- The NORTH-CAROLINA CHRONICLE, is published Once in each week, cmri is furnished to subscribers on the terms of twodol- Jars and fifty cents ..in advance pr three dollars payable at the expi ' ration of six months . ". - . .'. ... ;, JSo paper 'sou, oe aisconzmnea mites at the option of the editor. 1 JYb Duoscrtpfiort unit oe received jor o tejs (imc tt x .'tuifiTsv i Advertisements will be, con$picu ' trusty itoc ou ; no m uim-.it;, u.t f he rates of seventy-live cents per smiare. fnr the first insertion, and i --- - twenty-five cents for each subse quent time, r , t - t All transient persons wishing ad vertisements printed, must in every tnstance enclose the moriey witfcthe -advertisement, otherwise they: "will not be attended to. ' 1 1 - i All communications addressed to ' .the editor on business oj Ahewriter -must be post-paid. ",' i 'To the Afflicted! j t IN iustice to myself: I have been iad iced to reply to a false arid un justifiable attack made upon me and others by Swaim, the verider - of a certain Panacea in this -city; 'I do this also," in order to remove from the .-"public-' mind," thefalse impressions which may !: arise, out of his pompous and " incorrect statement in the public prints- Mr. Swaim v wishes : to establish the belief, that he is the sole pat entee of the celebrated Panacea, upon 'which he has built his Yor t'ines;and not satisfied with asser 'ting this, he -goes. on to condemn ad others as . spurious and false imitations No jv nothing is more 'entirely destitute , of -tAuth.-- 1 . have been acquainted : with 1 the Original recipe,, from 'which 'Swarn manufactures his" medi cine, of Upwards of ten years. It was obtained from my father-in law, who now resides in the State fN 'W-York, who has used it for thirty years, and performed innn ; merable extraordinary cures with administered this medicine, its powerful virtues have never been , known to fail, this, of itself, and I have certificates to substantiate the fact, would give the. lie to Mr Swaim'sbare assertion. " Per fectly satisfied as X am, with the increasing orders for it, which are reaching, me from various parts of the Union, X should not - have thought it necessary to make tnis plain statement ql the relative me j, sua ji ; hic tasci iiuu ;uui, iur; Swaim, On one occasion, when' a 3Lady.,personally fvaited on him to purchase his tPanaccahndJeorn- 1 em irked that slio could purehuse : mine! fb'iialf the moriet, rtvt-TT her riot to take any of it for ieyr it .. tnight produce fataf conseqiiQn xes.and went to fay that it was Tirtf (TPnnino . . - rF.l-r.?i-on1ei rtl nor. isoa'i who aren6- enjoying the bletsihgs'F ,hc aUh; establisbed by its etvill bear me ?6u0 in this - : 4Trtion,Th'at'PakeWRen- . aiing-i egeiaDie xanarea -" iSj in : very respect equal to Swaims, uua cuu ut; iukcii in an i cases - vherhis' hasr proved efficacious, with J perfect security : and iree dom. Ahd I do say, without tear .-Of contradiction, and I can estab lish the fact beyond the possibility . ui uwioi -inai .my meaicme ana - his - are one and the same'thing, with tbo exception of any mercu rial preparation. x .'- ' " -s JOHN A PARKER. VEGETARLE RENOVATING Carefully prepared from the original recipe, and warranted e qual , to any now in use, for the cure of Liver Complaints, Scrofu la, or King's Evil, Mercurial Dis- ease; Tumours, Putrid Soro Throat, Tetters, Ulcersc . - It is particularly beheficial iri Rheumatisms, its effects being such as completely to remove the complaint. - In all cutaneous dis eases or effect ions of the skin, perhaps there is no medicine that has been more eminently success-' ful. , In the early stages of Gori- suujyuuu, ii wiu oe.iouna oremi nentiervjee; .It affords effectual relief in Suphiliticahd Mercurial P iseases. Several cases of Jaun dice have been radically removed wy the use pf only a few bottles. Dipepsia, or indigestion? is taken away by its powerful virtues and where ; children ar concerned; it. is known to be a salutary operas tive; and for that purpose kept by families to be" used iri ilhe com plaints incident to "the change of the seasbbsv7'Thb;:medicineis' warranted genuinei and is .equal to any now iri use; it is' carefully prepared from the - original Re cipe.' By JOHN A, PARKER; Directio'dsVfdr jusirib this Medi cine; and certificates from respec table persons who It has radically cured of various confir med diseas es; accompany each bottle. ':.' Price 2 per Bottleg20 per dozen:? '?;-'' .'"