Gold News. Tic fu1Ki!rr ttntemcr.t, in regard 10 the ? . 1.11- i pUJcn j, ins Uru coropueu worn im- ?mt Kulhtunc fourrcs, In ra men vro err Tfctiitlj frrm l! dipgh entl from ttoc who Luvc brf n riiRagru u f prcung over it nih.'t- of that intticsiii'K region: 'I l.c acfnrr.t r.' jirlJ a gcotl tliv: sTt'l rf s-.n.c'Ki" Me ten lo f.fcen dollar; n ? m i tlujirious Uli Tcrti, .i d a bar i.r r "w!.cc tic c!d va fiisl tliicovcir-d, cIi l.::d ! p cntiiflj oer!fkfd ty 1 rrrrf?S tf lew acivt Mud, l;S bi-cn r.-uKl With nrrat rttrce-s. non-.ethirg lik ht) r rr:i I iwc but. diet! tb.llais each, to a j -iity it slm r, f. r m-hm two wet ks ?.t. Tru ism ii f.f tun tni; the riwr and f ork v g in i s !n.isru el ftntiel La Mil always ie j n.l tl tCit. -r, in iioui;b rates, it 1m u rt c!f.i lo tr eUt-i; tjMitf p j.u'ar. It rr q'tiic a ui.ii:i of fniie tv.ti.ty to ixty to I ti d ti.e tl.siTj. Tl.o !! st .Mi'irnn leltmtl Liitu- et rft. I.n! il.p cxi i;iiiin of i:? fit !. I (: iIt (Lki ol the S'tKrk La. l t o II If rr f.fy pvr cer t 8Divr fir. Ti.e Frallit-r Itm r. wl.ere tl.C fiueH poM ! ft i et n ft uiiJ. is tct a fvonte strt am among tL- uiy --r- II u I.I ibe acmp f m n.K i!- jr ir.a, it" lu- u-oiks well The I.z Ei.'l itMc i in t'li? r'Uiity da ntit fare un t-f.-i Lrr tiiiin iu nnv .tl.-r. hi d tin t!i-M-J c't d art t?t n li.r -ttt lit-st vi tin s to iht di t 3m ! :l t !lir.j!c lb' bnl I-il it well rex-ait!, d Ky ll.r l ur.:iiul bmd f N'uie Al . ?,CIM r"i.s ar ri.iv ciliated tlu-rc. I f.e A uh i Iit is ui.J tolotbt suits jlitttii n.:k it l!.-i c I'V t!.i-e .lio stirh ! in . i t, til l! tl c Irdiun tradf i?i bii&k A lr:t r. l t !" t cr :.i'cd cs ibat i.e bad mM n it $ aU-i l-'at. ki t at fiom four to tt-i. t :cf. At tbr ttfi: time c ba 1 1 t-; As p l 1 r i tl a ft w tbcutaiitd by liis te; i't !.: vMlt t f. Of t; tint c U il f tic Kbi do b ? Arar i ikn . ii- t rfh b i.r w a tr. tj&iitv of mi i :. T!-- i-1 I n 1:1. t t Mum cn' r. ard :;:i-. iv f ilv i ! an ih it f il e rc:chbiine '.IrS'i;. M tV 1.1 VI- kTt the .MiUl c F-rk ui nr:! i r n.i ni'Mnrain n r m u.t 1 .1 l ir.r'a'. I u: ti e-c j'rtu lave tn-t h. i.Mi !'.ccs:ul a XT:: 4 rxr ftt'd. J b U i c" ti ffi .-c-'n tu be the IuckltES digj;trr t ti t :.t Sw !i utu i.t s. Ti.e t I-.'-ft ! : -r.t d rrckrr i ti e mdv f nd l!fiiMhit vv tt iitvt ntt ti to . iarartj th e t!:it !:?; th ic. In future y ar. M.l. kl trr v. i ! Io ib: f s b- ucd. but pdd is V't t ii j.I.T.ty and too e s.'y jnucurcti to i;C.d th e 1 1 t.f biimii;r.i. Ti i r:ir i:iri nd i..s art rcol eml titlib.riil, the M.:du. i ft! r day hot nm! thy. v, hen tl c tht-rr or: t ti r rar e licm VO ti 1 15 Ii rvid tt:. I'ri n t!s ir' rt n!t at d i r"i . r.ic at r..ik abou' 15.000 nm 4 I v:tt. ti.r a t r dinn tit xt Jai ua v. tb x !i tl ibt'i T"' tVi? t!. earth ui !i ilc 1 .b thf! s COOCi t i nd thij we cu-sidt-r a in i.Icrarc rii.TEle. 1'l.f S n J' r n t!ivids wttli the S.irra r.ff tic i;. !t "Ct J o;m!atii.n. where v. ti.nt:! an J ic wriijrhft the quamitx r'.I !t:- at tin t! nt h T! Sr .1 ;!."'; fihf 'f t?n nlTrdf! tht ! i.- s' ci''? r Var v n' fit ni ldl on inn f I' '..if.i'-i, r...d ti.a?:rs ae r.u wuiting ihr "i-r :.i t c-.a!e the virgin Ljis or t! r.i a :l. tlcr. Ti i'ry d.jr: :! Wr t-l's rtck hive !.r: i :'. . : 1 : yi.d ti t? 3b ...': :. . .:"" I'; yi.u ti.t? .'Jt xi- t irrs i , ., , . . . , cuii hive i .- j 1 1 t r"h I. rii; tlt-e t!i2ip at i . x' t'c-tfc! f ! a Lik t f watt-r to uah t; C r,4,d Whlb tn t! s i"iariis!aus, tht ! r . 7v flU d vbb !.jri'g, and wmps cre r -cii:.'rv tu kct ji the vu:u tiut while dtif- - Ti e Tii(!urrn- ai d the Mercedes Rivrr h ue i n n n r 1 kinnned oer, ct v r.l'iti.t suvt Aid ft ft nre iow t..r:'4 I itv;iul il.o inctf ii.f i'avrit f uitrc ii fj:tuu ;te nin r t amed $i0iG0 "n tu.i vcck. We l:ad thf leaame f e tin j o! wbn!:u!l t f'j'i'.d. The raouii'air k !.t:t iM !iim U 't ictmii d. Of their f. r l t'li.e we ;.a!I gie cur rt.-a.Icrs the cai.i. ,-t i i.i e. i , m ;l e fan J.vqi.ui rrd its tiil utciir i . ;'! u t tivr my tl n on nw s.t V .k. n-i." u illeain by Jinmry uc.t omc C-J.OCC.Cw 0. Atriet'if'C to thi calt-ulitift , -: r ; rr wi.lild r.rt h tlian cJO.OCO. (CO ;i!i u:ii .:n ino-rrc nnprf ret.'t-r.tcd it the sma'!'! ! w.nld A wtud to tlnM i lcn s: r'it b iect: "Stout, Itanl rr .ikir.i o n uif :lio-e win) require the rnt ; C ; r !t: u-tt i.t aie .!t !! ot r the; I. 1 tu? ti . uii.l b'Ad V:ilit s fitni f 3 tt diV Paiti'Bi l ft' ni thrie to five. 5ie ht r.n m s i.v. s-ful. All htisie t)anit b:e..k up :. r:; tit uiiiiy of fcflir.i:. after rr: 1 ctt-; in f id. they a:e unprt -tVa'.de Ma Ml 'V t ti?.. ai.d tbw5 rut 8 II foi t! '.. iLt it ti.-ts Ti c fl uiiOiir.j ciiii-snt cr r. i.'iv rt ktori. leiieia. and tilhe P. ;ie ih !: tY!t!ct.-e rf the immense alue t f tr l vi .i!ib. in pj u! it g a lainl that onh r.i rd- IaHitcit : it trecf the f.iirft k-rarb arid rjijid;uial cclntrics in iLe W..i !d. Ir it iep,tti d that r t w a:sd vabiabb gold rrt:..:i i h rve leo ilis oveiet! upon the l U kee ri. r j ti ihtr t th-i ?i !e f ih- S'ena Nevada. i.:.! m vt r I par if l"im the tiinthrrn frk v.eic n t' e:r .y th.i! ei. It i t:ititl tin: f.. r j 5'0 t $ l.i 00 I e li-eri i!uj pt T day if n r-pit i- tiu, the real diggins ae yz- iti- i; tiiic vtre-i TI h?no cr Ct.v 8. The best method of r i-c .'Z t:Ue. w think, m to do so by band !; 1 1 Uen frtvn t" e r.uv at t.nii ns tlrupped w i I I d ta -iiby iii teaching it to cat-.- ' y. ta .!e f h df a p"nt i.f corn meal and n j -.- t ! i.e v iti I;, gi-n to it about thrt e ii i t a dav, v y itr.ct' nt to keep it. It it eiictthia inn,;! i ! 