"Si t . 27'. F t ? ' jl'J ' " . ' I-;- ! . i " J J L; . ' ' -. ,,: H 'It fl pi i '1 i iml fiiiHWi, in i mit'n ik !! '' iii mil i NEWBERJTs reasonert that principal argument for the exis (cncef the present system of htavy Tariff Tax- uum, U iDani win rrnaer me vniiea Diuie in dependent in. case of a war with Great Britain. This reaaoriinr haa a fair outside, but atrip it oi its fine dress and its folly will stand revealed to all who can or will open their eyes. The mutual interchange of raw material a well as manufac-l tured articles m the only wav to maintain peace among the nations by proting to .them that they can maae more; oy eacn ointr m a peaceful way than they could by cutting throats and plunder ing ships and- cities. The closer you draw these ties of mutual interchange'-, the morejrou weaken the probability jand. destroy the causes of wars. 'Ifjoofloosen them or tpiryiemtwar,8 between nations thos 'sundered w ill be -the sure the nnaVotdable iresultr Now let us ppjyi 8 principlesfto the Etclustve or Tariff Sysiem) which claims as its peculiar, excellence and espe cil recommendation, that it will enable us to manufacture evry thing t home, and thus ren der us completely independent of fortf n nations. This, if it could be effected , t the full extent Mch its advocates boastiog'.y claim for it , would totally destroy nor commerce. Oh no !,r they answer" we wcnld then supply foreien nationsu oVVnuld you so, and where would be Great Bri tain all this time ?, Would she sit Quietly and taryeyor wouli she nodeclare war against us j A war of no qJsrtT; an tetterminating par oij both sides-beftuse we hould be fighting for money, ad Great Britain for existence. Ah J but" we are answered, "suppose we should con quer nd thus' secure the markets of the whole rrli, what aWiant,' resolt; Oh yest after you lid planted the stars" .on London lfw; and rivolu: ionized Great Britain, ya would tnej1 fiatre to divert khose energies which ought to be Employed in fiflio the wods and securing thV treasures wherewith kind nature has lavishly blessed our land-to the sickly employment of manufacturing night caps, stockings. &d to close' unhealthy rooms, barred from the blessed light of heaven, and ttit- heat' hml !'.brs of the fields ! p St. John's Pat waj. celebrated at the Lie lodge. No. 87, with the usual Masonic Cereroo. Ws Am impressive Oration was delivered py CofJ.' John Bl Wright, after, which the ladies who J k .- - - ! i"' "... ... i". .!..l:jL had, attended to near ine urauon, wrrenTin u iu artik of dinner which was gof tipHrj bVonr. D. tCeoani' On the Writhdrav artlke of dinner which was gof tyiHo fine styie withdrawal of the Vent from The; Editor of the Washington N C Times f , .. . i purchase of Che. Sentinel! Answer to JNbne- I voted on nekker side and never wrote a politi cal paragraph in my lite, 'f A lew months pref U ous to my becoming proprietor of this paper, I set to work in order to understand a subject' of wbicb I had before known little the politics of my adopted country. Daring this research I ikot only studied American History and Biography, but I likewise took every opportunity of arriving at the truth viva voce. &y starting objection to every political opinion which might be udvocated in my bearing. From this circumstance, very naturally, proceeded the mistake of Mr. Cat ring- ton's informant. . v ' T L : ' -I -T It was thus, by searching history and putting men to the trial to shew reasons for their opin ... - r i . . . i - - I . ions thaLl became acquainted with the best argu ment? on all sides, as well as .with -the tacts whenoa tjwe argonrem were deduced. The re sult of this mental discipline and practical exam ination is stated in ray Prospect as. I have nailed my colors to the mast, and will defend them! to - i i . . . ,- i the last drop of. my . ink Ay f or of my blood. Mr Carrington sneers at my being " an alien'' ; (be difference between mj sell any many who are -mericans by birth eny is Ibis. I was born a subjtet and wished itf become a freeman', thW were bora freemen and would become subjects. The Editor of tbe Times' marvels at my di-pl ly of u Southern" feeling.! 1 have, it is probable, travelled more in the South than himself. 