1HE AD KIN Va A EY News. VOL. 15. V. J. BOYLIX, Editor and Owner. MOUNT A1RX, N. C.. THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1895. Advertising Rates Reasonable. JL i O SIMMONSV rrrc GULATOR 7 K y.,n ukinz Frxafoxs Lrvxa Rro Vtofc th "Kino or Liver Medi- ctB '?', That U what our reader wart, and r.xthinjf but that. It La the j",,:.! frn.I to which the old folks viztd th ir faith and were never dia 4 "pmlatL But another jrood recora arvliti -n f r it 1. that it la BETTER Ti p:U--, neve r trrlp. never weak w'-rk.' in such an easy and ta'cra! way, Jat Uk nature ItAelf, that rIf cme fjuick and sura, and one frt-L r."W all over. It never filla. Erprjh"4' m-! take a liver remedy, ar..i evrryrM should take only 8lm jsob Liver Ijrulator. Uj ure jou fret It. Tbe ICed Z t on the wraprwr. J. 11. Zcilia & Co., Philadelphia, "j". HAKRlfLLaLi, Ibterj Pablic for Pensioners, EAEEELLT3K, Sot Co., N. C DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD V. . I I ir Viri?oii. at the June jl . (. S. tin- fay, July 13th. pr ''" !iiutt'J I Eye, Eir, Noae anil Throat. S. P. GRAVES, a r r i:n i: v at la v, viuiif Air. 4:. r u t ! m m t sr. t fV'lT.! ronr. r i i.' . ': Mi.'- f !.n o -i m . K. L. HAYMORE ATTOUNKV AT LAV, Tlniiiit Airy. :. It ''i- t 'e sml Federal rni! t t 'jtn . AH !" icrt. rnlrisM- , Hi Extraordinary Poen. "Washington had no lack of j ow cr at hmj time from middle un til the 'lay of In death. Had l,c desired to seize the rein and mike the p.rtmmtnt a riM.narc.I15, a did Xaj!of, hi opportunity wm at 1 ieat a great. Ilia first aptoitit- merit in Hie JU volution rnwe him -Couimanicr in-Chit;f of the Army T th- UnitoJ Colonic. anl ot all the force nt.c raLc or to le I4VU lV ii.cjm. iie caa aii-o "vctiJ with full jxjvrtr andauthor itf to act" a he thought pol fr Hie Cin-c. ! Placed tu WaIiinston'a h:iitd4 tern- torarily txjwen which made him a!mot a dictator. Ti;ia fact li.i thoutandt i an completely catorTtf HASTE IN COURTSHIP. One Woman's Reasons Against Long En gagements. In an article written for the Wo men at Home,- Mrs. Lnn Linton said: Like so much else in life, the wisdom or unwisdom of lonjr cu- CAtAim-S P1GE0 POST. rrcoa tie Unl Ferular FeatherH Mall Sendee in This Country. 4 So fr aa I can Icnrn. tlie onlv rcuUr picin pt fervicc on thfa ue ol tljc continent or the other i that which beam mcKsaui every day in the summer pomou between Jyj Arigelea and tho littlo town of Avahn. on Catalina lehmd, and lc.ir them at a Fpocd which can be iK.aien only by the telegraph or telephone. Tho steamers mn once a dav bo tween ifiland and mainland, and once it hA CiiAt l.fjc from the wharf, the island, with a summer . ation of rhaji several af,tin to-niKht, after the lapse of n,zed courtship with its assured Making Restitution 'Gentlemen. bepan the faker aa he arranged about luO eicht-ounce bottles on a board placed on the heads of two barrels, "I was in this town inst 10 year ago to-night. At that time I was selfish, dishonest and full of deceit. I had with roe a nwiiart!nn nf fmrsr&rlifcri and f.a t.rrh .nnff Kments depends on the charac ,,.r,fi v, mn4t ter of the actors in the drama of r.!.tin.t r r mnn fnn,W loc. The intense and patient can And what swindle are you work- f their hope lifting them above ini now r called a voice. w, r-1"11-1.1 F"- "I was prepared to hear that, passionate and impatient fret under meekly replied the all you can say abo want to tell you General News. John Datesman, who died at West Milton, Pa., last week, at the age ot So years, was Postmaster of that town for hfty-eight consecutive year, and was believed to have held office longer, and from an earlier period, than any other Postmaster, lie was appointed by Piesident Andrew Jackson in l35, and re tired in 1S93. Five generations of one family are living near Hamilton, O. The oldest member is Mrs. Margaret d the Highest of aQ ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't I ir n H c tin ir 'W -Jr r- " -i- " i - IT WORKED. lata. H HnaorVH I uciar auu uitu iuiu w I , . , , . laaer. iuwchc . ... . m I rnnntrpsf htTtrrtat cfrpjit-crrandrhlld. at . nd vet Ij W K : " ijubf CtofflnJ rto is ven Viaf I am hero '" iuiuiu mo uau v j twi- i , , ' --r , i i nmnrhenn m re i ash ri an upvpn- A Hard-Headed Man's Experience With the Water Witch Twig. "I am almost ashamed to tell it, and people would laugh at me it my name were given," remarked one of not, pcrhat, received general at- j fr'' the world as though it were tention. lie xrm emtio we red to rnju-ocean, and vet the thore is . .... a ... " t rvf iwcniy miies awav. ine dcm$rid for some additional service grew. Often thero were men of itiLiirs ainong the visitors, and they were not infrequently hjto dis trerted to find means of communi cation. I remember hearuiir ond financier declare, "I'd cic triad ly t trvl dipatr!i to Jam An geles; it would 1m. worth 5,000 to me easily. and its intimacy is better than I teen children, and her daughter had j the best-known architects in the city severance To the latter the fourteen. The grandmother of I of Louisville, and one who has levy arnl oar iiuz.j sixteen bttattioris of infantry, to raiee and equip cav alry, artillery and engineer, and to etabhli their pay, to make and . ... .t . . . . uuiiisKt: niMK.iiir meniH uiuicr the grade of bri.-Rilier-general, to take supplies for tho army at his own price, even if thu aie should Ixr rc- lu.ncd, artd to itnpriMjii thoc who should refuse to take Continental money iese years, because my conscience "etg ,ts rnumacy, is oeuer u. n I" T"t. . L r" J2Bi.! crram Von by keepinc. That uby ta 1 34 yea olJ, and ber figored prominently in the ooU T omfrrin. n liJ.n nnnrrM hnn rj assuredness and intimacy, est life Vou see before yon ruy WIUca maKe 60me amenas to me buicide is nucommon among coi discove hcartbu tram -........,.- -v fc-""-' I . 1 J . . . k I . -.' -1.1 restore tho appetite. t C8S ine eia7 wnicn seems 10 wcet, is noted as a remarKaoie oc- I HnrTt llinvo it" Ahnutpd ,c"n"IC11 wnu eaie. . xio vin- currence in v lrginia. xnismanwas another man. ()f courso you don't, and if you ft-. . I 4 ft In m 4-rv.t J t 3 a 1 J I J ry for the cure of headache, X.. o lu UC1JJ ".1,fcS,u 4Wl orea peopie, anu iue biuciub 01 a fnand flatulencv. It is also Ain,e 10 an easier 11 noi a speeuier reputable colored citizen ot uaiuax nM tr. nnr. in.lioostmn nd ep, to "i other aggravate to maa- county, V a., which occurred last important of recent big impiove ments. It is a fact, though." he con tinned, "and is something I will not undertake to explain. At one time I was engaged to make out the plana tor a large brickyard. All went well until I reached the subject of hadn't interrupted mo I was going to admit that it wouldn t. xio, years ffrrnr Vutirrn thn tven dflRSPfi in I RCi .ne 1.4 aA nancA nf liJo . ..a ... w w w . I J V T V 1 O UlUt UiJ U V. . I . . . w . according to temperament; and the killing himself was believed to be "er supply, it was suppose that law holding good for the one fails lonesomeness and despondency be- aier coma oe louna laaounaance, to touch the other. A long en cause of the recent death of his wife " uauJLu uewrur Muu pur poses. verv scienuuc meiuou l . . v.r a.. ... t I I If ri'tn a 1 f Inr ( urt x-r.t i n r. m nn I . t . . . . t I (flrrpm Anf rtt lnilctprm inATA ISRtlfl IS I onH o Konnnn bi-H ci Innna at Iue nhi l I r i-o-i ""ciikht ttuuseu. . . p , , I K""'cmcn, me contents or tnese -e T. . j i I , "W-J"' 0.auW.u.0vUU known wm Mhanstpd in locatinn a Hw.li f ihnT.mm.n i.M of Is AriL-clc. Otto and ( )itwAld I : t i uaz u sometimesas disastrous as death, drpn Known was exnausiea in locating a i ii it, -- i uuiuis la tk iniuu on m couuuitiii uuir i , r . , , ' I nn eacu oprxjrtunities, wuld I ",,,, y iUU inu visuore i j,c Thecc A w have enriched fiimeclf and all !.; a'J rc-wdenU from their etnbarrass- friendi. An ambitious telf-seeker in iolation. This was accom would have loit all in trvinir to I p'hed by tho Cetabhihmcnt of a gain a royal rank. j carrier-pigeon )oet between Avaion lho adoption of the Contitnt w.n nnu i-os inzeice. 1 he service was ... - . I ; ..-. a. even did cot r.revent Wa, h m-tnii I inaiiguraieu las. summer, ancr con from U-inrr riiro iiwerful than I ducted for several weeks with tine . . .. . . . I i i e . i anv l'reldent ha since lefn or Miunucai buccchs. iiwas icaica a; - ... . .... I .; . .!. .1 . . ... I f.t ever will lo. 1 here was no v n uri uiai ue pigeons, wmcu are partydivi.ion in Congre. Ilisap- Jwtinctively land birds,' might wjn boy a bottle and help me on Ml i . f . I . e I tporoii vain I miinh mrvnnxr non compound is simply water, wncn Y ,are MParaTa.,.I0r The twentv female school teach- hn n tho to o! .urt-o h ;iiv0.m years, tie nas oeen aoroau, cuer-1 . r . . , l . r r- v... r - t i isnintr inn inpi a ansptit overs nn. i . r v v. wuo paw l am nere to- f? , - . " . m the West Chester. L'a.. nnblic Tn oKctnta. oir r .o troll- . . . . . . i i ja ri vaa ta i-rw-k rt ThA n r ro i a j i ata cm u a u ! u lhiaa a a tv maa night to honestly admit the fact and .r w. v"a0 