&Tllll 4 '" .,...n;j Oil. K. l'lTIMtN. IsJitur nuJ I'li'I i-h'tor.' Safaiplici Price 25 clsjci?MouOi NEWHLIIV V 0 RMTI MKJII 1 1 f K I- Mi.i.lllii. H liijiu luoi..: ..fi...'Uii: ulil.'d I') osnhii--ti1.1f'KK',r'i i . HI tin) il-UJlk. i .us in silk" it t ism is Vinsi in Is: A wild Lorn', (waring Our dead hfi.lv -..I a man securely strapped, to its imi-k. dwlii d into Wacoo. Toxnn, a fi w dim ihm. , . The eorroHpondunt of tlioT, union '.;'; Xra$, with the Servians, ut Alexin.it;:, my tlitir loasog during the llrst 11 vo ilnjx ll;:l.t- -- ing, were 10,000. -. A boy in FouiT dii Lis"" n"t"oiiIy''.i:i't asleep in cnnrrli, but walked aninnanilm liatioally to tha pulpit and mrotcliod him self on the minUterVi sofa. Ii.y -i l.i; '.riwlstsv .Ji'iiiit if h.iiv .'!; iill.-i'ii I vi; In ili-'fnv.'r ;tinlNi;(' I miry mrfnn.- '; li.i.'ti.i,' sin- .'ri.! I, ' w.w d-liiiimi viiliJiV. ; oiiini'.i In lirfi.-in'stfic lie i tVi il!.' 1 in fi'il'i'Ki uri'l p.ilietd .ifcli, lii'lliT Uian.' vi-lntr jut' won 1.1 yan do, 'if yn'tir iv.vu hustuind '' "MiiUrn," l''..fl )':".. I . The latent ailvinm frnin tain flrrhtitirr around Alexinatz nro unfavorable to llio Servians. TonernayofTa account? of virtu rioa are now generally diHcrcditod. olaim holders in the African dia mond fields are abont to stopdiajing un til tlie price of the prooiou ntono ad vances. Tho Oyw Stnnthnl nays : . . ' 'I)iar mouda are dirt choop." . The Keios publishes Mr. Solmjlo's pre liminary report of Inquiry into tho Knla run outrages, confirruinf; tho worst that bag been told. Much slaughter wan done by the rognlar Turkish soldiers. A man who tried tajrown himsulf by . jumping from an excursion steamer in boston harbor, on Friday, was so f.t that be couldn't sink, and the boat sont fur him found him floating liko a cork. The block bounded by Brannon, To wn send, 3rd and 4th Btroota, Ban Francisco, Cal., was bnrnod to-day. Loss half li mil lion. Two hundred familios nro- huusi less. A fireman brokcThis neck by .a f'ijl from s ladder! .. - fuigimiu t'luMIl lllivicetl, Klllie lllill lllfl' Turks attackod the H.Tviun .Jeft-oii ' Moitf day, bnt wore repulsed "with (leavy. 'loan, uq leu meir KI1I6U ami ft biFiFinaiility (if arms' and ammunition on the field. A Tnrkish attack on ' Iiiltto Swarii'i'ek was likowiae rcpulsod, . tittdiiIv ''urn hnr'i:vi nnd'filhnr-brutes." "Well, iluelnr.'' aim renlii'd, "my bus- ' li.Ulil'H !Vl't:!li'l!l HI a lli'l'H'. What would yon do l.ira li itite '.' and lor hcavon' aako (ell me ipiic!;.'1 "Mh Ihiii,"' I should open tltR Hiniil!iri"f'r!it31oiii;iie7)iit oh one Kido lo prevent Iji.i Ihuiik iio, unit kivii nun tliin I'uvi r powder, paper, slriiift mid all." Illinded wilh team of gratitude, tho poor woman paid lor tin) fever powder and do parted. Tlistijvy aiya that the man (jot well, lint lie Iiiik a hole in his tongue, and hi wile lias only three linger-i on one hand. . . 1 The t:al Tiaile lii Kr.w Vork I'ual TlllliliUng to $ i lrr Ton. New Yoi:i(, An;;.. There, was a-grcat coal sale Lore to-day, an iuimenso amonnt being sold. I'lioes tumbled f'i per ton on all grades. The excitement at tho ofllcos of the coal dualus dowu town is intense Scarotly any dealer in alone. Consulta tions are being held in ulniuitt every nlllco. Never before has tliero been so much in terest taken in tbn price of coal. Mr Samuel Sloan, I'residcut of tho Delaware and Luekawana (loinpTrjf, said tho prices obtained were much lowef- than ho expected but that they aro a peaee-offering to tho publTc. Oilier retail dealers expressed tho opinion that the coat could not bo gotten out of the mines anil delivered at the nre. "sent priiicn, and while aekmiwledging that the price ill coal would oomo ilpwn, addeil thai it