- 1 Djj -i- 1! 1 1 , V:;.;'; : r - .; . . ' : . . - AND ' " . . '" ! - V ,J , i. V t i : i -i . k - 'EWBEM. COIMi;BGipr: AQUICUlLTIJRAIi AND MTEBAIKY EITOEILMGENCEIS. ; v LIBERTY.. ..THE CONSTITUTION. ...UNION. PUBLISHED . ; BY TIIOSEVS WATSON. At three dollars per annum payable in advance. BY AUTHORITY.. """LAWS OF THE UINTED STATES. yS6ED AT THE SECOND SES3I0N OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CONGRfSS. N ACT-making, appropriations for the support of Go vriiaient fo-ihe year one thousand eighi hundred a..d thtity-one. , s ' - ' -.Be it tr aded by the Stnatt and House of Representa tive of the United States of America in .- Congress assent' btd: i tiat lt lolli.-wing sum be, and the suieare h re jv.'appiopriated, to he paid out of any unappropriated .inJoey ih;the treasury, viz: 1. , . For pay ai,d milt-ae of the members of Congress and deifies, three hundred aud ; seven thousand uine bun drel and Sixty -eight dollars. For py of the officers and clerks of both Houses, thi -(y.four thousand three hundred dollars. For stationary, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the Senate, twenty-nine thou sand six honored and eighty five dollais For stationary, fuel, printing, and al! other incidental and contingent expenses of the House of Rrpre.-enlHtives, one hundred thousand dollar. The said two sums last named t j be jij. plied to the payment of the ordinary ex periditurs of tne Senate and House of Representatives, severalty, snd in no eTther purpose. Far salary or 'Triciprtl r.. J assistant Librarians fflo thousand three 'hundred dollars. For .cntit'K' Ht expenses of the Library, and pay of Messenger, eigtu hundred dollars. Fo." the purchase of books for the Library of Congress, 'five tii 'USHnd dollars. ' , -" - . For compensation to the .President and Vice President the United States, the Secretary of riale, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the IN'vy, and the '.-PostinasteV General, sixty thousand F'r Clerks and Messenger in the office of the Secre tarv'of State, nineteen thousand io-ux hundred dollars. For clerks, machines-, ' and messenger, in -he Pat nt Ofuc. five thousand lour hundred dollars. . For incidental and contingent expenses of the Depait rnent of slate, including the printing and , packing thg Jaws, twenty JhousHn-: dollars. ; - I-'or cmpiling printing, and binding the biennial re pisTer to the thirtieth September, one thousand eig.t hu Tlred -and thirty one, in pusuauce of the resolution of I ,-..rtr ,il tuion'ti vinh Ani-il finn thousand eiirht (.Ulltl I JO -' . n J . C hundred aud sixteen, one thousand dollars. For storage of laws and'tlocuments, three hundred ai:d ioi ty dollars. "'-. f Fo contingent expenses of the Patent Office, to u it : books, parch mev.t, stationary, -tod fuel, and including xlra clerk hire, one thousand- five hundred and 'thirty dollars- ' . , ' , Fi. repairs and improvements of grounds a.d buildings of the Patent Offi.r, three hundred and sixty dcllars. T'-r compensation if ile superinten lent and watch-Men ci 4lie northeast executive building, eight hundred and fif v dollars.. F ir s;itifyuig the claim of John Marshall, late super 'intfoaW of the War. and Navy huiWings, one bundled and thiily sevtn liollarsi' .. .. For contingent expenses ot sain nuuuiup, ihuui...5 fuel, labor, oil, repair of building, engines and buckets, mid unprovement of ground, three thoua.!'i three hun dre'd -diid fifty -dollars.'.-? A - . For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the Ofli;e of the Secretary of the Treasury, fifteen thousand l'ou. ir!'d! ' d lollars. For cfuipeiisatiori to the! First Comptroller of the 'Jreasuryl, thr-.-e :hou-,and five hunJred dollars. For compensation ic the fie ks and messenger? in th .'office of jthe First Compt oller, nineteen thousand one Jiun red dollars. " r . ' For compensation to the, Second Cmj)trol!er of the Tiea-ury, three thousand dollars. For Compensation to th- clerks and messenger in tne office of' the Second Comptroller ten thousand four hun dred and fifty dollar'-, - ; ' For compensation to the First Auditor of the Irea sufvi three tliousand dollars. ; m For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the r.(Q e of the Fir.-t Auditor thirteen thousand nine hun dred dollars. C. . - For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Frea- ;nrr lhrfp thousand dollars." 1 For compensation to the clerks and messeneer in the office .,fh1P Serond Auditor sixteen thousand nine hun dred dollars ' Tor compensation to the Third Auditor of-the Trea nd dollars. : I For compensation to thelerks and messengers in. the officeof Mi Third Auditor, twenty-one thousand nine hun dred 'and 'fifty dollars.'