4' i XORTlt CAROLINA SENTINEL, AND NEWBERN COMMERCIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND LITERARY INTELLIGENCER. i -i 1 - W: 1 i .i 3 , 1 1 "il,rtERTY TH E CON'STITCTIOS UNIO V.'A 1 ' THE SENTlKEt.. FRIDAY NEWBERN : MORNING-! JUNE 3, 1831. .. Weare requested to state that JOSEPH PHYSIOC W Esq. is .a candidate to represent this County in the House of Commons of the next General Assembly. At a late hour on Saturday night, the Revenue Cutter Dallas came to anchor opposite to Union Point. '.. 'Wunderstand that Captain Paine has resigned the command of tfie Dallas, and that! our townsman, -F. Gkeen-, Escf. of the U. S. Navy, has been ap pointed his successor. This appointment is extremely satisfactory to the numerous i friends of Captain Green in this place. ' Captairi Paine's intercourse with our citizens, has left an impression highly fa vorable to him as a gentleman and an officer." ' ' I Poland again, and again Triuni ""pliant. Dissolution of the Bri tish Parliament, and of the French Chambers. The arrival of the Napoleon from Liverpool, at New ; Yorft, puts us in possession of European news up to the 25th jof April, a summary of which is inserted on our preceding page. On the question on the Reform Bill in the Jiritish Parliament,' there was a majority of eight against Ministers. This led te a tender of , t(heir resignations to the King, who magnanimously refused to accept them, and on the 22d he prorogued Parliament to the 10th of May, with a view to its . immediate dissolution. This decisive step reflects much honour oil the King: he has taken the side of justice, and saved his people from the miseries of a "-revolution,, which must inevitably have followed the 'succe4 of the heartless Aristocracy. It is stated that the King's firmness in the cause of tKs nation, and his s consequent course, created a sensation in the House V of Lords such as had never before been witnessed. 1 We congratulate the British People on this Triumph " . of ju$t principle. - ' . The Poles are achieving almost miracles: their .success is unabated. -Ijt js commuted, says the Ameri can, that since trio commencement of the campaign, sixty thousand Russians have been put hors de com bat, and fifteen of their general officers have been .killed." In the battle of the 31st March, the Russian loss was 12,000, and in those of ihe 4th, 7th, and 9th of , April, their loss is said to amount to thirty thou - sand ! Indeed it is stated that in that of the 7th alone, '.- they lost in killed and prisoners, ticenty-jive thousand, together with sixty pieces i of 'cannon ! The Rus sians ar 'said to be 'retreating ia all directions, and that but few can escape. This is as it should be. We earnestly hope they will never be able to rally again ... in so unrighteous a cause. It is still conjectured that L Diebitsch has been taken, but his capture is jiot con firmed. France, is quite unsettled. A new insur ""rection'has taken place in Paris and the National . Guard was ordered out in consequence. varied since 1816, have kept pace in the decline with those on which the duties have been so much varied ; proving, irrefutably, thai the 'Tariff' has NOT caused the present depreciationin the price of goods, contrasted with the prices of 1816, but that they would be much lower now than they are, if the Tariff was repealed. The publication may occupy a portion of our columns for three or four succeeding weeks ; but they cannot be better appropriated than in directing the attention of the reader to a subject vitally affecting his interests. ; This exposition, so in teresting to all classes of the community, is from the pen of Condy Raguet, Esq. Editor of the Banner of the Constitution. Suicide. On. Wednesday last the repose of our vil lage was interrupted by an occurrence of a lamenta ble nature. A Mr. Anderson who" had settled here iorne twelve or eighteen, months ago, was found in liis bed-room with his throat cut in a shocking manner. It