Ifourat 0f (Sommt frit . r , ., rt Dally asl Weekly OS Craven Street, ., Vorth Caroline,' by OOi A SHOTWELLj "Epitobs and Pboprietors . I nS fV St'BilCKIPT!". ;.. fS.OO .... ... .oo Tf. O .....35.00 ...... .SO ..... . t.SO xo.oo .,: 10.0 w'u ' " eix i ...... CI b u one year........ ...... To Clubs of ten at months. .. ; ...... . Weekly on- year........ ........ six niontlic. . ................. club of ten, weekly, one yeer... .. A club of t-n, weekly. six month. ... People's Column. DIRECTORY. United Stales GsreremeBt. ASDKEW 3HN-TS. of Tertre.see, President,' " n iilniu H. Seward, of New To k. secrete y of State. Hub McOulloch, of Illinoia, is retary of the Treasurer, Edam n. uureon, 01 n 11s i-rauia, oecretary 01 war. rtiriera Welles, of Conne. t cat. Secrets y of the NaT. Oliver tt. Browning, of Indiana, Secretary of the Interior, Henry Biansonry, Attorney tenerai. - A. W. Kand-1', of Wi-e n-tm. Postmaster Genera L Lsfayette t. Foettr, of Con- .. President of the Senate. . state GoTrtnmeaU Vnrc We aliasl kive the Executive officers ft eeh State Government in the United Suatea, aa soon M the necessar matter can be compiled. , Oovernnent of Noilh Carallaa. JONATHAN WORTH of Handotpb, Governor, J. A. Gilmer, Jr., ot Oailirtt, Adjutant fteneral, Wm. H Kanley.of Paaqnotauk, Private oVcreVuy, Bobrrt W Bwt, ot Gr eue. 8-cretry ;f 6UU. Kemp P. Pattle, of ake. Public Tn an-r, '. i. . , o' Wake, Chi clerk to Treasurer, -Waahl gton C Ktrr, of Mecklenbont, 8Uta Geologist. W. E. Peil. of Baleiwh. 81 ate Printer. t rv H Prrrr. of Raleish. State Librarian. itobert H. Bradley, 01 ake. Supt. of PnbliooBBlldiBn & O, By.a, tiapt. of Artincml luem, AT. C RtpreMnt.ttrci (elr t) In the TJ. . Congress. f 1 !.,- ! sesaxk: - . !. TV'm A Graham. M I Manly. HOUSB OF BEPBESKNTATIYES: 1st District lesse R 8m'b, of Martin. 3d CO CJark, of Crtwi. 8d TC Katlr. ol Camberland. 4tb " Josib Turner, of "range. 8th ii!Hn 01 lTidon. ; SUi KH Wa'lmo. of t'nion. Tth : A H Joue., of Bnocomba. - Ssipmsie Coart nt Wort b Carolina. ' Officer K. M P arson, 01 Yadkin. htef Justice, W. H. Pattle, of orange. Associate Justice, j K. t. Resale, of Person. hion H. B.'trcr', 01 Wake, Attorney General, 1 f. F. Phillips, of Or.ne. Bepur er. i 1 : ' Edmmnd B. Freecan. of Wake, Clerk, "?' - "' Junes Lltchford, c t Wake, MarshaL gapcrior tart Jadjet. Hon. Darid A. Barnes, of Northampton, 1-t District. Hon. E. J. Warren, of Beaufort, ad Dl-trict. Hon: Daniel G. Fowle, of Ualeixh. 3d District. Hon. RobC B Gilliam, of Granville. th District. Hon. Ralph P. Bniton, of Ctimlierland. 6th District. Hon. Anderaon Mite tell, of Iredell, 6th District. . Hon. Wm. M. 8hipp, of Heuderimn. 7th District. -Hon. A. 8 Merrimap, of buncombe, Sib DwtricU t United States District Coart for H.C Judge io. W, brooks of Psrquotank. t . Dittrid JUorneyD. H. Starbuck, of Forsytha, Martha! Danirl R. Goodloe. Vnited Slatrt DWrict Chut! t are held Fdenton 3d Mon day in April sua mtoDe. KewNm 4th Monday in April and October. Wilmington 1st Monday after Apm sod October. Board of Infernal Inprartntat, Jonathan Worth, Pr sident em offieif. Dr. J. O. Ramsey, of Rowan. P. li. Winston, of Bertie. Board of Literature. . Joaatban Worth, President ex ejicia, Maj. H. W. Hasted, of Wake, ! , C. H. Wiley, oi Guilford. . , CoL 8. D. Pool, of Craven. County OfHcers. Jvdgt qf J -iminat Court -George Grern. Sheriff . per, CUrk -j ..( Court-- William G. fcrvan. Clerk of Superior Court William G. lrinson. Clerk and itatUr in iquily F. C Roocrta, Members of ike Special Court O- Kelley, chairman, John D. Flai.ner, Jax. imfcood. Daniel Brinxou. Wardens of the Poor Dr. Richard G. Cobb, J. & iLane, 5elsoD Wait oril, Bixhop K. Dudley, Vine Allen Tolsou, Peter F. )arrawa , Wm. H Oliver, Charles Kelley. Special Justices of the City of Newbern, James Osgood, Charles Kelley, William Hay. Superintendent of Public Bull lings A. C. Latham. County Surveyors Vim. H. Marshall, J. J. Brabble. County Trustee Vm. W. Clark. - Inspector of A'aval Stores Desard Hancock. Staph en G. Page. Jamrs ii. Arthur. Wood Inspector Cha-. F. Hartret finance Committee Jno. D. Flanner, Cbaa. Kelley, I. Disosway. County Solicitor C. C. Clark. Craven County Agrlcaltnrsl aatel "Win. ' . GrowlBK Auoclatlea.. President Vli liam B. WadBworth, " rice-Presidents U. T. Gniou. 8. H. BiddlA. Secretaries Wil iam H. Oliver, Samuei Whitehurat. Treasurer Ibos. J. Slitcaell. 4 x CoTcm meut of the CI ty. Mayor John V. Washingtor, Councilman : Ward 1 H. J. Menninae?. I W.rd 4 E. R. 8taaly. 1 Ward Alexauder JusUoe. I Ward 8 I. J. Robersoa. 