- : T .-VK' ' .. , ' ' .... ON MANURES by G. I. tvctj !V';-:;:: ' of Georgia? . .. VThi a tmosphere is, unquestionably, na iilire'f Stor-r6omj6f f vitality into which vry atom of vegetable and animal spirit esdendar descend again in bountiful dis tirihutiphOD the generation," progression and reproduction of 'millions of vegeiables and animals.! This is conclusive in a; thousand evidences around usnone more at band ifian tnejvitalizriig effects of rain, and thai innjopensaoie compuna siroinea irom ai mr.anlerlic airJ by Hhe lungs of plants and C'j; 'Wj 1 lliMl'l "hi M-TTWWBSWg l h ! !H?anima1sin iKe process of retpiration. J 5fl f it jouowi men, mat irom a aungnm we gel but a minor part or the good of its de cvreposition ; the ;niajor rand' better are gt'ue.cff tobe distributed among' millions v . 'ii '; .. t I. i . -L. .. . ' :-' f ? .r,. ) or suojecis in wnicii we nave no interest: v-H, 1 tvhileusine manure in the wav I have men-1 I tiQfed-tWe lareer and better parts of disso-i I U i; i; "UHu arc iuiii uur reacn, oy UPinp mwre ' j 11! jtimately, more largely . and more spiritu W Hit bo.sly(JitiCb.rprtied. in our soil. Not but MhVthat.ihe;iWhoe will in tim fly ff. though deeply buried, but the-, first gasses are Jbrojugbt wjthiu ruir use ; and the (alter lon er, de sined there Voreover, the warmth fettnnj(Htionis highly ; beneficial to ail axUi we rlhiea.rinrino the winlAt jtoauwr niCl i in SOatRrnfe!?STirnrt nailTr Tf JnB f(,a 'P?! best gardening i" .. iu wuuri, lurni a nuaierhn ; Ml! Fhwmud Nfrom the botim if fresh- i ? 1;'""r,rf5,w,,npst ponus or val lies or frnn Pb f if; 'sused; atHethe all Tor m goo ; r - ""'ur ivuhv on an siups Mommend to be o-rmjp m heaps fnd M lo, l' som monihs to rot that pro j fiioiijofibfous roots by which i Us ceher aiiy uouna up.m unmanageable clods. too. ihosie- ffpiini't t . t nd vegetable rrcrement are incbrporatec w,ln a Pi'on of clav ihar ni ?L i J l Lr ' saU water beds o 1 1 f - Shower or Va of " rain hari k.. I rZ 'r vT i? , - 1 P,aP? t would k 51 lis r . .r l'iand j dosspc X ! .vrv"J,rife oodie. A ! : ' U lower severance. This . a done by f eed of the Pride of, India, alias of Chin, nj its progress from a seed to a Vtee ; wlnci seed J had accidentally lodged on the con verse j top of the oven, about midway lron he . centre to the external circle on thM side, j This great bulk and enormous weigh' f masonry, was rent, and moved from base by a root, jio great deal harder, whiU in the aeo(jpeiSt9r-- turnip ; pufiprnr,sJ0,ni,nS ine stones inai op posed its progress down; A fate -English work records an ex per ment on a tree, inai irom tne size 4bout six inches, until it had attained th height of six feet, has been suspended trom Itheearlh, subsisting only on air and a re- guiar aropping oi water ; ana ii was inen n 4 luxuriant state in roots, body and foliat? 1 I Manure- "prepares passages for atmos pheric air. as indispensable to the roots oi pla'nis as sun, to their foliage a while ra:n teeming with animalcule, brings down trom nature's store-roomhr w iug Vitality to build in union, mushroom; and rear to an ox the infant call - (Crmdad'dt) , f JrlJEMOVAB. OCTOR ISA AC W: HUGH r,S. informs the iithabitanis of Newborn, and its vicinity that he has rmoved to the Office fecentlv occu pied by E. G. Pasteur, Esq vhrp he will keep constantly n hand a iresh supply of MEi'l- iirMt.-?. ot a superior quality; wuicn tie purpose truing tur n umv. Neicbern, May 8, 1830 NEW G 0( fclKlES. ; nri HE Subscriber has now landing frr-ni gchr. JL &t'PEliB, Irom ew YorR, the roliowing:ari Jcs, which mil be sold low for cash or-barler : Rochester Flour in! Smoked Brrf, Io'.gnes whole tnd half Oris. Pilot gad Navy Bread, Crackers, Mackerel in half brls, Kidney Potatoes, j iHabins, Almonds, Figs ,); Pi unes, Cranberries. Cbee? (a few first rate Butter, first quality, Carrots, jvuts, Apples, Beef, rufss and prime, I Cabbages. Onions, iir canals, sperm Oil, 1 ' Lsvi T : SMUEL C. SLEIGHT January 8, 1830. nf 'ff' Subscriber, has just received from kev JJ, Ycirk, ner'schr Suplrf. an audition o his I'jrmer stock of Groceries. " Among theofare the following articles: . New Rochester Flour (in whole and J bbls.) Gokhen Eiitter ; English Ch etse : - Irish I' latter, Beef Tongues; Crackers; RninVhiskey, Brandv, Gin, iicw urieans angar : lirazH vonee 5iI5and Loi Swear, iic &e spH ar a tetu 'small tea- produce SLEIGHTL PROSPECTUS CAROLINA SfiNTINEit. 