winter the cost of nearly power. The tanks are adapted tor terest to the people of the State it everything used in an average house- anacnmeni to tne service pipe in feelf tlraa those outside tho State. to get the liquor case in the United States Court. Tho question of every hour now might be said to be, "What next?' And of far greater importance than anything else is the mandate of the court in tho registration case, though perhap the practical nullification of the dis pensary law l of more general in hold was lower than at any time be fore in this century.- Of course, universal uncertainty tnd steadily falling price unsettled demand, and people lived "from hand to mouth." Wages went down also until the atk ot a market tor goods was a the cellar of itructurcs and can be changed at will. Ur Sucker t explained that tho illuminai.t was adapted for a great variety of us.s on locomotives, bicycles, 6treet cars, carnages, su bnrbau and conntrv residences. Judge GofT rendered tho decision in tho registration case. The court room was packed so that standing room could uot be lound. Scon- ot negroes were present a were no end of liquor men. Tho negroes, when Judge Go it ended, murmured reason for closing factories, and the He wa followed by Mr. Dickerson, tLieir approval aud order had to coneequent cutting off and cutting down of earnings still further re duced the demand. One influence reacted to intensity the other. Never was living so cheap and yet never was itharder to earn a living. But, a all evil condition must finally reach the bottom of the curve, it afv-jeais probable that wo have now Massed the lowest point of our ditti6iiltits and must almost of ne cessity be on the up frrrde. ft "s not reasonable to expect a "boom, nor would such, a violent reaction he desirable. The substitution ot hope for lethargy, a strong maui iestation ot confidence and a healthy appetite for the necessaries and comforts of life, coupled with a de termination to earn them, will bring about genuine and enduring pro& peiity. New York Herald. who explained that the gas was not explosive, and that it wa capable oi double tne neatiug power or coal, which would adapt it for uso as tuel in the locomotive "Wash ington Post. BICYCLIST AND RATTLESNAKE. A Wise Conclusion. West Corinth, Maine. 'I doc N-r.d for years- tor Biliousness, but nothing ever helped uio like Sim ruons Liver Kegnlator. I shall take nothing else hereafter." -N. M. O iL-Mimi Vonr drutfirist sells it in powder or liqnid ; the powder to be clist s 1 taken dry, or made into a tea. A Rider Attacked on His Wheel, but He Kill ed the Reptile. IIartfokd. May 0. Edward Coates, a bicyclist of this city, was riding with a companion along the shore of the lake in Bristol to-day and saw a snake coiled in the road in front of him. lie turned out, supposing the snake was an oidinary black ne. As he came abreast of the snake, which was darting it head up and do An, it made a 6pringand fastened it fangs in his bicycle trousers at the knee. At the same time the warning whirring sound told Coates that ho had a rattler to deal with. There were several revolutions of the wheel before he came to a stop, the snake keeping a vice-like grip aud curling itself around tho bicv- " A Silent Business Soon Decays. Oh, merchants in thy hour of ee e, If on this paper you should ccc, Take our advici:and he thrice y y y, Go straightway out and advert i i i; You'll find the projVct of s mie n u u. NegUct can offer no x q q q. Be wise at one, prolong your da a aa A tilent business soon de k k k ! Oneonfa Star. Coates seized a stick and beat the head of the snake free from hi jf Qui JH.-ui f - trousers, and with hi hand wrench ed the c ils from around his leg. The snake sank it fangs time and Mgiin into tne suck aim made re peated at Coates.. After fiftien minutes it wa killed. Catcs brought the snake to this city to-night.