r Yadkin News, .V H W. J. BOfllN, Editor and Owner. VOL. MOUNT AIRY, NV Om-THUESDAT; JUKE 13. 1895. 2s O. 'HT1 V .4 Disreputable Practice i - u the iHople of the South iinr-is the efforts of arC f() if them imitations for SfitarSimrnons Liver' Kegu- l,v tlx imita!i.ii ; ana that they swindle lator, money f ,',,i'.!e -selling tin id an. oferl-r artl. !.:. It's the morny L an' :-" f-"'1 tne people can I J onl i-r themselves." -Now L i,' just -what 'the people are , ai nnrrhants are having nlJ'd tii-"' trvi..g to K! t.pe P,e ! r)Hl,.(,f Si .M..o.is Liver Pug-at--";'' the "Km a Tjv.tr ,Mt,n. nif's" IxMau.e it ntver tnUes Be nne that ycirget GmruoiH Jrver neguum i. .1 ou it lV r4 .1 1 chinitt if.-? Old "I x ,,2llls.. Z oil -ms it has vo Hiak'l to tyke something eke have alvf.vs com': hack again to The Oi l Friea I. ' Better not take any tliiu' el; but that made by J.H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, the same of tie Rid packa ge. never fail and people betn per- DR.W;H. WAKEFIELD Will bv-in Winston, :it the Jones Hotel, on Saturday, April 13th. Practice limiu-d" to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. S. P. GRAVES, AT TO UN E Y AT LAW, Mount Airy, N. J. pr rrai;tioes In State and Federal Oourt.c. prompt attcr.tlut, to colle -Oon or claims. R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 71 on it l Airy, X. C j..-,.. - t. .s,:iie and Federal court id '- aiiMH. AlltiuKiness entro. I receive iii')tupi attenticr. GEO. W. SPARGER, Attorney at Law & Notary Pnblic, No ii ill Airy, IV. C. Itr Nf''ot luring I.ouns and the Collection ot Claims a specially. Insurance placed in stan ! r i('oiMi:tiii !i upon liberal terms. w. F. ( Alt I KU. ML a rv, n. t J. K. LEWELLYN. lXibson. N. C. CARTER k LEWELLYN, Attorneys - at - Law. . Practice iu tlin State and Federal Courts. : Prompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted to their care. P. B. HAMER, NOTARY PUBLIC All classes of Notary work" promptly attended to. ; OtHce with S. P. Graves, Attorney at Law. Pine Street Dairy. KUKSII M ILK AND FKEE l'KLIVKUV, also furnish Cot Seed Meal and Hulls, a complete ration" for Milk Cows and young'cattle. Cheapest feed known to the Dairyman. Address It. 15. 1IINES, Proprietor Tine Street Dairy, Mount Airy, N. C. SALESMEN WANTED. uHd wap's to sell our Nursery Stock. Apply for terms. We will have for NrnK ami Fall. ISO), an immense stock ?f Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, tnerry. Grape, etc. Also small fruits, wade and ornamental trees, roses, etc. e make a specialty of wholesaling to !&rge planters direct. We will sell to fwpoiisihle parties and take note pay six, twelve and eighteen months. " r'tf i for wholesale prices. VUlrHss, S..IT1IKKX Xl KSERY Co., " Tth. Om. Winchester, Tenn. D0'JJ VAtlT' '"ill'l'stflll f.lr,l..i o ml i, TiavilliT j-rott ? vn: SEED of Greensboro Seed & Pant CO., -2 S Kim Street, reonshoro, N. C nd r,,r .d.rid-e.l prioe list of Seeds AARON PENN, the ashionablg Barber, 1 ''U r (: r:lves Warehouse, Mt. Airy, N. C. "a!y el.airs, razors keen ; 'i--r sharp, linen clean. t a !i;iSt. JOU jiay A time i - '"i u ruekle to get a shine; ' Y l""",r haircut Pompadour Pay tl:e mjiu of L'oc. more. "len, the Barber. As ' , , ",1 un easy shave, Z ir lmrl,"r ergave, -At mr "n ,m nt y saloon, leu . V'' "r 1,,un- To suit 'IV lr"s t,,e hair with grace, Ult the contour of the face. Selrr;m,is n,,ftt and towels clean, And m 5 S'1Vi' HIui razors keen; T,ui r,ryt,hlfl 1 lhink you'll find And . Ul0i' and Please the mind, ou Jum eall I'll do for you. . Blue p':.! x E.. ALLEN, KlK- Inn, Mount Airy.N.G. A CRISIS IN THE EAST. Turkey's Conduct Believed to Render an Outbreak of Hostilities With the Powers Inevitable. London.J tine 5.-There was ranch excitement in London and at the foreign office yesterday evening on the receipt. of official; dispatclie from Constantinople announcing tliat the Turkish government had reused to agree to the ! reforms in Armenia, which were demanded by the representatives of Great Britain, France and Russia. j All the foreign office ofticiacs, in cluding the seeietary of state for foreign affairPjthe Earl of Kimhcriv, were at their post lafct: night and have afsembled again at the fureign office today. There is a strong belief in well intormed circles that the reply of the Forte was purposely drafted in tin favorable terr.is in order to gain time. The