.1-'- ; G C J.i 1 ITTMAil, Editor and Pop'r- IIL'W. H. Sl'3Ii;eilV lousiness AgH. AJvcrtK'MX Kutes. One inch one time... ...... . . $1 00 ;.hcL aubsequeui insertion .... . 50 Fiuera.1 and marriage notices and noiice-i of Lodge '- meetings of ordinary 1 agtli will be charged 50 cents each. 2f Coatracta for advertising by tbe quarter or year, made on easy tcrias. suuscKirnoN pkice: f 3T CENTS ! PER MONTH. 1 Judge Lynch is getting -a. moiiop ' olv of the hanging business in Iowa.- Te swung up-nine subjects tbe past 1 week. - . ", -, : . '. ' '. Evangelist Harrison is again heard from as engaged in active Gospel work in Kansas City. The Grand Avenue Church rejoices iii a Jios t of -new converts. owing to his, magnetic, maimer and his persuasive powers. A Chicago widow ordered her "funeral outfit before her - death, paying $5,000 for it. The caffin cost 1.400. It. was lined with black' and purple silk velvet and had a solid gold plate )vliich alonti cost i0J. The tlowerosiliOOO. - - Admiral J. ll-indolph Tuvker drop ped dof;d at his residence in Peters burg, Ya., last' Tuesday, night, aged 72 years. He resigned from the' United States Navy when the war - "broke out, and was in the Confeder ate Navy till the close ofhe struggle j wueu ne enierea ine reruvian avy, whenc.Q. be resigned five years age. 0r A Mranjfe Story. The Strath more family is one of the oldest in Scotland, and its head has been an earl ever since 1423. A corretpondent of the Mail and ic jjtcss writes that for four generations there has. been a myst ery at Glatuis castie which uo i one has ever , been able to fathom. Some said it. was a -' ; glmst, others a mysterious hidden t , treasure; but rumors of a more or les uncanny nature floated round , . - the country and have done so for " ' about ninety-three yea-s. Four earls r t . of Slrathmore have seated them- - selves in ancestral state at Westmiu- isterj and yet alt the while the real earl, the oldest of the family, was ' alive, hidden in the vast old feudal - palace at Glamis. He died only Lst .3Tear, aged ninety two years, and he ' ' was a mousteK. He stood eight feet in height. His head and the upper part Of his body resembled that of a - i toad.. His pkin ' was marked with black splotches, and his hands, were webbed. . ; . He could not speak or hear, but 1 v his eyes, were bright but wild. He never -.showed sins of reason, and in order to avoid legal difficulties this horror was hidden . in ra building I erected on .purpose. His jailers were paid handsome annuities to keep silent. As each earl succeeded to - , the estate he was taken to see this tenific creature,, and it is said that one of these gentlemen! almost lost his re son heholdiftg the loathsome ? and gigantic horror. Last year the poor wretch died and' the secret has ;.c me out, owin''-to' difficulties cou- . -ceruing the disposal of the remains. The Indians. St: Louis, June.. 14.-The story comes .from the Iudiap, Territory that Tuesday morning twenty Creek light. 'h.orijuieu altaCkedi set&nient of pa tmns of Spiechie, ten milre from Tulsa;' on the Arkansas river, and killed one of them and wounded two or three others. These men had re turned to iheir borne from Fort Gibson, by perLnision of the com batants, who "promised them protec tion. The attack is regarded as a defiance of llie government. The lighc horsemen belonged to the Chicole faction of Creeks, and their conduct in this case is regarded as a re-opening of the troubles between die Chicote Spiechie,and will likely lead to a bitter war and much blood shed, utiles the government t.kes prompt rneanres to p -'r3-rve peae. : Tlie