U4,4--f(: ,i: : ' -rAv3A -'-rp fer-rhfe -irm'5 : ' 1 ' L j T I f 1 ALEXANDER J. MAURICE , EDIT OR & PROPRIETOR. ' ' ' -' 41 ' MAii ll i' '. Hjjjjg LAWS Ot THPTJN1TED 3TATE8. "fassed at tb fintt-aeuloo if tbe twenty-firt Cougmi. ,AN A CT tt uthorizt the re conveyance of a lot. of land to the Mayor and Corpo ration of the City of Netr Yoirk: ; ! v Wfit?feas the Mayor and Corporation of trie I City of New Yorlt on the sixth May, one thousand eight hundred and eight, Qia convey 10 me ynnea oisies, a loi oi land at the foot jpf Hubert street, in the City of New York, called the North Bat tery, so long as the same should be used and applied to the defence and safety o( , the port of New York, and no longer.?' Be it enacted by the Senate and Home tf Representatives fifltfoi United States of America in Congress assembled, That, whenever the President of the United States shall determine that the said lot is no longer useful for; the purpos aforesaid, he be, and he hereby is, aqthqrifd to cause the same ttf be reconvyed in the! Mayor and Cor poration of New York, the works thereon to be dismantled, and the materials thereof to be disposed bft in such manner as, in his judgment, the public interest, may require fr ! ANDREW STEVENSON, - I: Speaker qlhe Houst pf Representative. JphNC.CALHOUNv1 j ;i ' ; Vice President 6f the United States and I president ef the Senatt. - : I Approved; UyioJl83a: ANDREW JACKSON. AN 4CT o aher the Bridge and Draws across 'tneio'CtMna4j? rrum "n wnmgud t City to Alexandria, Be it enacted by the senate ana House of. Representatives' of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the UofporHtion ot Georgetown, in ine uisrricr (Columbia, be, and jthey are hereby, au thorized, within six months from the: passing of this act, to "forma diraW in ibe bridge further enacted. That the Corporal ion bf Washington, in the said District Of Coluthbia1, be authorized to form a ara,w in atd bridge, over the Eastern channel ofjsaid river, thirty five feet wide j for whidi tarppse trie sum of two thousand dollars is hVre by appropriated, and Is to be apptiedin tie same inanner, by the Corpo ration oMyashinpton, ,:.tp2theeoiistrtinn of the saidi last mentioned draw, as the ap prppriatioA in the firjt section of this act is to be madant?) applied bv the Corporation of Ge orgeto w n, to the const roxt ion of I he tint mennoned drawj ; and farther, that all the provisions of th & act, relating to th first pnentioned draw and! the Corporation of Georgetown, shal apply to the draw last mentioned, and the corporation of Wash ington. J:: - t .j . i Secw 9 And be it further enacted, That nothing contained in this act shall.be const jdered;as .giving a construction to so much of the i tenth and eleventh sections of tb? original charter of said Bridge Company, as relates, to the construction bridge. : j j Approved, May ljl, 18S0. J AN ACT to alter the time of holding tfre sessions of the Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Floriaa. j j Be, it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of nmenca in congress assembled y- I hat, the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida shall commence it session on the first Monday in Jajipaiy in each year, in stead pi the second Monday in October, as now directed by fawJ i j. f Seel 2 And be it further enacted, That the first and . third sections of an act to amend an act for the! apprehension of crim inals and the punishment of crimes and misdemeanors," passed bv said legislative Council' the fifteenth davi of November. of draws in said firmed,' so far