VOLUME TIGHTLY BOTJHD BEST COPT AVAILABLE WwSs ;,!8JBBMWIIlsaiai!g A jQfimi IV tin.l V-Iiy or i n oirees voiinfl b ' . i 8r SHOTWEXmImj 1867. Rates of Advertising Revised. 1867. fit i ;dit. i"' - I iv., aw. 1 aa. 2 m- jJioJ 8 1 i ;S AND PROPRIETORS I -so: $ s.oe 6.0p ato 11.00 ; 8.001 .12.00 16.00! - iiul a5.ai 48.oo c .... 1 .. - c X CoL X " 1 6.001 8.00 25.01) 48.001 tOO , 66.00 QO . 96.00 so.oe -15,00, 125.00 ILoti 1S.0C .30.01 iHo oe 22M 15.0l 20.O0 20 00 rr (Mi 45.00 60.00 SatMM 105.00 PUBLISHED DAILY BY POOL & SHOTWELL, IN THE BR1CICDL0CK EAST SIDE OF CRAVEN STREET 30.0" 40. OU) 8S.00 160.00 300.04 30 00) moo oeotiie.oo lMLIlOl 300.eo4S0.(0 1 it ilFf jW; Old contrmcts jtriu frJUled aijbrm prio f -now puMuisn mas oe pasea on toe aaove-4 are due and collectable as soon as advertiament appears , VOL. I:--NO.-135.;: NEWBEM, N: U:;'SlTURDteMiBCIi.r3"oT;W - UV'Pjrice Five Cents. unless special agentent to the contrary ia made. - SracXAl. OVarrasAOBB tor advertisiag -m Weekly wiU be made pon rquitauls termslTO !?Tn r ' Is- , . . .1-1 1 n ., -, 'i,n '. -.-i.i .. . w..i'.,i.AjB-,a.i u.'i V '- 1 - ';."v"?: ':' - y ' ! " " '- t " ' - ' ssawnwoi m 1 imni I (lf I I ... , :-t ItSVIt.l'T."!. ahJ II j- ....:....; .o H , 4.UO .1 '"u TO.OO 4 M ' ,... 35.00 Jay s ' ; ....... J4.50 g ::;::::.::v:::v: . .. jljIVHSUAL'S NOTICE. lift Court of the United States for the District OI 1M oriu oaxuuutt, in me District of Pamlico. . 7 , rSlTED TATKS, iree barrels o Kuui, 'wo Barrels ui I'.t'i WHOM IT MAY COXCERX, N -lice la hereby l0 it ,.n Tor b..ut the 25ih day ol January, A, D., r n Brrf' ,lf " hiskev. Three Bsrrela of Hum and " ' ,ls f Gin. were saizea Dy l-. . r-utes. joiio ur ko Brre's w . M EHfitriet of North Carolina. ' Intfrr,M to the use of the United States and the same itorieiu ii i OSPCU(.P(i in thts Court in the name of f TT i.ii mte fT condemDahoh lor the rauses in id stand, tor trial at Asetlorta nu , iw ft' Court Kcom f 1 said Court in SewBerua on ttie foi rth rdtr-f pri ', A. U., ISOf, It mat oe a uny 01 juria- (,n niid if t, at the next day or jnrwcne'ion tn- n- Imw cause why ciitidemnivtion shall not b aoceed, I'jioterva .e r.r tn.nr miert'sis. ' l t CHAS. HIBBART. i Clerk: itrict Court of the United States, for ;hB district of North Carolina, in the District of Pamlico. r ITK STATUS, I r5' . ' four Barrels of VThlsif.r, ,, : Karre of Kum, and Barrel oi Uui. t iALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERX: Notice 1 here- Sr" Fuar-Barrela of Whiskey, One quarter Barrel of .,d ouf qnwtSfr Barrel of Gin, were seized by L. G. i oil ctor o! tutern 1 Revenue lor the 2d District wth Carolina,.- forf t-itwi to the uso of the UcitPd 'uml and tlie eaie ws libelled aad prosecuted m this .IV'u the name of the Pnitd 8 atea lor cendenratiou "rtt aists in wikl li jel set f . rlh aud tLat naid cause iXtfl lor t -Hi at the Court room o said Court iu on the fourth Thursday of pnl. A. 1 . 1867 ... J I' . 2am m inrisdii-.tion, and if not, ouj. the next . L. l.!n,i tn a 1 near to show cause Wi J'.ctoidomna- their in HJ CHAS. HI3BARL), Clerk. hrva iti.lSCT-tf ii. J. KAMSBV, of A. C, j WITH . ' ' .... M3tY, COLES & CO., I : Impbrti-rs an Jobbers of ... Illtli -WOD-J, HOSIERY, S0TIOSS, GLOVES, , EI15COK3. COI1SETS, SCU T i AND FANCY GOODS, 1 fratililin ?t., N"K"VV. YORK. I 1 . . . .. 1 .. j A Full. Frt-sti.itna iitcnp sicca, oTdwi the rf cent e-est reduction ia friefs. , arei 39-3u. ! T iOMAS J. M. U OLSIiiS THOMAS :& HOLMES, ( nnititlaxfon Mi-rclut uls, ueoier n nmoaa j j. 4. 1 11val Store, 1. Vit Front Street, Taird Do w bjl"jvir'"?uUou' Street, jj NEW YOKK. iKiciiiacnta to thi Address Iimirctl wiltn 1 on Shipboard. Pi ior insurance '-' Effected wlwndesincl. AGENTS REGULAR LINE OF SAIL VrijSELS, New York to Wilminytn. N. C. j " Newborn, ' " Washington, " . " ! " Morehcad Ciiy, " . March 29-ly 4- luvEBS' BOoTWICK, OEOBOE D. SABIS, ISAAC P. GBEEN VAULT eOSTWICK, SABIN & CO., j ilaaufajturer aad Jobbers of i Itrsw Uoadt, Hats, Caps, Fori, Umbrellas, j : Paraaoli.tvc, j j 333 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ; . .. March 23-6W . , i ASTROLOGY, The World jAstonislied ! , r AT THE WONDEEFC.'