1 Ward S W Uiam H. Oliver. Ward 6 J a nea Oscood. Port Surgeon and City Physician rtoburt H. Primrose. City Marshal Jjeph Wiiiity. CHy krk James t . eU-venson. " ; H City Trtasurer Wil lam H Oliver. Cily sprinter John ispeiiuan. City Auctioneer S. t. Duffy. OfHcers of the BoartI of Trade. iVendenf Akma iT. Jerkins. Vice P.esidents a r 'i Bfeui?e; C. H. Taylor, Secretary ueorKe J. Cowplaud. . Trt!turerH. T. J jnae.. ., . birectorsV. W. culd, John f. Flinner. J. A. Lelanu. William C Whit ord. W. hi Walker, W. C Hunt T. J. Miti-hfll, Al. x Walk. r. - , CoiaiUo rftitrofioa Andrew CoUlna, P. Merwin. S. Tutte. C. W. McLu, J. t. An.ye't, J. P. DUiinghaat. Committee of Appeals M itthins Manly, I. Disoswa. Gea Kixloru, E. K. bianly. D Uea on, W. H. Oliver.. Custom House Officers. Collector R. W. King. ! Deputy H. P, boai.e. !? Inspector f. X. Hall. ! Deputy lnfttor G KimbalL 1 J Special Inetnr for Sia'eE. A Fuller. n H spital l,t. Walter Duffy Physician and 8r gsoa in charge, i .. . . r ?. , y. aitea stafs Port tfflte-XewBtra e, If . C. " Master Oho. W. Naaon, Jr AM. Post Matter fan. U. (ley wood. Money Order and Regutry Cltr Alex. Sears. : TJnlted States Internal Kevenue umcers. Assistant Anessors J. D. Bangert, C. B Kei lar Inspector Liquors, 4c J. O. Whlttemore. r Alerchanta' bank of New hern. President rhun. Slorer. CoiAwr William W. Clark. Hw10 t?- Ho"l". Willi... fe f J-iermW Htt" Bank of Commerce at Ncwbera.' iiCT,AlcnoT. Je kina.. 't - -tojiur Jjhn A. Guion. "lTrSrkH ,or'Jut I"c w- Hughes J. D. Ftan Sewberu Aedcm IT. . Moora. H. Oliver, J. X. Newbern On. Ligbt Ctmpaay. W. Hn,T"n. Jonn D. FUuner. Flanner. Geo. All-n es W. Caroler. Satlonal Bank or Xt'wbtra, Pr ... . capital, $100,0031 r.;v":l I'nJ Heatoa. ' t'oav'1-"!. . P. Moai-a. Tei InOUipaOTl. DireeZj: 1ow'dEidride. " ' KKe, Wui. r "LS"??1 i P"Ti1 Heaton, - Samuel atcrwin koht d . "oses Patteraoo, Phi- ttobt. F. Lehman, Jje4 H. Davis. PUBLISHED DAILY VQL.--I.-y(j.;-132. New Advertisements. M D TT II (D IES 2 Q ' P rjlHE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING HEOEJTCXY PPRCHAS- A HO the e lit re atock of Draics and Me-UcirM'a cotaa -11 the Htor on Polios Street -next do r a eat of the Na- uonal Buik, would reapertlull? inform the publie. that the rt Ctt will st all tim -a be reu-eniahfld with the mo-t lect Drnea, M- diciuis, Chemicals, Pertumeriev and all other a tides p v t inlng to a flr-t claa Drug Store tit- wouiu al-M infoim t e pu Jlio h t he ha secured the xervlces 01 Mr. J. K. 1 UCaS. of Ooldsboro. N. C. sprta c pal as-istant, who comes iiiittily recommended. 1 wi h an experwnee of 2" ears m ti.e Drui busiue-a. Tue s il.scnb r brings tj the estBlishment an expert nee Oi ten e rs. and beis-t in the eni n m-nt of a osnr passed iavi'it-es in the pun u ae of tt- ck. be confld ntly solicits tue ueuerons patroncn ot the inhabitants of New tiern. and tha aurrcundina; con try. nattering himself ihit hi cm give satiafaction to all. HENRY MdJJI, ' 1st door wast of Vaiimal Bank. Pol ok St. N. B Phyaician' Preacriptions carefully and neatly cotDFOtiniied at a I hoars of th day and night. Newoern. N. C. Manh a7, 1867 -eoalm GARDEN SEEDS. - - - . 3 Jnst rece ved. am and fine asaor'ment of Warrant d G00D, BKI.lArH.ai AD 1KUE. For bale. n noiesaie ana Krta i, by HaVNBXMcUSI. tat door weat of National Bank, PoUok at. Kewbern, N. C. March 17-2 GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. 1X7 K ARK RSSCKIVIHO THIS DAY f CAB. 11 1 goof O-entifne I-eruviiirt Guano, direct from the Agtnt of the Peruvian Government . For aai by W IUJAM H. OLlVta si CO. Mar-ha7itt.lt ; fAJRilERS, TBY . WILLIAM H. OLIVEE & C0"S COTTON FEUTIIJZKB, - T- ,1 1 v " ; a icnicu ujr ? it ' L . , ;WtLUAM H. OL'VKB A CO- . lt 10 bsTTSUKA.9 WU1T1C PaCAl, fur Table aaaa .For Sale at March 27-lt AMYElTS. 10 Ht.siMBiAls3 . Molavaaes, . fttlMK WKST For Sale at 1 AMYtrrra" March 17 It WOOLLtOTf & TIME!., ! MIDDLE 8TRKKT. ' JJmTO Jttat received a large lot of Pork, Bacon, t . Cornej Best, Hams, &c, From New York, which they will sell for cash la quanti ties to suit purchasers at a smaH profit above Hew Yora Cist march 1 It Shipping. 1 wa" aiaaJLA na.aa.a. aTefiAHBliaJ Carrying the (L Between New York Had, d Newberu' xo rt i it - c .1 it 0 L I If a The A . I StratnshlBi E L C I : - - nOB ART, D, Master W1IX sail from this port for Wew Tort direct on SATURDAY March 14th, at o'clock, P. M : - -.,- hi Goods directed to my ear will b received and forwarded Free ot Commission. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed ccomme- tiona, appiy at wAL, xx. uLtvu t kaj'o bnck store sep7-u. Uj r. uuuirijw, agant MURRAY'S N. C. STEAMSHIP LINE Thia laue 1a now comoaedcf tLe new and First-Claaa i Steamships ; - LOUiSA MOORE, Capt. D. C. Wooster, SAPPHO, ,f W.H. Lingo, W ff 1 : (Btdlt expressly for this route! Will rua regnlar between New Yojk and Newbern, If. C lea via each Port every THURSDAY at A o'clock. P. M. Throne h arrangements have eet. made with the A. A H.O A M. O. Bai road, and Bills of Lading will be signed to and .wmi-j point on aittiSr of the above Railroada and New York. - -. .