NORTH CAROLINA SENTINfcL, AND NEWBORN COMMERCIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND LITERARY INTELLIGENCER, n. & rv J. Cftr W MBF.RTY, TH E CONST liL'TJON UKION THE SENTINEL,. NWBERNJ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1831. Jd" A town subscriber called at our Office a fe w daye a co, and. requested that his paper should be discon tinued, stating, aa. the cause, the annoying system of borrowing" which prevails in his neighbourhood. This is carried to such an extent, that he frequently loses it altogether without having been permitted to read it. Such a course is so entirely unreasonable, and so subversive of our interests, that we hope it will not be persisted in. 1 If these borrowing gentry will only permit pur subscribers to retain their papers, we will cheerfully accommodate such of them as shall . rail at the Otficcon publication day. In oqr last we stated that the Poles had taken Os- trutenka .by assault, and made other advantageous movements in their progress against Russia. We ilceply.fregret the necessity which we are now under pf, reversing this flattering representation. By the Tucket ship Sylvanua Jenkins, London and Liverpool jjappfri of the 8th and 9th ultimo have been received at New York, the contents of which leave no doubt that the unfortunate Poles have met a severe check. Oar extract of last week mentioned the masterly movement of the Polish Chief, to cyt off" the Russian .supplier, anl to throw his forces within the lines of the revolted provinces. All these, notwithstanding their --boldness of design and bravery of execution, have been rendered inoperative by .the interposition of a vastly superior force. After 'a! sanguinary conflict 9 ' ' ' with more than twice their number, the patriots were (impelled to abandon Ostralenka, after having lost about 4000 men The Russian' loss is estimated much higher, but asjhere is no comparison between heir resources, the efiects of the contest are infinitely lWorable to the latter. We confess that we had fears o this result from the beginning. It is scarcely pos sible that a' people so greatly inferior in numbers should succeed, how great soever may be their devo the cause. We fear that the next accounts - vill!be still more disastrous. It seems that the neu trality of Prussia is merely nominal. ' Every thing rhatUhe can do, except actually taking the field, if "! done to ; facilitate the operations ojf Russia, and to re t art! those ofyPulund. J , j Oh the 4th of June, the Belgiq Congress at Brus sels proceeded -to the election of a Iiiig- Of the 1 87 votes criven on the occasion, ioz . were in lavour oi Prince' terms incompatible with their honor could have been Extract of a Utter to the Editor of (lie Sentinel, da- such an idea, and the President denies proposed to the Cabinet in.the winter of1829 '30, ted Jericho, Duplin County, 23d My, 1831." signedor authorized it. The citizens ofl as the condition upon which alone thev could be per- WhPn t t, . i t - . - i i I " TTlUKi AJ Villi III! II P IHT 111 -llllll. 11- rutted to retain their orhcea, and yet that they Etioma in meT mLged' you mh not have resented tlieindignity by resigning until additional information a8 should arise from farther the spring oi 1831. There was a discrepance in investigation. Ynn Will lfTTn nrvl. 1 a L., .rl this tory which defeated the object of its inventors, fallen oaa person named and it accordingly obtained but little credence, even had absconded. CircurnstancSi fcS i S5v trom those who were predisposed to believe tne worst pointed him out as the murderer, that but few enter of the administration. tained a doubt on the subject Notwithstanding all The charge, that the President had made a requi- this, however, his innocence has since been satisfac sitionof the kind referred to, at length assumed a torily established; and a sense of justice impels me more definite shape, and circumstances and persons to desire that this may obtain a publicity as extensive being named in the editorial columns of a print at the as that which was given to hia imputed guilt. A seat of government which, but a short time before, crime of this magnitude is, fortunately, of such rare had been considered as in some measure the organ occurrence in our county, that the excitement it of the administration, it became entitled to a degree produces subsides but slowly, and we were until yes of attention which the gossip of anonymous hirelings terday busily employed in attempts to discover the and slanderers had not received. This gave rise to wretched perpetrator. Frequent meetings of the Col. Johnson's letter to Mr. Ingham, now first pub- people took place, at which from three to five hundred