coiild Tior""Kee.p,rdowii booausii' it cinild not be MipplUMl.atthese ram. ., ,... rllur.UiL Allve'. , 'Kter.liiy wiimo three or font negroeo were engaged in difging a tank in iront of tho Mint, the embankment fell in, burying iilio'nenTrt lirtltioil Ti1,irnf, I furulin W nnlW Tll Li. it ... . . . I' ' ituuuij,.ino. rawiBrirt--ftttT-ny-,ix Tli) was dug oul"aIter' son;c timo ur.d found to bo badly ninshed and bruised although no !ones were broken. It is feared that he ia seriously if not latally injured internally. Iho acci dent ia attributed to carelessness on the part of his fellow workmen. ' W. Oh- modern niantlepiece ever lirought to thi: oountry is that which ILirrison Gray Otis is having pot in his honsrs in Boston, ft is of black oak, stands over six lent--is elaboratoly carvod with massive (Ig'ireH, and Is known to bo 450 yearn old. A child was killed iuXoudon by an over - dose of opinm. Tho mother sent to a .chemist for a mixture, and was supplied with a bottlo of medicine, with iustrnc tions to givo a teaspoonfnl every four A H hoars. ; Her teaspoons were, however, larger than Iboso In general use. Tho con sequence was that tho deceased was given at one dose throo-sixtecnths instead of one sixteenth of a grain of opium, and soon died. ' The hair of a woman, nearly DO year;i of age, who died on Martha's Vineyard, wax wholly woven in with falso hair which had not been removed for over 30 yoara, and was held in placo by 1H0 pins. . Ono . n.nwlwuln nlln u(-,u uigeiiier ny 308 pins, though her bureaus contained !;S new dress patterns of all kinds ami qnali. ties, somo of them bonghtIM ymt.i u'n, and one elegant brocade silk could In' traced back 200 years. The Garlic, from Hong Kong on the :irl. has arrived at Ban Francisco. It is report-' od that the Governor of Yunnan has . mi- i (Son of t!in lr.to- flr- Walter DufW emeu, in oucaienca,lQ.araera irmu l-Vhi-. , rrieHeei in iiie i rtrmrr - iug U'S government takes this mntlmd to! . Kurruiindiiig country, cheok further irifniry. Tho foreign oHice I . oli-- n Mlllt HI reer, -is making, renoweil .. efforts . to -coneiliatr j - rr,, pr r,,m'slun nim'" England. The Catholic church at Ningjx irv It f. Il N, N, C. Iloue lur llcnt A lat;,, turce-.dory dwelling louse, near tho depot, comer of Hancock and (,'uecn streets, with large comfortable rooms and basement. TliTe is a line largo yard anil ijnr.len' attached. For particulars apply to . J. M. Iciuieuts, Kor Itrlll. A dnoiling containing four pleasant Moms r.:id sluro beucatb, with a largo gar den attaelii.il on llroad near the.Soulhwest Corner of Middle Street. Terms twelve dollars j" r laoi-.th in adranee. Apply to . K. W, Caiuxnteb, Ag't. . I'ir Hi nl. A l:oir.e and lot on Hancock Street, crn lainiiv; sis comfortable rooms, with five liro .plaens. I.irge rranleh spot, yard and enw lot. Apply to (i t.. W . mu. wans,, -mm: svm n Dli. CHAS. C- DUFFY, Why liini'i ifl. ..: j flit wcr expected IP iiiarrytlfW fp- uts Ud gladly consented us ho waij conbid- ered well-to-do. Ho cauie twice tt Well luaides upeudiug Suuili.y afternoon Inva l iulily. One Sunilny ho" got tfceru earlier than usual und tho girl was not exactly iiarlvto reix ivo him. Ho looked n't the "huLognph iilkiiiin onil played with the iti'is tin the centre-' 'table, aild-'resorted th other ixpodivnt for killing lime, till St last tlm boy who was trying to harness the dog to the wheelbarrow ,in tho backyard, got'tirod of his fun and went into the par lor to cutoftaiu his prospective brother m "law. Tho ennvnrsation f!