THE :SEyTINEl NEWBERN : .... $ Legislature Oil Thursday Ipt, Cad f dinner Jones, David L. Swain, and Ja. j lorganf fere elected Members of the i ,osrd of Internal Improvements, for the Bisiiinglyear.- '1l!',1'l-' :' J"' ; : J Tvk bill to provide for the draining of .nattamuskeet Lake, was rejected on the fjroundf that the condition of the fund for emaf tmpravem?nts,l will not justify an l propriation of money commensurate with i ie object of the billx! ( The Resolution was also postponed, .! ?hich appropriated . $12,000 for the pur j me of making and having engraved a Map j ,f the State. -,. J . "'' :! . r " 1 A bill has been repotted in the Senate, I rom the committee; of Internal -Improve1 fnts. making an appropriation to construct liyadrlrorn r ayeitevuie locaropoeij It has passed its first reading u Ion. The bill aiahorising the Supreme Court o be hebl alternately , ,at Raleigh, and latesviue. nas passru mc cchoic wj f 37 to 22 During the discussion oi ne fliU. altemots were made by M?f taldwpH mnii MrJ Marshall., to have Salisbury stib- lliituied for StotesvWe ; by Mr. Hoke, Lfn ? ffotoai fbr Statesville ; and by Mr. Burgin, IXfrrirflnioa for JStatesville. ;...- C The House of Commons' on Thursday, ook ub the message ot tne serw e a ie tion to their bill for establishing a .uauft oi he State, and after; some debate, resolved 6 reiurn the impetfect bill again to tne se at.-Alter which, Mr I'earsonjntroduceti lo hp at ht f almost a literal coov of the Se- Cate's billj for establishing a Bank of the State, which passed its hrsl reading. ; The Senate, on the following day, acted on the aboye message of the House of Com- ons : and. alter some discussion, a motion Ijwas made and carried, to suspend the rule llwhicli requires all motions for reconsidera- lion to be made on the same day, or the day JUMUWIIIg lliai UU niiltll Mile ur(,ijiuil " uo roade which. is sought to be reversed. A motion was then made to reconsider the JqiKStion of passage. on the third reading of the bill for establishing a Dank of the btate. Which being agreed to, and the bill being again, before the. Senate, the section con taimng the blanks, was stricken out and an other was inserted, making it the duty of the next Legislature jo fix the salaries of the President, Cashier and -Directors; and it was again passed and returned to ihe H. of Commons for their concurrence. In the Senate, on Friday, he Resolution was passed and Sent to! the House for con currence, which proposes to instruct our Senators and request our Representatives in Cnngress, to use their endeavors to procure repeal of the duty on Salt. On the next d the House concurred in the resolution The Resolution instructing them to pro cure an extinguishment also, of all the In dian Claims to lands m this elate, was ln- ytfinitely postponed i 1 Jj i he twciHouses have got into the same difemma in relation lo a bill for the better government of the town of Elizabetlv City, tnat they were placed in with regard to the Batik bill. This bill passed 3 readings in (he Senate, and was sent to the other House for concurrence, containing sundry blanks. Bad was returned again by the House, "to be perfected " rl he Senate again sent it b-ick, with the expression of their opinion, that the bill is as perfect as they can make il and the House postponed it indefinitely The House of Commons was on Friday, engaged fin the discussion of the dill for ex tending thecharters of the Banks of New bern and Cape Fear from J 835 to 1 838, i(h a view ot affording those Institutions three years further time to wind up their I business, and to put il in the power of the Banks to continue the same indulgence to their debtors that is now given, of paving their debts by .reasonable , instalments iii- stad ot immediately enforcing payment. which they would be under the necessity of doing, without such extension. The bill s ably advocated by Messrs. Gaston, Pearson, Fisher, Haughton, Long and CV rBrn, and Opposed by! Messrs. Wheeler Bftd Copr. The bill, passed its second yead ing Yeas" 90, Noes 37. The bill foi extending the Charter of tne State Bank of North-Carolina, to lessen the number of its Directors. &c. passed its Stcor.d reading. . i he beoate on Saturday, again resumed, tbr consideration ; in :. Committee of 'tne vkhule, of the resolution submitted "some da) s ago, concerning the right