!,.;.: P A R I S, April; 5." V :foyf C "J J-DUN OWKNS, tfaled; crcrercby ieO. - " "' ' ! .-r-1 balhnces : t6 the - t- - - ' . - -s : 'x bend property t'JUointi iQ gtyc enchases. V"7' NE-W B - E k .N,v Arfcueii j siaji ui. is 4 v -u c . - - .'. . . - - : T-Jfr - -hlnR - only oric Tp4rc jith; fe:X .T..i.!s.fc -n'tlt rrrti nf.Knrariv will trade - - . ' c - - ' . . .. ' . . ' , . : . . ; i Doa. McCI'jre,- r William J cm pi?. l ';i'". wac vi; iiic:vui ? -."r- - nave nfov ded. at their lalantation on uacnejot s i oan iNarieuu 31 nbfioSxSf itf rived here; She, Oil that z Creek.-vcn miles from Town, corn and other i Capt, Whitcer, la& oh the1 rtrft inft ah IP g"irofn,iviontcj?:vju IlimV with n.nnn hides. &C. but thel .Or- 7vv pn tcR of the Provender, arid one Sriillinjr -.-n. . - . " I " " " ' tk. , nr n' ia l,!. An nrrr f HUTU Woffi. indred-M 0 R. Sits . ' t Gaot.V"Suci fe, " aoii-ck. Daftur'acre- TrnlT fi veritt-ur.. Nulel o i. J J . . -i . . " - ri" I . ; 1 T' first ' ' "-. U J - a . i noma- too, u.: xviDgttoiu - - : i Capt-AArmarongj;;,;;., ..v: -"i Mr. 'Shawicl:,' -".'V' 1il,::VA- :": a -i -. .JJ. . their Servants to Mr.v QfCDEN's' Store, will; receive t'W -rpnirt Is current in Scotland -that all - p dcr$ to te- OVtiittt R to-rfccivc aeir. Hfcs;jt;: : Dukcs of Scotland are to made t ecrs ; n - g . a Hi April 1 7, Hi Mqjfyjspd to U a warn. mdvocaie. wr tntnmai taniammy c-uu jm r it are tnr nivmcr, fTim mn ai nn in e; nut aa-rnrtv- . . r . . . n - f iis . i. i i j f Mtf r print? n nuruiLi u i wjl -" - -- r t . ,. -., j,,., .... , .,, i' i I: -nibihftbeir nfnlinmtwSXmf y'Pm7 Pedbps to 'aifiiirgV te wh'olof- their debts immc" . : - -. ".v. : . : . V:: ' ; rr ptiry fifing, to any -dange diately, they are willing .to give Efficient indVI-.- o vt O TV ftnTlMT) ' Wivtirfaivbt regard to; time, to fuch" as deHrc uj, - ' X V; JC. LU 1 .X ..-J yUUr LJ& 'lift . T j ) 'J Uic'Moit nwirhtivt. : this howeVerth"ev .are"n6t auth6rizedraxccutosilT- . ' : ;! tod0, unloa.perfca iecurity, that the Kftaif "" vir'AT)T V " 7 ' ."A-?. R JiL 22C1 . :.tyv ? confided to ifieir care "ctnot fufifer any lofs ther- ly ; v. S-mK VY IV : " ; Sfe-r .-:f -V-". :L - ' V : rrf.;;;-'! ''Qttiti Office 'from-ibi'Lorttlaeu--'-'in their h and Jricr. 6ei-whh-approvcdecu..hy- ..-'H.-,. . , ' 'iM$i :;':, I -rr. 5 2Snmm nature (whkcannorbeilenlcd ivlch); payable' It; fid 1 TJ'AN-AWAYj ro?rtT)Tfabfcribr. vi ofMMd.0f:&d kmesasmiybecoaveniert. ' " 1 the :.nlf lu: fv-isaSj ; r a dangerous infurrtUWy,ba$ men place in Thole, indebted on open account may fettle. on a Negro Fellow by -.the . "name; r M Joe,; " ; !rjrtf3 -and:tM Dttke':of.Rutlnd- has. been. . the fame terms,; and foch as do not With to -avaif about' 5 feet 10 inches liiah, -:'lias loll Tome of Mifj,h intuited in bis efforts to quell tbe tumult.; themfelvcs of this prppofal, av11 pleafe .to; pay up! foreteeth, U very talkative,. his been -bred t ' ZlT An shrift arriv'daTektit chlcck" debtir before th. full of. January, next, .. to-tle. .mk fernVinthe IftjUrJja ircrripika ; j complaiDnu had on when he. went uy pn s - nature;' bi Volunteers mil not.fermt.we: Utt cxcellemly fituatcd for-:-Trade,, to be kld.y - -.i t ,1 tft in hSdeltmedi 5T&? Me . - - . John Huske,: Attorney Jet iUA,...,t un,.i , i.u ,cir.tj a y u UbertiofAUprejsto taeitroyea, w:,tnwtnn: i!v ,i-h. 1,8... . 