appears from the Coroner's investigation, that the wretched man had dined with' his wife only a few minutes previous to the perpetration of the deed, and that the first intimation of the fact1 was conveyed to her by the blood of her , husband streaming through -the chamber floor, and falling by her side in the room below. ! It is believed that Anderson came from Colum bia, S. C. He stated that he had held a commission in the U. S. Army, arid had been dismissed for beirig concerned in a dud., 'After a residence here of a few months he married, and it is believed that a temporary insanity produced by this unhappy union, led to the tragical termination of his existence. A Convention of Teachers and Friends of General Education. It is proposed by a number, of persons who feel interested in the object, to hold a Convention of Teachers and Friends of General Education, in this State, at Chapel Hill, on the day. before the ensuing Commencement of - our University for the, purpose of mutual consultation, and the discussion of subjects connected with Educa tion and the advancement of Knowledge. It is hoped that the Teachers throughout the State, and others friendly to Learning, will attend this meeting for the purposes above stated, and for taking into-consideration the expediency of organizing a permanent Council, or, Sen at us Acadevjticus, who shall meet I pe riodically for the aforementioned objects, i Raleigh, May 10, m.--Ral. Reg. ' i;. We take pleasure in transferring to our columns the above invitation, and we earnestly hope that it is the precursor of a system which shall diffuse itself exten sively and beneficially. No cause more imperatively demands the fostering hand of protection, while none is more distinctly marked by ablighting and culpable neglect, than that of Learning; and we regret to add that our fetate is eminently chargeable with anun f pardonable apathy in relation to this important con rem. A well organized Society of the kind proposed, would go far to absolve us of this charge, by dissemi nating principles and improvements worthy of the confidence of the people, and by unceasing endea vours to eradicate ithat scholastick quackery which has been permitted to become ; alarmingly prevalent. It will yield us pleasure to give publicity to the pro ceedings of the Society, and our columns shall at all times be open to communications in furtherance of its . laudable designs. ' j : . . - . . :' We have commenced the publication, in al phabetical order, of all the articles on which the Tariff operates, under the title of POLITICS FOR FARMERS. A price current of 1816, and one of 1830, are also annexed, which show conclusively that the prices on those articles on which there has been no duty, as well as those on Afhich the duty has not! DREADFUL FIRE. We have just seen a letter from a gentleman in Stantonsburg, to his friend in this place, which states, that about one o'clock on Sunday, the 29th ult. a most destructive fire broke out in Fayette ville, which con sumed a great part of the town. The person from whom the writer received the information, was an eye-witness of the conflagration, and he supposes that Jive hundred buildings have been destroyed ! Among them were two Churches, the U. S, and Cape Fear Banking-houses,' Court-house, Market-house, La fayette Hotel, &c. From the silence of the writer on this head, we entertain the hope that no lives were lost. We shall lay before our readers the particulars of this dreadful calamity as soon as possible. The parsimonious and ill advised legislation of the Assembly on the subject of our University, has led to the result which we anticipated. Our readers are aware that ov ing to circumstances which the guar dians of this Institution are unable to control, its funds have for some time been inadeqate to bestow upon it that unrestricted independence of action which alone can guaranty the diffusion of science, and that an application .was made for