Snltan is invisible- dur ingthe Bairam, oneof thetwo great Mahommedan festivals of the year, which is now being observed. Conse qnentiy the powers, it is asserted here, will now address a stronger note to the Forte, and in addition will back this np by a naval demon stration.. i The crisis in the east is already regarded on all sides as being grave, and this feeiingis intensified by the news from Constantinople today, telling of the panic at Jeddah, the threatened attack of the Bedouins and the flight of Europeans who are seeking safety on the vessels in the harbor. - J It is freely predicted here that an outbreak is inevitable. There is no question of the powers abating their demands in any form, although there is a growing belief that Rus sia is backing Turkey, in thelatter's 'cfusal to agree to the retorms de manded by the powers for Armenia. The fulHext of the demands of the powers will be published here today. It makes over 3,000 words and the main points ?oi it have already been cibled exclusively to he Associated Tress. TDRKKY DOES NOT BCDGE. Constantinople, June Tth. The Armenian difficulty is no nearer settlement. The Forte has de clined to entertain the' guarantees of reform wliich were demanded by the powers and matters are at a standstill. The annual fete to celebrate the granting of the Armenian Consti tution, which lias been forbidden or several years, will he permitted his year. It will be held on June 9. London, June 7th. A Cou6tan inople despatch to the Daily News siys that a joint note will probably e presented to tlie l orrc by ureat iritain, Kufsia and Prance, tor- mally reviewing the demands for reform in the administration of Armenian affairs, and intimating that grave consequences will resnlt rotn a failure to grant the de mands, f Salem Commencement. Salem Female Academy Com mencement is always a matter of interest to the entire State. Thi year there were several feat area that added to the interest of the occasion. One was the !renU- tion of the Senator Vance Memorial Window, by the cW of '94. Mrs. Vance signified her intention to be present and thia added to the pica- f it .i - ure oi au ine visitors. A PAK1C AMONG THE flSHES. The Pifttet of the Sea fo?ea Lot ef Small fish to Land. , One oC the curious feature of fiah ifo wma noticed on the O.ttn Vie hore Sunday moraine-. Larrc scboohj of imifj li$h, including tpota. uognah, crokert. roundhead, tront aad mstif other fino folk a who travel in that society, rmhed up to the edge of the water io great alarm. Anntlior r,ho;r.,r rAanr I tlianv ot them actual lr mttlnf out A.fc.tlU W ffV (tIC I J O r on mc sina, wncro incy remaineo, met uui uie AiDinna ociioiantiin Fnnd ha reached a sum that en ables the officials to use the interest and from thia time forth the fund will sUadily do its cmict work of good deeds for deserving girla of the state. 1 he amount to Ik? rawed is $5,000, and more than half the sum is now on Jiand. The commencement exercises ex tended over neatly ft week, begin ning Saturday night with an open ing concert. In this concert the elocution department and the local department were specially promi- tient, while the f nil Academy choruf , ot more than 150 voices, took part bunday morning the old Mora vian Church was tilled to overflow ing by a throng of people, who came to listen to the aula sermon delivered by the Et. Ilev. Joseph IS. Uhcfchire, D. D.,of IUleieb, and to enjoy the rensic specially pre pared tor this occasion. In the evening Bishop Ilond thaler con ducted a cloeing service for the pupils and friends of the school. Monday and Tuesday were Senior Days. The graduating essays were read, and in h brief intellectual effort the pupils were one by one ri I 1 i t " inirouuceu io tue puunc. ine essays were short, crisp and inter esting, and the topics in many cases were connected with great questions ot the present day. nnablc to struggle hack. Bushels of them were picked np by the peo ple along the shore, ana the tush cut wem well snrplied. The cauc of the consternation was a general assault all along the line by acolamn of blue-tub, which were out fir av foray and lor food. They anapped many a small tuh In two before they got their break faat, and created a general condition of panic and dis organization. Tli is U not an unusual circumstance, but it u one which never fane lo excite the wonder and curiosity ot mm. The blnefish