eiv s-.(p , "vr--- ' g'.i-W i . -i r it mi mr. r i rr y. m ...!'! . c rr If I SEE 5 "v. 3Sfufery Seedsmen. Philadelphia, " jfVFf fl for sale an extensive and well selected Hssortmect of FRV1T TREES comprising .4he most celebrated and desirable tarietie of' a making the wlechori-pf the kinds cultivated Tv tnem tor saie, reierence nag toeen nau iu u especial manner, to inequality and tune ot ripen- ' ing, so as lo obtain a iregMiar succeson Qi jgopa - fruit excj ud ing Vll such as werej not really wpr. thy of cultivation having carefully pursued this course, they offer the selection' td the public with the fullest-confidence. " ' I r ' The ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT is e- uall v Jworthy of attention. Tie collection -of beautiful plants, both hardy .and those winch re quire th. protection of the parlor, is not excelled i in the Union, and the prices at which they'are of fered, far below those demanded at other stab lishmen4s. vf vj Y' ?' '- '. ' VC ID Priced Catalogues may be ad gratis of the supscricer, by whom oraers are; reciyeu. : " Sept. 20 tl a -THE JOUIlNAL Or Coniucfei fiy an Assoiatio i oj ' Physicians. 7 4 Health the poor man's riches, tue ich man's bliss." . . ". . ,' ' .. THE primary jobject ith thej conductors of time Journal of Health, is' toj point but the means of preserving! health arid preyjittiiigdiseae. To attain this all clashes and botli sexes shall be addressed, in a iStyle iaroil.fauranb ' friendly,' and tritji an avoidance of such professional terms and allusions as would in any way oospore the subject eralnrm ihe most fastidious. 'The fruits of much reading, study, aod,careful observation, "shall be plat ed before tbeni, so arranged and applied as to condnce most eflScaciousIy to t H'efr bodily com fort and men'al tranqiiility7."' To vj hatever proFe'sI sioii r tailing they may belong, the readers of this Journal will find'preceptl suscegtfcle of jralujable applicauon. Air, food, exercise the reciprocal operation of mind and body,' climate and locaji- ties,' clothing and the physical edbcatiotf of chil dren, are topics f permanvo' anni pervading in teret,, with the'discusslori and! elucidation of which the pages pf the work will be mainly filled itECOMMftNDATlONS OP TiSe WOBK VeTwnpfove of jthe plan on which the' poblica tian.entitled the .Jourual"of Health." is conduc ted, and believe, that it is alculatjc"d to be useful, by enlightening public opinion an a subject oi' high importance to- the welfare or society; , J I he numbers' which have appeared, evince talent, and may be viewed as a pledge of the continued use fulness of the publication, while conducted bv( its present editors rWeheretoFe, feiel no hesitation ' an reoommendnig it to pui.itc pationage , Philadelphia, Oct. 13. 1829. IS. Chapman, M. It. V:n.'P. Deees, M. D. Tho ;.-James, M.rD. VVm, E Horner, M. D. Professors in Unive of Pennsylvania. John C. Otto, M. D. Thos. T1. Hewson,' M. p. Franklin Bache, M. P. Rev. Jaroe Montgorarry, Stephen's clmrcb. P. P. Hector of St V Wm. H. Pe Lancey. D. D. Provost of the University of Pennsylvania H B. Bi Smith, Editor of th PhHadelphia "Recorder, and Rector of Grace chinch I G. T. Bedell, Rector of St. 4nitrew's church Jainefs Abercrumbie. D.P. As1staiit Minister ,t Christ church and St- Peters 4 George Weller. Jackson Kemper, Assistant Minister ofChrist , church and Peter's , Thomas H. ShJnner.P D. PaStor of the Fifth . . Presbyterian church. " , - V William ' M Engies, Pastor o , Presbvterian church. the j Seventh John H ughe, Pastor of $t. Joseph's Caibo ; ' lie church. 