as the United St title to the same - - t f Sec. 3. And be it further $ acted, ijThat all cltims derived from the f rmer British Government, icontained in r )orts of the Commissioners of East Floric iv or the Re gister and Receiver, acting i ispch,1! wh did not ayai themsel ves of th prvisions nt theitreaty rejtweeh Spaint id EneNhd, signed at Yersaiilet ori the2C i of January, one thousand j seven jhuiVdrc and eighty three, by leaving sai l Proyi ce, Jbutjwho remairied in the sme j and titBaiApa nis h subjects, and whose titte8ty ere approved vy die o pa ii 1511 auinorniea tes have anv and have! "matiqn by en be said recommenaeo tor con Commissioners, or Rejfter and Receiver, acting as such, be, arid e same are hereby, confirmed I Sec. 4. And be itftither enacted, Ia all the remaining clains which have been presented according' tiu law, and not finally acted upon, snail be anudicared hd fimiliy settled upon (ie sanleconciiiion, restrictions and limitations, in eiry resriect, as are pre scribed by the act M I Congress, Approved twenty third jMa y, ne thousand eight hun ired. and twenty-ight, enlitled " Aji act supplementary to the seversf acts providing or the st-t'tement and J confirmation off pri v.ii. nA :.. Sec 5. Mbeitfurtke it shall be the timy ot the I ceiver to deliver over all pers relative to private land 'chiras ih Eajt Florida to the keeper of the! public archives. . Seci 6. nd be it further enacted. Tha4 Jill confimiHtion of land jitles, under, this act, shall only operate as a relinquishment of the right!jpf the (Jrited Jtates to thejsaid shall not be cons'ru- titles, enmcted, That egister and: Re- ff rsoo who has been President of the Uni led S ates, pne copy; i ' Sec. 2. nd be it fi&ther:enacted, That, of thf edition of the Joijrnats of the House ordered to bf printed by al resolution of this m-uc ui einieenm iviav, one thousand )2bt hundred and twenty-six, the cop-res be distributed in the manner following, to wit ; To the President and Vice President of eignteen hundred and twenty the same are hereby annulled. Approved j May 14, 1830. AN ACT to quiet the titles of certain lanas respectively, an ed either as a guarantee sf any such or in any manner inecttng the rights of oth er persons to , the same aods. 1 Sec. 7. And be it further enacted Thi tiiae, bej and j so much of the act of .twenty-third of May, one thousanp eight hundred and twenty eight, as directed that ihe selection of claim ti'i who availed f themselves of the first I. . i. ' . : pur-j section of said act, bv accepting a quantitv chasers of lands ibetween the lines of Icaual to oie leeue sauar- within their res - . J . ii . i ! It, t which confined the selection shall not be held to ex f tirltnar nnrt ' r'iset enacted ayTne"oeiiate of Representatives of the United Slates of I greater quantity than a s America vt Congress assembled, l hat the t claimants, wnp nave, or President of the United States be, and he is lect, under the provisions of said law, any sectioo. wu ill' amu may hereafter se- hereby, authorized to pay, out of any money I quantity equal to the amount granted in bo in the Tieauiy,not otherwise appropriated, I dies larger thin a section in the form of any Claimants of lands apanisn survey or prat or survey, or wnere are broken bv anv river, the the United S fates. - one conv h trk'tka Heads of Department, five coDies each : to each Merpber ant Df legiite fof the prweM ItKe Act of 182S Vwm&im to th? F Library, of he let etv six roontl senate, tive copies ; 16 ::thc Library otW House of Representatives, ten copies; to 'he Attorney and