- For Rates of Freight. Aa. apply to WHITFORD. DIIX A CO.. fc"Io. Craven st., Neabern, M. c. Agents at New York, MURRAY, FERRIS A CO., , 1 and 6i South st march S-tf. .---'- ... - -j- -- . BO HIDING t FEW GESTLEMES can be accommodated with AtoA U ant Pleasant KtMlHi by the day or week at MRS. BtYA'4, Soatfc Front atreea. betwesn Metcait and oeorge. mar 10-ua. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL; , Mebaneville, N. C.J i . , . " SESSION OF 18S7 BEGINS MARCH STH. tioursr of instruction, : . ; CUASSIOC, MATHEMATICAL AND CU.H- i . MKUCIAIa. . ' Address, ' ;,. . r COL. Wit. BiHbfiaH . Jar4f -' "..-v.. . , .. . BUILDER S' MATERIALS. AMERICASandKlfGlllSH IXCIC. LATCHES, Bjlta, Uingea Screws. Nails. Iron. Points. Oil. Var- Xtiaa, Glaxs, Putty. Lime. Cement Plaster. Hair. Hnnaa ells, Paper Hangings, and a , Ueaeral Assortment of Hardware. . ' at MITCHELL. ALLEN A CtA'S ataxcll 27-lt Hardware Store. BY POOL & SHOTWELL; IN THE BRICK BLOCK. EAST SIDE NEWBERN, N. U.j WEDNESDAY,-MARCH 27, - LOCAL DIABTMENT - B. A. SHOTWELL. EDrroa. , . ' iavxmvmw nt au thibos j raamalr TO TJa. wrxirjia to do a : . mot auBi so comMECT an axrara sm socxdb rax, - x JaFThe Senior Editor is temxorariy absent at the North. , ': :" ' .-i-j To otrB Patboji- It id the rula of tho Press that all bills for advertising and subscription are dan from data of insertion. We nope oar friends will come np promptly wiih their due. We bare heavy demands for the cash at the end of ewerj week and shall be compelled to make close eol- ections. - ' t& Hotel Arrivals, Pas engers by Steam. ers and Stages, Consianem ver A. & N.- C: R. B., Pout Office Letter Lid, and all cur rent netos may be found in the Daily Jour nal of Commerce the only Xewspaper in the City that , takes the daily Telegraphic Reports. : ; . " Z,'. . .- Index to Sew Adrrtlseaaents. - SrlrroBAxxa Axuuf Cu., 22 Pollok street Build. ers Materials. , - - . Wooixcott ds Tdixkb, Middle st Keep on hand Corned Beef. Bacon, tc, : MrrcHrxL, Aixxs & Co., , Agats Underwrit ers' Agency. , AMTim-'s Groceries. - : ' W. II. Olitxb 8t Co. Genuine Pernviao Gua no. i Uznbt MoLtn Garden Seed". W. H. OirvKB A Co. Cotton Fertilizer. Hekbt McLis Has opened a Drug-Store next to the National Bank. . - CBnosAi, Uocbt. The . Criminal . Conrt for Craven County was in session all day yesterday. but owing to various tittle hindrances there was bat one case disposed of, which was a charge of larceny against 4 colored man by the name of Joseph Spraell. The prisoner was honorably aqaitted.' ' .. The following are the names of the Grand Jury for the present term: Wm. Fojr, - Foreman, Jcihoa Carraway, Levi W. Tingle, Edward Din kins, Bic-hard Davis, Durant Bracher, David J. Paul, Asa Gaskins, 3. W. Ball, Dan'l Dougherty, Jno. , Lanehinghodse, Lewis Fulcher. - Reuben White, Stephen Civils, Chas. Fields, and ' David Gaskins. We learn there are f.everal very important eases upon, the docket which will la all pro 6a- bility be brought np daring to-day. t People's Mabket. On yesterday everything was quite lively at the Market and Market Dock; the dock being full of boats with nearly every thing in the way of food for man and beast - This state of things is qaite cheering as there had been quite a dearth in the way of marketing for some week or two, in consequence of the storm which has prevails 1 in this lattitade to the dis comfiture of oar denizens, by the depression of spirits and great stagnation of every branch of trade. Our country friends would do well to bring in their tnrseys, gaeses, chickens, eggs, hams, saa-r sages, pork, beef, and in tact any and everything which are generally consumed by man and beast. as they are brnging a very good price at this time in this market. . ; , : AiAxoBS iocbx. Owing to the prevalence of Judge Green's Conrt (we presume) and the ten uur uieiwi to evii uoera, tnere was not a case . 1 . -. a . i v . upon the Mayor's Docket yesterday. v-" ,m Ihe PassrxENTB Veto. The message of the President retarniug with his objections the Sup plementary Military J3UL published in this edi MHof the Journal, will be read With interest and approval by every citizen Who has respect or the uonstituuon of the United States. - -- This paper is in favorable keeping with the nner great efforts of President Johnson, which will cmse his name to be remembered with the profouudest grutUude by a people whose ci til and Constitutional rights he has vainly endeavored to protect, long after the memories of those who are overthrown them are . forgotten or remem bered only to be denounced. . . r. ;-. .:; . MESSAGE ; Of the President of the Vnited 'tatea. V.t AT ah BUI M npplc men tmry to the Military Dili, j ,- f - f -. -. : , j.