1-t' trach the r i!f t- k'I " "p I S f ivd ; ly irnj"y pit-sti'i I h-ad i-it iti e p n nuit an. v. the in'utxire, wil'i t;ne hmd. and inertm the fore fingei cT the in! or int. if mouth, it will instinctively hX'U up i:t b.'Vt'iatf. If it i dttiiab!o to h is'und yo ir miik, you miy btfin tt dc ere im the q i mtity hicli ynu aJd to your I .'.I i!! v. uh-n thrt cdf is about threa weeks oI. p iiti ig i't l o i k each day. until the cVf t .peieop,i,'y forget its taste altotber. When the calf i six wertt "U you roay tun it out in a era I l : tat if you dtie to pub t:i rowtir. continue its loblolly twice day ; Lr cr.' so vtra will iLcrcas its size fully o:i t!;;rJ. !! :s::Ul1tinV -vjjISihiiiiiiiHii. - . ! ..... . I - t OFFICt MAKUfACTCftY DH. S. P. TOWNSEND'S cevrocro xitbact of SARSAF ARILLA Wonder and BIelng of ttim Age. T4 matt iztrmeriifiorg Xtiici in IX U'ctUI This r.tret it pot op la Quart Bcttlca ; it U six ilme Ljpcr. plc&uater. ad wirrantftd fujrior to By oli It ceres !icci without omiUc, purging, kke&i. or debiliUUc; IL PtieaL Tb grtat tnstT tnprioritT of thi Sartaptinl 1 et tr all other icdicina w. wbiU it radjctet ii In!foraua the txxtj. It is one of the terj tet SriUNO AND SUMMER MEDICINES ever known; It not only purines the whole systra and atrni;thna the perton. bat it createa, new, rare nd rich tiood ; power poetecaed by ii other .Ved iaiae. And lu tbie lie the rrmnd secret of its wonder fa I saecete. It hae performed within the last two jeara, snore than one hundred thoasa&d cures of severe easee of disease, at leaat, 60, POO were considered incurable. It Lm aaved the Uvea of more than 14,000 children &e three past aeaaorj. 100,000 cavaea of General Debility and want of .trvoDt Energy. Da. 8- T. TewisKos Sanarexilia inrigoratee the whole sjttetn peimaoenUy. To those wko have lost their nuKulir energy, by the effects of medicine, or Indiscretion committed in ) oath, or the excessive in duljrtac cf the (auions, and trooght on by physical prostration cf the nertous sjstem. laa:tu2e, want of ambition. fiisUr. sensations, premature decay and decline. htetui. toward that fatal disease. Consump. tiuo, can be entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This napriiie is far superior to any I.WIGOItATINO CORDIAL, As it recews an 1 invigorates the system, gives activity to the hmte. and strer-gth to the ouaculax sysUm la a cost extraordinary degree. Consumption Cared Clsse tcJ StrecgtLes. Consanption can be cured fKi.'i. Cenjktwriew. Lircr Complaint, Cold, Cen, Cftkl. .4i(Aat, Spilling of Blood, Sort vuis tw CAi!. H'.ttie HuoK. yiglt Strtatt, thf fitU or Profit HrptctoToUon, Pia its tht Side, "f C, iUre t end can ee cur id. SpttUng Dlood. Da. S P. Towjuin I verily belieee yonr Parse penlla ku been the meaca, through Providence, of vine bit Lfe. I have lor sever! year had a bad Coagb- it fvecame worse anJ om At 1m I rMl large qaaatities cf blood, had night aweats, and waa Erectly debiliUted and reduted, aud did not expect to ve. I have only used your Sarsapanlla a short time, and there baa a wonderful charge been wrought in me. 1 am cow able to walk all oer the city. I raite no blod. and my cough has left me. iou can w ell imagine that I am thankful tor these results. Your otwxtent servant. WM. RUS3LL, 6i Catherine-st. Fltat Fltair FlUttl Da- 8. T. Toi!"t, not having tested his Sarsa periila ia case of Fits, of course, never recommended it and waa surrried to receive the fwllowiog from aa Ictellifent aad respecUble Karmr ia Westchester Cou&ty : FordSmm, .?uvil IS, lt7. Da. S P. TowTttD Dear Sir : I have a little girl, eetea jesie of age, who has been several yesrs aAicteJwith Fits; we tried almost every thir.g for her, but without auccess ; at lst although we could find co recommendation in your circulars lorcases like hers, we thought, aa she was in very delicate health, we would five her some of your Sarsapanlla, and are glad we diX for it not only restored her strength, tut she haa had no return of the Fits, ti our very great pieasute and surprise. he is fUst becoming rugged asd healthy fr which we feel gmte.'ul. Youn respectftlty. JOHN BUTLER, J. Ftmals 3Ic4llclnce. Da. S. P. Towjfrs&'e Sarsapa.illa is a rere"n and speeJy cure fr Incipient Consumption, Barren neas, rrolsiLS Uteri, or Falling of the Womb. Coe tive nets. Tiles. Leucorrhara, or Whites, obstructed or tiirr.cult y.enstruaLon. Incontinence pi Urine, or in voluntary discharge thereof, and for the general pro, trationol the system no matter whether the result of inherent cue or cause, produced by irregularity, illness or accidect Nothing can be more surprising thaa i's invigorating efl'ecu oa the human frame. Perona all weskness and lassitude, from taking it, at orce become robut and full of energy under lU ia fiience. It immediately counteracts the nerelesa neve of the female frame, w hich is the great cause of Barrenness. It will cot be expected of u. in cases of eo delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of curee performed, but we -can assnre the aUhcted. that hun dreds of ranee have teen reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been without children, ater using a few bottles of thia invaluable Medicine, hare been blessed with fine, healthy offspring. Great Uleaalng to ?lo there and Children It is the safest and moat tSectual medicine for punfyir g the system, and reL-ving the iu3ringv at teaJaat ufoa ctilibinh ever discovered. It strength ens toth tue motker and the chili, pievcnts pain and Ie.ue. iocieases and enriches the food ; thofewho tr ue 1 it, tnink it is indispemaMe. it is highly use ful both before and alur connnement, as it prevents diejc atttcd.nt upon child-birth in Costirenese, Ftics. Crsmt s, bwelliLg of the Feet, Despon Jeacy, lleir.tura. Ycmitirg, raia in the Eck and Lols, False Pa ns. liemorTtige, and in regulating the secre tions and equalizing the circulation, it has no equal 1 be great beauty tl thia medicine it, it is always safe, and the moat delicate use it mot succesiiully, very rV-v casea require any other medicine, in some a I v.le t astor Oil. cr ?.tersia u usefuL F.vercisc in the o;.ea air. z. fxl with this mcdicise, will aiays secure a cafe and easy conaexe&!. Rheumatism. 