Post Master General, one copy each; to each Governor of a State or Territory, for the public library ofthe State or Territory, one copy ; to the Military A cademy at West Poipt, and io each incor porated University! College, Historical or Antiquarian Society, and Athenaeum, one copy ; and to , each I person who has been President of the United Stales, one copy ; and that the residue remain In the custody of the Clerk of the j House! of Representa tives, till otherwise ordered by the House. Sec. S. A nd be Ufurthrr enacted, That the books hereby directed to be distributed be properly prepared for transmission, n der'the inspection ofthe Clerk of the House of Representatives; and tnat they be for warded free ot postage,, by mail, to the per. sons hereby authorized to receive them, or delivered to the order of Said persons in the City of Washington. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, .Thai, of the Copies of the; Diplomatic Correspon dence of the Revolution which shall remain after the distribution aforesaid,, one copy shall be distributed to each new member of each Congress succeeding trie present, un'il al the copies shall have been distributed, with the exception of twenty five, which shall be reta;ned for i he library of Congress. Approved, Mav 26, 1830. ODDSAND ENDS bt Shortibus Storibus Bcstett. Kigduh F chnidos. Oi longoi ariicloi tirtsomoi. CUROHOMOTOMTHOLOOOS. INTERESTING ANECDOTE. The Rochester (N. Y.) Craftsman related circumstance attending the death of one of our revolutiohary worthies, which is not K the least calculated to mitigate the rharg& ofreauentlv made and often verified of ther rank ingratitude of Republics r Colonel "latt, whose death we nave already men tinned, was tike most of the gentlenren of the old school,) reduced in the decline, of iiife. He was tine i bf the pensioners onder The oensidns are drawn. every six months, and it is, one of "' the just aog'gweTtqraCMMtru if a pensioner dies anv finteeTween ih& " semf-annual days of payment, hts widov. ia cminren are, , aeoarreo trom orawmg hat is" actually due from the last payment Hay op to the day of the prisoner's deathj- ' Col, Piatt had been declining for j a long time he was aware that death was rapidf? approaching him and his sole prayer Tor, this life was that he might be spared until t fie 3d of March, the pension day that ho miht leave his wile the stxmonths' pay Every morning the feeble old man when ho aWoke inquired! the dav of the mon'h0 has the 3d ofj March ? 1 Iftsiiiit did come he had himself raised up in tho bed, a friend was called in, and the papers) instantly preparfd. On attempting to poft his signature to them he was too feeble; to write his name-; he was obliged to mako his mark, which! was duly attested, and the pension secured, : " Thank Heaven," saitJ the veteran and he sunk down exhausted on his p-llow. j Before the next morniofi dawned, the old wart or lay j stiff in death t That high heroic soul which sustained tho frame of the young soldier j through sever ears of toil and privation upheld the wast ed body of the old man until his generous ootect was accomDtisned. ana tnen u aew a purer and a better world." id Calvifi He io roin situated between htary the two lines in the State! the sections New Dictionary.j The Augusta Courier gives a specimen of - Me Crdcker Dictiona- some of the definitions : I . ' fyodiaciouslymtan cprporc aSly. Catawampusly, obliquely, bias. Chawed up, having ear, nose and lip bit off. Con traption, Combusticle, contrivance appen Jam: between a contrivance and a trap ping. Corn