1 Michael Hurley, Pastor of Catholic cburch- St. Anerustioe " Wmi H. Furness, Pastor of the First Con- grevatiotial church. '. W. 1; Brantly, Pastor of the First Baptis .church, nnd Editor of the Columbian. .Star. " Joi.niL. Dagg-Pasior of Fifth Baptist church ' blomon H logins, Pastor of, Che Meihodist; - scopalUHionchurchi h , f ' Manning Force, Pastor of St. George's " Alethodtsi Kpiscopal church. In addition to the above, the names of . a num ber of highly tstemed members of the tltff:.ret professions) 'who are subscribers to the work, xnit'itt'be'adduceid. as expressive: of I he .estimation In which 'it is held . With one yece, this public pre, from one end of the'eontinent to the other, ' ba ktn of the Journal of .Health in terms Qi q. eiiivocal commendation. ' . terMs.1 , " TftE JaoR.t. Q3f H e a tTH; will a pear in Num hers of 16 pages.ACh octavo, on t le "second and fnurAif ednt sday s of every ; moot i. Price per snuum, $1 25, in advance.' " Sabicriptidns and Communications (post paid) will be 'fc&ived by Judah Pobson, Agent, No. 108, Ches'nut-street, ' PMlrlefphia.1.-- ' 'vj.cl. -jcH " subscribers at a distance will difjsover, lhat the ditbculvy ii retntiting the amount 'Of a singte sub lCfptiH will be obviated by ny jfour of them ' sending on five dollars to the agent. -v Those to Whom tiis may n of be Convenient; jran receive 16 nu ubrs'of the worK by " remitting a dollar to the -ameperson. a The Journal of Health, inciudiog. the index, . WH fo ra 4t the end of the year a jrolume pf 400 ipAgesJoctavd;-; 4f ; , '" .'!' '.' p Aoihtsw--- J- Dobten, t08 Cbesnnt-Elreet Phi: ladeJphia iin'mfe&Ciln&w ifillidti Burgess 97 'Foibit strWj(, Nw YifrHjj Carter HerMee. Jiston ; inomas treason, xxewuem and ' in most of she. town of tbe United gtate.. WA u A t irom ine snnscrioer, ai rieasapt JLV Grove, Johnston co.iuty( some 'time' past, two negro meat VIRGIL and SOLOMON. tVir- dl is of dark c'omptexibn. spare built,' about six feet high, thify-five years of age speaks sfoW, and1 when spoken to has a down look.aiid seems much figitaled i tan.ot- surpfiSei'No ; pairticular piark- recollected. Solomon is inclihed to be of a copper colour, nuoui uve iee.i eignt or ten incnes hij;h, hbbt'fifty y ears of age, Sj.eaks 1ow, in in teliieent and: Brtabsiblei- antf" 'professes Ito- be-i christian s bisleeta Tare' rouch'dcavecf; "before. nas a wir uioui'i, ui icii riiu iunras nave jne ; appearance of haying been burned c'hJs! thninbs, iitising Jii hands .u.q-.ve!fa,tl)e;ntailt. oi . ms uaiiQsanu leeittDnesr to Df snmra witn n V tetter. He may be luyklie1 fotor abbot Newberri! i 'OTt Uiegypt PJantAti&hy0f John tVasbing'ton, f ttearTorrBkrnyeli: Cayeii contyifi fiebd tnay apprehend and tdge lhem et QmAl&? bfiejbllafsf SANPEB3, 1 JT r mm ' t. -. 3.1- a wi If. at tba plantation, bejoneingi forMr WslhM 1 wilt iro melaboWft fijaithatfl Viiti;er oftluml Sept. 27, lfe2S 4itf 4 ... 'toe. , - ... 3JGBDICAIi COWANIQSre 5'- : , J- " -1 - FAMtLJ? PHYSICIAN J 5 Dt5ASES; OF THE PNITEP STATES, 5 VVitlj their Vymptom!, causes, cure, and means oj prevention : common cases in Surgery ; -the" 3 ; management and diseases of Women and . . iouaren; a uispensatoTy,ior prepa- il rig Family "Medicines; and' a ; "" 1 : Glossary explaining Tech- , nical teims--lso, the , ... , :: Nurse'a,Guide. , .The Sevinlh.Editionj H Revised,en!arged, very considerably improved. On the important subject of oomestic medi cine, many books have been