lished ; and to this point of the controversy, first in personsusually attended, and not only! our own, but importance, as in order of time, we would particu- the adjoining counties, made the investigation a com larly invite the attention of the reader. There is a mon cause. The result of these proceedings is, that tone of candor and honest confidence in Col. John- Moses Bowden, a young man who was the immediate son's letter which cannot be mistaken. His inter- neighbour of the deceased, has been committed to view with Messrs. Branch, Ingham and Berrien, Kenansville jail, to stand his trial atthe; approaching wag of his own seeking, and dicta ted by feelings of term of the Superior Court. He was strongly sus warm personal friendship entertained both for them pected from the first, but the evidence against him and the President. vHe had previously conversed was deemed insufficient to warrant his commitment, with General Jackson, from whom he learned that So strong, however, was the current of public opinion, there was reason believe a combination existed to and so numerous were the circumstantial proofs of drive one member of the Cabinet from his office. his guilt, that a special court of inquiry was convened, He perceived that) the President very rfroperly looked and it was determined that a second jury of inquest on such a combination, existed, as an indignity should be held over the disinhumed remains of Ahe to himself: and apprehensive that an interview be- unfortunate young lady. This was done in presence tween him and the individuals supposed to be com- of about six hundred persons, and such evidence was bined against a member of his Cabinet, might, if elicited in the examination as was amply sufficient to suddenly had, be attended with unpleasant results, dispel farther hesitation. General Miller, the Soli he, as a friend to all parties, proposed to see them citor of the District; was present, and assisted in the firsf. and break the subiect to them. ; The statements investigation. The condition, of the accused forbids of Col. Johnson seem to be entitled to all confidence, my entering into a detail of the testimony." 152 (were in Leopold of Saxe Coburg, who was conse quently declared elected. A deputation of ten, in clifdirig the President, was to proceed to London, to announce the event to the new monarch, and solicit bis acceptance. The London papers state that Prince Leopold declines the crown: The grounds of his re fusal arey certain territorial claims, which Belgium adheres to', ir opposition lb the declared determination of .the Five Great Powers. - i - He certainly must have: known what was the ground of the President's irritation; he must know what he wished to communicate to Messrs. Branch, Ingham, and Berrien ; and he must know how much he was authorized to say, and how much he said of his own authority and with a view to the bringing about a more harmonious state of things in the Cabinet. His declaration on the subject is explicit : General Jack son complained, that he had reasons to believe a com bination existed,, to drive, not Mrs. Eaton from, so ciety, but Mr. Eaton from, the Cabinet; and What ever may have been said by Col. Johnson on the sub ject of social intercourse, arose, as he plainly af firms, from his own solicitude to have harmony established. We learn from the Raleigh papers that Mr. Madi son has transmitted to the Governor of this State, a copy of Lawson's History of North Carolina, to sup ply the place of the cne which was consumed in the State Library. , lhe elecUon in Pitt .county was 'held on the 22d, ult. Alfred Moye was elected to the Senate, and Roderick Cherry arid Henry Toole to the House of Commons.. State . of the Poll : Senate", Moye 340, Marshall Dickinson (late member) 251. House of havinp; de- of North Caro- Commons, Cherry 537, Toole 481, Joseph Worthing- .flTorpnt ton 378, Ben j. F. Eborn ( no candidate) 233. Con- statements ot what was said at this interview be- gress, Jos. K,. L,loyd boU, 1 . t. Wall STz tween Col. . Johnson ; and Messrs. Branch, Ingham and Berrien, it should be borne in mind that, suppo sing them all equally honest and veracious, the greater Washington, N.j C. July 30. Wednesday last being the day appointed by the degree of credence" is nevertheless due to the repre- citizens of the town, for paying a tribute of respect to sen tations of the first named. There was nothing the memory of JAMES MONROE, the order of to bias or irritate his mind : the interest he took in ceremonies published by the Committee of Arrange- the subject was that of friendship for all parties: he ments for the occasion, was- studiously; observed. A must certainly have known what he designed