-'it"; ; Post-Masters, or' Other Gentlemen, who may interest themselves in the sale of this Me dicine, shall ; have a liberal dis count ' allowed them. They ma) be'assured that the Jn'gredients u sed in the , manufacture of it are entirely simple, arid of a'tofrect iye nature; and its specific quali ties have been tested by many of oaf-i&bst ruaMgPhysiciansr' ONLY $2 A. BOTTLE. ; REMEMBER! v "Parke f s Panacea? equal to Swaira's, or any other & One Dollar-Cheaper. .... - OT Orders from any part of the Union ,wiIlVbe atteuded to with punctuality and every infor mation given that rJlay be requir ed4 , Address to . . - . - ' : ?v John A, Career. To ;the care " Of Atkinson and Alexander, Printers, Philadelphia. Philadelphia June 2, 1 827. Religious Notice, ? 4 TO THE MEMBERS . Of the Jllethodist Episcopal Church ''. . ' in North-Carolina. Whereas; "our Itinerant Preach ers, having "assumed to themselves the exclusive Driviledo-e of ma king rules for the government of our Church; arid in the' exercise of thatauthority, have in various insiances enenroacnea upon our religious aad ircil rights; and have (by their reneral conduct") evin ced to us, the necessity of a gene ral representation of the ; hor.nl Preachers arid Lay-mc rubers of uur Ayiiurcn as a security ioj- inose rights -some of us actuated by the-purest principles, have form ed Ourselves into Union Snptif4 arid pissed fesoiutionsfTatrionff wuicq are me following, passed at WhitakeVs ChapelV in Halifax county! March 3d,;l 82t viz V .i tea in ecu, i at, x tliil IU IU6 esil- mation of this Society, the friends ;6rRpfyrm:U?oh in the Methodist Episcopair Clitirch in this State, ougnc -10 oe represented at tne .Converition to be held in, Balti more," on, the 15th of Novem- ber 2837. . , . ' ' 2nd, That, the members of our Church in, this State favorable to Reforrn,' be requested to meet, at some convenient olace m pah in uuiuy, on mesecooa Monday in Juarj next, ana elect two JJele- gates for each county, to meet at Bradford's Chapel, in Halifax county on the second Mondav iri September, for the purpose of cnoosing ueiegates lor tne Gene ral Convention to be held in Bal timoro as aforesaid." JAIES HUNTER. ' i " ; j i, : Pre, 'pro; tern. NEW GOODS. HAVE ; just, received an entire , stock of. Fashionable and Sta ple, spring; 4-; summer GOODSconsistrrir of all the im portant articles b their line of .DRY GOODS) r Gr6cerrpchefyGlass ' ChMiMjHafd ; Wares : arid Cutlery. ? ? " ' THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND; ' ? TWO ELEGANT . FOUR WHEELED CARRIAGES, G IGSi AND HARNESS ' v ';- --ALSO " :V :- Celebrated Panacea: '"' - ... . , .WlllCtl THET WARRANT,- TO BE GE- nuine, being- Agents for , '; the proprienor.? . ' All of whichi together. with ma ny other, articles are to be found at their Store, at the west end of William-street, where purchasers are invited to call and get good bargains, -v ;. ' .: s ,May 28 ts. . ..