TftE DHi-Y NUT 8tfU- . Ggo. E. PmiaaEdig and , Proprieg SnbscTiption Prte 2S ctSrBKMralk hands of the Er'sians,' a ad the Turks were ia full rev et ia treat disorder. Their lc'ssa. ere eao.morr. i- ueaus K BEBN, N. a, SEP. 12, 1877. la southeastern Texas the Mexican amusement of i bull fights is gaining a De ialb iCoflnty, Ind: reports a me teoric stone found there weighing two' tons or more. ? - A man in Chambersbnrg, It'.t has been; sued for destroying property by spitting tobacco juice on the iloor of a church. Spain pnd the United States are :nvesti- ' 31 It-. 1 . .3 gating m a irienaiy manner iuo uumuaiu ment of American whalers ','' off the Cuban coasfL '. ; - General Sheridan telegraphs that Sitting boundary, Una, and has no in'ontion ,of re turning. ," - .;. . : Charles Young, a son of the late prophet has graduated from the Jaw .Department Michigan University, and will practise in Finckney, Mich. ' " A man named Adrian Perez, who was surprised in" the act of banging himself in a; house in Mexico recently, was cut down and tben Bent to prison for" having stolen he rope he was using, The long continued drouth in the North ern frontier countie3 'of Texas is causiDg the buffalo to die in f large numbers. For want df fresh Water?: they Are driven to drinks the M alkaline water, "so abundant there, and it killsithem., ; ; . '; ! ; " Such is the glut ; of maney on the Lon don Stock Exchange, that ahxmaningood credit can obtain the 'loan of Calmest any sum for sav a fortnieht. at the rate of J A per. cant pec annum, j Yet eyen; on these terms there is scarcely any dem&nd. A cattle and freight , ram collided at Long Bridge and ; 11 cattle Wete killed. Thos.i IiUdket, fb conductor as seriofci- . ry injured: Repairs on the Long - Eridge delayed the cattle tram, and the following freight dashed into it. - -. . jj The officers of the, Lehigh Valley Rail road I announce . that; the . business of the road will be oberated , . bv reduced f oce hereafter and thus better wages! will be paid. .The company has been .employing more than wss required. j The London Times' Oittrok corre3pon dent fchoW tbafc the surrender 'of Kicsics was neceted by the. Montenegrins bar ing stormed . the positiona cornmapdin the Citadel, the amrnunitiOn of the garrison is also failing, as evidenced by their feeble reply to the bombardment The garrison, . whieh was oiiginally 400. 6trong, lost 200 during the siege in killed and "Wounded. ' ; ?- u;:;: . ' ' Tlwta has the follow ipg,4pa4h frpm ena: 'The BOO Turks who were driven from Lovatz, are said ,t9,ber?erit?IorTirom Oiman Pasha's camp by thej Russian cavalry. ; A Russian detachment 'is ' 'marching in great haste towwdf2cpr4arbich'Mwholly;Twpro mqeaeat,wili stop the Turkish reinforce ment3igwhJUa, the Roumaniats t block the onblishes the Yonoing Iflh . annbunnWfthl &p!re ol Plevna1 W?he RasilSr4rMer date of Siestora, Sunday Bept: '1 '"This morning an attaci'!6n ail sides" o? Plevna was1 commenced and was continued througnout'the day.Cy sir o'clock in ti t evenings the towirof5 PWtna waA'itf tthe r - ;' Oor Trade with Bratll. ! From the St. Lcuit Globe-ie:nocrat. ' i iog lhat much talked of1 Brr iiau I irade, Eflgha-n b&ny f ft is valued at Si UAilJTlt -i .i,-8 om u.uuj.uju ro ucVjOUU, tuo.ugn it "II tA'ie some t 713 o se tie it up aud as- cftrtJ;ti preci'iely wfcat it reply )p An ' B;-s is worth. la his a tit: j suit tor divorce he awore that his mon-hly income would not exceed $6,000. He had j already distribu ted a 1 considerable amount of property among his children, and as he was very punctilious in regard to ; his affairs, it is probable that , his j will ! was drawn to preclude if possible, any legal compli cations. ;. Tramps and Striking Miners. ;. New Yoke, September lO.