1 .4 mm ... . - I 17 - ' " - ? -tT-.re'1S-f A 11 - J IZ. U1J 111 I T. 1 '1 l V It WRB t 4hi-f) mi uin', iaifi . AOftflf l - ''- v ' u - . T-Tl '"f HUSH' the parson. 'iodJ was ,likeii oft tyuM I wiiad jiisnleft thferi?4sQra"e(hiiig whidi ,thp exciseman, f he landlady JJlhy could ;not fathoia-45iJniething onac-j ,IaruUord;2id sbtsiomt?" Mo&l tmmtm Mi Who coaldV tfcbi -This be . landlord'?! but no one could give Tilting like a.ra-i schoolrnaster and the ent (degrees, of loudness-4 ainoar .least looa. tne scnooimaster's joqa iuonai answer, iweanwmie 1 suppose. eemiemen.'' ! saioi "kore un pace, ana inoagn ne est of all. marking .opon I panshT churchhardwlsou saying that . they vereTreclr 'replied the J hint to depart. L,Ten the pirson heard it auacqaaia 19 f ummdmmAlmm II other, as he raised the pipe to hi mouih, I nosity excited. Abont this time also? the rvtMlie1oakv.Whichb oalvcovered h voo neve see a pair of ted slippers r?Usfey. whichj" toleriblv ine evenme bell of the own rperrPf1iut hfrf terrbf Msj This question skagRered the reportderi be 'cteir begaoib: be'orcj led; HDistan, st(T 'TtMjrlrl ph1ii?.f Jhii! said-jiisthirig1, bit r lot:taiWpsncHi lot )teinfr: biar and tiicll h ad Jie5 a rrooV;b as&sttnfceiir" Bufyou are all reotserj ottrjr rblpsNolT 1ruif;1baitere( .'.at !inerVatl uniomonJp v?,el 'a iaking a full, draught from a gainst jtbe&ie '1111,100.011 ibaraingnalrd wfiictfliGllnfe teUliand tbng; seero to (hd leoiirs anxlraordinarv lengih,and hVhiS And ou;are fall black," said ihe other, as ning ' But ihe;8lof'iit.tni to ih'l h c4rrieda!;WhiD. with a thnorif? three he witMrew the'ijine from hia mouth; anc race ithout. wa tihndficeAouenUh tds.lbngo arid 'jhand j h ki urn -o 1 1 a n p 1 ms p i u i vo i rn y 1 nr 1 i njie ci mi v u 15 mounieq i a ni v ujn th- "st(eiJar4;Mf hVgsairl take mv .horse to thejfitabie slrnimVbi9 jdowh thSrouehtv!d when JieisiatjeiJ l;.nHlordv wh h?d come oat a rnmote before. n heaitneof 7s atriraK f Thetie; wereiseA vl n.rnn iiresent. enframed fri n H,f same occupunn, ; f'At apite ide jf. the fiie gat the' vUlage ichnlmaster--a thin Dale, :beakltosed little oiarirtrith $ powder ed periwig, teftin1aiingt)el)tnd 1 in; a i queue,' ahtj tV fxpressiQ 1 of slf-Ginc stritiifftvideoieieldiioion tils countenance from f which itie 1 i3revrr vforiQ voiaoiea of smoke wita ;an Oppite to him alr -fff reat ; satisfaction; sat the parson of the par-: isha fat,:&ald headed personage, dressed ,in,a rustv suitj of DiacK, anq UavingVhis shoes adorned with im'mense silver bopkles. Between these two characters Sat theezcise ,rnan, with a pipe in one hand, and a. tank ard in the oilier, ...?To complete the kroup k II A- nutningjs.Traniea pui io meiuonyin? tana lady, a pluinpWsy dame of thirty-five, who was seated by the schonlmaster'sjside-ap- paretitly listening to some sage which thf out for. her little gentleman was red ificauon. But I to remarks throwing . - r return to . tHe iirnger; - io ' sooner had .he entered f he 1cif chert,' folio a ed by the landlord, than the eyes of the company were directed upo him.'