schools during the eusuinf? vear. nn' nn hn t - . i nnrwxrca i it ti ir f- ti r a na i vr v wa iuu iavuaa vuwvkwi fi mvm to make restitution as far as lies in "r;". n,l".'e- ', , 1J were reonired to siVn an agreement thl .f Xf fTnt. Vn mnet lo mrt Hr. it K ot remains in hie mma as . T j j i v " kf . ""-.v-i -"-s 1 OU must let me 00 It I ?, . , , , . . I not to ret marripd dnnnc tho vesr I nnnA At tirot T 1onnVoH the unalterable pattern irom which v .? r . y I "" - i. ' the woman of seven and twenty ',r wmcu . uiej were aPFomteu. at the idea, but it loos hold ot me my power, in my own way, however. JNow, then'who has the first bottle for 50 cents ? It is a fraud, as I have told you, but I hope that some ot you f -t .4 t f tiiM-n. P. B. HAMER, ffOTAK FUBIflC .f ..t,ry wor ptr,ttjr v.Ui .. I". (iravi-4, Att.r.'y at GEO. W. SPARGER, Atiorcej at Law S Notary Pablic, n ii itt Airr, .:. ir Vf .li.rlnif Uio n S lb l'oi:llO Of i.ii. laiira- (lvrrI la t-aJt t i Ml' r ski i. ii. H .. . fj. . I CARTER & LEWELLYH, Att(jrncb - it t I.ay. and Frderl I ri t ; t rt.-r.ti n cin t all huti- W. H. PR0CT0R C:a;tcr far Plain and Ornamen tal Plastering. X t ' mt r .:'.-i. t!"j. I r-fr. to T. I. : vrK t Any, K. ti. Pine Street Dairy. pouitiiicutft, from men of all shades of opinion, were never questioned by tho Senate. I'oth he and his cabinet mcmbcra freely iel a priv ilege fcince denied, of person ally ex plaining to Congress tho deeircd ac tion in CJes mining to require it. Whcro a lrcidnt can now only send a messnge to Conrcs-s, Wash ington v lotted tho Senate loexplain what he wanted done, R in the case of nn Ii!lim trcitv. His helter.-. in t!u cabinet i tited Constantly to Htt-rnj the Cotiresf ionl sitting, a the member of the I!riti-)!i Culr met do now. j Kvt-n in WaliingtotV old age power sought out theheroof York, towp. In the tirt vear of Ailne term, when thi Jr'remli were tru Imtihg Ai.ierieaii thipping, the old hi-ro hmh iiin liiuctd cottiin tndcr in -chief to light against Iti4 former MitT. nrul a tc Ii4V.il engigriuenti a f : f ti 1 1 V t'"k !CV, Hut when ti.ts f rent-! i Directory wtu overthrown ntA Napwlian Ihj e;uae Yitil Cott-ul, there wa no more holding U. tween the riing hero of France and the dying hero of Amenta. Id Mean g HhistrateJ. A lawyer h a i.ri siioiiing a m-gro Hitv in one of the julic' c -urt ih other d.iy aiid w a I'tling long fairly Will lif.til ho aikc the witm-- vrti:it Li oteutwitiut; wai. I'jmj a drpi'dcr, al. "What kid of a earvntci?" They cal me a k-!c enrpen trr, "What U a j I'-lcg rarpcntcrf" '11? r. car f-v-liter who i not a nrt ela tarpviilcr, h. "Well, exptairi fully what you understand jatk-leg earm-ntcr to l,"' itcl the I.itvyer. ItijM. I dcclar 1 duniMj how ter -p!.m in3' no" ;cpt to ay lot am y: d- same diiluiice t y on an Vr lii.t cliot l iwrj ir." 51 io,n Tvl Ijraph. ' . Tn:Mi MII.K AMi KItKK Vt I.tVI.UY.aUo furfu.h Col ,,d M.l and Hull, a eiifjt- rati.-n for Mil C.m and I 'ir .Mlt'.r. l.. .t f. d knn to t.ii- l'.rjrr.iv. .Mr I:, n. 11 INKS. l'r ; rt. t.r l'tn Mri't I' .iry, M urt Airr, C. poAi,! coAi.7 . . thra.-it t'oat fr Stv- I. .... ; i r..,. ',.. f,,r m- and I rat- !' - j : l t f.r l,..4 and V.r.y.i n . p. jp r.vut.o. . .t '.'. i ......t Ca1 Co. A. S. iiMZCKLsV r'n:.rroi: IN f ilia and Fancy Paiating, Hard Oiling and Yaroisbing. I i r i; ,id i.:?.-r I .iw' ;..il. wor. A: :-... mt i;(,ur;,j iv ii. N. I'. J. F. HARRISON' f . t.f rtu 1,,. fri.-a l, and th- pl n..yt rtf:iled af if HARNESS. SADDLES, BRIDLED i ', , 1 ii.v oi Sjtry u. J. H. dlakemore7 PHOTOGRAPHER, SMunSt., MT.AXItY.N.C. j 8f;ar,t t.i m,k :t it,,, Aft4 ar t ;w -fji.',. , ua i tie uaw.. aa4 i' f.,'.-;i,f I'h,t,an,l One !'' '..rr-nV, All for Only $5.00. Of 11-mhi'. Sarnipiriiltwim friend wherever it U iV.rly and hoiiextly tried. To have perfect hciltli, you limit have pure b!l, and the Ut way to have pnre bttxid i to take 1 l?afapiril!a, the lict blood purifier and strength builder. It cxjcl all taint ot rcnifUj i!t rheutn and al otl.cr l.Ui'.or, and at the aiY.ot!mc bulM tip the whole iyttcm. llooi arc prompt and ellieient. -jc. A Ih.v in Kn:i was pulling a d. ah't"' the n-.id by a r.