7 ; ral o:h:r fJ$ of cbaths.' . : - rl H E v Execifofs of Rob e rt .6 g gT will hi T J: 1 . . : -m-M . j- ' " t -' . much Qblipca to the pMiGW f .. . , '. . . . z . Saluthic ; Hend rkkfbn, ; : ..; i j".h'n Council Miy&y, v ; ;.t; ' i :-J(n6fl - ;-;': :"rDedwick;'Gil3bl:v';;;.L: ' i C apt.- Cot tcr; at.' preen t i n-Ncw-B-rn , r-,t I Wiiliam joniloiTf Efq. Merchant at HilTugn ' i ' Reuben Banker, at: New 'Garden, : Giiibid. Cotity, .. ;'- ' , ; :.: '"-... 1 i , .i BcnjVmin Ridirg,Nues River, near SmitnsCrejk, ".'C.tf-p:.'; Ber:j. -VVilHanas, ;tJohafU)a.:County,". Ncs . Rivtr. ; V. -- - , R. C 0; G D E L L, P.; Mr ; j ' A M. ERIC A N N 'E VT S .- r. . . - - ' Vriiadelphia June H 9. i tat luip 'ji w'it"( fien for ike abate N"r . if f-cu fd i,i any 1 1 ' ' ' 1 1 " flv'jsoaf fo tihaftheowncr may get him. . He i's fiipro- ' ;. . t fed'tote gpne to South Caro'.iia, in jy&any ith ; . a sTefro tMlow. of Mr- Silas Stevnso, kb State cl North Carolina, . . rln aay lifccWifr.- and has been fee ahbat tMrty t-ny ww.,.. . rnies from tnis piace, on inc upcwjvAu v WHEREAS, comphint hath been made fa un9tl( wftji9' iff hereby ded.'not ta- ustweofthe Jufticeiof the Pea for th A ftUow 0ttl 0f lhc Cou; . ' County afor6fatd.b; John Allen, Efq. v 7 m. f - ... ( JZ, -';; ; I . 1 J;'!, f 11- ) that SWo Negro Slaves, one a man about twenty V' -r ' ' V B N -El MFtt Ev 1 rTm day the (kip, St. JmeS, Captaiil feven 'years of age named. PrtmuJ, about five feet . 4r A Pdin Sat ed tor auropc, wtw wtom nmeintn ua,- vw -m, r , fjtu)i,rn HuU iztb 1784 ' J, V iu., 1 rLW nr : ftnfib'e le!bf tne ether a Boy, abou fixtecn years . . WWIM, jmj l74Xr oes ptfngtr bis Excellent v tA LUZERNE, who baS for feveral years refidld born, namfdToney, have abfentcd thtmftlyes from - 5?rTlj,'U i larking i : THE PUBLICf ion for. a. FrcncfiJ ; of the Court tr 4r 1 Liu'Cf iption is one i (i i)i tbis citiin ft: exalted Itaiton CJ immjtcr their laid waiters lervice, ar,a. um.Bu( 1 inLwfintn'tidri trovf ice incurs or renames vw " . - - e. I" rknipOW.uary ,ivu t -. . f . . T7 II E S R are therefore 10 the name of the State ' His amiable aeporwyu, aunng mtij,uw t0 command the1 Sheriff of:Crw Cwnjf, .to , 'V;.. ut etnntr-has endeared bim to everi clafs j;r,ft-nt fearch and cnoYirv after tlus fatd out- TS'folickcd toa fubfenpt It f citivns ani bis departurt is uniVtrfally lying Staves, aod'them'to ipprehend according to GAZETTE, under the title ,-. t.. c ctif M ... r. And ve dbrftriUw,n?tify that unlcf the ptmirm. The price of the TFTllLU"-r-- - i fi ,1tf. Ar .1 'I rtnv An im. . 1 . " ' 't-l. A.liair.it.. In Ki? . o . . ' - -rrrisrir-isw HtiMllE i".'o'u " -" "" . uuiiwa iicT annum, v vimvh . . ' '. ' ' ' tiedUtely lur thiii: tf rte'cJtfrtti "''''j on'rubfc-ifcinK wie (hcetrin-qttrto.vill.b t. I ":, ' ':: -. .' , tmYrlv". th it (lit fi-OTd miy be lol forsny. i. cvefy WMk .. 0Ile half llicieof 'vul! '.te ; - ' ; C (.MO N D, 7uly 3. .- !e Mm. wife .nr in.fetchm.nt6fcr.rn. for f, 'glrejrl iheolher; not only (or the politics, . . ' ,;,?d? TOfe W nLkr cf robbers bivi VuS L. I TT ' " Ilc.r mV fee. curious 84 impo.., f j UPW, ri-fe'. ' 5 R,LUA J: -sw,- Paper printcJiiyCHARLu Cut, m. 1 -,,4iaM,f,"'V fyrh;hidoy-ttig- . . JOSEPH -LEECII,.-J. -P. --Philadelphia, .fyrjhe Pj?Fi5!I..-.. ,.; J '-S-ibni'MiWtbar- number 17 h So:,r JtLUlltA. . '. ;n; IV -SubTcnpiioni Jaktn; m Xwhr, .by ,V' . -. ' . . . ' ; J O'll K AXLE X. th: l'.iutcrhcfsof, Uoutr-r Kimi. ; . : - ;-- - T'---. .... .. . ' i - , V -" ' ' ' ' .- -'- i - - . ------ '- . - - : I - . ; : ' :: ' ' .-s- ' . - , v - , .... -... . : ... : - T . , . . - . .