-. ; Fr compensation to the Fourth Auditor of the Trea sury, three thousand dollars. Tor c jmoens ition to the clerks' and i messenger in the office of the Fo-iHh. Auditor, seventeen thousana seven i Iurinired and fifty dollars. ' f j For compewsati 'm to the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury three thousand dollars. : I'm- ramnwst'inn n the clerks and roessenrer in the office of j.e Firth Auditor, twelve thousand eight huu dree' dollars. . ' For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States, three thousand dollars. ' For corp)ensat!ion to the clerks and messenger in the office of r lie Treasurer of the United States, six thousand seveu h imlred and (If t r-en dollars. : For compensation o the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars ; " For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the . office ot the Register of the Treasury, twenty-four thou sand two hundred dollars. For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, three thousand dollars. - For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of-the Commissioner of the Gen- ral Land Office, twenty thousand five hundred dollars ; and for temporary clerks, to enable the. Commissioner to bring up the busi ness of his office, five thousand dollars; For the commutation of five years full 'pay to Mount ' joy Bailey ; tA-o thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation to: the Solicitor of the Treasury, tbVee thousand five hundred dollars, j For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand iiine hundred and fifty dollars. I For compensation to the Secretary to the Commission ers of the Sinking Fund, two hundied land fifty dollar For the expenses of stationary, printing, and ail other incidental and contingent expenses of the several offices of the Treasury Department, the following several .sums, - vjtf:. Forthe office of the Treasury, including advertising and ' xtra copying, five thousand dollars. For the office ot the First' Comptroller, one thousand dollars.'.'. ' . ' . For the office of the Second Comptroller, one thousand hilars. . ? For the office of the First Auditors eight hundred dollars. For the office of the Second Auditor, eight hundred dol 'lars. ' For the office of the Third Auditor, one thousand dollars. For the office of the Fourth Auditor, one thousand five nundred dollars. 8. ; of the Fifth Auditor, one thousand dollars, ce of the Treasurer of the United States, i or the ofuce tor the office seven hundred dollar i- For tne office of the Register of. the Treasury, three "For the office of the Commissioner of the General : Land Office, inciuding compensation for maps required hy resolution of the Senate of twenty third ot February, .we thoosahd eight hundred and twenty three, nine tnou sand dollars.' . For compensation for extra aid, during one thousand '8n hundred hod thirty, in the issuing military lano scrip, patents foundedon Virginia military surveys, and writing ana recording patents for lands sold, four thou , sand dollars" V For theofficeof the Solicitor of the Treasury, including . turcQase of lawbooks for hatoffice, two thousaod dollars. For translations, and for Submitting passports and sea otters, three hundred dollars. " For slating and printing tne public accounts for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, one thou sand four hundred dollars. For compensation f superintendent, and watchmen of the southeast executive building, eight hundred aud fifty dollars- For contingent expenses of said building, inciuding fuel, labor, oii, repairs of building, engines and buckets, and improvement of adjoining ground, three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. ! For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of War, tweuty-one thousand six hundied and fiity dollars. ) - For contingent vxpehses of the office of the Secretary oi n ar, three thousand dollars For nooXs, maps, n?.d plans for the War Department one thuu-and dollars. I For compensation to the; clerks and messenger in the office of ih Paymaster General, four thousand six hun dre.J iiollarf. For contingent expenses of said office, two hundred d'dais. i For compensation to the'clerks and messenger in the othce of the Vomtnissary Gene al -of Purchases, four t,.ouaiid tto bundreo dollars. " For contingent expenses ot said office eight hundred dollars ' For compt t.sation to the clerks-in the office of the Ad jutant General, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dol lars, ..... ; For contingent expenses of said ofilec, one thousand dollars . . For compensation to the clerks in the, office of the Coinmiss .ry Gen- ral