2?Iar ieir 7lenf. SryMt, 1?47. Da. S. P. Tcwai !o Dear Sir : I have aufiercd ter ribly fur nine yean with the ithrcmatism ; considera ble of the title could nt est, sleep or w alk I had Ce atraoet distressing pains, and my limbe were ter ribly awollen. I have used lour bottles of your $arsa fw.illa. and they have done me mere than one thou asud dollars worth of good. I am so much better ia decJ I am entirely relieved. Vcu are at liberty to use this tr the bei eftt of the eCietel. . oars tpcuuiiy, jAMtB CUMMIOS. The Iter. John Seger Of Jereev City, an 11 and highly respectable ctergy. rvan of the Baptist Denomination, handed in the fol lowing cert f.Cite at Dr. S. T. Tow rue ad a o2ic. it apeala for itself. Da. S- P. Tittr-Dear Sir : I am constrained to give you a statement of the benefit I derived from using yoar Parsaparilla. believing, by eo doing. I shaifrender a benefit to those who are ssfferirg as I bate btea. I ru reduced for many months by the Dyrpeptii, so mcb that it waa with much diiLcclty kr rr.e to walk or keep about. 1 had also a tetter, which covered the most part cf my head which waa xlreiaely troublesome aad acre; it got to e almost etaV fused qitc a number of remedies fr bota the complaiata. but received little or no benefit, until 1 took your Sarsaparilla, which, through the kindness cf Providence, haa restored me to mere than my usual btalth. aa I am now enjoying better than I have for a camber cf years. I am now oO year of age. I be lieve it to be an invaluable medicine, and recommea J -it to my numerous acquaintances, which ia scry large, as I have been a minister a great many years. I hope this hasty sketch may be ae much beasfit to yoa aa your medicine has to me. July 11. 1S7. JOHN SEGER, Jersey City. Methodist Clergyman. The following waa sent to our ..gert In Itehway, ty the Her. J. O- TUN ISO N. of the Methodnt Fpisco rwl Church one of the most learned and respected ia the connection end is another evidence of the w-oa-dsrful etfecte of Dr. 8. P. Tow bsead'a Sarsaparilla on the system. FaiK!o Ftasso Having for tone time past, as yoo are aware, experienced great general debility of my system, attended w ith constant and alarming irritation of my throet and lungs, 1 was. at your instance, and ia eonsqueac of having read Cat tain McLean's de cided testimony la iu behalf, induced to try Dr. 8. P. Tow mend's far-famed Sarsaparill. I tried it, I con fess, core in the hope than ia the confidence of iu proving eflcacKus ; but I am bound in candor now to acknowledge, that I Lad not tried it long before I be gan to experience ita salutary effects ; and I may now say. with Captaia McLean, tht I would not be with out it oa any consideration. It baa dona me more good than any previous remedy I Lave tned, and if this statement is deemed by you of any importance, you have my full consent to make it public. JUhway, August Id, 1847. J. O. TUNISON. SCROFULA CURED. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sana, panila has perfect control over the most obstinate diseasee cf the blood. Three persons cared ia one heaie is crprecsdented- Thxee Children. Ds. 8. P. TswvitvD-Dear Sir : I Lava the pleasure to inform you that three of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very aeverely with bed Sores ; have taken only four bottles ; it took them away, for which I feel myself under great blijaUon. Very respectfully, ISAAC V. CRAIN. 10 "Wooster-st OPINIONS Or PHYSICIANS. Da. 8. P. Towacin la almost daily receiving orders from Physicians ia different parts of the Union. This is to Certify that we, the undersigned, rhysi cisnsof the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed Dr. 5- P. Townsends Sarrspanlla, and be lieve tt to be one of the most valuable preparations la the market. If. P. PULINO. M. D J. WILSON. M. D. IL B. BRIGGS, M. D. P. E ELMLN DORF, M D. Albany, April 1. IM7. Astti. Redding si Co, No. 8 State-street, and Vr C Kidder. No 100 CourVstreet, Boston ; Samuel Kl1dr, Jr. Lowell; Henrv Trait 5alem ; James B. 5rf. Woreei Ur ; Albsn V Gult, t oncord ; J. Baich k Son, Providence ; and b TrvgruU and Mar. e-aau gsnersUv througaout tie UiuUd Sutes, West Indies, and the tanadas. or sale in New Berne tj L DIS0SWAY Di ggist cor. Polio'.: sad Middle trwta, where may be tound an exttasive ac;taeit cf Dmga, ifedi. iae. Pidnt. Oiia, Dre StoCa. Wirdow Glaai.. Puttr, Perfneerr, CaoiceCM Liquors f&r Invalids, sfl t . ' s a fZmjMm JL m An4 K f? A ena aQ i . I - wj.vswy wsawwj w as wh w fctVslsVfJ 4W WW mm Treat Bril-'; K. L. Wvttt WalttbtU Wiyiiec; II. PtdU, Kinston ; Wat. P. Jfor, Swift Creek B. Ailtto) Trenton J.P.C. Davis Bei a fort. I. D. will extend the sab-agencies to tocb country icercnants as wui give toe maivtrr aatur aueuuvu and be prompt vzthtir remittances. June 5, 1849 22 National Loan Fund, SOCIETY OF LONDON. CAPITAL $2,500,000. X. YORK BOARD OF DIRECTORS John J P.dmer, Jatnt s