is known aa the pirate of the tea, in a mall way. He is one of the most ferocious and voracious cneroic ox the smaller fih. and he is in turn himself cagrrly gobbled up by man. Norfolk, Va., Landmark'. SPAIN'S SOFT ANSWER. She Reirrets the Alliance Affair, and will Not Let It Happen Again. "Washington. Juno 4. Spain reply to the late Secretary (tret ham demand in the Alliance affair reached ihe State Department sev eral daya ago, having been deliver ed to Minister Tavlor at Madridon May 10. The Department of State Iras dec'inud to make public the contents of the communication, whidi ia long and exhaustive, but til Kun'tn. ttxa nnnnnnoinAnf that Tuesday afternoon a Lan Lxhibit Spain kfUr ft,u inveetigaiion,dia. is nnited with the Art Exhibit. VJW8 the act of the commander of the Conde de Vcnadito, who fired otl the Aihanca oil Capo Mayei, Cuba, on March 8, cxprcsece regret, and assures this (iovcrnmcnt that mcasurea have been taken to pre vent a repetition of the affair. secretary Itreeharn a communi cation was to the effect that this HOW HE LOOKED LATER. Ae Africa Ceartrt S the B-MelsSrt. t Here la a composition written by a littio African girl a Falmaa fire years after alie was caoght running wild. It waa rrad at a roiionary meeting by Biaiiop dark. Tlie epelling if corrected : it 'aitroar. r.tXKiaariiT Kaxrii PEDDLERS I CRAHYiUC. A Z g Start Ccr Ka TaW Cis SKr 4 ea Ostrs ftwm Trttirt WrtSu Treasurer Worth arrived Moo- day from UrnTi!!o county and wm ckcled dcrisg the after ccio rith Major CtotLrie. hre attorney, la the matter of the V rooght lra IUnge C- of St. Ioci, who dca't want tn mv taxoe co atoves ther i-'tS ei D 1? i. iir as! tm I aregclJing ia Granville ewentv. The I a jw wagofia were scircu uy tue ai.cn: m r 9 When a ctrtala r-Jia tra t r rr.Ir.cr.t in tie t ilt rlr e'e wjji dlK-OTtrrdto Late rr.J; a.!. LcwJ cpc c f trust f r ! r'-a-i-i aa fx;rw IvT t-a r. iOi.r- J .tt Lie rr-jTirJ f r Lis friiy rx -. Icrx-i it ir.TJib!a fLim lo rxfs t.Vr- aTthirg tLtj ajLcd, ar-i ti-it !a entity t:;e;r l.e :.v3 I -. l-rc.n u-rd Lli;r - leTcr.i i.- ir. ccnie. A ecaicr cr r-.cre rtc cou! J c:t lc tr-r.eL "H-: a rtaa owr tr.Grri lo L.s :a ;. v IX) you know what history Is f I and an injonctioa was rraolcd the IJIaory, yon know, teaches ua what j county by Judge Grwa oa the la to Larncn in the nasi event, (mound that a civil aelioa should Cieography where the thing has hap I hte been brought agiat the con- pcueu at. History tells ca wlco I pny. Tue cjlm will he iicarJ at Adam and Eve were created, and I tlie bcptcmWr terra of the baprttse geography shows us where the Oar- j Court,an J Maj.Gulhrie partly Uses I tT.in f. r Ccir Ur.cLL. oen oi tstica is which contineni and which divlsioa. History telle at that Adam was the first man I opinion by Macllae. JsetUiog the I sjlV created, and while he was .alccpinp right of the State lo tax ixxla Wert Ua took out oce of hie nui and I uanuxacturtu ia anoUicr bUte, made Eve. Alter awhile she went! Ughtotcg rods being tie goods rr- to walk among the trree of the I tcrml to. 1 tie pica la that the teniK wa broken aod, therefore, it is claimed U rracll,rc dish ia a tr.cMt rr.e!T as; f.r re it net fcr t.c Lr.cwa ir,- r.- garden. Conversation took place between her and the devil, The devil told her to eit some kind of fruit which God had told her and Adam not to eat. She took It and ate it ; also took tome for her hue- I Tlie Treasurer ha, aocordiolyAcut tT.cire ar.i c?rtra :s ct rrv-r.ource ilaa irrii!o t - tits WLoeter falls izio l!.c La- band. When Adam saw It he did not take do time to auk where she got it from. History, geography and the earth just go together. One telle us about this and one tells ua about that, etc to read us about the largest animal in the ea. Whales is spoken of by the Bible. When (iod had sent Jonah to Nin- cf s:cadlrr to debars whi'e Le Is tiiat the wajoea were boucd fort rr.iiir cslr cce, is ia a fxlr way to peddlcra tax of f 100 each, or ehoeU Secvtr.o a dowunLt t!Jcf. AlftLc be swked m "pack which waa dose, bille Cat are evetractrd ia the werU r.:ct t s:i!ed Its cr.: S-xJt. To Lave -a pi ti.e a: il.e tx- per.wi cf otr.cr pecp.c, is kr-acy. We thir.k it well to cjII attest: a now ta that cf cr.e c: zr te J rh.ch trc:.:: via out a circular letter to all ahen2a to sciie sucii goods which he claims do cot come coder the principle ct Inter-State commerce, and which hi claim are taking money unjust! t out of the sockets cf oar people Si II: ir - i: tcs -cai a prvi e M j- V m W ' c Histories are interesting and that, too, without the payment i r ulirg cp co-ts wiLL-t a r: , Indeed they are. It telle of anj tax to the State. atil.tv cf partc for tlcaa." ila-y it the wha'.e. The whale la Major Guthrie further referred la eocaKcd CLruilacs prfc:iV the cams of Ewert va. State ot Mia elasippi. 