-r-A Columbia, Penn., dispatch says bat the vigi'ant are organ'zing agains: tramps, who are bold numerous and troublesome. At Grayhil'i woods, ner Lancpr.ier, recently nearly one hrac fcd ouf'aws laided a -faimer. He t ied unsuccessfully o d ive then oft. Policemen p 3d citizens from Lancaster went to the aid, when ihe . amps opened f e wifli p:stols. The police, charged on them and the UaDps retre 'ed, leaving five wounded. A faroaer named Powers wrs faally hu i.- " Fa her along, he Perrylvania Railroad the ' imps board ed a freight train and f" :eatened to r'-e possession. Detectives irom Columbia hastened ' to the - scene and captured ' he outlaws, who bubsequent'y broke jail. M'Uon Granon, a pronc'nent citizen of Duncarnbn, wr robbed pnd kf,led by two f.rpmps f,s he left tae , at .Ma yyille recently. ' Tcr mps wrecked a freight t:ain re. anfly between Mslveton' pnd Fra ers, rnd at tempted to plunder "ie errs. . During he fight u 'fb, thi t iin h"nds, one of A he Mt- t-T, Wm. Cocvers,! kiMed. ... The anthorlti at Westh - -Jter sent p-s's'"'ce and two of the outlaw were ; captured. Detectives have discovered that notorious city cim;nr?s are t amps. jveripg disg lised as A Tennesseean'fl Bad Barga'n-Going In ' Cahoot - ' i . M? ; Par s InttUznd:r. , Thursday morning a ratfle was made up by some of . he citJzeni of - Palis for a box of five hundred cigirs. There were twenty-five chances at one dollar a chpnee. The plan was that known ai the phot-' jn plan, in which each man,, taking a chance puts his mark on the blank paper surround ing a target. The target is plieed on a pivot and whirled and jwbe thus whirl ing is fi'od at with a gun loaded with small, shot. .....The L man i whose . marked comes nearest being hit tpke.'he prize. ' rn this crse George1 Lef s 'ook a obanca. but would not put down h's mark until all the other marks bad the target. He then been placed p.-ound went to each of the rafflers and said:. itYou and I have each got a chance in this cigar rafile; let us go in "cahoot" If you &et them divide with me and if I get them I'll divide with you." This arrangement he made wih eighteen of the chance holders, tell'ng each to keep thtJr partnership J a . secret, j To prevent ; any possibility, as he thought, of winning the cigars himself, he made his 'mark' as far from the target as the paper would allow. He then felt sure of half; the cigars, and already, in imasination, W8s puffing the fragrant we9d and laughing in his sle9ve over the sharp trick and excellent joke he had played the "other boys." Bat, alas ! the joke was soon turned, and visions of a cob pipe floated before his astonished eye 3. The gun was fired, and a st-ay shot knocked the centre out of George's mp-k. Eighteen men stepped up and rxid, 'Til take my half now." Lefils thus found him self booked for $300 worth of cigars equay among his partners. W f good medium better best ) ; . Coais I f . 74 1 17if Moore s Strictly pube . White Lead,, 92 per cent, pure White Lead, mixed with 8 per cent of pure Linseed Oil,at Berry's. -Ippi river instead of through New York, which now receives more than one half of the traded Before that time .comes around -it would be well to ask whether we could not secure sow ' customa revenue f rra our Brazilian importations -t'Thwe's millions in it." The'loss to reveLm . by the 'free breakfast table" bosh of five years ago is not less than $7,000,000, and We might aa well get it back and make' the Brazilian trade doubly an object oi desire. , ,., - Appointments Bifrwbrn 4th bound. - ? Beaufort, Monday, . . . f. ...... Goldsboro, : .V.'