of the Ge aeral Government tu execute Work, ot e ternal Improvement within the State. Mr. ft. O. Spaight spoke at considerable length against the power ; after which, the committee rose, and obtained leave to sit 'gain. "'I . if-; :r . i ; . .. , The H ouse of Commons after some de bate, passed the bills for extending- the Charters of the State Bank and the Banks of Newbern and Cape Fear, and sent them to the Senate for concurrence. Boih bills were passed by a majority of more than vo to one.""" i - . : j A Resolution was also reported from the ; ttelect committee appointed to lake ino ; consideration the ex pediency of establishing a Penitentiarv in this State, which orovide I f"r the appointment by the Governor, ot j o intelligent persons, to visit the diOereni Penitentiaries in the Union, for the purpose ccouecting tacts, and information concern ing theseiujness and. 'pperaiioa of the ysiem. i his Kesoluiion passed its firs: Reading. Register. ; .. , j Supreme' Curt. This body have attend- i W iue tran?actioa vf no business as yet, .Vthelextimia f The following persons hve received them : ; Superior Court. Daniel poleman, of Cabarrus. Thomas Forma n, late of ew York. 1 County Couht. ; Patrick Barry, of Salisbury, E. A. Erwin, of Burke. '' , Geo. W. Howard, of Jones. Henry T.. Clarke, of Tarborougli. James M. Rushing, of Anson. - ' R. 0. Billiard, of Nash. 6. SHIP CANAL, It will be seen on reference t( our Congressional summary, that a Resolution directing the attention of the Committee on Mill- tary Afiairs o the expediency of uniting the waters of Neuse River with those of Beaufort I Harbor, bv a Canal for military nnmmpt . in- r : ' 7-- j i troduced by the Hon. Mr. SPEIGHT, has been adopted 1y the flouse of Representatives. The subject, we truai, will receive the favorable con- sideratioo of Congress. Should it fail of success, it will, not be for the want of a zealous support on I the part of our Representative, nor -from any reasonable doubts as to the great public benefits ""'lu ""WU irUIV irouii UlcaCCOmpUSUmeUlOI the proposed undertaking, j - . The House of Representatives were en?a?ed on It . r . . I Thursday the 31st ult. in the contested election T T '-. - t j I Tl . I Mciwcru ft ijtui iica, m sciiiug meiuorr, iiuu inos. i Arnoiu. i ne petitioner, nowever, alter Being aomittetl to tbe bar ol the House to prosecute his claim, declined proceeding, on the ground that 1 the Committee on Elections had made an unfa-L. X- ti ; . .. , , i vorable report upon his evidence, and had ne- oiPz-tH if nnUp his r0ct; iiri x.. nbrant oi the forms of the Hojse. the Detitioner made constant breaches of order, and made, hoi- j withstanding he was repeatedly checked, some I severe charges ot Drioery and corruption against d . . ( I the successful member, Mr. Lea, and some per- 6 ,t Aciiuckavc. upon a iquuon id prim me aocu menis, it was oruerea i mat an the written evi dence! should be printed ; when a long, animated and angry discussion arose upon the printing of the printed documents which had been offered in evidence by Mr. Arnold to prove his charges of bribery etc. These printed documents are uu derstood to be political pamphlets, electioneering handbills, and certain other personal correspon dence between the parties at the time of election J The House, after sundry motions on the sulject,! finally ordered it to be referred to the Judiciary Committee to examine and report what among these printed averments was material to the issue", and to report on Monday. The late accounts from Europe, afford .a con soling hope, that by the exertions of our Minister t England, the West India trade may be regain ed to this country. 1 What was lost by the buns-l ? ling diplomacy of the last AdministrationKwim probably be recovered by the practical sagacity of the present ; and the depressed commerce of the country will, in that event, undoubtedly rc- ceive an immeaiate increase, me interviews I berween Mr. McLane and Lord Aberdeen, the! British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, have been frequent and favorable to the rapid pi ogress,. nd speedy accomplish meiit of so desirable a negotia tion. Of the result, there can be, of course, no certainty entertained ; but the encouraged terms in which it is spoken of by those who are official ly informed of the facts, and the complaints and