-' HiS hat.was so broad in the brirh hiTTspurs wereiSljngiiistatolfe grea and his tace. socially htd bv the collar o bhltm'iiQsvbiackiadak'feth attrctea w aueniipn 01 every person pre ; sent, : His voice j when he desired the mas " ter of , his house help r : him i ojSwith his ! rnaiHjwaslikwise alt beard H : witbl sudden. curtoUy. Nor did this abate' when the cloak ' was removed, and his hatald7aside l; A tall, athletic red haired tnaiif,vbf the rbiddle age4 was! then Aade manifest, lie -had oa -jei ted..frQcki cbat a i tejif !vst ahdDi recj peckck fiay, bis gloves were red I , What was -more f i- y traordinary, - when the r overalls wliicb ;ciw vered his thighs were Unbuttoned, iWas discovered that his small ; clothes werered likewise. " .411 red "ejaculated thereat -son almost io voluntarily .'"AsUyihe gentleman j all red l" added ih school master, with this characteristic, lippancy He jas checked by sa look froin the land lady. . His remark hoWeveir, caught the ; stranger Year, and ;;be turned ; round upon him with ienerarltgrsnce.l lh school master tried , to.smoke At bravely. 1 It would not do ; he felt tie-pwf bf tha look,and was. reduced to almost immediate erotnedi copious pbflf of tobCo; smbketroP Yell, heavily though glearns of light ffictrwiitbl rfhrndiheschaolmaster uttered piobs; black: vourvest'is black, vour small clothes, and whistle among'the irees ttfthe oeiela ejaculation" fbrnheJwhoofrofhfstsouU ,Dr,! black, your Vest Is black, your small clothes, 'and whistle among'the irees oivlhe beigb your siocKing'Sjiyour snoes, arcaii oiacK. j wjnug wcuicirv, yci m uicsc trcriuiii it In a word," Dr. 1 Pound text, yob- are; .,? f of elementary tumult were as nothvig to '0ie What am'l. sir " said.thoarson burst-1 deep, solemn botiieps of the Red Man. n& wh rage p;Ay, what is he sit fr re- inere seemed ODtoowa o nis warning joined the sthobttiisster. . " He is alblatk Vn hour had he pced coat,V said ihe ttraneef, jwith a cdrttemrAu1 chambeKwIthdut thelst ftnterval of re- ous sneer, and you aref. a pedagogue' fposej ana ne was still engaged in.nis occu- lhi sentence was followed by a profound J pattort, as at &rs J tnJs "eTf "&s some calm. If' , -.'--fiC1 Hhihg incredibly my sterjous l and the party FTheistrah?er' goes to thekrabletaml the beJbwAvrtbt withstanding their!, numbers eh a ?oi nis aoaence ana return is very ciih- vauc miuuursuiuar.uirju ufgunuug isficl"; -41 r-;y v-n: : 1 cfeep! iSVetnem ,The morefyey reidrcted t ne appearance 01 the tied tw an -a ram, i ujjuiniicciidrucier pi me .urawer, me more acted like SDelf oh the voices of the cbm- J uoriatbraf did it ippeaK v The redness of ty airy ining. .7;. t ne meei ; ,,."t,s ucuuihujiik yiauce on ni kbTage bf quakers. i ., eyeib"e?stratige 'tone f ii1s.,'v.rceV-i' bis Can this mart be ?" " Wha miraculous jbirtlrbn' the norMs of the Red nnnv j, i I ha nofsnn na eiln anrl.'hii tniS nH r nnfT rnmnlpfinn And Ollll mnru ; i vui ouii iras oiiuill) guu "J . I 1 .... "7 f- mhuj iuwa , natural Consequence his echot the school-1 ?beeryt.nue;0r Jhis garment, struck them waster iwasiftilertt also. :t none of the: others lfthstonishnlem. But this waT liiile'lo ' 'rrr'.'.'. .IV. flt..Inn, UJ U-a.LsL:-i5iw ' Ujr 't" ' ing wasian asse f What does be zant here ? " Where is he from J lSea iThere'wasjhbw no longer aby sbio kj l.L:ii . lJ. u . j m . .i . I iXtL'lAMu:Ju'J''i-n'i:t-.jl.': .V'i.-' ri.t?'i-" uuu vuiiiicr isr e ununo r , v oucn wereine I tk,fl .".. r ne, suojecis wnicu I nq air tea which occupied everv mind. lHad occopied their minds Were bf tod enrdssin ine oDjtct ai tueir curiosity rjeetr a orown a4naiure io ae rreaiea with levity i and thev uituf yidbK, man, oi even a green man, j uic mcir tuuua ciuser, wiin a sort 01 irre- here would have been nothing extrabrdi- sistibre- and i instinctive attractidn. 