to con- civic procession, composed of the principal part of the vey, and the jjossip and scandal which has since inhabitants of Washington, and a large number ol been published in the newspapers relative to the re- the. most respectable persons from the country, was signations, and their causes, as it did not in any way formed near the Court House at half past 10 o'clock, allude to him, could not have discolored hisviews or While moving to the Presbyterean church, the bells obscured his memory; ! With Messrs. Berrien and of the several clutches were tolled, and a salute of Ingham, the reverse is the case. According to their 24 minute gun was fired. The ceremonies in the own showing, thev were so much exasperated by Col. church were commenced with prayer by the Rev. Johnson's communication that thev were on the point Mr. Weatherby; which was followed by an appropri- of reisninff immediately. Their" being afterwards ate hymn. An Eulogium was then pronounced by requested to resign, the stories which have Deen un. vv iluau ii. jsiiaw ; anu wie service cioseu wua published to their prejudice, and many other causes, prayer, " which will at once occur to the mind of the reader; A large number of persons attended on the occa- i nay very naturally be supposed to have kept their sion ; and scarcely a seat in the church was unoc- i eenngs in a continual ierment. ai au eveiiin. ulcic v-upu. are two iwints in Coli Jolmson'B letter which are ui me BiUiogy, we nave neara dui one general exceedintrlv important ! and which we consider as opinion expressed, in which we heartily concur : viz. settling' the matter in controversy, so far as his agency That it is a production highly creditable to the talents 1 It gives us pleasure to transfer -to our columns the 'xcellent letter, on our second page, from General , Blair to the gentlemen who invited him to dine with the "Union and State Rights Party," in Charleston, on, the 4th of July. We invite the attention of our readers to his views of the Tariff j they are cejtainly correct; and his-jdispassionate and just exposition of fihe doctrines of jtullification, and the results they mut inevitably produce, sliould they ever be put in practice, deserves the serious consideration of every American. General Blair speaks as a man who i l.ums the right of judging for himself; party pre judices spem to have but slight influence on his views of national policy ; and although j his devotion to the President seems to carry him a; little too far, good and patriotick men will find a ready apology in the debt of gratitude which the country owes to General jackson. Our respect for the President,. and our en tire approbation of his course are.1 well known to the publick. Our opinions on these points have suffered no change ; but were to say, with Gen. Blair, that no other man could hold this confederacy together " Oive years longer," we should certainly do violence to our feelings, and pay so poor a compliment to the rnan of our choice j that its extravagance would neu tralise its warmth, and subject us;to the charge'of in sincerity. . ! ' ina who lound lustification MfcTJ aspect wm be reiiced to find that the Old Chief" stands justified by the witnesses of his opponent and yet untouched by the shafts on nis enemies. jjuu. .ixtrpvoiican. " Flying Cabinet." Mr. Postmaster fipn onar has been in this city for a day or two past, arid this mornincr left us for Philadelphia. This travelling gentleman appears to be on the wing about half of his time. It is but a week or two since we heard of him in the interior of Pennsylvennia, and of his being invited to a; Jackson dinner at ttarnspurg. Halt. American. We find the above paragraph in the New York Daily Advertiser, credited as we have given it. It originally armrprl in thn Raltimore Patriot, a nrint 1 1 - - mat sometimes-pays less regard to accuracy oi state- ixiciiL man political effect. The paragraph we nave q? written iji an illiberal and unchristian spirit, Of Which an hononraW m.n d,-,! oahnmnl. l he Postmaster General has a son, who has been 7 iXn tne niP complaint, and is now un der the care of Doctors Physic and Harris of this city. Mrs. Barry has been here for some months, devoting to him those little attentions which it is the nature of a mother to apporpnate to an invalid son. The father has but now paid the first visit to his lamily since he brought them on to this city. How hripf that v;Q,t has been, may be guesesed, when we inform rmr readers that the Postmaster General was to leave this city onshis return to Washington this morning Wo trust the editor of the Patriot will act more as becomR his station hereafter, than thus wantonly assail any gentlen'ian, be he an