fears expressed by the British Journals opposed to the measure, are strong indications of success.! I r ) The Impeachment of Judge Williams, of Ten nessee, which has been under trial, for several weeks, before the Senate of that State, was not concluded at our last xlates--lSth December. On the 14th, the evidence on both sides terminated, and the whole of that week was employed in the arguments of counsel. ., . This impeachment has been frequently charged as a political affair. Papers at a distance, with out knowledge of the facts, have violently assail. ed the Legislature of the State, and charged upon them a combination to oppress an innocent man. Such is the rancor of antUJacksonism, so called. wbtch wevcall federalism, that uo act can be done by any body of men which contains a ma- jority of republicans without drawing forth the fiercest denunciations and the most unfounded and unjust insinuations- An article on this sub i'ect, iu the. KashtilU Banner, says" A more gross and unfounded misrepresentation we have Seldom seen.- The Court; of Impeachment have shown a patience, impartiality, and -sense of duty, in the trial of Judge Williams, that reflects honor on them and cannot fail to give satisfaction to all reasonable men. He has been refused no oppor tunity for a full and ample defence and no dispo sition has been manifested to deprive him of any privilege to which he is fairly entitled." COMMUNICATIONS. THE SHIP CANAL. Mit. Elitor i ; ;:, : . j - A writer !n your last paper, over t ie signature of ' A Conolryroan," has t called tjie public attention to that long agitated subject, the deepening of our navigation'. . Like A Countryman,' I feel deeply sensible .that an out let to the ocean, that will enable us to compete in foreign markets with our neighbors, is the only thing that can arouse the drooping spirits of our people, and raise our state to that distinction among her sisters, that her extended and fertile territory give her a right to possess, and ought to ejnablej . her to enjoy. "A Countryman" has very justly observed, that the difficulties of our navigation and consequent loss in the price of produce, are felt by the "landholders and far niers and these are the very men-who seem leant interested about Ur improvement. If the bulk of our farmers who alone are really con ccrned in this business; would unite their means, the work, with the assistance that the .General Government would, unquestionably give, would be a mere bagatelle. Shall It be said that the fifth state in the Union despairs of cutting a cana1 ten miles long, -"when other States have cut nals ihre i hundred and sixty fit! ; ca- My'present jibject is, Mr. Editor, to show the superior advantages of the contemplated Ship Canal, .via Beaufort, to the deefieuiog of the 3washi and in advocating this Canal, 1 know that ildiSer m opiuioa from? maoy commercial men whose nctiral'erieaeetn to greater attentiop than I pretend to claim my own, but still I think I shall be able to' give some plain, comoiqri sense reasons for my pre- ference. OcVacoke Inlet id tighty miles - from Newbern and the only harbour U psseses, ofigerieralj-e- sort, is Wallace s verjL narrow- and Channel This jChannel is universally .admitted to be more datigerotisl.fot vessels moored! . . .. i 'I in it, in a proven in- gale, than the open sea. - This can be coot est ibly from the facf, that, in a late gale (not one month since) fifteen vessels out of twenty were driven ashore rectfy when I state, thaf tr . taNnrtJ and, f thmK,i f speak cor that more vjpssejs of those Carolina, -ari lost insideftht. Bar la JVallace's C an net, in the Lower Roads, the Bulk Head, the Sva-h, arid ibe numerous So very shoals adJHCent thlf art lost aI ' exposed; is ,haineithat if it blows at alt heavily, lighters cadnot unload. . -The danger of this navigation vi 1 not be murh lessened, when the Swash is deepened!; and insu ranee air be thereby very little if at alf Improved Thft Het-nttnn wliih I. frPni.mi.lJ ,,;,.. . 'rt .nrl nf M(tfirU 'sLJ ... obviated by. the outlet to the ocn. bein?: bv the . : I I vfc. V. Canal. ! A considerable otn. ciioiV too lo Ocra I. - . 1 J r I t .. '.: cukc ihici. is tue uim:uiiy or connrninica Hon ; as we frequently hear of disasters thr-rV bv way of Norfolk f The last reason I shall ue at present against Ocracoke . il th nrhhi! i,...,!,;.:.