. EE7ELAT10NS HADE BY THE GREAT ASTROL03IST, Mailanje H. A.PKRUIGO. I veals a' crbts no mortal ever knew. She restores haprinrss those who, from doleful events, cataetro-b--s f ,o.e3 in I- ve, loss of relations and friends, lss i; a. iev, sc., have b come despondent, hlie brings to-i-ilet tiiosftlong s parated, givi-s information conceru i absent tr euds or lorrs, restores lost or! stolm prop rtj. i lls jm;u ubout the b-Ssiues you are brst quthfitd J piimn aiut in what ion will be mopt succeeuf ul. causes .. et-dv marnaiKs and telis you tlie very oay ou wui .rry, givs von tue name, liiouess aud cnaracterif t cs ' the ptrson. She ryads your very thoughts, and by her kiioost sapfrnatural powers uuve;:s the aark aua maaeu uii scenes oi tue inture- From Uie stare wo see. in - me aruament the m Jefic stars Uiatoerome er prwiomi- icate in th- CDiifiHura ion irom the aspects and positions I ol the planets and the fixed stars ia the heavens at the r rac of birth, slie dpdiiL-c-s tli future destinr of man. Fail not ti consnlt the ere -test Astrologist on earth. It eosta you but a trifle, and you may never again- have fivorabl an opportunity. Consultation fee, with like- n-ajand all desireJ intortuation. SL Parties livi g at a stance can consult tiie Madame by mail with tqual uiu KHisiacQun to mem fiTefl. as ii in person, a 5P'jli and explicit chart, written out. witb ail innuirii 8 au- 'w red and likeness enclosed, sent by mail ou r- ceipt of ni-e atVv. mentioned. The stric est secresv will be ajinta neJ, and all correspondence re.umed or destroyed e.erencs-H ot tbe niauest oraer furnished tho d. sirmu Ji'-m. Write plainly tse day ot the month and y ear in 'hi. h 5 u were burn, nc osin a smad lock ot hair. ! Addies. Madame H. A. tEUItlGO, m.ch21-ly - P o Drawer 293, buffalo, N Y. tXCELSIOE ! EXCELSIOR ! ! CIIASTKLLAirS Hair ''Exterminator ! i For Eemoving Superfluous Hair. To t ie ia,iie especiaUy; this invaluable depilatory re u nds itseif as being an almost indispensable article I'lLae f entity, is easily applitd, does uot burn or in-.;-re t..t- ai,.. bu acts directly on the roots. It is war fa, ttc to remove superfluous hair irom low foreheads, jrir ai my pri of the body, completely, totally and rad 1 !ly x'iriuiing the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth MM u a,. , lui i8 ony article used by the Er. nch it"! u i,i auly real depilatory in existence. Price 75 cts ' r ' ne, eiit post-paid, to any address, on receipt o :';Ort. ti, i f ! i 4 AT :il il-ly BEBGEB, -HUTT8 CO. , Chemists, 2S3 River bt, Tr. y, K. Y. JOHN McSORLEY, JXlllE EAST SIDE Oi CRAVES STREET, C""AS ACCOMMODATE. THE PUBLIC WITH ! . i Boots; Shoes, and all kinds of Shoe- maksrs Work, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, March 29-lm. TRY m;,i. f ? KUW11BAOK ft The, Hook, T H EvGOLD E N PROMISE," . , BY X. E. PEBZISS, ' Author of The Sundar Schof Banner," " The Sew 'v v Bhtning Star," " The Psa'tn King," " The ( :.-.... C'd Lute," tC , vjiW.! -;T-i- S -" VITK wiB send a specimen eopy, post paid, to any ad T V dress, ou receipt of twenty Cciitt. " Ihi (toldes Peomisk" is as follows: , . .. , , .. I... Sing'e copies in paper covers. $ ).30 . Bytheluv V t ' 25.IW - Singlecopiei inboard corers,. i..' . v i.3V:t i By the 100, ........ 30.00 Sahhath Sch'ool ' Music s!Yree Every Month. - - We ju-'lish a New oog every'month, and give It away. Send fur a Circular, to . ; ' - i BKOWN & PERKINS, ,1 4to Broome at., Y. '" flee 19-1r. i ..,-.-1. v BROWN & PERKINS . rtTBLISHEKS or ,. SHEET M XJJS I O AND MUSIC BOOKS. - 11 TK would reapectfnlly call the attention of Choir- V I Leaders and Hinging-School Teachers to our estab lishment, where all kitxls ol Church Music, Glee and An them Boots can , he ; obtained on the- most favorable terms. j, .i-r ; The long experience of our Jtr. Pebkzks in Musical Conventions!: Choirs, the Concert Room and bunday School, t nabk8 him to Rive advice and information on all points of musical interest as to the selection of urnrnr works of Instruction, formation of Musical Schools proJ KrviH. 111 U1UB1V.U .uiuiw, suu items 01 general interest to composers, leaders, bai hers and stuaents. u v . ? . S'leet Music f urnislied on the usual terms, with prompt ness and dispatch. ' tf Jera solicited-and selectiohs made for pt-pils, teachers, concerts, o., Ac, Ac ? NOW REAJjY Will be True to Me T. E, Perkins, .. . .30 cts. The Orphan Wanderer. ....... T. E. Perkins, ..... .30 cts. The Rom ftmh.i ;4 , .f;. . ' T. B. Perkins '..SO cts," Fairy of the Wddood,...,...H..A Brown, 30 cts. Memory lor Baritone,).-, H A. Brown ..80 cts. For of any of the above will ba forwarded on receipt ol one dollar. I ff Send for a Ctrctdan . ' : " f- k. ':, i BIJOWJ!? PERK INS, 40 Broome jst., New York City.; dec '15-ty HltOWA & PKHK1AS' PIANOS FOR THE PEOPLE ! 