Stealer, Tater Qrabber, thumb and four digits. Fitified, subj-ct to fits. Flugens, fire and faggots. Forced, how came you so. Fotcn. did fetch. Flustrated of Ohio, commonlv called Ludlow's and said landso Selected, or which may he so leading from Washington City to Alexanj-helhAeSrand South ofthe Greenville selected is hereby confirmed to said claim driari across the Potomac river, not less than I tr.,i.,F i;na iafH ninr ih h tnrJntv ith I ants t and it snail be the dutv ot the Sur ixiy-six feet in length, nor less than twelve I day' 0 June, in the year ! of our Lord one veyot General to makj? a survey and certi- pcustrated and prostrated, greatly agitated. jeei wiae sna lor aeirHymg ute vxpensr i 1 thousand eight hundred and twelve the sum ncate of an sticn claims, 10 reiuni me fame making said draw, the sum of six thousand 1 sixly two thousand five hundred and fii- to the Commissioner of the General Land dollars be, and the same is hereby, appro- Leeri dollars and twenty five centsiwith in-i Office, and tbereupot a patent shall ssue piistea, i?ut or any unappropriaiea money herest from the fourth March, eighteen bun jatne sreasury. i Idred and twenty five, at six per Cent, per &ec. 2. And be) U turtner enacted, l h3 Unham. until oaid : bein&r the amount ai ine wasnineton oriaee i company snati i urKUtt h said lands were valued, exclusive of iiereauer oe requireu ecp cirhi .euecf 'limptovemeots, under the act of Congress, ing lamps, to be lighted during the night, ot entitlld An act to authorize the President which four shall be at tbe principal draw, Lvf tDe United .States ito And be it j the provisions of said urther enacted, which shall, by a strong and sufficient tail-1 deed or deeds, to the United States, in such I file their acceptance o ing, b separated from the carriage way.. ! ?. manner as the Piesipent ihalt direct, their I law. j Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That. I litie or lues to tbe kaid lands. : I Sec. 9. in making said draw, the opposite side ot 1 s-w 2. And be ii further enacted! That 1 t shall be , the warpS, above and; below the bridge, 1 . navmenti aforesaid shall be made as shall be curved off in circular form ; and the! directed to tbe said claimants, according to I deeds on which they may have fina Side of tlje spaces covered bv said draw, l.h( valuation, of their resDective tracts of I lected the claims. .1 .... , I . . . . , . . . .IT"" ,r- , . ' ! J i m " ' to the or if the land has grantee, or to his assignee, been sold or transferred to any other person, or to the legal owner by purchase or descent. Sec; 8. And be it further enacted, I hat the claimants who ard entitled to the ptov enter into certain j sions of that jact, ot r al t tt m m I Iuir Ura m ' onn rT'm at a'h I - 1 J l I j x I . I AM a W a lAVArrAinff rta-tti ipmn 9 I Hia n I I wf VMM wM; . v aeeoiiaiions relative 10 me tanus locaieu 1 srives fyhvl"B H,"a,w" "v "' "91 ed ttoarer. a most violent fellow, a uroCKet: 1 a ine priugeji ano in repainnjr snu 1 undef v,re,nia military land warrants. lying by taKing a quanuiy equai 10 a league nio-Roarious. RumbunCtious. riooine aniilcs Iho f imnanu matr anrl horuhr DM 1 i ' A 1 1 1 9. X -J 13 : U 1 a.r in Iiaii rt tho (irhnlA errant . cnsill ffls I . .. i J. 1 .