officer of the Goverment, or a Private citizen, for the performance of an act like that for which the purposes of Major Barry , have been maligned. renn. Enquirer. The elections in Kentucky are approaching. Tha is Mr. Clay's own state. There, whatever of person al influence 'he has, iifelt. There is the field of his long, arduous and indefatigable labours, in the mod est task ot recommending himself for the Presidency There he has out eaten and out drunken every thing in the shape ot humanity. There he has been trav elling from village to village. And making speeches from stump to stump. There is the field of his glory And yet the question is put, Will he get the support of hi3 own state t I he very tact that a doubt is expres sed upon this subject that a doubt can be entertained speaks a decisive voice. What! appealing to the East and the North and the South, for support, and yet in jeopardy at home? Is such a man the candi date that 13 seriously to oppose the invincible Hero of New Orleans ? Virginia was unanimous in the re commendation of her Washington her Jefferson her Madison her Monroe. Massachusetts was in favor of the Adams' by an overwhelming majority. AndTennessee even more unanimous in supporting and sustaining her Jpxkson. But Kentucky with all Mr. Clay's unparalleled exertions, has nevereven re commended him has positively negatived his claims and hitherto has frankly said to her sister States " DonH trusVhim." The truth is, Kentucky has al ways.disappointed us in this respect. Why, there is hardly any one prominent man in New, Jersey, who, if the slightest chance existed of. his receiving a fair support Tn the Union, could not get the vote of the State Local feeling fetate pride, would do for him far more than he could ask at the candid judgment of men upon his merits, and yet Mr. Clay is strug gling, gasping for breath in Kentucky ! ! "Some peo ple thrive best where they are least known. Tren. Emp. To Destroy MoscTietoes.-'T&Ve a tew w ri in a shovel or chafing dish, and burn some brown sugar in your bedrooms and parlors, and you effectually des troy the moschetoes for the night This exTwaiment has been tried by several of our citizens, ana found to produce the desired effect. iv. y. luv. Jfost.- ? , " If Britannia rules the waves," said a qualmis writing master going to Margate in a storm, " I wish she'd rule 'era str axter ot Dr. Shaw, and one of which he may be iustlv proud. Union. Anti-Tariff Convention. Our readers are already ap prised that, a proposition was made bv a respectable body 01 gentlemen, irom various sections 01 me union, iissein- is concerned. The first is, his deliberate and positive avowal, thrit it was of an alleged combination to drive Mr. Eaton from office the President complain ed; and the second, that what was said by him re specting social intercourse with Mr. Eaton's family, - -. . 1 1 t 1 ivxi 1 11 11 '.4 1 11 111 n r t-Mt rir t 111 w 1 iiimii 1 - 1 11 1 ?i m 11111:11. . . m . ,"'"""!'u - y . T ' bled at rhiladeipbia on-the 4tn June, that a Convention on all occasions, any right to interiere m that matter. for the purpose of securing the efficient co-operaiion of the friends of free trade throughout the United States, in procuring the repeal: of the restrictive system, be he!d in that city on the 30th of September uex.t; and tiia every State in the Union has been called upon to scud delegates favorable to the objects of the Convention. Our purpose in again calling public attention to this project is to re- rommnH thr fn-nnratnn nf Norlh CamWim in thin ln. culties and unpleasant feelings which were occasioned Ljauia object. Dy me peculiar relation in wnicn, ivirs. caiou aiuuu many considerations consjire to render euea a con with the families of the other Cabinet officers, and vention important and desiruble. The' advocates of re- combi- vice to 3 most With regard to the statements of Messrs. Berrien and Ingham, relative to what passed at their inter views with the President, there needs but little to be said; Neither of ihosej gentlemen asserts that the President made such a: requisition of him as has been spoken of. He conversed on the subjects of the diffi- expressed disbelief of the injurious stories circulated stnctive measures are exerting every nerve, and aminit IW hw a nnt n ovllnhlp. which can ninff every influence they can press into their ser hp. tnrtnrprl intn M nivirpmpnt thnt thp. families of establish the misnamed " American System," in it The Globe of the 26th, announces its intention of examining the address of Judge Berrien, in these terms: 1 . ' vv e lay before our readers to-day, Mr. Berrien's address to the public. We will review it deliberately, and show from a mass of circumstances, in addition o Col. Johnson's positive testimony, that the charge 1- l Tt T IT T" J 1 wnicn iviessrs. jjernen, irancn and inernam now urge against the President, is utterly unfounded.