t. J , j -! x ' ' mm Mint " 'I i' i ' f ' ' - i . . - ' Vol. 3. No. 56. NEWBERN, N. ft, WEDNESDAY MOENING, MABCH 15, 1876 Price 2 cts LOCAL AND STATESSQULBS. j Fresh Garden 8eed at Berry's. Corn sold yesterday at 50 cents per bushel. j Bust's Fresh Garden Seeds at Watkins Drugstore. . Market dock was well supplied with boats yesterday. Landreth's Fresh Garden Seeds at Wat kins Drug Store. The mother of the Carolina artist, Rufus Morgan, died recently at Hickory, of ,tj pboid fever. . , , , Another lot; nn sugai -cured Hams j uat received at Blank & Ulrica. We saw a fine lot of sweet potatoes sel- j ling at .30 cents per bushel at market wbarf ' yesterday. ' Johnson, RobbinH L Cos Fresh Garden Seeds at Watkins Drug Stored V I - i: Coroner Inquest On yesterday morning, Coroner Heritage and the jury selected the day before met at the depot, and after taking' the evidence, of the boy 8 who were playing with Johny F, Arthur at the time of his death, found the following Verdict: '."', That the said Johny F. Arthur came to his death by being accidently struck by a platform car on the A. & N. C. R. B., near the Co. 's Shops, March 13, 187C, while himself and others were playing thereupon. The following evidence, which fully corroborates our account of the affair in yesterday's issue, was adduced and sub stantiated by all of the boys named, who alone were present at the time cident: f 1 The Funeral of Johny Arthur ! The funeral of John F. Abthub, aged llyears, accidentally killed while playing around flat cars, hear the depot of this ci ty, will take place this ' morning from Christ Church at 01 o'clock. The public generally are invited to attend. Important Decision . ) : Under the head of An Important Su preme Court Decision,' the Charlotte Ob server of March 10, says: T ; ; ! ' A telegram received in this city yesterday afternoon from Baleigh,1 states that in. the case of Joseph H. Wilson et al. vs. the Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte, recently argued before the supreme court. of the ac- j tjje court on yesterday filed an opinion in favor of the city. In this case the plain- Wm. FAisou: deposed that himself, aud ! tiffs raised the question of the power of the SCISSOIUHCTUflS, T A dog fight is now facetiously ftJed a qffairtdebur .-.., , -. When can a lamp be said to be in tv bad ; temper ? When it is put int. j f 1 4l:t,j, ' What keeps Lent lha-longest and ; best 'i i Money. Ectv&nq ;TeZropv ,v v'ni-j ' How to make a good ? thing : Jaxt caie ; everything else firstrAw York Qommtr ; ioal Advertiser. 1 I a ujoa jjxi l Was the song entitled MA Le'tter- 'in the Candle," suggested by a postal cajtf fn gtreet lamp box.; -- '. An author sayathat ' bne 6f the nkwr1 ot adversity is' to bring iw butt' That itr' trne i particularly at the knees txnd elbows. ' A recent marriage n6tici endsJ With the" the following persons, vi.c Joe Lucas, v tn tax atrt-a bntwld ami PTl.lmirPR nf; siuular exDression. Ptobftblv' added by ' David Kyan, Wm. Watspu Jos. -Watson debt, and also the right of the city to bof- waggish friend: 4,3ilay their future tronb- - :. ; i ruiy in u lie lui ,iif ucv;caaai t iiuiwusco. v muu v-. . 1 187G. were Dlavincr with the platform cars ' ti.o stainea ana 11 cenis tor miacumg. rcea cotton 2 to 3 cents. ' Sed Irish Potatoes (Early . Kose ; The Supreme Court has affirmed the de cision of the lower Court in? the case of near the Machine Sbop. and that while so playing the deceased, John F. Arthur, got at ' caught between the bumpers of said cars, and was struck, from which blow he fell to decision, that the defendants have the power, under the charter, to tax stocks, the ground. JosJ Lucas -j made deposition corroborating the above' statement. In Eiias Powell for the murder 'of Mr. Cohen, ; -addition he further deposed that when the and ho now awaits to be resentenced by the ' deceased fell he went to his relief, tried to bonds and other evidences of debt, and to borrow money for necessary purposes. It overrules, it is thought, a previous decis ion of the court, in the case of "Weiustein next term of the Halifax Court. , v Early Boss roTAioics, - RUdiMousTAW Bexiiiu: i s I at C. E. Slovak's. 