written, which, tho'igh excellent in other respects, have ' ffreatly failed of usefulness to Americans i because tbev treat of diseases which, existing in very, foreign climates and coT&nlutions, must widely differ from ours. The book nov-ofiered to the public has Ihefeforthe great advantage of having been written by a native American, of Imtg and suc cessful practice i the soBtbern states, nd who, for years past, has turned much of his attention to. the composition of it. To every family, more especially those in re- uiuic Biiuaiiuus, me possession oi tnis do k must unquestionably, be of incalculable value ? fur, toiraucieaoy shot a guiae, n win not-tie pre sumptuous to saj that any person of tolerable capacity, and reasonable attention, may be ena bled to practice with; safety and advantage, in those cases of simple diseases most incident to bur climate. - ''-: ' i RE COMIHEND X TIONS. fn testimony of ihe-merits of this work, th e fol low m a, commendations, by some of the most idistiueuished medical characters of the United i States, are iuserted. ,i, 1 , j j ; " . -iBaUintori. Nov. .18,. J8221 Dear Sir: I have boen truly gratified i ihe perusal ot the Sixth Edition of your ' Medical Cdmpanion, or Family ' VJkysician '! j The improvements made in this new impression of , your work, compared with the former editions. are, indeed exlenive, and important Independ ent of your haying enlarged considerably on dis W generally , you have introduced additibnai patter; which" greatly en liaucs its value. Tjhe ntroduction of the; Nurse's Guide, as-ials the treatise yu liave given on ihe management of. jfe malf complaints, vvill have the jmos't happy eflVcts in correcting, the gross errors daily committed by ignorant persons, and thereby save many valua ble lives. ; ; ' - :-. : : I I do not Jiesitatc to say , that St his new edition' of your Medical Companion, is decidedly the best popular treatise on medicine, jtht has ever been published and considering it, as I verily do, a safe and useful uide.for heads of families, as well as for young" practitioners of medicine. 1 take mueh pleasure in recommending it to the atten tionf of our fellow citizens, both in town and (-country. : 1 1 will only add. if your book meets with that encouragement, to which it is justly entitled, vou will very soon be called upon, by the public, for anotner eaition. I am, dear sir. with' much respect, your friend ana servant, . . COLIN MACKENZIE, M. P. Dr. James Ewtll. Philadelphia, August 13, 1816. fim; i: -.nave ;o Ker over, with somp care, the copy Of the Whird Edition of the r Mid teal pompanton "-which you dwl me the favor to present tu me. ; By the additions and revisions gtvep to this lew impression ot the work, it is no only enlar ged, but exceedingly improved. - After stating no ranch, f nejd hardly repeat an opinion, which I publicly expressed ou a former occasion, that I consider it, as indisputably, the most useful popular treatise on medicine with which I am acquainted. . " Compared with the European Books of the same nature, it has, especially in relation to the treatment of the diseases of our -own country, a very decided superiority. 