i V s':, " : 1 'I- - V O, what is the use to advertise, . - TP lr I can give you all the advise, ' Aud I bet I know where ypu can find The cbeapest Confectionary and. the best kind. Well let uh bet, and I'll hold the' stakes, XUHIi ail. II Ull LAHkC" UH. Jl fitl illMI ilKt'N, ; fm . ! . Yoa can find out yourself if you give him a call, i lipflPPP U1UUU1 W. MATTOCKS, SCHEDULE A. & N. C. R. R. Wholesale and. Eetail. -u wno 'vUKUi y.y W ClOCE'A, 14-., 'Thursday, June lOlli, 1K7o. i Commission fetal Then you will boy it always, for his Bread beats ! nil The store is opposite Mr. Hubbard's law office," ' Where you eau be accommodated with this: j Oranges, Virions, trench Candy and Cigars, lee Cool Soda, Water that sparkles like stars, Canned goods of all kind and Condensed Milk, The purest Stick Candy; looks just like silk. The prices are in accordance with the times, Give them a call and see for yourselves, - " CI3rIEF-CZ) H. J 1 ? T H I hat anything you want is -displayed on tue - ! I shelves- ! A J,l flvi rv-wr. 1 ' TVjfAUri-ril4r,Y Bes leave to inform his friends .and the public that he his in store a i WELL-SELECTEI STOCK OF. ! ! . - ; . ! Flour, Meats, Liquors, j GoixuTVYkst. B. M. Cook, Inspector of Turpentine, Tar ami other Naval Stores, desires to inform the public that his headquarters are at Elijah El lis' Still, on East Front Street. iBT.Seyarrs at hard - times prices, 3 centa for a Cigar, as good as can be bought elsewhere! for o cents, at Berry s Drug Store. , f USE! "Which ho will soil vert low for csh or,.k . country produce. Call and examine 1 his stock before purchasing; elsewhere; I ! ' r ' " : -i ! Broai St., near New Market Fife's old Stand ! 1 NEWBERN, N. C. ; 1 " ! GoiN Ejl8T. Leave f STATIONS jArrivtT Leave 1.3 .Morehead St'tifin 7.;i0 4.4( Morehead Citvi I.G7 1Coleburnville, Hi Newport, ). V.j Have hick. rj. 47 ' Voodbrilge, G.07 Croatan, . ; 7.09'Xewberu, 7..iK(Tusearora. j S.(J9 Core Creek ' a-JG!l)over, ,...24!Kinston, , 9.48!Falliiia Civelt, - li .;.; Best. Gfihlsboro, 7.21 i 7.lA ! ti. 5i r G., l 4 t;. i4 . o.:lb h.!4o; 3. o i 3.27: .3.011: " 2L4'. I M. 7.25 TOG I..52 C.14 5.5G 5.23 4.45 4. '23 3.57 3.30 3.10 2.52 2.35 2.10 Bail Wholesale (Formerly Boyd House,") East . Side Middle Street, STOP THE MONEY From Going out of trie State ! BY TAKING A POLICY: IN THE ; a ' ' I i i t C, ' STATE LIFE INSURANCE COHFARrQGSfS M li i-ir-u .-.. D. T. CARRAWAY, . DISTRICT AGENT por Sealers NEWBEEN, H.; C. Haying greatly improved this Hjusebythe addition of a large number of '.'comfortable' rooms, I am now'.. prepared to furnish the pub lic with 'every comfort and convenience found inf Mit-class wU-Pj ''notch , particular at tention paid to the Table; always" the4 ' ety best the market affords. Sleeping apartments neat, cool and free from bugs. Parties from the country will find every convenience for teams. Arc. f . .. t '"" 4,1 -S. C. RUSSELL, Proprietor. IT I Tl TtTIT l Tt ii nirnnn W am NEW Lorch offers a large and well selected stock of 3 ' Rl ES i ! 11 k t 4 w ' m CartHouse" Accommodations FOB FARMERS AND OTHERS. FIWE LIQUORS! Old Nick Williams, Old Cabineti and. OterEi mi S4TIVE BSASD1ES! 9y AMP . a UUUIU illiUll Ui UUii p KW1JKI., !V. C. Pure Whiskies ! , ; .1 AIANTJFACTUIiERS. Xf.wui-i:n!. N. C.'. June 3, 1875. i.k.ntk. mo Vhiskies you f lott lor exann juation.l Fountain linn," Moinroe Cel., Ken Itucky, and"-4' Harry Bassett.'M'so.fars ,1 am able to. judpje; are pure, the chioinic acid test ; tailing to disrovtr the nsial impurities of icommow -av niskios. -I - i i f? I CHAllLKS BPFFY, JivjfM. D. DAILlBROS., Agents. ALSO p Agents for Eookwalterj Eirclow j Steam Engines.;.; oy ffl T'"kf rme nnrrrrr. ; Q Horse I'owcrs, iDwrs, ." rcr?tnal attention 'I civfii in f1 orders. : 37. Boesser, Slanufacturer of and Dealer in F U R NIT U B E ! I Established 185.11.' 23 years experience. .Keeps on Laiul aiutmauntactureR to order all kinds of JMsihootif ,f Walnut, Poplar and PineFurnitnre. 1 If lipiiairinf neatlvjind PrftmrtMv ptp. i O ml " 1 'J - ' Call and examine before: nnrchasincr lelsewhere. j' ' S: r ji! Store! cor. Broad and Middle Street. - iiii i 1 icuted. Greensboro Female Colleae! " bREENSB0E0,!ir;&"-; t' j The Fall fessios will begin os tb lSli cfAngnst. All Kind Toliacco AT KELLUMS, oP uuk At ! W. ORDWATIDS. IClKirpperSeKsiouofb Week i' f ! (exclusive of washing and lights) Ji 75. Boiler Maker Copper Smith and Sheet-bn WMcr,iiiolnv"KVR,r h cTv; -5 II i . . ) I (jharces for extra studies moderate, i t i For Catalogues containing particuLirfV 00 II Apply to T. M. Joxks, Fresident. D. Wilson, lYes't Board TVpitees; . At James Manwell's, A i ' i ; . ; '. : - -v m:- '' ' ; Is preparel to do all kimtn of work in hiH line of buai ,1 ; ueas in a Workman-like Manner. Special Attention Given to Eepairs cf All Kinds. 'South Front Street; Apply; to i . ...... T 4 - . - ' i si r r t- " ' . .. All orders promptly attended to. jani-6 . vj. r . ji. jjatx, Ag t. For Iteuf. The House known as the Hill i House, on L' il. T.' . I A. . : ,1; -;