'-1 , . r ' : ': '"- r -y'f. ....... .aaciwt I it r a i j o E l , - -. .vy uauujrus or tne lint i n -t k- :;Ma;Ti,a.-7r as .it were a fifeit t eriaudriikff : irnablH " ii fit ,n , a,,,,llll"ili , imr.i!" " " pMe: H fi Emprcfs "'.,v' .vm1 4 hicmi, cqinvcnanon. we irv pni h v b ' ai l, ... . .1 - it--- f m . -- .- .s-ic- i uii i i j r in I "Wi"';; .u.na orrewmg : W:il:: you would ..rwHTfi w!ut yaii Vfeacl on tr various fliK-rt " i.! v ";lHni!tvO trade; ;botfi . ' j t -i i U4u uii l:u various iuni'"lfi t'lf 4 l s i : . r, . . , , : .yv-v.- n -m. complied SoS rCT ! wwfe yoftd . nf ; wh cl, ; hare lite. - cubrs, fj tint y6u fee, Madam ,'how aS&me " mWS i ?:- V ' ,S .-l-au tftriks, ;--V'-i'cxea to tlv: Kuflia.n dMuiAidilf Affi ' - K,,,!.)-,:.,,,,,, " . u,JW3"W;.tt: its whole pJpetiDetKe.i)om-ri ""'" ;yu;.vA'-v.i.4iiuii-?L aiiu-uie pur. Dejore menti' , puic ior wnicn uie.y -were intended ; .it thev . iiiuuiu in uic jean time in a more - thsn "rrio(Vc'f ; . .. xric a pleafdre cejvc. ::'iKnuma.ncreafion I ;s l PaX fpme;, regard to the Cultivating ' theit- mirids, iH ::ff, tjj gapf-drrls,- :in reading proper Nco, Of - t ladies adpi;4 their pel 'p"' U v"R4 ornaments i ' S)l Wf aFt aaiurcan tbnlpirto DrotlQM- ...,.);uU UI; wurus auaprea to it ; or whether, they are not too hir am) TmiAri;U t ' ande mean . for the fenfc theyouid convey. " M1W -vti picvcm you trom beino; inip'ofcd cn hy ho nhil an.-i fiifri-j'r. ,.,w.l . W A R S A V: Mlt:r:i ' Vii L J W "V orn3!T3Cn, and people are fi lArK fulc t0 bcrai dovK any one liave a m -TJ tbprove,' wu.ever tdg but with Sx cnibh :. p oidd ihrotv the ubjecls of Wch .the - !d t ; ought not to be uhnllv rpizd they ac In polleflionsof Ru JX" f hole. have conliderable 'i prottf cj nly fuch as are reajTy ncccfarv r cnxiu mak,c SnC2in? a place of. corn you to read without burthentng your me- r?JSazmcs with all forts Of "fncrcKahi iucs mat of T '. ' ' v : V ' ' "v.-.w. - i . - . - , . . -., ... v i' . ,.;-., . . nd (et S 2 conacrab -T -ywrmcfBirt your fe ffl pexfon. dothf.m.i,:. commw juHicc all your friends allow Lt r pended on the rr,(. rU. -J! T . . ' : ;" iwu icinarMnic ac- mult therefore be nr-ni-'nn tK:. i . i ' . a. ' - t uwaigs oni'j . v tions. with the add ton nffh a " . I,,cr5r2r c.9e Icat on this head, and on W (hwi there, amnnrr ,,ur r 4. liclpi lemember -together. ' 7 ,i0iC Jl,ll0r - Boks of Morality tort, a 1. a!' ' ' WW. . A., . ' " 4 TI . JSC!IOMBEJiOr i "i,m,-,4mu U4VC mo - jhc .fca foricar of a cgata ,-pjAA ', V. ' J'.'t - ". ' , f t . - y