1 trust that the success of . this literary enter prize may be equal to your , very generous and benevolent disposition. ' i Whh great respect. I am, dear sir, yours, &c. V f - ' N. CHAPMAN, M. P. ' n ".j . Philadelphia, December3l, 1807. . Pear'Sib.; 1 have, caieiully perused your work, The Medical, Companion and take much pieasure in expre&stne: my entire. ;innrobaliori of the plan, and ot the utility with which you liave conducted your inquiries. Your book cannot ail to be a yery acceptable present to the public in general, and especially to our own coiintry- nen I am really ot opinion, that you are en t iled to much praise for ihe pains which you have initcn in luiuisuiiig: uqi wiiu ii itui u, uc WuRI ail which has lomg been'eiperienced among us. ; ; u; jtout iriendi 6ic. mv. ;. . - tr-v - . B. S. BARTON, M. P.. V ; Professor of Materia Medico, Natural " Hiitoxy and Botany. ' Dr JamesEwelt: :- ' h- p "'' Charlesloni May 7, 1808 s -PxAftlSiR: Your Medical Companion" con, ta'ms much useful knowledge in a small compass, and js particularly adapted fo these states. Famil Hes remote firr medical aid,' wiir find their ac cotint in 'fHssessing a book which describes dis eases so platnlj, and prescribes for them so judi ciously ; as bid fair to save aluahie lives, whic b oUierwise might be losik. r i h-.-v. r. Vopr iost obedieui servant,.. . . ."''',,'' 'Vi,:,-! "AVIP RAMS AT, M. P i A'few copies for sate at the' Book Store of ,; 3i.;vd-'THOMAS WATSON','" AW A YtW Jan. last, 'Negro'Matf named well known? an :and.abottt:Nevern as ; House Painter, !, He formerly .belonged to Mr.f WarrH Kilpairick, of whom I bought hinv He. is about IOyears of age;of idaikc,pmiexion,, stout and ell made,1 feet;' "7 ot 8 inches lilgband has Mr Uaac Taylor rs plantation o r i'k.1 Pi e wbern, he is.probably; lurking , .The above? reward wiU be paid fbr. hia apprehension and JSafe . coo&nemeiit in Jail; And if in Vhe.act of taking him. he should resnind be Killea f wlll not' hoidthe pefsoD so killingi responsible for his Talae? 1 X t ?" 1 ; e V: J i ?"i HENHY'JI. MITCHELL, i Newfeero, Octoher.J3r,-.1829.!r; ND committed? to 4 he Jail of Craven County f ' .Ark fW.. IT.Man , . V 1 I c h me is Jbft Corpeneff alias. 4 braham, th a t h e f Jreeand a native Of Fairfield CQuufy , Connec wwif n is aoout o leei ju incnes nigp ; or i2 year.of g!,''6f Hirht conipleiiobTand bad on f hehtakefiiight aofadifsttclcWtbiri. f-FroMhe' odtradiet6ry tninper in -which he i accounts for; himself, there. it litUe doubl. but he -Lf a. nma way f TH b nof lfr,papers a.e.rrPro(fflng.t0ba pass,, which is bVlieyed be, a forgery- The owner, if any . is requested eoiiie forward, prove property; ' pay -Icharges, and Ufy iahj VisWminfiMU4nl'Uiii ' , ; JOROXN S. CARR0W, Jailor. - Newbern, August 22, 182Vt aVIi w m m I LU W sold at Public Sale, at the Court House in Kin8tun; on JTus;day thefifti day tf January ttext it being the Tuesday ffffcenoir County Court, ! all he 4; AN I) neldhginilp the late ? 'Wnifliii 15LACKLKDGE, in the pounty1 of' Inir.;. A iWdng tlhfejLari 1pi,.te one qf theirei Plantations on Neuse EfVe?, long knovM as ihe BTackledge 'Plantation j The lanr wiir he sold ioLoi toutt pur chasrsas ; it can be conveniently ditidied in jo riJiTe'rent plantations. fc 'f ! . . ermsopSale.--- A iiheraj credit wjll be; U. yen jt'.N, shortest period,' twq'y ears J the if nctli of credit to vfv with the suni to be paid. .Ktiies ,drawiig interest froin?the date. and, payable to the Uuardian ol several pr HiU be requied. Gopd personal security, jor a lien on, the Land, or both, to .bt. (;iven,at.the option ol the 5ubcribrs. -The terras of bale will be more particularly declared on the day of sale. ' The subscribers will attend at the-Plan-tHtion us thf 30th of November, to show the Premises to any person desmius o'f pur cltsineV and will ut that time sell, at private sale, should