'A lift him and could not; then thinking he was dead, as he never spoke again. He, wifir 'the' "other .' boys, went alter" belpr ',. ' Art Gallery. -. The lovers of the beantiful vs. the City of Newbern ; $10,0(X) are involved telegram ' announcing ! received by Messrs. attorneys-foj the city. .Some 8,000 or in this suit. The the decision, was Tones ; fc Johnston, I i - i s ' xue lovers ui iuo ueuuiiiui iu an cuu We leatu the Juvenile i Temperant-ei So- : uavo trMf ravoiv itF th f ciety, of which he was a member, will es- Newberu by stepping into the McLean : cott tho remains of Johny ; Arthur to the Building and examining the collection of grave this morning. - j chromos and steel plate 'engravings -to"-be Koofing, Guttering aud tin aud sheet i sold at auction on Thursday, Friday and iron work, done in first-class, order, at short Saturday nights. Among them are copies notice, by experienced workmen, at B. L. i of some celebrated, paintings and engray CburchiirsvMiddle Street. - ' I ;; ing8, such as "Baphael's Cherubs," "The The heat of Mauzauillo, n. touall town off the west coast pf Mexico, is proverbei. Col onel Harry li ikckler, the famous Mexi can railroad manager, relates the following excellent yarnto prove the heat of the place The story runs that a soldier stationed there after leading a inot too exemplary life, 'was, when he diedcodndemned to a lower region not usually mentioned in polite society.. Short! v. howaver after his burial his wife, j was not a Jittle frightened to see him back j again at Manzanillo: and hastening to his T Imported, I j "floor."' Sheran outto;meet-him,-fte3i- Per schooner Melvin, one " Puncheon j ing, "What is the ; matter?" He replied, Bum from Kingston Jamaica. ! ' It was so cold down there that I have, - i LAiii Bkos. ; comeback here to get my blanket as 1 am ! afraid of catceing sold. : ' . !! For the Benefit or my Customers Owinu to the very pleasant time of the arrival of the mail train, I shall close my store every evening at 7 o'clock. L Joseph Makes. ' A case pf D,,D. was before his Honor the Madona Ledia," "Landseers," Departure nTluIOrxea vl iuc iiikuuiuu anuo, nuu uiavi u a Mayor yesterday. lined $2 over. A case of Disorderly was up before same court Saturday. Fined S10. Ap iealed to S C. - J -'' - ; large ' For 30 Days. ; The Dry Goods Merchants of Newbern will sell their Goods at coat for thirty days, Winter," which is one of the finest pic- 4" .y 1, ; turcs in the collection. There are four ! nd attrftcUI,U:Stcksl large eugrayings, The Departure of the : ' ForRenUr saiu Houses, localities Chattei'Mortgageu printed and. for, sale Llle boat' 'lhe turn of the Lite Boat, ' Two (mQ Dwelling l,v Tt. it rr A n,,.Tr Kn:$S Polhk Sn.flf at ana "View ot mo uien, : the most desirable New-BerneN; 44 r J ; . lflh wth their frames fifty hilars each I AIgo lwo- sooa Stores wliicu vpill iroDablv ba onered nt n Liar irn... :t i .. 