Doorman, George Barclay, S.iuil. L. How laud, Wm Van Hook, AquilaG Stout, Fnnnin.eC Tucker, Bache McEvers, barul. .M b ox The subscriber having been appointed ngent, is prepared to receive applications lor Insurance in he above Cum puny on the most favorable terms. Juhn A. Gcio.v, M. D. Medical Exnminer- SAMUL OLIVER, Agent. tf23 S100 RI5WAI.D ! ! RAN AWAY from the subscriber in Jones coun tv, near Beaver Creek, on Wednesday the 25th of April last, a negro man named Mixgo, and his lie, Anaca, or Anna. Said negro man is about 35 years of Age. of large size, over six feet in height, square built, and weighs from 160 to 190 pounds ; I h is lo&t a portion of his upper, nnd under teeth, and when walking throws his toes well out, throws his head well back, and has a quick step. Anaca is about 27 or 2S years of age. over middle height, thick set, kidney foot, nnd when walking turns her toes well out. She speaks quick, and has rather a down look. Said negroes are probably lurking about the plan aticn of John Foscue in Jones county, or on Core Creek, near Dr. Hubbird's. in Craven county, or in the neighborhood of the Messrs. Rh?ms, on the Neue. The above reward niH tvB to ny person who will deliver siid nejrroea to me. nt my residence) or confine them in nnv jail in the btivte. so 1 get them. For the delivery or confinement of the ne gro man alone, ns above named, I will give S75. Masters of vessels tire particularly cautioned not to tiid s iid negroes to escape. EXOCH JSOBLE. Jones county, May 7, 1S49. lCtf C A ITI 1 OX EXTKA A man by the name of Cf1PP haa enpLged with a ponng mae of the name of 8. P. Townsend. and uses his sum tt put up a Farsapanlla, which they cull Dr. Tow n aend'a FurmpnriKa, denominating it Gf'JfUyP., Original, etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never was; but was formerly a worker on rnifronJv, canals, and the like. Yet he assumes the title of Dr.. fur the purpose of gaining credit for what be is not. Thi is to caution the puUli; not tu be deceived, nnd purchase none but the Q F."UIJ'F. ORIOI JV.f Z. Ol.n Ir. .'.icob Townsend's Snrtaparilla, having on It, the Oid Dr's. likenesv, his family coat of arms, and bis signature across the cmt of rms. rrintrfol Ofitt, 103 ,Vui ., A Vic Tori Citf. OLD J)K. JAC0H TOH iNSND, TIIK tirtlfilVAI. IMSCOVKKKR t)K TUB Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend is now nlxxit 70 yenri of nee, nnd has long been known as the AUTHOR nnd DISCorF.HKR of the OF.XUI.VK ORIOLWU. " TO IFA'.s E.'I S.1R 8AP.1KILf.1.'1 neii'K Mxr. Ii was couil!e. ft limit its mnouf iciurc, by w hlrh mctiii it has been kept out ol tnnr ket. and the sale circuumrihed to those only who hid proved tu worth, and kunwn its vniue. It hnd renched the ears of mny, nrveriheless. as ilne prrv m who h;id ben Lea lid of sore 1iie, anil SHVed from death, pro claiiiied its exceilrncn rn w cnI-rfiil HEALING 1X)WER. Knowlnf. neay year ago. ihnt lie hnd. by his skill, teieuce nnd enenei;c, dfvist-d nn nriicle Hh;.h would te of IncniruinMe ndan'nre to mnnkmd when the menns would be furnished tii bring it into uiiiverstl not ce. htn Its laM'.imaMt virtues would be known and Mpprecinled. This time has rome. the meou- nr nupplinl ; ihi QH.1ST1J jf.V LWFlU.1l.l.F.I P R F.r.1 K.fTO.V Is niinufocturwl on the lnrpuit scmIc. nnd :s celled for throughout the length nml tirexdih of the in.1. especially Unlike youtig j. I To u-nj . M in rov lih nge. Had never chntr. but for the bf tt-r : lxjau it is prepared en tttcnttic princi:'r by n tcirni.'fic man. Thfc hiehet knowl edge l" t."heiintry. ad the I ;t-t tti'coverios of the art, have hi I rw-en brought into rcqMiNit.oa in ihn manur.ccuro of the (Jiil Iir's Knrs tpri'l.i. Th S;ir;i jvirill nt. It ia well known V mrd'.rni men, eon! ln ninny uvilicmiil pre pertics. nnd somr propfrtii.- which tre inert or useless, nnd others, w inch if retunea in it for ue, ruiluce ftrmentutiffi and i;eci, Ahich i injuriou- to the aytnin. Some of the piopertic rf .ttnpnr.U are o volatile, that Ihey ent rely ev-tporu? aud are lo-t in the p-epamtion, 1 thry nre not presorted by a scietiSe yrucegg. known only to thoe eiponenvird in Its mniiiif:iciu-e. Moreover, these veiatu prmcifltt. wlich fly fl" n v.".Mr. i.r n n exhala tion, under hfit. are tne very essential nifir7 jtropcrue efthr riV't. wh:rl, t (. t.- 'I --'l' vhIi!. Any perton eaa boll or stew tne mot till they get a dark colored liquid, which la more from the coloring matter la the root than from any thing else: they cna tben atraia this In-lii.U or vnpid liquid, sweeten w ith nr inolnsses, end th. . " "BAKSAI'AKIl.l.A EXTBAl-T or SY RI'P." Dnt 5u .. . not the wrtici know n n- ih GENUINE OL) DR. JACOB TUWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This Is so prcptired, that nil the inert prop-ril of the B.trsapnrila riKt :re tirtt rt mo veil, rvery thne cxpnb'.e of bouiiii)t arid or of fermentntioB, is extracted ibJ rejected; then every i-ann le of medicnl virtue Is scciared in a pure and concon trued form ; ami thus ii is renderrc mct'table of losing any of its valu-ible and henling properties. Prepared la this way it is made the most imwerlul aeeat in the Cure of iiiiiiiinerablu tlieaset. Hence the reason why we henr commendations on every side In tu favor by men. women, and children. We find li domf wonders in the cure of CO.VSUMPTWS.: VraPF.PSM. nnd LlER COM PI1l.YT. ud In RHEUMATISM, il ROFUIU FI.FS. ,COSTirF.STF.SS. nil CUT.1JVEC IS F.RUP TlCJfS, PIMPLES. BLOCTHES, and til affections arising Irom IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It