legislative assistance to ward off the temporary embarrassment, i They are likewise aware that the Demostheneses and Ciceros who composed our august General Assembly of last year, from their pre-eminent devotion to the cause of knowledge, consented to lend the Trustees $ 25,000 of the people's money, clogging their liberality, how ever, with the slight proviso, that "the Trustees shall signify in writing, under their corporate, seal, their j j ... aent that the Legislature may, at any subsequent session, thodify or alter the charter of said Institution, so as to assume to the State the management thereof, and the possession and distribution of all its property real and personal," and, they might have added j there by create a specifick lien which shall wrest from the U niversity various bequests that essentially contribute to its existence. At a recent meeting of the Trustees this absurd offer; was unanimously rejected. They bave resolved to borrow elsewhere as much as will keep the Seminary in operation while the necessary ar rangements are being made to establish an undisputed title to their extensive escheats in Tennessee. Of these, including the donations of Major Gerard and Goveirnbr Smith, there are yet unsold 106,00(3 acres, valued in 1822 at 241,000 dollars. The difficulty rests not with Tennessee ; . a compromise with that S tate was long ago effected, and the title of the Uni versity to the escheats that had fallen previous to its cession by North Carolina, and which had become available by1 the extinction of the ChiVfianw Maims, hasbeen acknowledged,and sales of a part of them have been neg otiated, for thepayment of which the Trus tees hold bonds to the amount of 71,000 dollars. The embarrassments arise from various claims that are preferred by persons wlio are, or pretend to be heirs of those whose property was reasonably supposed to be escheated ; and the Trustees being alike unwilling to deceive those who should purchase, by selling them lands under a doubtful title, or to yield their trust to illegal claimants, find it necessary 'to proceed with a degree of caution and hesitation which tends to cramp the energies of the College and circumscribe its use fulness. This state of things, however, must soon give way ; for even a fourth of the property claimed by the Trustees, would constitute a permanent fund sufficient to place the University beyond the tender mercies of legislators who can witness with equal un concern the destruction of a college and the prostra tion of a molehill. Iron cornea next The duty on English bar iron is S Jr ton ; on sheet and hoop iroii, $ 78 40 per ton. The price of English bar inNew York, is $ 72 50, and of sheet and hoop iron, $135 to 140. In Londoa, in the latter part of 1830, English bar is quo ted at $32 50, and sheet and hoop iron at an average of $ 52. Here, then, are" articles of the first necessity subjected to the enormous duty of $2 50 per cwt. The freight and charges on iron do not exceed $ 10 per ton, which sum, added to the London price, would give us the article at 542 50 for English bar, instead of 5 72 50, and at $ 62 for sheet and hoop, instead of $ 135 to 140. Then, on his lOOlbs of iron, our farmer pays a tax to a few hundred owners of iron mines in Pennsylvania, of $2 50. . - The Blanket is next in order. On this, the duty is 35 cents oh every dollar of the first cost. Th tax on that, will be about 70 cents. On Powder, the duty -is 8 cents per lb. Were it admitted duty free, it would at least be Jive cents cheaper than it now is. - On this, therefore, the far mer pays a tax of five cents per lb. - Calicoes jand Cottons. The duty on these two ar ticles, with that on cambricks, ginghams, checks, muslins, &c. &c. is from 87 to 175 cents on every dol lar of the cost, say only 100 per cent, and on these the farmer pays oh the $ 3 50 worth which he pur chases, just double the price he would pay, but for the Tariff. ; " Now let us examine his fosses. Say on account of the Swash, He receives for his Cotton less " . . $3 00 On Sugar his tax is - - 3 00 On Iron, ..