- it measured four feet tight inches in length. It had fourteen rattles, and it was at least two inches diameter. Running r Cures Sores. the Serpent's Sting. BLOOD POlSOn f.!f ETC both tb polaoa and bollds bp l yim. A. wmtmmMm MUM l ! SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga- $tOO Iteward, $100. The reader of thi paper will le pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure in all its stages, and that U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity, uatarrn Deing a constitu tional diseaiet requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the d.sease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietor care so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address, F.J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. -7Sold by Druggist, 75c. be restored. After recounting tho provisions ot the law and the act bearing thereon, together with the facts of the case he traced tho negro's career from the time of slavery, gave the history ot the passage ot the 14 h and 15th amendments; proceeded to show that these right cjuld not be abridged, held that the law in this report was unconstitutional and said the provisions of the registra tion laws seemed to him almost in credible, yet lie thought them cor rect. "The statement thi complainant makes is appalling, tho outrage stupendous, tho result close on tho border land that divides outrage from crime." The Constitutional Convention act cured no defect. The State frankly admitted that thi object was to dia franchise a many negroes as possible. Ho held that the laws were unconstitutional iu toto; that he court had jurisdiction, etc. He held that certificates of registration could not bo demanded; that no official of any State was above the law. He remarked that inclina tion wa mingled with duty in this matter, lie was very severe on the position of the State in regard ing the court aa a foreign jurisdic tion. Thi position was as strange and wonderful to him aa the story he had just heard iu this cate. He passed an order, as prayed for, re straining and enjoining the super visor of -registration as an official and individually from the perform ance of any of the acts mentioaeJ and complained of. The injncctiou is perpetual. Governor Evans declares thatLe. will not call an extra session of the legislature. He says the fight will have to come on a fne ballot od regards the situation as a grave crisis. To-night ho said you can say that I am wrought tip with in dignation and that we will take the decree, read it carefully ami put our inflections to the peoolo of the State in due season. It U the great est question that ever confronted us, and the peorle may rest assured, that we will take no action without m iture deliberation. The time haa come now to act and at the proper time I will aet in a manner that no true South Carolinian can fail to u phold. But they may rest assn jtd that white supremacy in South Carolina will bo maintained Judge Simonton reudercd tho de cision in the dispensary case, which created a profound sensation. It was in the caso from Charleston. After reviewing the case and hold ing that the court had jurisdiction he said : MTho dispensary law now here declares that the uso and consump tion of alcoholic linuors in them selves are injurious to the moral. good health and safety of the State, or ot her people. On the contrary. the disitcnsarv law makes the most aKi pie provision tor tho purchase of alcoholic liquors in lhis State and elsewhere, for their distribution in convenient packages within tho reach of nearly every person throughout all portions of tho State lor the use and consumption by tho people of the State, and in every way it encourages such use and con- vti a 'sumption. t.vtn. in localities in which tho majority of the inhabi tants refuse to have a dispensary. provision is rnado for the procure ment of alcoholic liquor by thoso persons within the locality who desire to nse it. Alcoholic liquor is declared to be contraband and against the morals, good health and safety of the State only when it is not imported by tho dispenser, ori not in bis hands, or in the hands of some one with his permission. Al coholic liquors imported into this State and declared contraband, and injurious to the good health, moral and safety of the State, and so sub ject to seizure, just aa soon aa they are seized and passed in the hand of the dispenser, lose their injurious qualities, are put into tho channel of