f 4 . . - NORTH CAROLINA: SENTINEL AND NEWBER5V .COMMERCIAL, AGttiCULTUnAL AND UTERARY INTELUGENCEli.; : THE SlBNtTlEIL, NEWBERN: rninY WORKING, MAY 6, 1831 j - - ' In accordance with the intention of the Post 6ffice Department, to establish a general and w uniform connexion of the different - iiiV . . I I ' . , j Stage Routes, the time of the arrival of the Northern Mail; at tnis piacfe, lias undergone another change. As we wish to lay the news of the day before our readers as early us pos sible, we shall make a cor respondent alteration in) our day of publication. We watt only to test the permanence of the new arrange nent. ' On Wednesday morning our citizens were put in consternation by an alarming fire, which originated in a Turpentine, Distillery or South Front-street. By the spirited exertions of the people, its ravages were, fortunately confined to the premises on which it pommenced. A larger increase ofjSubscribers to the Senti nel than we expected, during the past week, Will prevent us from sending to them a ll, .the present number of the paper;. . It affords us much gratification to believe that the pri ticiples we advocate are justly appreciated by the People, a very great majority of whom, formerly were, and are still friendly to the present Ad ministration. Our endeavors to deserve their approbation and support, shall be untirihg causes THE SWASH. Among' the many which have conspired to depress our Stjate, no nnp lias nnprated so severely, as the waht of a' good outlet to1 the ocean. In consequence of the obstructions of tjie Ocracoke navigation, every product of the farmer is lessened i?i value every acre of land in. the eastern and middle sections of the State, is worth much le $s than it would otherwise be; and hence, we ai e but a mere tributary to the aorthern cities. j Ijrom a i c'mUioA in Hip TLporisTaliirft some time since, by a.committec of that body," of which co,m H-.-- - J' ; . . . , l i was the larin ot Mr. Gaston was Chairman, it was snewn, auer a carclul ex A and the THE KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA RESO- ' LUTIONS. y j The attention of our readers is invited to the articles in this paper on the subject of the cele brated Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, to the Resolutions themselves: j They are joint production of Jefferson and Madison. They breathe the spirit of freedom-i-the spirit of the times in which they were written. They claim to the States the right to nullify any law of Congress! which the Constitution has dis- t - .-I l tin within i -i People! forbiddon that body to pass. The laws ;-. - . i ; !! ' 1 i of Congress are obligatory only when they: are in ii i . We, for th 2 are sc so much the limits of the Constitution, and the hhve the right to judge of its infraction. i . i i i i. have! always enieriainea great respect i ' ; political tenets of Mr. Jefferson. They perfectly characteristic of the patriot in harmony with our estimate of po litical (orthodoxy, that we regard them as the uherrir g emanations of wisdom and philan throphy. While, therefore, a party'among us, (some: of whom once professed to be his disci ples) are: opposed to the wholesome precepts of this apostle of republicanism, and denying the true faith, have taken Daniel Webster for their guide, it affords us pleasure to lay before our rea tiers the letter inserted in'another "col umn, from the pen that wrote the Declaration of American Independence. It is well adapted to the existing state of our political affairs, i lEfj It affords us no j little gratification to lay before oiir readers the following proceedings jof a meeting held at Boston, in 1820. They fur nish a most A 111 mendl them delectable morceau. We recom to the attentive perusal of tke apologsts and admirers of the Hon. Daniel yv coster, wnose moaern notions oi constitu- selves to