poseaea ci ire!Uus tncic in nil complaints arising from Indigestion, from .ictJitp vf the Stomach, front unequal circulation, determination of tiood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold leet nnd hands, cold rhiils m d hot Hashes over the body. It has not iu eqtutl in Collt u d Cough ; and promoter cay eptctontiion and gentle prr f .riUon, reUxma strxture ol th lungs, throat, nnd every oiht-r pnru But in nothing is its excellence more m iiiitt Uy eu and acki.ovvicdeil thn in n'l konN nml l iL'f f FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It work wonders in cneof F- uur .i.'ltm or IVhitet. Fall rg of the H'vmb. Obttritcttd, im uprated, or Painful Mee Irregularity of the ineiitruii irtoiis, nnd :hc like; ana is av eilectunl in curing nil the f.Tiiis of Kidney Diere. By removing obstructions, nnd regulating tne general system. It gives tone nnd strenfili to the wh'jle body, and thus cure all forms i f Nervous diseases and debility, and thas preveuts or relieves n gre it variety t f other laala dies, aa Spinal trrUatto. vYeuralgia, St. fitus' l)c Swooning. Epileptic F;i. Cvnenletum, &C. Il clonics the olood. excis the liver to healthy action, tones the alomich, nnd gives good digestion, relieves the bowels of torpor nnd contipatnui. 1U)S inrtiiiimatioa, par.fies the skin, c-ua,lics the circuUtion if the blood, producing gentle warmth equally all over :he body, and the insensible perspiration; relaxes all strictures nnd tight neat, removes nil obstructions, and invigorate the ent're aervoas sjstein. Is not this then Tne medicine you pre-eminently need 1 But can any of these things be sid of S. I. Towusend's Infer or article? This voting nun' liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of one GKAXD FACT, that the one is LNCAPA BLL of DLI LKIOK ATM .. and NEVER SPOILS, while the other JX)tU ; touring, fermenting, and Mowing tit botUt contaju.n; it into fragmenu ; the m. ur, acid liquid exploding and d imaging other goods ! Must not this horri ble compound hti poisonous to the system 1 Whet I put odd into a system already dunned with ocid ! What causes Dyspepsia but acid t lo we not nil know that when food soars ia oar stoiunch. w hat mischiefs it pn -duces 1 flatu lence, heartburn, palpitation of the he ar, liver compla nt, diarrhoa. dwntery, colic, and corruption f the blood t What is tMroinla but an acid humor in the body 1 What produces all the humor w hi h bring oa Eruptions of the 6 km, tjcald Head. 8nlt Rheum. Lryaipeiaa. White Swell lugs. Fever Sores, and alt ulcerations internal and external 1 It is nothing under heaven, bat an acid susstance. which sours, aud thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or lesa. What cause kheauiausm but a soar or acid fluid which Insinuate iueif batweea the joinu and elsewhere, Irrltabng and inrUraiug the delicate tissue which it aeu 1 bo of nervous di.enso. f taipurtty of tha blood, ot sWrargwd carcalauoca, and nearly eii tne) ailaraau which afllict nuasaa asture, lirm is It not horrible to maks tni selL aaH rnAnf.t isercstoaie this SOURING, FEllXNTINO, ACID "COM POUND" OF 8. P. TOWNSEND, vnd yet be would fain have tt understood that Old Dr. Jaeotj l'ow-nseiid's Genuine Original SmraapriillL, la aa IMfTA l'lON of his Inferior prepnratioii ! ! Heaven forbid that we should deal la aa artlile wbiak would bear the moat distant resemblance to 8. P. Town lead's article I and which should bring down upon the Ol4 Dr. such a mountain load of complaiats aad criminations from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have Oaedl S. P. Towusend's FERMENTING COMPOUND We wish it understood, because it is the mbtotute truth, that 8. F. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town end's 8itraparitla are heaven-vide apart, and infinitely dif timilar; that they are onlike in every particular, havinf not oae single thing in common. As 8. P. Townsend Is no doctor, and nevei was. Is no chemist, bo pharmaceutist knows no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional man. w hat guarantee can the public have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all the) virtues of the articles used ia preparing it, and which are ta capable of changes which might render them the ACENT& of Disease instead of health. But what else should be expected from one who knows nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! It require a ierson of some experience to cook and serve up even a common decent men I. ilow much more important is it that ' the persons who manufacture medicine, designed for WEAK STOMACHS AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should know well the medical properties of planu, the best manner of securing and concentrating their healing Virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various disease which etfect the human system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases ! It is to nrret frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm Into wonnded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into the crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity that OLD DR. JAUKjii TOH .NSKMJ has SOUGHT aad FOUND the op portunity and means to bring his Grand Universal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn and know, by joyful experience, its Transcendent Power to Heal. Da. Jacob New York. Oct. 5, 1843. Sir : On the 20th of Jaly, 1547, I was agsia attacked with rheumatism, end continued, under various prescrip tions, to grow worse for at least two montbe. I became entirely helpless, incapable oi feeding myself , or turning la ced. or helping myself any wny Ia this state I continued until January. 