- ; ? : PJNA GEM 'i THE riumerous . and multiply iiig frauds committed on tjie public by at least fifty spurious mixtures in imita tion of this well known medicine, is alonesatisfactory evidence of its su perior virtue, '"without any other proofi "-: i I deetn it DroBef to inform the mib- lic. that the cpDapositipn of the Pana cea caunot possibly be discovered by analyzation ; ncr was it fever commu-r incaiea to any otner person, it Demg original with myself, i Proofs of this are manifest almost every, dajr. The genuine Swaim's Panacea has my name on thea on the cork and my signature pri the labl represent ing Hercules and the Hydra. ; c: It is particularly requested ihat these who use, the "medicine would destroy the label as improper use has been made of the bottles having my name on'tKemlpi,- -..:i ; ; . ; WILLI AU SWAIM,- .. . , ' No. 221 i Chesnut-street. !, Philadelphia, May .13, 1827. , , , Zachariah Berry. .Respectfully informs his friepds arid, the public generally, that he lias established himself in the' Old Storb house, exactly opposite , the dwelling, house ? of Mr, Patrick : Brown, -and two doors above: the' Printing Office, where" he is ready to execute. all kinds of , work in his line of bOsi nessat the shortest 3 notice His prices will agree with those oFthe Tajlors in Murfreesboro', . ahd trusts. ; to obtaihthatr rrient. arid patrpriage which K shall ever bjo his constant and earnest endeavpf to merit t He partica larlysoircTts'the enstom of all of hisf p'at i 6ns, assuring them that work' leiV with hirn is made up i na workmanlike style, with neatness and despatch ; 1 19 ts . r . . T VALUABLE ' ' ' Land for sale I AM AUTHORISED AND EMPOWER- ed to sell the Lands of JTu Easont Esq.near the town of Murfreesboro' containing; ' " 8l2j acres. The Land is good and well known, to most of our citizens, and might be made very valuable. Those dis posed to purchase will; please call, as the Land can ,be examined at any moment. . The right is indisputable, and the terms can be very accommo dating, v : ; :- . MOSES CLEMENTS. March 31 ts : , i - - - ; . DBiirjIXC, ' ; Hand-Billls, Cards, &c. of even f description, printed atthis Office. LOOK AT THIS! ' S ,'..V ' .' .- ' ' ' ' THE Subscriber grateful for past favours, wishes to inform the Public generally, that he has just received from New-York per the Pigot, a complete assortment of ' , .AND and that he has in hi employ seve ral first rate Journeymen, and is pre pared. to make : to- order any article, in the most workman-like style with neatness and despatch. ,. .' .' : He would also ihfprm those of his former ftiehda - and customers, that he has already opened a Shop in Je rusalem. Sonthamntnn fniintw Vii . 7 1 " J 7 yJ giniai Where he has placed ong of his most eip6rienced. workmen " to pre side over arid transact his business in that neighborhood, . and miaran- iees me wpricmansnip oi articles lert with him. ; His Assortment consists of the folio wing materials :' . 6 gross best plated Bridle Bits. and Stirrup Irons of all kinds, iz pair patent 15ndle blinds for Harness,' . . " - - :.' '' 6 sides first quality Russett Bri . die Leather,, . ;i . . . 6 sides first quality .Black Lea-w:-: .ther.'.r --- . 150 pounds Skirting Leather for aaddies, ,) - (. 75 pounds best Harness Leather 6 Seal ah'd Leopard's Skins 12 pair Plated Spurs. . , 16 do. best.JPlated Haimes. and Several pieces best worsted web, . 4 . iur vjinas oirsmgies, dLC. HE HAS ON HARD,. AND KEEPS COW STANTLY for sale," SADDLES, HARNfiSd, BRIDLES. MARTINGALES. JHRTITS. SIRKlWCLESr&a Otf.EVERY DESCRIPTION; AND WILL MAKE AT THE SHORT EST NOTICE, . . lutaicai ana ranpjitn.gr , .... . , : rT-"'-Q Bagsy Velissesy Scci He trusts, by, his own eride'avors, and constant attention to his Shop, to. give generar satisfaction iof all who may favour hint ith their Cus tom, and particularly invites them to come and examine his assortment. . PERRY CARTER. May 12hwt, ;; ' To the Public. ' WILLI AM EBB, a Saddler by trade, deserted from my shbp on the 3d instant, arid the uublic'nrA hor- hy forwarned not to trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting" - He has sold croods Kp- longing to me, and pocketed the money, and has had other men fals ly charged at different times -with xne 6ame, at iMortnampton Court house, which was Droved to his fi"r.p Webb has also tun me in debt at Je-rusdera,-Vrrginia, and if he ehould have anv notes or accounts of mine. the people who pays him, will be respqnsiDJe lor tne same to me. , fJciliRY CARTER June 9, 1827 ts CARRIAGES. I have on hand, for sale, two very elegant -Carriages and Har ness, which I will sell chean on credit, or for good notes and still cheaper for cash. MOSES CLEMENTS. March 31 ts: 3?OR SAIBd Bushels or CORN, roa sale Br RE A & CAMP. -.June 23 ts t '. ; Wfi flATE FOR SALE 100 BrAX- dt BAaaixs; ' - .