r i i , - t- - j i ; . jT - ' ' - r. . H Q SVitfrifcisMs Mrs. Partington writes that bhe doscn"t nee t . m . 1 - - li: -'I wTiAt. fun f hprft ran b : uncllin"' matches. ' It. It. train, desires to stafn to the ci about yrfiichfU the papers? are lull. She j Newborn that he can furnish thein the follow- j arwirra i$itl3 fheii Sof4-t--li-OHS.f ? h fling papers, delivered either .At their dwellings? xriUorrn in an SRti-n rnnntv l.mv .f 1- J sillier, J. 1 . V CCKiy, i. X . X irCSUie cJk ih Hfinnfirsnii l UVUUVANUU ICo. seen ft sisrn-board representing' aman in a MV nftt Kratmshfiirr hatrlfct . -with the i wioutti each ; 1 rank Leslie s and liiirpcr insaiptippTv'obn Smith Ikills pigs like his Weekly and Daazar, Lady's Journal and Day's: fetMrrUW wflif;Unii ir;j!.r : ;i juops,iu ccms eacn, per .wk ; aycny PAPERS FOR SALE. Charley Grifhn, News boy on the A. A N. tizens oil J- ; - S WhoreRale and HeUil Dealers in Bacon, Pork, Flour. Lard, Batter, Cta, cosee, uajir, STnip, routoes, V WK " V ;J ' Ul, ,r l'" 1 East aide footof Craven St.. NEWBEBN. N. C. month each'; Frank Leslies and iTrpprm A. McLACKLAN, Afmto jervant, .wing out a bachelors (iiKa SiMERCHANT ' TAILOR, constantly lor sale. cnariev can uc iouna ar the Bateman1 House after the arrival of even-. inj4 train. Y. Daily Jlt iv'd -10 cts. per Week. ' Charlie also keeps Base iall books lor sale.- OPPOSITE BAPTIST CHURCH, NEWBERN, N. C. Mnwhfirn 11UIIMU1U Stove room, lounu a lour-penny.piece on me carpui, i which she carried to the owner. "You may keep it for Vour honesty." said he. ,v ' . .... '' ' ' A'sbort time after he missed his gold pen cil-case, and inquired the girl if she hadf kew Barber ho,.. seenit .-: v':-V -. .. fx-..., , j. r Drown desires to state to the public "Xes, sir," was the reply:. v i that he has opened a barber shop on Middle i "And trbftt did you do with lt f . ' -j Street, adjoining II. C. Hussel's- llestauruu "Kfeptitlbrmy honestyir f I where he is ireiared to do Shaving, bhaiu- A Nevada woman recently ; kn6ckel-dowu Ipooing, Hair-cutting. Ac, in the best style of;-. seven burglars - one after ! another. Her hus-j the art. Neat shop, clean towels and com-' oantx-watcnea ner irom me top oi iucswus lormuie seats. nd lin felt so brimful of battle that he couldn't ! I 1 -4 - '-cooroff until he had jerked his eight year old f - Truckers' and Gardeners' supplied with fresh : boy-out of bed and "whaled" him soundly for j Seed at low prices at 11. Derry s. : l : , t.I.. m 4 1 . w . I if'V'irro pre at mr'l fimot: nriwi; ! f-tvull;' nvttwpiuj; i mvu. - S'r ' . -"r" - t V 1 Hi T 1 A f'lll assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Mother Stotea' Crrtat excitement was caused in a rich lam-; JSar' s as can be bought elsewhere ; aIway8 tm liantlJ HardwaN, CuUer, ! Lamp?, ilvinff?Ai.Ynr1r hw.liA vnaArmiiitaljlK diin-i for cents, at Derry s Drug Store. .. : wicks, oil. &c.&c l ii;! pearaiicjrof goldinyff, W richly set with j B clumbus Ciars. ! and other brands1: oruiiamsauu .equai sausmcuon a al Wines, Li(iUors; &c at ZINKANDS young gentleman ol six acknowledged that. he i -. 