apiculture, commerce, or manufactures. not as you may happen to be inclined, but according to our sovereign wiu ana pleasure, lex u-never dc forgotten, that the question now to be determined, is hot so much' what may! be beneficial to manufac tures, as whether Government has a right to benefit these, to the manifest iniurv both of the commercial and agriculturalj classes ; Whether the provisions of the Constitution against taxing exports, may ue rendered almost nugatory, by diminishing at plea sure, the value of our exportable commodities, through the instrumentality of a tax upon imports: And, finally, whether the direction of -individual capital is tobe regulated by individual choice, br by the will of the National Legislature. Where such duties are imposed to foster the particular interests of any class, who pay no part thereof, they must come out of the pockets of all the other classes of the community, and are in direct violation of that fundamental maxim, " not to taix the many for the benefit of the few." Extract of Mr. Webster's Speech at Faneuil Hall, 2d October, 1820, oh the adoption of the Report of thej Committee, (of which he was one,) and of th resolutions already referred to: " In his opiniojl, no measure could prove more inju rious o the indukry of the country, and nothing was more fanciful tlan that national independence ren dered such a measure (as the Tariff, afterwards pas sed in 1824,). recessaryj He though it might be doubted whether Congress would not be acting against the spirit and intention of the Constitution; by exercising ! a power to control essentially the pur suits of individuals not as incidental to the exercise of any other power, but as a substantive and direct power. Such impost, for the purpose of revenue, could not b complained of; but he doubted if Con gress possessed the power to turn the incident into the principal, and of enacting laws with the5 avowed object of protecting particular manufactures, instead of leaving them to the incidental protection of such laws as should be bona fide passed with a primary regard to revem e carrying the impost on some ar ticles to an exec is, with full knowledge that The in crease of duty w ill diminish the amount of revenue." Extract of a let ler to the )pditor of the Sentinel, da ted Wallaces Channel, 29th April. " Wednesdaylhe 27th, it 6 A. M. the wind sprung tionallaw, are sadly in conflict with his former uPfrom N.N, E and increased until 9, when it blew declarations. In 1820, this gentleman boldly a severe Sale' f 1 noon T vessels a schx?ncr and - m i 1 t .1 1 1 i- rii - I I i . iun a. sioop, panea ineir caDies irom x euciies noie , schooner went onshore on the sand pomt on mat avowed the ii i I now struggling to maintain, namely, that prb very doctrines which the South channel, and the sloop drove to sea through the break- r tecjing uuup were t;4uaiiy miuuicui wtiu ers and, I suppose from the manner in which she dis sound poacy, ana wim me principles oj our appeared, that slie must have gone to pieces and the Constitution and now, in the face of this crew perished. At4P.MJtheschooherMapo', declarajtion, he can invoke the maledictions of Capt. Casey, wept on shorj on the south shoal of Wal Heaven on those who, at this day, stand forth channel ; at 5, schooner Ocean, of Edenton, AotU vJr th ,r;rtltor1 riAnctif, tinn nf th Air arove on snore, and at o'clock the! briff Alexander. if i'l. - i i ' .. -, I CI 4. Li ' mi ' N i onuvx, parieu u.nu vvcuiuu puore. , 1 lie gale continued General Government to take away a quarter of be remembered 1824, that Mr. . tno. . that it w l J violent during the night, jjtnd in tlie morning I dis- covered that the brig Robert Knoa of FJiznhftth r -ii n j .j i. ii. a. 7 i ; u ' i : ? amination of the facts, thit there 7- r h , , , , , , 1 . .t v. i v, r .mcu puu uiikuuvvu, were on snore. . ' rnj" inai