Av: It: 1 rid' Jepar;ur& cf Halls. 6- cpoev. mixes. . ri ri-BxsHiN. O.. July 1st, 180 I , J A ! CLOSER j-y t E'er Zbrtb Wet and SoQthjVia A. & N. a ii.;UvH6;19 A. .V Pnr Banfort . and the E t, 90 P M. For,l7aibiogtoi; 6wit Crwk Hrd nd Beaufort : Conntie? Tuesday and Fri fdayg at 6 A. 11. , , . , For Trenton PIIokrwilld 1 and Swn boro, daiIrat7A; M.-T ,3'-:a-";c. . F -rGnotntrro. Hy Birer and Vander mere,vdailyf at 7 A. M. , ; - . O$od hcuriMp Mot ey Ofd.r and Begit tered Ltrr D-par ment, Irodi 8.30 A. Miio 5,RvM.i : j-x -v-'-T n Muling Department, from 8 A. Mto f'2$ F, AX. Office open constantly be tween tjbese boors except when mails te being distributed. 1 ; Bctitdas No.' Mail received or sent Offlcapptn from 9i30 to.lO'JlO A. m; , Ethxxbkbt Hu-'S. P. SI. Board of City Council -met last niht. Proceedings in onr next. , license tax has been reduced, ; boys. Now is the time to get up a cheap wed ding. ' t;; , u , ; ... . ;; . Freshet ia the Neuse. apd the ater is no longer in a condition to suit exoackers. , An accident occurred "fet the cotton factory yesterday and one of the female operatives "was wounded about ooe'of her hand 8. V - . C- . We call attention to the advertise ment A City Tax Collector Uancbck, in reference to dogs. After to-day the war a dga will commence, AU owner i who do not proem e badges will be in cted for the failure to do so. A I py, excursion part', the Board of 1 .do and Press - ij his .cily, ?ill excurt to Morelmad this morning to ajoy a mouthful of the delightful and healthful sea bret ze. Tiie entire party is under obligation to the affable and ' efficient President of the Board, Col. ThOi. A. Green, through whose invita tion they are enabled to enjoy the treat. We learn President Green in tends to have the tables at forehead gnauing vith every delicacy both noon and nijjut and that he is going to make Lis friends enjoy the trip. The train will leave Newberh ffrom corner South -Front and Hancock streets, at 8 o'clock v A Al. . Died, ' In this city, Monday t: August 2nd, '1S80, M.vky, infant; daugliter of' Sam'l li. Street, Jr , of Newborn. The funer al took place jesteniny morning from Christ Church, this city." '.Near Bayloro, Pamlico Co , N. C. July 28, 18S0, Bi itlon Sawyer, in the 3.1st year of his age. . Comniimtloners and Masrltrate. J The Board of Commissioners and f Justices of the ' Peace of Craven countjvmet at the Court House in Newbern, X. C"6n ilonday, Aug. 21880," at 10 o'clock A. M. Commissioners present : Jas. A. B ryan chairman ; Thos. II. Mal lison, fcv AV. Latham, and James AV. liiddle. V:;;J;;-" I Justices of the Pe ace present : W. G; Brinson; "William Hay, E. G. Hill, Thos. Stanly, Edward Bull, C. M. Edwards, - James II. Hunter, James Campbell, Jas. A Ernull, E. F, Carraway, W. II. Ellison, W. D. Pettipher, C.F. Wetherington, S. B. (1 aski 1 1 , Jesse Brooks , O. II. Perry Wm. Foy, Enoch" Wadsworth, Ed ward S. Street, E. R. Dudlevv Alex. Bass. Josiah Taylor, Samuel S Per kins, Cicero Green. The following Report of James A. Bryan, Esq.; the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, relative to the financial affairs of the .county, vras presented, and on motion,' the eame wss accepted and orderecl fob? recorde4 pa the niiautes cf the Board of Commissioners ; and JJoard " ' of Magistrates and - published; . and it vras further ordered; thai the thanks of the Magistrates be tendered to the present Board of2ora missioqers for ;th6-faithfti) economlcat land efficient manner in which they ' have man the affairs of ..this- cotin ty. to wit:. ? ,. - . t , To the M(QitraJe of Craven, Couny; t t EKTHErEK: This i being i thev dayappointed by- law for-the elec tiot of Coumissioners of the coiintv, and cohsequen t ly of the successors of the present and outgoing Board, I' deem it not improper as Chairman of tliat Board, to submit to you the following report: Expense of tlittcoutjty for -1878 uuder our prede- . 