.i. .. ."V. . .". Kinston, . . . . . . L . . Newbern, J. . J . v.'. ... V. . M't Olive, Smith's.. 8had. Grove. Wilson, .... ...I..,,..... Snow Hill, Painbow, Neuse, ... . . ... . J. . . . Wayne,. .......!... J. . . - '. . . . . Cartel et, llarlowe. E Oitrlct. ..Sept., ; v : a- li-lG 22-23 " 29-30 Oct.' &-7 - 13-f4 1 V20-2i ."27-28 Nov. 3-4 "10-11 17-18 ' " 24-25 A. YATES, P. E. Beaufort, N. C AIc. Yourself thcue (iu8tlons. Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, " Palpita tion of the Heart ? Have you Dizzine38 St the Head ? Is- your Nervous System de pressed.? Does your Blood circulate bad ly ? Have you , a Cough ?, Low Spirits ? Coming up of the food after eating? &c,' &c - All of these and much more are the direct results of Dyspesia, Liver Complaint and Indigestion. Grexn's- August FijOWb is now acknowledge by all Druggists to be a posi live cure. a,4uu,uuu Dottles were given away in the TJ. S. through Druggists to the people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any person of its wonderful quality in curing an forms of indigestion, sam ple bottles 10 cfB.' Regular size 75 cts. Sold positive by all first-class Druggists' in United States. : ; . ,! n; , f ; -.. Dissolution of Co-Paitnership The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of -Cutler & Gates is this day dissolved by mutual consent, L. H. Cutler is authorized to settle up the business of the firm. L. H." Cutlee, ' : ' -s Tho3. Gates. Newbebn, N. C, Aug, 10, J877. , I I hereby announce to .the many patrons of the Ute firm of Cutler, & Gates .that I will cominue me ousiness ai tne. oia siana, promising to use every effort (ogive entire satisfaction.; ... 4 w tt9M-:x v All parties having, against the late firm are hereby notified to present the same for immediate settlement; and all debtors are respectfully requested to come forward and settle their accounts without delay. , L. H. Cutleb, , t '. lIH II I.I I II M A. Suydam Jr. & Co., sole Agents for Dr.. Golden be.rg's Remedies in North Caro lina, can be found at Suydam s store, on Hancock between- Pollock and Broad Sts. A liberal discount given to agents to sell Dr. Goldenberg's .Remedies. "Remember the Inhalation cures Asthma, Catarrah, Bronchitis, Coughs and Goulds. The Liver Pellets will regulate the Liver. The Kid ney Specific cures, all diseases of Bladder and . Kidneys. The Rheumatic Remedy cures acute and inflamatpry Rheumatism. The Scrofula Specific removes all impurities of the blood. Call and examine the medicines.- -v.. :' - ? i fjti f FOE SALE OR RENT, A Desirable Store in I will sell or rent the store now occupied by myself ; it is situated "on South Front Street equi-distant between . the Gaston House and the Ban king House of. Messrs. R. H. Rouhtree &' Cor,1 is a desirable i loca tion for trade, and for the purchase of cot ton. Store is 27 by 39 feet, 2 stories high possession given immediately if Tequired. Wm. G.Brtan,1 Agents August 1st,' 1877, . ' y :i " . VEGrETINE .y L JJ U -- O 8xjtecjI Tjoxs, Nov. 9, 1876. Dear Sir As you are an entire stranger to me, I want you to know what VEOETTNE has done for me. Only those who have been raised from death's door can knows the value of such a food mecuexne. i am as Tears o .xnree rear ago I -was taken eick with what the doctors Called Lumbago, ror we krl wae confined. to my Jh?d Iad-rreerfflfferenthvslclana,' without any help. . received no relief; I waa a great anfferer; finally I became entirely helplese, - The last doc tor told me there was no help;,' he said he might possibly save: my life by ejecting morphine in my arms and legs. The encouragement