-JHJ. The boy clid to he d-g: Cine along, I'op, yu ornery ru." A bvnUnder a-ked l.im why ho Called the do- iVp. "For birt,' an ed tlie U.v. "WhitV hi. full nAtne; "IVpoliit, ar.crcd tne U.v. "Why call h;tn a-ke I the trai ler. VelV" f jr," the b iy e.u l. '. Th :n? uo i jun like a Fopuluti I ( e too ornery-i-t d in Kini4. He ain't worth . . . . ..!... II -...1 dtirti onlir to :i m i.u 10 -Topek Dauy Capital. a howl." ECZEMA From early child- hood unt.l I v. Zi trc-jva pv Tarr..ry pnt a. fortune vUrted HJt SrliE. and wa treated v ts ht rf .jal r.rn. tut u a not i.irrr.in.! lo tju a. S. S.. and in 1 four month wa entirely cured. The ( ' ttrnMe Eczema was ronr. not a t'.in cf It left; my teeral hea.th built up. 1 and I have never had any return of , the dsexse. nni nnnn I have since U II I L U II UUU c c a laabM ot frtntj to ft tl. r. hoitate to lly across solarirea body of water; but, ai far aa known, tliere need have been no cause for anxiety on thioint. Themcseage iHiarer usually etMrted without de lay, arriving at their destination with a certainty and promptness al most incredible. Thu air-line dis tance from Araloti to Los Angeles is about lilty mi!c. This was ao lhere is no rule against courting, and 1 could not get rid of it. I provided it is done out of school looked all around to be 8ure that no hours. The Board Bays it ia by no one was watching, and then hunted means opposed to matrimony, but I for a twie-. A neach-tree fork is the that it has found such an agreement kind mentioned, but an elm-tree necessary in order to prevent breaks fork was all I could find. I cut it in the corps of teachers at incon-Jso that each fork was about ten veuient times. I inches lone, and the butt niece. - J- K 1 A seventv-seven-vear-old citizen I which was no larger than my finger, .1 ? 1? .1 . . 1 I r - . -rr.ii- -xir.t. i I nhnnt t n ron ?nrlioj Inn or T rsn rrht Tjipn ti.p noiumg 01 ,au tins enters into nis 01 wreat rang, vain., ia uiuer- ----- ; , 0 . j 7- 7 - " - 1 1 . iii i t - 1 nsiifi run cinnQ t fin iir lt r i Krii'ir calculations wnen lie dreams 01 going a peculiar procees 01 pnysicai 1 . . . ...... I ? . 1 i. - I nnn frirlr in ifhAr hand: na nnn done luat sweet am Der-tressca a rsinoe, regeneration, auoui year ago uu i . - has not swerved by so much as- a hair's breadth. Bloom and ingen nonsnesa remain aa they were. IT. . 1 1 uncertaintv. anxiety, constantly A man who was undoubtedly act- '"""i"? piutu;ut, aau in.nnpr" nnrrhftfida tttlp nnseiuca state or a aanguter wnose r- " w f " - - . . . t .1 . nri l,nnd o fti 1,511. Prttv Pce at Dome is mat oi a Eupernu tnnn . C-,-.n nmrhar nnh l.Ta merary a fledgling surla brancbe. .. t -- r- i .1 f way through tho crowd and rece ved VIu.s -i, cv' "UI the lott!e and a f2 bill. faker smiled and said : JNow you see how it s v,; ; ' :.VJ:rC whom finally he sails over the seas contracted pneumonia, and his life wou a ao m picking up a nay xo compI,hed by .ome of the Catalina Z&Vtti swindled Twith 7th TSarrh fo make his own. And then when was for some time despaired of, the oy tne unes ana n,m tnem so tna livers i hfty minute f rom three inuff but this is my way of easing nc'r- muePccyl "ocl JS "fi inn notauite l verticar rsition After t. four hour m reou red to make ---i.r a littlo old-maid eh. set in rnm hopelessly wasted. He recovered, pot quite, a vertical position. Alter l iiii tFijjitruuu nil u iua&.i.JLr itr&LiLii- i . - . l a . a -a . . . v the trip by railroad and ft earner. Ift year a considerable revenue . M 9 was carnei m tliu lorwariltng 01 diipache from Cutalina by the winged mc-eiigers. hinall bids iHMjtcd conspic uously lout tho town of Avaion, conveyuig the somewhat Ll3g tion Ah! one more sale, and here are $3 to the purchaser. As near as I can remember, I made about $100 on rny snnflswindle. I want to give that all back and more, too." 1 he next purchaser only got a dollar, but the next after him receiv- startlinir information to the irreso-I 1 and !. foil WL- thn fat-ir late islander that "private messages I Eajd ' ' atld bllsitlCHJ nrders iny bo for- I lnmi.n,r. ront!rmnn thla an. warded at any hour of the day, and called remedy is a fraud and utterly in connection with the telephone, WOrthle4. Let nobody buy it for telegraph and cable Jine, to any anythingelse. I could scatter these part of the world." greenbacks broadcast, but havo this The young pigeon fanciers also urfir.nal way of distributing the add to their income by supplying the money. J ehall now increase the daily pro of J.oa Angeles with prjce from 50 cenU to $3 a bottle. the latest news from Latalina. Ah ! there, my blacksmit ith! You want a bottle, eh ? Here it is. and here is a $10 bill to go with it. ho takes the next I Everybody wanted the next, and a score of hands waved $2 bills at the fakir. For 10 minutes he was busy taking in the money and hand ing over the bottles and handing out dollar bills now and then. All of a