distribution and are sold to tho people of tho State for their nso aud consumption. It l not necessary to go into a minuto and detailed examination into all the provisions of tho dis pensary law, nor to determine whether all these provisions are or are not in tho exercise of the police power. It is sufficient for the pur pcso of thi cso to 6a: That in so far as the dispensary Jaw forbids acitizan to purchase in other States, and to import into this State alco holic liquors for his own uso and con sumption, it discriminate against tho product of other State. Such discrimination cannot bo made un der the guiso ot the polico power. And further, in so far as this act permits the cliiet dispenser to pur- ciiaso in other states aicononc liquor arid to import them into this Statu for tho purpose of. sell ing them, for the wsoand consump tion ot retail within the State, and forbid all other persons Irotn so purchasing and importing tor their individual uso and consumption, it discriminates against all other citi zens ot the State. It also makes a discrimination against all persons in the trade in other States who are not patronized by tho State dispenser, forbidding them, to seek customers within, the State, and to enjoy a commercial inter course secured t others in thi Sute. "Thcso conclu sions Test on thia discrimination. It it did not exist, and if all alcoho iic lienors were ex cluded from tho Stave, or if all per sons were forbidden to import al coholic liqnorta, or if tho law of South Carolina- d declared that all alcoholic li-itasa i were of such poisonous and detrla tcntal character and that their UHtri nd consumption as a beverage wi morals, god heail the State, otherr tions would ari'so:" Tho injunction is an iron clad one, the meat of:" it begins in tho following: Orf"ier .id, ai judged and decreed that a wri t of injunction bo awarded and do : -ssue out of this court coemm iudir ig and enjoining; and restraint r.g tb e defendants, 1L. T. Holley, 5r. M chief constable. of tho Stat 4 ot & Dutli Caroliua,and all other State constables of the State of South I Carolina and ofli cers and other pes son, actiDg under him, ar.d their n cccssors in office, and als o thedwfen lantaJ. M.Scott, it. M. Gardner a nd E. C. Beach and a' J other State c ni'ables of tie State ' of Smith C arolma. and all sheriTn and tlieTr .deputies aud all mm jicipal officer, .chcifsof police, polceme-.i and ali otL'er officer of thc.stato of South Cart 'Hna or of any CDunty, -citv or to ot saidStateof South Carolina, and aI P erona who soever, acting or claiming X to act un der the authority of tbo of the Generul Assembly o.1 the Stated South Carolina appro ed. Jan. 2, or under anywv. vant issued by or under authority tl ?reof, from seizir g or attempting . ee "n train it or otherwise, b oth before jro against ino h and safety of d different qucs the State of ' place iu Una, take eate any , wioes, tllO 5 ot fcr ixfo or South !anspr- ajvd after arriving iu ot h Carolina or at anj tS Sute of South Cart, or carry away or confu pa;kagC8 whatsoever of all be rs or piritnous Iiqu pvodnct of any other Stat eign country, imported brought into the State ot Carolina, by any mean of t tation whatsoever, by the cc mpJani ant Jamea Donald or any ot her par don whomsoever, for hia o arn at e and consumption, and fron i ento r- ing forcibly or searching or e ing the prembee or dwellin complainant, Jamea DoaJ o'her perosn in the Stale x Carolina, or any depot, rail r ad can or steamboat, or caiu 'easel, o t ite core - h atsoevcj within thi. Slate far rue' a intax eating liqa ors asaioceai 1 importf? d or brought into thi State, for his uso or consumption, or from hin dering and preventing by any means whosoever the coraplainact, James Donald, or any other person in tho State ot South Carolina as importer and consumer of tho ales, beers, wines and spirituous liquors of other States and foreign coun tries from importing, holding, pos sesAing, using and consuming the said intoxicating liquors as afore said so imported for ht nso and consumption.' 