1 ". k . j L I pledg- myself to gi my utmost support to he present Atiotinistrai'ifi, while it shall couti- nue to act 4s it has hitutito actea ior me goou iof the Peonle; While it dntihues lo deseryewliai - . f . ; .'! . ii - it hitherto diservedlthe "thanks ot th Peo 1 believe that aitl encrobchment of tti- delegated powers of th General Govertiment, : upon tbe State, soverei ties, ii destrucjtiye ot Liberty. ,1 care not by hat pretence it mav be i i f adorned, by what namett may br Bujpdrted, l believe it to be comrarvb the tenor of the C-n stitulton, contrary to tic immutable principles ; 1 upon which 4h Coitsiil tion is based, and 1 therefore Will firmly am luc'i encroaciimeiy.. ! I b fearlessly oppose janjr - ieve that Industry! can ' i i protect itself, and that gh pseud ptotecting r duties ut-ver can altam s-lh a desirable epq. I : - bet ict-c tnt thw Self ftiylet A.mei ican- v s t tjm is false and toohsh theork and ruinous in prac the ;p tice. These are the priutenl aitictra of ijrT lineal crueJ, jand I will dind th m as well as 1 can. ! 1 will not be thebigitted or knavish iobi oi any Party, put I will,! to e bfrst of my ahiMiy. tell the truth, and the wit truth, and nothing- but the. Truth, concerning ublic Men and Pubic Measures j The CRotwA. f?EiTiwi, will be pubiislied very Saturdny ai S. 50 year,' if p ri ad- 4ani" e, or & ii pa at th nd of the vear Any person w ho shall oiiain five subicn'ers and guarantee the pavm'eit thereof shall have the sixth paper gratis. Advertisements inserted it the uua1 ratts. AURICE, FLOUR AJxD GOSHtN BUTTE .- ...J a. Brown and. bleache.hir Jiigs and SheHirta6, 1 . : II - I f. Black Itnliah, and fancy cjrorrd silk ''ravats. Legi-orn B ?nnets; shell Cimhs antl side Combs Marseilles Quilts, Patent threads,' L"w pried plaiJ CahcocsiLinseywoolseyi 200 lb. cotton Yarn, pearl Button?, !00 doz. Clark's taile end ipool Cotton Hed, white, and green Flannels, 7 4. 8-4 damas lafritl Diapers, Super and commotf blifck Bombazets, Twilled Sacking. BtissU Sheetings, Super .ahd common .BenVicks, StinerwWkitney. and London Pumf E4an kets. &u..hf-r -fpi A few firklni f(Ood tSOSHENDTTPR, re ceived th.L3"day per schooner Smim Mary, an for site by BRADFORD &r 70 IV,S first ratei Rochester FloIpr, J5 ou Netcbern Feb 5, 18 i- j i . i LIBRARY. 4 rrt I - .WATOS haa for sale a lew copies few i HE HISTORY OF THE JKWS, ly tne Kev H. iilman. in three 9o1uras, 18 no, illustran with original knapi Jand platef.t rhe follqwui -j-e out a tew oi ine j . robaiion which Air.l Mrtman's Hislory f ,h Jews has received ih Europe: , ine eaiiwj ;i: ,"" ui' F i . . i .j l .r i t i. .1- chlsictil and scriptural, and so elegant and po oacrins Art t n 14 WUIK Hlf UCH Ul a. sbuwai , ww. i f,.l a writer J as the Poetry Professor, fev- theofojtical; works y .it brd?r have , appeared either in ours or in any other language, iothe '-hriitian reader of every age and e may add T t . : in a . 'I .t . ot everv sect-t-it will oe a airce oi ine .puresr ielight,,instruclion and comfort ; and of the infi- ueis wno open it rocicijr " -7 " .vi.... ii ignorance of a work; placed by general conseni in he tank of mr English classic, ia there noi f 1 2m. .Al..'ll.al lhau mou nit PAtnuln every reason id hope that many win lay uqowh in a far different mood." Blackwood's Magaxine Timmrh tUi subiect is trite, thr manner of ,,vr" "i . 'i : . j . (r'-atine it IS SUCH a to comumug tur,uccji:. on. VVWite the worn nas truiu unu simp i citv enough to tascmate a coim, n nuro wnu a inahetliness f th satileci and aa leg.aace jof ... L ' I .MAci rofin.n ttnH rastblious readdr."-4din6urgA Saturday Pott. It cannot hfelo being nie of the most deeply interesting works of the dy : it is invaluable to the qhi istianscnolar." mrmtngnum vurntn the most jJopular history of the son&ol Israel that ihas hitherto been publisho. lhe hignesi enconiurn we can pass upon the w.ork under no- ;; U m irr6 ils niiichase. rom a conviction of its 5crikingand faermanenjl worth "Berk. Chron. We are acquainted With no worn wnicn can more heartily recommend to our readers; to the younger part of them especially, we are sur it will prove a most acceptable present. Lrndon Literary uaseue. pTICE. The celebrated strengthening Flatter "fo r paih and weakness in the breat, bck or side; alsoL for ltheumaticvAtrections. Liveil Complaints, apd . Dyspepsia, for sale at No 33 Beekman street. This medicine IS tin- inven- ion of an eminent sorgeon, and so numerous are the instances irt which the roost saiuiary enect have been produced! by it 'that it is with the ut- cot fiJence recomm nuea to an wno are HfSictcd wit h thbse distressing complaints- 1 lie sale of this remedy fcopmenced in iay, 1827, from this estabJshnV, anutne saies wwrn very extensive. : u anoiua m gi w i"1 u stating, notwithstatalinig a condign was annexed lo each sale, inai u reiir:i wn " ..