13th and 1 4 ill Soprcrue Ciurt Imports, in the matter ot P! cl-!iviou to thcc hrc?y rv n:cr.!a .i vr:'.rrcn Lcnrstv. live ia c.x! hooiw, drive cvh to preach to the people about I tewing machine, aa fitting the rase I lo their atas, Jonah refused to go. He I under consideration. Tlie qocation ar.d fine liaca-ar.J Good Health j . And a good appetite go hand in and. With the loss of appetite. the system cannot long sustain itself. Thus the fortihcations ot good ealth are broken down and the sys tem is liable to attacks of disease. It is in such cases that the medicinal Dowers of Hood's Sarsaparilla aro clearly shown. Thousands who have .... . . taken Hood s barsaparilla testily to its great merits as a purifier of the blood, its powers to restore and sharpen tho appetite and promote a tea tliv action ot the digestive or- - . . . i . irans. Thus it is, not wnai we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the stdrv and constitutes the strongest recommendation that e.an be urced for any medicine. Why not take Hodd's Sarsaparilla now : was rri a j iiiis was a novel leainre ana one having great interest connected with it. Historic Salem was there, with a hundred interesting relics; the historic Academy was there with its pewter plates and quaint advertisements; the commercinl, industrial and natural science de partments were represented ; the pictures of the Frincipals from lb02 to the present time, hold a prominent place in the hall; in fact the exhibit was never more interest ing than this year. Wednesday was Alumnal Daw Class reunions were held in the morning, and the general Alumnal meeting was held in the afternoon. The anticipation of meetim Mrs. Senator Z. B. Van re and Mrs. General Stonewall Jackson brought out a larger company than usual. The beautiful Vance Memorial Window, valued at more than $300, was presented by the Hon. J. C. Buxton, in behalf of the etas of 1894. This monument to North Carolina's noble son is a beautiful work of art and was ad mi red by all who saw it. The grand concert was as pleas ing and popular as usual. In this concert the best elements ot ; tho school are brought forward, both reported. The particular feature of pupils and of professors. I A I of this new care, which makes it reception was tendered the outside noteworthy, i, however, the fact workers alter tho exercises of tho that it is the serum process applied Seniors' evening, and the press rep-1 to the erysipelas treatment. As long resentatives were among tho oio as hfty years ago medical scientists STAKOlJiG UP fOS KiMSELf, If Gi AJavfiMr s te Hsrc el tw Ord l and 0.k CsiweU Kot. I"B Kct $Uj : Here. Among the Thcsle writ tea by members of the School of History of the University cf North Caro lina and submitted to a committee Gcd br. A wise ft I . went into a snip witu some people. I is aa interesting one, ana euiy ucjj i itorw He first went in there to hide from I of space prevent a more detailed (iod. but (iod caused a storm to I presentation of it here. ILsJcigh Uke place. The ship went from I Ubecrrtr. thia way to that way. The people wa afraid, Indeed they began to cast lot. The lot fell upon Jonah, so they up and throwed him into the 'While ho was going to the very bottom of the era he went with this animal, so tho whale said: 'My friend, where are you going! Jo nah answered and said unto him the:r.c:c ;a ; i tLcir whU;!c. With s ;h rs.i Late a rei.ct,;r r t r -r; c crci- 1 ST-I..'-.C wid uua'lr krrow Lca hustAnd is rcic;.i: - li-.It prvjx-r cipcaJilzre, asi w;.I check him uti intcad iuf vtjr.TZ Lira c r.. Ilathcr tLsn sc Kins da L.: toscJ.ca hui Lor. or. s..c t .4 J?f C a . .... . a . . 1 J . - I ,. cMwfta. The Ihrr-ht that r a cr.- e aii i ceaa rc:n tc.ac-.ca Ls r.ra w..i , , . . t hu Buenviwi u hiu uttiw iiiiu . 