1843, when I began to mend a little and im prove gradually till the 1st May. This amendment was only so far as to be able to feed myself, though still incapa ble of getting in or out of bed, or even lri in bid. I re mained in this condition, with little or no change, until 1 fairly despaired of getting about again this season. On the 21st July, 1 was indaced to try your Sarsaparilla ; on the 24th. three days after taking the first dose, AROSE Ar BED. which I had not done before in ten months, and in less than a week, I WALKED ACROSS THE ROOM with the aid of crutches. Since then, I have walked In the street: havo gone alone from 3G Spruce-street to the Park; thence to Lovejoy's Hotel and back. 1 have been to 85 Nassau street two different times, nnd am now frequently Visiting my neighbors. Puring all this time I have taken but two bottles of Oid Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Oct. 4. I procured another bottle to-day (5th Oct.) I walked twice serin n, without the aid of crutches. I have also nearly recovereiUrom ..i.-rtif,n r water, which cave me great distress. The pain in my bark nas iikwiM nm I and my family have no earthly reason to ascribe my re covery to anv other cause but to OLD DR. JACOB TOlVJi'SFJu-D'S SARSAPARILLA. A I. EX. WELSH. 3o Spruce-at. P. 8. Several able physicians despaired of my ever walk ing or even raising myself from my bed again. Principal Office 102 Nassau-street. N.Y. Citj. If you want the genuine Townsend's Sarsaparil la, call at the Drug Store of JAMES W UARMKK, and procure the Old Dr 's preparation, which ma3' also be procured of ISAAC K AINtofc. x , ueautort, WILLIAMS nnd MISSELLlEtt. Trenton, F. HOELL. Swift Creek Bridge, Pw W KING, Kins- ton, N. C. Newbern, July 3, 1849. ly 27 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. T ANA WAY on the 1st July last, (from Mr 1 , James Pritchett, in Brunswick county,) my negro man JIM ; he is about 5 feet 4 inches high 25 years of age, likely, stout built, of a copper color, has a large scar on the back of one hand, and has : wife belonging to Daniel Y. Shine, Esq., Brunswick county. He is probably lurking about Mr. Shines: plantation, or may have left there and gone to New bern, or come to this county, 1 will pay the above reward of Fifty Dollars to any person who will deliver him to me on my Farm or secure him in any jail so that I get him. All persons are cautioned against harboring or employing said JNegro, as tin law will be enforced against any one so offending. in this county said rsegvo is known by the name oi Big Jim, or of Jim Hargect, THOMAS T. UUUDLNLt. Jones county.Beaver Creek, 3rd Sept. 749 35 t: K7-The Wilmington Chronicle please copy thc- bo ! weeks and forward account to this office. LAN DS FOR SALE. "N Compliance with the provisions of the will of the late UilliamC. Jones of Lenoir Coun".y5 the Subscribers wiil sell at public sale on the pre mises on the eighih day of iNovemner next, two Valuable tracts of Land, to wit: the House planta tion, containing aout one thnusnud acres, a part of which is good 1 urpentine land and upon which there are some 3 cr 4 crops of boxes. The other portion is good farming land with a Saw aud Grist Mil! and all otlior necessary improvements, situated South of Kinston 3 miles, two miles from the River. The other tr act adjoins the above on the West nnd extends to the Ri er 4 miles above Kinston. contain ing 800 Hcre.s a 1 ir-e portion of which is inferior to no land in thin section of country. All persons d sirous of purchasing a good farm will do well to examine the siboxe mentioned tract; those wishing to t lic lin-l r..ioug tn . .kI. will 04.ll on Jesse Jones, or J;imes Al. Parrott who will take great pleasure in showing the same. The terms will be very accommodating and will be made known on the day of sale or sooner if desired. JAMES M. PARROTT, Executor. PERS1S A. JONES. Executric. Kinston, August 14 1S49. 32 12w PRICE KUCEfi. T7U STERN Pearl Street House, No. 309 Pearl. Jj corner of Ferry Streets. This well known and long established House is still under the management nnd superintendance of Frederic Seely. and he would assure his friends and the public that they will find him at home at all times, ready to wait on them. This house is in first rate order, with pood and clean beds, and his tab e furnished with the best the market affords. He has attentive waiters and will spare no pains to make the hous pleasant to thoso who may favor him with their customs The price of board is reduced to One Dollarper day. A liberal share of public patronnjre is respectfully solicited. FREDERIC SEELY. Sept. 3rd, 1849. 35 9 SALT. QAAA Bushels Turks Island tf- St. Martins OUUUSalt. lor sale bv CHARLES SLOVER. Newbern, Sept. 1, 1849- 35 ti 500 New Spirits Turpentine, MADE of seasoned white oak staves, warranted to hold from 36 to 3S Gallons each. For sale by 13 tf JOHN BLACKWELL. Newbern, April 2nd. 1849. HARNESS. WE have now on hand, and will make to order all kinds of Harness that may be wanted. Also a good iissortment of Saddles. Bridles, Fly Nets, S-c, 4c. All kinds of Repairing attended to at short notice. DIBBLE h BROTHERS. Sept. 10th, IS49. 