sudden, when his last bottle-had ber thuycar nearly lUO bird of been reached and his kerosene torch hi'h degree, and the-o will insure wa extinguished, somebody yelled, constant and cKicicnt service Iug fight !" and five minutes later throughout the eumrncr. I the crowd was bunting for him in In a very lew instances the birds vajn un and down the street and in have been wounded by pot-hunters j the door ways. He had eased his or tnouirnuc sportsmen, can 1 conscience and made restitution by or lAst ear the Zhns had not more than a dozen homcrs.in the fcrvicc, aud it was found by re(eatcd fly ings at short interval that the birds towurd the cud of the icason tecatr.c lca reliable. It i not the flight acrvi the water that exhausts fhem, but the boxing and shipping on the return trip. Tho thn lofts at Avahm and ls Angeles nurn- Franeuco Chronicle, snrr s;Cin: ca khzx u DtNOUNCINQ TALMAGE, "itj CU H Deietfathgr Sibbith to Go ta Har Him, St. IuI, June 24. -A social from Mapon City, Ia., say that the Ilev. T. Ihs Win Taltrugc, who i engaged to lecture at Clear Iiko on next Sunday, and to which Sun day excursions arc ad vcrtUcJ to run on all railrodj editoring at Mason Cty, roundly denounced from tho Mothodiet and other pulpits of that city yesterday. Mr. Talmago was severely censured lor allowing himself, fwr a monetary considera tion, to bethcttttraction for causing m ini to utstcxjite the Sabbath. Ia,tu4 Ik; very watchful over our littlc-i onrt. rUcy arc pt-ious gift. In their" innocence and purity they eome to us. Ixt cur highest aim be to keep them ik,our greatest ambition to etc them while young cive their hearts to (iod. As we lay some little tk npoi tLem, which it is our duty ;o see u i well done Z "tt W haruls ran it, let us show pleasure at their obeiiencc, and at hc satue tune remind, theui that their heavenly tnther pleased aith theui. t iir He said, "Chil dren, 0U7 your parents." Let us teach them a!so that He said, Little children, come unto me." A heaven 'ni message to the littlo ones, n invitation from the KJc. Oh ! mny we, i vra are true uicthers,ln struck our dear littJe'one that thi is the liioet irn,xjrtant invitation thev can ever receive, and mav we do all we can to insure U HCccpW ancv. Selected. English Spavin Llniount rrmorr all Hani. Soft or Calloused Lump and KUmih- frum horse, lllood hpavln. Curbs, Splints. Svrwtifj, KinR-Iior.e, hti:if. Sprain, all Saollen Throats. Coughs, ftc. ve t-V) by ue of one twltl. Warranted the most tro-iier-ful lilemish Cure ever Skld 3 Ml. Airy. N. G California cherry season is at its height now. Dunne the M?cond week f Juno pound of cherrte were ihippcd East from, San Jose alone- taking in $190 and distributing $40. St. Louis Ilepublic What Could He Say? Even in the best regulated fami lies things sometimes "gang agloe." A certain man in our town set out tho other day to. celebrate his little sou's birthday, and went down cel lar to vuako him a freeicr of ice cream. He was going to an afternoon tea, and had juEt twenty minute in. which to freeze the ereana He managed to crack the iceand three ot bis fingers in the first five bo cogged a holo in the palm of hi hand with tho ice pick. q finally got the'frcexer packed, and ttcw at tho crank with bloody hand and made it revolve at the rate of a million revolutions an hour. One can always tell by tho way the freezer turns whet th,e cream i stiffening, bu.ta.; the end, of; twenty minute tbat irccer waa gyrating around t. easily as wUen, ho bcjjan ; so he flans bia Wkt, ga a little madder, and; increased the number of revolutions by a quarter of a million. At the end ot ten rninutea the thing waa still flying around with uo indication of the cream. 40au-in-." Finally h? jjerVed 0$ thQ.lul and then feli'dowir in a d'ead faint, froth-. ing at' the mouth All tliat terrific effort been expended on an," acpltelj cmpty freezcr. TLe Ueam wa up stairs on tho kitchen table. It was a birthday and a festive oc casion, and the dignity of the head ot the family roust be maintained. But he waa down ccller and c7e- Boston Beacon, ways or all at loose ends, as belongs to tho desouvree anyhow, not the Arsinoe ho left, but a loveless tra vesty then he repents and regrets, and wishes he had faced the fir6t swift blow rather than this duller and unending ache. To be 6ure, some even of t,he most gailant look ing men are strangely constant to their fiancees with whom time has dealt harshly, jbut with whom ab sence has not broken the spell. But the majority are not; aud with them the long