Small Boy uu Ikruutls. Where is the small boy -going"? The small boy is going ou an errand. ' How do you" know that the- small boy it ijohjg on au erran;! ? Because the small boy i in & hurry? ; . IIow can 30U tell that the small boy is in a hurry ? I can te)i by the thoroughness with: which he examines' everything about him."" " .: : ., '- ' Is this exercise very exhausting ?! Exceedingly; you see that he has! to sit down and. rest before he has; half completed his survey, j But. what is the small boy-doing- now ? ' - . ' i In order to get to his destination; the quicker he has jumped upon the! passing wagon. I j j But the wagen is'going in the di- rection from which he came. , It'makes no difference. All tondsjf lead -fg -Home you kriotVj .audalL direolions"a?ethe same to the small! ooy. The only directions he is care-i less 'of are those which .were given; to him when he started on his' errand. ; i What is the small boy doing now?: The small boy is playing marbles with another small boy. Then hejhas forgotton his errand ? Oh, no; he is only exercising his memory. He is trying to see bow long - he can remember his; errand amidst: distracting circumstances. I Will the small boy ever get to his destination ? He will if'he keeps on in the direc tion in which he.is now crawling. How soon, do you think ? I cannot say; but I once heard of a man who vent 'round the world in eighty da) s. Couipicte. Savaxnaii, jGa., .Feb. 21, 18S1. - H. II. Warner &' Co..' Sirs I have been compIetel3' cured of stone in the bladder and kidney difficulty ; by your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ! i ; J.D. AUDUS. Fair cooking Butter from up coun- trj'j'.at 15 cents per pound hy the Kit. New York State Butter, at IS cents per pound by 'the Tub. Good Goshen Butter, at ' 30 r.ents per pound by the retail, ut, C F. Foy & Go's, Brick Block, Middie street. ' - -! - 1 " ' - .' - t ! To the of its Ela: Ely EiSsass,; Xou are hereby notified to return at ouce to me j'pur gunsv accoittre menis, - or ' any goods in your -posses fcin. belonging .to the State, as the Adjntaiit, General has cajle iq the same. If riot returned within B0 dajs your bondsman 'mil be 'sized for the same. . - . h F. V?. IlAifCOCK; Cabt. TJiej- liii It Asalu. ; j Whoever it wa. lie will enjoy learn ing that the 150th ' Grand Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot terj at New Orleans, on May 8;h, re sulted as lollops: 'Ticket Nol 71, 1S9, is ddjas a whole, for $."5 t a ; wealthy Cuban at Havana, drew, the fir.t cap-' lital prize of $75,0 0. No. 47,80 j sold to a Ne" Yorker as whole drew the !pr;z, 25.000. No. 23,4C3 ;drew the third capital jrizr, $10,000,1 and was fold n fifths, a: each, to Hanilton, Caldwell, Tesag; to Slr Sara. Junes,'.. of Lps Angeled, Cal.; Mr. P. dchuroac- ker, of AU utojvs, Lehigh Co., Pa. Nos. 10 220 and 20i3,d:ew !eich the fourth caital, $G,0 '0 sold in' fifihs at 1 tjich aiEoiib. '" others to; Penry Ehrhardt, S. W. cor. luh and! Slarkit st., St. Louis, 31fi.; J. F. Aibtri, 014 Lt?ctiist s . same city ; two fifths col lected by Me?sr$; C. B. Jvichanl & Co', N6, (l Broadway, New: York city, for a part' in San Francisco, Cal. .Many winners amo: g those wlio ci, tured $21)5,00 in pri?es-dfSired their nmes withheld. The next drawing occurs Jul' 10th, and M. A. Dauphin, New 0 Jeans, La , will furnish any informa tion oil au application, i 1 1 R.bl rt U i?reen, the oldest and most experienced I Tonsoiial lArt isf in this city would inform the public that ije -ha;?; recent- had titled tip, and opened ; a Barber iSh:.:p on! jMidd.le streetJone doorN rth of LMrs.lCiiurch- ill's