of; Subsistence, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars, j" For contingent expenses fjf said officr. including ex penses oi advertising, two rtiousand six hunzted dollars. For compensation to th clerks-in the office of the Chief Engineer, two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. j J ' rur contingent expenses; of said office, one thousand 'wo hundred and seventy dollars. For drawing- instruments, repairing instruments, pur chase adi prtir books and Miaps, one thousand oue hun dred and ninety dollars. j For the service of a lithographer, aqd for materials and repairs of the lithographic press, six hundred and ilni y-ix doila-6. - For .11 reari of the same, one hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation to 'hejclerks in the Ordnance Office, tVo thousan d nine hundred and fifty dollars. For :o'itiug. nt expenses of -aid office, eigut hundred dollars. Fui compensation to the clerk in the office' of the Sur gtn General, eleven hundred and fifty dollar. For contingent tXj-eni. of said offi:t , two huadrrd and twenty dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the offiV.e of the Q:iar-t-r MaslerXJeneral, two thousand, one hundred and fifty ohar.. ' j' For contingent expenses of said office, six hundred dol lars. ; " ! For (he salary of the suprin(e;:dent and watchmen f the nor'bwest executive building, eight hundred and fifty dollars, Foi contingent expenses! of said building, including fuel, labor, oi!, repairs of building, and engines, an im pi ovement of adjoining ground three thousand three hun dred aiu bit v doirars. j For compensation to the'clerks and messengers in the office of (he Secretary of thej Navy, eleven thousand two hundred an'J fifty dollars. For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the! Comroi-sioners of the Navv Board, ten Uiougand five hundred dollars." For compensation to the Secretary of the Commission-v- f the Navy fcio.ird, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks, draughtsman, and mes senger, in the office of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses Of the office of the .Commis sioners of tb Navy Board, lone thousand eight hundred dollars. . For the salary of -.he superintendent of ihe southwest executive bu;l-:in, and the watchmen, eight hundied and fifty dollars. -j For contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, repairs' of building, engines, aud unprov ment of ground three ihou-aud three hundred and fifty dollar. For compena' ion lo the two Assistant Posluabsters Gen eral, five thousand dollars, i For conipensation to the clerks and messengers in the' office of , the Postmaster General, forty one thousand one hundred dollars. '. .' For contingent expenses of said oce, seven thousand five huudrt-d de-liars, ! - For supeiirWtndency of the buildingsmaking up blanks, and compensation to two watchmen and one laborer, six- teeif hundred and forty do'Lvs. For t onipensation to tne extra clerks employed in the the laie Pos; maste: General Post OfficH Department, by from the first ot January, One thousand eight ir.u.'idre and twenty eight to the first of April, one tnousanu eight hun dred and twenty ni .e, four thousand one hundred and seventy five iiollars, twenty seven cents.. For compensation to the temporal y ctnd extra clerk-; employed in the Post Office Department, unce ihe first day of April, one thousand eight huudred and twenty nine, to the thirty first December, one thousand eight hun dred and thirty, fifteen thoulsdild eight hundred and sixty nine dollars, eight ceuts. , ' i " ' ' , " For completing the new Post Office building, four hun dred ai.d eighty four dollars, ihree ceiits. I or oomp. usat'Oti to -the Surveyor General in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of said Sur veyor, two thousana one L'unareu uouars. For compensation to the purveyor south ol Xennessee, two thousand dollars. ! For compensation to the clerks in the office of said Surveyor, including two? hundred dollars of arrears, one thousand nine hundred dollars. For coinpensrtiou to the Surveyor in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, two thousand dollars. J? or Conipens,aiion to cier&s in uic ouae oi oaia our- veor, two tnousao-- uonais. For compensation to tne surveyor in Aiaoama, two thousaud dollars. For compensation to clerks in the office of said Survey or, one thousand five hundred dollars. . For compensation to the Surveyor in teriua, two thousand dollars. - " For compeusation to the clerks in Ihe office of said Surveyor,-two thousand dollars. For compensation to the Commissioner of the public buildings in Washington City, two mousanu aouars. For compensation to the officers and clerk of the Mint, nine thousand six huudred dollars. For co'upeusation to ass istants in several departments ot the Mint, including extrdi clerk hire and laborers, four- teen thousand sis hundred dollars For incidental, and corf tinfent expenses and repairs, cost oi machinery, for allowance for-wastage in gold and silver coinage, of the Miiit, thirteen thousand five nun- b'nr omnoncal An tn'thA tAVetnOI. JUUCBS. HUU Ctf reta.y of ihe Michigan Territory, seven thousand eight hundred dollars. 