any person desire to purchase. Persons are how living on the differer. Tracts, who will show them to any person desirous of viewing them before that tim Should a private sale of the Lands be efiVc ted, due notice of it will be given B. F. BLACKLEDGE, Ex'r. N. B W HI I FIELD. October 17; 1829 , SILK. C O TTON T KOOLLEN ' YiNG AND SCOUlilNG ESTABLISHMENT, THE Subscriber returns thnnks to the inhabi fants of-tVewbern, and th public generally, for prt-1 tavors, und hopes by assiduity and wtten t ion, to merit a couliiiuarect-; having b.en at a ciMisiderrlble expense in fining up Lis establish ment, he hopes to receive that shar- of pubhc patronage which is due from a u enlightened pub lic. Gentlemen's garments ol every description scoured, dyed or renewed in colour to appear almost cqnal to new. Ladies dresses, peliseg, feathers, gloves, curls, ribbons, shoes- dyed to any color or shade of coloK- Having been ena bled from ast favours to procure a copper cyl inder from the nortb, which is heated by means of a steam boiler, for ; the purpose; pf nnihiyg Silk?, he is prepared ro execut them in as supe rior a style as at any other establishment the Unron. 'Merino, and other Shawls. 'scoured r dyed without injury to the borders, and made to appear equal fo new. ; Military uniforms, wings, epaulets, embroideries, fc.c cleaned and renewed in color, made to shine with metallic brilliancy to represent either gofd or silver. ; !, rersons residing in the country that manufac ture domestic -cloth, composed of cotton and wool, will find it to their advantage to manufac ture it in the raw material, Si send it to this sta blishment to have it dyed aud finished, as it can be made to i appear almost equal to imported cloth. , i N. B, Particular care should- be taken in as sorting the wool for making good - cloths, to pre vent its appearing in stripes after. being wove. JOHN BRISINGION. Netcbern, Nov. 21 1829 H " W FOB SAI4E. AlFEW pouutls of fine Lambs Wobt. -of rari ous colors ftpply as above. i HK PROPRIETOR of the ab -ve Line, hav ing lately procured new and commodious Stages, and ad led several first rate Horses, with steady and accommodating Drirers, and having also obtained the best stands tor the comfort and convenience of Passengers. - hopes, to be' enabled to give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with their patronage. y The rat fs of Stage Fare are as usual viz: from Raleigh to Kewbern, and from Newbern to Raleigh, "seven dollars, and for any less distance sn cents per mile. Passengers travelling thrpugh, will please pay their stage fare at my house, four miles from Raleigh ; Way Passengers (who may ttot pass my house.) will settle w it h ihe Driver, in advance- Applications for seats may! be made to Mrs. Ann Dilliard, sign of the Cross Keys, : in Raleigh, and at Mr. Joseph Bell's, or to my stage driver, Furna Conley, in"Nei bern. This Line of Stages leaves Raleigh every Tuesday,;' at 10 and Fridays at 2 P. M., and arrives, in Newbern on Thursdays and Sundays, at 2 PM Leaves Newbern every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 A. M.arid arrives in Raleigh the following fiidays and .Mondays at 10 in the morning Bv lieving the present tq be preteroble to aay previ ous arraugement, and that it will, better than any other that can be adopted, confribute to ihe con venience, bf travellers, the Proprietor will Use bis endeavors .to give it permanency, by preserving tjhe Line in its present improved condition. 