420 IBreonie St., .New.Ypk.;, "IT? E would call the attention of the public te our ele- V Kant New Scale Pianos, in the following styles: S1TLE "A, 7 octavd. Front large round corners, plain case, either octagon or carved legs, straight bottom, Iead moulding on plinth ... $450 STYLE "B, " 7 octave, same as style A, with serpen tine moulding on plinth, carved leps and lyre 600 STVLE "C," 7 octave, Front corners large around, - serpentine hotiouj, mouldings same as on sty le D, carved and desk, tancy carved legs - - C50 STYLE "C,";7 octavo, Four larcra round corners, finished back, mcul. lings on rim and plinth, ser pentine bottom, carved lyre and desk, elegant carved fruit It gs . . - - - ; - - 600 , The above styles are all finished in elegant Rosewood ranm-and have the full iron iramo, Frenchjjsqnjiari eed in overstrung bass nearly all the 7 Octavo Pianos now manufactured They are made of the best materials, and for finish, durability, purity and sweetness of tone, cannot be surpassed. Ihe four ttyles described above) emDoay ail me essen tial -hanges in exterior bmsh of case, which are by many mauuiai turers run up to 15 and 20 patterns. We invite the attenuon or the pucuc, ot aeaiers ana the professional, to a critical examination of the merits of our Pianos. I . . - Bv avoiding the great expense attendant upon costly lactones aud expensive warerooms in the city, we are en abled to oiler these Pianos at prices which defy competi tion, and invite all to call and examine them oetore pur chasing el.where. . i when references ana tesiimoitui : i are requirea oy muse about to purchase, instead oi px. t ug a display ot pro fession names, we re er to the p; to whom we have sold our Pianos Thcic it:clfrin.!ii W the real merits of our instruments .as i 4J:eir uiu i touch, sweei- i;fta. andooer of toao. Ftcmdiug i.i tu:ie. Ha., based on an actual experience, brir of ta more raiue than the mere good opinion ot -:;, ,ho Aevcr caois, woo mere ly tries in a ware room, m-t niacins in yeiuoc nine km order, which nave U3t reco vea tue worsmmi uuib uu ihing touches. . . ... . . j -. Our motto is i "QUICK SALES AND SMALL. PROFITS." 49 bend lor a Ciiculai, to i . BKOWN dt PERKINS,'! - : Broome st. New York declMy : ' ' ;--- ' ' STALL'S UNKIVALLED PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISH ttttst T-cronrTTCED. and beinir adontedby all leading J houses in the manufacture of Piano-, Organs, Billiard tables. Furniture, sc., Jsc Every one who has a Piano Bhimlil have a bottle of tUia. Polish. . Send for Circulars- Bud we will give lull particulars aud .direction. -It is p ut ii ti m bottles at 30 cents and oO cents, and where naif dozen are ordered at once, we will forward prepaid by Express. Application! for Territory and Agr.nde re ceived by , BBOWN & PERKINS, Central Agent for tlie United Statet, No. 4-ib Broome. sL, Mew Yorfe. i Git O V JiSTK KPi & CO., Piano Forte Manufacturers, 49 Broadway, New York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit at the World's Fair, over the best makers from Lon don, Paris, Germany, the cities of Sew York, Philadel phia, Baltimore and Boston: a so, the Gold Medal at the Am rican InMittUe. for FIVE SUCCESSIVE YEARS ! I fin If mirm contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, JVHT-Htnuie Bass. Full Iron Frame, aud all Modern Im provements. Every Instrament warranted FIVE years, Mr.lo nuder the sum rvisionof MR. J. H. GBOVESTtEN wlio La a practical experience of over tbirty-nva yt ars, nl ia the mak -r of owrr eleven thousand man fnrle. Our lacdities lor manuiacturing enable us to sell these instruments troai $100 to $200 cheaper than any firrt- ciass piano irte H- &F. dec 15-ly - - - I- ' TSSCUASCE JSOTICK. -, ', ; , . i oin New Yobb Boabd or TJkdebwbiteus, i i , January 6th. I860, f THE BOARD OF NEW YORK DNDERWtaTERS have apiiotnted MR. J. A. LELAND, ot the Firm of Leland, Biulow & !o.. thuir Aeent for Newbern, land places on the Neuse and Pamuco rivers. 