engagement, includ ing separation, has been a mistake and the rootwork of alter misery. bo it is when love burns itself out into clay with the one and re mains bright and clear with the other. Or haply where it has burned itself out with each alike, and 'honor" forbids a frank expla nation. Worst state of all is it when this love has died for the af fianced and wakened up for some one else, with always that grim Knight of Honor standing sentinel against happiness. These are the chances agam6t the success of a long , engagement. But they are not fi nal. For, ever and ever the loving and the constant would rather havo that fragmentary portion, than nothing at all; and that hope which springs eternal in the human breast can do so much fox us when we cherish it! It all depends on the temper and the temperament. In any case, however, a long engage ment makes certain demands on the' nature which wisdom, reckons yith, beforehand; and consciencOv self- control, and honor lay by enough iunas to launiuuy 4u1n.11 anu satisty. -. . Xtfvjr hwnpey Believed A word of truth waa once put into a single sentence by a negro slave called Pompey. The Chris tian relates the occurrence: In a Southern cotton field as an aged slave was laboring, His owner chanced along, and atlor a short conversation remarked: "They tell m,o you, are religious, Pompey?" "e mjasta," responded Pom pey, K- is, 6horc nufL" "Do you believe in tho Bible?" asked the gentleman, who was an uubelievir. wYea, sah,n said the black man, "I docs." "But how do you knav it's truth!" asked tho master Quick as a flash came tho reply. 'It says so itse'f;; 'sides it tells me things Pso sho' is true, 'cause I knftwa how 'tis." "VYell supposing it wasn't true, thenwhaty 4Yell if it9 true, den Fee safe in do uex. worl; if tain't, Pso a better tnau m dis. Ram s Horn. A horv kicked it- S, Skater, of thm FreVmyeV House. 31iddleburr, Ji. Y. on the kne. which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended bim to use Chamberlain's Fain Balm, which be did, and in two day waa able to be around. Mr. Chafer haa recommended ftto,!anx other and aj It is eTe tot any kind of a bruise a;&nxala. Thi same rmdT Li also Yacoou for it cures ot rheumatism- For sale by D. A- HouaJ ton. Druggist. A Household Treasure- D. W. Fuller, of Caaajoharie. N. V., ays that he always keeps Dr. Kin j N jw Discovery to the bouse and his fzml'rr haa always found the terv U$trsalt &low iU us 1 that he wiIJ jji b aitkout it, if procurable. Cy'4k. 4keman, Druggist, CaUkill, Vh that lr. King's .New Ilfxe& U uadouUsdly the best Conjrh riuedy J taat he haa used it in his family fut eicht Tsars, and it haa never fsil- a to do ill taat is claimed for it. Why not ?J a remedy so Ion; tried and tectsd. trial bottles free at Taylor & liars Drua; Store. Kecular size 50c. a&d i.0d. however, but when just able to looking once more to be certain that imhKi. .rnnni 1,0 fli onrl hrnVfthi no one could see me and tell what thigh bone, and was confined to the mig&t have affected mv reputation hospital acain for six months. Since an architect, besides being a good joKc, l began to walk: about wnere the water was supposed to be. leavinjr, however, his physical con dition has improved remarkably. His lungs began to open np until tLey became almost as well as ever ; his skin shed off and a new skin grew, and his hair and beard, which were snow while, are coming out a jet black. His limbs and muscles have limbered up, and he started a week or so since to take a herd oi 3oung horses across a long trail to market. He says it he continues to grow young ne win get marnea again and grow upwiththo country. Dark Horse. "What is the origin of tho term "dark horse," so much talked about in politics? It probably had its origin on the turf, where a custom gften prevails of training a horso in secret 60 that his powers may not be known. A poc oi money as ox ten won oy tne horso that has been kept in the dark. The Etep from horse talk to political talk is not a long one. Notes and Queries says: ' Once upon a time there lived in Tennes see an old chap named Sam Flynn, who traded in horses and generally contrived to own a speedy nag or two, wlneii lie used for racing pur poses whenever he could pick tip a "soft match' during his travels. The best of his flyers waa a coal- black stallion named Dusky Pete, who was almost a thoroughbred, and able to go in the best of com pany. iynn waa accustomed to saddle Petes when approaching a town anu riae mm into it to give the impression that the animal