8 Wlufe bary and he. might have ehered, the inn J jhese'things nre gorog On the bapdy lei and departed frOm it as unouesttoned aslged ostler erjrered, In manifest atarrti. He before he came, i But to be a Red .Man Mea'rie to 'irtfotoi ?.his"' '-'master that the stran iiiere was in iuis something so startling I tier s norse naa eoneraao, ana was Kick hip ihat the lookers-on were beside themselvt si anil tearing at' every thing around, as if he ivith amazement. The first to break this I would break his manger in pieces. ( Here u Strange silence 'Was the parson. !t;Sir,wtoud "neighing "and rushine were 'heard ifl said he, f we have been thinking that you I the'stable. 4t Ay, there Ke goes," contintn-d are "That I am a conjuror, a French I he. j1! I believe the'devil Is in thee:astllllr py, a travelling packnari, or something ot he is not the old eheniV himself. OdsV-ir; y thjR sotiobaervej thfestrangeri -- Doctor I Vou saw. his eyes : they are like-"1 Wht they like V: exclaimed the at the poirtt. and 'standing : likWti ruine4 t'oWer1 aaliCl ar entelopement bf sickly yel-. low flamepwhile urbund :rhe fib's equallv detayingiustr sat thefrightebed roterie narrowing their circlets its brilliancy fader way, 'and eyeing each ?pihe like r a ppari 'ions amidst the, increasing gloom, j At this ftmefibe clock , of jthe steeple J struck thf , hourjpofmidnight, dtherpa--ptTtN traogerrf suddenly ceattd.A There , was ; as pause l(r some minutes after waTds a, rusH iiosf then a. noises of something-rdrawn lbrtg' the .floor; of his room J IrtXl moment hereafter hisidopr- shut with violence, and; heavy, footsteps were heard trampling; downj violin ; p. nr, luiuaia.ui j imc niivucu. shook? vtih alarirt as the tread came nearer J They expected every, moment to behold thr 1 Red Man! entet. land 'stgnd- before 4hem io! his rtative character. . The landlady fainted 1 Qtright, the exciseman followed her exam j ijacuiauon tor the oehoorot his souu ur Pourfdtest'Was .the only one who preserved any degree of composure. ;-r(, t t) He mana'gedi in ; a t rembl iog Volee, J to call out Avaant nata n lt T I exercise : thee rom hence. lot the bottom ol jhe edfieeV' ' Im goiag.siastsJcanjj said thr stranger as he passed ; the s kitchen idoor on hjs way to the open air. rHiSsVOtceaipused i ue wnpie, conclave irom laeir siuporr . ., siaste dnjp . and bya;:simul taneous ,'eflor rest wnh Poundtext started back on his chairi and! re well he might ; for these words, whicH t 4ual 'kP 3ian in Red bad spoken, were the verv I our rung coals !" eiaculated the hostlei. ones he himself war about to uttet. WhohreBibling from head b'fbot, and squeez Iril? arc vou. sn r rpsampn n. in inamipsr nr. i iiuuseii in aiuuii? liitf uiiiers. on a . cnair turbatibti" what j is jfobf narne?,, My which -t6bd:J .bard byv;:l; His uifbrrnatto'n name replied the other, "is Reid.,,1 "And threjv fresh alarm over the company, and where, in heaven's name, were you born they were iri Ore agitated and confused than o f t rig5 ni e y butf; bbbtjack, sHenee, " No) said thej horseirtanlj nThebobt'jackt wa brought ana ihel'. hoots pulled off :;To the astmiishment of the compauy, a pair of red sfockin'es-w.ereMbidffhlnt landlord shrugged 'Kt'i'.Vhbp man did the same, the landlady shook ht bead: the nillaU fchiimei. " All ed P j: repeated i itYbrt h : from his