1 WaxtER, Z Secretary Board ot Underwriters. u- ' omci oi thk Aomcy or thb . . Niw York Boabd or .Ukdbbwbi'ibbs, . . Nkwhicrk- Jan. 18th. 16C 1 The undersigned respectfully gives notice that he is the authorize L c ent of UNDERWRITERS in New York for examining and appraising Vessels and Cargoes insured by them arriving at una port auugw uj .lnnr -nlhanti.Ktitlff nWlflf. flf loKA- In order, therefore, that no fault or hlame may attack to him, he respectfully notifies parues m cubik w i.miirMi in New York. Baltimore and Boston, r,H timn whinh claims for loss may be made, of his msulinesa to oerform the duties required of him by tv,a wnurimt issued bv the Companies he represents tin case of any impert'ection in proofs, or irregu larity of proceedidgs, the Underwriters may be exon erated from the consequences thereof. J . A. T . K. 1 . A !N lj. - Of Lelakd, BioijOW A Co..ST!1 sept26-tf i Mewbem. JN. C. Notice i ' Newbbiw, March 4th, 1867. TW.t, ...it.,i nnnatitllta H. J. MF.NNI3IGEB, of Newborn, N. O., my Lawful Deputy and Agent, to act in ray place during my temporary absence, as under-wvifo-a' int nil. ViIto full nower to act for me, ac cording to my Commission and authority from the Board ef Underwriters of New York, Baltimore, tu. - J. A. LELAND, march 7-tf Agent for Underwriters. i a !rtiJitt' mwsX of vmmtm. LOCAL DEPARTMENT . E. A. 8HOTWEJJL, EDiTOtt. ' J fjfDKPIJIDINT IN AIX THZKOS ; PABTIAI, TO KOKX. V . WTLXTKO TO DO AS IirTKHTXOXAX, WBONO J BUT XTXB XEADT TO COBRECT AKD BKPAIB AN AOCXPENrAI, OKB. ; tGflbe Senior Editor is temporarily absent at the North. " ' - ' S&'JTotel Arrivals', Passengers by fcteam. ers and Stages, Consignees per A. & G R. B., Post Office Letter List,' and all cur rent news may be found in the Daily Jour- nal of Commerce the only Newspaper in the City that takes the ; daily Telegraphic Reports. i To otjb Patbons- It is the rola of the Press that all bills for advertising and subscription are due from data of insertion. . We hope oar friends will come up promptly with their dues. We have heavy demands for the cash at the end of every week, and shall be compelled to make close col lections. , ?. ; : ; a ; . Index (o Sew Adevrtiscments. Mttchell, Allen Co., 22 follok street Fur nish all kinds of Material, i Wooixcott. & Tinkkb, Middle st Keep on hand Bice, Soap, Starch' &c. ' MircHEtx, A.1.1.TS & Co. Pork, Line, Salt , Amyett's Groceries. . , .. Da. J. J. IiAWBEWCE Syphilis. -i 'CE Thobnbtjrh, New York Shipping and Commission Merchant , .. '.: ,', - , James L. Dayis, New York-i Wholesale Gro- Jas. Ii. Hathaway & TJtuey, iew York-r-Ship-ping and Commission Merchant.,.. , . ; t,j A. G. Eubank, Auctioneer Corn for Auct ion. MAYOR'S COURT. Friday, March or Washington. 29. Before his Honor May- Major Chapman, c. c, charged with stealing from the A. . N. C. B B. Co., was discharged.' Geo. Lucas, c. c., charged Jwith stealing eggs, was detained until the price of the eggs is paid. The Champion Match --Our friends ' of the Meteor Base Ball Club are preparing to give bat tle once more for the championship of the State. At a meeting held on Thursday night, commit tees were appointed to make such preparations for the accommodation of their guests, the grounds etc., etc., as might be deemed necessary. It is proposed, we believe, to erect benches on the Washington Square, for the accommodation 10th of April next. We have no doubt the occa sion will draw a large number of strangers, and friends of the clubs to witness the game. -t A Beal CiRcrs Coming. We understand that our citizens will soon have an opportunity of at tending a real circus: for Mike Lipman's ereat combination show, -circus and trained animals J nrA nn their wav here. - This is a real southern cirsus, and has recently been reorganized and rnfitted at New Orleans.; In organizing for this- colossal exhibition the management combined all the elements of novelty, curiosity and excellence. A better array of artistic names were never placed upon the show bills ot any circus'.-Better riders, greater equestrians, bolder gymnasts, more dar ing acrobats, finer blooded - horses, smaller po nies, funnier mules,, morej original clowns, bet ter trained goats, dogs and bears were never be fore collected under any pavilion. Everjbody should save their quarters to attend this real cir cus. This circu9 was in Charleston on the 20th instant, and of it the Mercury sayi: " ' The immense pavilion was filled at an early hour with an eager crowd of spectators,' who were kept convulsed with laughter with the quaint sayings and odd jokes of the two clowns, one of whom is Mr. V. B. Donaldson, the author of the popular song "Off for Charleston." We do not think a better entertainment of its class has ever vi sited Chariest on. n The entire performance is truly wonderful, and is deserving of a more ex tended notice than we are able to-give at this time. : 'v "" :' '-" ' ' - - . -: Advices from Paris state that the summer style for gentlemen's dress will be a necktie, and a pair of socks. Cool! . also economical ! CarMiNAL CouaxThe case of Edmund Smith. , , ' . -u a coiorea wau cnargaa wnu iub muiu - bnel JUardlson on tne iotn pi iasi uecenioer was taken up on yesterday morning, and the whole K 0 - . - examination of the wifnesf.es: '- The Court adjourned last evening 10 meet again this morning at 10 o'clock, at which time the ar gument of the Counsel for and against the priso ner will be tiven to the jury. " We will give a more extended report in our next. 4 , ; . t. First ! Class '? Daoo Stobb. Henry Melon, t .... - T . , . . te of Wilmington, N. V.,) has purchased locked the splendid establishment, lately conducted by Dr. H. J. Menuioger. His adver tisement will be found on our second pages. It is to bo hoped that our citizens and tbe public generally, will call and examine his Drugs & Medicines, and we feel assured he will receive a liberal patronage, at their haads. He lives long that lives well; and time mispent is not lived, but lost Besides,- ;God is better than His promise, if he ' takes from him a long leatse, and gives hi m a freehold of a better value. Fuller. ,. - J'.-;;?.-.rf -rv -' We are, by nat ure, haif angel," half brute." We must rise towards the one, or sink towards the other; and at length associate to all eternity with angels or devils -To feed, to strengthen, to ex-! ercise the spiritual par t of us, is to rise. To feed to strengthen, to exercise the r brutal part, is to sink and be lost forever. "We lost the in nocence and dignity of nature by eating," says Anthanasius, 'and must restore ourselves by ab stinence.' A certain-baahfol yoo ng manV ' not having the necessary courage to pop the important question to his lady, love, and being very desirous to as certain her feelings in regard to. himself, indic ated and sent the following missive to her; . - If you were a dog and I were ia hog, ; Booting sway in the yard; . ' "' - It your father should sy, V ' ''Drive the hog away," . -ry'dyou wbrryorbite very hard? A sentiment so bublime as the abovedemacd ed an answer, Ui-vl' theyoung lady : repliad, in somewhat ixke the following terms! 1ii . f .:ti When. I am it dog and yoa are a. hog : , . Wandering from the stye; r 1 I'U not breVhe or bark,' : V . -' 1 r" i Bat simply remark-- '" "v . ' -' j - ,-Go it porkie-root hog or die V " i " ," r .. - j. i , --- ' f- An ABttdote of Hham Wot-draxT ! Th ibllowitig story cfhim wan told to Mb writer by a eye-wiintSi, . One ;fine afternorn Hiram was driving a gentlemen over the Bloi n." ingdale Boed, Is' ew York, - when, he sudden! drew p and requesting him to hold the reins for a moment, jumped from the trotting-wagon. and accosting the driver of: a dirt-cart,' the fol lowing colloquy ensued '.'WU1 you . sell; your J horse ?" 'Yes. f ."How much 1 'TwentTfive do! Jars, a "Xnere s your , money ; tie him up be hind my Wagon. ' "Ah!", said Hiram; pattinp the old horse with the utmost tfeelig, while his voice took a most tender key, '"old Ajaz, have you come. to this? a dirtart., rl have had. two many good times behind you, old ehap, to stand tUai'; no one evei took you down two to a wag on. While I have a dollar you shan't ' want a peck of oats or a pasture." True to his word, we soon stopped at afay-&ideinri and' old Ajax" was given hi charge,vwith many" injiinctions 1 1, be kind6 the "old hoss."' Nothing gave its tbe duslf coming' home, and Hiram's voice 'never sounded with K m ore inspiring cheer than ' aftei what I call this nobis act." Many" will remember Ajax as one of ihe greatest roadsters ever among us. Ha was for some time the property of Geo. T. layman, EsqV of this fcity, ; p " Samaettan. 1 A welt to do farmer was General H , of New York, and Beated 01 the front; porch- of, his spa- cions mansion he was persuing kthe morning pa per, when one of . his hired men f approached him. ? "Well, Isaac," said he," looking op, -'can I do anything for you ?' "X-e-s, sir, ' Isaac " re plied, "I should like to go to town." "To ton! Isaac to town 1 what on earth! do yon want to go to town for ?" inquired the! GeneraL "Why, n-o-t-h-i-n-g pertikler,said Isaac slowly, "I wanted to go to town because man to be hung I" . . there's Qenlle- Somis. BxnaF. We learn that Gmrernor W;rth 300 busl )ushels o TEe corn appropriatea Tby te Southern Belief Association of New York, to be distributed to the