Eta? SBl8 Cgttt I0&tej PI ; Goldsboro levies this year its. first dog A poor f rait crop f r the Stokes - Y A A 1 t id this b rate .1 eeo- . t , "-Burglar add gtferetfare dettSljainf tt . . ; ... . -- , f i -. t . RidsTille. , Corn sold yesterday at G7i cc n anotter align decUnef J M ; 7 . ) j Some tea bouses were destroyed by tie late Durham fire. ; i Got. Vance attended the 20th May 'cele bration at Charlotte. . A Wilkes county boy killed a Urge ball eagle one day last week. .? - - - A lady in Reidsyille, a Red 32, has been married foar times already. - . ! ', ! Now is the time for oar citizens to clean up their lota and plentif ally use lime. ! The schooner John Brill, Rogers master. arrived yesterday .w,Ub cargo oQirae, to S. H. Gray. V . Afa i .U j :. ! Mr. Jas. VY. Harden, of Wayne was se- rionsly hurt by being thrown from his baggy by a run away horse. Albert Samwell stabbed Wiley Barrett six times at Henderson. Wounds 83verd, the cutter has fled, and a wench was the The town of Creswell, in Washington county, that was reported : Durned, is a little nlace named after the late Post- master General J. A. J. Creswell. Raleigh Observer: We learn that 'Mr, W. A. Frice'of this city, has been tender ed, a position as ..boss, jnachinist by the Russian government, iid that he intends jBAYing for. that jrerlikecoghtry, in iew Concord Sun: Jef& Bliiir a negro, was committed to fail Monday for an attempt : to commif. a rape Qpon a little girl jears old, a daughter, of Benton Barn- hardL His wicked design was detect? d before he - accomplished his hellish work, - r loldsboro Messenger: Oar farmers Jvf cheering reports of a plentif al peach rop.T( The he&t prospect, , too. 13 said to beexceedinglygpoyauct we are .glad to know that W larger acreage! hast biBcn plant ed throaghout this section than at any peridl heretofore. ' f ; : 'l The comfort pf its p 83ession i is very freauentlv onset ? bv the annoyance occe- eioned br ' the -continual cry in 2 '.of the Baby. , Crying, however, is the child's only method of suggesting that it saffjrs with discomfort and pain, and at once ceases when the cause is (as it should be) prompt ,ly remoye4 ,by, smg; pr Ball sy Baby tJymp : old: everywhere. 25 cents I per boM U t. s lit;- 'One pf. partA of cpknred, emigrant jorty in nunDor, wno. went jroia, jsoita .Carolina iibeMlwritel battp ome iriendi: n-XPW' .naregot planted ir- Al Ions carden tsedp. w I iiepf foJ wijl 'tHfielmiirantfromhi loftnty oi tin, and let them come to Bro erville. -of arc.1 JUtiUli by thousands. particularly is exrhen it is proposed to cele xasida'.with i fMstlocr and ora- n Raleigh Observer: The ' lew warm daj s which we have had this week have caused the locusts to . come forth In tW western counties this .the case In the counties of CasweP, Bockinham and Gailford, the farmers in some section are apprehensive of damage. They are what are termed)! the seventeen year locusts in some sections. They came to the surface about the 8th of May, bat the cold weather forced them becV They are now coming out, and it is supposed in a few days the woods' will 'be filled with them. The letter W is plainly seen upon them. - . i ' i --.t'- ' . ' ? . - -.- ; . Co to Sultan's and ask for Croat. Success, the best 5 cent cigars in the citv. A rather singular .phenomenon vai wit nessed last nigbt, about 11 o'clock. ' A black clcmei, epanning the entire firmament all the a p pear smoke, passed from east to wet, havi og aiice of a colarnn of black over this city, moving in a southerly direc tion; audas it gradually moved southward ly the lower edge of the cloud assumed a fiery, reddUh hue; The rising of tbe cloud, which Was apparently only about ,twen!y fire yards in width, vBS acccmpanied by a stiff, breeze, lasting, however, only a min tiife oiftwa. We should not be surprised to hear of a tornado somewhere mar Wil- miDgtonV Vtl. Stan' i f A f-w days ago Col. W. F. Askew, man ager and ode'of the proprietors of the pa per tb Falls of the ; Ntuse, arous ing from an .afternoon, nap, experienced , a slight pain ia his ear, butjthonght nothing of iC Tle jxtxt' morning he Experienced a