rebuktf. FHiiha this is odd " observed the' host;:' Rather1 iddsaib -the stranger- seating himself between tht parson and Ine excisemapi:v.TheClaadlord .was corifrti aded. a od did hot kriow;wbatr think of the matter. ' After sittingribr a1 few moments, the e.aromeg;reyfSteai be host to hand him pigiit 5 cawhicblte ''vbud. ttaibi'bis- 'hai.t'iic' ,dtdb;: it wasla red worsted one.8 and 'fte put ift ;u6ortthl fcead, Her i the exciseman broke sUence, Jy aculatiag Reu rti?4iann lady g ive him an admonitory Jtnock on the elbowtlt aaiftod Ute.ThesinrangerheM tysrein r eye seemed sof temarkabletffcAll led '4 demaoded the astonished parson. " I wa J pver. Durlhg thewh6Te 6f;this ume, tjli oorn on the (borders of the Ked sea.". Ur Poundtext had not another word to ;say The sohoolmaster was equally asiodhded. and. withdrew the pipe from his mouth; that t tne exciseman dropped to the ground : the landlord grOaiied aloud and bis spbus- held up her. bands in oiinglcd astonishment soubdbf Walking over head never ceasetf tor one ntomeitt. The heavy tread was unabatetj : there was not. the least' interval of rebosf; nor Could a pendulum have been more lb hs motions. .: : ,v' -t;' t Had there ?f b any relaxation, any pause anv increase or anv oiminutron or rantditv and awti. After gtvingthem this last piece in the litepsl been eh of information, the siiianW mart arose front '4ara6leY but. there; Was;. no sbeb thing. ? The t ' - - i: - 1 j .t - l- i:. in-A4.A.nW.- MAnv.-n... ...:r..-::. nis seai, prone pis pipe, in pieces, ana pitcn- ?ailf rr"..S"'p ' " lu" 1 l?,v;,V ed lhe fragments mib the fire i then, throw I sbuWd cbntibuf d likecfbck wrk io ofat? incessVntlV aobve'-tbeiir r" heads'llVbr' was dersi patting his5 hat tipon his heaoV and ihere:ari)f abatentent ol the storm withoiit badmgiiimself with jhis boots," His whiK, the wUd o afe and his portmanteau,- he; dpsired the land- ceiijetpin fa'Jspulal iftpan! iKe- rain fnrrtrn fiis trfrrrTii "Mr- Kpit'ranrr.Ipfi betm'p4 a1 laihst the banes of lass with the. kitcnieiiitlter smilinS7ilarcasttcall5 Io its I imetubdi loudness of ValT: ' and lightning ftimates, and giving theni a familiar and 4nd thun1ar flashing and pealing ..at bnel unceremonious nod. t' ? 1 ' v -f witervals through the .murkey firmament i H disapbearance; tresH aiarro ill lhe rainds of those leftbet btu!W' . was heptlrieby Jb hind; ii .Not a word was said till the return uicebff Wble st&d,;tkefhaM bf the innkeeper, iwno in a short time des- 4a?Mbuthewh cended tromtl which bad entering; the 39 Oed room over- head, toljusr inaieaj was as iioiwugp w, u.ccp.w- conducted TiiS guesDl' Ut re I Kmn m?lerJ?us 4ra?,n EL'n0 Bf&l fcitcerthWasehcbuhteredW tnetnselVes ijnto'tlie i volley or iirtterfdatitiiis?iThe parson, jeiiei tnate Jy?lWM meschoolcjaslerhJxctsem his 4l1:ii w,l.j W'iiW lr& 6wn wfelii6near him,overdsain, ye Whcr wastnarf .iri tte f-I-he ' miist parsob; after a pause," on& look fo is have seeb hiinelSuhihave heard dreVsr Kat ;Cbrjsttan of him ift a wofd hrtnosi knbw somethintj tVayelUbg about the country tn. ted jtItis j.eVer beheld the stranger Hill that hour r itHprung.g ehott?otsTecf&that hel i iype of Jthe jhell-fice:frpm .which be ys 3J tfi 'Iti. iii 1 uri'," TtiVt vnVi nhpirvV hist Lair hanV- mofattrethe'arso BaV. is all rt WWT.Jv1-aWI iiuuuv pave mm a iresn aomouiiioii. niu.cn ininKn At ationr . a ar tn Trie mr n nnarirr.ut an manihw wMtrninPS were P i ion that thev would ; cease ioo iate. " NommiorSmkU the attan- WPM Theibostididvaj rre was desifl 0d ivoducedff pwr-pf ted itiprbccltp MWt oov frcjo ih compato "Itlbeghn .i . - .u. u . j ;j u:-iw . i rfnam nis nacK-iiKe a duiicii oi,cirrui&r i wm God, i thouid be th hti?wf?,WA fe5,fo ?fjr'2to5' uuu u. v H.IJ , i.r. t L,a.i ie eoodleBa hi neifehbprs.''J.'BelS hawnierfistTTTW' was trresisublei. I erjoano ,hpp IH?TS CT? fit ? t! l:iU:LuilUiArJtnnUfnff neevishlv at the lower fimbs .of her wer! 