wouiti . ravoi trrtaiuu'uuuiism 1 tu. a Annt nAnTi d tit ti 1 . , was an-annual loss to the State ot one million j; J;, . ' im.ti i4. ; X, , s r . . : ' a th th" I UllbVlsis OHlttggnifg) jiv., 11, lUUUCiaiCU. A 11C bVJLUJUUtJIS LLI 'US 131 OWTl Of LO. m 'i I ' ' 1 - a I I I ml I "WW WTT . B '' the prosperity and corrupt the morals of the Henry WarinA and John G. Blount, were the only sive 'nf Jnllnr.Q. from that cause alone. Yet, w . ;7 . i- . ,.; I. n , yearly burden saaaiea uVm. i i Yo.t after all. Mr. W.iaisisted in fas- vessels left in Bfacon Idaid Roads.?' ;?6untryMveourlegislatorrestedsat,sheawunKenfn. ,ni T, jf , the begging of a, few thousanU aonars irom uie j . r gi provisions far more odiofui and oppresr ban the act of 1824! Shameful iricoli 2 Journal des Debats contains th1Wh. "As soon as Ml naoTTttie?0,"S--- nuniber; 9nnm r ii w uic iujueuerauon or Uftmte tw -ntJ marching against Luxembourg, s The President of the Council, it is added, remarked that, France wa3 preparing to suppprt, under all circumstances, her pretensions either in the North or South." , The following extracts from the Journal des Debats may be regarded as official: j " The Austrians entered Bologna on the 20th. . " The Provisional Government arid thej Italian pa triots always intended to retire at the approach of the enemy, for the purpose of not exposing an open city to the horrors of war. . "AH who were capable of bearing arms retired to the Appenihes, the.; passes of which could be easily made the seat of a desperate resistance. ' It appears that the entrance of the Adstrians had been determined by the enterprise of the patriots, who, according to a letter from Vienna, had attempted on the 9th an attack upon Rome, from which' they, were repulsed. s . j ; " We are assured that a diplomatic note has been addressed to the Austrian Cabinet to announce that France will not tolerate a longer residence of the Austrians in Bologna." j An express from laris arrived in London on 31st of March. The French Minister, it seems will invite tenders for 15,000,000 francs de rente, or 300,000,000 francs of capital. t 1 ! The magnitude of this loan has agaiii given a war like turn to the speculations of the Paris letters, and there can be no doubt, that if negotiated on tolerably good terms, it will enable the Government to hold stronger language "on that head to the, other conti nental Powers than; they have hitherto done, but as the policy of the present Ministry is essentially paci fic, it may prove, iii effect, the means of preserving the peace of Europe, by placing France in too com manding a position to be attacked with impunity. The amount of this loan has induced speculators in England to believe that it will affect the circula tion m that country, mid a report prevailed on the a 1st March, that the Bank of England intended to raise the rate of discount to five per cent, was gene rally believed ; though this seems premature, it is pro bable that that! step must soon be resorted'to. At all events, it may be safely stated that the Bank reo-arris these new contracts; for foreign loans with any thing but complacency. ! ! The London Courier of the 31st March, (evening,) has some interesting comments, upon the warlike turn, which the Austrian movement has suddenly gi- j ven to n,urppean attairs. It is said, that the Austrians on entering Bologna have violated not only the prin ciple of non-intervention, but have broken a promise 10 tne t rench (jtovernment. I POLAND. ; The further accounts from this country are cheer ing to its friends. It would appear that since the last Diebitsch thought more of safety ! ! The Messenger desj Chambres si ".-'"; ; NEWBERN,! MAY 6. 4 Wton, dei offkir (Utare balesIS 7 25 1 Corn, sustain itselfsales at&2mrt M h -'M ;7 to7cents.