- We will show from its contradiction of a well known act, susceptible of the clearest proof, that Mr. In nam's statement is essentially incorrect; and that notwithstanding Messrs. Berrien. Branch and Ino ham, the interested parties, who make this evidence. unite in saying that it is taken from notes made at the time by Mr. Ingham and that in their "repea- that it furnishes in itself a clue from which we will prove it is not" true record. We will show, more over, that it stands contradicted, not only by the im partial witness, who communicated between the President and these parties, but also by the knowledge ol all those near the President, and acquainted with his views5 V NEWBERN, AUG. 3. 1 Cotton. 7nti.- rvm c a- Rncin. 61 hama. 71 ; a T208 J F1Ur' $ Tar' 75 nts; T111?6?11111 $l f ? - CHARLESTON, JULY 28. lOtton, 3- n 8; Hr,n m o S. Hama Q rL &t;j&?rdV1all: Corni 58 a 60: Bice, prime, 3 12 J a 3 2a, inferior to good, 2 37 a 2 87 ; Tar, Wil- Jiol 25 a 1 37 5 Terpentine, Wilmington, S r, t - NORFOLK, JULY 30. Cotton, 7 a9; Com, 62 a 64. Naval Stnrea. Tar. N. C, SI 25 a SI 40; New Soft Turoentine. 81 75 a. 2 ; Iflour, super, dull, $4 50 a $4 75, NEW YORK, JULY 27.. Cotton. Though common and inferior sorts have since our last, declined a shade, fine descriptions fully sustain former prices, and the demand both for export,' and home use, has been steady, l ne sales uurmg the. week amount to 2500 bags, comprising 1100 Up lands at 7f a 10 cents; 5UU Alatamas at y a is; 800 New Orleans at 10 a 12, and 100 Floridas at 94 . Flour. The demand has been moderate, and the transactions confined to fresh ground, without any al-f deration m prices. We notice sales of western a nal at $5 25 a $5 50 for fair and fancy brands, and at $5 12 for common; Grain. r wo cargoes (about 0000 bushels) of North Carblina new Wheat, have been sold at 108 cents, and 3000 bushels Virginia old, at 100 a 103 cents; Northern Rye at 70 a 73 cents, and Yellow Corn at 66 a 70 cents. - ( Naval Stores. Several small lots North County Turpentine have been- sold at 1 87, which is au advance of 6 a 12 cents on previous rates.. I Oils. American Linseed continues scarce, aiid now commands $ 1 per gallon ; other descriptions re main without alteration. ' ' ; , From Bright' New Orleans Price Current, of July 9t'h. Cotton. Arrived since the 1st inst. 742 bales. Cleared 14.316 making a reduction" in stock ot 13,600, and leaving on hand, inclusive of all on ship board not cleared the 7th instant, a stock of 27,82G bales. The sales of the week have been quite exten sive ; about 7000 bales of North Alabama and Ten-' nessee have been sold ; prices from 6 to 8, aifd some 8 cents. . Sugar and Molasses. Wc continue to quote as last 'week; transactions are quite limited, and the stock is gradually wearing off with the season. , Liverpool, Julie 8. ; In the course of the last week's business, in our Cotton market we had some symptoms of amendment, and perhaps in a few instances, some trifling advan tages obtained by the sellers over the buyers, but: those advantages, it any, were very few and barely worth notice. The chief sales in Uplands and Mo bile were from 5 a 5d. The import of all kinds into the Kingdom, amounts' to 387,800 against 408,800 bale3 received up to this time last year, and of American, we have received 266,800 against 307,600 .bales. T he sales of-all sot t of Cotton for the last three days, about 7000 bales at no change in prices the market steady. . . . q w " For tbe.Nortb Carolina Sentinel. . ! This may be truly termed an age of correspon dences. The good easy Publick have scarcely di gested the celebrated Calhoun controversy, and ano ther tieat of the same kind is already prepared for them by the members of the late Cabinet, the editor of the Globe and Col. Johnson. . We cannot but re gret that this strange course should be resorted to by such men, or approved in a country f that boasts of supenor knowledge and exemplary propriety. It is certainly anomalous in -politics, as well as in social in tercourse, to give "publicity to "private conversations, and to make the distorted representations of prejudiced .journalists the criteria by which we acquit or con demn all classes and conditions of men, that' are so unfortunate as to disagree, r A desire to conclude Mr. Webster's- Speech, and to redeem our promise respecting Mr. Madison's Speech r 011 the Bank Bill prevents us from giving place to the Correspondence. The Mowing, which we copy from the New York Evening Postwill put our