'iL.w.B ajKc -. .' A'i . . . slow and measuf,e L-. t:Lk.iii'v r.t.U::i; 'inU 1 ng cominueu BuauaiBUf ifu0 v v i. "J" .in.. rnnimanMrnanl lours, nau Hi! line samtf uri v iiiai uau HuwrMiuu, i r m n U4 la B m I ki. j a l iiii: iiki.iui.uii i r - M -a . i -.: ih.iliirMMt cali(in tn in saw nunc oi iut iu iii wmim jtoi. ii ri-T-.j;- . jt". i" e j . . i l. ...,iTunir i irar i : iuci uuiicu iirriwu hour longer, in exwets- ir:VVKXW'?i vfiiiPJ ktl.'it Ik&SKlf? itfMhfi torhaliiwTd ihtt scalded i . . . I J i. . -ah. - . ' 11. aaaM a . M n WW U n- HP Sal ! -llllFSliai.lt svaiww -T" - I Sfetna fceirbv- Bnnid W imuuiblertp,descrw f : lee which itatedvihermitit m embit Meihislyf treat dii irr7K:rif2ato Rnf f TO rrvlTiT B1?wce taftbe le fwas tioxacthingTitwwuriB t r ' T.'; rushed to the w'mdowj!- Torre. they beheld the tali ftv.ure ol a man enveloped in a blacH, clpjak, walk ingactpsibeyaxd, pf hs way to his stable..',. He hadpn a broab brimmed low crowned, hat, op jbbbts, .witbl eorbious sours, and carried a. giganticr,whiptb.on inanu, anu a potimanieau m.tneiPaiqer.rt..ne 'entered, the stable, Remained ? there about :hree minutes, and came put leading, forth, his fiery std thorpughly accbutefed, -Ihij the twinkling of an eye ue got upon his back waved his hand to the Company, "t wWo flfere iir vexing h i m ; t lKobgh. the whijcfqi w Ja njdf clapping spurs tor pis cnarger, gaiiopea oil furiously, i With t r --hideous and unnatural, I ugh , tb r qu g 9 t vrb ds'. of t be sjorm , 0n Horns, bp st airs to jhe'rbom Vbjch the' devil; hat! bonored .with his . presence t he . land . lb rd fou b d lb a i h is i nf e t: na j in ajes ty . bad hfjped himself to every thine he could lay-J is hands , upon :hayng brokenj into his desk and carjied :?u Jwenty fiyeVgulnas pf fCms money , a.ten pound SjSnkl of. tins rand note, and sundry articles, sucn as seals, nuflboXes, &c. s Since,-hats time , he lias not been seen in these quarters,- and. if, he ih'oiil!(J, Jie. will do well Vo . beware of DrI founutext, who Is" a civil magistrate asweul is a minister, and who instead of exercising him to the bpttom of the Red Sea, , may ! perhaps exercise him to the iuferibr of Lei' I ceVter gaoL to await his trial before the! judges of the midland circuit. tWTERKSTlNG HARRATlVe. Thie "following naVraTiy'e possesses mtich nterest. It has been handed to us for pub cauon; by a gentleman of this ! city, in whose infegrity, We ha v entire confidence. He" states that ne saw arid : cbrt versed with Ash, and made many inbuirteS concerning hiroV?w,hich leave nor dbiibl of the truth of bis history. It adds another tb the list bf tlibse strange; fond adveriturpbs lijves that hse been bf nb5 Onfrequent occurrence hi ine eariy seiueiuem ui me, ir esiem oiaies In travelling through the Western States, have, heard arTd seep a ijmjnjs . which deemed -worth, record rig. ;..Tn!.anothei jourrial of -this city,. I . have pub'lishedsbme