, .I,, t i v AND NEWBEte COMMEMqiiJL, AGKICHJlLTURAILi AND MTjEKAKY IMfT3BIiMKEMClEK. ' 1 "Mi LIBERTY.. ..THE CONSTITUTION.. ..UNION. twwlvSV sr- as . J a 4 ! 1 IS 5 - -.if ' . f- " it 1 i 3 V 4 1 rv 1 . PUULISIIED BY THOMAS WATSON. At three dollars per annum payable in advance. THE WEST; INDIA TRADE. Nothing can be more contradictory; and in-j onsistent thanHhe course of the opposition upon this question. It w perfectly illustrative of their character. . They imagine that the people have nome mories; or that they lack intelligence and dis cernment, and can therefore be gulled with any tale, or deceived by any artifice. They have governed themselves in this, matter, as nearly all others, by this derogating and erroneous estimate of the capacity and judgment of a republican population ; and jtheyVil) discover, in the end,tba in this matter as in others, they deceive only themselves. ; 'Eight years ago, this trade, in the estimation of Mr. Adams and his political friends, was of ;hc utmost importance to the country. 'It was a leading measure of his administration to re store it to a footing as favourable as it had been before it was lost to us by his love of diploma cy, and his neglect or misapprehension of the true interests of his country It was deemed to be of .such magnitude, the acts of parliament and of congress! were said to be unequal to the subject that legislation was insufficient and "thatit could be adjusted and established by 'no thing less than treaties. ix years ago, Mr. Adams conceived it to be of sufficient impor-. fance to sencf oait a special envoy, charged with fhe adjustmeiit of the question and instructed to: assent to the precise terms which he and his cabinet had previously refused, to accede to, and which, by their diplomatic neglect and obstinacy, and by Mr. Canning's captioiisness, deprived us of the trade until wiser counsels and more, practical men prevailed in both gov ernments. Surely, if the trade were not of high importance to the country, what could justifV'Mr. Adams in making it the subject of a special mission, and of a resort to the humilia ting alternative of offering, through that mis sion, to atcept of terms which he had already 'rejected.' ;i . wrr But no sooner has theplain and practical negotiations of Gen. Jackson, aided by the well directed efforts of our :minisferwho re jecting the tricks and delays of "diplomacy," 'proceeded with a manly and honourable frank ness directly to his object, ladjusted all differ ences, and secured to us the trade on the terms of the- most favored nations, than it becomes worthless and Useless! The trade which was deemed by Mr. Adams and the present opposi tion, of sufficient value to laim the interven tion of ""treaties," and the? special diplomatic powers of a special envoy becomes, as soon as it is obtained by another administration, a of no advantage to the country !" And most inconsistent of all, the mutual and advantage ous adjustment of past difficulties, on the basis of the very terms offered by Mr: Adams through a special mission after his own rejection of iheirf. is. in the lanfruasre of the same men who then approved of those terms, "a crouch ing, slavish submission," j a sacrifice of, the honor, interests and dignity of the country," and the laying of the. nation 'suppliant at the footstool of the British ministers ! Can any thing ibe more contradictory or absurd? Can anv thinff more aptly illustrate the character and cuurscs of the opposition? Can any thing more strikingly exhibit thejr contempt tor the understandings of the people, than their readi ness to resort to such deceptions and inconsis tericies. and their willinffness to believe that 7, -c- t o ; thev can pass them -off undetected? . The more visible are the favourable effects .of this trade upon our commerce and upon the -productions of our soil, the more eager are the opposition to, misrepresent and undervalue them. As burshipping has increased, as cora- inerce has revived, and as the demanqfor our ' bread-stuffs, lumber, &c. has multiplied and the prices advanced, -as the indications o commercial and agricultural prosperity have become, all around us, thqrhore manifest and undeniable,-through "this cause ; the bolder iand less scrupulous have been the declarations to the contrary through the opposition organs fhe result so triumnhant for Gen. Jackson and his administration, an4 so unfortunate for Mr. Adams and the present "national republi- ' can" politicians, has made them desperate ; and they betray both the foll and the-depravity of men who are conscioussthat they have no thing to hope from the truth, and nothing to o-xpec t from an bonest and fair statement of the facts of the case. j - To those who reject the evidences of their eyes ijd the proofs of every day's experience who in the lace of these things assert that tliis trade is "of little importance to the coun try;" that they are confirmed in this opinion incc the passage of the colonial trade