1 ' MERR1TT DILLIARD, Proprietor. ' i Juneth, 27 1829. .. ,. -; .. - t- . : ; Just rjjceivjf, on Cosignrtnt, " A complete assortment of LEATHER' consist- 3 r.;:,'ui";u ;"'' ag or w' ; ,'. ' I girting and arnes Leather; f ."C4Uang' pejekins-J'a ' ; ' " r.pj8s'dGqat.8i( Binding Skios,,. .. y heepntifed ftloror;cjq dfu n j( , I And a yriejy of other articles, alj of which will be sold low for cash,'at the subscriber's old stand Marhe Stated Bank. 550 -j-Zf'tv b-; t ,.-? FOR SAL, A Centre.Board LIGHTER. nor oitr tuetVicks and ready to be launched, iof the fo jtg 4criptionriit, Ibf ly fisfret eel, fifteen feel beam, four feet eight inches in ItKe hoki.-built oflie best I materiatsrtindef the oer sonat dryection ot a skdiul any ejepepeficed ahip bttiei;. jSh noay bereiroined ,by .any person disno'sed to DUrchaseV on. application at ine suV scriber's Ship YarcR on BoeUe Sound. Carteret founty; fis mileSi from wAsbqr9ugh where fetmfr which: b .accommodatmgj, iU. be mad,e Known. . , , i October 26,' IB2& ty. POSMi K TEN BOOKS. BY ROBERT POtldf A M m , -1- for talc attbe Bookstore of wi mini Jt .jam. iwjp'y .m : I AWOHlBEl- platedtirrup irons, at iSOandl ftom thai 10 $25 Also; HARNESS ft$l6 to $50" What cteas,eTHE, ;OPiPERaod acj qpuatirtei beapess 'ls&iht& tiaW Qetnpaityor. :- -iMt These2 together with almost everV 'othe article in his line. Hre 1 offerer (jforshj lloicer Uian .they rcah be purchased ..an , any ower, ptace in iowo. .x n , i ; For several years J. T. has, half joke, half earnest j9 "solicrted, ;ihe':'nttnot those whose names have become stationary on . the debit side of his Leger bnding ibis method ineffectual, he is tinder the n cesany ui icuursuug tticm " uvwjui earnest to caU.and see him. Time, which-ievel3 aH distinctions,, even those of Debtor and Creditor, is beginning 10 deface some of his' old records ; but he assures those concerned, that they ar fresh in his memory, as a short time wili demonstrate. ' . - N. B.A neat Northern Saiky for sale Dec. 5. 1829 V a Connecticut PLOUGHS, for sale by Nov. 28. 1 ;' ? HENRY DEWEY- Til RESH Imperial a:nd Gunpowder TEAS, ju JC , received and for sale by G.BRADFORD, & Co. 'SALT- ff?4 bushes ground all urn SALT, just re tlJU ceived per Newbern Packet, and for sale by 'C, V. SWAN. Newbern, Aug. 8. OA f bushels ; heavy AUum S LT, for M J Lr saleby HENRY DEWEY or GEO: A.HALL. Oct 24 History of'JS Carolina. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, from its bar-iest Periptl,, By Francois Xavier Martin, in 2 vols. 8vo. Also, I mie'x to th- first 25 vols of the NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. just received and for sale at the Book Store of S. HALL. Nov. 21. - Chesapeake au iieVdave ''V CANAL NOTICE is hereby given thatv this Canal is now open for navigation - - ; T he Locks are 100 feet in length, by 22 feet in width, and the Canal can be navigated by vessels within those dimensions, and drawing: seven feet water. j ' : . .'. I The rates of toll have been fixed so low, as to make it the cheanol. as well as the most exne dilious and safe channel -of comnnnica!ion be- tween the waters of the Chesapeake and Dela ware. .' . Any information in relation lo the Canal rates of toll, &ic. may be and on .application at the Company's Office, Na.41 Walnut-street, Phila delphia. " , ; 1 ' Horses for towine, may always be hired at a low price, at either end of the Canal. ROBERT M, LEWIS, President, " Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company H D. Gi tpiit. Secretary.; Nov. 3 189. t ' ' ! A CABD. MISS M.HANNA, late of the Female Semin ary of Princeton, N.J. respectfully informs tne inhabitants of Newbern that, if sufficient en. couragement be given, .he will open A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the 24th inst , in which will be taught thefol liuting branches, viz: Orthography, Reading and definiiions: Penmanship : Arithmetics Eng lish Grammar: Geography. Ancient, Modern and Sacred; Drawing Maps: Chronology: His tort, A ... 