truly needy,! without regard to race or colorj politics or religion,, and that Jj. L. Polk Esq., and Capt. Wm. Macferland, Agent of the F. B. for the county, have been appointed to distribute it. They are desirous of ahcertain- ing the truly needy in each Captain s beat and will diatribnte the sorn ; aecordinely as soon as re- ceived. Wadesboro' Argus. The negroes of this county have appointed Nathan Martin (colored) to represent them in the Negro-Uriion-Hoiden Convention, that disgraces North" Carolina, by . commencing its ; session in Baleigh to-day." To use the language of an en tusiastic admirer of. Nathan "he is a language man and we ad'ise our .colored friends to give him their support in the next Gubernatorial cam paign, in case Mr. Holden s disabilities are re moved and he becomes a candidate for executive honors. We hinkour Ex. P. G. should acknowl edge Sambo's superiorjcie-votion to the Union, by pi vine him an ooeh field.' Weldon Mate. ' Letter From Gov. FiekMl, . O The following is an extract from a private let ter received by a gentleman in this : city from Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina You know the desolation of our country has ruined us all, and.we are in great poverty. God pnly knows whether we will be enabled to gather ithis year's crop, and tbe policy of tbe Govern- "... a . . J 4 ! A. u a a I ment torbids au jenterpnse, ana yuu 11. unonj nnt of bur reach to raise any money now on any terms whatever. We would gladly seU half of pur lands for, support and ready msaa, Lufc, ot course, no oue vtiJ purchase with the open threat of universal confiscation standing over oar heads. I and waut and atArvation before thousands of our I people both black and white. ihe ;ni out cruel part Ot It is. II possioie, me U" wiucn Mffira;" lllUWBUli Ol BU uiauiO) . j . neoDle would have done under the 1 circumstana s. , , I really mm mat most men I who own land are struggling now ; to do all they . .1 . .1 than- frtrm r faittifnl f can mi lui uih Buiii v. . ui.vmi T tnnw thiR is mv case, and it is what I crBntlv to mv oresent i embarrassment and 1 cramped means. MobeTboubm: Bctween Soldibbs ahd Citi zens. Nahvtlle. jkiarch e&. At two ociocr tuis morning fifteen armed soldier of the 34th regulars, commanded by Sergeant Barns, march ed to the City Workhouse and released nine of their comrades. " ' The workhouse-keeper attemp 1 tea resistance, uu was iuuuik. bayonete General Kautz, on demand of Mayor Brown, returned the prisoners and ' Sergeant ted resistance, but was intimidated oy levelled Rama to tbe workhouse this evening. ; The feel ing between the police and soldieis is very bitter. Gov. Brownlow has, commissioned William Sumner, Jr., a colored man, captain of the Sate Gu ird. - ' "' ' ' " "' ' " " HOTEL ARRIVALS, FRIDAY, MARCH SOtat. GAs TOS HOUSE. ,W.; P. BOORE, Prop'r E M Hays, USA D M Carter. WashlnrtOB James Osgood, Newbern 81 CarroU Edward Schurly, Mntorcal O M Sadler, So Ex Co ProBrietors ot Hotels and Boarding-Houses will confer a favor, by senaing in a im i , daily... v - - - : - "' '' FARMlNlj IMPLEMENTS. "B f Bare prepared to furnish all Machines in use, for W tv, r.Fmr and Planters. r Khciirn. Straw Cutters, Cora Mills Cider Mills, Fani, EMERY'S Gisia and Condensers. Horse Power., Cotton and Hay tessrs, Plow., Hoes, Shovels, Axes, and Iron of all kinds, At MJXCBIXJj, AIXEN A CO'S, march 23-1 1 Hardware Store New. Advertisements. LIST OF1 LKTTEKSUPMUVnO IS THK Post Uffict stt NtwBtrttC N. C. Alsircla 30). Lettsra advertised when: they havs reiQaineA. hat the Post Ofhce one week. To obtain an? ot these 1 ttera the applicant must call for adve, ttsed Icvrs, g Te elce of list, taid pay one cent tor aavertixing. it nut caiieu for wit&ln one montn tney will De sent to the dead let. er onice. ' ,. - r . " Aakie, Linrlince Lane, Jacob . - li JSX , v Barlow. Richard , "" STaghs, John " Bes, m 88 8ue . Merrill, T L ... T, r Besser, uinie - y MitcnoU, KaSln.-' . '5 1 Bed, ttody Muore, utney are EswIO Boy tie, taancy ' . Uare - - ' t ijonuer. Mattte, Murdock tm mown, eusan . .'7 looi, Zach care James Holt Brown, J W - ..- 4 .. i A . lrio, Nancy A. care iohnNelson, Caroline Bryan, Josephine M pare X Oden. Luciuda . - ' i Bryan ; r. uwii, ueiue care iiiram js Burtey.oT 41 v idey Bryan, Julius - Bryan. Lewis ii. . Jt-raw, i-erer Clahorn, Peter ifi ft Pra.