- - j. - ' 2 50 On one Blanket, - - ; - 0 70 On his Calico and Cotton, - . - 175 $ 10 95 The farmer, then, who toils in his field and makes one bale of Cotton, pays to the General Government in taxes, which operate very largely as a bounty to the manufacturers, eight dollars, and to the Swash three dollars. The articles . stated, are quoted to illustrate, the duties he pays, which are equally heavy on almost every thing he consumes. Now, if a sor did majority of Congress takes out of the pockets of our agriculturists, 35 per cent, on all the cotton they grow, for the purpose of giving 20 per cent, of it to a few manufacturers, ought we not to complain? But you must encourage American Industry ! We would like to know what kind of industry that is in which our hardy yeomanry are engaged 7 Is it European in-" dustry ? Is it not as much American Industry as ifthey were shutup in a brick house Spinning Cotton ? And these good tariffites, who cry so loudly for encourage ment to American Industry, are not willing that we should receive the cheap goods which England can furnish us in return for the 30 to 40 millions of our produce per annum, which she buys from us. It is our desire to convince the agricultural community, of the extent of their wrong3 ; for they are the bone and sinew of our country, and, when made fully sensible of the injustice done them, will seek the remedy in a manner consistent with their rights as American citi zens. If the Manufacturating States can remain satisfied with such incidental protection as a Tariff for revenue will afford them, it will be well ; but they mistake, most egregiously, the spirit of the South, if they suppose it wdl tamely bear, one moment after the National Dehf' a I Tariff, avowedly to protect their interests to the injury 01 our own. Twenty-four Millions of Dollars in Taxes, will not always be wrung from the Industry of the People, to swell the arrogance and wealth of any one set of men. COMMUNICATED. T,hat the Farmers of North Carolina may see more plainly the burdens upder which they labor, we in vite their attention to the annexed statement. A Farmer brings a bale of Cotton to market, and applies the proceeds to the purchase of necessaries for his family. His cotton weighs, say 300 lbs. which he sells at $7 50 for 100 lbs. makmg $ 22 50. The first tax he pays is to our wretched navigation- for his cotton brings one dollar per hundred less than he woutd have received for it, had our navigation been rood. Then, his los3 on a bale of cotton, or the tax he pays to the Swash, is three dollars, as he receives only $22 50 for what he would otherwise obtain $25 50. This is an indisputable tact. Well, he now buys '" . ..... i sav lOOlbs. sugar, at 9 o w 6 W 100 Iron, 1 Blanket, 21bs. Powder, 10yds. Calico, 10 do. Cottons, 3 00 0 40 0 25 0 10 Cash, balanee, 8 00 6 00 3 00 0 80 2 50 1 00 $21 30 1 20 $22 50 These, then, are about the quantity and the retail prices of the articles he would receive in exchange for his cotton. We will how proceed to show at how much lower prices he would purchase the same arti tides, were we. permitted to send our cotton to Europe and receive thence in exchange, their cheap goods, unburdened with heavy taxation. Sugar stands first on the list. This article may be bought in Cuba a,t one and a halCto two cents per lb. and could be de livered on the wharf in Newborn, (free of duty) at four cents per lb. all charges of freight, insurance commissions, &c paid. Thus, then, our farmer could procure it 100 per cent, cheaper than he now pays, except for the tax of three cents per lb. which he contributes to the wealthy sugar planter of Louisiana. We will, to be certain, estimate the loss on the pur chase of lOOlbs. sugar, at three.doilars, which is not too much. The Hon. John duincy Adams, late President of the United States, and