aWd respectfully requests a fchare of pubac patronage. Mes"rs. Geo. Allen & do. have for sle Kendall's Horse j Books: Every. frtrm-cT atl in --fnei .ev-y owner of a horse should haveione. -Tworiier sT Kidner aul. Liver The SUMMER COLDS- ana Coughs are quite as dan gerous as those of , rrjjdwint-. ! V But they yed to the same treatment and pugr k to be taken in time. For all-diseases of THROAT i MACTDII O I J C A n Ar '. ! ! BREATHING AP- ! " j- : PARATUS. '' . j PemDissFainfler Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy1 ALL DHUGGISTS KEEP "PiAlNP KiLLER Proposals for Furnishing: : I' i mi- - i Ship j Chandlery ami Rations for Reveune Vessels. ; ColTvECtor's, Office, ;: i - . . ( - Newbern,7S. C, June 2, ,'83. S ' j Seal e d p roposals will , be recei ved at this office until 12 o'clock, dooh, of Mbnday, June 11, 1883, for sup oly iikg ? ra? ions and. ship chand lery for, use of. crws and vt-sselsi of the U. 8. . Revenue Marine Service in this C)llectiouiI)htriet for. the fiscal tjear!?nding June "30, 1884. if' i Schedule of articles of Shir,ChHnd lery to be hidfoi?uUl be furnished on applicationito thig office. I , Collector. . I : f - . . ; . i -i ' ' - i-. ' . . i Z, : A BAD . GOLD . ; - ! i ' j I $150,000 Open to AH. . For the next three or four greeks wars, politics, speculations mil road, grain, oil, real estate specula ions all give way ia magnitude to thact that some one will send ten dollars SUjAr Dauphin, Kew Orleans, aJi dd raw in the Juse 12th (Tuesdaj) Grand Serni Annual Drawing of The Louisiana !j?tate Lottery' the ."golden piize of loO.COO, cnouph to make anv ma neezc three times and oj en his jeyesl M ?.:a!atia. Chills and Fever; ian"? 1 v t: : BilHous attacks positivi ly cured jwith Emory's Standard Cure Pills sin in- ' ' -.! '' y ; i fullible remedy; never fails to cum the most . obstinate, lonr standiujr ca?esj" sugar coaled causing cripiitt or purging-, th-y are iiiia and efficient, ccrtin in their action and harmless in all case!?; they effectuallv cleanse ! the system, and give new life and tdne Us tlie body. As 'a househo'd rejneilyl; thev are uncqualed. For Liver Com-! plaint thejr equal is not known one box will hare a wonderful effect on the woise case! They are used ..'and jpres- cribed byj Physicians, and sold by. Diuggists everywhere, 25 and 50 j c- nt boxes. Emery's Little Cathartic JPills, est. ever made, oni3r 15 cents. Stand- anl Cure Co 114 Nassau Street, K. Y( Farmf rs and others' "desirinp a j !ien feel, lucrative agency liusines.-s, bV wh'ch $B to $20 a day can be erned, ' end d -Cress at once, en postal, to H. 'J. V.ilki-sox-'& Co.. 105 and VJ7 Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN'QNLY, YOUNG CR CLD, "rTTno aro suffering from Nutivocs DripitJTTv V Lsr Vitality. Lack of Nebvk Fobjj a::o VigoA, Washso AVe.vkxe-sses. and all those diaoayei cf a TEasoxAti .2 atvrb rcsrrltia?r from 'Asv?i ahif; Other Cavses- SpwJy relief an 1 coiApk-td rc-..t ration of Health. Viooh and Manhood Guara jcrsr.oi i The rrandest discovery of tha Ninetnt.H C'ntnrri : Send 'at once for Illustrated i'amplilet free. A-.lur-j3 VOLTAIC BELT CO. MARSHALL, K1CH. THE BEST DRINK OF THE ASE. T&e Great Health Brink ! - Gaoling. ExGalmgj-Refrepingi ' . . . ' : '" ;- '.-! : " :: l j . ! " " r r . 1 ACKNOWLEDGED BT ALL TO BE " 1' A Most Delicious Beverage. - - -1- I-'- ; - -'V-.- ' ' ;;; SOI, D ONLY AT j ; JOHN. DUNN'S, : i -i - : - f C0NFECTI0NER,j NEWBEBIT, v ; - j IT, C, THE GARFIELD MEMORIAL PICTURE Size 19x24 Indies. Iriee 2S Ct. i- . i . ' i , i . .