-J -. tiv viuuuii v luaii mm vw v t i-sAi Hrovn i iiiiiiiw'ii anil ntittri is iiiira in uir isuuaic ima v -r wvti iArinn t 1 uaru iiiiiraavniii .rrrui irvr , i n WW- I w m -i- w -r w ;---:t , - IT" w i i- lr-issfreL.."w wp-w. ww m w -rm vmc w to reduce the width oi the Dridge 3tate of Qnio . Provided, however, That, and they are hereby, allowed the; tuftner rlf,g.taued Roarer. Scrimvtiori. minutest Ihe four feet, leavinp four feet on one I rtovmnt Uf airi nm. I ihi cirt I time of one vear. from the Dassaee of this I ..... ,i,- i:'.,i anA AC nAthnn konunH Li r it end. of bridge, permitted to twentv j 7 . , " I r . . a : lurpviie aw jv pbw ------ . , .t .: i I dtuiii itic s i t ir caiu ui; jivtiiuie oiibi v Side of said budge for foot passengers; claimant or claimirits shall relinquish, bv act. to execute their relinquishment, and t.. l r Stoaueer. to strut! with! free neero diehi , - : . V m ' I 1 'ii I - l i I . J r I : .i ' T ! -" '' !! r . . J.., . . ..... . .. . . j l o . , i i,-. ... . Who - t . t i o : 4 a Jimber Jawed, having the tongue always mo v ing. Lambasting, a very, severe lick Moccasin, green whiskey. To Mosey ng f. nation conversation THE SKELETON. The celebrated living skeleton. Edson, has arrived at New York. thus described by a correspondent of tho Evening Post ; 1 have seep him, and must say that his appearance exceeds ray imagi- from what I heard of aim. r rons with him and his friends, I in the year 1783 in Stafford, Ct. but removed with his parents,; whiV quite young, to Ran dolph, (V.) He has been remarkableTor strsngtn and activity. Very few men .of his sice could outrun him, or junip, or throw him by fair wrestling. His height when arrived at manhood was 5 leet'4. inches, and weight 135 pounds. His life has beer very active and labonoi. and he appjro to possess a remarkably strong and healiLy coi sututiop. He served as a soldier during the last war, under captain Benjamin Lg-r ton of the 11th reg't, and bore the Wputa tion of a brave and active soldier. ' He. witb ipay to clear out. Obsquatulate, to mosey, or to I the assistance of one of his comrades, cap abscond. Pernickety, Squeamishly fasti turjed three British Serjeants and marched dious. Py son, violent in politics on the ihem into the American camp. Heaaio wrong side. i. e. against us ; Mogmatorinl sighaiized himself at the battle of Piaithu ff l nnt, a process which laKes a man as went ana was one among ine orve .men who '"j where he is not,, as where he is. Ram- Jvo unteered to remove the pi d tr.e provi-i where n(. -,s not, as where he is. Ram- jvo unteered to remove the ptanks irorn the avail them- 1 9m,nHA1iA rrttwri nn rivnr Jtina Tail. I hi id frie to DreVeOt the riasLirf nt' thw ai..I.u nq receivea a snot tnrougn ine top t his as he was about to remove the fast 9nk. But much fatigued alter the buttle- slept on the ground during the night hout covering, and when awoke in the morning by his comrades, was so chi anq benumed With the cold I that ! he led MS j- . 4 i . . a. ty. socicaoiager, in ngnting, a iick wai a , ' VjmW mI.Mifia alanl.fl ff rr m n.r. I nn'uhlh In P . n atrf null Mithnni i.i.,I.J... Bll oenrlieular. ' Soontinaceouslv of one's oni vet he recovered the use of his limbs in IkrJi.lii nl Iho It ilim- nrilrt K.. I . :: . I I I : . f I .. J t ' 'in f uv r"c b,, -if I irccord. sarswaran. ri. leoal nrnroerlinors of I verv short ' time. From .hi ceivers to restore to the claimants -i thj4' title I - nA- Smartie. one! who thinks him 4 veiars -aeo. he has been gradullv losini hii fe" self rieht sharp. Swipev, forked. Snip I flesh, without any apparent disease, bavin? tiouS) finically nice. To Chunk, to; brick scarcely teen ;aick one day, for taken anjr bat with chunks; not jwltb stones. Tet& medicine, iOitfwpJi'otio ibaf I Slooe jot JIet tally twisted, confoundedly contorted, ' pillsi he weighs" at present but 60 pounds is certain t .. ; i y v - " :r--i' I he lost 7 lbs. last year, but aDoearS to have Approve .1 -. ! ' AN ACT May 2d -it f MC 1 s the distribution of books therein mentioned. I K I Sam Patch Outdone. A friend elves us I nd more'tlesh to SDare : his annearMne ik Be it enacted by the Senate and Mouseup, following fact. p rLiuring the late ciuiseji hat Of a skeleton animated with, and per of Representatives of the United Stales, of Gf the Peacock in the Gulf of Mexico, in' a J forming all the actions of fife 2 but iitill the mnlateo th sitntm nnii MniixA America iti Congress assembled. That the l violent eale. one of the! sailors was blown 1 mire shadow of man, being, .literull superin t kf RsnrtKntnih)tm M the United States of I copies 01 ine; umiomavic vurresuuiiuciivc 1 n tne ion-g-tiii uim i ti 1 sue ing, uu nn uuu wor uui wnai ui I . : i . ! tl. m. . II 1 r .U- A niaJiinan Rovnliitinn. nn shall be sufficiently land strongly planked ha0dl made under the above recited act of Up on each side ; and said Bridge Company I Con gf ess. shall remove from the oassae through ii l Annrnved. Mav 5fi. l&sa ;fill obstructions to safe navigation, ''fjv. ; I j: :li i . , yA. H j. "' aeel 4 And be it further enacted Tha, ! Apj ACT to provide for the 6nal settlement eo soon as me aecietary ol. War shall pe n ; Mand claims in Floiida. fully satisfied that the work contemDlateo I r ii v,nr't'pd. hit th Sitnnt em -bv this act tt he Vtnn nndr th. nnr!n. I ' r D....--.Ct a, 1T;-J vr.o rl rnnips oi the Diulomatic CorreSDohdence 1 nfT the ton-pal teodehce and authority -ofi tbe Corporation I America irt CWreis assembled, That lllofthe American Keoluiion, published iniseaJ tie was picked up with roucn oiljcui jmore remarKabie, he enjoys good health. Itf Georeeton. is DroDetlv arid sufficientlvliKU etim and titlA to land filed before the I oursuarice of a resolution of Congress oi l tv and brought on! board without haying! sleeps well, hii appetite good, phd the w aiBw-k . . . T . m hAk-ww' . j. j. w frr a a k w. n - i n H-BBi-ca-ii - n - i k iiiia a k- m i r - . s var a r. mill iiiiiib - - - r - w ; wcuuuur.ana is emireiy saie ior tne p-it: i Hep is ter and Keceiver ot the Iana nce,i iwcuy cciu wain, v t miiaiucu ""jt -ee v-;' ' "i , i bv" " -; 7 - V "r'r.t r - T-- 't'-". Afa,H. k.U. . v'. k.r:. .uu iWi ... . : :. .: . , ; .t- rl titinstrt onrf niohtppn. which have been or I ntoPr1 of 1 SO feet. Irov Zsentinet. -! I formed, tlis DUlte is rood, from 75 tn fio anhmnr;.i;nnar.in i,a n mnrh I r'.- fi--: ..jL .i.L .Jt.tn.ri I mav lierefier he received at the Depart-r:fl ill I 1 t ' " - I oer minute, bodily strength not soa much' rrrr'T "W"? n --Tr." 1 -?lH UMUT rrT ' ; oT-.i: V. J.l.-so..i a&.a wit Sti -L H intlemn arrived liUs.:.!.. K..I.Vv .i:.'nA' ii-il- ni vnm . av ...ak A a t n m aa a r a ! t 4 a m n r m risaiaw. si iiisiriiiuicu nnu uiduudcu l v ivisitc , mvi . v -" " - ' iuiiHiuiauw wu Mm u sau uu auu uuuuus. wnicrMmvej..Uc -" Trvr.sT: 71-.;. M loT. nm from i Nantucket. broUJ i WPfnsei of making kaid .draw.v, -U . ' t-lciaeii nd-twaraedpT-onfirmation, oi.. w fanner uuw.i8, .u w . , . , ; -TrmS n ,7 ti;til . M."v ,T. 7 ti-T f r."" Sec. 5. And te ttlMther tnactea. mat contained in the reports said Co passage and interrupt a I rporaiton of ! ! Georgetown shall not mons. of said Register t the passage across said 4 bf idg mined to the Secretary pen ongerjperiod iban! sixty days, under jfh according 'to law, nalty f paying ftp fine Bridge Company J Congress, on the fo 3 an amounr eaual to ten dollars, for each and every day over sixty days, that the pa tiing of said, bridge may belnterruptedt f . 