- ...4.... To the House of Representatives ; 1 have considered the bill entitled "An .Minn. piouicu,ij iu au act cuuueu "AU aCt to provide lor tie more efficient government ot the rebel States, passed March 2, 1867, and to facilitate, restoration, and now return it to the Homu t Atepreseuuwives, with my objections. i This bill provides for elections in the ten Stales brought under the operation of the orioi. nal act to which it i supplementary. Its details are principally directed to the elections for the lormation of the- State constitutions, but by the Hixth section of the bill "all elections" in the tates, occurring while the original act remain. in f roe, are brought within its purview. - . Atciornng to the details, it wnl be loond that, first ot all, there is to -be a registration of the voters. No one whose ttanie has not been aul. mined on tLe list is to be allowed to vote at m of these elections. "To ascertain Who is entitlari to registration reference is made necessary, by the express language of the supplement, to th original act and to the pending bilL- The fifth HWUonof the original aet provides, as to voters, that they shall be male citizens of the State, twenty-one years old and upward, of Wuatever race, color, or previous condition, who hare been resident 61 said State for one year." This it the general qualification, followed, however, by many exceptions, Jfo one can be registered, . ccording to the ongiosi act, "who mav bs dia- frsnchised for participation in the rebelli n, " a provision which it-it nndetermined the question as to what amounted to disfranchisement, anil hetber, without a judicial sentence, the act It self produced that effect. ' lliis supplemental bill superadds an oath, tn Kp taken by every person before bis nama en K. admitted upon the registration, that he has not tK-eu aiiiirauciiised for participatioa in any re bellion or civil ar agaiust the United States." It thus imposes upon every ueison the netMa,jtT J and responsibiiity of deciding for hiinseif, under 1 Va nA i I t nni .V. . 1 ,.. v y.iiimuiiicn. vj m miutary commis- siou, if he makM m mistake, what works disfran chisement by participation in rebellion, and what luoaaaw sucn participation, Almoat every u awgro as WSU nS th White SOOV? years Or U aha waa ruulAKt 1 . these tea States during the rebellion, voluntarily or involuntarily, .t aom8 time and ia some way did participate in resistance to the lawful au- "i0"1 w tha General Government. - "? qaeauon with tha citizen to whom this OAtQ 18 to be prODOSed mrnl').'. tearful r.n- f,,r kWhilo the biii does not daolara that perjury may " 8"wa tor u3u raise swearing, nor ox any penalty for the offense, we must not fjrget that "Tt W P118. Jthstvery person is u swerabls to a military commiasion, without pre- Foa.utent oy - grand jury, lor any charge that may be made against him; and that t ciAi. autnonty of the niuitaty comm.tnd - or ue.nruHiies me qaesiioh as to what is an of- tenna, ana what is to be the measure ot ponUh- : The fourth seotion of the fcilt' nrovidps thj the conunauding general ef each district sha.1 ipuoint as many Loards of rugistxatiwn as may be ueeessarv, iaiuug of threeHkryai i officers, -or ;jersone. The only quaUacalio stated for these puicBta is,.iaat uiey must be toyaL Tney uy be peraoas in me. niilitary service or civu urns, residents of me wr strangera. Ye bese persons are to exercise most ioiportaut auues, and are tested with U limited discretion, Tney ate to decide what names aaail bs placed upon ins register, and froui their decisiou ttters is to dsjw appeaL Tuey ars to soparintend the elections, and to decide ail questions wluon may arise. ktfy ate to have the custody of tha bal lots, and to moke return of Sa persons Sieoted. Wuatever frauds or errors they may commit must pass without redress, ; All" that u left tor tb9 conimauauig general is to receive the returns of tne elections, open the same, and ascertain who are cnoseo "acO.irdinir to the retains of the cheers wbo conducied said.eaacttons. " By aucu means, And with this sort of agency, are the con ventions to be coustitrjtad. . As the dsuegata are to apeak for the people. common justice a said seem to require that they should have aalhonty from the people them selves, ho cwnyeauoq so cousUtated will in uiy sense reproseat the wishes ot the inuabt- atus ol these states; for,' under the all-em Orac uig exoepttobs of these laws, by a co us traction Aiucti the Uncertainty of the clause as to djafrdn- chisemaat leaves open to tne b ard of ntneers. the great body of the people n.sr b exulad.d from the polls, aud from a-i opportunity of a-J pressing Weir owu wishes, or voting tor dele- gales wuo will fkithluiiy tenoct tbsu sautimetit . 