36 t FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. BAN AW AY from the subscriber about twelve j months ago, his negro woman, MARIAN. She is of a copper color and very likely she has relations in Newbern and Kinston. Her father, old Ralph, belonging to Mr. Morris, (and formerly belonged to Wm. P. Ferrand, deceased, of Onslow.) of the latter place. She is supposed to be in New bern or Kinston. I will give the above reward for her lodged in any Jail ; also, SI 00 for sufficient proof to convict any white person of harboring er-"T Marian is about 20 yeate old. and was purchased from the estate of wm P. Ferrand. EDWARD W. FONVILLE. Onilow Ccnnty, May 25, 2? tf DAVID eopPEupIELD THE YOUNGER. ' INFOS. h t& .33? VEL, by uickens, for sale at the Metrbern Book store. Also LADY ALICE or the NEW UNA WOMAN IN ALL AGES AND COUN-TRIES. laths & lumber A PH1M E article of Sawed Laths for sale at il. Linden Steam Saw Mill Persons purchasing luuioer ai mis Aim can have it delivered at rvewbern prices of cartage. T , . A. C. BLOUNT. .ewDern July 16th, 749. 28 POTOMAC LIME. OTA Barrels of the above, a very superior nr OttJ tide, in good order. A constant supply always on nana. JOHN B L A C TC TVP f t Newbern, April 2nd lt-49. 13 tf rJ ON TIMBER .WANTED AT the Linden Steam Mill, for a good article of which a liberal price will be (riven. given. C. BLOUNT. 6 tf Newbern, Feb. 10th, 1849. LENOIR MOTEL. rpHE Subscriber informs his Friends and the I. Pulic generally., that he has bought and taken charge of this ESTABLISHMENT, and niiivviiuuuc ij cuici uuu an persons wno may favour him with their company, as has heretofore been the custom of this HOUSE. He pledges himself to use every possible effort to givo satisfaction to his patrons, and hopes to re ceive the continuation of the liberal patronage herefore bestowed upon this HOTEL. Those who have heretofore -visited this Tavern, will find the same accommodations as given by the former proprietor. hemoforeT11 f th?..Bar find tieir rooms as JACOB A. HARTSFJELO. Kinston, N. C.February, 2S, 1849, 8 ly 40 Hhds. Prime Retailing JUST received from the West Indies ' Clara Fisher, " for sale low. per schr JOHN BLACK WELL. Newbern. April, 2nd 1S49. 13 tf PLEASE TO READ THIS. nit. JtlJlIt 7'M s COMPOCSD SYRL'P OF WILD CHERRY. THIS Compound is one of the bestremediesever offered the public in Coughs whether arisinc from Colds or the Whoomn. Cough, or that dreadful malady, Consumption. Few remedies, in the short time it has been before the public, have effected so many cures. The proprietoi s are every day recciv- ng orders for it at a distance, and in this city, in which they have been highly gratified to learn its good effects. The Bishop of the crotestant Episco pal Church of Maryland, the Right Rev. W. R. Whittingham,) has authorized us to say that he has used it in his own person with decided benefit ; and our Medical friends do not scruple to recommend it as one of the best remedies in Consumption. Bronchitis. Asthma, &c. which they have ever met with. The following is from a highly respectable Phj'sician on Kent Island, whom we made acquaint ed with the preparation : Kent Island, June 22, 1S47. Dr. Martin Dear Sir: Since my return home. I prescribed your SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY in several cases, one in particular, a case of Asthma of long standing, (about 12 years,) a neighbor and pa tient of mine. Her disease had never benefitted by any Medicine which she has taken, and for the last year or two she has been confined entirely to the house. I do not know that she had had a good night's rest for a long time, but since she has commenced taking your Medicine (and she has only taken one bottle,) she is enabled to go to bed and sleep well all night. I think the Medicine will make a perfect cure of her, and she is determined to give it a fair trial. Her husband Mr. Roderick Earickson, is a merchant here, and says if you will send him some of it, he will act as your agent. Yours, SAMUEL HARPER, M. D. Price 75 cents per bottle. ArouDd each bottle there is a short treatise on Diseases of the Chest. DYSPEPSIA AND AGUE AJfD FEVER CURED, rvlartin Cl Whitclcy's N ATIONAL TOXIC IS the best remedy ever offered to the public in all cases of Dyspepsia and Ague and Fever. A hcalty condition and a natural action of the func tions of the Stomach and Liver are necessary to healthy Digestion. The Stomach has been called the centre of Sympathies. It may therefore be truly said there is no disorder of the human body, which does not, more or less, affect the functions of the Stomach. " Indigestion is rarely, if ever, the sole cause of organic disease of the Stomach." It is however a very fruitful source of it in other parts of the system It is, then evident, whatever will restore the tone or healthy action of the Stomach, when impaired by disease, is the only proper Me dicine as a curative. Such, we feel assured is the National Tonic. We give below a certificate from a highly respect able gentlemen, a merchant in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, who last summer came to consult a distinguished Physician in this city. He had also sought the aid of several, who rank high in their profession in Philadelphia, and in the state of Penn sylvania. But hearing of this Tonic, determined to use it as directed, and the result has been, as he says, a perfect cure. Churchtown, Cumbland Co. Pa., Nov. 3,47. Messrs. Martin & Whiteley : Gentlemen I have used your preparation called Fever and Ague To nic, for the cure of Dyspepsia, and am happy to in form you that it has cured me of the most obstinate and inveterate case of Dyspepsia I therefore re commend it to all similarly affected. Yours, CARYW.AHL. N. B. I consider myself perfectly cxred of Dys pepsia. Price SI per bottle. Around each bottle there is a short treaties