read 'eri in possession of the subject otcontention and the progress of the disputants. We shall defer farther .remarks, as well as the expression of of our opinion on the merits of the controversy, till we shall have seen 'he termination of the discussion. Verj' soon after the resignationof the late Cabinet "umours were industriously circulated, in the prints J the party opposed to the present administration, aat the. dissolution had been occasioned bv the non compliance, on, the part of three of the Cabinet offi cers, with a requisition, alleged to have been made y the President 1 hat thoir femilipa tabould hold Ko- intercurse "with the family of a fourth Cabinet tmcer, against the reputation of whose wife injurious '-Furis naa been uttered m the pubhc prints and otherwise. - Period which had elapsed between the alleged oate of this requisition, and that of thft KPvpral rPKi'tr- nations, rendered it difficult to look at the two circum 4nU in ineiilght.of cause and effect. The publie vl vosuy; d persimden, that acquiescence with requi Messrs. Ingham and Berrien should associate with that lady. What then is the authority for this story? There is none there inot the least shadow of foun dation for it. It is true Mr. Berrien asserts- that General Jackson said to him, that if a combination had been proved to have been entered into by three of his Cabinet officers to drive the fourth from society, he would have required their resignations. Admit this to be entirely accurate, and who will say it was wrong f 10 force his Cabinet and their families to associate whether they would or no, with Mrs. Ea ton, or any one else,' is one thing; and to dismiss them for entering, into plots and combinations de structive of the harmony and good understanding which should exist among his constitutional advisers, is another and very different one. Any one, we think, j who will peruse the corres pondence we this day lay before the public, in a spirit of fairness and candor, will be satisfied that no terms have been required by General Jacksont of his Cabi net officers, or of any ot them, inconsistent eitner with his dignity or their honour. Thejf will be sa- obnozioug form, nod even now boastiogfy declarr it to be the " settled policy of the country." Meetings of loanu factifvers and meetings of wool growers, have been held ; and the Tariffites are preparing to meet iu general con vention at Baltimore in September next to " deliberate upon, and consider the best means of fastening the Tariff, and Henry Clay with it, upon us to obtain concert and unity of action. It therefore behooves those whose vital interests are to be sacraficed by this "bill of abomina tions," to organize themselves, and to adopt sofhe p'an by which they too. ghullact harmoniously and vigorously in the defence of their rights, against the encroachments of the aristocracy of manufacturers, who are moving in a solid phalanx, sparingneithertime, nor money, nor pains, to maintain their exclusive privileges, j The proposed Convention will do this, and even more. Being a peaceful and constitutional measure for uniting the friends, of free trade, against their opponents, it will organize a plan of proceeding which is best calculated to effect their object without mischief. Let them enter into it with the determined spirit and ardent zeal which the righteousness of their cause, und the magnitude of their grievances, are calculated to inspire ; lei tbem send number of delegates from each State: let thera select 1 heir most talented and distinguished men concentrate tisfied that in what he has said and done, respecting their intellectual strength; and the result of their delibe the unfortunate relation in which the wife. of one of rations may be glorious. at-oca rrmnnl frpna fifrwl WUri tkp. We are glad to observe that oar sister States are em 4i,Q Miiar rfcr,o nffirpra h ha ahnm t bracing this measure with avidity. Meetings have been iauiCD "l jl y Ir a "I ""I- " U" "c held in some sections of Virginia, and delegates appom once great gooune ui ncai a,m a K1W ted. both tlle State Rights parlies in South' Carolina have aecorum. xney wuiiwubuwj., it- ninntf,ft : and nrp se ert me the r renresental ves: nnrl witstanding all that the ex-members ot the Cabinet tne note8 Qf preparation are sounding in other States. mav sav to the contrary that there was a radical! Will North Carolina sleep at her post? When the de anrl pssnnrial want of harmony amoncr the heads of fence of libertv. independence, and Constitutional rights 1prartmpntR that, there was a wound kept continu- have claimed her aid, hag she ever shrunk from her duty c Itt- ranb nrr thnt mprp.. was a source 01 lrniaxion nav. nas sue i ucch ...... i :n cr.. rr WJrUninn. and dppnenin0-: and. them ? Is she not now called upon by her own bleeding WTWSK wfthTCaSiet to"' priodp.e. .o p forth h.r niidiiy, uiey wm uc .bauoiu strno-th ? FW she not feel that 111 proportion to the constituted; so divided, the oniy proper course to .