1 do not deem it ueoessary further to iuvesu gate tne detail of this- Uli. iio . eouajdSfauoa ould induce me to give my aupruval to .una an e.ectiou la fur any tiUrpose, and especially f r l its great puro-a. ol traiiiiug tha conatituucn of a State, f It' ever the American ctizaus saouiu ue leit ta the use exeroise of bis owu judgment, it i wiien be is sugaged in the work ot loruung the fundamental law under which he is to live. Thst work is lua work, and it cannot propel l v be ta- aen out of his hand4. , AU this legislation pro ceeds n pun the contrary assampuon that the people ol fsach of thene States smtU bars no oon siiiution, axunpt ahch as may be arbitrarily dic tated by Cungesa. mji! formed under tne re straint yf feta tS.hta-i-i . A. pUaU statoaaSS t. Ail Lists niaaes this evident- ti . ' , la ait these Slates there are existing constitu tions, formed in the accustomed way oy the peo ple. Cougress, however, declares thtt tnese uonstitnaons are not loyal and republican, ' aud requires the people to form them anew. What, tneu, m tne opuuon of C-jnrcsa, i usces- sary to in ike the Cjuauiutioa ' loyal and repub lican Tne original act answers the question: It is universal negro sunroge a question, wmcu tne reuerai u notitition leaves to the States themselves. All this legislative machinery ot martial Liw, mil.tary coercion, and political dis franchisement is avowedly for that purpose, and none other. The existing Constitutions of the ten States conform to thj acknowledged stand ards of loyally and tc pabhc&nism. Indeed, if there are degree ia republican forms of govern ment, their oonsututaona are . more - republican now than when thwse Slates four of which were members of the original thirteen varst, became members of tue. Uuion. A . -, . .-- W i, -. -Congress does L.uaw demand that single provision ol their eoostitnuon bo cnanged, ex cept such as confine suffrage to the while popu lation. -It is apparent, thetefore, that these pro visions rk not conform to the standard oi repob ucunisui which Congress seeks to establish. Tuat there may be no miauiks, it is only necessary that reference should be made to ths original act, which declares "such constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shah be enjoyed by all such persons as have the. quatifical.ou herein txUyii for electors or delegates." . What class 01 persons is here meant cleariy 'appears in the same section. That is to say; the male citizens of said State twenty-one years Sid aud upwards, ot Whatectr race, color, or previous condition, who have been resident in Said S.ate for one year pre vioos to the d.yof such election.- ; Without these provisions no Constitution wliicil Can be tr uned in any one of the tea Saates will be of aoy avail with Congress. - This, - then, is the test of what the Constitution of a State ot this Union must contain to make it republican. Aieasaccd by such a standard, bow iew( of the otutee nw composing tha Union have republi can Constitutions ! if. lu the exercise1 of the o ns.itutioual g.iarantee that Cong. ess shall se cure to every State a republ da form ot govern m-ut, uaiv. srnl saffrage f.r blacks as wed as wn lies is a sine qua mn, lbs work of recoustroo- ion may a. wed begin in Ohio as in Virginia, in Pennsylvania a- in North Car olin. - When I contemplate the millions of our fel low-citizens of the South, . With no alternative left but to impose upon themselves this feaiful aud untried experiment of complete , negro en franchisement and white disfranchisement, it may be alino t as complete, or submit indefinite ly to the rifiror of martial law, without a single attribute of freemen, deprived of ail thesacied guaranties of our Federal Constitution, and th eatened with even worse wrongs, if any worse are powible, it seems to me their condiuon is the most deplorable to which any people can be re duced. It i true that they have been engaged in rebellion, and that their object beina a sen e ration ot the ' States and a dissolution tne Union, there was an obligation restimr nnon every loyal citizen to treat them as enemies. and to wage war against their Oouse, Inflexibly opposed to any movemset imperil ing the integrity of tLe 4 Government, I did not hesitate to argo the adoption of ail measures neocssnary for the suppression of the lnsurreo tion. ' After a long and ternble 'struffcle the efforts f the Government -were tzinmphantly sncoomiifai, and Che people of the South, submit ting to the stern arbitrament, yielded forever the issues -f the' contest ' Hostilities terminated soon after it became my duty to