1 .?i . i For contingent expenses of the Michigan Territoiy, three hundred and fifty dollars. f For compensation aud mileage of the members of the Leffiiative Council, nav of ihe officers of thie Council, fuel, stationary, and prntj.:g, and rpairs of he legisla tive had, including arrearages, erght thousand two bun dred and ninety dollars. For compensation to the Governor, Judges, and Sec retary of ihe Arkansas Territory, inclucUnj additional compensation to each Jude. to thirtieth June, one thou sand eight hundred and thirty-oue, nine thousand four nunarea aouars. " j For pay and mileage pf th? Lvgisislative Council of said Territory, five thousand four liuudred and ten dollars For. contingent expenses of tue Arkansas. Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars - For incidental expenses; of the Legislature of Arkansas byact of twenty fourth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, seven hundred andtweniy dollars. For compensation to the Governor, Judeges, aod Sec- retary of the Florida Territory, including additional com pensation for the Judges for extra duty under the act of twents third Mjv, one thousand eight hundred aim tvren ty eight, fifteen thousand three hundred and forty-nine dollars. , For contingent expenses of the Florida Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars, For compensation and milenge of the members of the Legislative Council of Florida, pay of .officers and ser" va:jts of the Council, fuel, stationary, printing, and dis tribution of the laws; including two hundred and forty" eight dollars for arrears, seven thousand six hundred and foriy dollars. For compensation to the Chief Justice, the associate Judges, and district judges oftheUnited States, including arrearages arising from increased salirins of certain dis trict Judges under the act of av twenty-ninth, one thou sand e ghl bun red a:.d thirty, eighty seven thousand sev en huudred and twenty dollar?, eighteen cents. For th- salaries of Chief Justice and associate Judges of the Dbinct of Columbia, and oi the Judges of the Orphans' Court' of the said distiict, uine thousMid five Hundrrd dollars, For compensation to William Cranch Chief; Justice of he Circu i V-ouit for the District of Columbia, for pre paring a code oi civil and crinvnal Jurisprudence, in com pliance with an act of Co- gress. approved 29th ;prt', one thousand eight hundred and six'een, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the Attorney General oi the Uni ted Si air-1,, four thousand dollars. -Fa compensation to the cierk in the office of the At torney General, eight hundred dollars. - For contingences t the office of the Attorney General, live huuareu dollars. For a messenger in said offi, . , fi e hundred dollars, For purchase of books for ufficce of Attorney General, five hiind red dollars. For defraying the expenses already incurred in fitting up the office of the Attorney General, seven hundred and thirty Wire dollars. t or compensation to the Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand dollars. For compensation to the District Attorneys and Mar shals, as granted by law. including those in the several .Territories, eleven thousand three hundred dollars. For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and District . ourts of the United Stains, including the District of Colombia ; aiso, for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the year eighieen hundred .nd thirty one, and preceding years; aud, likewise, for defraying the ex penses ol suits in which the United States ar e c ncerned, and of p. osecuiivjns lor oflenccs committ d agai::st the 1 nited r-la'es, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, one liuudn d and ninety thousand dollars. For t'ie ayment of s.,nlry pensions granted by the brie and present Governments, one thousand seven hun dred and fitly dollars. For ihe supj oit and maintenance of light house?-, float ing !igi;ts, beacon, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase oi oil, keepers' salaries, repairs and improve ments, and contingent expenses, one hundred and nine ty ihree thousand one hundred and fifty six dollars. 