the present Representative in Congress from Plymouth district, took a seat in the Anti-Masonic Convention yesterday morning. Mr. Sheriff Sumner of Suffolk, with his .'usual affability, conducted the Ex-President to one of the highest pla ces in the Convention. He was regaled, in the forenoon, by rare specimens of eloquence from the lips of Messrs Clough of Boston, and Churchill of Milton, the latter of whom has long been distinguished for his patriotism and philanthropy. En passant, what will the Masonic friends of the Ex-President think of this movement of their idol on the political chess 1 si ri boara f noszon uraz. "The Anti papers have passed the Rubicon they are all out plump against Andrew Jackson and Mar tin Van Buren. Now we shall have an open held fight no ambush, no tomahawking, but a fair, man ly contest and we'll wager any: thing that it will re sult in another New Orleans victory ; for on one side the troops have been schooled by " Old Hickory," while on the other may be found deserters trom every cause having no motive but plunder. Cooperstown f reeman's Journal. pout or ttEwnnnn. ARRIVED, j Schr. Rising Sun, Willis, Port-au-Prince Sloop Prince Maurice, Tubman, Philadelphia Sloop Translation, Jayne New York. CLEARED, I Schr. Fanny, Mason, Maninico. Schr. Ann Maria, Osgood, Martinico. Schr. Lima, Jones, Alexandria. : ATTENTION 1 YOU will appear on Parade, in Summer Uniform, on Saturday next, at four o'clock P.M. in front of St. John's Lodge, equipped agreeably to the Regulations of the , Company, and furnished with 12 .. rounds of ball or shot cartridges. By order of the Captain, Z. SLADE, Orderly Sergeant. Newbern, 3d June, 1831. TAXES! THE Inhabitants of Craveu Coun ty are hereby notified, that the subscriber has received from the Clerk the Iists of Taxable Property, and holds the same for their inspection- All persons are requested to give informa tion of any Lands, Polls, or other taxables not included in the Lists. And they are further notified, that the subscriber will attend at his office on Middle-street, near the Court House, every day durinff the month of June fexr.rt Sundays) to receive from the inhabitants of craven LOunty, tneir respective Taxes. v C.COLE, Shrff. Newbern, May, 30, 1 83 1 . j NOTICE. On Friday the 10th instant, ; At the Plantation of the late James Lovickt Esq. WILL BE SOLD, A quantity of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, and a number of Farming Utensils, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, fcc., on a credit of six months, for notes with approved security. GEO. WILSON, ExW. 2d June, 1831. a 6. JOHN W. NELSON, CABINET MAKER, TTDESPECFULLY informs the Pubiick that he continuss to manufacture every article in his line of business. He is at all times provided with the best materials: and in return for the liberal and in creasing patronage which he receives, he promises punctuality and fidelity. He continues to make COFFINS, and to superin tend FUNERALS ; and that he may be enabled to conduct the solemnities of interment more becomingly and satisfactorily, he has constructed a superior HEARSE, for the use of which no additional charge will he made. 1st June, 1831.tf NOTICE. TvN Tuesday the 14th of June next, will be Ml sold, at the Brick Store formerly occu pied by Mr. Coart, the Stock in Trade of the GEORGE A; HALL: consisting nf a late general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, PAINTS, OILS, (fee. Terms of sale. For sums over $100. six month's credit, the purchasers givinsr notes with approved security. JAMES C. COLE, Ex'r.' Newbernf 20th May, 1831. ids MARRIED, On Thursday the 26th ult. at Clubfoots Creek, in this county, Mr. JOHN MOORE to Miss MARTHA A. JONES, daughter of Mr. Gideon Jones. DIED, In this place on the 29th ult. JAMES LOVICK, Esq. in the 39th year, of his age. NEWBERN, JUNE 3. NAVAL STORES.TrTwrpenfin. during the past week has been received in eonsiderable quanti ties, and has sold at 1 40 tp. 1 45. The . demand, however is dull, owhlg to a feline in the New York Market. Tar, 75 cents none brought to marke since our last. Com S3 per bbl. and in demand. 