44 As to tho dispensary, said Gov ernor Evans to-night, "it will con tinue iU operations aa heretofore, and the case will be pushed to the Supreme Court of the United State aa speedily aa possible. It is an absurdity to argue that Congress haa the right to pass a law giving to tho State the right to absolutely control whiskey brought into the border of tho State as though it were manufactured in tho State, and yet powerless, if, perchance, a perjured bar-keeper may maintain it is for his own nse and consump tion. Judge Simonton'a utter dis regard for the Wilson act or the original package decision, anl of his own decision heretolpre render ed, shows tho extent to jvhich thtso people are willing to carry their animosity to this law of the people. Tho dispensary law U here to stay, and will stay, and I am confident that tho Supreme Court of the United States will not stultify itself by such utter disregard of the acts of Congress and its own decisions. At any rate, they will bo given an opportunity of passing upon it. rurthcr developments may be ex pected. Tho constabulary will con tinue to make seizures; that the way wo have to get the court. Tho only way to get to the Supreme Court i by contempt proceedings.' Judge Goff returned to West Virgiuia this evening and Judge Simonton went to Charleston. Or ders lor liquor are flying every where. A constable claiming lull knowledge of tho mandate of the court ha already mado a seizure of liquor. Iho contempt cases against Com missioner Uixson aud the constables were disouissed in yiew of tho dis claimers aud apologies made. Tracing Typhoid Fever. Interesting results havo attended tho inTestigation of a typhoid fever epidemic at Stamford, Conu., whero them are 100 cases. It haa been shown that the germs of theducaso wern distributed with tho milk sold by c no milk dealer. At tho begin- rung of tno investigation .1 was as- certi jned that all tho cases were in hoof ea on this dealer's milk route. Ho procured from several farmer tbwa milk which he sold, but as these fiiraiera sold milk to other persona rho had not been attacked by typhoid, it wa inferred that the miic xiaa oecome lmecicu aner ji pasaeil into his possession. Bacterio tosrical analysis ha shown that tho water, taken from a well on his premises, with which it was hi custom to wash his milk cans, is very acriously polluted, and that tho water of several other wells in tho neighborhood of his honse aro in a dangerous condition. A typhoid fever epidemic at Monclair, S. J., a year ago, was traced to a milk dealer, as were also a similar epi demic at Waterbury, Conn., three or four years since, and one at Springfield, ilass., morj recently ; and in this connection tho statement is made that in "Great Britain, dur ing the last few years, the infection of the milk supply, proceed ing from cases ot typhoid in the "fatnilus of dairy farmers or milk dealers, has been shovn to have been tho cause of twenty-fivo local epidemics of this disease, involving 3,000 cases aud nearly 400 deaths." The fact is about being establish ed that, uext to drinking water, milk is the most fruitful source ot typhoid fever, which is another argument for guarding it with the most scrupulous care. It may be said that tho theory of former yeaxi, that typhoid fever is taken into the system through the air we breathe ha been exploded and that the fact has been established; that in prac ticaliy all cases it comes with the liquids we drink. There is a large measure of protection in tho knawl- etlk'e of this fact. Charlotte Ob- r- server. Care fr Headache. u . Mmntf for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effect a permanent ih most dreaded balatual nick headache yield to it Influence. ..o .ii wKn are atiiicted to procure i-,n .n4 Htm this remedy a fair r;.t i'n .Mf habitual conttipation vi T;tr cures bv civinjr the n tn th litwl. ana lew ..a. i...ut Ui uot this meai ; tw it nru-o Larire bottles only Filty cents at Taylor fc banners xruS i tore. ttemp t- got tn e I or an y f Sout H T I ? at TAriiitla artf 1 sx merce, or any vehWW i The Busy Ad. How doth the little bny ad T'mrtlMT !uninf minute. M-itJ yiv j r- - , And show, though trade i qnoieo. That still there's something in it- tame, London. a Household Treasure. . .. .. v. .i Imm It. kmr1 w . x-. Uyv Utt rr-Qltl