"t . e n s li i: i l i i s i A M - - .Y.tief t S4M kllllTs. ' Offici: A.J.V X. C. : li Co.. N i.w-Bkrnk, X. O.. Jiin' 4th. .17-. t" LOAN ASSOCIATION. N E W tl l: l.i.N . NO. 11..- Stoekiiolders of . tlt. IVtUhtto 'and -North Caro-- llailioad j Company rw ill be 111 in the GEO. A LLEX, ir A. t i V I X. r. ii' Koi:r.ins",. C. r. . LA i: K". . President. . . . Vii t- Ji r-Slllt-llt. Seel'y Ulld Tlrfts. ... :.. . . Att.ifijr v. una town rilili. , liii: ' 4Mts : rr.,l Ai.i.i v. A. (Ji iov, . Hu.;.it;:i'., (tEa: Hi-U.-r. -d. 1' v I li !.-.o , J. -J. W'liI.VF.Ni.KS J.W. W-vr.ui k I. L.XVaikivx, T. (". h i rv.- Jv ; l-l e ' J i i t r uirctiii-...l--t 1 1 i.iay tr riiiug in ea. li ni.rntl.. wr.i- vi'A i k m i . t. i ia i.. t. BiIi-5 'i ciii'i-.i hy I."iti I'li lUnl ! -t:itr a-ii ii. ):...... . ,.. '. J-HI. rweuty-tirst " j Animal Me, tin? ot '-the window W ITTK IS.M. A - b.-autilul a :t biit iu.i ii.tii divss. . - X. is a lvpoi -jei s'oesel ijitioit . tf :;a hijde. Whlit jx t he 1 .iiLTf word in the Eiifi:di taii- Smiles. Eecaisse thert- ril.i.ib- hi-- C.ou Thnrsuav. -Inn.- -,u,- ' :! VM,,'S' ;,i'"r nieiv ,s . . , ,- ' tu. . n ;h, in and la-it letters. . 1 W. i. WEST; S.k-v tary. elsewjhere for a for ." of Ueaufoit, 1n7o. . Wl.v i. t 1 ..a t.-.r t, . I..-. l.m:,i.1. A: ; 1 to have . ar head rut off;! ; liecaue ai hjot take is better; than a old chop, v ;l;'j '''-. . 'Tlvtt h. i t - all" a.- tlie 'man said nhi he sat to annomu e tlie t it I tiiat tti y are.o"Mi, him .oiuiu r in Hie new iJti.iis-, iv-eiviiij! their ! i.-w spvinu toek. which "t -nj iiav. ai.l l nii thr Miitfilv hiiit. A a - v I - e- Veai's fvt-aoe f-o - tu let l.jiif'tliei- without -liiiviny aMi.Cptii al.out at hard tunes price.. rents '.nn-'lhihi."' , i i ti ii.s. ,v I ov return ineir ti.aiiKs u nieii uminlioiis irieinls anil en-tttujej-- .for lh-lihei:tl Matrolia7H . heretofore! evteii'leil to thelil. fiiiO i he- 1 i now will 1 theil e U utitl I line. . ( r rii' in t- i h. in i 1 1 1 t . i . - . . . - r r . I - - i . . i A : i v,-n:l .'i 1W ' I i . I i . . il Ill . 1 i . ...... 14- ...V.. , , r . . .... it t,,- nM-iuur i' 111 ailll:see IIS flflOlf MOl-IT.ll.1- .1H.t.v,,.f,,ti . v.. r-f3'arrs. Cigar, aslasi-aii l.hought elsewhere" 11.u.1);llil,fiar, of tjie Xew Vorjc : 7 entH, at berry's Drug Store, i is llin'e sio, i, -, hi-h. AVh.n . a"nianimiu ;rarir"l st.. k . fi-wfit Uii.t l-.i?--. f.,tal Vahie. 1 ?'t Ji-I ir- Kl iu I f liil yeni'.:. 1 t -Ul. s4l;a-n'.li . i;;l.e ! , j .-41 .IH'H. li. t si; . .' . . i.vii; 9 ' TLe satrty J the st. in itu-5., tl in taijital l ihe A-xi i;itnu. :un maiiat-yineiit . unite in nial. mt;- th ie oiisiaiu lv uii rea-i- 1 lit- . liUi U. tfl" ct ttii-! ' tiiV ...! tr i TiTiTir i nn omnnn . VKU'BER V. V. C . Sliest ami Et-iiayiiig Saviua Scbemb .. ever riiYt-vit to.the ef.jiiiiiiinitv. The patronage -of i Everybody is'. Solicited. . 1 - - ... ' .! '"'' ' unes in and Wtnls to kimw Mho wlote that art lisle, he is told that tlie alithiil is t he to) rh m f(U t h th. elevati hvokt-n. j, : .:. 1; v . , At a til.- in Tr.-nton. X.'-i.i a niaii veiled out. adoi yl -h,r ! the list day as here!; hit; when a liinian 'knoeked him in the diteli helhiadeji-; niiifh fiirvs ahout it as if the voihHiad just euiniiielKed. i ' : J : A youn liiiiti win. knows all ahouti. it. state- h;it his exj.ei iener- has fauyht hiih . tjiftt a flirt Ms 'a too w ho delights in foolin fools'.' and the fonl who is iooh-d by siieh a fwof. i.S the. fool- . ishest kind of a 1. .ol. r . i r ; ''Well, Uiu le Hilly, don't, -yon JAnt any. more civil rights ? " '-Not auvthtii iSwl 1 tank iyou," replied lhlly. - 'Sen r y.i.dn 1 ruined Vnowt- Hev to pax-nxv olTTFutfVbiill f lost ajl my mfiuey liiiieedina&f-lMiJLiki-lieViber jot tui vvtiVSS - an' can't help a?iyself f-ft i little chikei;. tryin size,; without jnvine Ulc tenitentiarv. IW ;ot 'nuff cibbil rilitr.