act;" ;and that " the operation of the new arrangement seems far more favorable to the navigation of Arreat Britain than to the trade of this country," we offer the following statements, the reluc tant admissions of an opposition journal. They are from a congenial source from a newspaper that would gladly point to differ ent results, if it douldbut thev refute all the talcs and.Jfictions of its associates in hostility io tne present aaminisirauon. From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce , : -r Colonial Trade. lhe British Colonial 'Ijade Act, which we published a few days ?me, was received by tne editor ot the Albion It was forwarded by a correspondent who is a high officer in the London custom house, and accompanied by a letter dated April 26th, Which says, j "I am enabled at last to send you one of the acts which has passed tne legis lature consequent upon opening the West In diarports. ' It has been delaved 80 lonfifi tha I should think the U. States must have thrown in very larire suonlies at low duties, and that thf present act will be inoperative for some ume at least. " The intention of the act is manifest upon . -ne lace of it. It is designed to secure the carry w so far as possible, to British vessels. The Enerlish have some cause for this alarm in the fact, that as the jnatter now stands, American vessels are getting almost an me Business. Yet the -remedy, we should think is almost as bad as the disease. The extra expense of transportation by the way of Canada, all comes out of the islanders; and the government, to turn the natural course of the business, is obli ged to abandon its duties altogether. So much for the unnatural protection of one particular interest. It can only be done at the expense of every other interest. After all, the prox imity of our Atlantic ports to the West Indies, gives us so great an advantage, that it will not be strange if the act accomplishes less than its authors intcnded-Our ship owners are for the present, and wd hope will ever be, too well employed to make much complaint about such an effort to supercede them." Albany Argus. Queries for farmers. -Is it wise to pro tect any interest exclusively, or at the expense of all others, and particularly at the expense of the agricultural interests ? If it is wise to protect the manufacturers to the extent they are now protected by the ta riff of 1828, ought the protection which was designed to be given, pari passu, to the far mers, to be evaded by the manufacturers, either by getting round the tariff iaw, or by combina tions of that class of our citizens? ' Are the farmers of this country advised of what were the real objects of the convention of manufacturers recently held in the city of New York ? ; Were not its objects political and mercenary? Was not one of its objects a combination to parent the advance, or to reduce the price of tvool;, did not the members of the convention enter into such combination ; and have not its consequences been already felt by the farmer and wool grower?; If this is so, is it not in that spirit, which strove, at the passage of the tariff law, to pre vent an increase of duty on wool, whilst it la bored to advance the duty on the manufac tured article? Is it not also in the! same spirit, which resorted to the device of importing wool len yarn, and thus evaded or defeated the de sign of. the tariff; Was it not another of the objects of the con vention to advance the interests of Mr. Clay to he presidency; and was not much of the labor of the convention in and out of doors, directed to this object? Was it not in short, a political convocation? If so, with what justice can the great mass of the people be called upon to sustain an inter est or "system"- which is thus' perverted to the merest political and mercenary purposes -which claims large sacrifices on the spre of patriotism from all classes of the communitity, but which practically contradicts all such sac rifices, and which presents the example only of an exclusive deyotion-io its own gains, even to the predudice of its associate interest, indeed the great and stable interest of a republican people, agriculture? If thi3 " system? shall become odious if the people, shall refuse their support to the unpa triotic and political efforts of those who claim to be the exclusive friends of the manufactur ers where will the blame lie with those who pervert a great national interest to the merest selfish and political purposes, and who degrade it into a partizan combination to aid the perso nal schemes of a particular candidate for the presidency, and to defeat the re-election of our present venerated chief magistrate, or with those who refuse to fall in with these political arrangements, and who will notbe made subser vient to the designs of desperate partizans? lb. THE PHILADELPHIA "PROTOCOL." From the Harri8burg Reporter. After , a considerable flourish of trumpets by the opposition about a "Protocol" of the origi nal Jackson