axsatne the re sponsibilities of the Chief Execuuve OJloeX ot the Kepublie, and I at once endeavored to re press aud control the passions which onr ovl to had engendered.tn t, no longer regazding - ev oMouues, anin aornow ledced in tin as onr friends and nnr rmntm., xne war naa accomplished its objects. Th e na tion was BAvea, and that seminal nnVmLnf .ka-t. f 1 1 - . . . . . oui mo oirtn of tne Govern enti3a? eTradoaUy bat inevitably brought on '"""'"'"I was lotauy eraaicatei. i Then, it seemed to me, was the auspicious time to co m- iuciniuewooi reconciliation! ihn !,.. the people sought ones more oar friendship ma a I protection, I e.atudered it our duty generous! v to meet them in the spirit oi chanty and for OF CRAVEN STREET, i 1867. Pbicb Five Cents. givenes!, and to conquer them more effectual' by the magnanimity of the nation than by the force ot ils arms. I yet believe that if the poli cy of reconciliation then inaugurated, and which contemplated an early restoration of these peo ple, to all their political rights had received the support of Congress, every ' one of these tea States, and ad their peop'e, would at this mo ment be last anchored tn the Union and the great work which gnve the war all it sanction, and made it just and holy; would have bee u ac complished. Then, over all tbe vast and fruit ful regions of the South peace and its blessings would have prevailed, while now milli ins are de prived of rights guaranteed by the C institution to ettry citizen, aud, after nearly two years ot of legislation, find thenixetve-t placed j under an absolute military despoti-im. A military Repub lic a Govern mant formed ' on mock e.ectioo aad supported only by th4 swjrd." was neailv a quarter of a eeatnry since pronounced by Da uel Webstar, ' when speaking of the S-nth American otates as a movemeut indeed, bat a rjftrogade and disastrous h movemenr. from the regular and old fasaiouedj! mouarchial svstem," and be added; ! , , j ... ' . . If men ah mi l eij y the blo-wing of repab licsa governmeatAthey mast govern themnelvea by reason, by . mutual counsel aud CHsiiltatioit, by a sense and feeling of general interest, and by the acquiescence of -.h minority in ths will the majority, proper y expressed ; aud above All, the military mnst pe kept, acCordiug to the las gnfcgi of oar bill of rights, in strict sabordina- tiQu to tuv civil an'honty. Wherever this lesson i not both lear .t d uid i-ractK-td. therv can bs no, poht.cal freettm - Aba-ird, preuvtsteroa is it. a sox ff and a sa in u ftee forois'of constitu tional liber y, tor t rm of troveruiueut to be re- scribad by military its ety, and the riht of snf- irage to oe exercised a. the point of the sword. icounae.uy oeuee that a time will ome wlea these S ales will again ocensy their true posiii u,s in ths Uuioi. Th barriers which now seem ho obtinsie must yield (a toe f,.n-e of as eulightened aud just public opimou, and sooner or later aaoonstiiutioual and oppressive legisla tion will be effaced from oar statute books Whsn this shall have been com m mated, I pray God that the eri o.-s of the past may he foreotteu. and that once more we hall b a happy, uuited and proe.oerous people, aiid that at last, 'after the Utter and sventtul experreuce though which the nation has pass!, t shall all coma to know that our only safety is in the preervasioa of oar Federal Constitution, aud ia according to , every Ameticaa citizen and to every Stat:, the rights which that Cousiitution secure - ' i ':. Andbew Johxsob. WAsactotow, March 33. lcHi7. ' GEN. SICKLES ORDER. 'HKaDQrjABToRs, Second Mxutabt DrsT.. 1 (KOBTH CABOLINA AJtO SotTTH CaSOLISA.) V Columbia,. S. C. March 21. 187. I " Gknbbax. USDtl t L. No. 1. Ml. In compliance with General orders No. 10. Hea .quarters of the Army. March 11th. 1867. the undersigned here y assuaies command of the Second Military District constituted by the Act f '-mg'ess, Pablio No. 63. a. t MLttch, J837si titled "An Act for the more efficient government of the rebel Slates." j i ' 11.- In the execution of the duty of the Com manding ueuerai to maintain tbe security or the inhabitants in their persons and property, to sup press insurrection, disorder and violence, and to punish or cau-te to bs punished all disturbers of the public peace and crininuls, the local civil tribunals will be permitted to take jurisdiction of and try onnders, excepting only saou cases a-t may by the order of the commanding General be referred to a commission or other military tribu nal I r tnai. "Ill The ciU government now existing in North Carolina and South Carolina is provisional only, aud in all rcspeela subject to the paramount authority of tho Uuited States, at any time to Abolish, modify, control or Supercede