1 t M tern Aiivieai aim iiiooern: natural Mutory : the Elc ments! of Naturfcl and Moral Philosophy: Rheto ric: Composition: Needle Work: Lace Work: fainting and Fancy Work. She will also instruct a Class of Young Lames, in anv of the . above branches, trom 8 to 9. A M. ! Terms will be made known, on application to M. Hanna at the Rev. Mr. Osborn's, or to Mr. U auon, at th Post Office. Jvewbern, Nov. 7, 1829. SEMINARY J I RECENTLY from Mthe City of New York, JL aviII open a ScIiobI for YOD N G LA DIES, on Monday the 23d insf, jat th Office formerly occupied hv Vine All., n, Esq. dee'd ; in which will be taught both the solid and ornamental branches of Female Education. Strict a teiition will be paid to the manners, principles and hahik of the Pupils ; but nothing sectarian will constitute any par of her plan of instruction. She will con stantly endeavor to. make her course of tuition fhpiough and pract render young ladies useful and agreeable. She flatters herself that, (hose who may patronise her establishment; will find it unnecessary to send their daughters to the North for an accomplished edupation rw h'k ui ; a. 4 . Terms will be mde known- on application "3 1 !f reMdencAf George A. HaU, Esq.. Of at the Rev. Mr. Osborn's. , . " V JET Any young ladies, 'not members of tne Schot,- who may wish to attend to Drawing and Paint me, can receive instruction two afternoons Newbern Nov 2Q.,j. f 4 Ui:- " w. SI nl n' AVE the pleasure to inform the inhabitants 91 wewbern audits yiciotty that they have ust arn "cu iaia in on 1 oe most f ad v a nT& ht trm. 1. wK.naney re'cwtermined to sett thevrt . vocp luey can dc purctiajed in Newbefw. urchasers mil du-well tq cajland; examine their t the lowest cash prices. I -4 tTj ' : ' T " - . 'Ifewbeh; Oct-.W 'in-m-t-tto white omom. W lew barrels MtifcW '? TEAS vfsjm, ft ,siHrsr,isr4. RESPECX'FJJtl.yslrMI fi friends and jhbUcMtha he,ha8 taken 4heSjore 0ri CtiUu4treetrra Keid M here he has opened j genra aortjm-nt ufGilQGiilfcSj which will be sold ;1ow.rs f tiny oller, pjacf .town. Having ,a ' number of 14 eonvenienV Ropms, he is. prepared to :accimrno. 1 atcafewBtiARDE)RS by'-jthe yearp 1 mpojth, week. or. day. : ho exertion shall be W tie pledges,, himself that A wanting;, to ensure the. com.- a Ibrt and conveuieoce fit ..those . who may think; 1 prpperQ patronizehis establisjimept, and indul. ges the belief tbt Jie, will be. enaed to give en tirei satisfaction. . His table shall always he tur. f nished .wiih .the ?best?of : viands, T and. his cellar with the choicest liquor?. . OYSTER SVPPEHS wBl be served to parties, or- ta single persbnsAt any hour when.tallf d l.,r; and being:,, prottded with excellent cooks, and' every, convenience or, roasting oysters' on an ei. tensive scale, he is : persuaded- that his suppprs will be found not inferior those of "any other that hare preceded him. . " , PICKLED OYSTERS put up in a SB. perior style, at, shorty notice, and on reasonabfe terms,. '. ." .. . .. ; : . Nov. 14th, 1829. 