cn those diseases. UNIVERSAL PURGATIVE PILLS. IN offering those Pills to the public, we know there cannot be a bett er, or a more safe, easy, or agreea able Purgative. They speedily remove all irrita ting matters retained in the bowels, or " when the habitual alorim discharges are too tardy, or insuffi cient" for health, and by their specific virtues they restore the secretions toa healthy action, ana i blood to its natural purity. Read Dr. Boon a ceru Dr George T. Martin. Sir : Having been made acquainted Fwith the composition of your valuable PU1 by yourself, some two or three years ago I have use them freely in my pri f ate practice with entire and shall cont rt chill Cud "" V SUOO IVJIttUS I 1 1 UI V suocets, , , -. practice medicine; ana in mT,i1ine such a Pill uuu ui rt vunc Kitai uiraauiciu rmmending sacna jtiu ns yours io xne pnDlic as . Tlill A ll ... a AflR.ient nurerativp in all rnn vc Tipr a sate ' v ' purgative is ncuceeaijr. xuurs witu rebpeci, I F. BOON, M. D Prepared and sold by Martin and Whiteley. 50 South Calvert-street, Baltimore. For sale by JAMES W. CARMER, Newbern. Also by F. S. DUFFY, one door eaat of the Wasn ington'Hotel. J. V. Bl&ekweli, Middletown, Jcbti Pumley, Portemonth, N.C. ; . ew-brn, Apri Ulth, 1&4. H A bargain ifappHed ftp"03' n U i 800 good endhaad DiDToi... 0 Dr.y-.nd Cart, la Bt the T7- the tf TUST received rtnnt T" . ipl; O Marble Tops, 8 ZVo? reaus, Rocking Chairs, vm : i .A?0?. ?lrt fe,f ny Curl Maple and Wood Mkfu aiso xinas. prime MoWses, Tor9AUbj Newbern, April SoSJ?? & BRTUER3. EVERITTSVILLE rPHR WtlVTPn r,T-r X . -- o.oSiUN of this SCHfinr X commenced on the ist w, s"001 nrromont. nf n:.x. "uiiurr IU e uric. eminently qualified o instruc t of Literature and Sdences ind whl will- themselves rensibh , ? T theTr lT,icJer . , "icuaruson and Surd ana instruction is eonC'er,.i ev,Vt,. Y" a.auct of their pupils. ,c tercet The government of the School wfi' v The great object will be, to ncTfVro rt pHmM duct by an appeal to the' moral cDge CN ly cultivating tendeane S Ti!!rD" ; and bJ iu. . The Acixdemicyftir will be de ded fto tions, of five months each, with two vnM 1 ,?t weeks in summer and six n win ., i1.0" , W rrt ' - a public examination at the do e of tV!U session. ""Juier Students will be charrr&l (rnca " "BH Of fn. No deduction made for aleence r-vt t protected sickness. eice, except in 0 Tution has been rcdverJ t rn , Primary English branches, per e88!o I??. ne same, including Geography, QtltL. mcr Arithmetic, CompSsition&c Geome-try, &gc Ut0nC' French, Drawing and Painting nd namental Npm in....i. nnu ur- 17 00 10 CO IC Music, with use of piano, The Trustees have nrA?,; 5 CO 1$ CO com. nave rn-ntT?,' 4 modious Boarding Hou,V J.X?t Mrs. Morisev-iie.aov.- LltTVYP1 7 ppt ly Mr. aa the duties. "c""iaeut0difch rfe-a Boa wBook ae aavencenpon IVew York com i W.TM rm,,r ! e'f Coarl 1 WltCM , vuuuuaj, lO'l, tf CCCKEY & UAMBKI1J. GROCERS & COMMISSION Mrr,r vto NO. 69, SOUTH CALVEi-T)NTS Will attend to (he selling of Lrmber, CnJv, fl Shingles, end Produce GeccmJ T T rnor-p ' c8' f ' AlccLaxsics' f.uV. J5J2,,PJS' Prcs" Mechanics' JOHN S GITTINQ, Cl.3a.Taa. - UY ivl essr s H E i K Y R El M EI & S O N S d Mr; JOHN H. EHLEN, do ' S-S SIMMONS, Columbi.'do. JOHN BLACKWELL, Esq. Newborn, N. C. DR ALEX. TAYLOR I) ESPECTFULLY offers his professior.l Kr. j vices to the inhalitcnts of Newbern and lu vicinity. Dr. T. can at all time he fhnrr .i ti. jv's s residence of his mother, on Cravcn-fctreet, directly oPDOsite the Mpi1ioicI Pn.u ' 1 X . VUWitLC ACIiiH. O" -I fce oor attended without charge. Newbern, June 20th, 1817. tfSP. NOTICE. HE siiLsf-M'ti tr---j -tmify itfjfrwB the ritv 4 as b FOKWARDIAG, BECEIVIXG. COIUItf 1 SS2 ill E R CH A X T8 at the stand formerly occupied by Mescra mnt Taylor, Prentiss & Tnylcr, J?3Pit wnere he has a good wharf and a eotaTtiodicn, Eri'k VV arenouse. All business entruted to the juVtcr,. ber in the above line will be thctifully reccircd a'-i promptly attended to. The subEcriber would t-iso inferm ttt Turpcntiuo JVTakcrs, Stave and Shingle getters, that he is a gcccrnl ur. chaser of tLose articles, and the highttt rriarktl prl ces given for them. JOS. CARTER. Newbern, Mny 30, 1848. 21 tf BACON. Ib3. Bacon, for ile hy DIBELE & BROTHERS. 1000 ATewbe n, May 14th, 1849. 19 ly FOR SALE. I WILL SELL FARMVILLE, which ccnfn 85 Acres, 30 of which is Cypress Swornr- ' heavy timber suitable for shingles or fencing. c balance is cleared and under good fence. Th(ri on said farm two good Wind-Mills, ready for iaicic. diate use; also a small Rice Mill, Darn, out-hone, stables, small houses, &c. I wilJ sell the same ai il now stands, or sell the mills aepcratc. on rcanonnUl terxua. For particular.', apply to GEORGE G. SMITH, Of. ALONZO T. 3EKt8. Newbcrn,April25th, IS4S.- ENCOURAGE UQM MANDPACTPIfB LEATHER Restorative and Water-Proof BLACKING HAS now been tested by numbers, wLonre known in this community, and in whoeT7P; ions the public places implicit confidence i mw gentlemen have furnished the rropnecr i . fhem voluntarily) with crttUl2S he publishes in handbill fo tU: all that the article is al that - 'of ftll An unequalled Preservatiry kinds of L.thV frCO Boots, 'r applications has become apr" neglect or .ml roper if herc u haR h a?J Wording to the directions, it In been foctl Pih to the soilness and durabilUy of OOl' T -T:ee t Tt?t WILLIAMS & Wiuw.iv. Board SG 00 ner mnml,-. . . musiv.po?;; ,..,r"c aa"Ln : M. &c, iWhcdT; .1 V" Cr. vciuui'i, inr a ,nn. .... I -w mnii

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