mmmmmtinA Uv4.h hdnJJiWaihat it arose f I jHbe5pam irr final ear the j, pre vioU8 dvU Applied to Jii-physician tor treatmeatJ The Dootbrj applie'd a few drops of swet oil to hia ear, and in a few minutes 1V huge blact r spider bucked out. The spider was bf that poisonous species whose bite' is '.said to be. as pofson'ous as that pf a rattl-$nHke; and, considering the fact that he had been for 24 horn -i closely Confifiet in a small anricalar'spicf, it was very fortunate for Col.' Aske& tliat he. did n6m$W)i PitJ. Iich Voald g all pro- babilityr have rnP(vt - Observer; - -, f? To AlI,MUeixI!rir JX4U.. S Spring is a trying j season. Indications of sickness should at once be attended toj Fatal diseases may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated and the system to remain in fc disordered condition, until the disorder has tlnje'f to '"deveipp itself, i An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of care, is an old and truthful say ing. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the complaints now very prevalent headache, indigestion, ; disor dered! liver, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay,' Schencks Mandrake Pills. Weknowof no remedy so harmless and dechu vain its action. It at once strikes ,at the root of the disease and produces a healthy tone to tbe Ky stem. People ! never need to suffer from eny disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellent medicine when they feel the first indications of the malady. s Families leaving : home for tho summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. Tbey have an almost instantaneous effect. They will relieve' the patient of headache; in one or two hour?, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding I bile, and will effectnallv' prevent a billious attack. They jure sold by ail druggists. ; '. ' y s ' Notice In Dankruptcy Dis't Conrt of the U. S., ) For the Pamlico Dis't, kin Bankruptcy. Eastern Dis't of N. C. ) . IN THE MAT CER OF THOMAS WIL liams, a L an "erupt ss: Notice is heiby given, that a petition has been riled in said Court by Thomas Williams in said District, dnlv declared a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of Marcu 2aa. lor a nisoharge ana cer tificate thereof from all his debts and other claims proviM under said Act, and that the 8th day of June, 1877, -at 10 o clock, A. M., at tbe office of F. J. Roberts. Esq. , Register in Bankruptcy, in 'Newbern, N. 1 C., is assigned for the h -aring of the same, when and when all Creditors ! who have proved tbeic Debts, and other persons in itOoyatoaay , t rnn d fio4.sji4ucyiC any they? have, why.4,he prayer of the said petiijoner shoul I not be craated. And that the second and thirl meetings will be held at the same time nd place. J' Dated at Newborn, NC. on the "4th day of Aliy, A. 1)., 1877. I Geo. E. Tinker, Clerk. ; ff : you want lasaskr a ml mi 'call iy- i Just recelvad. a new sim ply of the Bob Short cigars ar jos. ounan s. : lcxr, iir Ion to Itallgni. -The -Newbern Golden Link Lodge, No. 1,634, G. U. O of O.-Fjwnr give- an ex cursion from Newbern to j Raleigh jthe' 'first Tuesday in June. 1877. j : . i1 : ' C The'train will leave this city attP o'clock 1,11., on Tuesday and returuon Wedut s day, arriving in Newbernl ai night, .Tickets fori round trip will be $2.50, wlychciu be. procured from A. A. Bryan, W. Hi, "Phiaic. J. W. , Brovt",. J. Jloykin WilliF, or V. W. Lawii. tho members say rhankaie?to Go4j Tha AshlTill PtoUer aayar'Onj pie lOt 4nat. the cars on the Spartanburg & Ashe- rilrbsdraaup aSfar asfioutbdb let, 19 miles from Spartanburg and 25 tzz&a. XZZO Hersoalfin4 S Tfca Qan pany ctct.tihtlyiianect tS kaTemffn laid to the Block House, six miles farther tby the Istof uneVatidby tbVof2 to reach? Cold 8piiiir ilap,' Polk countyi Assignee s Notice. tNlir rjlSTKtCT'cbtTHT "DP THE X Uoxtod States, for the Eastern District of North Carolina. ' In the matter of Na than Shultz and Louis eyyt Bankrupts. To whom it may , concern: The under-, signed John W. Eiwards, Goldsboro, C,' hereby gives notioa of hi appointment 1 as Asslgfaee of tho Estate of Nftthuh Shnltz, Tf.Goldsborcc;in Ute-.County of- V4yne and Loais lievjr of 1SaifthfieIcr,iu tbe County of Johowon, in said District, hd who oa tne 16th dty of April, A. D . 