-JWarriB t? v,ra. ut. Henry Uaricun, Vlara - 1-erimg, bopnia . .. Purkd.s, jtiaria Piatt, George (2) . ; ,.v. ,. .... i Rem, tors "He.ddy li Davi I. Lott ieBue. aarmstead uutil Limn ... itr fc'te, r. e a a p --''"f : ' - Biwhaxbsou, ljaac Kancatte A Co, -i - - i.flyon, tiarrioi . ! Farmer. Benr:; a f. YiK ' :; Bay,er, Capt J A- Faueette k Bro, ; r S Fish-T, Hannah care, y onn cparrow,. jj u . - - Washington oimpeoa, onuuua i Formgian, '-! !;. J 1 opariuw, idoi.aiia ore, Dr John , : c-taniy- j linaur. ! , . - :.. ' " bianord, Cbaries Gardner William ' , .baiyer, Annia. ,. f . . , ureen. bamuel "- ' .-;'t-teuia, AUeir -- -, ilard, Sarah A care jameBSnnpoia, iiobrt.- . - Harris .' ' csmiin, Thomas care earan Gnce, Ann Maria i- '' - bmith ' - --- , .ti ha Ann Knza wii . ' Smith, t W . ! 'i'- Griffin, mrs Caroline, Scott, Alexaadex l.:- l: 3 : buttou, Joun .. r . : ... -iji - - - Taylor, Phayton Thorpe, laoggie Thomas', David H - . . ' Wade, ylvster ' t Waiaer, Jaae M W hie.er A Dodd (ty -Wilson, barah . tuthcld,- Aancy f insiow, Euza teth care of Goiaon, mra Rebecca Gorden, Larie 3: G rtieu, Sarah J Guvtiu, John A s , r-f V- T Harvy, Mm. a Hardie, Rev ilenry J aedden, A i ? 'j if ,1 i jlx, Diannie 1 i i Oiil, toward ' ' ' tiedden, Allen ,i - .y:.' Horn, mrs Eliza Eiatna waiosiwa S it mM r, ' . ' TUIUWI. 1UU X.inatr4 - .-' --- Waitehurst, Wm Jnes, Kellis Woe ten, mi s Jane H . Bt." - " xora:, nannan K nnv. John 1 1 The Naval list and List of Letters for the surrounding Aiaron ao-p j ;v xf-rf . .,0 CORN AT AUCTION. WILD be sold this day at 13 o'clock on Will lam 11 Oli ver & Co's Wharf ;; . e IOOOBUSHKLS COBN, In lot to snit purchaears. ALLEN G EUBANK, Auctioneer. March 30-lt ; v GIC . T II O K. B U K. ,.- iiippLag and Co emission Merchant, ConsiimnenU of Cotton and all other Southern Prod- ncts solicited. ! , 7 TA8. Ij. H ATM A V A. B 1 v -a. . (Formerly Hathaway A Co.,. Wilmington, N C, Importers of MoUsses and Sugar.) s. Shipping and Commission Merchants, 171 Pearl St., HEWiYOIUC, s tJonsigpnieBts of Cotton and all other Southern Prod. nets so'icited. A Jut" IS S r- a v 1 s; -W h 0 i c s a 1 e G r o c:e i And Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Brandies, Gins, Old Mo nonganeia ana bobtOvb wmsBies, No. 184 South St., KEW YORK. March 30 6m if 5 ? ;i . .C-i i-i-.--.-'. . SY P H I A. A S , Its Origin. llistoiy?&,Sucra Bar' Sent'VREB! o n" receipt of two 3 cent Stamps. . Address 5 DR. J: J. LAWBENQ. March 80-tf I f ,2. Nash Street, WUson, J C j -i r-' .1 1 - AYOOLLCOlTn&c TINKER, . v ... ;s,-f -j. ti f E HJki Middle Street, . rf ' . JJAVE on hand. D an Cnrnt w.v 95 ft-ff9 niuc, ouaji, , .UT 5 Starch "Molasses, Jvi rQamllesiand Kerosene Oil, Which ihey offee -for cab. Wholesale or BetaiL at a small profl above Ve York cot. i , L. i , ' march 23 It Ho! AH Ye Lovers of Music, TI EJIFMBER that you can ca 1 and leafe orde s for any t H ic mi blished. and get sheiu delivered atPuo uA- er'i Pricv-s. A Call is respectfully solid' e , Satisfaction 1. hn, ilnniinir ffuarantced . Violin. Guitar ana anioetriuesol th best ma- niacture always on band at wbolesale or retaU. We inteud e tablishmg a nrst-ciass music store, please extend as your pa ro age. niar SQ-lt . - a-, - f 4 Poilok sVeet, ltl.ni CREAM C11EESK, For Sale at. Marsh 23-lt AMYETT'S. -gABBIT' PALE SOAP- - -. For Sale at r - " j Lrch 23-lt 4 "u- i ! AMXETT'S. WlTCHELt, ALLEN & CO. rIAN furnish all Tools, Materials, and General Hard .n needed bv Machinists. Caruenters, Blacksmiths, MiUers, Coopers,' Distal iers. palnters.jQail.derB, Ksher men. Shoe Makeia, Turpentine and Shing 6 men. Coach and Harness Makers, Brick Masons, Undertakers, Far- mers and Honsekjeepers. - v :. r s ' . jff bend lor a catalogue. marcn 20-1. PORK! LIME! SALT! ; WE are receiving weekly coaslgnments of Wevr Yorfc City MKSS PUKK. whw-h we nffur at wholesale oaly. 500 B1I. I-lAiiey 300 SS'ICS JjIVKBPOOLi SALT .t MTTHHELL. ALLEN A CO., march 26-lt North Carolina Agricultural House., BOARDING. . ! ' hittt.I!MES can be aceommodated with ! f.. . a r - 1 Pleasant KOOJH by the day or week at MRS. BrtYAN'S, South Front street, between Metcalf and George. " V- - TACHESfoirced "to "l TOV ipoi the.. stBOOtneaj-f I face "In from three to five . 1 n. SKVM., x v a i)l-TlFHtTFIT!l CAPLLXAIRaV. the most von, . derful diac'very in modern '- science, acting upon ;u.e Beard and Hair in an almost miracatous-i manner It haa'b'Tn used by the elite of Parii. and Lo don with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire aarishotioB ia not, given.