1 . ' cessors, were. . . . . . i . . . $15 375 04 Expenses of the ctmniy for 1870 under the present - . ' Board, were 13,471.30 A. reduction of. ..... In the alove is included the extra cost- of an aS4ess- ment of the ' property of , the couuty compelled to be nude by.-, act of the i . General Assembly, and j amounting 'to. . . . ....... 2,903.74 $ 451.00 But for which the expenses ,: ' . for 1 87J, would have been. $ 3,854.74 Lss than in 1878. ; .. . By a computation of the ex- . ; penses up to July 27, they amount to.....;.....;.. 10,069 20 Until the 3 1st of August,, the ea 1 of the fiscal year, t it is thought the tutlay will not exceed.... ..... . v 500.00 Which -will make thorn for A reduction of... 4 8UG 84 from the expenses of mm. The taxes fur 1877 and 1878 under our predecessors, were, on the $100 valua tion .. For 1879, under present Bo rd ...... ......... 1,91.1 141.3 50 cts. A reduction of ......... or; cver one-fourth. - ' : . : The taxes levied in 1877 ' amounted to... $44,274 40 The taxes, leyieii in 1878 amounted to ........ 43,308 48 The Uxes levied in 1879, ou . $189, 0S0 increased valua tion.... . 35.670 29 A-reduction Irom ; tax of , - 1878 of... ........... .... 7,737 19 Aud a reduction from lax '. of 1878 of 8,6 4.11 The tax levied for the debt in 1877 was........,!... 25.958 56 The tax levied for the debt iu 1878 was............ 25,454.03 The tax levied for the debt in 1879 was........;.... 1C,7C5.50 A reduc ion f.-mu 1878 of. . S.(iS8 ni And a reduction fmm 77 of 9,193 00 This year, if the funding of the debt is coaipieted, there will be required to meet the interest thereon. and to create a sinking fund i f $5,000, for the ' cxtingui-hiuent of the pnncipa', the sum or.... 13,700 A reducti n from the sum levied in- 1878i of. ... 11,754 03 A.nd from the sum levied in I 1877 of................. 12.ir8.f5o I would recommend however "to your honorable body, in vTew of the fact that a great deal of property is sold annually to the, State and pays no taxes whatever, that a tax for the debt of not less than $14,000 be levied. By judicious management in funding the floating debt, many thousands of dollars should.be saved to the Ccuaty, end thej tax of S13;700 now required for in terest and sinking fund, should, after this year be materially reduced. The average number of paupers at the Poor House lias been largely decreased. "In 1877 and '78 it was about 45 to GO; in 1879 and '80it has be;n about 25 to 35. The1 num ber, of persons, and I may as well tcali f hem paupers, as they are almost destitute, outside of the . poor house, who' receive assishancei from the county is; men, women and children, about 35, costing ' the county at the present time, 702 00 pef annum, or at, that rate-y--ivvj -: iri'j j j I Xt 'has' been the policy ? of the board , . to , discourage ; ' applicants seeking, ... admission .toj .the Poor House, : finding the cost , of sup-; porting . them when kept with their j friends, to be - about ' one fifth .only, of the cost , 'of keep.; ing them at the Poor House, and for this reason' there 3 are how but few inmates of that instiiutron not abso lutely .destitute, and s needing c?n scant medical attention. . i ft " To meet the necesessarv and .una voidable expense of building a new Jail- to rlplace the one destroyed by an incendiaay fire in January last J a tax of 20 cents on the $100 valua tion will be required, whicl for rea sons stated relative to thetax nec essary for the debt, the sale of 30 much property annually to the State, and consequent non-payment of j taxes ( thereon, will yield, itV is thought, not to exceed 4.000. . The contract has been awarded to Milton Harding, Esq., of Gpldsboro, - at