5c. be4tpirtheraafa, tAnM tf said Company sbajl refuse to the Corpo ratioQ of Ueoreetown,the ight' to execute he prof Uijbns of thisi acttheff-he Trighjis nd provisroriiHnfavor 6f "said Compainy, eenred by the!seciniSecUoit6f this jact, hall! be null and vpidno if Ihe ssitCoWpiny sha il ) refuse peci ti the altcwtioa in ihe draw herein provided ftr, and shail Ftlbiniihirty, daya afterthe f Geprgetq wn psucptpsaitnbtiv and i every thingthefSSPMOi. VjP vcase iu nave eueci , ..Si e thousand eight id the same are he iexceDtion'of such armed by the Spanish Government ahqfracts and odi To the r resident ana vice rresiacnioi wiui mm -jwm. .f; rZVrr:; -. r'Tt I n1 couia nis menial faculties ar jaDSiractSj ana?opi v hi L . . 1 a Ur nf the ch h Sarah, arri I Jl. ii tt.mJt u i .lJi and Receiver, trans-1 tne unuea. oiaies, uiie upj.auHj ; Pv-.. ........ w. . - -r--- - - uui "w.uwfWK "r ana iveccivcr, 1 . w : L -J-. . I ; M,niH.trt from ih ' Souih Sms.I ..Li.u u. .J u 'of the Treasury. I Meaas 01 iepanmeni, Bve.wpiei , .- amm..t.-- n . -- 'iieeuiri u Mwofi w. mugs . -ap eri bhim to nltby;HihaS j reierrea p mm u. 1 t f e- . ii 1 l tn: Mn.anm. : The followme ii n ei-l :ni v Ktt 5- ih dav of January. 1 01 ine,wnerai uuuu iyulc,iu . r r rr: t . I u,w,s M,vT"vr Vf?f, wmarw " .-ij J 1.-. u- a m t a ' amb inrai-', . a mm mm . i aw-'i irari iiiiiii a mm iliiiu , a aa , mm bvvvw, b-v mm w b rr wiawrmi s a mm va a:u a aavaai as k tiMnrtroH and thirlv. be.l inienucm ui ure, uut y ., w- -,--1-- ; , ... ""-- . - -t - wr :-., auuiu claims as wee ion- presentV'oegr one copy io ine suhe of the Senate, live copies, to me mprary o isunng icci, z T" , a auanuuea. mw h v taactated tbtt tbo fourteen ! v 1 . 1 UnnuAf Rnronfntives. ten comes I quem,uiuc kV';,wV"":r hh. Attorney General, the Judces Jof. the! . r-1 thousand eiem nunareoanoeiBucu,wHiv.. rr , , , , A oer announc k. r.rrWinid and renorted. with the Supreme VPti, ana toj me wuc. aui,a - -r, r . 51IOH " Tt. - , t , i. .:JMS..i' .:.L... .nnnl. lit .nohinH! lHttlf Ull vvni Evidence by the Riebter and Keceiver, D- ' "l Zf' :,;:: : lrh, .hnnldet bean ll I imprestion of (he I iSrette new ... ,01. Congre. to the Uonor '""""'" f jinitiiii, " T. P.-Tbi phenomenori is ei- -i - - i t i . v -'i .i. inn iv z a.a a.siam ; w-- - - - - 'ft . ; " : 'a a ' bv;K5 -Thai ;PoiataDd'toeacb inc6tporatedUn.versriyi ng&c.. Nortec We Congre f Sec. 2.: And 4ii the conflicting ui obedience! to the ; fourth section of the act olUongr vhouiand uiiis; ca3 ilis.t5 uittKbfrM jctra ca d:i:tittt3i tail pc..a at ll.t Stat.- une coov tcr eacu ess, wpuruvea may ins ciguiiijv 7.' - . - -fitir ru .i Xa t.t.. l uat orr in fnrei2njx-jpes;tothe .'A A.n.ti;n at imlli 13T HCfcV.Mil ti n and Athentsum, "one.copy j to the Secretary American iet Secretary aval Coc. thick, weighing 13 ids. oaiem paper. - I pulsation ot the arteries cn be" teh in anv th.V Jktid I Pn of J the Pnot:s processes of tn selV JheSi hh Aonwld his feet, can to i Brussels, vbosel..Mwvn(ttll. tK- . ; wiuuvu me ajtinj, anu incommoao t much when walking or dancing. . Jlo J S wife And three children the youngesSj tnesseo. me vu "Vr ' IIS! tt onl-eleven months old, : ' ndemned to bardJUbor for. Iifeg 2Va- i - j . - - ' r eondemneu to uaru jwuur iur 11 --; t. CONOiSDRUAt; Te rfes cni 6esf. Perl -Why . r VVe' find trie following u an eastern pa Coo; steiters are .troubleoiie;Ta ! Why Is bin . 4k; jske a 4CaterpUlar r I providence. They axe, rhsgcs irttTf -i '. t- . V-; .: ' Wuv:t '-if?, ' . i-,r. " . ' '3 - ,i ? . i 1 1 . . .. - ! 1 .'! 1 1 - I - -' - - - I ' ' f I" - - ,