'or building light-houses on Little Watt's islam'!, Ma ry 'ami ; on Clay island, Maryland; at the entrance of Roanoke Sound, in North C arolina; at or m ar Choctaw Point, in A iabama ; and near it. Marks harbor, in Florida, twenty nti e thous nJ eight hundred dollars, being the a in on n- oi balances of moneys heretofore appropriated to the 'said objects; which said several ''alances are here by reappropiiated to the several objects specifically For the salaries of Registers and Receivers of Land Offices where there are uo sales, two thousand dollars. For the salaries of two keepers of the public archives ia Florida, one thousand dollars , Fot statio; ary and books for th offices bf Commission ers of coaiis, five hundred dollars ;" t Fr allowance to Assisrant Counsel and District" AHor ney, under the act supplementary to the several acts pro vides t'-ir tiie settlement ot private land cla-ms in Florida dated twemy third of May, one thousand eight hundred, ami twenty eight, including coritingencies, eight thousand dollars, including the uiiexpended balance of the last year's lpprupiiation for the same objects. ' For the third payment to Luigi Pcrsico, for statues for the Capitol, four thousand dollars. For alteration, and improvemems in tne executive; builditi'gs, and paiatmg the same, six thousand fiivv hun -tired dollars. For surveying the public lands, including the amount of arrearages due for the last year, one bundled and thirty thousand ;ollais. Fo: the Salaries of the Ministers of the United States to Great Britain, Frai ce opain, Russia, the .Netherlands, and Columbia, fi'fy four thousand dollars. For the salaries of the Secretaries o? Legation to the sinif places, twelve thousand doll irs For :he salar.es of the Cisargc ds Affaire? to Portugal, i.'eninatK, Sweden, Brazil, Buenos Ayre3, Chili, Peru. Mexico and Guatemala, forty thousand five hundred dollars For outfit ofthe present Minister to Russia, nine thou sand dollars. " ; 5 For outfits of the Charge des Affaires at Peru, Chili, rirazii, aud Guatemala, eighteen thousand dollars. For the outfit and. salary of a Charge d' Affaires, for the salary of a Drogoman at Constantinople; and for the contingent expenses of ihe Legation, thirty six thousand five Hundred dollars to wit : For the outfit of a Charged' Affaires, tour thousand five huudred dollars; for salary of a charge d Affaires, four thousand fire hundred dollars; j for aalaiy of a Drogoman two thousaed five hundred dol, lars ; lor the contingent expenses of the Legaiion, twen . . : i . 1 1 S- - . iy nve tnousanu uuiiars. i 1 or the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse ; in addition to the surn of tweuty five thousand dollars here inafter appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars- For cori'ingerd expenses oi all the misssionsabroad, .i i ivvt-ntv tuousan dollars For the salaries of the agents for claims at London and Paris, our thousand dollars. j For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbarv pow ers, thirty thousand dollars t or the relief and protection of American seamen, in foreign countries, twenty thousand dollars. For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, twenty five thousand dollars. t or carry ing into effect the act of May twenty ninth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, for the settlement of the accounts of certain diplomatic functionaries, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For the payment of elaims for property lost, captured or destroyed, by the enemy, the balance of the appropri ation made by the act of third March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, heretofore carried to the sur plus fund, thirty two thousand svrnty three dollars and eighty cents. For compensation due to James Parker for investi gating the accounts of Robert Arnold, ate Collector of Amboy, two hundred thirty nine dollars and sixty four cents. ' i , For the designation and marking the boundary line be tween the State of Louisiana and the district of Arkansas, three thousand dollars ; th? same to be expended under the direction of tl-.e riecretary of State. For preparing a revision of the. tormer estimates ot the population of the 'United States, one thousand dollars ANDREW STEVENSON, Speaker of the Mouse of ltepresentati ves, JOHN C. CALHOUN. President of the Senate. Approved. March 2, 1831. ! s ANDREW! JACKSON. AN ACT making additional appropriations tor the im provement of certain, harbors, snd t moving obsiruc tions m the mouths of certain rivers. Be it enacted by Vie, Senate and House of Represtnta. lives of the United States of America in Congress assem bled, inat tne louowing sums ot money be, and the s;me are hereby, appropriated, for carrying 0u and compk- !!bg certain worw