-- in artery inst. nee, the money mil; be cheerfully refunded. Price, by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circu'ar-t and testi monials mailed free.' Address BERG Elt, SHUT ?H is. CO., Chemists. Ko. 285 Biver Street, Troy.H. Y.a frle aaenU for the United Stotes. , march 21-ly n -, a .-i,. 1 7- j ,; Bl 'A-4J- T Y. Aabura Golden , F ax- n and Mikea j CURLS t produced ,by ; tn sei of .Prof. DQ. BREUX" FRISEB LE CHE VEUX one application wrra teot to ctl tiitHmoet . stubborn haw of either x into wavy iingiets vr hea vy massivn cult H"fcen;7Jtfear by the fashiona bles of Pa is and London, with tha mo t graUijiug le snlts. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mad. sealed and postpaid,' 1, Iw Hutiye. CifcuLrs jnaikd-free. Address BRRGERl? l tT n 8 CO. CtiilniH. o. 28J Rivfr St . Troy, Y, B H Agauts i -the VixXnA btates. Ma ch21 1 1 THE BEST S CM1TER FULL n r . - i ' i; IS BITUM1NATED CHAHCOiL'. 15-tf. There cometh tla' tidi gs of Joy to alt, " To young and to old, to rreat and te small. The beauty which once was so pTecious and rare, Is free for all, and ail may be lair. . By the use of ;k . ; ; - W H liTi-Er VL 1 Q U I1 P For Improviug and Beautifying the complexion. , !. ' The nost Valuable and . arte t 1 repartion in use for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only lound n yonthV? Itqutctdv rent vesTatl "Freckles, Pim ples. Blotches, Moth Patches, 8aUowness.'Eruptions, and all impuriUes ofthe6kin,'kily heaUngthe same leav ing the sk a white and dear as alabaster. Its use can sot he defected bV the closet scrutiny, and beica a vegetable preparatioB Is perfectly h rmless. It is the only article of the Sana usea oy we rrawivwiu in uuisiunai u j uie Parisian as mdisperisable to a perfect toilet, upwraiot 30,001) bottles ere sold dnrii g thobast year, a sufhiiient guarantee of its tffieacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt tf an oraer, by u cattiiijct, snu t ins uu., uueuuH, march ai-U . .. ... . ... ,. ,283 River St-Troy. K,T. THE pillEXQHAKGrE, '! . 'j-t JiSf tK , v , I Graven Streef,? i v CONSTANTIjY ON Lager Beer, 1 Ales, Wines, 1S KVJBIlY STYLE. March 2 ' Byli. J.'McSAMaM: WILLIAM H. OLIVER & CO. WOULD particularly call the attention of Planters So plows, ,cobx,stt:t. r, ers straw cut. 7ERSj CUZTirA?0BMARVEi&ic. - Genuine Peruvian Guano, f A . I , & - - -.- f -je f J, We win f urmisb. Genuine Peruvian Gaa&o purohased di rect from the Agent of the Peruvian Government at 6 per cent, advauce-on the Agent's prices in Baltimore, provi ded we receive orders during this month for loO tons on above eams mllL. I? A-eWtf Art yii.i.i.m n . 11 , i. j. oi. ' . . . , . . . . Old County- Wharf. jan 15-tf i Shipping. j-1 m $ itlS f tnt, t i f-- OODSPKEiyS Carrying the U. S. Mail,' 1 iHjBW lYoii SniilKewBelTi3 Between ,a N O R TB v a ft v i. 11 a , , KTbe A fJe, 1 S teams ulptl ,iT " r' - ... H O B A Ii Tr ..2Iaster, TILL sail from this port for "Wew York direct on SATURDAY March loth, at fST H o'clock, P. iw v. jf l h !S AD Goods direcfeci to my care Wtllt received and forwarded Free 01 Comnaison. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed aecon.nw- . . . .... r , T - T-tTX-T i ' " Xlml, fittM- tiansvauViT ai n ju- a. -vxi-i- . .. " d. P. GOODSPEED MURRAY'S H. C. STEAMSHIP LINE. This Line ts now compBaod cl tbe new and First-CIass Steamships ..,r.,T. nmnl linnnr fl a fl (1 Ufnhnts LUUIdA IflUUnL, biipl. u. u.( iiuuaici, mrnut. -jr. L!I8U ! (Built expressly for this ronte) 1 Will ma regular between New Toil aad NewbeBn, C-. leavinreach Port every THURSDAY at 4 o clock, P. M. Through arrangements have beet, made with. thB jj j. 4r Ns C Rai road. and Bills of Lading will be signed to and rom any point on either of the aboveBailroads and New York. - For Rates of Freight, lc, appiy jo , ... e J n 1 : , . ! - WHITFORD, DILL A CO.. . i. - s No. S Craven St., NewbernN. C. MURRAY, FERRIS CO,, . .. i and 62 South st-' . . march s-tf. . TTAVTH ? OPKSED two clashes Id VOCAL. Kma JJL nwi..n.n.iwT in the Presbyterian Seasten uhriat f !hnw.h. all desiring instruction in the same, are invited to attend, and may And it to their advantage to do so ai once. tr. , , inition price for a course of thirteen (13) lessons $3-0. Refer te Rev. Messrs. Vass, Willis, Cohen, and to Mes srs MitchelL Allen Co. WILLIAM J. FIFK Will make a reduction when three or more attend, of one family. . ... l 1 ' march 23-2t JOB WOBK. of every description 'printed with neatness and di spatch at this r - orncE