bthern ; the lSloaiQtvi 6uifiinqrbjejr I wjftihank ybu, toi insert in. the Chronicle! . iijne.inaiviquai, WVS" fv i. given oe- owntetj InthefState earned, bvlmeire accident, that his life had been somewhat '.coliar-rTei'iinrsi'e.' use some address in orde to overcome bis ielbctanceC(t was'w. itb jDW.ntfeifpgQa that he enteredi upon the relation. pTead'erf haite arid finafli left "9 me nnsatisfied K tv some. part. .Aientiemen present, assured me toat 1 naa een parucuiarjy iuriuutic-r 1111 thev had never knbwn him s6cbmmp'nica tive, on , these subjects Cote,4but that might iii theiropinton ance on his statements, ai his character for ieraeity was fair, f wiil.endeayo to gty his narrative as neartyrin,nis; own, words as fny memory, ass'isted.by a few hasty notes, will enable me; ... ; i . STORY-, OF GEOBGB , ASH M vt father,-John Ashil was one earliest femigrant ta Kentockyi 4rid hearty a!rdsS wnfi Relsrtn -h county Inlfea? froTaranrv-othW arfaiteisetUeito.eiiU vln he month bfireb. 7B0vivh as hbbw ten! 5 earr oE age wc were aitacked py he Shawnee InM'aos art of icthfriamil Were kiltedhe-mt-lakenfsoner We rnr.cpaiBiiu iivu. ...... - h of the senfeu man) Oavfbn.Here re continued antil General H rtf came That and attacked us;: and borne oprtown. .(beii' rerarri'e)! fa StAfarv's ahd Con f 1 n'ued there alwurt wo y ears, r A f te r ; ibis we removed -torFortVVaynw, ion the Maumee. Here v'e wre attacked by; GSi. flarmar. We then removed to atheAug!ae river nd eontiriued fthere some ; years. While here j GemStlair came oat against bs ihtrrandied andfifty warriors went dot to;met him ; and on tbeii wayfc'wefe joined by fiftyfipck'a'pooa fThje tw armies , rnet abttut t wo hours before sunset. Whefa the Indians wee vrfthln aboutAalf a riiile6f Sty Clairi the 'spies carbe runnihs back to tnlbrnttis add we stopped . v Weowludea to encantp i it was too' late, a they ad, J to begrn the r4ay.ewcld'dafeic..iha sport till the'titxt morning. ' fieneral Slue JfCket was jour commander. -A" 4ftf 1 darfe be'called alrthe chiefs fafoond him tb list cti ifvbdi e had to ay Oar fathers said ieV aseS to ddas we now doour tribar rtsed; rb fifght mother tribes,? they could trust toHHeir bwn strepgth 'and their number but id this conflict we have no such reli ance-our 'power and bur numbers bear no . cfimparisoh to those of our enemy, and w can dd nothing Unless1 assisted bv oorGrvftk ' Father above. -1 pray now,', continued Blue Jacket, raising H his eyes tb heaven that Hef willbe withV bs to night, and washo snowing) thit . to-morrow m will caase ihe sen 10 shine but clear tipbn uSa and we will take it asra token of good ; and we shall conquer.' v'. '- , : 'Bluejacket appears to have been p priest aswell 4s "a - -warribrMUp'on . this point mtrfdecj to make some inquiries, but had not an purwnity;f :J : ; . ; ' A bout an hour before day, orders were Kicn iui hci t iian iu uc iraujr-iu uiarcn On1 exammation, it was found, that three rpsor;camps, consisting of fifty'PottawaW lamies, had deserted us. We marched till We-got within sighi of the fires of Si. Clair Then' Gen. Blue Jacket began to talk andT n sing'a hvrtin, 'as Indians ; sing; hymns Mere' the narrator mentioned Some cere njony that I did hot well undersiandj r The fight commenced and continued for art hour br more, rwfien the Indians retreared As fhey were leavingf the ground, a Chief, by the' name of Black Fish j tan in