1 Cotton is received in small' quantities, and sales range from 7 to 7 1-2 cents. CHARLESTON, MAY 23, Cotton, 6 3-4 a 9 1-2; Bacon, 7 a 8 Hams, 9 a 10 1-2: Lard, 11 1-2: Corn, 2 a 84 ; Rice, prime, 3 1-8 a 3 1-4, inferior :to good, 2 3-8 a 3; Tar. WUmington, 1 1-8 a 1.1-4 ; Turpentine, Wilming ton, soft, 2 1-4. Corn Four cargoes have been sold since our last. two of North Carolina,1 one Philadelphia, and one Baltimore. The 2 former at 84, and the 2 latter at 82 cents. A part of a cargo from New Orleans also brought 83 cents. . NEW YORK, May 27. Cotton 8 1-2 a 9 1-2. Corn Southern 67 a 70 cents in demand. jfoar Western Canal, 5 87 1-2 a 56 Naval Stores. The price of Turpentine has gi ven way 6 1-4 cents Sales of North County have j been made at $2 12 1-2- Tar, 31 1-2 j NOTICE. ON Friday the 3d day of June next; at the Store formerly occupied by Captain JOSHUA DELANO, dee'd, will be Sold the schooneri Mary, burthen 38 44-95 tons, as she now lies at Smith's wharf, together with all her sails, riffffinsr, boat, and everv other w ts is - - w article that belongs to her. ALSO, The Dwelling House and Store, on Craven Street, near the Old County Wharf. AN ASSORRMENT OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN FURNITURE, And a variety of other articles. Terms of Sale, six months credit, the pur chasers giving notes with two approved securi ties, before the delivery of the property. junr Li. DUKAND, Admr. Newbern, May 13, 1831. 1 PALACE OF FORTUNE,!, Under Ihe New' American Museum; New York, At which place he has sold, within a few months past j PRIZES OF $30,000, 25,000, 20,000,15,000, $ 12,500, IOOO, &JC. &LC. Amounting to more than a Million of Dollars. .' LOOK AT THIS. & The most Brilliant Lottery everissued in the Uni- taieswm De drawn in the city of New York, On the 15th of June next. Jpt?11 fce called "MAMMOTH LOT t a iv by which appellation ft is already designa JJU My customers at a distance will have a plenty , ?S WH f these tickets from any part of the ten S. T Lottery must command the at4 Number LnUep by Ternary Permutation, Five Drawn Ballots. ' &0HEME. $60j000 U 50,000 -- 40,000 V 36 6 6 0 18 18 186 186 186 136 1116 13950 is - - - - $60,000 : 50,000 - 4.0 nm 25,000 - - . Wnm 20,000 - - . . . 20 000 10,000 - - . . 1(000 5,000 - - - - 30,000 -2,500 ; 15,000 2,000 - - - - . 12,000 -1,000 - - - - 18J00 500 9,000 - 150 - - - - - 27,000 - 100 - - 1 - - - 18,600 - 80 - - - - 44,880 - 80 - - - - - 11,160 - 40 - - - - 44,460 - 20 - - -. - 279.000 - The price of Tickets vriM be $20, and Shares in proportion. Packages must d$iw, allowintr.the worst of luck, one hundred dollars and Rtana the same chance for the truly magnificent Capitals. A pack age contains 12 tickets, and will cost $240 1 Halves $120, and Quarters $60. I make a deduction of 5 per cent, on packages. There are, hbwevcrj many good Lotteries to be drawn in the interim. ORDERS for Tickets; in any of the New York: Lotteries will receive prompt attention, if addressed to A. H. SCHUYLER, . , New York. ln our former notice pf this Lottery wel stated that there would be 6 drawn ballots. This is! a mis take, as 5 ballots only will be taken from the wheel for determining the prizes. This of course makes the more Brilliant Capitals, and less low prizes-r-all the better. May27,l83ly REMOVAL. Dying & Scouring Establishment. f rjlHE subscriber, begs leave to inform his JLL friends and the1 public, that he has re moved his Establishment to the house formerly occupied by Mr. James Riggs, oh Craven street, two doors below Mr. Durand's Clothing " Store, where he is prepared to execute all or ders in the line of his business. He returns thanks for the liberal patrojnage which he has received during his residence in this place, and hopes rby assiduity and attention, to merit a continuance