--: " Ulf HO U 6 ?v! Aa-A-ntr far TJanlrwaUr 5: iiT!av 5 .i , ,Steain Engines, j' -J . o p . . . t . rrsniial atteiJioii 1 ' given ta ' . or.n r.., East -. F.nnieily 1v,1 IfonKe,) Side Middle Street; NEWBF.RN, N. C! Having greatly x proved this IIauseiy the oA.-litin .if ! ' l tTfrf. nrindier of comftltable room's, I am now .'prepared to luiniHli "!btpuli- lie with evety comfort ami convenience lund. in a .fiiht-chi. AvelFdiept hotel. lirticnhV 'ni-" ienttoH paid t t he Table ; al ways t he- Very "bfest tbe market afoftcta. . SWpiuf? apavtmtotsf ueat:"cool ami fre from 1urs. l'aitie iibni the eouutry will ":nnd eve.ry convenience lorj OS 0 A 0 u y u y. EH. Heunn&Co Wholesale an.t Retail Dealers in Bacon. PorLIFloiir. Larfl, Butter. Cheesb Coffeej Sugar, Syrup, Potatoes, 1. East tnV foot of f!ravtn St., r NEWBF.RN. N. A Mississippi btsstman witl- iintuense feet, stopping at a publs'house on the levee, asked the poTter for a bot f;ak tfr pull off jljis boots. The' cohered crcutlelnari'r --.i after exKiiMmiisr the stranger's feet, broke lut ri ;--',foMnys'.: il'Xo jack here big nuti' tor deinfeets. dackas4c eonldu't pull 'em off. massii, ; w idout fr"akh iriU:i de Je.o. Youso lietter o back about tree iniles to dc forks in d roail an' pull 'em ofl dar.""K lM'BT.lN. June tM. -Mayor Ieeeh liasj jreseiit-d 4.tue nil lvelaml cliatlenne ' shieht. ? J lie- Aim-n- "vjcjins will be allowed t compete'" ash fhey are 'jnane, honorai v lneiiiiirs of the stifMrting clun. So matter which teain winsj it nnist Ve sln.t tor hextyear at Fhiladt lphia. r This sliield in t.n ; competition, every year. 4 : BLANK &ULRICH A'c il C.VBUSSELL, Propriety : Wholesale Grocers, reensboro Female Collegj AND SHIP CHANDLERS, l Foot of Middle Street. , GREENSBORO; N. '.Cv! Y ; - 5u Fall Jdos wiEtejia oa tie ISthjfAttM--.. Wi EDWARDS, When Edwin Forrest was about to ,140 upon the siete for the last time,! lie was so s;weak.aud enfeebled that his phy.sici.iu pave to n? friend a ...niiijiii fiim ..1 t ui.-inr , I. llllll.. tltl. 11 1 resfishowed signs of suffering to adihinister it ;to him. Whe-u Forrest, heard i, belaid : . " If I die fin the stage, I will die: bnt th-y 'siill not ; find any rum in me." It was his 'lsf fdy. . Can be obtained at the Clnb Iloiise i for Five . a ' .it.. v . .... . r.. .... ... u . a , . . a a v . t a .Xewberti. A few boarders taken and siitisfac i tiou guaranteed. - - i i. V i f STOP THE MONEY rERMB -ifoid momio Uinikr Mabr: Cojipr : Smith: ami Sheet Inui Wuikfr From 'Going . OUtj bf the State ! Charges Vor extra stndieR modei-ate. . For Catalogues containing particulars, w Apply io T.;M.J Jonts. President K. H. D. Wtxson, Pres't Board Tnfstes. . -'- - '- ''-' At James Manwell's, " 1 i to do: alLtinds. of work nees in a Woi tmau-lite Maiiiifcr. !bY. TAKING A POLICY 111 THE Qiarc?es ner Sensiou of 20 Weeks, .Hoard ' (eicKsive of washing nud lights) . S7-7.fMf Tuition Regular EnglisL course. . . . .m (...' '. - . . :. .. f efATP f.fPP fWMfftlVfiP PAWPiWV V 1 Iiiprepared to ao: aiLKmaa oi worn m ms line oi ouse , t uttitti bit U UrwwikiftllMM .,. VVut itil 1 1 r - " i .-. ir.-..l-m2n lilr liar tit i - f .r, t f . ii--: -''.'.-.. iy