1 BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Craven Street, one door South ofaht Store of Ur .... John Justice. . JOHNH. G0IDSTON, respectfully informi the Ctthtens of Newbern, and the public een? erally that he continues to keep ou hand an exi tensi ve assortmen t of BOOTS & I manufactured at his Establishment, which he I can warrant to be of superior workmamhin nl quality, and at prices as reasonable as is custom. '1 my. iiarmg Vii, iiauu uesi materials, ftp jj fi prepared to execule all orders on short notice v1 ana in ine Dest styie. Newbern, Dec. 19, 1829. Cheap Boot Si Shoe Store, Pollock Street, three doors East of the Post Office, W. H. TANDY, & CO. ARfc, now opening a fresh supply of BOOTS and SHOES, of various kinds, yust recei -ved from New York, which they will Sell al xtrg low prices.- December Id. J Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale, the PLANTATION which he purchased of Doctor White, adjoining the Lands ti t ot. Washington ann .- captain nussell on-, taining five hundred acres ; of which, a sufficient quantity is Cleared, to make three hundred bar rels of corn. This tract is a good quality of Fort Barnwell Land the soil being well calculated for the production of cotton.' The uncleared Land is well timbered. r SAMUEL SIMPSON". Fort Barnwell, Craven County, Dec. 18,1829. NEW GOODS. Irish Linens and Sheetings: V Linsey woolsey s; tow linen Fine a iid coarse satinets . : 1 flannels .Super, middling and coarse, red white 'and green Super black cotton and worsted hose Super and common cotton hose and half hase Super ann common plain Swiss and mull muslins Plain and figured book muslins; 6-4 camb. do Brown and bl'd domestic shirtings and sheetings Superior light and dark fashionable colored Grot . dejNoples ' 1 nieee first mtnlStv bfnrtc iafin" Black, white, straw, light and dark green, pink, crimson, scarlet and lilac Italian crapes .1 Fine and common white linen pocket hdkfs, and j thread csmbricks i 8-4 and 10-4 damask tabhvDiaper, French cslico shawls .-'. 5 4 cashmere shawls long white kid gloves Fine and common black bombazets Super, middling and low priced bed ticks, Clark's white and colored spool threa Silk twist, assorted Superior largest size Whitnev and crow n blatfi ketsj jnst received, and for sale bv ' G. BRADFORD Si CO. Oc4t. 2d, 1829. . v'-.i- TT AS i ust retumeu from New York, and is JtX now opening, at the Store lately occupied a by Henry W. Jones, corner of Middle u roo- Streets, adjoining the Public House of Lewis Bryan; r . , . . A choice and general assortment of DRY GOODS GROCERIES & HARD WARE i which be offers for sale at a very small advance .for cash or country: produce. ' ISewbern, Octi i m s i t 11 , n. 1 f PATENT CORN SHI,IiERSI i " . AT J. - - 1 TtJST received on CC'ir-rgnment a few Ptis Coas SHBLtlP,- Thev com. hieMv recem". mended from Pfkdelphia, and their utiliiy haa been tested both at Charleston and Alexandria. i ' Far mers will do well to call and eiamltfc t them, ; ,5 ' -M. STEVENSON, Jr, Who has just opened next door to the Store J ofMMfanlei Mwsorlment of HARDWARE & CROCKERY I ) Wijcbjhe wilt se 11 low for cash or produce. Newbern. Oct. 24, 1829. lAoatrect family FtOlJRfj Thalf hblt do. y op. j just received re sch? Baltimore, and for saw bf f :Oci:''-r a 5 4 C. V.' SWAN; , . 1 ucst anu sweet, ror retauiD?. ."-r OctvrjS29.V-. , V i: ,1 : -dJka; OE$PECTrtJtttiiftfrml his friers fa Ne tl'.bern, fhat h witf be tftere; la'a Ci -w Yorklj'Ste1:4!' v.u...,..,-..: SSirfE fTflrilt 'lkte jAi i? a 1.ADIIMG JttEm&titiai ISiinslfbr'sdlebif " 5 4 t 1 V IS 1 4 Dec. va T WATSONt