1877, adjudged B.ukrupts.npnn the Ipetitiorr of.rl?ailip Lvyr nd Will fain f fikrHsf creditors : or saTr BaiHifupuT- Dated atGttfdsboroy-UHJJirli day ot Ala A.D.. lS77;-"'"r-'.""r-i 4 " t Johs W. Edwabds, i Assignee, . v . P. O., Goldsboro, N. C. ' - Assignee's Sale in Bankruptcy. TISTKICT COURT OF THE UNITED LrStates. Eastern District of North Uaro linri. Iu the matter of J. J. VVolfenden, Ban&rupt. Iiwill sell at nublio auction, for cflsh. on Saturday. M iy the 2fith, 1877, at 12 o'clock I'M.,, at the Conrt House door in the city 'of jewfero,;. .5' -- i. -v 5: ... . 5 Shares S'ock in the A.& N. ; C TL Co 7. Hbarea Stock in the Citizens Building k Joan Association, . of Newbern; N. C lGold Watch. ...;.. i 1 Policy of Insurance in JEtna Life In surance Company, on the life of Bankrupt tor i.oW. . . - rti-: ' as- m A aas Aiso portions 01 anunnnishea new baggy, viz.: Body,; wheels. Axles, Trim mings, fca J. FuuordV Airaigneo.1" Jh ewbeus, May J JLth. 1877. if" " li A fine lot of 'X whjch I will sell cheap for , cash.' 1 1 tare alsif on hand, Watches, Jewelry, - Zaclelj Piv-s, etc, -which .n be purchased, at low ifiddle Street, bet.-1 : Sail Bim, 7hoIesaIe Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lfEWBERlT, N. C. J Lr W ATKINS. Cor. -Pollock and Craven Sts., ' , . : - ' : .; i : T7hc!sal3 n3 Retail Dealer in CIGARS 1 TOBACCO ; f and nanufaotnrer of the Celebrated . Heart's Easa And OUier PflDHlar Brands of Cigars. Executor's Notice. f Ilhe undersigned having qualified &s Eiocu- . JL tors ot the Lite will and testament of Arqaes Near, deceased. 'lite of Newberu, N. C. Notice Is hereby giren to all persons owing said Estate to make Immediate payment to the under- " signed, and all persons ! holding claims arint said Batata to present them for payment within one year from the data hereof or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. . Agreeably to the terms of said will the business will be carried on at the old stand under .the name of A. Near until farther notice. ; QscL E. Tzmub, I Ext'rs Estate H. I. Haul, j A Near, dee'd. Kewbxrh, N. O., Jan 26, 1876. GEO: ALLEN & CO. Offer a rery i large stock of seasonahle goods at very low prices. BIG ELOW STEAM ENGINES," a C to 20 IIorss Power. -BOOKWAlVTll STEktflZXGmm-s i'' '-' - 4i Ilorss Power 1.EYEII and TREAD HORSE POWER GEORGIA, EMERY and NKEDLE GrNa RUBBER and LEATHER BELT. tXTTTONRESES:: j; '.,' H H 0 Ak for Steam and Horee Powers COPPER STRIP AND zm-bz- 1 Iver Straw Qntters. HUTCUINSON'S AND UNION ' ' - 1 : ' Cider Millf. 5,000 YARDS nEAVT COTTON : i Bapging. 300 BUNCHES COTTON TIES. U 100 SCYTHES and SNATHS. 100 SETS C ART, WAGON AND - I ! Bugy Material; 200 KEGS CUT NAILS and SPIKES. ,1.000 ATLAS and other CAST PLOWH. 300,000 HARD! BRICK. 200 BARRELSiROCK LIME. 50 ' . CALCINED PLASTER. 50 " "t- CEMENT. ; ' 500 ROLLS ASSORTED WALL PAPER MECHANICS TOOLS OF ENERY KIND. BUILDERS HARDWARE and supplier. '. PURE MIXED, PAINT, White and Color ed, made, from Zinc, Lead and Oil, and weighing, 4 Ibai more than any other-kind'.' ' Warranted to giye satisfaction, WHITE LEAD at greatly reduced prices. OIL, GEAS3rSASHl VARNISH. PUrT Yf BIARNSfiAPDIS, BRIDLES. . .. Collars and Ham oa. PLATFORM and COUNTER SCALES. COTTON BALANCES. 200 SETS CROCKERY WARE .M .1 ? i i 1 ' - for Table nsa 100 SETS KNIVES and FORKS. V vf f CrZOBGE ALL21T & CO., u .r i NEWBERN, N. C. . !. I sv 1 I SA .. 1 Brokers, No. 18 ' Wall ; Btreet; Ke Ycrk taake dfsirrble investmentain s tocb which fre""ent ly pay frcm five to tyenty tlnicj the aaxouut in ted. Stocks brotrght aud carried .as lon as declred on deposit of three per cent. Explanatory trcaLira and weekly reports seat free.' '' rTmnv n ait J BOHAJTWAira A2I21 intitiiahiiM alwwitit on CoartMuiji, XI tr- Joophr of Reproduction, pediment to mrrwe. cztwwujrtite.rcMtaMu trmctomi sjm! nMiutni.n.rit1 tetaeptyiaUyacientla work ftl kind mr buUm1..' r fcf ni pt 1,1 Mcunur MJd on iwrisl ol At VOO h P.cvicxay.Aujnuta. hum i 1 1 7 1 7 J