loJKw fr. L" tWb. wa(d not be ritbout it. cK- shy. that Dr. gnf-. j. J DioTerr U nadoaUdlf ib b Cou h 1JI J.v . v.. nMa it In kla family V J Ii. .Vi azwl it baa urrr faale l tor 7 T'? ,ZTt Wi n try do ill lb ci mj-iu ... ' -' ivi.l " -J 1..tr4l Jwl tMtl. zTTZrvJH Tt V.w a iuw. Jma 8tore. IiesatT STATE NCWS. Mr. J. C. Baxton denic to the Winston Sentinel that he is a can didate for the collcctorship of this dutnet. A H-vcar-old son of Mr. Daniel Airy, of Big Lick, SUnlf county, walked np bc::iud a coil or.e aj lit week and it kicked mni in t-e stomach. He died in a few hours. Thn Tiihliral Tlecorder savt tiut Uev. Patton, pastor of the BiptL-t church at Morgantoa, contcinp.atc leaving tor Cama next, vcioucr, u tbe passage money bo ready. He is icst finuhing a handsomo brick church. The Samron Democrat savs that at the Federal Court iu Wilmington last week Aaron Johnson, aged l years, was convicted ot retailing iquor without hnense in Sampson county, and sentenced to two months imprisonment in barnpson jail and f 100 ne. The Eccord saye there vre six children of the late Siraoa Brkht, of Chatham, now living in the county, tho oldest ot wiiorn is near ly S5 year old and tho youngest about 70, and they all now reside within three mile of the old home stead where they were reared. The Slielhr Aurora say thit Mr. Thomas Manning, a clever and aged farmer three miles soumcat oi Poret Citv. was cutting liirhtwood from a mno ttumo last Wednesday morning when his axe slipped and no cut a severe ana oecp gsa ia i leg. lie severed an artery in u;s eg and died in less than nan an hour. A corrcjnondent in upper Clevc- and tells the Shelby Aurora how Bobert Downs, a fanner, struck monaztte on his farm, which ct iiin onlr t400 eirht vears airo. and j - - - r ho haa made a profit of $3,100 on iiis investment. lie soia worth ot monaxitc dng out of tho and and l ist wi t sold his farm for $1,500 to a montzito miner. Tho lla!et?h News and Observer a says that a W estcrn expert whom Yirm President St John, of the Seaboard Air Line, hss had to re- Eart upon the deposit oi coal at cypt. Chatham county, find?, a to quantity, that in the 5,000 acres ' .i .!.. uasin mere is coai enougu u hundred years witli an annual oat- put of 350,000 ton. Thus it will bo seen that there are in tgyptcoai fields no less than 25,000, wO tons of coal. The quality is pronounced superior. It won't do to speed trading sloe i oo high. The Sampson Democrat says: A horse-trader named Jim Carter traded for Abe Craham yellow horse last week. He put hi ancient steed out at a faster gait ! than he oucrht to have done, and j consequently got on foot in short order. The horse stumbled and fell n front of Giddcn fc Carr's saloon and broke hi neck. Ho was dead before the saddle could bo gotten off, and it cost the owner tho worth of hi horso to get tho remains tt the horse cemetery out oy tne ojo mill pond. Mrs. Eunice Cnrlee. who lives about two and a half miles ca?t of Monroe, is in many respects a re- maiknblo woman. She i nearly eighty years old and is almost a nrifhtlv as any cirl. Not long since sho wove ten yard of cloth in one day. che looks alter her iann and household affairs and is in every sense a business woman. tier granary ia in the second story of her smoke house and the only way ... . t- fit" of getting to it is to ciimo a isaucr lrom tho outside, Ms. Cnrlee scale thi ladder almost as easily a a boy . . ... a would climb it,- iionroe r-nquircr. It may be interesting to many of the reader of the Exprcsa to know how EavDt. the creat coal centre of North Carolina, got it name. Tho i soil ot Chatham county in wmcn Errvpt ia located is finely adapted to tho raising of corn. Many year go when ."North Carolina wa very narsely settled and before the iron horse had ploughed it way through our hills and forests, the people from - - . I .1 A.. far and near came to cnatuarn to buy corn, many of them camping on the hills around Egypt. That is ow tgypt got its name, ooracare f the opinion that this little town which ia named for one f tho old countries mentioned in the Bible, ha a bright future and will one dav be one ot the leading citic of North CArolinu Sandtord Express. Th