men of Philadelphia, withdrawing their support from General Jackson, a manifesto appears in the United States Gazette, signed by six persons!!! They all claim to be original frieiids of General Jackson, and intend to op pose his re-election for three reasons which they argue at length; first, that it is politically wrong to elect a President for more than one crm of four years; second, that it was wrong in General Jackson to select any of his cabi net officers from among the members of Con gress; and, third, the general errors. Another error might have been added which would assign more clearly the true cause of the dissatis- action and opposition oi at least two of them, and that is, that they could not obtain office under General Jackson. Stephen Simpson, it is well known,; was during the last winter ap pointed by the j President one of the commis sioners to adjust the claims under the Danish treaty, and the benate refused to confirm the appointment. If the President had alter his rejection by the Senate, complied with his importunities, and appointed him Navy Agent, at Philadelphia, in the place ollieorge Harrison, the administration, we have no doubt, with him, would have been altogether of a dif ferent character from that which he now ap pears to think it. ' If not more than six men, in all the city" of Philadelphia can be found it i. , i : i ,1 : i : : a willing to disavow meir unginai pi in favorof General Jackson, we will venture to assert that his chance of re-election is tolerably safe even in that quarter. From the American Pa. Republican. We have read an address to the citizens of the United States, siomed bv six individuals of 7 Q J Philadelphia, who call themselves " original supporters of Andrew Jackson," giving the reasons why they have withdrawn themselves irom his support; for re-election to the Jf resi dency. That they may have all been the ori ginal lnends of the President, we shall not pretend to deny, although our knowledge o the gentlemen jdoes not warrant us in admit ting the fact. Of the six individuals who have thought proper thus to appeal to the public we know of none personally, and of one poli tically. He haying more'than once occupied a place in the public eye, we have become somewhat acquainted with his character, and familiar with his politics. His claims to oriei- 1 T 1 f . 1 . i . nal Jacksonism we do not question he has f acted witn mat party, ana more man once has been honored with their confidence and support. Taking the rest to be men of the same character, we must be excused if, while thus admitting their claims , as original Jack son men, we see nothing in the present ap peal, taken in connexion with their past his tory, to warrant us in the conclusion, that they were ever his sincere and disinterested supporters While we regret that any among the republican family should feel themselves impelled by their private grievances, or the circumstances of the times, to dissever them selves from the party, dissolve the bond of union which once existed, and renounce alle giance to the party that heretofore and, would again, sustain them, we would be far from re fusing them the individual right of so doing, if they choose to incur the liability to ridicule and contempt for such actions. The disap pointment of an individual is no good cause for denouncing a patriot nor is the chagrin of those who would have the whole executive in fluence wielded to gratify. their ambition or ca-. price, to be made the ground work of sedition among the friends of him who stood by his country and breasted the storm in the most try ing times of her adversity. No ! The Herd of Orleans has too strong a hold upon the affec tions of the American people, to be injured by the defections of selfish partizans. ' The heated ebullitions and uncurteous denunciations of a few individuals must fall harmless at the feet of him whom the gigantic greatness of the British power could not overwhelm, and who enjoys, in the highest degree, the veneration and gratitude of his country. Upon the 'whole, we think the publication Of the appeal entire ly uncalled for. The gentlemen wh'o have made it, have shown themselves irt their true characters; and whatever standing, they may have heretofore acquired in the republican par ty, they have now forfeited it. Although they may have been original Jackson men, the pre sent publication leads us strongly to suspect whether they have ever been his disinterested friends. If the publication is intended to in jure Gen. Jackson's popularity, in Pennsylva nia, it will fall far short of its aim.; It is like an attemt to raise a storm by blowing through a goose quill. : From the Republican Citizen f State Advertiser Glorious Triumph of Principle. The Jackson party of Frederick couuty have achieved the most signal v ictory within the last two weeks, which ever has attended the exertions of any political party. fThe Clay- men ot this election district have come over to the cause of