of the public patronage. Ladies and uentlemen's Garments, of every manner, at the most reasonable prices. Moreen Curtains, Cleansed or Dyed Crim son, Blue, Yellow, fcc, the same as original." Furniture Calicoes, Cleansed and Dressed with the same gloss as new". , Carpets cleansed and the colors greatly re vived. ' iv Bpbbinet and Silk Lace Veils, with Cotton or Linen Figures, Bleached or Dyed a perfect Black. Merino and Cashmere Shawls, Bleached and Pressed to equal hew. Merino Circassian, Silk, Barrege, Batiste, Palmareen, Crape de Lyon; and all others, Dressed and Dyed the most brilliant and per manent Colours, and handsomely finished. JNO. BRISSINGTON. May 6, 1631. d 3 NEWBERN PRICES CURIRENT CORRECTED EVERY THURSDAY. NOTICE AT the May Term, A. D. 1831, of the Court J3JL of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions of Craven County, the subscriber qualified as Executor to the last will and testament of George A.Hall, Esoj. deceased. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are requested io make immediate payment ; and those having claims against the estate, are required to present them properly authenticated, within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JAMES tt COLE, Executor. 12th May, 1831. NOTICE. TVTTJTILL be Sold on Friday the 3d day of V V June next, at the late residence of FRANCES WICKER, deceased, all the per sonal property of said deceased, consisting of 1 ww uivcijf cgiu xiuj ami various arti cles of Household Furniture. Terms will be made known at the Sale. WM. BAILEY; Adm'r. Newbern; May 13, 1831. I NOTICE. A T May Term of Craven Court of Pleas jEW. and Quarter Sessions, Letters of Admi nistrationon the Estate of the late THOMAS ASKINS, were granted to the subscriber. No tice is hereby given, to all persons indebted to said Estate, to make immediate payment, and those to whom the Estate is indebted, are re quired to. present their claims, duly authenti- caieu wunm me imie prescnoea bv law. or tney win do oarrea 01 recovery. FRED'Ki P. LATHAM, Admr. May 13, 1831. BEESWAX, lb. BUTTER, do. CANDLES, do. COFFEE, Uo. COKDAGE, Cwt. COTTON, 5 COTTON BAGGING Hemp per vK I Flax,- d,o. FLAX, per lb. FLOOR, bbL Corn Meat, buslirl, GRAIN Wheat, bushel, Corn, bbl. IRON Bar, American, lb. Russia ami Sweeues, do. LARD, do. LEATHER, Sole. do. Upper, f da. Dre8sedbydes, do. LUMBER, Flooring, 1 1-4 inob,M. inch boards, do. Scantling, do. Square Timber, do Shinglest Cypress j do. -Staves, W. O. hbd. do. Do. R. O. do. Do. V. O. barral, do. Ileading, bbd. do Bo. barrel, do. MOLASSES, gallon,, NAILS Cut, all sizes above 4d. ib. 4d. & 3d. lt - Wrought, NAVAL STORES Tar, bbl. Turpentine, de. Pitch, do. Rosin, do- , Spirits Turpentine, gallon, Varnish, do. OILS-Sperm. dl- Wbale tf Torjioise, do. Linseed, , do. PAINTS He'd Lead, l'. White Lead, ground in oil, cwt. PROVISIONS- Bacon, lb. Beef, do. Pork, mess, bbl. Do. prime, do. Do. cargo, do. SALT Turks Island, bushel, -Beajufort, do. Liverpool, fine, do. SHOT wt. SPIRITS Brandy, French, gall. I Appl, do dov ; : Peach, do. .j0, Rom, Jamaica, , 0m Vo. Windard Island, do. : . Do. Newbern, do. Do. New Errand, do. 0tN,HoUandf do. do. Country. do. Whuiy, do. STEEL ens as, lb. do. English blisteres, do. 10. do. de do. do. do. do, do. gallon, do. d? - SUQARS-Loaf, Lump, ' Brown, TEAS Impr'al, Gunpowder Hyson, Black, TALLOW, WJNt3 Madeira, Teneriffe, Malaga 18 20 12 11 1-2 14 00 7 20 15 10 6 00 , 60 80 3 00 5 6 6 22 1 50 10 00. 8 00 8 00 17 00 I 10 16 00 7 00 00 18 00 8 00 27 7 8 15 75 1 40 1 00 SO 25 , 90 35 . 75J 16 15 00 4 I 12 00 9 50 89 40 75 7 00 1 40 38 50 1 20 80 40 39 I 25 t SO 16 10 19 16 7 1 60 1 60 1 50 801-2 8 S 00 1-60 ) 20 25 14 J4 16 . 7 50 22 18 12 I 7 5C 70 25 3 00 9 00 9 00 1 3 1 8 f 0 J 23 17 00 .8 00 20" 00 10 00 24 r 45 00 i oa : i 16 DC 7 & is oa 10 &1 11 00 i.i oa 45 : 1 00 ! 8 00 1 60 40 60 12 !. 45 40 IAS 35 i 18 i 13 20 1 ia i o I SO 9 m 1- ;f.: 'Mi'-! jr. f: 7--. 1 1 - W a. ill:'-'..'-- , ; -. ,4' .!