- , . , j. I . . . n cuniruipiaiea improvement, i uave oeeu . . i .i 'J -1 . . "i1 v aiice s nannci nearest to me narrowed very much within the last lorn or ve y'ars. and serious apprehensions ' may b entertained of its closing up entirely, nud con it' ' 1 . : elude that there will be danger in trust n? too mucb to these shifting sands, Er&9 thing consi acred, there is not on the whole Atlantic coast, a J I 1 ;i in as that ovtr iOcracoke Inlet. Let us'rxamine now what would be gained by i - i the Ship Canal Beaufort is but tlidrtu five miles , from Newheru, and three from the iocean- Its B;r is vi rv plain and has eighteen felt on it at ol water It Itas i . a capacious Harbor beautifully landlocked," is protected? by a nome Fori, aWd vefspls anciiored 1 f j . i ihere rnay be fairly considered oiii of danger. lA ith thisjC&nal completed, vessels loaded m':ght go to sea the same day they left Nesvbern They would never be d tH'npd on account of easterlv i i - winds (coin reft ne o Baufoit. Insurance would be less Detention less. . Communior.tion Id be frrquents and certain Merchants would be 'enabled td avail'theimselvrs of any rise ,n a foreign market as soon as their neighbors. the Canal when co pletcd wou'd be permanent. These advantages are alone ufHcienf, we con ceive, to give the preference to the Canal,and se ravt ih( nnmn rtf imiH Oi cultural interests- in i its favort,If I have succeeded in establishing my noitit jn favor-of the Canal, I have gained iny ir-ent objeo, and shall deleiLto a tuture communication some further views 1 entertain on Internal Imniovemerit in our State f !". "CRAVEN.- January :5;h, 1930. 1 THE CIRCUS. Mr. Edilor, The, rt-spe table "Company of Equestrians, wboe performances commenced at our Circus on Thursday evening, has accjuired a distinguished reputation in the pnhciiHl Cities of the Union. I had the pleasure of vitnessing their first exhibition here, and wag gratified td find a crowded and highly respectable audience, testify ing their approbation by long and oft re peated plaudits. Of Mrs. SMITH, the interest- , L i"' ing Equestrian Performer, I cannot speak in terms of sufficient ccminei.datiou. Hr perform ance was above all praise. Of the other mem bers of the Company, it is but j-istiee to say, that they are in the foremost rank of tleir profession The hote establishineot is admirably calculated to delight the lovers of innocent amusement, and to entitle the! Proprietor to an extensive patron. ?ge. It is understood that a ruh treat is in pre paration fof this evening, and that the celebrated Performer, Mr. LACONTA, will take aa iuter- esting part in the exhibition. Saturday, Jan. 9. A CITIZEN Baltimore, Jan. 2. . Rail Road Experiments.- e have on several late occasior.s taken notice of the novel and highly satisfactory experiments which have been made on that part of the U.ltirnoie and Ohio; Rail-road laid dnwfn between Pratt street and the Carrollidn Viaduct. Notwithstanding t be-limited ex tent of this experimental fine, the road appears to attract, fresh crowds of visiters every day; the weather will permit, all of whom, whether citizens or strangers, come away highly gratified .The. weather yes terday .being remarkably mild und pleasant, vast numbers availed themstlves of the op pottuniiy to examine' the Road and Via duct, and ! to enjoy I the gratification of a ride in the Winans carnages. The flon. the PosTtaAs tee general, having reached this City the evening before, and beiii desirous of visit ing thf Road, he was accor dittgly accompanied thither yesterday b) the gentlemen attached to the Board or direction. A carriage having been brought out, the party consisting of twenty ioui ladies and- gentlemen, including the Post master General were diatvn to theiaduct by one horse, in actually a little less than six minutes. After alighting to view the mag nificent granite structure,' -of which a oir ute description was published in last week's American, the parly again seated themselves and were conveyed! back to Pratt street in the same brier period, or. at the extraordinary rate of 15 miles an hour iti order to show the perfect ease and rapid -j ty with, which heavy, loads can be trans porte4 PO a weii constructed ratl-road three iahiages Ivefe attached to each other, and being filled with more than eighty persons, were readily drawn by Vne horse