the people, " horse, foot and dra goons,", or at least have pretended to do so. On Saturday evening last, they held a meet ing in this place, at which they adopted a series of resolutions, embracing all the popular prin ciples laid down in the several messages of President Jackson, and the various proceed ings of the republican party. This; we say, is the most signal victory which could have been achieved, r It shows the soundnesslof the doc trines which the Jackson party have been maintaining, and the force of public opinion. Our opponents have , been driven from the dpubtful stand they had taken ; and have been forced to forego their aristrbcratic notions and bend to the power of public opinion.; Rotation in office, one of the leading doctrines of Gener al Jackson and the republican party, which the Clay men have heretofore endeavored to make odious, by weeping over Watkins, Nourse, and others, and by an outcry against "proscrip tion," has now become one of their measures at least they profess it.- This ruly is a great victory achieved by the republican party one of which they may boast with a patriotic pride. Reluctant as has been their action upon this subject, it is yet a source of much gratula tion to the friends of correct principles. In sincere as may be their declarations, they ne vertheless prove the power of public opinion. Thus, it will be seen, that the Clay-men are receding, step by step, from the ground they originally assumed: They have ceased to vindicate the bargain and sale ot Adams and Clay, by which the political rights of a free people were barterred away for the aggran dizement of two aspirins: demagogues. Their weeping and wailing over the poor Indians has been hushed, and the crocodile tears, which hey shed, are dried up. Their whining upon hat subject is silenced, and we hear no more of the cruel and oppressive Indian bill, lhe tariff, the dear tariff that bill of taxes, arrang ed for the benefit of the rich, and the oppres sion of the poor, is no more bo much the sub ject of their solicitude. The reduction of the taxes upon cojee, tea, salt, moiassess, acc. is no more denounced as a stab at tne immaculate tariff But Mr. Clay, his confidential organs tiate the South, by re- vising " the bill of abominations." And now, o . -ii .t . .1. to crown the victory achieved by principle, me Clayites have gone a step lurther nave taKen loner, but no doubt reluctant striae, ana adopted the doctrine of rotation m omce. - .... j . Their clamor about the injustice aone to men who had grown rich in office, for 50, 40, SO, 20 andSlO years, is to cease henceforth and forever Their ridicule of the President, for proposing the limiting the tenure of all offices, executive and ministerial, is to be turned into plaudits. They are to forget all their hostility to Jackson principles, and are to advocate what they have heretofore condemned. Political aspects are changing. The liberal among the opposition by their . concessions, and the illiberal by their virulence, bear evi dence to the growing popularity of General Jackson. We say growing; but do not wish to be understood by this term as admitting that his popularity is not already, as it has been for years, opposition proof; wc wish to say that by the daily dcvelopements of his policy, con sistency and uprightness, he is rising superior to the little cabals which surround him ; and which, with all their untoward influence and unfortunate complexion, are unable to sully the laurels which he has won. He not only comes out of each new conflict with undimin ished splendor, but seems to acquire new lustre in each reverse. Nothing perhaps ever shew ed the man to more advantage than the late disolution and formation of the past and pre sent cabinets, with the controversies, corres pondence and gossip arising out of those acts, exhibiting as they did that character for firm ness and decision, and entire devotion to his public duties for which he is distinguishedas well as that watchful jealousy of the reputa tion of his ministers in the harmonious dis charge of their duties, which to be suspected of dissonant views or of being influenced by consideration which threatened to impair their collective dignity, was in his sight political death. Irt such a dilemma, he never wanted decision to direct, but the perplexing and "aus picious situations only acted as a sfimulous to his energies, and with an imperturable pre sence of mind, he never stopped to count the sacrifice, but lopped off the unhealthy members. Yet we should be thought as reflecting upon those who, emulating the magnanimous con duct of their constitutional hand, , nobly with drew, did not the unquiet head disingenuous course of some others, fully apprised the pub lic to whom the dissolution of the late Cabinet is due brawling demagogues who, not being content with endeavoring to bring contempt upon their colleagues while in power, now wish to revenge themselves upon public' opin ion by their conduct while out. The public will no doubt recognize in them as sincere patriots now, as they were honest servants then. A". F. Standards Extracts from Mr. Dyson's Speech on Reform. 