- 1 AN ELEGANT ENGRAVING ." ' ' ' -. '-' - ' -: : i- for every home, compriintr scenes an i incidents in the life of Gaifleldt fro i Ve tow pith tq the grave. , Vje otTei 300 per -ent profit to agents, and on cnu. be isold in every hnns-o Send 25 , one-Cfht stumps; for? sample, copy, anc apenfs terms. We guarantee $5 a da' toageit!-: AJire$5,; , : :- ' " " J.rft. OGILVIE & CO.. rub . i : . . ' 31 Koe street Ne? lork L. O. Box 2767 J " : m im i pi hi hi mm n mmt nami m null -7- -r-f-i mis mM BEFORE AND -AFTER A Common Seiise-Kemeclvv SALIC YLI0A. No more Rheumatir m Gout cr Neuralgia! Immediate Relief Warrantee d. Permanent Cure Gcarrauteed. Five years established snd revi r Knovn to laii m a Fincie ca .ce, acute or cjiron'C Ilefer to all prohiinent fhy- !!cians and drucists for X Sii!icy!if a. CS- TT The only lisolver ! of . tl ie pf)!.cncus tunc acid which xjts in 1 rheumatic j and outy patk I SAL1CYLICA is- know he Licod 01 tits. ;i . h r.? a - corTi irn'.u en?e ren dy, IVc'siu it strikes direct, v at 1 1 he chijsc of i iCicut and Keuni.hia, w hi l.eun atif-m, e.so ninny jsb called sjta'-ifjes and gnpboped paca j ct as omy treat local iv the 'effects. j It has been conceded scientists that outward :i such as ruhin iwith oils jlmiunents, land po!th.injr.' Inbt erad cate thee dieapt ty eminent pplicatioES, )ntmenis. otiens w-ijl s which are the-result rf the Poisoning '.of the jh'Jooa with UricAcid. f SALICYLICA wors w i ith marve- so renioves exolhsiV- ly sicia!.f- of hest 3Iedi rts 05 cent lus t iT ct on ihh.acid mid the difordrr. It is pov us'd by all celebrated pi A merica and Europe, li t cal Academy of IV.iris rep cums in three days. that iLICYLICA is aiertjain cure for !HiiEr,MATIs-M, Gni'T s'iui The mosf.inter.se ains arc nWt ir.etant iy. S KUKAIjOI A. subdued al- Give it .-r irirtl Kelicf cunranteed rir .money refuined. "j Thousands of t'Stinion application.) i's- sent on mm W NWt . V m.'mtm kent tree T'V inaii on rtc lyl of n:o apk Yorit pi:r(i(;iT rou it. ;rjut V!f) not be de'nrml into tnkir.c i rf.cortcudt d -as jusfr.? eon ; !" lu fstst on rnc j enmre v, jth tlie nanie of w.A?mu:iNE. & co on eurb ljfOX, which is 2!inrrtnter,d cherr je;H7 nnre und r bur sirnaUire, an ir.ditff r. ;siblf n qu site tc insure -. success in tHe :tre tment. I Take no other! or send to PrcpV. f - Bend Si(S I WASHBURN E &. CO 2S7 Eroadwny, cor KEW-lCEK. j For sale bv Hancock Bros.,yevljf)rn, C. PTTPTTf! TTTTQ f I lirse fiJis were c- mp cnot a uy n d Irsr g pral Tl (V ait' of ihVhiuU on! of thlf physician of extensive aq lice and high iej ut- tion. recornended ly pentlemen' est standing, both in htA fiiedicnl prpfepsn. Tf j-y an rsed by in our courj the most cultivated peop'ft- i Tbey Contain no M&rcnry and profess tot Jo more than onerncfli- eine outrht to accomplish." They ha xk stood -the test of -more thn sixty vearsj jivrflivt norepu-tion HECK WITII' t-LLS WILL ;PREVX:sJT and they will cure Dyspepsia rPhey are an un rivaled DINN'FjR PILL, af n ild ap ri eht, and admirably aoVptrd to a family medicine. Thcv r preparied now soIch Iv by E. R BECK WITH fiom the orisrina' receipt ff liin T'ahidfuih-er.-Dr John Hecwiih. ind sold fjy drupff-sta of stHndinr tiirouhout Up count rr.l Se. d fr pricft list to E R. BCK-j ; WITH, Petersburg .v a. -; Prie6. 25 cents per box. i The e Pil's arr- for sale, by HANCOCK BEOS i: '.'"-. ..' IXlUCJfi-tP, ' Next to Ppstolfice, Kf w Berne, N. C. ;! 3rFRCITANT TAILOR. Is still at his stand on '-Middle PtrtetJ ' aud : repared t make ajp ih LATEST AND MOST EASH- : IONABLE CLOTHING. And migrant pps ftntisfact iun. j picce Good ,eery : quaiily, a.d ra- tierns aiwnvs on itanu. i j J Give una a trial ; yen Mill tc tita,ttd iifehl h 1