ucreioiure com oienced, to be paid out of any roonv in the Treasury not otherwise appropria ted, viz : ; For removing obstructions at ihe mouth of Huron ri ver, Ohio, thr ee thousand four hundred and eighty doUars. For removing sand bar at or near the mouth of Black river, Ohio, nine. thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars. I . Mi For completing the improvement of Cleaveland hart bor,Obio, three thousand six hundred aod seventy dollars; 1 For completing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Grand river, Ohio, five thousand six huudred and eighiy dollars. For completing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of Ashtabula creek, Ohio, seven thousand and fifteen dollars. For improving the navigation of Conneaut Creak, Ohio, six thou and tbree hundred and seventy dollars. For compli-trng the improvement of the harbor of eqe isie, f ennsylvanin, one thousand seven hunarea dollars. i ' For improving the navigation of Genesee river, New York, sixteen thousand six hundred and seventy dollars. Forremovig obstruction at the mouth of Big Sodus bay, INew York, seventeen thouftand fiuir hundred and fifty dollars. ; t r completing piers at Oswego, New York, two thou sand ight hundred and twelve dollars and ninety-two cents. - . For claim of contractors for losses by storms in eigh teen hundred snd twenty-niner five hundred and nineteen dollars. For balance due contractors for said piers, eighty-four dollars and ninety-two cents. . For secui ing the works of Oswego harbour, New York oy a stone pier-neaa ana mote, eighteen thousand sis hundred dollars. 4 For completing the pier, at the mouth of Buffalo har bor, New York, twelve thousand nine hundred dotfars. For securing and completing the works at the harbor of Dunkirk, New York, six thousand four hundred dollars. For further protection and preservation of the beach of .Provincetown, Massachusetts, two thousand and fifty nonarr. For the repair anfTcompiefe f he breakwater at the mouth of Merrimack river, Massachu'sefTru-trrc1 sand dollars. T For completing repairs to piers at the entrance of Kennebunk river, Maine, one thousand one hundred and se.enty.-five dollars. For completing the sea ivall for the preservation of Deer island, Boston harbor, Massachusetts, twelve thou sand three hundred and ninety dollars. -or repairing Flymou'h beach, Massachusetts, two thousand eight jiundred and twenty dollars. For completing the breakwater at Hyannis harbor, Massachusetts, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For removing the bar at the mouth of iNantucket har bor, Massachusetts, ei,;ht thousand two hundred aud six ty five dollars. For improving the harbors of New Castle, Marcus Hook, Chester, and Port Penn, in the Delaware river, loui thousand dollars. .. , For improving Cape Fear river, below Wilmington, North Carolina, twenty five thousand'seven hundred and five dollars. For carrying on the works for the improvements of Oeracock inlet, North Carolina, seventeen thousand dollars. Fi-r completing the removal of obstructions in the ri ver and harbour of St. Mark's, Florida, seven thousand foui hundred and thirty dollars. For completing the removal of obstructions in the Ap palachicala river, Florida, eight thousand dollars. For arrearage due Major Birch lor survey of the Raft ol Red river, Louisiana, one hundred and eighty-seven dollars anJ fifiy cents. I For arrearage due the superintendent of the works at Black Rock harbor, iSew York, one thousand eight huu dred dollars. ; For arrearage due for materials delivered to the works at Dunkirk harbor, New York, seven hundred and two dollars fifty cents. f For carrying on the work of the Delaware breakwater, two hundred and eight thousand dollars. Approved, March 2, 1831. ; AN ACT mr.king appropriations for f he naval service for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Be. it enacted by ihe Senate and House of Representatives f United Stales of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appro priated, to be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: For pay and subsistence of the officers of the navy, and pay oi seamen, one million two hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and ninetv-four dollars. J or ,ay of superintendents, naval constructors, and all the civil establishment of the several navy yards and sta tions, fifty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. For provisions, one hundred and seventy-three thou sand four hundred and sixty-three dollars. r For repairs of vessels in ordinary, and the wear and tear of vessels in commission, six. hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred dollars. For medicines, surgical