-Hams,7to a liFiM-t advices the than any t of the 23d says: Already! positions in m many p army ofj rung else: Late and important from England. i t 1 The packet sfip Columbia, Irom London, and the and new levies are forming every wherd to give the it flies the environs of Praga leaves, its an quarters, even abandoning its art ulery aces. General Kreutz and Prince P dam de Wurtemburg saved themselves by posthorses. Provisions fail the! roads are impracticable: and the army is perishing by degrees. The thaw of the Visj- tula has increased this miserable state of things. All ready disorganised by the failure of all ftheir hone of triumph!, ilii B.ocia,Tia liavc iiu ra.n:jr-ai 111 rttpid retreat. General; Dw'ernickji pursues them with rrreat fury. Caledonia front Liverpobl, both arrived at New I final blow to this foreign invasion York, bring Loiidon papers to the evening of the 31st The Russian army was subjected to great incon March inclusive! and Liverpool; of the 1st April. veniencc. on account of the severity of the weather. A commercial letter frotn London of the 31st says: the dreadful state of the roads, and difficulties in nro- ta linery Store, front Room of the Building tiere they will be delivered , arid punctually rl. vJrhen their own public "V- ; - . - . ! x r sistendy spirit ought, long since wiwvp Tau1 "j : Frovl the Charleston Mrcury outlet to the highway of nations. Other States, Sir: It has lately been discovered by 6b whose condition required, no such exertions lor servant physicians, max smauiaoscs 01 meui- Continental and English) iunds are lower. little The Warsaw State Gazette of the 14th March, :mnrAVWnnta nr nwrl have expendkmany cin:e produce nost: beneficial effects, - when time will deterrhme the course France is to pursue, gives the following news :-On the 0th, the Russians ""r"- rr:;-7- 1 . , large doses tail, l hisjs equaiiy true in mo- Business tnrounout me uomment is. very unsettled, retired Irom Praga to Wawer. In this village are millions to facilitate their internal communi- rajg Ud politics. For that realsbn I send bu and credit at a low "ebb.'f j . the head quarters of General Geismar, who has the cations, while we,' with folded arms, aM a tax Lmall doses of anti-tariff 'stuff, (to rise A letter from lthe correspondence of the Journal of command of jlhe Russian troops remaining near . AU hn ve ,nde no an andthecarv's phrase, taken Iftom the adfin- "T " """LiT," rs7 S" ; , Tu ue knowing aay, our General Jans ,n a unu rrr r: n , : ,1 knUn -Renort inf 1ft27. everv syllable ,A ne aimouncemem o W?": mu-, kowski aavancen tp vyawer, to reconno tre the ene exertion to cast off the letters wincn pma us. JiT 'iL r i 1, a ! L J ions, coupiea wpn me .accouiu 11.1 me rrencn jour- my s positions.; rne cavalry ot AugusJ;dw dispersed f i f". ! ?LJ:.-L ' A rur nf of Which kerves to -be well weighed; but, as ls'of Wedneay, or fethef Tuesdky night the a corps of Cossacks, which ioveredlh? Russian iv uepiurauie muiiici,cxx l i M Kepott occupies nearly tne wnoie 01 se- 29th detailing what had beeii previously hinted in my : on this occasion we had two men killed, and IT theState, pervades the people, and we look in Veral pewspapers, it IS probable that its length general terms pat Markhal Maisonjhas been in- twenty wounded, j Among the wounded are several "as just rcieived per Schoone the enemy still occu- ,000 infantry, cavalry, Vistula has hpmin tn .-. i.v t v I rrnnl. to runt, his nost. as! Ambassador bl the Kmcr of I hreak itr. hnrl fhp Wntfr Vine fion 11 ;nhac. fr mentation.! The extract irom tne rennsyiva- r " jrru 1 .In it- t"M -r r , ..r. V" y , . .1 i- fn.