tbe same. Local laws and municipal regulations not incon sistent with the Constitution and laws of the Uni ted States, or tbe proclamations of the President, or with such regulations as are or may be pre scribed in the oiders of tbe Commanding Genera , are hereby declared to be in force; and, in confor mity therewith, civil officers are hereby: author ized to continue the exercise of their proper f auc tions, and will be respected and obeyed by tbe inbab tants. , " IV- Whenever any civil officer, magittrate or court, neglects or i fuse to perform an official act properly required of t-ujti tribunal pr officer. whereby due and rjgntf.il security to person or property shtil be detiied. the case will bj report ed by the Post Cominaader to these Ueadq lar- teis. - - ' - V. Post e 'mmauder will cause to be arrest ed persona charged with the commission of crimes end offances when tbe civil authorities lti to ar rest aud bring such offjudern to trial, and will hold the accused in custody tor trial I y ililitatj Com nissiou, Provo-tt Co in or other tujunal or ganized pursn.tat to orders from the-e Us idqnar ter Arrests by military authority w.ll be re ported promptly. ' .The cliarges pteferred will be acco Ji) a-iied by the e v. deuce on which they are founded. ' ' " " VI. Ths C-mmandiog General, desiring to preserve tranquility snd- order by means and ageucirs mont ongenial b the people, solicits the zealoux so l cordial co-otiertti m of , ..civil offi cers in the discharge or their duties, and the aid ot nil good citizens in preventing conduct tsud log to disturb the po tee; and to tue- en 1 that oc casion may seldom arise for the exercise ot mili tary authority in maters of ordinary civil admin istration, the U inuia'iding Ge.ieral rssp -ctiuily and eatnestly commends to th' pexple and au thorities of North aud South Carolina unreserved obedience to tbe authority now established, aud diligence, considerate and impartial execution ot tbe laws enacted lor their government..: "VII. All orders heretof jre published to the Department of the South are Leieby continued in force. . ; ' H ; j vai'.--. s . 'D.'E. SICXXBS, Major General." Dsath sf P.ife tir Ui atotw Cjaananl, The New York Vi'orid of yesterday publishes the following communication: Nkw Yoex, March 20. Ib Ue motor fif the World: .'J 11.$$. i V Sxb In your 'issue of this morning I see it asked " if Profasaor Ds Mow is doad ? I an swer that he died at liz .bth. New Jersey, just three weeks ago. His i. critic will bo hereafter published to-der the ed.torship of myself and others. -. -:', Bosxrr G. BaSJtwixL. Some one asks. ifBen Butler's character is worth $100,000, what is the character of an hon est man worth?" The La Crosse Democrat an swers, not a continental dime." ' FaasiaM, Tbt Wai. H Oaver k Co.' Cotton Fertilizer, pre pa 1 by Wm- H. Oilive &. Co. SHiJtPLASTEBS Df thb Socth. Several of the Southern cities, among them (few Orleans and MempLia, have since the clone ot the war return ed tbe .ractice of isfcnii-'g irredeemable ahinplas ters, snd circulating them as money, in violation of the law of Congres-t. Seator buerm-.tn to-day seemed tbe passage ot an amendment to a tattle tax bill to tax tbe.e issues ten per cent, and thus t tax thorn is death. : 1867. Rate3 of Advertising Revised. 1867. J I w. 8w. f-l aw 1 m. 1 1 Sa. Us ia.OUi -Uu.rt IMfttl 4S.C0 0.(0 las.' 8 13 ml is.no) is sol atsiil 9&.a S.00 1 saoo! -SS.00 S&eLrA.0lH Ss-ool 1S IS x4 eaeoi k.oo1a. 4S.M)' CS.00 8V00 l"'.s0S00t '.sBas saeoi as-ooI SSSOilIOStS ISSiatl " Oid contract will baJUUut ml ybrssrr sWosv - New bBxiBMs mast be baaed on. the above rataa. Bills are das aad oollectable as soon as advertisement appears , unless special agr-meot to y,, eonf, j maA BTKCiax, uobtbaots for sdvartialng in Weekly wul bs poa rqsiia n terms. y- , n Wsix Wobth Tbtt o A good articli) is j. ways worth a good pricey . Cheap goods, from dry goods to washing soap, are nsoally the cost liest ia the end.' It is always" -safer to procure the articles which have the imprint of a house of establisfied reputation, than to seek for ' the latest and cheapest novelty, issued under an irresponsi ble name. The Soaps of Colgate fc Co. are known throughout the country as biing pure SLd every way desirable. HOTEL 1RRIV1LS MOID.T.HAJtCH SSlSt. SAsTOS HOlS..,.Wi P. MOOKKi rnD'r. COW Samps n, N O, Conned Bes, Lenoir So. a at w oe, a j, , , vsllaoe. Eiot n. Geo Potter, H O. , A has F Smith. Boston, Mass S W Mattock a, Onslow CO, W M Pmrk-r. Tarboro, " M . w.a --J. ..a cui.U. U O Sk- u li.KKi. -.; ia7- xr .. . . n n - w... " . u, ja at a J Sh tt. baso Banaay. Bea.tfurt, . - --j j rivfnniu'Bui a wta iuu owro ujf- uouses will OOUrer a mvor. bv atrndlnir m a hat ot artnvla at thtr