44 There will be mistakes at first, as there arc in all changes. Fools will be disappointed, as they always are; reasonable men, who khow what to expect, will find that a very serious good has been obtained. "AVhat good to the hewer of wood and draw er of, water? How is he benefitted, if Old Sarum is abolished, and Birmingham members created But if you ask this question of reform, you must ask it of a great number of other great measures. How-is he benefitted by Catholic emancipation, by the repeal of the corporation and test act, by the revolution of. 1688, by any great political change ? by a goodgovernment ? In the first place, if many are benfitted, and the lower orders are not injured, this alone is reason enough for the change. But the hewer of wood and drawer of water are benefitted by reform. Reform will produce? economy and investigation ; there will be fewerbbs, and a less lavish expenditure ; wv. 3 will notbe persevered in for years after peopie are tired of them; taxes will e taxen off the poor, and laid upon the rich; domestic habits will be more common in a country where the rich are forced to court the poor for political power ; cruel and oppresive. punishments (such as those Jbr night poaching) will be abolished. If you steal a pheasant, you will be punished as you' ought to be, but not sent away Irom your wife and children for seven years. Tobacco, will be 2d, per lb. cheaper. Candles will fall in price. These last results of an impoverished government will be felt. We do not pretend to abolish poverty, or to pre- vent wretchedness; but if peace, economy, and justice, are the results of reform, a number of small benefits, or rather ofbenfits which appear io us, oui noi io mem, win accrue to minions a i. ii n a 1 1 i ot tne people; and the connexion between the existence of John Russell and the reduced price ot oreau ana cneese, will be as clear as nasoeen the object of his wise, and useful life to make it." wiivnnw QAfitr TtTAr-TJTMT? Wo rrieitoA tho boll F.nH! Tr,cW on Fridav last, for the nurnose of eYaminincr a model of Thompson's celebrated window sash . 'fTi Ail j machine a labour-saving invention of mecha nical genius, by which window sashes of e very size may be made with great rapidity, and con sequently at an expense far less than by the ordinary process. This invention " is, in fact, a series of no less than eight independent ma chines, to each of which motion is communica- ted by any convenient mover, through bands and puilies, and thence, when necessary, thro cranks,' tangent screws, and cog-wheels. The operations ot sawing off, slitting, cutting tenons, carnages and supports for stuff on which these several operations are to be effected. " 1 he cutting of grooves is performed by cut- tPYNJ rpvnlvino- iri tb monnpr iriular einrc The planing, oveling and rabbitting, are exe- cuted by suitable planes moving with alternate motion in a convenient tramp, in ennnprinn with' a fly-wheel intended to give them regu lanty pt motion. The mortising and coping are also performed bvthe alternatP vprtiMl f Iwd. o.- 5rrr : 1 J i J , ..vy1V. w. v wiow ."& uuu me uccc piaceu upou suppons ur carriages beneath them. The boring of holes for all the pins in the completed sash is effected simultaneously by a number of bits moved by puilies, connected by a common band, and placed in a frame which serves the additional purpose of pressing up, tightening, and giving the true rectangular n- gure to the sash." t A committee of the Franklin Institute, some time since, reported very favourably of this in vention; and we have seen the certificates ot several highly respectable gentlemen, residing at Poughkeepsie, where one of these machines is in extensive operation, who testily as to its universal application in the manufactory of sash several of them having used the sash so manufactured in the building of houses, and found them adequate to all the purposes de ;irned This invention has been patented, and is now offered for sale. Mr. Shelden Pot ter, No. 23 Minor street, is the agent of ' the inventor for this state, who will readily furnish all the particulars as to the price and utility of the article. Pttilad. Inqmrer. SILVER TABLE & TE A SPOONS F. WOODS " Has just received a fresh supply of ' Silver Table Spoons, Sugar Tongs, j Tea Spoons, Pencil Cases, Mustard & Salt Which will be eold as low as they can be imported . ALSO, isrA kPAI1L?? i13 INCH GLOBES. Newbern, 20th July, 1831. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE fTpHE subscriber intending to remove from U the State, will sell at Public Auction, at Beaufort, Carteret county, on the 29th day, of August next, (being the sitting ol" the Supe- , rior Court,) his present residence, a few hun dred yards to the eastward of the Town, con taining 40 acres of partly hammock land, with' a growth of hickory, holly, live-oak, &c : on which is a comfortable Dwelling House of two stories height, with eight finished rooms, (ex elusive of the garret) and the usual out houses. The situation is considered one of the most de sirable and pleasant in the county ; it is imme diately open to, and about two. miles distant from the ocean, and is not surpassed in point of health by any residence on the southern seaboard. Among other advantages, it affords a very superior Spring of water. . ALSO, WILL BE SOLO; Seven vacant lots of ground in thtf town, lo cated in high and airy situations ; two tracts of land of a superior quality, situated 'on North River, one containing' SO acres and the other a bout 150 acres through which, it is thoughtr the expected Canal or Rail Road will pass ; and at the same time he will sell about 20 of the lots; of ground atLENoxviLLE. This place was laid' off in Town Lots by the late James M Kinlay, Esq, and the subscriber. It is situated at the western entrance of North River ; the lots are; at right angles, of 110 by 200 feet square, and the streets 90 feet wide, affording at each corner three water views. It is unquestionably the most desirable situationpfany within the limits of the State, on the seaboard, for a township; the harbour having at all times, at least 12 feet water to the ocean, which is B or 6 miles dis tant. Vessels may load with perfect safety at all seasons of the year, within 20 or 30 feet of the shore, an4 be at sea, with any wind from N. W. Eastwardly to South, in one hour.- The scito is high and healthy the water plentiful and good, and the storm tides never overflow the premises. Strong efforts will doubtless be made during the ensuing Congress to effect measures to open a Canal between the waters of Adams' Creek and North River, or to . con struct a Rail Road from Adams Creek to Lcn oxville. A survey has been effected, and a re port in favour of a canal, made to Congress by Capt. Bache,- of the U. S. Engineers. Either project has warm and influential friends, not only in Ciaven and Carteret, butalso in remote places. It is the most eligible situation to con nect the Northern and Southern link of com munication which is deemed indispensable ii a military point of view. Lenoxville is nowi a good stand for retail stores, and the most desi rable point within the State for Steam Mills. Those concerned in Steam Bdats and commer cial business, as well as those who desire pleas- ant summer residences, or eligible stands fer mechanical operations, are invited to examine the premises and secure lots while they may be m " had at prices creatlv below their value. He will also sell, at Newbern, on the 3d of September, the House and Ground on the Old County Wharf, formerly owned bv Capt. John Merrit, suitable for a family and Retail Store. and a good stand for a Boarding-house. CfeUll Ol U, X , I O UI1U IHOnillB Will UC SlYCI lur a" BUl"8 u.vcr wv' u uuu fourth in advance and ffivincr notes with appro ved security, with interest from the date for the balance ; and a credit of 6 and 12 months, for sums over $50 and under $400 under $50, cash. HENRY M. COOKE. Beaufort, 13 th July, 1831 tds STATE :OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( Pitt County. S Suverior Court of Law : March Term. A. Dl 183 f. George W. Randolph, i vs. Original Attachment absolom launders. i it i KDimanniTHi inn yoiin. iiihi. ili not an inhabitant of this State, It ie therefore Pinn,'A SEK4.PU for weeks, tfiat .aid Defen- dant appear at the Superior Court of La w to be held for Pitt County, at the Court-Houe in ureenyiuc. V flr-c Mnnlnr' 5s.rtnmbeT next, and replevy or plead to iue, or judgment final win tmer up against mm. BLOUNT Clerk. Aw,, NOTICE. bted to the fi A LL persons indebted to the firm of XACKSON d- jjjQjjg are requested to make immediate. Jnarminfl trt finer fkoiv Wittm payment, as they are L before the first of September next. HKSSOH UI The Store and Dwelling House now occir Died by them on the Old, County Wharf. will be sold cheap to any person who may vshto purchase an eligible stand Nexcberri 5 th July, 1831. f lor business. JOHN W. NELSON, i CABINET MAKER, TTDESPECTFULLY informs the Publick that hr iiU' continues to manufacture every article in his line of business. He is at all times provided with tire best materials? and in return for the liberal and in creasing patronage winch he receives, he promises puiiciuauiy una naemy. He continues to make COFFINS, and to superin tend FUNERALS ;i and that he mav Vm conduct the Bolemnities of interment more becomingl y Dunoiavn ii j , iic hob cuuBiructea a (Superior HEARSE, lor the use of which no addition?ach9Tffe uc uiouc. ncwucni, june 1ST,1CWI. DOCTOlt JOSEPHMAIHfl MAVING resumed the Practice of rMedicirie ik f this place, offers his professional services to fhe Inhabitants of ewbem and its vicinity. H Office ' adjoins that of James W.Bryn, EecuneartheCourtc nuusc,- ncwocrns vjm June.) IotfL i