-,,;ift.flon.0 nil ij. j r xv u tne rrencn, uuu ui cusequeiii lau vi me v reiicn 1 iui, 11 carriea away tnree ponteons ol the bridge t-u iui.li, uv 6".; 1 1 r if "t i 0"' - i , 1 - lunds iz per cenis, to i-4) naveprouucea a corres- over tne Vistula. from a state of vassalage is made, and hence make part ol this; Report, and 01 course, ire- mnXme depression in the funds here to-da vain for oLjbity pnne them - but their own energies are not emigration is resorted td as the only rrieans of ceiv the price at which they left off (77 5-8) nicki had bain broken a Russian battalion, and ta- 1 m?ngsl Tni.cn are some 9 the latest si j umgiauuii 13 icnvu j , , , , .. fnrn U,T:n Uoan aAnnt nn 0!n,- nl vn iro nnntieoil lw'mv mmmmi. Un nm kn,, U 7 Und WhlCh Mllll be dlSDOSed of ori the mOst relief. Give us, however, but a lair cnannei , r Tr,rt Avv ... ir T tmn vestfcrdav. There are alo some other A rrivritr lftfrf frrr llroronT 1-,. A SOnable- ternls. Anril 6. I f , I i'l 1 Uy tllv vl y uuiv xiicti u v , w u I I "j J n r j ! r - - , I I' ' l. um uxoutv ui uivi ou,tii ucitt; I ; i J ; j ' U ' to the ocean, and emigration win dci stayeu; t f , r hostility from our brethren of New causes ol alarm 01 a more domestic cnaracter, wnicn say live and useful citizens ; vie our town grow up into (what they did not want) additional percent. below the forests of ceriturii, will teem with ac- strenuously fighting our Southern battles, ynth cntrdclarL is repreinted to be the scene of the pieces of artillery, . , - , ... i --.I the orilT weapons that, 1 trust, will ever be . JxcWi nd nnnLili nnr raifra rrpa cnrh n a npi. I mints cnnfnrorl fn-i only weapons that, I trust, suffered to find their way into grasri our and he has now a park of twenty Should Lithuania Russians, the whole force of :E N3EW OOODS. S ' . ...I-..! - " L L . . - .... L- 4 .Hi. . jil'ii, I -r.il! i, 4l ' h i i. i . i .1 . f. i .iJ UonH r finrrensle the ao-itatiori nt the moment. Ire- lienernl Ti lVPTniLr line? rl i crr-in rorwl nnr own rrh ahds which nowiie coverea wiM Indiana; now aenerntiui is it to nna tnem r rrrnr ?r 1:; r m u . trj" . .iBcu ,iwueui i I t-. -n . V' . if1,! Jir.i: U.UlLr rTi,ZM.. hrff't? ilith land is by no means in a satisiacmry state. i ne general lyreutz. He leit Warsaw with only four Received per Schooners Trent. Sarah and Select, proved navigation, and thus a market would be afforded for the productions of the West, The Dredffiiiff Boat now employed by the lo General GovernmeU, left Newbern last Satur-1 iThat noectoough ; fcu. c" v w.w " " I : T - i j - I - vj uuuui -x iiiUb ill in lumw i i j- TT11 1 1 JO C iil T 1 fAf kiiffii?t. 1R20. Committee. iVVilliam Grav. the 28th March, when a number of petitions in fa- entirely defeated the Bulls of the. Stork Rrpliano-e- P Gauze tlnkls. and Scans, super Italian Lus James Perkins, Daniel Webster, Isaac Wiins- vour of efornijvvere presnted by various peers. The they were in such haste to clpse their speculationslfor tring, Gros de Berlin, Gros deKaple and Satin day for the Swash, where she will op ring , the Summer, whil the new Boa built in Baltimore. As the, work arid 123 others : t ever to be riiade 479 and subsequently 448, Southern, 67 td little moreTw!? at 1-2 a 9 1-2 n fisting bf 300 UplandsT neeand elorleansS laloUtfe 68 cents., rM Ja . yotton 7 3-4 a 9 1-2; fiocon, 1-2 ! 71- Ham ?4 frdv9 1J2 a 10 1-2 : i?icej prime! 3 1-8 a " ? rt' 1 iT2 - "Jf003 2Ka3; 7ffWnmingtonP 1 1-8 a 1 1-4; Terpentine, Wunungon, softjf m! I Liverp 31st March. . In the last four-days we haye-had fa brisk demand for; Cotton, - and an improvement j of ld ! a 1-4 per Ibl, in pricesj Inferior qualities are'imost in request and in them the advance is quite at ll-4d. To-daV upwards of 3000 bales American Cotton sold by auc tion ; say 2274 Upland 5 3-7a6 1-2100 Orleans U. Dunbar Hedge's gin," at7 1-4, and 745 Mobile at 5 l-2a6 14d per lbV :The sale went off with much spijrit at the advance stated. The iiriport of Cotton info this port since the 1st Jan. last, is 186,000 bales, about the same as last year, to same period j but in the supply fromthU.Statthere isa deprcase of 12,000 bales. The new duty