7 . . . r --------- -- coin ioc-.c uj vv Government would ex ect prompt 4 ij4to disobeyed ray God and am of geuUemco Io Ilalc:gh for the de- 4a :f -r-Z to Lcr hr disavowal of the unauthorized act, driving to hide from His face. The termination of the relative mcnta c.aar thing that she wu!l V.lc u due expression ot icgret on the part whalc you ouht to be of the historical akctdjcf, ii one taie tut clr.ee l gxt, TLcr.;::.:r ot Spam, and positive orders to Spanish naval commanders not to interfere with American vesicle passing throng the Windward Fa&- agc. As bpain lias complied speci fically with these demands, the in cident ia closed. A Possible Cure for Cancer. The hope of a cure for cancer has been for half a century one of the medical will V the-wis pa. Sev eral times since the outburst of the modern bacteriological fever freh c!aims have been advanced only to be explode! as premature rumors or proved new fane lights. It is not surprising, therefore, to hud now heralded as the latest novelty of the scrum process of thcrapcutice a new method of treatment for cancerous ulcers, for which great wonders aro ashamed ot yourself. lon t you know that neither I nor you can hide from His face V Jonah said : '(), whale! I am afraid. I do not know what I am doing or saying The whale said : '. Jonah. Jonah, hearken unto mc, and take heed lo yourself, for Indeed I will swallow you up soon. jonau said : nave merer upon me, ou whale, and, it entitled, The Settlement oi Haw, fields , which contama many thing 1 intcret, . One incident ia related rhich, to the knowledge tf t? ;e ia I Judge at leajt, ha never Loco P interested In ry. Alter the Wttle of it 00 re e creels JJndre, a ca" ot Uiankfjrtvinc wa not and i rcruar new la roanv rtorth Carolina histo 1 ot hi character is Let sirhl t I ara; Ucrxsu.a cou!J bnr. She the tact t!.al he is wcrth rwre ta tLai i.;-;vt:cn ga.a g'cr.ca core ia ur nht tr.ir. fact it is (iod' will. He will carry rno ppolH Ilawficld Church. ntte lUjvcrcncd JMr. Lclow wa dwelling with much warmth oa the evidence of an over rolling I rovi- dence that had brought victory ia thi hour of trial and derknc. A who sat hundred or more gncsts down to the banquet. Ihursday morning the com mencement proper took place. Tho orator waa a gifted a'nd elo quent Peunsylvanian, Mr. Jamea discovered that cancer and sarcoma seemed to heal very quickly if the sufferer became subject ta erysi pelas. Certain tumorous swelling do beyond doubt disappear if erysi pelas passes over them. But. al- e a ej-r f wirv 1 Him. The whale said : Monah, put your head In my piouth and get ready tor your life. Jonah said: Whi!n I think vmi hat! Kffrr j n t. ..1.11. 1 .. . swallow me, for 1 see there is no owcrri ocru ssoo. " irouu- ti l nc. Tim wlalf f Jo- I Ul war uu auown aim ormverj rh fh i.l ftf vAn mnnlnt i.ir I and hi rcadinc to risk hi life far e j i.t. 1 t . . 1 from t;n.l ! Von trill l.ar tho ron- I country, was rrwoi aa tiu ...... m .1 m 9 ...wttHMj t i f4ft)i. uiinin(t' lrif all I wit fit t ' ii iisiiMmw iv tv ui.mi At the same moment he did swal- vuu.wi low him up. I ced ana sprang up cxcuurotog. I.,r,.t, thnnM.t tht hmU CHt it tlliS I UlC Way Ult! UOd was hi crave and end. Therefore. Almighty u 10 iiave ail ine crcun W W m vk M mm w 4 Jnn.l. nllrtxl nn a mTcr ta (iml nd UICK Uwcll BOUe i 11 DO Stay w w m - m w WW 9 - J - ' ' " ft km ft ft ft m f list am ft if tin ftf irn u tr.Yr I ncre, wncrcapoa te leit ihe con- W ftftF ft 0 WftiWia Mtt Wftr'W " - tin &I1AI1I1I ft trt thrt hfir if It vu I grrgation. Goi will to carry hi soul to After the war Joseph Hodge t- llnvrn. Th whftU diJ not mt came shcnti ot urasge county. day after day nor nighi after night, IclgU rcw and Uoaervcr. so, after three days, the whale went aa than the wonld la hi lir.g a cvcrrrai!.ir.g lior.aire. If there is ant v;: a a , .. ft to le Lumorcd, lt to l rcl zlvL There rr.T s-ch sca::c:cd epi r. lie down the dilTcrcr.t rauk cf k Bat it is our ccctktioa that . miionlT cJ worr.cn x-ave a sjrr the tie J prccia'uca it the .".cz.i:c that tiicir husl.ar.ds er.cvr.tcr ia Innlrr a cotr.fertable suUiitcrc br d;IIceat wcrk aJ fair dcAl.r. Iiiacalya lew ar.d ILcy c: . ....... 