1 know and love the people. I have shared their lavish hospitality and chatted with them by their, fire sices, I know that 1 have many warm friends among them, uho fcave assisted and will continue to assist me to the utmost of their power, tthilirl continue to deserve their support. What wonder tneo, that-1 should have! become a Snutherntlr I friendship begets friendship; and I sa with I he Cosmopolite ltt Partoul ou ft me trouvebien voila ma pairie wl may be n.Jished thus Whtnver J am ictll triaied there is mv eountru 'j- i " L i i1 - L- GOOD NEWS FixOM PENNSYLVANIA ! '! : The Opposition, when the President put his cco upon the. Maysville Road Bill, calculated wiin great certainty that ' Pennsylvania (in Sportsman ph- ase,) would 6. Indeed, some of onr friends gave evident symptoms of aflrm, and thought all was tost. However, ihe thing Ih'as gone forth, in as hideous a dress, too, as the pi position prints could caricature it withal, and to tiieir astonishment . that State still stands firm, and bar not yet shot maTHy from he nbeie M SbestULtolds;tbefro -UC L i ' t mt wye criLrio -rmiMTa 1 MRMILEbK "ACCOUNTS. When Mr. King wa; year, the cry was at o - . . ., , during 'the la,i of political per- oecutfon It was said. lit he was thrust aside in consequence of his aikmment to Mr. Adams that there was no other! rftson for it, tie." &c. We were perfectly asstrll, that this was a mis take. We have at thisjnbment a letter before us, from a gentleman ioffthe most unblemished honor, written while gJi) wackson was at the Rip Raps. He had a conva-i tion With the PitdeuT on this very subject, who leclared, that ,rt the. re moval was made with much deliberation, ms any act of his public life- that Mr. King's official conduct was under inve igMtioni for six wkt, before it was determined -The; President .dec-It. red, in the most emphati terro,' that be had not been influenced by the si ;hte st political feeling in the casehe had bee 1 that Mr. Kiog was amiable in private life, an in politics had ' con ducted himself like a genemanp-hfi being un ('le to understand hisMen(s, and Mr. King being unable u explain fhem artUfctorily, he was determined to do hidu,iy J unpleasant as it was for him to do it, antiiware as he waa of the noise it would make, art! the clamour it woult ex it 'We have the rlst perfect assurance of, the truth of this statemeJ. What else but a sup posed sense of duty, cold have prevailed upon" be President to encouler the responsibility of such ja removal ? Mr. Dng Was a man of amia ble haracter, esteemed a Norfolk; and respected in Virginia. He was cinected with two of the highest and most gallit officers in the Navy. Several f Gen. Jacksoni friends in Virginia had besought him not to' rdnove Mr. King, but for ood cause ; for abuse aid neglect of offict The President knows as wci as any of us, what .the custom is, m such cas two parties are not in II habit of removing each ofher frum ministerial, :es and that whatever the fretted or the just $iril of retaliation might dictate in ome of tnd her ; States, it wa not fashionable to resort 14 such, measures in ihis State. ' ! We were satisfied, that the President was ac s r- Moated by no spirit of ioliticat hostility; towards Mr. King and it only remained to be seen, whe ther the State of Mr. King's', accounts furnished s rf moved dpElraised; adequate cause for hi4 removal. We have now ead the Report from the Navy Department W; have read Mr King's reply to Mr. Branch an we are compelled to say that the condition Mr. King'- accounts required and justified hi re ;oval. Tbey werelSe'pt so loosely a alone to demand the interpostion of the Depar ment. ; tn the Default, whether it arose from the manner in w hich the oGce was aept ; ,tbe to gal "con fldence flaced to jbtHers the abuse of that cqn hy.Jhein'PTftta .n reasoTt'To i-' lit Di H nt, in shor the "advocate rof ty rahny nTop- pression on the part of the government, and of servile acquiescence and submission to the peo ple of the South ? V And is not such a paper, in a Strntbrn State, essentially Tory in its principles and conduct?. ; "';, - -i '- j' But we have noticed this Spectator not to re ply to its absurdities, or to repel ifs personalties but because it has caught the tone of a kindred spirit, and has thought proper to denounce us. as a fomenter of disunion. ' : ; ! The charge is false. Those who make lit are eith- r utterly incapable of understanding bur nrinciplesJ 1 i Vt1?iHLn?i(Ve 9T ar basely and wilfully determineo-rii.rtcp' el and distort them. - .J-tii - ' . ,.V;n r J': s We bflieve the Tarifi to be unconstitutional' and we know it to be unequal, unjust,' and op pressive ou th? south , It has been "ao pronoun ced by the Legislature of every .Southern State, and is so rr-araid bv th PfMl hrwtv nf th-SiVtii 7 : o .- j p- i thern people.