Genuine Merit Of Hood' Sarbaparilla win friend a 1 1. a 1 wherever it i xairiy ana tried. To have perfect health, you must have pure blood, and the best wav to have pore blood i to take Hood' Sarsaparilla, the best bloc! rificr and strengm Dancer, ii .Ta 1 taint of scrofula, s-ut eum ana all other humors, the tame time bniid up hole system. Hood' i'lU are prompt and cient, 25c- The most beautiful sight in the world ia to tee sv family gathered mnnA a liMrtlictone with the head UVI-ftM - the household reading hi local a . . A T . - per -piia xor in uvut-vucv. - ,m Jonea. I ex rh at and the of t- it. i. Gn.rln T lnimnt remores a! K lii t.7ym . " . - - r i kif. r f-allfMiuHl Lunn ana I1BVIU, ' CT lax m - - Curt. Fplint. tjweeney. I.ine-L-re, Kr;M. Fnrains. all bwollea IfcroaU. Courhs,etr- Save $50 by use of one ....!! thi most wonuer- UOIH". " . . . , TTft-w,ts Cum ever idowd. row . J. . -v urn . ML Atry,.C. if i kN ; I Tired, Weak, I.e. - Could Not rrof. l. xx r-zr-iK f : I J aha, iars: "1 a.. -weak, r-rro-: 1 .' overwork:. 1 s r If:..: tlrue, cv'.al d.-y ... cz-.- tj i. 1 r cncld r.r.t 1 I :,' d .ircu.TT ,7 c. t . i .... 2 . E)r. ile3, Ncr; and now e rcryt 1.!: .? I r s!eep f.--r i!y, 1 ' - i t '. a4 az:iv.t : ... 1 c: s C day ow ttzn I v-t t-.? : : . Yvr crr-.t r i 1 . I : Ilcstcrat: ie -c :t: r. j . :. : It Cures." ft: m rB r I K t I. t r S ! j i . A;i-'-vcr.l 1 " -. I II , 1 1 m - (, i '.. t r IjUtiT. 1 l.f-. t . , LET E-CS EXFL . ful hy M it Dai E'ii:-,Vj C -"f-'. Act, G . : i l ' . i Ff;.v?$ a SiV- -'. ' In tho c-w-o in t:.e .. :'. to test tlia : by Mr. L. 1L V,'vttt, t. e : ailMivit wjvi t:;.r. I : Strong: Mif Bran? is a j inch h?g!i charicUT t!.".t : will for a r.c:r. or.: -;::c-'.; the tar. "Kef. r:r. ; r ' need to cxpli'.a. Mis DaIst B:ir 5- tec a duly w v r n , ir. , : ':. tl.nt t?.e c-rled Jrv ! M? rolling for Mr. J. Y. B: rnrolling c!crk it tho '.t ( s?tnb!r tf NcrlliC: ' on Vv Kfro t!.e V. ', on which the SiU ( . .ly adjourcei, r . n t '. I lay, she dvt r.. I rc ::;.-:.! r he s.iid Brovrn cr tr.e if !.' Mr. Moore cr Mr. L. this af:'.a:.t tu lo c : j Ic I. t witli other 1 'An A,: t : late As:gni::c:.t ar. i t):. .. ConvfTirri in N r'.Ii C . that tho exj 't 1 t.'.e t -, sarr.e d;ir, n !.. : ; a few Lo:ui, ar;J rttr.:: witli the other? t : the l the said Brown a:. 1 rv. .1 i with the J Brown t : f . 1 was erreoth- c t u J; t: .:.. t. the cnlv one of f-.u-i Mh t there was atj;:;.; t' acnunient to th. r i by striking out in .l: n 1 ttie word crediU-r in II:. o :Ii said tection. At". -.r.: iwcars that the d. i r. . t t particu!rlv the tntrlt 4 c r; :: cf tho till, tut the d .I!-:. recall t'ils entry, ;-c . , . when she returned to the rolling e'erk a I'll h;:h t'. -copied, be said: 'This ' ' ready to be cnrc.e-J, t r r Uiat cflecL I c-incvt f '. it wa. At tliet I U-wk n . the bill I t- k to c. ; v. t awhile, on acocunt tf r bueines thi w dl?jx . : and the clerk who hi! '.. the books kcj t a n.wrr. : : thereof. 1 da rt t:.:.... i any receipt tl r thce I the one conccrr;";rg i: "." rt.- "The forcgc'irg hivlr : : over to lh: al. t. -c :i - the dicumcnt now in th; : w , .... or J. U. Lii.rrr-n, t;.e r....o rian of North Carolina, e-: Act Entitled an Ac? y Ii Asr'gumcr.ts &r;j O.h.r C of Like Nature I". , Carolina,' and iJcr.ti:ki ti : a that which the c- '.. I : i stated. She rt::.c . rj identities the r i .." on a f-. irite t '.. : - attached t!.trtt,:, ar.d!.; .it- ' ' Sj-ccsal crdtr Friday cw She dor not rc r .e.: : r word Ta" Ic-J' e i . . t! of f.ud bill, ar.ittrh.:o i': examine carefully :,c th.r hsd Wen he wy-;'i brc and that it r. t t:. . ha sec.i w!.:t j r f. it cnrtIlc 1 t ill dep. -rite in the otlloo t f tho h r . State t-t North Car. -l.r: i.. s" -tlie I're.IJcnt tf t? i: the Sjrcakcr ct tho I! f rcscntativti; it is tho which she t::-ile s h, : . ' stated. sigr.cdj DAS-vl'.r Swern t h.:. 1 . ' -" - me, April - 1 " 1.1. lNt .:r V rt tick Ira's Arnira r Tniri'TMLTEi:i'.'. PfTJiv .. N 7f, I ".etzt. i I ' ' Navs, t.! r: i II-. Carii acd a.l tr..;!..-: . ttr!y rur in:. r tr Is f tiaras to rT f'-" CT itor tj re' i. i " -brX. i'jT ' ty .T" '- -r-.ais. SicHjat A.ry. i J. Suhrcril-e to tl j 2 z Dollar per jcir.