'j - x ? , had utaized it as a cofrin.M and burietl it w ith ! r- his jpetnary iu.the garden. EMPORIUM, r i CUTLER & GATES. rnoriiiiiToiis. i No. l!t MidtUe Street, anfl Harflware KtWBIB.S, If.'C. 6-t BLANK &ULRICH I Wliolcsale Grocers, AND SHIP CHANDLERS, j ,.R.B.E. A. HILL4 : ; Practical Book and Commercial Pointer, ; ITo. 32 Follek Street,: j I U New-Berne, North Carolina. GATES Manufi FOY icturers of the following; Footof Middle strcei. standard Brands of Flour OInce OIri Dominion S. S. Co. Tewt::tMay 12th, 1875. 0NT AND AlTnEtt 31 A Y 12X11. AND i !DNTI rUIlTHn NOTICE, THE i ! ST ?ft PlAMLICO, V aptdri: South gate, Will lveXWrn"vY.-I,RiDAy, at 12 ojclocnopn; for Norfolk direct, tnakiug closed ewraeetioixnriih theBay: Line Steamers for; Baltimore, and the ships of tho Old Dominion Steamship Coaapauy for New York, EYEllYj SATUKDAY. Also t connecting with the Stealp IiineajprJ Philadelphia, Doston and : Keturningam leave Norfolk EVERY TUESDAY at 6 A. M.. connecting at Newberir with, the 1 1 Earner CAS WELL for Kinston, and LaBdiug"; cxr tho Neuse liiver. - , 1 TTalhe larchants and Shippers of Newberue and Kina4oa-tb; assurance is given that this Line nnPfcrmaAent giving them greater facilit ruariyaiid dispatch than any othefLine. ? . Freight taken' at Low Kates, and the same guaranteed tp Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia and6altimoij - s , E. B;JROBERTS, Ag' t. THOS.iH-WEBB. Agent, Norloik, u. ;E. n lirocer W. M A T T O O K S, Wholesale and. Eotail ; Commission Mercnan a z icgs leave to lulonn ins hicmls the public -that he has in store I WEljL-SELECTED STOCK OF New and Flour, Meats, Liquors, G-RIOOBRIES Aind General i Which he will sell vcrv low for cash or . coantryj'prodhce. Call and examine -I , his slock beioro purcliRiug' elsewhere. ! Broad St., near New Market Fife's old Standi 1 . ' NEWBERN, N. a -. ! . J - which are and Eresli Ground: !Vcw World XXXX Kami!. liraiigerV rrouiiuni Fnmilj.; : Trent liivcr XXX Extnii m Daily Uread XXX Family. Hj Joues Counlv Famir an1': While Oak Family in Half; Barrels, . );;; Merchandise f 'e i Street, Opposite the Ice House. EDGAR G. CUTHBERT BOILER-MAKER. v Machinist ana Blacksmith South Frout 8t. befn Craven & E.F I am prepared to, d all 'kinds of work ia my line of business with neatness and diapttch. special at- tention piven to repair of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to. jaolMiu YIISS HARRIETTE LANE; has jut '-'returned from Now York with . x. VAJiiiiziy niiti -1122 A;urjriiu:Li STOCK OF -s.!?Brocaded D TT rn "T7 T p- c m a tt -m T - , KJ J- XV CO 3 X j. U X . 'I I G S ; -Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds ol Millinery I I Goods! t-O'U"' i r it 1 8olic$Kg Agent, t, 6. Goldsboro.lN. And other Fancy Articles! All of which are .offered at reasonable prices. The public C. i before purchasing elsewhere. are invited to inspect her stock- L AC E S- . axjnsriTXJEtEJ i Middle Strcot, ITear South Front, v NEW B E R N, N . C Call and examine our stock : 'i- Oil ! before purchasincr elsewhere ;i ".T-.' ". . . . . ' -.- - mr ' . .. , : ; .'-.!' ' "i'. :'-: ' r'-lUr . " ?Vt

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