Unnu. tONSaGMalaS.C PICR ATIaAariC J. It. CRtlLKOAC. Jos' hbem. . iW. P. Moora. -it J. Mo Liu. W.n H. Oiir-r. Ulos oas Bro. -atometer ntjooper, W. MclvUlipa. Hwoat A Dot ton. W. Sutton. Wm. Safon. B. K. Agent M IIC I1S.L.1., ALXEIS VCO., ... , .AGENT- FOB" THE UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, AMH scerss S:t nonYuin Offar Safe htsaraa je at moXoMte rates $ 10 to $ M will tuarcb ST-lt : inaui-a $l.0U0 for one year. . , t Es. young oo. saEBrMaito ti order . bNve stili s isw atom aioe tmati, if 4t, Kurt lua aorocoo Po ket Hooka, both U I and Gauls, lia r tlruahs. Tooth Brusnas, Note Wt leia, auusots, liar. Mr a -Uteara. Pooket Smvoa. fins aasuruuuuv. aoaordvoua. Fiutes, Olarhjneta, Ha uouicas, String 4 of al AuiiW aud f tas V ry beat qial tf . ae v We areuow projMH-ed to HI! orders fo a-y sua ai kiada 0 ?di -et Susie, ttj. Books, o. strut) ion Buoas, saero Maalu, aud iu taoc van sive jou a. . bin ut the Mosiosi hue tr. ma Jar- arj to a diir.kOtwjtwiafaiUMaui sluvH.cti ba had in M. f. ' t' march .4 It THE CITY EXCHANGE, Graven Street, .. t i IlUC CONHTANTLY ON Lager Beer, ' Ales, Wines,. Liquors, &c. Wholesale and Retail Fancy Drinks, March 3 tf By ML J. MoXAM ABA. j - WiXLUII II. 0L1VE11 ! .&! CO, WOULD parUmlariy call the attention Of Planters te their atooa of - ' ."-. , - ... . -. PLOWS, CORN SUELLERS, STRAW CUT 1KRS, CUL TI VA TORS, "HARNESS, t. VGenuineVPer We win furnish Genuine Peruvian Ouano purchaaed di rect from the Agent of tha Peruvian Governm- nt at per cent, advance on the Agent's prices In Baltimore, provi ded we reosiva orders during this month for luO ton. on abov. ttson ----- -' " ..-w.-. - -- WILLIAM H. OLIVES A CO., Jan lVtf ,s c i u "OKI ConnSy Wharf. ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished! i AT THS WOyPXSrtrr. aTtVaXATiOXS MADE BT THB MAT ASTHOL03I8T- Xsvdarrxe HrA.PEKBlGa T - , ,r:ijj K "I '.' " Z tM.'i'iv'inSli She reveals w erets no mortal ev-jr knew, hhs restores tn hauuisaaaOjoao who, fom flineiai events, .ratss u ns ..-naasa in 1 vs. loaa of roiswonaand rM.jees of money. So . have b su denpoudsut . Site brtuKS to. getber those ln a parated. atws infoeiSetton- eoueern- . H absent fr end. or lovara. resbjras loet or stolen prop. ; env. tlls you about the beei'ie s you are best oadiA.d j to parsaa and tn whs too wnl be aaaai sbce-eafuL eaaaes speedy marriages snd tells you tho very day yoa will I uarry, sva yo-a tbe name, luteueas aud characterist cs ! ,h- n.nm. Hlu reads Tosr very thonfth's, snd by her aim at auo- raatnral powers auvel a the dark and htlden ta.aviriea ol tbe tnture- rrau u iui . as. u drmament the m .tefle e-are tuat ov.rc me or predoml- nataiath ooungars tmi ftn-a saaas-cta asa poriuoia of the planets a -1 tbe tied sUr is the b-sveus at the tints of birth, she dedaoes the tuts re destiny of man rati not fr. oo.rait tbe are test astro outs on arth. it osata yon bnt a tn fle, and yon ny neee again have as fsvurablH an opportamlty. C-albrtMSi fee, with lite- ; Dees and all de re i inioroiatioo. t)i. P-rtiesvt jr at a : 4ia atioa can eosanlt ti.e Madame Sf man wUb equal . aafst. aad auataetKm to tnetn--rve.. es m prr-jm - a ; fud sad exnlieit chart, written out with all toqulrb an-sw-red aud hkeaees eootosed, sot.t by mail au r.ipt of .h.... n.iti.Miad. The atnc est raT will f av.iuta nod, an 1 all corn spowl, uc is uruadtw dasas yi-d se erenow of tue highest i.rder furui-hed those d airing them. Write plainly tae day of the month and ytar iu whicii y a were bum, ene sSu a siuail lock ut I '.air. d.lraa. - - naoaaio " Tim.u, sosa-cA I t-ly P V in-awnr uS-l, taffalo, hJ. ' t ' EXCELSIOK ! EX0ELSI0E I ! ? CHASTKLLAR Hair Exterminat cr ! For BemoTing Superlluous Hsir-? r. ... .ui.. tkia i u valuable evtl-tory re. eouMueada ltae.f aa being an .Uooat in-ispesabie aiUc.s to f. male beauty, is easily spp d, tioes tm t born or tn- jurs the aatn. bo acaa dirert-y en Toot-. or fr. m my part of tae fcd. oon.p ote y. totaby snu r-i-tually esurpaung the same, leaving the .Uu Wt, ru'ooth and hatrnai.- law Is ths only srua used S.Hhe wt uch snd is uie snly nal epi atory n ex sieiire. Prtce 7S cu b r im-r-g-t sent Bost-paad, to say adaraast enreoatplo nesvos, by &BXHB Wt?TT8 A Co., Cbemlsts march 31-y ; 3S luver Street, Tioy, y Jzx Kindling a Fire, 'USE' B.TUMINATED ' OHAECOALU lA-tf . : -5 -- - IS C UK ruVB.ail,E,.1..I,r.f1 In ths Etna Life Insurance Company 4,000,000 A88ETH. A sound peraon, 25 years old, pays $11 Cash per an num, for $1,600 insurance. ' as investment will pay better, or be safer, march 24-lt MITCH t.I.I.. AXXJtM A Co., Agents. .wj'a., IX S.00I AO,,! ASiS " I HO AI0 . I S.001, 11.00 CoL lsltn-l aoool s7.oui X - I ao twi ao-

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