(s gnneriil be tween the two for awhile, till the boy inti mated that ho knew why his sister was going to get marriod. : Jones prossed Ibe boy for the reason-why she -was matrimo nially inclined. Tho boy said it was because her father whipped her for snor ing in her sleep; for ho hoard bcr say she was going to leave that hateful placo if she had to marry that rcd-hoadod , Jones to do it. Jones did not object to being called rod-hoadod, for he was not a vain man, and tho color of bis hair had boon tho subject of frcqnont remarks before; but tho idoa of his swoothoart snoring rathor got awsy with his sentiment. Perhaps tho hardest thing a man ovor Iriod to do, is to love a snoring woman. Jones did not considor snoring a female accomplishment. He tried to reason himself into believing it no objection. lie even wont so far as to road tho livos of sovoral women colobrntejl for their beauty, trying to find out whothcr they snorod in their sloop. Ho asked a classical friend it Cloopatra snorod, and his friend told him that history was silent on tho subject and ho thought it highly improbable. Tho more ho, thought about it, tho less ho liked his intended. Jones disappeared ono night very shortly bofure ho was to marry and has never been bcaid of aiiiM'' Everybody' ttbiiscil; hint 'except the boy; ho alono understood tlje reason; Up to this timo lie has never enlightened tho family on Jones'" ilopnrtnro, hnd it is not likely ho will uutil that sister snccoods in- marrying somebody , else. A'bim. ' . -Ilanhnrjil -In--mm1n-g-6utTvnhtf Maj. Engelhard lost his footing and fell, cntting hia pants and cutting a gosh in bis knnc Tho only valuo this item has, is that it affords an opportunity to suggest to tlie Major that lie practice, while here, walking up and down thoso steps, as be will bavo a good deal of it to do, after the 7th of November. Iln!.. ,Vir. .. llewbern, N. C., ftt. j.'" N AND AFT EE JTJT ,1B U UNTIL :FOla,UEB SL'Itt, OOMl'ANrB KEW AjnlE. m w-mm Will leave Norfolk at 10 A DAY for Eliznlioth Citr's? Washington, Hladosvilla, tJ.(L Newbern, N. C, conndejrl pany's Htnamer CO'fTOI Tpr S landings on Tar Itiver, wduw WRT.T. n KimilA. i NensT Returning' Steamer Urt s J Klizalieth City, Nag'. H j!T eve Thnrsday afUrnoonatJoi Passenger aceommodatiois j Hhip from Hultimore bv Rrh, mark via O. D. Linv Norfolk Freight tnkon at lowest i. warded promptly, E. B. ROBERTS, i. u. ntiiu, Agont, HotfelJ NEWBERN HIGH SCHOOL, MALE AND FEMALE, Opens Sept, IS, 1876, at Memorial Chapel I'NDJCU I'ltOFvU, W. NEAL, A. M. Miss Kate Oarraway aud utlter Assistants. rlis of EuglUh tl.110, 11.31, 12.00. Enffllih itli Latin, Oreek, or French 3:(l0 rr montli 1 1 wti-ki), yaliU monthly. Oe'fraan'iiid Munlc extra. Instruction by IriKiuaautlXMliirM. Del. cntiQc Lfrttires free, stmlcnts prrCfl for any clans Id any Colli-Re. Ko ilrilaction for lent time, eieejit iriUracttl slrknoan. rtnartl nn ri-aaonablo terriia. Frlnn 0 wka. Brlnntionla on bsnil. III MTKIl'S uiil Trsiiprr's lluidti, 111 rt. M 1" Traijilllir, XI, , Tiilili rilunl Manual. M, Hnraim of Ti'iitrllnaninm. 1.1. Itnnroviininl -Hit Mpmory;i-ir.iif tonokHollnrr or by inait."7liliE MAMCV Jl CO., 11 Itwaubl. N. V. rpil.DKM Sonir ami Jean .. Hunk Konhir J aiini. nlini'inu aatirc anil clever lilts luf- Uih i'aniiaiin, wliii bumorotia eugrftvijiKa. 11) eta. of any ni:wHdi alpr. C. E.SL0V Oor.Poliokl Craven NEWBERN, a Dhiiriw To tmom ttn orf Nowlwrn and tbnaurronmlta. be koepa ooniuvnlly on hand inuaal Groceries anf ProTisk; COMPRISDJO Flour, Pork, Mokl, Cheese, Butter, li, Sugar,- Coffees, and EAiisrsMomi Powder, Shot, and Sardines, Mackeri licit Raisins, GitroMnce1 . Whole and ffretmi s.i Canned Peaces, Tciib CAKES CODFIS! ICWII POTATOES, ITMT Worcestershire : AH Warranted ft Parties vinilinr the ritr tim try will be film Ulitvl F;E ksA Cart House Accomoir: ay topping C. E SLOVi

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