hasnot yet taken effect. r - - - n ' s The Nassau Royal Gazette of the 19th March says : " We are authorised to state that British vessels from the colonial ports, cannot import into the U. States anv article whatever, excent the nrdduce or manu factures of Great Britain or of her colonies." J ! - i U i' ' REMOVAL. Dyinjr Sc Scouring Establishment PTTHE subscriber "begs leave to inform his Li friends and the public, that he has re moved his Establishment to the house formerly occupied by Mr James Riggs on Craven street, two doors below Mr. Durarid's Clothing Store, where he is prepared to execute all or ders in the line of his businessi! He returns thanks for the liberal patronage jkvhich he has received during his residence in this place, and hopes by: assiduity and attentioriV to merit a continuance of the public patronage - Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments, 01 every n the neatest rices. Crihv description. Dyed and Cleaitsed maimer, at the most reasoriable; Mbreen Curtains, Cleansed or! Dyed son, Blue, Yellow, &c., the samdas on Furniture ICalicoes. Cleansed! and Dressed with the same gloss as new. - i. 1! w 1 1 . i .1 Uarpets cleansed ana tne. colors greaiiy re vived. - " -II !l Bobbinet and Silk Lace Veils;' with Cotton or Linen Figures, Bleached or Dyed a perfect Black Merino and Cashmere Shawls! Prnssnd tv actual, new. Merino," Circassian, Silk, i Batrege, Batiste Palmareen, Crape de Lyon, arid all 'others. Dressed and Wj at 1 r i ' Bleached and Dyed the most brilliant and per manent Colours, and handsomely finished. JNO. BRISSlJNGTOiX. May 6, 1031. d 3 j t l P. S. Persons sending artic.es to the Es blishment, will please leave them at theMih ended to. J. B. 1 : - 1 ; SusariM y to-day of one News was received yesterday, that General Dwer and Sloop Guide, from New York. 1 j if i 1 ' , : . AN tLEOANT ASSORTMENT OV Smim ana Summetr 5 .1 Amongst which are some of the latest style1 MO t a variety of other PAWCT GOODS, everi De most formidable and apphlling outrages, such as nei- guns captured from the eneniy. fraternal V,or nf1mit nf dkr.nrit.v for life or nmnertv. nor of anv I risp in thip rnnr nfi tlin P no'onc m I " A . I 1 i tf I 111 V w ! w r IT J - r t w ww v r A m, UOClU.llk3 1,1 t . 1 I lllll , llll 1,1, 111 I I M i a city ; our exports ana imports lncrtJd&e icn grari. V hat Carolinian, who reflects upon effectual check from the constant efforts and. vigilance the empire would riot be sufficient to eubdue the Po- among which are a large assortment of Ladies fold, and our State take that stand among her the glorious struggle that made us one eeo- of the military force stationed m the vicinity. These lish . nation. It is reported that insurrectionary move- Fashionable Parosols. Umbrellas. - tnfants" . , -1 A x.x:-J i K. : r : x V . . , .J -J . . . . ' . 1 T .! r 1 sisters to which her extensiveand fertile terri- ple, Mrill ever cease to implore tne oiessings represeuuiuoiraiuay cgcidwiu, uioiuoiw menus mq Russians nave already begun m JYeedle-worked Frocks with Faritaloons, Prin- - ' . i i I uoircn urtrkrt , - . Drimarv HuuuHajw,c iii csuuiauuK uiu uia"iui.uuc ui v umynia. aiiur-oaona. aj i: ? r i , I'.ri -i 4li lW'w uru . - - Sv ! s 'I,, ; - . iuiuuicmics anew aiuuciur j iury enmies ner. iVivaii-rouu " tttvtttw a ivrn tup nrMwrrvTirvi me crisis. .. J8 London, March 31. Trich T.inJnc nrint tnML A .v ted Indiennej s a new article for Ladies' Dresses taifis, would, ia all polity, succedd an.m- Jit Ueral meetine of the citiiens of ios I A loX debaU took House of Lords on from SrfS1 4 3tCftK.f!fe neweststyl jrintell CrapC n Avii nmrinnt of taxes eouallv annortioried lor the TVio Ai cnoalnn nn iHaI minitfr!nl "rpfnrm Kill irnc I m-i tKo iMitnr, ti--'XU. TMl,. wj i xi zjj.i . r j rr 7 . . 