1;.. ......I.. ...... n.' , " - -: "lUJluetHJ. nucit a situated in in the city. JTust Hecelved. ' 1 , At Hughes popular Variety ' Store, an other lot of Wilson's famous,' cooked corn- -ed Beef; Ferris' j unrivaled sugar-cured Hams, Shoulders and smoked Beef; choice Gilt Edge Butter; O Sugar 10 cents per pound; also constantly on hand a large assortment of wood and willow ware crock ery, glass and china ware 'and many other articles too numerous to mention. Middle Street opposite S. Bangert's bakery. ; v in business portions, Every effort is ethodists throi their Centennial Celebration , a mammoth ..ii"J:Vu ' rJlT "mCZ -W. . J 'iam- An "American winter affair. The prospect it favorable very large gathering iu Kaleigh . for occasion. Scene" and are a handsomo pair, of general ruio tuo cn- cstablishcd. j Oyster Saloon. Jacob S. Long i desires to inform his Ood trade has been ! "leuas uuu tuo puuiic geuexBUjr u i nas recently nueajup mo uysver oaioou t opposite the Gaston House, where he can ! serve his customers cither ' night or dsy I with oysters . cooked by an experienced strayed or stolen. hand, or on the half shell, i Fine idquort. From the M. E. Church Parsonage; on j and Cigars always on hand. , ' last Sunday I night, a milch cow, red j s Apply to J. II. Ht i)lLESTON, At his store on Broad Street. rum ok. hut rm' a. Dravincv ni'M nmrn t.r mir Ifticfn" Hint. 1 41 4? . - lUM"Kosa Bonheut's "Shetland Ponies" is par- i licularlv fin, as h ITSo ,nistin?iiiihl. M. W. H. bum roll desires to lUlorni txm- Member." a fine ensravioir'' of a dot? who iBB ouuuav ; uigui, .tuw, " . Coal ; t Coal ! t Coal III upbtic and his patrons generally that he has j wamade-a member of the British Hu-! aud homed, with a crop of each car, and in j jijo tons Egg Coal just received and for niovei inW Btalf No 4 '' People's. Martet. j maiie sJcleiy because h'o had Havedthc !goodrder. ,:Auy- one-, bringing me said by ; u-j. WjcDcKn. known as the Powers Stalli where he will ; i;Te8 ot yo manY shin'wrecked persons. ; cow.'. or information concerning her, will j g i .. i keep on hand therbeat Beef and Pork , the jBirt it would be uussible to mention all i ho suitably rewarded. W, C; Gaxnon. market affords, and fine bausages prepared j the coms of the collection, which will - : , j J -OWrareii. x.uanaiui xpr p& ; Tnav a " r(.f1Ii AliiHioM.. w lve us a Call. favors, ne nopes w rci n nuucni buuio oi paironaga iu iihxuhu with bur citizens We have been'informedTof a horrible fate met bt it fire months s old infant of Mr. Jesse H. Hardy, near .JLiemor institute, a few days ago.. It . seems that - the l mother had gona up ; stairs. leaving the baby and another small child in the room. During her absence; by some means the eldest t set fire W the infants clothing, and ere assis tance could be rendered she was burned so badly that she died shortly af ter. Another warning to parents. repay a caretul examination. Wo ;j hope many of these pictures will remain The Oyster Saloon three doors below the LaglQ House keeps constantly on hand the lull co t finest oysters the market affords, on half- ; shell or prepared to suit the most fastidious. ' Lunch furnished at all hours, day or night. 1 AVant liavc a. Everyone to V Dress. : 1 Hxpect to open ou Friday morning a new line of Prints, handsome and good, in tbo very , latest styles, something that will suit everyone,' young and old, and can be worn at any season of the year. A beautiful stock of Ladies' Ties in all the new styles. . 'Just received. ' Send for sam ples at , i : . .j-',. . " 'Jos.. Marks, next door to Postoffioe. SSanlines, Lobsters, Ham and Bologne. This Saloon having , been recently refitted, the manager; solicits a share of the public patronage. The Bar is well stocked with the . best Liquors and Cigars. Private apartments for those who do not desire to conic in contact wjtn the bar, j Cornea SMALL HAIISj SHOULDERS AHD ' Breakfast Strips Graham 1 Flour, Cooking Prunes Celery, Salt, Apple Jelly,,4 Canned Goods, ' Italian ( Haccaroni, Fine Teias, : W. H. HOLLISTEB'S, South Front Street .: ;