at the rate of upwards of eight miles an hoar. Aver- Hging each passenger at one hundred and fifty pounds weight ' and estiniatiflgl the S carriages to weigh together two and a half ions, tiitoiiows mat a single norsenas actu ally drawn a load of at least eight and a half tons, at the speed of upwards Of eight mi lea. an hour. And this extraordinary result was accomplished without any' apparent listress,to the animal or, indeed, uncommon exertion on his part - American, t ' I' T ... , ...... M ! , Singular attempt at rescue A very sin' gular, attempt at rescue was made on Mon- diiy morning, cn board the brig Banger, Cwptain W hitaker, which "was then' about ur sail for LaguayraA writ, issued by the bherifi, was put into thf hands of Mr!, Wes tervelt, (one of the deputies, to arrest the person of a VVm. C- Pease, Esq. of Boston, on a debt or suit of 1000. Mr. Pease had embarked in the brig for Liaguayra,! vhich was then preparing to go iosei. MhWes teryelt went on board, and was about per forming ins duty, when the captain and three of his men interfered between the ot ficer and Pease, forcibly rescued the pris oner, forced the officer ashore put Pease, for security into the cabin, drew, out the hrik from the whan, and went to sea. A good deal of threatening and rude: conduct took place on the occaiorron,the jpart of the, rescuers. Westervelt, the deputy she iff, immediately returned to the Ctiy Hall, and informed Mr. Shaw, the High Sheriff, of tht? dutrage w hich had been committed against the laws of the state. MrL Shaw, wiijt that promptitude for which hej is dis titiguished, immediately took the business into his own hands, (ie ordered two boats to be got in readiness at the foot of Murtay strt. tie had the boats manned. an took with him five police officers arid three l his deputies, including Air. VVesteivelt With this patty the Sheriff stai ted horn the wiwirf at half past eleven o'clock, and gav ciase to the brie, which was now rapidly proceeding down to Staten Island.) N'.-v that islandrthe, Sheriff overtook her, went on board, ami arrested l ease, the tapiain find all his crew. They were brought up lo town, and the whole reached the' Police Olfice about two o'clock. Pease was safeiy lodged in jail, where he novv is j the Capt. and three of his crew were bailed I at the Ptice Office, and allowed to proceed, oh giving requisite security for re-appearance at their trial rZV. Y. Courier. i CARRIED, On the eveii:ig of tiie3d inst- in VS'ayne County, H. W. II US-TED,. -Esq. Attorney at La,!tb Miss lIARftiET A. SLOCUMB daughter of .he late lion. Jesse Slocumb- j ARHIVKD. I Schr Superb, TylerVJN. Ycrk, mdz. to Samuc Sleight; 4 ' j Schr ln-lustry, Stackpoole, 5 days, from New York, in ballast. Pass., Mr. and Mrs. Jones, lesar&. Tiintiy &t Goliisinith. I Schr Susan Mary, Harding, from New York, tchr Amity, Jones, from New York. . Schr. Henrietta, Osgood, from St. Barts. Schr Juiia, Hurt, 15 iays from Martinico. Schr F- .Vlichelson, Smith, 16 days from Gua dalonpe,jn ballast. Schr Julia Le Ramsay, of Quebec, McDougall 50 ds ten Jamaica, bound for Quebec, in' distress CLEARED. Schr Amity, Jones, for New Vork. Schr Industry, Stackpoole, New Y-irk. VARIETY IS THE SPICE QF LIFE. 1"1 : ; - Saturday Evening, January 9. The Performance to commence with a GRAND ENTREE Ri'i beautiful Horses. ; GTOmftS0n0 by Mr. Murden. E CtUESTRIAN EXERCISES ! BY MRS SMITH. i S02Cr By Mr. Parazet. By Master SMITH, on two Horses: in which he will introduce many new and pleasiug feats. Sf By Mr. Murden. ELASTIC CORD, BY MR LACONTA j Who, after wonderful feats in the air, will attach a boy to each foot; and dance on the Elastic Cord, swinging them iir different direction ; he will perform the FETTEBIDANCE. and many other feats showing the. powers of balance. .. ; is 4 . .-:. . ; 1-: : CLOWN FOR THE CORD Mr. PARAZET. The Performance to conclude! .with the Petit, Comedy of the SPOILED CHILD; with the original Songs and Hornpipe (arranged for the Ring.) , f:- i'-.-ir : Little Pickle, (the spoUed cbUd) Mrs. SMITH. OM Piekltp j Mr. SMITH. ; Tag, (an Author,) Mr. MURDEN. Mis Pickle, (an Old Maid) Mr. YYILHAM3. Servants by! the Company. . 