1 ... coxrrcr ar.a ccmca. r.cr s w - hok withindiffcre-c atd cc'.c-r.; t li.0 li:r.:tcd r.lsrr-acf :a.;- fal Ubc;r. ar.d would Ls w ;".r t purchase the reara c: ia? gtr.ee by igr.cnsg tho Decalcge. vrcr r.: ra! DUG L'P JSD.CC3 11 CCLD. T S'.o' r f-e te Cair V - Gentleman Fell Out, Horse Killed Himself, Lady Not Hurt. Chanel Hill. June 5. Miss Laura Pvne and Mr. Charles Turner were out driving this evening when the horses scared, lurner leu out ana the horses ran for half a mile and Miss Favne s life was; saved by a lmrsft runninc into i a carnace. snagging himself to death on the carriage tongue. Misa Payne 8 life W.R8 saved she was not even mm. M. Beck, and the great audience though practiced even tn America was delighted with his effort. The today, tho erysipelas treatment ha diplomas were presented to the 53 J naturally been regarded by the graduates by Uishop ICond thaler. A I medical prole ion as a desperate brief report waa made bv the prin- remedy nearly as bad as the dwcuee. opal, Kev. J. II. Clewell, the class I The song was sung and the entire group I two em of young ladies with their classic I Drs. Oxford caps and gowns, passed least modify the most repulstve tea from the stage to disperse to their It urea of erysipelas treatment. Thce various homes ail over the land. doctors infect sheep artificially with We notice from the catalogue I erysipelas and thu secure the ncce- that the number of students and in- sarv serum. Of a s-cnes of trial structors exceed 400 thia year, and J extending over a to tho land and vomited up Jonah. "Jonah wa like a drowned rat." New York Pre, fusion Economy. The Legislature cost some f C5,- c serum process invented by CKH) more than the previous Lrgi- vr" , eminent German physician, lature; it appropriation were over r, Emmerich and Scholl, will at $125,000 inexce ofthco far 1SDS- jJ' modify the most repulsive tea- 94. As if not satisfied with theso a ri extravagance the public wa given ouias era, at an exorbitant price. The rustonist had delighted to long time they I charge the Democrat with extrav T Valje ef Good Roais. Good street and good roads help not onlr the look of the town or . ... . i section in which they are located, I there La lra a gr but they have aa economic value j tliratiaa for over l that I not tally appreciated. It ha j found todv ia ll been demonstrated that a hon-e rati rce time a much oa a hard. road a he can on soft ground, and consequently when the street I pollution arru ag tr.cr. ta the n:a':ers" Carsjn, Nc?., June 4. The mUiicg f ?.C ia gvl J IcI'.L a frc ra the Caraoa Mir.!, cxr.irerr.irg wh!;. tho Wv;:. J Wil'.iatn Pieiler, ea the Mist, The ir. that the a:tAlisg wa ve cf tf ju:ry ; rcvc: the r t ;".'. cf ie nub he printing "TTr " " I m w-v. ,r .-.v-.-, a AhiAtiftHitM.r there are two-tiiircs more hors a job to party he.. cmrlovcd than would be Down Where It is Hot. j Wp. Kehhm. if ever, hear of npfonlG eooking bv the; heat of the sun, but tint was just what was done in Salisbury bunday. i cer tain fniniff ladv tjok advantage of the hot day that yesterday was and tried this novel experiment.' She successfully fried an egg in the sun, and that too with a tin cover over the trying pan. The egg fried as aa it dune on a 6tove. -bahs- bnry Herald. ? ' it to this be added the special club I report only two case in which 00 I agauce iu tho matter of public receiving instruction, but not en- beneficial results were obtained, and I printing because they elected a pub- rol.ed aa regular pupils, the nnm 1 ooui ox tncec case uau mauc pro- 1 uc printer insicaa 01 giving it out ber exceeds 500 persons. Principal creea to the worst stage. They do to the lowest responsible bidder. Clewell informs me that tho year not, however, utter any nasty ooaai 1 itiev declared that 11 elected they has net on v been verv prosperous 1 concerning mc vaiue 01 iueir new 1 wouia reiorm mc iicsreu mouse but also a very happv one. I serum. It is aayct imposiTble to say I What did they do! Io the first pUce tT:..- X. 1 lnHt nt.Attia. tr tint ltn ranvr tiflnieiff I tiwtr t!,1 tint Mrn thl Titinltnrr tn - I it . rrt . I . t t . . ? 1 t . .1 " j . 1 ftrtt desirovM ov ii 1 111a treat mens. 1 me lowoi uiuucr. out ioct svirucu , - - .. . About Minks. would seem, nevertheless, to be the I it to Stewart Brothers, of inston. Minks often stav miiet for along most hopeful yet given to the world, for political reason. And what I ..' 