fsir- saTing . my life by haying this done waa ao small a chance I could not consent to run the risk. About this time my son read your advertisement hi our pa per. a testimony of a person who had bee& very eick with about the same complaint, and wail cured.' My son went right away to the apothecary store and bought a bottle of VEG ETHOS. Before I had used the. first bottle I found great relief; I could move 'myself in bed. .'Alter taking "fhwe bottles I was' able to sit up and move about my room. J continued taking the Tegetine, and I was in a few weeks restored to my former health. The YEGETINE caved my life after the physicians said theie was no help for me. I have had no doctor since. 11 I feel unwell I takaadoaet'ot YEGETINE , and. I recommend lttq my, friends. Teur Vegetine ought to be in every family.' Ify doctor was surprised to eee me In good health. He says YEGETINE is a good medicine, L.teU him if cured me. Tie 3ays, "It is true. -loan- not feel too tnankru;. f r f . Very gratefully yenrs. ' ! Mrs. CATHERINE COOX8. Seneca Falls, Seneca County, W . Y-. , .Vegetiite- ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD. IfVKGKTlM will relieve pain, cleanee, purify and cure such diseases res tofirjg the patient to' perfect health after trying different physiciaBa, many remadies. Buffering for years. Is it not conclusive jproof. if you are a sufferer, yon can be cured?r Why la this medicine performing I such great cutest; li works in' the blood, in the circulating fluid. It can truly be' called the Great Blood Purifier. The great source of disease originates in the blood, and no medicine that does not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate,.' has any ' just claim upon puDiic attention. , . Vofjotine T1TTTT nTTDW VV lliJJ A.JU 4 3 A!"WITCR!T3t. WITTM'fl'Ri J ! .Eocxpobt, March 31. OS7. H. R. Stxvkcs: j 8ir-Last fall my husband got me two bbttleir of your Vegetine to take for) the Canker ( Humor, which I have had in my stomach for several years. I took it. and the result wuvcrt! atid factory. I have taken a good many remedies -for the Canker Humor, and none seemed to help me but YEGETINE. There is no doubt in my mind that every one suffering with Canker Humor can be . cured by taking : YEGETINE. It gave me good appetite, and I felt better in every respect, Yours, with respect. ! Mrs. ELIZA ANN POOLE. NOTIIIWO KQ,UAL.TQ1T. . j Sourk Saeir, Mass , Nov 14, 187$. Mb. H. B. Stevens: It j ' , .' Dear 8ir I have been troubled with Scrc-Tnla Canker and Liver Complaint for three years Noth ingdid me' any good; until I commenced, using the YEGETINE. 'L am now getting along fifat rate, and still using the VEGETIBE. , 1 consider mere is nothing equal to it for such complaints. Can heartily recommend it to everybody, i it i Yours truly, - i Mrs. Lxzzib M. Packabd. 4 No. 16 Lagrange St.; South galeni, Mass. VEGETTNE thoroughly eradicates every tbad of humor, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Vegetlrioil 11 V. ?rt PREPARED BY . . ,tlt . H. E STEVENS, j Boston, Hass.:- Vegetme isj Soli by all Mgpsts. n t. 'I ' M i-i . . . . . . . - ' . cwms ox. youiniui lmpruaenee, wa nve tried in vain every koews reniert will learn of a simple prescription, FhKf I I xur vue speeay cure oi nervous detauj J I premature decay, Jost manhood, andn sdlsorders brought on by'excooaee. Am' . , dru kkIs t has v the ingredients. t Addies Davidson a. co., so nawu stj, n. SAMUEL COOK ,& ;BB0 Broad Street, i. i i i.. 'Manufacturers of , ViJr"' L Carriages, Buggies; Wagons Bepairing gUAraateed, and -with dispatch. I 'TAHBi i CXElADOWS' pills, and: Brmani

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