1 r- t I luuuiuvup. .. " uo uu unum,roui xuahiciiuci jlius auu uus oilier noai- rate uu- i nnVnnKP. of raisinT revenue necessary lor the sud- ponDmof! nn thip. thirtipthl whpn Tr: TTarnhnnn tnnirl i is being port oT Government; but that, taxes imposed ori the occasion to declare his utter dissent. to it. : The effect Money stock has been scarce to-davl nnn thP nrirp is ; now peopl for the sole benefat of any one class, are equally of the measure, he said as regarded Ireland, would has rated 1-4 to 1-2 per cent, higher than the price .! I ;nnnnUicrtont with miind nolicv. ana with tne iminci- u nA conducted, it will probably reduire .five years .1 , Tf.j. rnnstitution. - ti oit, . Ar t l' ' 1 . .'T8 . " Daa i-f- Mi- I ic-co v 7. , , .. : . , ,. uuuuucco m uiy xnou ugivuiwio , u,uu. iwuii ui uiai i u niuuii I tTsijecilIIir uie IUUire unces OI SlOCKS. io deepen the navigation ; duHng which time Risolved, That nign oounties on sucn aomestic hvoid be the destructiori of the church establishment In addition to the warlike news from' Fra hp annrn- maiiuiatiiuw i r- r j - r,.i iv miraauu, u.iui uiu mswiuuwu w iuicawu ue-1 nave more aiarmmff intern r i i i . ' j m f va i invor -rrrpaT rniTniisis rHTnPr 1 ii.. ij a .,4 1 1 ,1 1. .1 poseq AiMui, & r. ; iweeii me iwu twuiiuia. i : l ovennrow 01 tne m- l. 1 i.--.-p- at thu AitmDKs rt email iphtm i n . i riencc now tells him will answer thej was S 17,000. purpose, ; htsolved, That the 'imposition of duties whidh are be deprecated! and to carry on her operations for one year, enormous, and deemed by a large portion otjthf peo- To hasten the acromrilishment to be unequal auu-uiyu,!, -S- r r- .;.- I niTrn (TPS f5ITlliririiiiv. IRELAND. r cept the state of the account, and th KT.nrr.itv nf mi 1 1 jilJ t-v,.i ' J rne dui to aiueiiu uns reureseuuiuLm m ncimm wcusi ivioiiey SIOCK. ! i. ! i i ti ,-'. cuuiukco omutit""fe' . ,i. 1 . i uxuutTiii in uv xvxi.w7ixu.xiy uu uid u,v v wuoa iii Wo.s ruinorefl 111 Infi mtv tnnt I itl m uus woik, wnicn every citizen raust feel to Resolved, ThaCe propo 1 aritt, and accepted the command of the French vc ui me niguesi importance, is it not expedient ciples upon wmcn u i avuw 3 1 ' tioned. Alter considerable discussion, u was reaa a army oi tne Alps, with a view to a hostile determi number presented in the riouse ot L.ords before the the rise, that a perfect panic followed. Levantine ; Merino Mixtures, Qircassins Pru- miroaucuoii 01 u? uituie m uiK ywiumuiis, was 1 ne announcement ot a loan at Fans has the 1m- Fnella & Lasting, and an elegant assortment mediate Hect of rendering money scarce; the effect 0f Lesrlioril Bonnets, &CJ &c. April ation ; uuring wnicn iime . nesoivea, .iii r " IX I woul(l tne fesirucuon oi xne cnurcn esiaoiisnmem In addition to the warlike news from' France we e state will lose $6,000,000. appro- . , rt ... iiit if. ri i. . r 11 : i - . r , i. . . . , . . r ' v "iiv hu". uooxis. mc i , - . r- u priauon made by congress ior? me present yeai , than personal mousiry, or us owners yi tuuui jipi- Earl Grey,In replying, said lie bad never heard a latter is more looked to as likely to involve this coun- to build uch a boat as Lieuti DuttON's expe- tals; and tnai, uiereiure, . -, gpeech more pernicious m ns lenaency, ana caicu- try m war than any other event whatever. The dency toj promoie "r""" j ' . J, . M, lated to leaa tp tne excitemeni wmcn was so mucn to otock Market is n consequence in a still more fever- 1 ' HAS JTJST HECEIVED. : V ; ; And is now opening at his Store on Pollock-street' A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF j". ' t wiivjuviivA nx u, ouit ilium icvci" I J I LI ti i -It., ish state, and nothing appears to check-the fall, ex- Which lie will sellon the most reasomLbietermsforpash. HAlWARErbii0CKi5RTr, CUTLER April2, 1831 ctl that nnnlir.Atinn f-. x i adoDtedi have a tendency to ounmisu uie muuauy, g- time and ordered tb a second reading on the 18th nation against Austria, and that the. minn r h I J m A tV wa w A I I 1 II1U ! T 11T 9 W 11 V -fc T I & 1, a M. . I A J 1 I , . . . - I . aaHWv btlLi I a a. .7 Miu lii ww nn. run 1 7 1 i v f ' t i 4wt -- ArrmiT tiim tti issiiTTnoi . . 