1 . I - - I tlia atllt f Kill htn tn.t t me. but when tney do turn loose m. . " r. 1 1 1 ' j OWII IUh iU AUU 1 I1U, ftu ft VUUI ith thoee tor the tame 1 mrm. icr uemocraiic rule is power employed necceaary to do the the street and rosl Considered from aa economic stand- int, withoat any consideration re; :t it r. st axue work It 1 were raved. wis irr.ri.L .c to H x;,c Ulity ur a any Ore cf the Hmrv, fed arratted anJ hc!d utir leave toads. Tho oiT.ocr dc!al!fi to r k er ea m , ' V "r M ft ft W-ft fc J, asj Ktcrs.1 c'.h-crs were po tor tlie draft animal, thia rucar. Tetii:;e li.e co rr.aJe l.:t!e lU .ft ft 1 J a I . m. m tue accp:ng ana 1 ceding ct lurce 1 thpv clean ud the hen roost. A tew I ... ..I davs ago thev visited a yard near Rheumatism 1 caased by lactic and prison wi rLs4-.?.- :ii tnti r,r. in the blood attacking the uoroui work unc .:. i.:Mi-.n. ;n nt.rtis 4 tissues of the rotate. Keep your interesting. ViUVB.Viie a vw ) It 1 k iftl I " ' Ml I . k . . Ml 1 .nil rv at I OlOOU I'UJU ftuuuvaiuil ftwu v - Wrhitsett's was attracted by a cum- not nave r?curaaura. iioou .c ... 1 fA-infF 1 sapam.a civea me oioou immj u larn tilaelc snake and a ricunws uu ioui. yyj .n .... BEFORE 1 could get relief from a most horri ble blood disease. I had spent hundreds of dollars TRYING various remedies and physicians, none of which did me J 1 ... . ji -tt any gOOU. my nngci nans inmc vu, and my hair came out, leaving me W perfectly bald. I then went to ft HOT SPRIHCS Hoping to be cured by this celebrated ft treatment, but very soon became!! disgusted, ana aeciuea 10 mi ne i run i was truly wonderful. IS commenced to re cover after takine the first bottle, and by the time I had taken twelve bottles 1 was entirely cure cured by S. S. S. when the worU-renovne4 Hot Springs ha4 failed. WM. S. LOOMIS, Sfcreveport. I. Oar Book en tb Dtaeaa mnd ttm Trotm Bialied trtm to My addr SWIFT BPECinC CXX. Umatft.Cft. out saw a mink in a desperate hght. The snake caused the mink to squeal several times and finally got away from the mink and took to the wa ter, but the mink pulled him out again and killed him. Burlington News. While in Topeka last March, E. T. Barber, a prominent newapaper roan of La Cjgne, Kan., wa taken with cholera morbus very severely. The night clerk at the hotel where he wa stopping hap pened to have a bottle of Chamberlain Colie, Cholera and Diarrh.ea liemedy and gave him three doee which reliev ed him and he thinks aaved hi hie. Every famjjj should" keep this remedy in their home at all time. Jo one ean tell how soon it may be nedeL It eost but a trifle and may be the means of savins much auffennir and perbap the life of some member of the family. 25 and SO cent bottle for sale by 1. A. Houston, Druggist, Mount Airy, A. t-. neutralize the acidity of the blood and thus cure rheumatism. Hood' Pill are the best after- dinner Pill. ait digestion, cure headache. 4,000 Men Get aa Increase of Wares Harrisburg.Pa-June 4. Notice of an increase of 10 per cent, in wage at the Pcnnvlvnta Steel Work were given thi afternoon. It mean a restoration of the wagv The bill for printmg the Widow and Soldier pension list under Democratic rule wa -1717.94. Stewart Brthcra bill for the same bom or mute when one would dc. an investment of two thirda more money than i oVeolntcly cccrrfary in that kind of stock, and two- third morw In the cost of feeding. Considering the larger cumber of draft animal employed in doicg the hauling in town and country. we may get a faint conception I hat thi would amount to ia the rgmraie. ixio ot coarse give attention td tbt matter and gener ally their street are pretty well paved, but they an do not, espe cially In the boutu, where there i too little attention given to it, some of them ortenti3g ihemvclve with way ust;i c:crd.yt man who had la m co a ti. l;tlrg with Picklcr caslicd ca thcta at.i v5erel tie i had to divulge the LiLrg plaoe taunt z Lu'iica b..e :1 dis-clarr for re verge. SLe trave the cir.ter d. recti. r. for t;ad:r. . w ft II ft I 1 icarrtl will luckier, ar.d n:a;ei-.e the rr.i.ir L: --a ii Pirklcr w.d!.c!. ar.J a search cf the plaoe showed ti.e trc'Ji cf Ler slatcrr.cr.ta, I Lc p:.J lt-'s were - n -,t nr. i t! !!:-. dng up rrt T-i i - tl t ' .t I raing a tew ot the principal fric tSM.rs' The. bill for Dnntin'T the I ..,!.'. r.. r i ..-. . r. i u tf-.i nf! mj-. aarv. In the rural ditricta it Jccca't f. Chronic Ncn o: Cc-JJ .v. 5:.;r. : I r - . j 1 I ei.; t -.,-. i : . h.iv cJ ry I.:: f f I i n " - 1f tf . - . w .- . . . . (lrc.;i T r- . ' . n i t- : t I ; i ; . 1 1 r' r - i. ' J r . . i . t is.. .!. .c -t h! ,. j Dr. .Miles wi Cures. f m It , f,-jwtfc4a ! ft I, a X ,-. A 4 I ( t t 9 ift'l It . 4 ! - I f --i i,. 4 - a t t s : 1 1 r t : : f t 1 C : . . t T i" 1 ". t ... ... ...... 