- t)ur Legislature has protested against it, and our citizens have remonstrated and iciiuuiicii rruieit) auu peiiiions .nitve r ieen disregarded. ; The mouths of our deleeatesl have been eaeedi or even when thev obtained a hear- ing, their arguments and expostulations have been treated with vdutempt. The system, so far from having b en repealed, has only been modified to suit the Tariffites themselves, and now bears ex clusively, and with unmitigated pressure on the south-,:- .-- . -T-'t- . r:v;0.. What do we nroiioseoc. what: bare we ever proposed as a remedy: for these, intolerable evils f V secession frm the: confederacy ? ; Civil war with the North or West 1 1: IVq ; we love the union too well, even abused and perverted, as itj has. been we are to5 proud of its glory ioo tenkler Iv aUached to all the 1 endearing ad enndblin associations connected with if to have conceiv ed or recon) mended such a measure, i-even if we nau thought tnat it was the only possible mode by w.hich the people of the South could obtain relief from! their sufferings, or reparation of their wronjrs. ! '! . What then it our object? It is to restore the Consliiution, which has been violated and con temned, to its pristine purity and vigour by res training the erratic and arbitrary career of n e majority and by procuring, if possible, the taint abandonment of the restrictive and Interna Im- provemenf systems which we regard; not only as gross infractions of that instrumei t, but as utter ly kubvefsive of I he. rights and lilnyties of the .Southern States. It is to burnish and pernetuae the claim of the union, by removing the abuke. which disfigure and corrode it. It is, in Short. by a proper recurrence to first principles to des; troy the system of inequali y and robbery which arvw carried ou, tor the aeg- ujiditement or ine North upon the ruins of the South, and to cause our government to become again he impajtial :i-penser of equal benefits and burdens. ? pnou-d hese great objects . be effected, ther Southern e ple will cting with renewed affection to the IJnion. and the American Confederacy will en- lure forever. But unless tyranny and usurpation are restrained, and the Federal Government brought back within the limits of the Constitution, -it reflecting man can doab that f Hium tuit wit rt long comprise the brief but comprehensive and instructive history of this great republic. J Must we be denounced as disunion st", - then, t lecaoj,e we advocate these salutary alteration in 'e practice and Drincinles of our GovefSit t :is t ere no aUernatjve .betwe' mission to, tIncos1ituto, !a!itirn of the On ib " " ights,' or redress mm j Bng.Hrnry,' Burt, New Port; Schr.Scjft CjOTklmV-Tew Schr t?asaa4 Starpoolfj Bos ton. 'Ml :..! - Mf v HDliE A1TED "' r' Schr. Zephyr, TylerisNewYlrlu i Schr. Isa ah, ChadwkkPhiladelrblav Schr. Ann Maia, Hunter, Goadaloupei 1. i Schr. Bah imore,' f lowland. Baltimbre-H, '-.. ff Baf 4,ar7fl nB '.Jno-r,nwfc York. ; Schr. -hell piitli IngU.VBaltimore 1: iMiuuning tn ine wewtem roel Offirt i JUIII JUKE. lBll i Mrsj Sarah Anders, . Mrs, Eliiabethr Al .'. - - - If ten ; : yst'im b. John Brissinstrtn. Wm Babcock J -M UC o. SilvesW Brown. Wm. 8. Rlackt-1.. TimerlaMi Burtt 2jM1iss Love Barker. Jhi uJLM EyS 2iWtniickbae; A-J mjrdn, tCo- SV riirvjame oeasiey, Jarnf ft Burbage, Mil. vmuanae DIM. .:' t Loncfield Cox. J. C Cole. Jntenh T? rcnot : Til Thps uLj .Carthy Church Chapman, John D Colbey , Lmder i Chapman, tElfatr i palawy' Charles Carter. J"me Cambeil JMr: Sarah. Chestnut, Culbn Conaliy, Abet E. S. -Collins Jaoies Couaer, John D. 'Chapman. ! : i o ' j Henry Devine. Cant. Snmoel Durlats. ff: Jnhrk & Daemon , Henery Dewey, Wm. S. iielamar Capt. T Etherate. Brv an Edmonson. Tho Jj Em. rv. -"! . " .! " - . ! i nL George Farrest, Wm. French i-4:'MiKQr.:Mv Jolih Golds icith, 4 j Mri $(nisoa, M&WQlQW Mrs. Holland Green, :5kmh Gulley, Vai GajUao, b llll I llllllll II Jhn HarVvJ ilenrt Harvevi iat John Hat), brinsiom Hriii. ' lnnr Hal dison. Wm. HulH brook! 2; John Hf Hen, -Mis Harriet Hoyt, dmond Hatch, Gtorge A Hall, Mrs Hannah Hart. t James Tv' Jones; 4 : Mojes Jarvis, Henry W Jones; 2 ; MiS Martha E. Jones. John v. swmcey, jnus byuia niu Richard Llod, Durant H Lane. Love it G. Moore. Cap! Morrla"Johua Mil'er Jacob Moore, Wm- cK'nney, Freak. ; ftUlleryii rancis Mason, w esse u,iniru.K)f..1.; josepow neont sr -'q l,Wfii . Thomas j' ,c CrVn? Capt: Jdhn tgoop: ft " it ter, : Henry' HiHer, J. hr- tit Or'"-- Sr Josepn U'?er awe'i..vo" : .etniilutw rrttscjreste t- ::;ii 1. k i' ;1 m r . 5 -i i r i. .. ', i .- a. l .-