instruments, hospital stores, and oiher expenses on account of the sick, twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars. j For repairs and improvements of navy yards, two hun dred and forty-four thousand dollars. For the erection of a wharf at the navy yard at Pen sacola, twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. . For defraying expenses that may accrue during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty one for the follow ing purposes, viz : For tre;ght and trunsportation of materials and slores of every description; for wharfage and dockage, storage and rent, travelling expenses of officers, ad transporta tion of seamen, house rent, chamber money, and fuel and candles to officers, other than those attached lo navv yards and stations, and for officers in sick quarters, where there is no nospitat, and lor funeral expenses ; for com missions, clerk hire, and office rent, stationary and fuel to navy agents; for premiums and incidental expenses of recruiting; for apprehending deserters, for compensa tion to judge advocates ; for per diem allowances for persons attending courts martial and courts of inauirv and for officers engaged in extra service beyond the limits1 oi tueir stations; lor printing and stationary of every description, and for books, maps, rharts. and mathema tical and nautical instruments, chronometers, models and drawings ; for purchase and repair of steam and fire en gines, and for machinery ; for purchase and maintenance of oxeitf and horses, and for carts, timber wheels, and workmen s tools ol every description; for postage of let ters on public service ; for pilotage ; for cabiu turniture of vessels in commission; and for furniture of officers' bouses at navy yards ; for taxes on navy yards and pub lie property; for assistance rendered to vessels in dis tres: lor incidental labor at navy yards, not applicable to any other appropriation; for coal and other ful for forges, foundries, and stenm engines: for candles, oil. t. sr. . . na iu. i lor vessels in commission and in ordinary; for repairs of magazines and powder houses ; for preparing moulds for ships to be built ; and for no other object or pui poe whatever, two nunarea and fifty thousanddollars F-.r contingent expenses for objects arising during the year one mousanu eight hundred and ihirty-one, and uui iiciem oeiore enumerated, five thousand dollars.. For pay of the officers, nun-commissioned officers, and f""'" suufcisience oi omcers ot the marine corps, one hundred and nine thousand three hundred and seventy-three dollars; the pay, subsistence, emoluments and allowances of the said officers, non-commissioned omcers, and privates, to be the same as thev were ore v iously to the first of April, one thousand eight hundred uu ivkeiuy-nine. For subsistence for four hundred and sixty-one non commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, and wash erwomen serving on shore, twenty thousand oue hundred and ninety one. dollars. For clothing, twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and. sixty-five dollars. For fuel, nine thousand and ninetv-e.irht dollars. For contingent expenses, fourteen thoiuand dollars. Foi military stores, t-;0 thousand dollars. For medicines, -tWo thousand three hundred and sixty Hinedoll&j. For ca, ry ing into effect the acts for tne suppression oi the slave f rade, including the support to , the United States, and lor a term not exceeding six mouths after their arri val in Africa, of all persons removed from the United States under the said acts, ten thousand dollars. The said several sums io be respectively applied to the several objects of appropriation abovementioned, in ad dition to the unexpended balances of appropriation for similar objects in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty. For the support of certain Africans brought into nort of -New Orleans in the Spanish schooner Fenix, and now In the charge of the manual of the eastern district ol support under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy rate not exceeding Inrentir rents ner dV. I To enable the President of the United States to allow compensation to Captain William B. Finch, for extra servtcea and expenses in command of Ihe sloop of tvar vincennes, in the years one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and one thousand eight hundred and thirtv, ave thousand dollar. ; the accounta for such services and expense to be settled under the direction of th President. For compensation to Captain Benjamin Pendleton for j moneys paid by him for cancelling the charter party, and , outfit and, demurrage of the brig Serapb, of Stonington, for his pay as a Lieutenant of the