- q Onjostand oppressive Vvsiem of taxation aissolve it. I oinrhi in ho nholishod hv the nroiectors of this Conven- We havp. in these, hasty remarks, purposely ab- tion, will her prosperity" and independence decrease? stained from saying aliy thing upon that point, on Then let her, not be among the : last to onite with those which the -veracity of the President and that of Mr. who are common sufferers with her rrom it, m the ener- Berrien are Dut in onnosition. un max neaa we b" " p"". vv" : r ., - ; , f-i SS-S -JES Th,t C,pnprl TnrWn rest the progress of measures, which, while they extend undue protection to the interests of a very small propor tion of the citizens of our country, are most blighting to the vast interests of all the xtH.Raltigh Star. The Coalition in Distress. After trying to put down the President on the Veto the W. India trea ty the Indian humbug, Tariff, &c. they have given up all hopes of assailing him through his public and official acts, arid hav: taken the desperate resolution to make him a party in every quarrel at Washington. But in this, as in every thins else, -his conduct will do him honor, and the public will view him as a peacemaker and a punisher of duellists and their aid era and abettors. Will not the sober people of the JAorth thank him tor it i We believe they will, while they discard Mr. Clay. and his eulogists for such foul deeds. Essex Democrat. SONNET TO A MOSCXIETO. Farve Culex, pecudum custos tibi tali raerenli. J'lVj-. , Moscheto, whither do yoa whiff Your darkling flight ? Why on your expedition sing1, At dead of night i Are you the Vampyre's child, That flits so darkly wild, In search of blood ; " ' Aud lights upon a sleeping Beauty's breast ' Boldly as on his own infernal nest, To drain the vital flood i You come, 'tis said, from fens and marshy iha'dts And staguant pools, s To feast, all summer ,'on oar slumbVIng maids, And. sanguine fools.' You kindred Insect ! we would ask a boon, Or what most clearly is butjiut and right v Spare those who rel'ih iiot your suction lunt. But bleed and serenade each Tariffite. We wish, indeed, you'd quick decamp For Bluelight Town, or Dismal Swamp ; Or, bring your rations with you, And cease to eat us t , Tariff and Duns we can't eschew I They murder sleep, whate'er we do. And then deplete us. CUSTUS. Tolv 6. DIED, On Tuesday morning last, HANNAH, infant daughter of Mr. William Hollister. THE CROPS ON THE ROANOKE. &c. We make the following animating extracts from a letter (dated 18th inst.) ofan esteemed and intelligent friend residing in that fertile section of Country, in the subject of which, our new relations of business and commerce must give us a lively concern. Nor folk Beacon. " Our Corn crops, though almost smothered in rain for the last 40 days, nevertheless present the finest prospect I have ever witnessed. If the season continues favourable, I should not be at all surprised, if in this section of country the crop of corn should -double that of the past year. In fact, there can be but liltle question, but that the export of corn the ensuing winter trom thi3 river, will exceed the export of last winter one hundred per cent, as the quantify planted, exceeded that of the last year by one third or, one half, in consequence of the strong appearance of a general rupture in Europe at the time of plantine. and port or UEWBxmxr. v 1 , : ARRIVED, V Schr. Jarvis, Brown, & Co. Fowler, Turks Island. Schr. Sarah, Jones, New York Passenger Mr. Manly. t Schr. Susan Mary, Holmes, New York. 1 Schr. Perseverence, Scott, New York. CLEARED, Schr. Select, Darling New York. ' PORT OF BEAUFORT. Arrived, on the '26th July, the brier Robert M. Knox, Hawes master, from Gaudaloupe, bound to Elizabeth City, with a cargo of Molassss all well. Left at Point Petre, on the 14th July, brig Albert Simonton, ol Portland ; Philadelphia, Prince, Portland Lmnlap. Docknyj Romp, Dervir, Portland ; Laura, Gorden, Portland, to sail on the 15th for the Mole; fechooners gnicittl lupiuis 1 11 uuiupc at 1 hit uiuc ui pluming, anu uuu, sou u luvuivi uk i'iu'" because too, the Coiton first planted, presented so unfa- Fanny, Mason, of Newbern, to sail on the 25th ; Su- vourabi a prospect, mat very many farthers ploughed up san and Phoebe., Thatcher, -New 1 ork, to sail zgtn ; larg fields of it, and substituted corn in its place. The Blakely, Butler, Elizabeth City; John Bartlett, Har Cotton crop, of course will be