S4,300; The, old brick taken from the! walls of the sold jail, are to be us6d as far as possilbe, for'wbich he is to allow the ; County. SO' per This wiH give the County about $G00, which with $4,000, the suni to be j raised by taxation , makes $4,000, slid wing an apparent surplus of $300, which, ; hi weTCTftHTi fTitrrasons above jstated, the non-payment by certain: persons of their taxes, it is thought will be required to complete the work. But anv surplus that may exist, will, of course, be cov ered into the Treasury ol the County, The Jail is to completed, and ready fori ' occupation, on the first day of December next. ' In view of the foct that the lease oflMri Stanlv's buildinir, does "not expire until 1884, and of the further fact, that the taxes are as onerous. as J thej. people can well bear, the Comrutssioners have deemed it ex pedicnl to take no steps for the j) resent, toward the erect.on of a Court House. . : . - I The j Commissioners have been exacting, but'not over scrupulous, as ha? been said, in 'taking the official bonds of the difierent .officers of the county.? They are made the sole judges of the fitness and solvency of these bonds, required, in effect, to become sureties to the same", and if it can be shown that they knowing ly Eiccept an insolvent or insufficient obligation, thev are held personally liable for any defalcations which! may occur, 'iney baye lelt tnem selyes constrained" therefore, and paicularlv so, being aware that" the Clerk of theSuperior Court is liable at jany'moment, to haye control of the funds of the orphans of the boun ty,! not Inerely for the (protection of th4 county, but for their individual safety, to require the " best and strongest bonds which could be ob tained, j 1 . ;.; l i : '-:" For : this reason !Mr. F D. X. Kit burn, fqrmer, Treasurer of this couh ty having failed to present such a bond as they felt justified in accept--in, in fact, liaving failed to have his bondsmen justify to the amount required by law, his office ;was de clared vacant, and the present efficient incumbent, Mr. Thos. J. Latham appointed Treasurer. - ; The Commissioners, wish it cbV tinctly: understood, that in rejecting some ot the bonds "presented ffor. their acceptance, they! intended no reflection upon the honor or in tegrity of any official. It is their proyince to t decide, not uponhe moral character or fitness ot those elected to office, but to judge of the solvency and sufficieucy of the bonds which : those, parties may offer for the faithful perfornian'ce ( of, 1 and , security of. the ' trusts and moneys committed bj the people to their keeping, and to accept or reject those bonds, impartially andfearless ly, . as. their judgment, assisted by knowledge or evidence, may dictate. . .But .for the fact that they have been unjustly censured, and in some instances T maligned by reason cf their action . in regard ! to thoVe bonds, the Commissioners wcud not desire : the matter . mentioned in this report, and simply lay it before your honorable body. in order that jrou, and- through you, the people, may know their true position.' . The funding of the county debt, by which, ; although only! " par tially completed, the taxes. have already been reduced 50 cents, on the t S1G0 valuation," or more than one-fourfh, . has been v-x at tended With; great trouble and Yast labor. In : some instances it has been a matter of exceeding difficultj' to induce the holders of judgments to gie the subject even serious con sideration; and I feel fully warrant- ed in sayimr, that but for the person al influence of individual members of the Board of CpmmisMoners: man damuses ; amounting in the aggregate to-about c " 0)0wpuld -notiihav been tunded a all, anUvriv-at this meeting you fuW.havo.;tcen com- pelled to -leVr -Jitu.x2o per Cent greater thantrdt