Navy, and for moneys paid by him to the ship keeper of the said vessel, four -thousand seven hundred and sixty-three dollars. " j For rebuilding snd removing the monument erected in the navy yard, at Washington by the officers of the Ame rican Navy, to the memory of those who fell in battle in the Trlpolitan war, a sum not exceeding twenty-one hun dred dollars, to be expended under the orders of the Se cretary of the Navv, Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum here tofore appropriated for the erection of a marine barracki at Philadelphia, and which has passed to the surplus fund, be, and the same isxhereby, appropriated to the same object. Approved, March 2, 1831. JOSEPH M. GRANADE, & Co. At tlie Store formerly- occupied by Wm Dunn CORNER OF POLLOK& MIDDLE-STREETS. OFFER FOR SALE A QESERAL ASSORTMENT OP Spirits, Wines, Hardware, I?s s StoneWare. They have just received from New York and Bakimore tue follow ii articles, which they will sell low for caU viz .- 1 hhd. very siMerior New Orleans SUGAR. 4 bbls. English Island Do. ' 5 do. Loat Sugar, 4'qr. chests Gunpowder &, Hyson TEAS. 5 bags Rio COFFEE, 1 qr. cask very superior old Sherry ) 1 do. L. P. Teneriffe - C WINE. 1 do. sweet Malaga Cogniac Brandy, HollandGin, Jamaica Rum. 10 bbls. Apple Brandy, 10 do. Baltimore Rye Whiskey, 5 do. old Monongahela Do. 5 boxes Sicily ORANGES, 6 do. do. LEMONS, 4 do. LEMON SIROP, 20 bbls very superior New York Canal j 10 do. Baltimore Howard Street VFLOUIL 20 half bbls. do. do. do. . 1 bale Scotch Oznaburgs, in half pieces, 1 bbl. Lorillard's Scotch SNUFF, 4 doz. " N. Bears" cast-steel bitted AXES, 50 pair Trace Chains, " 10 doz. Carolina Weeding Hoes, 20 bbls. prest HERRINGS, N. Y. City Inspection: ALSO IN STOKE, 40 bbls. Mess rrrtr 40 do. Prime PORK, 20 Kegs LARD, of 20 lbs. each. 800 bushels Indian CORN. Ncwbern, July 1st, 1831. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Pitt County. y 1 Superior Court of Law; March Term, A. D. 183 fcj George W. Randolph, ) vs. Original Attachment. Absolom Saunders. IT appearing to the Court, that the Defendant w not an inhabitant of this State, It is therefore ordered, that publication he made in the North Carolina Sehtihel, for x weeks, that said Defen dant appear at the Superior Court of Law to be held or Pitt County, at the Courf-Hoage in Greenville. on the first Monday of September next, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will be entered up against xuin. Attest, R.S. BLOUNT, Clerl -NOTICE AT August Term, A, I). 1831, of Craven County Court, Letters of Admini6tra1ion on the Estate of Colonel JOSEPH NELSON, deceased, were granted to the sub scriber. Notice is hereby aiven. io all persons indebted to said" Estate, to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against it; are required to present them duly authenticated, within the lime prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of (heir recovery. . JOSEPHUS NELSON, JL&irif. ' Craven County, Aug. t, 1831. NOTICE. J OME time in June last, ia heaving the anchor of the Schooner James Monroe. Capt. William B. tlaskilL near Ocracoke Bar it was found attached to an Anchor and Chain Cable., The owner is requested to cornel for- ward, piove property, pay salvage, and take the same or it will be sold for the benefit of all concerned within the time prescribed by law. Inquire of - i , JACKSON 2i HIGGirv'S. Newbern, Aug. 15, 1831. dt. 1$ JOHN TBMPLETOIV, SADDLER As HARNESS MAKEK Has just returned from Philadelphia, with a fereral aiiorlinentof the various articles in bis line of business. AlrSO Coach and Gig Trimmings, Shoe makers Trimmings, &c. fcc. Which will be sold at moderate prices. Ci Gentlemen who have Tickets in his Domestic Lottery for sale, will please return -them, in order that the Lottery may be drawn. Newbern. Julv 27, 1831. Claret Wine $ Porter. The subscribers have jast received from New York, per the Schooner Perseverance, K One cask Marseilles Claret, OSTE CASK, CONTAINING v 4 doz. quart bottles Porter, 6 do. pint ditto ditto Which they wiU sell low -for Cash. JOSEPH M. QEAK kh &, Ncwbern, Angnst 1st, 131. SILVER ;rABLE & TEA SPOONS F. WOODS lias just received afresh supply of Silver Table Spoony Snnar Tongs, lea bpoons, M nstArd Salt S noon& Pencil Cases, . Thimbles, &c. &c. Which will be sold as low as they can be imrjopted. - ALSO, ' tA PAIR OF 13 INCH GLOBES. Newbern, 20th July, ;-183L ; , DOCTOR JOSEPH 31 AIRS - TTTTAVING resumed the Practice of Medicine irt M thisplace, offers his phonal semces to the Tt,oVntnf Newbern and its vicing. His Office adjoins ttpfJamW.Br House. ymqpmiuf. y l J ' -v '-k o lii a. Ji m '-' i. -.r

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