1 1 . t i a . i i - t- i w - ' ti, f, wr1 VJ' f l ; PP "T.T' ,TWU1C u- '?i ri rcmer uj uoiiwhi is to reQuestpuT I u nmnnii.tbc most elitFiolc'in uit&'iil&cA' for-liii'' NOTICE. TIIE subscriber offers for sale - his STORE, DWELLING, and . BAKE HOUSE, on Craven Street. The stand' ..s ...... i r - i luiuc uuuei to wnose commerce, is through Ocra- people. I .1 . , returned from Ireland coke, seconded by the citizens apprallv bp Resolued, That we are equally incapable pi dis-1 The famile in many parts of Ireland was distres- madA Ah n.nUoi ii:!, " covering its beneficial effects on i agriculture y since sin- a public meetirie was held in London on the r .nuiyior an ap- ous consequence of its adoption would, be, 2, at whj4h the Lor!(T Mayor presided, to devise propnation of S 17,UUO, or; such sum as may thatlthej farmer must give more than he now does for temrxrarv, mleans of reUef. A statement containing be required to build and, keep in operation for he buys, and receive less for all he sells, j : extracts frod letters was distributed in the room, from one vpnr n cfllnt HrtmnT Rrtn( t -rvti These nositions were sustained by facts and which it appUred that: the distress was most appal- appeal to our Representatives, could scarcely grimepts wnicn sausneu mc u.ccuuB, rT,-, . I . . i IV" l-lic.u UtIUUCI , iuU uuu x ucimineii m- ulsiaKe, mously adopted. mediation betweep Austria and France. sincss, and, the Bake House l&hvell adapted to all kinds o good KilnJ PORT OF NEWBERN. failcf success. held linff several persons . had ; died irom starvation, and j . . . I I . -k Schr. Susan ARRIVED. Mary, Harding, 10 days from alone, there N. York ;-merchz. to Bonhomme, Smith, J. H. would justify the expenditipre by the State of Extracts from the memorial to Congress, of ere 31,904 persons wholly without food. FRANCE AUSTRIA. t I! ati 111 'W M " .. . I-. -X i I- I - i "7-ti " . q i . I Tl, PTfmMij w&icft wiU De ound hp. ow rom tfte evenamilhon of dollars ; and can it be possible a general meeting of merchants Irom the Prm-p-ce Dr. Loomis, Jams, mat Legislature, if called upon, would hesi- K J?1 we, niiea oiaies, ncm hi xm- iiies on og yth, developed aU which has and H. G. W.; Latimer. tato tn aivp tKo irLiAJ W ' : 'r o i-, nciti au,eiP"ia ovemoer, icwu, wnn a view to op-heen officially made known ot the intentions of the the inconf i-erable sum of 817,000 p0se the additions made to the Tariff m 1824: French Aliifistry as to a war with Austria. The r 4U,UW.( Unanimity of feeling and action j Once admit that Congress may tax imports ad I speech of tbi President of the CounciL Casimir Per are alone wanting : without thpsp. in'diirfdnal nr libitum, for anv other vurvosebut that of revenue, ner, on applying for a new credit oi one hundred actional efforts, will be uttavailinW ' an you give them, in reahty, the power to say to the "f ai considered warlike y but the Gazette of niiiPi isi hi i lit-- i i ini Lriir- ,vu t 1 1 1 1 tL iirvi n.r v in ii uw 9 'ft . r . Jones, Flanner, Bradford, & Co. Wm. Sanders, STRff & SAUNDERS, wilt pkasQlmak Lund, Moran, i& Co. Browerj R. Primrose, ;S. earlyayinent. : -; - j ''.?p&&j Aril 29, INJIa-T-tt Baking, havingthiree Ovens and a l he termstvill be -accommoda ting, and may be knern on applicatidn. AH persons indebted to th'e subscriber, . a re requested to roakc immediate payment. . ! rv.r,iLJi:hAA lnrieniea me nrai CLEARED. Brig John, Hunter, West Indies. Schr. Baltimore, Howland, Alexandria. I Schr. Cygnet. Lee, St. Martins ; Bloop Prince Maurice. Adams, Philadelphia. SUPEItlOR COUNTY CQUBSim - - TOR SAXE ;Tii;p;:rr"1 - - i , , - - -. 4 -1 4; . , - ' 4 A tt , 1 - -Tr t 1 :