-, .uc money should be returned, out of those numerous sales from the period ibove meniionea, up to m present tune, ten only nave oeen r luriiw , mm thbsei upon strict enqujirjvwere luunu io ue uis- eases for which they were not recommended. we trust, heii fakrly considered, will be the Tk'.. strongest evidence that could possibly be. gtveu of its utility 1 i- ' Where the applicanti are known, no money win oe Tequtrea mi mc ini i ujouv- wu m-- ;i I- U !. nt.tJa a t 4 rtn,;' ved ; where they are opt known, he money wi l be returned, provided pe ben ut aoove siaiea s not obtained f ij .' . AriUr at 39 Beekman, corner of Vyilliam street. JVeb York. 2d April I SOU. ,' THE L MEDICAL COMPANIONr , . i l OK ' .;?: ; ' FASRiT PHYSICIAN I i ':. . TBsiJuto or.tax. ." r; r'...-,. DISEASES tE fJNITEI? STATER : ith their sy rap tooi9,ue cure, and means of prevention: comoion cases in Surgery j tha management aud diseases of Women and Children; a Dispensatory, for prepA ring Family'' Medicine, and SV j Glossary explaining Tech oical tetms?Also, tha- Nurse's Guide. Te SenrA Edition, Revised, enlarged, Si very considerably improved BY JAMES E WELL., M.D. j :" I ;. .- .1 On the important subject of domestic medl- cine, many books have been written, wbicbV tho.igh excellent in other respects, bav greatly i ;'aded of usefulness Jo Americaus; because they j treat of diseases which, existing in" very foreign i climates and coi&titu lions, must widely differ fronx" uuis. The book no a offered to the public haj WeZbre, the great advantage of having been ' ittan by a native American, of long and sue ressful factire in ti e southern States, and who, (or years paj, has turned much of bit attention,' j :o the composition of it. , k To every familyi more especially those in re i mote situations, the possession of this book must unquestionably,, be of incalculable value; forv conducted by such A guide, it will not be pre . : sumptuous to say that any person of tolerabla . capacity, and reasonable attention; may be ena ided to practice with safety :and advantage, ia tnose cases oi simple diseases most, incident to our climate. ' " . j - -' "'-. REpOIkOrJrENDATIOJTS, ! rn testimony of the merits of this work, the foJ lowing commendations, by some of the most disliuguished medical characters of the United States, are insertei. T . r ' Baltimore. Nov: 181822. Dxae Sir: I hav been truly gratified in tnef perusal cf l he. J?ixth I Kdiuon of your Medical:1 yompamon. or Family Physictan." The improvemeiitsfmade In this new Smnresaion otyoai work, compa red with the former editions, ? are indeed extentive and important Independ ent of your having enlarged considerably on dis eases generally, you have introduced additional ' matter: which greatly enhances its value. The introduction of the Norse's .Guide, as also tb treatise yitu hate givrn on tbe ntanageroent of fe , male complaints, will have the most happy effects' in correcting the grots errors daily committed by " ignorant persons, an j thereby save many valua ' ble lives, i ', . ' i I do not; hesitate tolsav. that this new edition of " your Medical Companion, is decidedly the best popular treatise on medicine, thai has ever been ' published; and considering itrs I -verily do, a safe and useful guide for heads' of families, as welt as for young practitioner -of medicine, I, lake much pleasure jn recominendmg it to the atten tion of our fellow citixefiV both ia town and - I wijl onlyJUiyooTr book meetiT with that r ' 1 ocodrajjer tr L5 tvl.Icbjt i jusUyjentitled.yoo. aui very-uiroa.cauec upon, by the public, for J pntho edition, rU-: " ' -.V- F srtftdear jir, T?ith much respect, youirfsif.ri 5 ii In 3 V f ar o servant, . , ' : 0