was merely "a likely hoss," and not a flyer. One day he came to a town where a country race-meetme was being held, and he entered Pete among the contestants. The people of the town, not knowing anything of his antecedents, and not being over impressed by his appcararce, backed two or three of the local favorites heavily against him. Flynn moved quietly among the crowd, and took all the bets offered against, ins nag. Just as the "fly ers" were being saddled for the race old Judge McMinamee, who was the tnrf oracle of that part of the State, arrived on the course and was made one of the judges. As he took his place in the stand he; was told how the betting ran, and ot the folly of the owner of the strange entry in backing his "plug" so heavily. Punning hia eye over the ruck, the judge instantly recog nized Pete, and be said: "Gentle men, there's a dark horse in this race that will make some of you smell L before supper. The iudge waa right Pete, the "dark horse,'', lay back until tho three quarter pole was readied, when he went to the front with a rush and won the pursa and Flynn'a bets with the greatest ease. But the story has ail the air of a subsequent inv&ution, and even if trne it does not follow that the judge waa not using a common and well-known phrase. Few couples have journeyed through life so long together as did Mx. aiid Mrf. Kistner of Highland Prairie, Wash. The husband died receutly at the authennca,tui ge ot US vcars- and the wife is atill hale Jand hearty in. Jjcr Icar Chamber Jaia'a ig the best of alL Vin cent J. liar kl, of a an bury, Iowa, ha utel Chamberlain's Oough Bemedy wboevr in need of a medicine for coughs and cold?, for the past five years and says: "It always helps me out. If anyone ask me what kind of cough medicine 1 use, l reply. Chamberlain' that is the best of alL 25 and 50c bottles for sale by 1). JL Houston, DruggiL "The twig did not vibrate any more than would naturally follow the jarring motion from walking, and I began to walk about aimlessly, not watching the twig, for I was thinking deeply and seriously ot eome reasonable plan, when sud denly my hands jerked aa if they had come in contact with an electric battery and the butt of the elm fork had curved over and 'downward about as far as it could without breaking the prongs. I never was so surprised in my life. I would not believe it at first. As long as I remained at that spot the twig bent and could not be made" to stand erect, but when I moved away a short distance it would straighten up as before. Time and again 1 walked away and back again before putting faith in the experiment. It convinced me, however, and I mark ed the place. Sure enongh we found a fine supply oi water, but 1 never told how the water vein waa dis covered. It developed that this water vein followed a ledge of rock and after ward I followed np the vein with a forked stick, and firmly believe that 1 can follow np that ledge of rock and water vein from Louisville to West Point." Louisville Courier- Journal. mat Waste of Material. A well known congressman, who had been a farmer before be went into politics, was visiting his dis trict, not long ago, and in his ram bles he saw a man in a stumpy patch of ground trying to get a plow through it. He went over to mm, ana altera brief salutation asked the privilege of making a turn or two with the plow. The native shook: his head doubtfully as he looked at his visi tor's store clothes and general air of elegant leisure, but he let him take the plow. The congressman sailed away with it in nne 6tyie, ana plowed four or nve inrrows before the owner of the held could recover from his surprise. Then he pulled up and handed the handles to the original holder. "By gravy, mister, said the far mer admiringly, "are yon in the aggercultural business V' "Ji o, laughed the statesman. "Yon ain't sellin plows ?" "No." "Then what in thunder air yon f i "I'm the member of congress from this district' f Air yon the man I voted for and that I've been reading about in the papers doin' lezislatin and sieh in Waehin'ton V "res." ""Well, by hokey, roister," said the farmer, as be looked with ad miration over the recently plowed furrows, "ef I'd 'a had any idea that I was votin f er a waste of eich good fannin material, I'd voted for the other candidate as shore as shootin I" Youth's Companion. Bneklen's Arnica Salve. Thi Best Saws in tb world far Cat Braises. Sore. Ulcer. Bali Khsnna, Fever, Sores, Tetter, C Mapped Hands, Chilblain, Coma and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Pilsa. or