much shortened thereby ; wood, to sail 14th Jnlv. Snoke. on the 14th. under 1 wait for further information. That General Jackson would not tell an untruth we are firmly persuaded. The matter involved in the conflicting allegations is of small importance, and it is not to be credited that the assertion, relative to the written paper, wouiu have been made, were it not true. There will be more on this tome. In the meanwiuie, tne scanaais In the correspondence between Governor Branch and the citizens of his Congressional district, publish ed in this paper yesterday, one circumstance is wormy versy, like all the preceding, the object nothing had been shewn from whicji they ought to injure the President, has resulted in withdraw their support from General Jackson. Th to ey with which the oppcation have been amused, are ftf. particuar notice. After hearing the explanations diRfiinntfvf iha ctr.riod IhPV llflVft TirODaifated are I S T U rro1ltltmtii (orlL , " 1 - i a 1 ana narrative 01 rvir. Dmiii, ki shown to be false. Mi , fied that at the game time that he had been injured 1 nis controve of which was to showing him more estimable. Whenever his con- affirmed that such was the opinion of Mr. Branch duct is impugned, inquiry shows it to be correct ; J himself. Now, if such were their sentiments, upon whenever his motives-are assailed; events prove them j yjr Branch's statement of Col. Johnson's coramuni- ia uc pure, l ne adherentsrpf adverse partizans wage cations to him, such as ne understood, tnem, how war around him, but he stands firm in the midst, un- mucri more favorable must those sentiments be, when affected by commotion; . ... nnrrWtliat Mr. Branch either mistook Col. John- " Like some tall cliff that lifts its awful form son, or the Colonel exceeded what he had either right Swells from the vale, and mid-wnv Wrc the storm, or authority to say . 1 ne agea m ints auegea at Thonorh round hishrpaRt th mii;r.iA nM,noJ temnt to "coerce" Mr. Branch, into associations - w. . wuiut v&UUUO CUQ SlUCOU I 1 . and add to this, that which was permitted to stand. m m m r presents now a most untavorable aspect. - me iivn nuu icrinc country around us, ig now groaning under the weight of one of its most luxuriant crop, and en epicure would almost fatten upon the anticipated good things, which the gathering in of guch a harvest is liReiy to produce. Arrival Extraordinary. Under our ship news head will be found the arrival ofa nark canoe. 18 feet long bv three wide, six weeks from the Penobscot River. The com mander of this craft is a Penobscot Indian, who calls himself General Williams. His mate is his helnmate. she is nimble at the oar, and often very serviceable in propelling and steadying the canoe. They have two children with them. It appears that the General's obiert in making this perilous voyage, is to see the city of Go tham. He has also expressed a particular desire to see GovernerjThroop. We hone every facility will be afford ed him, in fulfilling the purposes of his mission. We ought to have remarked above, that he Dut into several norts JSternal sunshine settles on its head," which he disliked, denies having intended to convey the lee of Gaudaloupe, schooner Council, Peirce, qf Bangor, bound to Point Petre, . Claret Wine & Porter The subscribers have just .received from New York, per the Schooner Perseverance, j ! One cask Marseilles Claret, ONE CASK, CONTAINING f 4 cloz. quart bottles Porter, 6 do. pint ditto ditto. 1 Which they will sell low for Cash. Newbern, August 1st, 1831. TO THE FREEMEN OF CRAVEN COUNTY; vxeuucLueu, , r ' ' Since the annunciation of my desire along the coast for; provisions, and on one occasion took to represent you in the next General Assembly, I - . ' .. . . . . 11 x 3 ' . i . '' the canoe on his back and came Zd miles by land. This, J nave iouna u impracticaDie 10 leave nome lor the we presume, was m crossing Cape Cod. One of the pilots purpose of communicating With you ul person. Deem- very civilly towed hjra through Hurl Gate. iv. F. mg an intercourse of this kind intlisDensable to the success ot the most popular candidate, I cannot, un known as I am to many of you, liope to receive a roa- Jour. Com 7 m A goqdReason.X certain preacher having ioritv vour Buffiffe. JZ OTSZ remains that I w IV -I J 1 M 13 . enangea nis religion, was mncn Diamerl by His should inform vou that I have withdraw from ther menus ior ueberuug mem. a o excuse nimeii, i canvass. he said he had seven reasons and being asked: what rhfv wpr toi-1 5 or! (14 nrifA n-nA :i j vivj vjnvu) T 1 UU VU1U areru" RespectfMy.your oVdt servant, - 1 , . . . JOSEPH PHYSIQO. Craven, County, July 29 1831.

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