among f Hem, and in a voice of thunder, asked them t what they ere doing, rthere they were go mg, and i who had given them orders' to re treat? This caused a halt, and he pro Ceeded in a strain of the most impassioned eloquence to exhort them to courage and tor d4eds of darfttg J and concluded with s-iyin'g -what the determwtiiow of iih.w miehVtwr be knew not, but for himself, his determU - nation was tb Conqueij pr die. f bu' whar are like minded, followhie. and thev raisprl " j- . . . the war whoop, which is- " We conquer or : cfie." The at tack, was most impetuous and the carnage for-a few moments shocking. 1 Many of the Indians threw away iheir euns- leaping In among the Ameiicans, and did" (fhe butchery with- fbiabawkS.In a leaf- moments the Americans gave Way ; the Iv ians took possession rof thecamp and ar t Ulery , sk iked the guns, and pa rties of I n r dians followed ' the retreating army many i ' miles. - Eleven hundred Americans : were left dead on the field. The number of In : aians killed, together with those who after Ward died nf their wounds, amounted tor Only thirty five. In this battle, a ball passed through the back of Ash's neck, and left a scar which he ahowed me. ; He fell, aridi says his recollection retorrfed while' an In-' dian was carry ing him away on his back, j Many yeais after, he ascertained that he , pad a brotherin:St. Clailfs armyi ; whoiwa? killed in this battle. $ .Wbo cab say that he did not'diredtlthwabaUtbarij did -the -ratali work, for all who bave Seen- Ash,- will allow? that he was a roan not to be idle.tn wbattle.; . ? j i.M Alter this battle, I .started with :eight oihers, on an embassy to the Creenation 0dr object was to renew the friendly: rela-. ' (ions between that nation and'pufi own (nbe and t woof our number werffrepulatly accredited jambassadots for stbaf pittposei? iVe"ma4e iVisii oJiafyifirji aml iwere soc cessful hi tbe iobjecls of our mission; t ? The: nations north of the Ohio iwere iesiroo of ; strengthening thehlsefves against the white, by foreign Mliabjcesvfi . si 'iS 1 3'fi-'-'49 I awhile tve 4ere absent nor tribe had a battle with' the whites near Fort Hamilton.. The AmerScan :army Was , commanded -t I? fbinkf By XnBradletiAftey onreturo? Way ne came oat against ns wi tfr 800 men J Wei seat tUHtier&f o ; all; nations : (o collect together warriors, fend soon in army of l50Qr! ben Were ob the fields- We marchtd tor eetiWavne, who then lay at Fotf Becove VVi tookioneb arch a Chickasaw. He was taken to the' Indian armytbatibeigbfli fibebunt of; Waynes ;tndVement jWt 5 thd Indians friere 3 soltebragedat tbinw fbsn hie midst 0 his narrauve ana tnueo nim vjux Urravi was-tben tn- f rest want of provi.ioosi: " ttbedChippv way Irid artsoCuf bint J btsx fa adate4him.fc a Nearer " fniev arpartsioii the Amercan Araiy and; , too g hi them Witflout . moch soccesi; and re iornednome:-ayneOTaCii tbtf oaVnrttadf)obtyt:a1r'f could btinrflder1pd;iib rhoeveiandboght trici ia two bsttlesi ; ithirr three dayrof each totherTbVlnJ-" nrwerVid ef cooqufrediand the wait ndedrGemloet5 Jacket Jthal'wlntefff; oiwed the fl gl of jtruceiad) inarchedintv s1' r I A . A if, i VI:" m- ' z p$ AM i:; 1iAk " a'-? t I ft i 1 V f;l- 'ir ' : "''-: '. ;V-'!: ' r-'A- a . j : --.-. lyr. " A . ' , . . i '. ; :: .i'c V :' 1 :. ' - ' . ' -';-tr"i- ''Y'f 1 k,-'m:i; --" ,,,,, I fejf 4h ' 'AA

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