jiow required. The entitrLde&r when funded, wil not exceed $145,000, which althouaih havhig 30 years to run, by proper and, judicious management ot the sin kins: 1 una of ?o,uO0 per annum, buying and compromising there with the bonus, and at all times in vesting it in the principal, can be paid oil m a much shorter time, and the taxes can, during the same period, be gradually decreased. Twill also state in this connection. that if the A & X. C. K. K. is leased for i $30,000 per annum, net cash," that in 14 years its entire debt, prin cipal and interest, will b2 paid off," and that the proportion of that sum wnicn tuereaiter win oe paiu to Craven county as a dividend" upon its stock will exceed two thousand dollars annually. This will give to its stock a cash value ot $40 to $50,000, and by tliat time, with prudent management, the debt of the county should not greatly,' if at all, exceed that amount, when by a sale of the stock, now almost valu- less, the entire debt can be paid off, and the county once more free and unencumbered, its taxes ought not to' exceed for every county purpose, 40 cents on the $100 valuation. The county Treasurj" is to-day in better condition than it has been since the war. Holders of claims, for the first time in years, have been enabled to have them paid in cash, at their face value, 100 cents in the dollar, upon presenting them to the Treasurer. Interest on that portion of the debt which lias been funded, has been promptly paid, and funds are in hand to meet such coupons its may hereafter be presented. The schodl fund, amounting to $4,018.g4, $25G.04 apportioned, $3, 702.00 not apportioned, has been provided for, and will be credited to the 1 accounts of the different dis tricts in time for the fall opening of the schools. The Treasurer's accounts have been examined by the Finance Com mittee to the 31st day, inclusive, of July last; and I am pleased to state: to you, that they have not only been found correct in every particu lar, but neatly and beautifully kept, and that he has in his hands, be Ion g- Concluded on 4th page. tg n il fl n rs j: 1 i W 1 lUi L! Shingles! SJiinwles! For oolo In loto to oult: a full supply of G and C Inch Cyproso Ghlnfjloo, Hoortc and Gapn;: for .bulldlnj purp ooo o , , V 1 1 1 b o cold low. Ordero 'solicited; ; ELIJAH Ei-LIG. Call at Alex; Klillor'o and try1 oomo of tho " boot Coohcn Duttdr In tho city, tat al times cool and firm. Vo- keop our- Duttor in otono jam and pacRod In Ice.) Aloo on hand, a cholco artlclp . of T4orth Carolina yinotrar,4 at 40 cents per gallon-' . sfrMAC - WATTTED ! .ri '''' .; ' y-"-;;;;-. " Highest market price in cash for a good qualitv Sumac, leaves free from stems, "rt ' and berries at all times and in u y quantities. Parties .vlsomay'-hxvve, during the coming season, sumac of the above descrip tion, will find it to their advantage to, call on or address the subscriber. Bags furnished responsible parties. Call for circular, giving full direc tions. Also Hags, Bones, ScraD Iron, Metal, &c, bought in unhmitel quantities.. : . Jonx II. "Warden", South Front street, near fiddle : . ': ; . Xewbern, N. (.. ! Cut this out for future reference. --lt!-.'. - " NEW GOODS! GIlil W GOODS! ! i ;, : f . .: ;- Another new, and cheap as . sortment of DBY GOODS, Set. HI FANCY GOODS, Plain and Figured . DRESS LAWNS AD PIQUES, 1 GRASS CLOTHS, f I All colors; j lilk Handkerchiefs, all color?. Ladies Misses' and Chiidrens' Ifaucy . . TlOSf, ill Silk and Cotton PARASOLS, FANS, Linon Cotton and Pluoh : t v- TOWELS, j IIOSQUTTC NETTING, . also good ! . Linen Handkerchiefs, at I O confo, Good Towels, at 10 cents per pair. . Together Yniji a complete stock of Gents1 Furnishing Goods, Just received at ;V. SULTAtl Cl CO'S. 7EniSTEin BUILDING

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