- . -; r - V ; REA & CAMP. Jnce 23 ts v - ; j - . WANTED. wish to purchase a first-rate MILCH COW, for which a liberal price will be given.1 One from the Country would be preferred. . J. M. HILL. Corn -. 1 n, ; . fOB, THE CHRONICLE inea written on hearing that an 1 ' rniable young friend was violeri ly taken sick. I ; : : . ;4 jMowpAT, June 25tu Ah Who could dreary thit -ticiacV ?tc.?et. y. .rr-r f "; U i'i . Would;: wound eo pure, so fit "v fprm, : ' : :.i . '. ' . ;- ( " Ah who could dream that anguiA , drear, y v a t - . :l ij . Would aim its pain at Beautyr own. 1 i: Angelic spirits wire like thine, if it a .Should ne'er a mortal hearts bH sad, , . , V- ,V " --ti m. icasuic suuuia Wall Oil t vino ..... And sickness wound none but-thj 4 " badi ' iit " ' " i '5l '-"' -'' ".-: Would aU the ills that ere ba Wring, ; . ' So fairso sweet a brow as th$nl Verit all -their grief, their shareQ . . ' Sting, . " '; . i. , i U Upon this wayward heart of miaigg ' "'- - - " ; - " r T . y . ' - - " i Then I'd be happy, doubly blest U Vith Love's own ardour cis : : thec'hain, 7. . Since fier i loved was thus at res . Since her I loved was free fr,oiSf pain. ; s . ANACREON, li - - . ' . t 3 A JUDICIAL ANECDOTE. No many vears ago a judge in the uttof . rior of Pennsylvania whose charjicM ter for parsimony .was well knownj Went Into a shop, to buy a hbr comb the .lady waiting on hjtn? asked eight cents for it -. The judgi offered six, which Was finally acccpt ed. He took the comb, ana lai$ dwawMy Which: is felxS actly , six and a Quarter cents. Aft v staying an unusual length of tim i$ the-store, a servant entered with lot? formation, that dinner was' on tabled 'I'll be there nreapntlv.' eiA JuJ&: judge-another message came, the-3 juugc iui iiugerea oemnd vhy do - you 6tav.' said th laHv . a it! waitmrr for mv chancre aaH tXL judgevWhat change Sir? enquired between six centa. and' the JVpena bit, said the judge!-i-I know. not f how to accommodate vou bnf ? ? cutting a cent into four equal partU. axiugiu jou one pi mem:: replied) . the lady. On sarins . which tl judge stepped up to a box contaiji- H ing tnvjji ana putting his hand into i! it observed, Well then, I'H take ' oui in tnaccouoarHe took a centfe 4 worth ! . 'Bless ine said th. UAJi I Jike a Hound on a ecent, you pinci hard, and give no quarters! . , ( t J , Filial TiiDKRNss.-iThft tfM sons of an eastern ladv wpra initoVi to furnish her with an einrn Ar their love, before : she went a lonU journey One brought a marble t U n h.m wciuobiiuiiuu m xiername; another presented her with a ric&-9 cratland of fragrant rlowpm nA thA M third entered her presence and thus accosted hen. "Mnt ther marble tablet,nor fragrant nosei ; W.a II , . . - t name is engraven, here yourmemd4 o ' ry is precious, and this heart, full oj KS . affection, will follew you, wherevefc you travel, and remain with you;i f ' wherever you repose." j J , - ji f , A gentleman having built him 4 y "3 house, wanted some place to put tb lli rubbish. He asked his Paddy what; ii he should do with it. Why dig a; j hole and bury it. tip, was the repMr 1 What shall I do with the dirt,askei it? the gentleman. By my soul, saiiji the Paddy, then dig a hole large e 4 nough for both. ' - 'V fc Lord, Falkland was chosen verjH 1! young to sit in Parliamem,and wheq? he waa first elected, some of th ti l members opposed his admission arSf guing, that he had not sowed allhiij -wild oatsThen, replied 1m, vi'5 will be the best wav to sow them Ih. :i. the House, where there are soman- 4 ;i2morf.--Let .tfie virtuous xoiF membe'r, amidst their afflictions that though the heart of a good man r 4! may bleed even to death, it will he; Jl ver feel a torment equal to the reai J. ings of -remorse. : - "'"L&