1 ' . . 1. . ...i.j, , .. . , Ncir Uvi !, : . i . . p, a: I 1 1 tr I : w : i, ':",'.: "" .. l-'at ,: t, w ) : ? ! 1 ? i I v t- i t! c n ttt ef l! e w : ;i 1 : wAh c W 1 : ' : p r a ' c! i ; t 'T ' r. tl i f ! ! L r w w ' - - ,r C T ry. . t t'.rz " i I 1 ' - :"; I I .... , f : . . i . V 4. ,. ... ... . s r. ir.!fi r- - T . ler KttrC .; r " t:t dei. I'. ' r -- ! . i-.! '.!.: y t !. ? ' . 1 7..? v . ' (t . . 1 . . . . lie r-i:r-'. r.' - t f 11 ? cr.- - j : . tire w ( t : r j.i ; - r vy c'rt' : ! '. i C 5 t! c r-. -;"-- -f 1 -at i : .: t't.-:: L e -m . r- : r ' " tl'S ft-'f. ! ;. LrO ir. l"a- ! -- - - I I '.., !, !. i ; s. I v. ti' e it -. ' a! ::.ir : r : i: t l ll " t.H r. 7 ' : -e . iTrc a", 1 t ; ll.cr !.t i -'.- ' ti f r t --. rx :- i . t .11 V c rr t 1 f T ; r : ' .' ; n : z rt i v : . i. . '. . Cs r" : r : ' l f l 1 j t ' f ;:.. r Z v 1 . . . . ..... . 2 ' . , - ! ... 1 . . . -. .... . . u f - . -. " v.Tt t? 1 v 1 1 -. : " a L s r i i ' - ! ' c f t Et f ' ft t P , 4 - c.ir elr.V. Lf r i : i ! ! ,-: ! t . ; ll. c.r : i - , 1 - railroad assovment book under Democratic rule wa $35. The present public printer have been paid $72.92 for the same work, or an increaac oi fJi.O!. And thi i Fusion economy with a vengeance A ews-UDfecrver. I have two little grand ehildrea who are let thing thi hot summer weather paid In 1S93 and affects nearly 4,x0 1 aad are troubled with bowel complaint, employee. The plant i crowded I give them Chamberlain' Cl. Choi- CftT. St I ft-, -fti tUAMkA. 1 f ftjftftftjj ft at mmJt ftk. ft with orders. receive one-tcnm me axication it should receive from thce who are mot ioterrtcd, and who tax them- elvr for bad road three time much aa It would oust to cotwdroct and keep in repair the beet kind of roadt. There certainly little scukj ia keeping and feebing three borer to do the work of one, Stir, Enelish Fpavin IJniment remove all Hard. Hoft or Calloused Lump and IUemih from borw. Blood bpavins. Curb. Fplint. bweeney, lUnR-lSoce, Ftirle. fprains, all Swollen IhroaU, ftoucha.ete. Iiave 150 by u of or bottle. Warranted me mot wooaer ful BlemUh Cure ever known, rjold bv Tavlob A lUsaaa. MU Alry.N.C era and lirrha-a Urmedr ami it act l.ke a charm. I eanttly rrcommend it tor children with bowel trouble. 1 waa myself taken with a severe attack of bloody flus. with mat and pais in my etornaeh, oo-third of m buttle cf tnu remedy cured me. w ithia tw- ty-four hours I wa out of tied and do- Injt my boose work. Mr. W. L. Iuea ran, Iou-aqtia. litrkmaa CX. Tena. l oreale by l. A. Houitoa. Uragftst, Mount Airy, . V. Dwelt lea' a. rates tlatva. Taa BarT tUkva ta ll wroekl t- Cu BraUw, Sore, U lers, SU lLua. rr, Sore, Tvrr, C kaffwd !!, CkilkUia, Ctm a4 all Sk.i.a grttjiie, a J ri- Uvtiy ear ril era J rnir4. It la runsisM a 1 rrtc icrtio.a T SXk0r fftati4. rrVrft $a tMf kuX. r i ly TyWr Baaaff, lme- flats, Wial Airy-. 4 J. A. (, fl- atoatuaia. SET THE CCtOCHE CI fi'E. A Crf'-J Ma ! DeitS a Fr.- C!cvc!anJ, Jccc 5.-S. M. S:r.rg, . .. . .. 1 . senior partner cx ii.e w.-.tu-e dreg house of SircEg, Cclh .k Co., died yesterday aiieraoca a the rc ts!of aa ar;det:t. Oa Mvisy tslght at 11 olcck l.e stepped frvta hi !eepir.x rv.:a at U t.-rr.e n hce.d aver.ac to U-c laii-nxti ad ioiamg. in srtrc;ici a rz : c ,nckrd a large U-tt'.c cf ccLrc c'J a sle!f aad it brcke to a rr.tr waihs'ja I, the co-tCwU nzn.:.-z h:a c.othing. . t 1 : rr s-r ts . e c : f 1 : f v t . . .1 ; r pus a Crr: v . .. ft a l .- r . ar : r 1- i m drr Air .'f. 1,y ; r. .' 7 . : t : 1 a- I r z ? it d ".4 e '.:-.-" i.1i; a-.l'-l- LCm f C f T I S " . " Fi 1 -1 : : ; . " i all' Amw Vk. w . r :rr-tc VV: tie a-r-i! c - at the I r. . c - ! r - I ' ! otf.ri Arr.f it t .. : " Fri .Ie I II Ac:.-; . : i.i r t ; - . 1 a t I -1 1 w : -I i - - : i -- : iL . -.1. ; , Mr Sfcrg Lt the n-a:c alasUy tlealcvlcl viper cokie flashed iaio a txr.c. lie wj bsrrvcd ca the frTrtrj, the V dosra, aad the thighs. lie d i Dot rvgtia cc aacl rzi-es. Mr. y I r va Civear t.IJ, at J Lad lrta ia lie dreg Liita ia thU city f;r f.-f.y. five yca.rf tie II nar ti rur'. Mf.if:" . r:- tUs t ii! ''-- ,, f . ts-T f r " -- tft.'i -. : r it : ". 1 ; Sf ; - . ' r. : fjt -r" 1 . : . ' : r ; A ..'.: j'4j - : : - 1 l-ir U:'.' - . ' - ' , i V c zr t ' i . 1 - . ' ' l a. i c 1 L-1L 1 ? t. ; -Kr -1. 1 - J 8 AS T ; ' ? . -t: . Dl.'.r ; r

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