0 THOMAS SPARROW mpeot- fully;annoaneesto tJEre' VyhUlett of Craven County, that ne lis a Candi date for the Sheriffalty of said County. NepObern Jan. 9, 1830. I THE . Subscriber has now Landrn;; frm chr. Sopebb, froin New York, the followinff artU ties, which w,U be sold lowTor cash or barter s New'Rochester Flour in Smoked Beef, Tpug-nes Mackerel, in hnlfbrls, Kidney ! whole n3 half bi Is. Pilot and Navy ftread. Crackers, Kaiins, AlmondFigf Cbeee (a few first rate.) Prunes, Cranben ie. Butter, first qual'ty, . Carrots, Nuts,7 Apple, Beef, mess and prime, I Cabbages', Onions. &c. Candles, Sperm Oil, 1 : y SAMUEL C. SLEIGHT. January 8, 1830. ' - '''-'j- '.::-L A general assortment of fresh and genuine G ARDEN SEEDS, from Wet hersfield, Conn. just opened and for sale by I WILLIAM SANDERS. Jan. 9 : , K, ..' - OATS. A. few bushels SEED O ATS of very good Vqwalujy-r Also four! Ml LCH COWS, foC sale by L E. SMALLWOOD. Jan." 9. ' . !' I IiABORBRS. T i ABORERS will dnd employment as heretofore, at Fort 1 aeon! WM. A. ELIASON, Lt.of Eng'rs. Dec. 29th, 1829.. ! A.NY person having any of trie vol-! umes of this History, which belonged to the late1 uen. Allen, will plea-e leave them at Mr. Salmon Halt's Book Store. ' Jan. 9. 4 75 IE WARD! I ll ' V '' , will give the above reward for the J securing in Newbern or Trenton Jails, so that I i get them within 40 days from this tune, or for their dclivt ry to me, my three fiegroe. viz: I -AAC CALVIN, and JU0 j or I will give $2 for either of them, if delivered as above. Jmia has a husband b longiogto John H. Bectou; she ran away in May last, and; as t have understood, bast -since had a child. Itacc and Calvin went off about the first of October last. They are all lurking about Jones county;, where they were raised and have many connexions- v- TfiOS. SPIGriT. Craven County, Jan! , 1830. ffl HE Subscriber has just received from N,ew X Yc ork and Philadelphia and is now opening at his St . re On Pollock-Street, a fresh and general assortment of GROCERIES ; among which ara the following : Old ognac, Old Madeira, Com. Do. Port. - -Dry Lisbon, Teherrffe Sherry, Malaga, -Muscat, J , C -C ha ni paigne Rasnberrv. VBRANDV A.ppl it Peach - Holland &coin. Rye Gin Old J ma:ca Rum, 3 Do. VV. I. Do. Com. Do. Old Irish Whiskey, Do. Monongahela Do. 4d common Rye Do. in pt. U qt. hot sLoaf, ', L imp, White Ha- aTT . nasnd St. Croix SLUAKOt yana, Gunpowder, Imperial- j TEAS-, Hyson ana diuck ) - : j , Also- a general assortment of Cut and Plain &Uuuf &tfim &&vomtvgl HARD WAKE, Paints and Oil ; -Windo.i GIhjs, Chairs, Nails, Cotton Baggii.g; Raisins, in whole, half and quar. b ses ; Buckwheat, Butter. Cheese Cavmdish k com. Tobacco, Spanish Segar?; an assortment of fashion- able Hats, Saddles. Bridles, i Harness, fee. &c ' . Vth a variety of other articles) all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for caib or country produce. GEORGE A HALL Nv. 28. 1829. J HAVE just received by the Mi be Kit Packet from Norfolk, and offei offer for : safe the following articles which 1 will self low for cash, or bar er for country produce. 10 hbls. Isle of Wight BRANDY, 23 do- VV. India and N. Orleans Sugar, 20 bags Coffee, 8 boxes Chocolate', j 5 do Sperm Candles, X9 do Fancy 'ap,' -30 reams Wrapping Paper, 36 s"cks; Liverpool Blown and Groond Saltf 40 boxes Soap, j Y 2 baskets supeifiue Sweet Otl 1( boxes Segars, den Seed 2 kei Tobacco, 30 btds. FLOOR superfine. 30 hbls PILOT and N VY BREAD, An Invoice of STONE WARE, uch fu jagt, .: Jjtr. Aia, n invoice of HOLLOW WAKE of Pots, Kettles, c. For sale by : Nov. 28 , ; x HENRY DEWEY. , IS hereby given J that Thomas A. Bell, late of '' Onslow County, is deadand that at the last ' November Term ofthe Court of Pleas .and Quar- t ter Sessions of said County, the Subscriber quali- Aed as Executor of the last (will and testament of j said deceased. All persons indebted lo the es- i tnte, are requested lo make immediate payment; and those having claims against it, are required j to present; them in thf. time prescribed by law ! or this notice will be plead in bar o recovery. . ; Pecember 2?. 1829. v , r , HAVE just received a new supply, of Gvod, consisting of DRY. GOODS,? HATS fa SHOES, among which are ' 3 cases superior Hats, very low, 2 do. CbUdreos' . Youths V X case Leohobk H vTs, , . , Which .they will sell as loir as can be purchased in Newbern. . . . Dec.l9,7lS29. v . . barrels KociffesterFpOUR, Yeesrrved this day-per Sloop Tensee l'aref & G. BRADFORD ,,Co; m s

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