ao tny required. It is roaranteed to rive Perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pries 25 cents per box. For sale by Taylor Banner, Drug- rista. Mount Airy, ana J. A. ctone, n' Atouotaia. , STATE NEWS. rr m . . . i no limes printed tho nr.r: at Cornatzer's, Davio count-, J 19th, of W. P. Carter, a v merchant of that place, id" : Maud Gray. The bride, it l came nino hundred miles to Cr. 1 man of her choice. Tho following dislinguIsLe 1 tlemen havo promised to to r.:' uuuiord liattle Ground cel l r. July 4tb: Gov. Eiia Carr, c: -( Tho. M. Holt, U. S. Senator !! Bullor, Kemp P. Battle, I A.. Prof. Alderman, President Winston, LL. D. ; Tho Charlotto iS'ews his I troubled with rats for wr..:; J.I ! uu iuuv were so tig mai i whipped out tho cats. JTI.j r suddenly disappeared and on ing for tho causo it waa found t big black snako had nr. Jo the IT. ofiico his headquarters. Xno AeheviIIo Citizen s.iv t John M. Trash, of Calhoun, 7: sylvania county, has sold Lis r nincent Valley Kiver farm of 1, acres in Cnerokco county, en Murphy branch of tho Vr : North Carolina Kailroad, for C-l, to a Northern and Western co.:.; which will likely plant a South J kota colony on it. Mr. N. W. flrft thn, IV,.;. of Shore, Yadkin county, ger.ir; reaches this market with tlo : local grown fruits and ve-. ' Tho past week peaches ami ro. ears comprised a portion cf I. ; ferings, and ho ia not content being first, but having the I, : t market affords, as ono fruit cr ' rt KIa fillttaAilc A r n 4 I , '. .1 .MlIW UMUbiiVl 111 li.v." spectivc seasons. Winston 11 ' can. Tho Salisbury Herald gays a 1 living in Wilkesboro, who or : sided in Salisbury, bad cvA - thrilling experience with a !;: black snako several days a ro. I! . u vub luuiiiiiijj ouo was iiiatiir tho bed in which she and an i: had slept tho nihf before when . discovered a hugo black snako ur too bolster. It had been there night. It was killed and found to about four feel long. Salisbury Herald: One rr.ci rom tomorrow Whil Ferron v pay tho death penally for thu r; der of Deputy Sheriff II. C. () , on tho 20th of February last, e:: I tlmo Andoi-bon Brown will t .-. t death nenalty for tho murd r Calhe Koberts.on tho nierht cf "'; 2d last. This execution is to publicj and will bo witnc 1 hundreds, perhaps thousand1, n.Anl. It Ik. , t pleasant sight to eeo two hurr.- n ings rusbod off into eternity. 1 r - T ; . r . Howie, of Sandy llidgo towr. ! is a young man who 13 nakir ; success ot larming. Ho fcr.i t over one hundred bushels cf c i . i i . I, nere vms wees ana nas over bushels more to bell, llo h: i t c . . . r i .i uneat i.caii oi iuuius in iuo c , : ' and tho great secret of Li r . having so much fieah ia t! never strains them punm I supplies away from town, L ; wagon tonguo always point- t ards town when loaded wiilj duce. Tho Sun says there h a cur! at tho Erwin Cotton at I; ham, a weaver, by tho nano cf J. McMillen, who eates gla s i , ii ,i t r . hibition of his powers Tuesday c v ng when ro chewed up & ! chimnoy, showed thopartic.'c in mouth, then took a big drau- ;.i waterand down wentthe r- - chimney a if it had been a c'. ' morsel. Ho onco traveled wir'. VirtM? TT k knxra n run , 1 , r r 1 footed on redbot iron, and ',.1 i Daclt ot any chair in Lure am , his teeth. There is a band of colored r, in Durham who claim that th i by faith they leave cverythir - the Lord. Somo of them i t nir, says tho Sun. A Durham I employed one. she would chart asked When man said weml ! Iaico it '.-'U Lo "d. When tho wash car.: 3 i n was tl.f0. The next week the . qjestion was asked and tho ? - answer triven. V hen tha wash carao in it was 2. L here," said the lady, "don't you 1 t r l. T .nA -n.. , - Tr charging me too much." A Means of Disinfecting Ve' :. Heavy rains are apt to c . :. ! H. 1 J .I." ! ate weiia auu epruaa Ui.-.-oa. - l, ;. . Dr. iranck has brought c r. . . .- notice of theJPoly technic Koc!.:; Berlin a means of disinfeciir g v . which he employs with crcc: . consists in supcndiEg in tl.2 ; of the well an earthenware d!, !. c taining 50 to 100 grarr.:- . gramme is about 15 grair.5) cf I mine, wnica ocing 0.11.2 1:1 forms a derite vapor that HV.i thus disinfecting it. The ra!:r is true, has a slight taste cf Lrc : for a time, bat is wholccomc c :: : London Globe. The New Squaw. An Indian named "'lan-AT. . ' : Nothing," married a wtito . in Montana recently, and in c : j after bis wedding he ; : I t tribe to have his name cLr.r '.

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